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School Grade Level 9

GRADE 9 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
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Teaching Day and Time
Grade Level Section

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of variation and radicals
2. Performance
Standards The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately problems involving variation and radicals.

3. Learning Applies the laws involving Applies the laws involving Illustrates expressions with Simplifies expressions with
Competencies/ positive integral exponents positive integral exponents to rational exponents. rational exponents.
Objectives to zero and negative integral zero and negative integral (M9AL-IId-2) (M9AL-IIe-1)
exponents. (M9AL-IId-1) exponents. (M9AL-IId-1)
a. Define rational exponents a. Apply the laws involving
a. Recall the laws of a. Simplify the given b. Illustrate expressions with integral exponents to rational
exponent expressions rational exponents exponents
b. Write the given b. Apply the laws involving c. Value accumulated b. Write the given
expressions into its positive integral exponents knowledge as means of expressions into its simplest
simplest form to zero and negative new understanding form
c. Learn and understand c. Show camaraderie in doing c. Value accumulated
the key concepts of the activity knowledge as means of new
negative integral, zero
II. CONTENT Zero, Negative, and Zero, Negative, and Rational Zero, Negative, and Zero, Negative, and
Rational Exponents Exponents Rational Exponents Rational Exponents
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pp. 167 pp. 167 pp. 169-170 pp. 169

2. Learner’s
Materials pp. 231-234 pp. 231-234 pp. 235-239 pp. 240-242

3. Textbook
4. Additional Intermediate algebra II, page
Materials from 129-131, Jose-Dilao, Soledad,
Intermediate algebra II, et. Al. XP Intermediate algebra II,
page 129-131, Jose-Dilao page 12-16, Bautista,
Resource (LR)
Soledad, et. Al. Intermediate Algebra, page Evangeline P., et.al
288, Sarmiento, Amando A.,
et. Al.
B. Other Learning Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd Grade 9 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and activity sheets, laptop and
monitor monitor monitor monitor
A. Reviewing previous Recall: Remember Me This Recall Preliminary Recall
lesson or presenting Way! Write the following Using flashcards tell whether
the new lesson Simplify the following expressions into its simplest You can use your calculator the following expression has
form. to evaluate each expression
expressions. a rational exponent or not.
in column A. Compare each Tell “Si” (chavacano word for
result with the value of the YES) if the expression has a
1. )( corresponding expression in rational exponent; otherwise
column B. tell “Nino” (chavacano word
for NO)
2. (

3. (


5. For each pair, what is the

relationship between the
Questions: denominator of the exponent
1. How did you solve the and the index of the radical?
given problem?
2. What concepts have
you applied?
3. How did you apply your
knowledge of the laws
of integral exponents in
answering the given
B. Establishing a Activity: Agree or Disagree! Simplify the each expression Work in Pairs. Two Sides Of The Same
purpose for the without zero and negative Coin!
lesson Read each statement exponent. Fill up the table of the Simplify the following
correct answer. One row is expressions. If the
under the column
filled up as an example expressions is undefined,
STATEMENT then write A if 1. write “undefined”
you agree with the
statement; otherwise, write 2.
D. Write your answer on
the “Response-Before-the- 2.
discussion” column.


What mathematical concepts
are important in simplifying
expressions with zero and
negative exponent?

1. How did you find the
2. What mathematical
concepts or principles
did you apply to come
up with your response?

C. Presenting Raising a Number to a Zero Illustrative Examples: In each part, the exponential
examples/ Exponent expression and the radical
instances of the expression have the same
lesson Definition: a 0 =1 (a≠0) = value.
Example 1
=1 1. = 5
Example 2 2. = =
=1 2. = -2
Example 3 3. = 4
=1 3. = = 4. = 2
Note 1: = 1 is a Also, the denominator of the
convention, that is, we exponent is the same as the
agree that raising any index of the radical.
number to the power 0 is 1. The result in the above
We cannot multiply a activity suggest that
number by itself zero times. =

Note 2: In the case of zero This conclusion is supported

raised to the power 0 by an application of the
(written ), Power Law for Exponents.
mathematicians have been Illustrative Example:
debating this for hundreds Consider the equation
of years. It is most
commonly regarded as ). Using the
having value 1, but is not properties of exponents,
so in all places where it squaring
occurs. That's why we both sides will give you
write a≠0.

Raising a Number to
Negative Exponents

Extracting the square root of

(once again,
both sides will give you
In this exponent rule, a
cannot equal 0 because
you cannot have 0 on the
bottom of a fraction.
Example 1

Example 2

Explanation: 0 and
Negative Exponents
Observe the following
decreasing pattern
What do you notice about
each step? Now continuing
beyond, what do you

Using a as base and m and

n as exponent
D. Discussing new Activity: You Complete Me! Activity Look at the expression Activity: Follow Me!
concepts and Fill in the missing parts of A puto pao has a volume of below.
Fill in the missing parts of the
practicing new skills the solution in simplifying . A box full of puto pao
the given expression. solution in simplifying
expressions with rational
Assume that has a volume of . How
many grains of rice are there
in the box?

1. What can you observe
about the exponents of
the given expressions?
2. Do you think you can still
apply the understanding
of the laws of exponents
to simplifying the given
examples? Why?

E. Discussing new Answer the following. Answer the following. Answer the following. Answer the following.
concepts and 1. What have you noticed a. How do you define 1. Based on the activity, how
practicing new skills 1. What did you observe from the values given in the rational exponent? do you simplify
#2 about the exponents? problem? b. How do you illustrate expressions involving
2. How were the problems 2. What have you observed rational exponent? rational exponents?
solved? from the exponents? 2. What are the necessary
3. What can you conclude 3. What have you done to skills in simplifying
from the process of simplify these values? expressions with rational
solving problems? 4. How did you solve the exponents?
problem? 3. Did you encounter any
5. Have you applied any law? difficulties while solving? If
Why? yes, what are your plans
to overcome them?

F. Developing mastery QUIZ Answer the following Find all real roots. Make Me Simple!
(Leads to Formative Write the given expressions questions correctly and write 1. fourth roots of 81 Using your knowledge of
Assessment 3) into its simplest form. your solution on your answer 2. cube roots of -125 rational expressions, simplify
3. sixth roots of -729 the following.
4. square roots of 100
5. fourth roots of 256
The annual corn yield is 5 a²
kg per hectare. If there are

hectares of corn field in

Maragondon and
hectares of corn field in
Magallanes, what is the total
annual corn yield in these two

G. Finding practical The Mayor and the vice- Activity What’s This Farm??? Activity: Who is correct?
applications of mayor of Ternate asked to Try these practice problems; This is located at Buho, Analyze the given solution
concepts and skills in simplify the given write the name of right icon Silang, Cavite. This farm is the two students based on
daily living expression. Their solutions appropriate to your answer. known for being the first the process of simplifying
are shown below. organic farm in the country. rational exponents and
Questions: Who do you They manufacture local answer the question “Who
think is correct in medicinal herbal teas made among the two students is
simplifying the given from plants that are known correct? Justify your answer.
expressions? Justify your to have healing properties.
answer. They also manufacture
sauces, dressings, dips and
ready-to-eat food items. To
find out what’s this farm,
write the letter of the correct
choice in each blank at the
bottom that contains the
exercise number.

Simplify the following

expressions, then decode
the following.
H. Making THINGS TO REMEMBER Definition A rational exponent is an Things to remember!
generalizations and exponent that can be The laws of exponents for
abstractions about integral exponents may be
the lesson expressed as where m used in simplifying
Definition: Repeated expressions with rational
and n are integers and n ≠ exponents.
0. Radical expressions can Let m and n be rational
be written by using rational numbers and x and y be real
exponents. For any natural numbers, variables or
Definition: Fraction Raised to number n and integer m, the
algebraic expressions.
an Integral Power
Raising a Number to a Zero
exponent indicates the
(a nth root . The

Note 1: = 1 is a convention, exponent indicates the nth

that is, we agree that raising root raised to the mth power
any number to the power 0 is
1. We cannot multiply a =
number by itself
zero times.

Note 2: In the case of zero

raised to the power 0 (written

), mathematicians have
been debating this for
hundreds of years. It is most
commonly regarded as having
value 1, but is not so in all
places where it occurs. That's
why we write a≠0.
Raising a Number to Negative

(once again, a≠0)

In this exponent rule, a cannot

equal 0 because you cannot
have 0 on the bottom of a

I. Evaluating learning Revisit the activity entitled Quiz Assessment Quiz

Agree or Disagree. Read Apply laws of exponents in Simplify the given
again the statement under simplifying the expressions 1. In the expression we expression
column statement and
below; write your solution on call as a _________
answer the “Response-
After-the-Discussion” the blank provided. exponent.
column with A for Agree
2. When we write as a
and D for Disagree.
radical, n is the ________ of
the radical.

Select the expression from

A, B and C that correctly
completes the statement.

J. Additional activities Follow-up: Assignment 1. Follow-up: Follow-up:

for application or a. Negative and Zero Study: Illustrations of Rational Simplify the given Simplify and express
remediation Exponent Worksheet Exponents expressions answers with positive
Simplify. Express your exponents.
answers in fraction form. 1. What is a rational a.
2. How do we illustrate b.
expressions with rational
exponents? 2. Study Simplifying
Expressions With
Rational Exponents
a. What are the laws of
integral exponents?
b. How do we simplify
expressions with rational

Reference: Grade 9
Learner’s Material p 241

a. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
b. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
c. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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