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Capstone - Section 1

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Introduction, Overview and Rationale

Being a teacher has its challenges as well as its rewards. When considering being a

teacher I believe you need to be open to change and willing to stay the course. As well as being

passionate, patient and consistent with all that you do. I know as a teacher you wear more than

just that one hat but no matter which hat you are wearing, doctor, parent, counsellor, and the list

continues but you are always teaching, to some capacity and the students learn how to be

successful in life with its ups and downs.

A successful teacher/educator is one who is always learning and willing to collaborate

and build a foundation that can be sustainable through all times. A foundation built on

knowledge, awareness, empathy and a trusted pedagogy. I saw a quote that says “ no child is

alike” therefore you have to cater to each child differently, but I would also say that no two

teachers are alike. We will all bring something unique to the table that will lead to individual

styles of teaching as well as learning.

As you go through this portfolio my hope is that you would be open to my uniqueness as

I share artifacts that I hope will intrigue you and allow you to learn more about me as an


The purpose for the portfolio is to display the abilities I have as an educator. This will

allow you the reader to take a look into some of my accomplishments and achievements as well

as give you some insight as to how I plan to play a vital role in enriching the young minds of

today. This portfolio also gives me an artifact that I can use to timestamp portions of my career

experiences that can lead to employment. This portfolio will also demonstrate my ability to

integrate the learning needs of my students, to implement, a best as possible, a universal design
for learning. I will work to ensure an inclusive environment which will in turn I believe create

and continue to develop me into an effective teacher.

Portfolio Development

This section of the portfolio I will explain what you will find as you go through the

portfolio section by section. It combines a vast knowledge of my experiences, strategies and

practices learned.

Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction Portfolio Project provides an overall view

of the background and information of the portfolio. You will be introduced to different theorists

who have been important in guiding my philosophy of education and how I approach teaching. I

have included multiple examples of my work that will demonstrate some of my teaching

practices that can be seen through innovative and interactive assignments, assessments or


Section Two: Teacher Candidate Background Experiences gives understanding into my

educational background, work experiences, professional developments and classroom

applications that lead me into becoming an effective educator. These together have molded my

personal interest along with curriculum expectations to influence my style of teaching.

Section Three: Teacher Candidate Artifacts included are several artifacts that I feel are relevant

to enriching the minds of todays children. In these artifacts you will get the chance to see how

everyday classroom lessons can come alive when collaborated with technology to provide

interactive and engaging lessons that boost students learning and performances. Some of the
artifacts I have included are my Weebly Teacher Website, Pecha Kucha and my Classroom

Management Box these will help in demonstrating how the teacher candidate is able to prepare

and provide different tools in order to meet curriculum standards, students interest as well as a

universal design for teaching, which will be inclusive of all styles of learners. Not to take a way

that fact that some may still need some more guidance but the goal is to allow a teaching

environment that will be inclusive to all styles of learners.

Section Four: Alignment to Curriculum and Professional Standards this will be represented via

the teachers’ artifacts and the use of the various curriculum and professional training I’ve had the

privilege to attend. The standards strictly provide the guidance for which all lessons, unit plans

and assessments are drawn from. The teacher uses this to aid in lesson planning. The teaching

strategies are often developed from personal preference and what works for the students you

have. With the schools being so technology driven, that’s all one of the teaching strategies that

will be demonstrated at some point in my portfolio.

Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection, this part of the portfolio is insightful for the teacher

candidate as it gives the teacher candidate the opportunity to open up about what being an

effective educator feels like based on some experience. One of the best ways to see oneself is

through reflection. In doing this one can clearly see what works for them as an educator and what

may need to be thought thorough a little deeper. A teacher who can reflect and regroup is one that

is ready to accept that not all things will go the way you expected and is open to change. Trial

and error is the name of the game as a teacher. Therefore, it is critical that a teacher be able to

self assess in order to achieve success. This section is directly for the teacher candidate to self
assess and realize that reflection is healthy so that you can be at your best. A teacher that reflects

can be open to trying new ways to plan, instruct, assess and overall develop and grow.

Section Six: Teacher Candidate Interview Video, in this section of the portfolio we have the

opportunity to develop our professional interview skills through a video doing a mock interview.

This is where the teacher has the opportunity to lay it all on the table and present, explain and

make connections to the different sections of the portfolio. This requires a vast amount

confidence, and courage for the teacher candidate as you are essentially selling yourself via your

portfolio to further your career. In this section I will address in further detail about my portfolio

artifacts, standards, teacher skills, strategies and professionalism. A mock interview provides

feedback from peers or instructors on areas that may need improvement.

Theories, Theorists and Experts in the Field of Education

I chose a couple theorist who I feel represent the teaching style I encompass the most

shed some light on. One being B.F Skinner “Operant Conditioning” I chose him because I

believe that from a classroom management perspective this style tends to be the most effective.

As much as I’m aware that sometimes this boils down to what the reinforcement is, from

experience I’ve seen classes unite and become a real community due to this style. I feel students

need to be directed and know what the consequences and/or reward are in order to be successful

with expectations. If they understand that if you do “A” “B” is going to be the result they will

learn not to do “A”. It’s our job as educators to steer them to a more preferable option. B.

F. Skinner was one of American’s most influential psychologists. Best known as a behaviorist, he

developed the theory of operant conditioning, which states that “behavior is determined by its
consequences, whether it be reinforcements or punishments, it generally determines the outcome

of the behavior will occur again” (Berger, 2005).

The other theorist who I believe my teaching style is closely modelled after is Lev Vygotsky. His

theory was called “Constructivism” which in short is learning through modelling. The teacher in

this case will model the desired behaviour and the student will then mimic that behaviour. I

believe this follows my teaching style as I believe that students learn best when they can see

something displayed, visual learning is more of my style as from my minimal experience of

being in a classroom when the teacher would only explain verbally the instructions some

students would understand and some would have to explain multiple times. Whereas when it was

demonstrate, where the students could see what the had to do they were more likely to

understand and work independently. “Constructivism” as well as “Zones of Proximal

Development”. Lev Vygotsky believed we learn socially before development. He further states

ones’ cognitive development derives from social interaction of guided learning in a particular

setting or environment called the zone of proximal development. The ZPD is described as the

“distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving

and the level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult

guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers" (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).


As an educator our primary aim is to equip each learner to achieve to the best of their

ability through working in a safe and supportive environment. It is necessary for us to negotiate

appropriate learning goals for groups or individuals that is appropriate for their needs. It is also
very imperative that an educator plan learning activities base on the needs of their student

specific and individual needs within the class. An effective educator strives to achieve

appropriate behaviour and respect for others; identifying and meeting individual learners’ needs;

being aware of the support mechanisms available; being organized. Last but certainly not least,

ensure your own professional development and being reflective, which means learning from

successes as well as mistakes. I believe this section has prepared you for what is to come in the

following sections and that you the reader are ready to go on this journey with me. You’ve learnt

a little about the portfolio, a little about the theorist who I model my teaching and classroom

strategies after as well as a brief run down of each section. Going forward, I believe you will be

intrigued and enlightened on this teacher candidate, and her ability to be the effective teacher that

can elevate the thinking of our students.

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