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Latihan Reading

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What is a computer?

“Computers are electronic machines where they can accept

data in certain form, process the data and give the results of
the processing in a specified format as information.

Three basic steps are involved in the process: First, data is

fed into the computer’s memory. Then, when the program is
run, the computers perform a set of instructions and process
the data. Finally, we can see the results ( the output) on the
screen or in printed form.

Information in the form of data and program is known as

software, and the electronic mechanical parts that make up a
computer system are called hardware. A standard computer
system consist of three main sections: the Central Processing
Unit (CPU), the main memory and the peripherals.”
Programming Languages
Unfortunately, computers cannot understand ordinary spoken English or any others
natural language. The only language they can understand directly is called machine
code: central processors operate on codes which consist of a series of binary digits
(1s and 0s). In this form, the instructions are said to be in machine code.

However, machine code as a means of communication is very difficult to write.

For this reason, we use symbolic languages that are easier to understand. Then, by
using special program, these languages can be translated into machine code. For
example, the so-called assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD,SUB,
MPY to represent instructions. These mnemonic codes like labels easily associated
with the items to which they refer.

Basic languages, where the program is similar to the machine code version, are
known as low- level language. In these languages, each instruction is equivalent to
a single machine code instruction, and the program converted into machine code
by a special program called an assembler these language are still quite complex
and restricted to particular machines.

To make the programs easier to write and to overcome the problem of

communication between different types of machines, higher- level languages were
designed such as BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN or PASCAL. These languages are
all problem-oriented rather than machine-oriented and can all be converted into
the machine codes of different types of computers. Programs
written in one of these languages (known as source programs)
are converted into a lower-level language by means of a
compiler (generating the object program). On compilation, each
statement in a high level language is generally translated into
many machine code instructions.

People communicate instructions to the computer in symbolic

languages and the easier this communication can be made the
wider the application of computers will be. Scientist are already
working on Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of
computers may be able to understand human languages.

B. Answer these Questions:

1. Do computers understand human languages?
2. What are the differences between low-level and high-level
3. What is an assembler?
4. What is the function of compilers?
5. What do you understand by the terms source program and
object program?
What can computer do?

Computers and microchips have become part of our everyday lives: we visit shops
and offices which have been designed with the help of computers, we read
magazine which have been produced on computers, we pay bills prepared by
computers. Just picking up a telephone, and dialing a number involves the use of a
sophisticated computer system, as does making a flight reservation or bank

We encounter daily many computers that spring to life the instant they’re switched
on (e.g. calculators, the car’s electronic ignition, the timer in the microwave, or the
programmer inside the TV set), all of which use chip technology.

What makes your computer such a miraculous device? Each time you turn it on, it
is a tabula rasa that, with appropriate hardware and software, is capable of doing
anything you ask. It is a calculator machine that speeds up financial calculations.
It is an electronic filing cabinet which manages large collection of data such as
customers’ lists, accounts, or inventories. It is a magical typewriter that allows you
type and print any kind of document – letters, memo or legal documents. It is a
personal communicator that enable you to interact with other computers and with
people around the world. If you like gadgets and electronic entertainment, you can
even use your PC to relax with computer games
Translate Into English
Ada beberapa langkah yang harus dipenuhi jika kita akan
membuat program sistem informasi karyawan di PT. Maskatex.
Adapun langkah-langkah tersebut sebagai berikut: (a)
mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pengguna, (b) mendesain program,
(c) mengimplementasikan design program, (d) menguji
implementasi, dan (e) perawatan system. Dari beberapa
langkah yang disebutkan di atas, tahap mendesain program
merupakan tahap yang paling sulit diantara tahap-tahap yang
There are some steps that must be met if we want to make
information system program of employment at PT Maskatex.
The steps are as follow: (a) identify user’s need, (b) design
program, (c) implement program design, (d) test
implementation, and (e) maintenance system. Designing
program is the most difficult of them.

Arrange these steps

1. Provide documentation of the program
2. Understand the problem and plan the solution
3. Test and correct the program
4. Make a flowchart of the program
5. Write the instructions in coded form and
compile the program
The Booch Methodology

The Booch Methodology is widely used object oriented

method that helps you design your system using the object
paradigm. It covers the analysis and design phases of an
object oriented system. Booch sometimes is criticized for
his large set of symbols. Even though Booch defines a lot
of symbols to document almost every design decision, if
you work with his method, you will notice that you never
use all these symbols and diagrams. You start with class
and object diagrams in the analysis phase and refine these
diagrams in various steps. Only when you are ready to
generate code, do you add design symbols and this is where
the Booch method shines, you can document your object
oriented code.
Computer System
Basic Elements
At a top level, a computer consist of processor, memory, and I/O components, with
one or more modules of each type. These components are interconnected in some
fashion to achieve the main function of the computer, which is to execute
programs. Thus, there are main structural elements, as follows:

a. Processor: Controls the operation of the computer and performs its data
processing functions. When there is only one processor, it is often referred
to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU).
b. Main memory: Store data and programs. This memory is typically volatile;
it is also referred to as real memory, or primary memory.
c. I/O modules: Move data between the computer and its external environment.
The external environment consists of variety of external devices, including
secondary memory devices, communications equipments, and terminals.
d. System interconnection: Some structure and mechanisms that provide for
communication among processors, main memory, and I/O modules.
Computer System
Basic Elements
At a top level, a computer consist of processor, memory, and I/O
components, with one or more modules of each type. These
components are interconnected in some fashion to achieve the
main function of the computer, which is to execute programs.
Thus, there are main structural elements, as follows:

e. Processor: Controls the operation of the computer and

performs its data processing functions. When there is only
one processor, it is often referred to as the Central
Processing Unit (CPU).
f. Main memory: Store data and programs. This memory is
typically volatile; it is also referred to as real memory, or
primary memory.
g. I/O modules: Move data between the computer and its
external environment. The external environment consists
of variety of external devices, including secondary memory
devices, communications equipments, and terminals.
h. System interconnection: Some structure and mechanisms
that provide for communication among processors, main
memory, and I/O modules.

1. What are CPU, Input/ Output, Memory, Hardware, and
Software (include their functions)?
2. Translate the text above into bahasa Indonesia.
1. Translate the paragraph below into Indonesia (score 60)

The Multimedia System used for the program makes use of

video, pictures, sound, and the possibility of recording and
reproducing learners' voices. The various components in this
system may be attached to each other to produce, enhance, or
extend their interactivity. It may sound as if there is
overwhelming high-tech equipment that not everybody knows
how to use, or has, but the truth is that most of the equipment
mentioned above is really very common in everyday life. Just
like TV, the readily observable peculiarity of the use of
multimedia systems is that they "attack" two senses at the same
time: sight and hearing . This characteristic makes multimedia
systems a crucial resource when working with autonomous
learners. The use of all or part of this equipment may represent
an advantage for the improvement of the teaching- learning
Main Memory: RAM and ROM

The main memory of a computer is also called the ‘immediate

access store’, as the distinct from any storage memory
available on RAM and ROM, both contained in electronic chips
connected to the main board of the computers.

RAM stands for ‘Random Access Memory’ and is the working

area of the computer, that is, the basic location where the
microprocessor store the required information. It is called ‘
Random Access’ because the processor can find information in
any cell on memory address with equal speed, instead of looking
for the data in sequential order so it is lost when the machine is
turned off. Therefore if we want to use this information later on
we have to save it and store it on disk. When running an
application in the storage device (the floppy or hard disk and
transfers temporary copy of the application to the RAM area).
Consequently, if we want to increase the performance of a
computer, when several applications are open at the same time
or when a document is very complex.

The RAM capacity can be sometimes expanded by adding extra

chips. These are usually contained in Single In-line Memory
Modules or SIMMs, which are installed in the motherboard of
the computer.

We can designate a certain amount of RAM space as a cache in

order to store information that an application uses repeatedly. A
RAM cache may speed up our work, but it means that we need
enough internal memory or special cache card. ROM is an
acronym for ‘Read-Only Memory’, which implies that the
processor can read and use the information stored in the ROM
chip, but cannot put information into it. including instructions
and routines for the basic operations of the CPU. These
instruction are used to start up the computer, to read the
information from the keyboard, to send characters to the screen,
etc they can be changed and are not erased when the power is
turned off. For this reason, the ROM section is also referred to
as firmware.

A. Answer the following questions (score 40)

a. What are the main parts of the CPU? And what its
b. What is RAM? And what its function?

B. As we have seen, there are three types of memory used by

RAM, ROM and storage memory. Look through this list
of features and
decide which type of memory they refer to.

1. Any section of the main memory can be read with equal speed
and case.
2. It is available in magnetic, optical and video disks.
3. A certain amount of this memory can be designated as 'cache'
memory to
store information in applications that are used very'.
4. It stores basic operating instructions, needed by the CPU to
function correctly
5. Memory which can be expanded by adding SIMMs of 1 NIB,
2 MB, 4 MB or
other major increments,
6. Information is permanent and cannot be deleted.
7. You can save and store your documents and applications.

C. Vocabulary quiz

In groups of three, write answers to these questions. The

winners are the group that answers the most questions
correctly in four minutes.

1. What are the main parts of the CPU?

2. What is RAM?
3. What memory section is also known as ‘firmware’?
4. What information is lost when the computer is switched off?
5. What is the typical unit used to measure RAM memory and
storage memory?
6. What is the meaning of the acronym SINIM ?
7. What is a megahertz?
8. What is the ALU? what does it do?
9. What is the abbreviation for 'binary digit`
10. How can we store data and programs permanently?
Electronic Mail
Electronic mail (e-mail) offers teachers and trainers numerous advantages. Email has become
indispensable in facilitating day-to-day student-instructor and students-student communication
and is greatly facilitating the management of teaching. E-mail can minimize the number of face-
to-face meetings with students, freeing both students and the instructor to communicate anytime
from anywhere without the need to schedule physical meetings. E-mail also can be used to send
announcements/messages to individuals or groups while making sure that these announcements
are being read. Email can enhance delivery of learning material and supporting documents in a
speedy and convenient way, eliminating much of the physical paperwork and time delay. All of
this can lead to reduction in teaching time and more efficient management of the
teaching/training process. The review data reported application of the e-mail utilization in a large
number of disciplines. Applications include writing as a way of reflection, teaching English as a
second language, and using e-mail as a forum for argumentative interaction in teaching sociology
of education.

Computers and the EFL Class: Their

Advantages and a Possible Outcome, the
Autonomous Learner
by Benicio Galavis

There has been a lot of talk about the use of computers for EFL/ESL
teaching and learning recently. On the one hand, we often hear or read
on the pages of EFL/ESL teaching journals statements and questions
like: EFL teachers are not always compatible with computers.
Teachers and students alike suffer computer phobia. Should we have a
computer per classroom or a computer lab? Are computers effective?
On the other hand, some authors (Davidson and Tomic 1994; Reis
The objective of this article is to report the gains that may be
obtained from the use of computers to develop language skills in
students of English as a foreign language. First, presented are some
of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers in
EFL/ESL. A set of guidelines for the use of computers in the
teaching and learning of English is also suggested. Finally, two
related issues which are an almost natural outcome of the use of
computers in EFL/ESL are discussed: the role of the teacher in a
computer enhanced class and autonomous learners.
1995; Sivert and Egbert 1995) have already reported satisfaction of
their teaching needs by using computers, computer networks, the
Internet, computer software, and multimedia computers or systems.

The computer: A useful tool

Reports in journals (Sivert and Egbert 1995; Taylor 1995) show that
computers, multimedia systems, and even multimedia labs for the
teaching and learning of English are already being used throughout
the world. Venezuela is not an exception. There are several of these
centers here in Caracas, and I have had the opportunity of observing
and contributing, as a teacher and researcher, to one center's
functionality. This is a very modern multimedia language center
where high-tech resources are available for students. It represents the
backbone of an English program whose main goal is to teach and
encourage participants to become autonomous learners. Students, or
participants as we like to call them, have a modern, well equipped
center where they can go and use VCRs, cable TV, and computers
equipped with CD-ROM, and e-mail and Internet access. Participants
spend a reasonable amount of time working on listening
comprehension with videos and cable TV, and executing writing,
grammar, and pronunciation exercises with the computers. They also
have a weekly two-hour session with a teacher. This program requires
a teacher who is more a guide than a lecturer; it requires a teacher
who gives students the strategies they need for working on their own.
I have had the opportunity of observing some of the issues that arise
when working with this kind of program and with these technological
The Multimedia System used for the program makes use of video,
pictures, sound, and the possibility of recording and reproducing
learners' voices. The various components in this system may be
attached to each other to produce, enhance, or extend their
interactivity. It may sound as if there is overwhelming high-tech
equipment that not everybody knows how to use, or has, but the
truth is that most of the equipment mentioned above is really very
common in everyday life. Just like TV, the readily observable
peculiarity of the use of multimedia systems is that they "attack"
two senses at the same time: sight and hearing . This
characteristic makes multimedia systems a crucial resource when
working with autonomous learners. The use of all or part of this
equipment may represent an advantage for the improvement of the
teaching- learning environment. Some of the advantages and
disadvantages are presented in the following table.

As well as there are advantages, disadvantages may also be found,

and they have to be taken into account when we plan to work with
computer or technology enhanced environments. Some of the
disadvantages observed when working with computers in EFL are
presented above. Some students and teachers are discouraged by

In order to really understand what computers can do for our

EFL/ESL contexts and take advantage of the benefits they may
bring, we have to actually use them and view them from an
insightful, creative, and innovative angle. First, we have to ask
ourselves a series of questions that will help us visualize our
"technologically enhanced" work environment and procedures.
Some of the questions we should ask ourselves are the following:

 What and how will we design, implement and teach in a course

using multimedia systems?
 When will we use the system? Everyday? Throughout a whole
class? With a fixed or flexible schedule?
 Where will we have such a system? In a lab? In a special place
different from a lab? What will this place be like?
 Who will attend the classes or sessions with this system? Will
they be young learners, adult learners, autonomous learners
assisted by an instructor, beginners, intermediate or advanced
 What learning context will the system be used for? An EFL
context? ESL context? ESP? EAP?

The answers to these questions may help us decide whether or not

the use of computers for our needs or resources is practical and
feasible. Answers to the questions may be the basis for deciding
the adequate or appropriate use of the system for our program. The
answers may even lead to a novel idea of how to use this kind of
system to effectively enhance the teaching-learning process and
environment we have been working with for a long time.
Guidelines for the use of computers in the
EFL/ESL contexts

The following is a set of guidelines to help you

through the process of getting used to computer
enhanced classes, in case you decide to use
computers for your EFL/ESL needs.

 Remember that computers and other

equipment are just tools, and you have to
make them work for you, not against you.
 Do not feel satisfied with the materials that
commercial software may provide; create
your own materials. These can be based on
the software.
 Motivate students by using computer games
for which you have prepared classwork
 Create materials for work with the computer
which are also related to the teacher-led
 Make schedules flexible enough as to
accommodate individual or small group
sessions with the computer.
 Think of the combination of teacher-led
classes and computer sessions that best suit
your needs.
 Design your own computer oriented tasks for
the development of language skills.
 Direct students to the objectives you want
them to achieve (these may not necessarily be
the same objectives of the software program).
 Use Internet accessibility and create writing
and speaking tasks for your students using
this computer resource.
 The World Wide Web contains millions of
pages you can use to produce reading tasks.
Use it to help encourage your EFL students
to learn about a wide variety of cultures and
 You may also design reading tasks using any
CD-ROM encyclopedia or program that
contains hypertext.
 Encourage your students to use their
intellectual potential by assigning them
computer tasks such as looking for
information in databases, that will make them
think and use English.
 Encourage them to use word processors and
their applications such as spelling and
grammar checkers.
 In order to give a sense of purpose to what
your students are going to write, have them
write and send real e-mail and faxes: this will
provide them with a real sense of
 Make use of web pages or CD interactive
programs to generate discussions. Topics can
be as varied as your and your students'
imagination can get, and as interesting as
your searches through the Internet are.

What are the gains teachers may glean from

the use of computers?

Good as all this sounds, accessibility may be a

major problem with the use of this kind of system.
Unless we have a complete lab with several
computers, only a small group of maybe three or
four students can work with a computer at the
same time. This is more often than not less than
ideal. If we have large groups of students, at least
three or four computers will be needed. If the
budget is limited and there are too many students
for four computers, what can you do? Design
courses that are flexible enough to accommodate
students' schedules to a part-time autonomous-
learner framework.

Without eliminating or reducing teacher's classes

drastically, students can be scheduled to attend
individual work sessions with the multimedia
system throughout the week. This may require
designing tasks that can be carried out by students
without much assistance from the teacher. The
student worksheets have to be designed in a way
that will allow students to work individually and
monitor themselves. Answers to questions or
corrections to exercises can be made readily
available so that students check their own
production easily.

One possible schedule for this autonomous work

on the computer can be summarized this way: a)
students attend multimedia sessions outside
classroom hours, b) they work on their own, c)
they monitor and evaluate themselves, d) they
check their production with an answer key or with
the teacher. These steps obviously require a
learner who is disciplined and who will take
complete advantage of the learning process by
combining what has been taught in classroom
sessions with the multimedia-system sessions.

When a motivating resource such as a multimedia

system is used, the benefit of autonomous work
may be magnified. The role of the teacher will be
different from that of a simple holder and provider
of knowledge; the teacher will become the
students' guide. Will computers take over the
teacher's role? No. In fact, once teachers stop
seeing computers as a threat and their uneasiness
ceases (and Reis, 1995, reports that it actually
does) they will be able to use their creativity to
produce new materials. They will also be able to
redirect their efforts to weak areas. Teachers will
continue to develop the real life communication
which computers can- not provide. If teachers get
to understand computers and really become
computer literate, they will gain instead of lose
and they will become more efficient and
productive teachers.


One of the objectives of this article was to show

some of the benefits of using computers in
EFL/ESL. The benefits are better perceived when
you actually use computers than when you read
about them. The list of benefits, the guidelines,
and the experience reported here are meant to
encourage you to use computers for your EFL/
ESL classes or programs. The worst disadvantage
does not come from using computers, but from not
trying to incorporate them into our programs. The
media have assisted self-access learning to grow
faster than our traditional classroom methods, but
self-access alone fails to achieve all the goals. By
incorporating technology in your programs, you
will see many more benefits than the few
mentioned in this article. The disadvantages listed
here and the ones you may find when working
with computers will never outweigh the
improvement you will notice in your English
programs. One of the greatest improvements is
that you can produce autonomous learners who are
able to control at least part of their learning
process. You will find more time with new
resources to create new ideas, procedures, and
materials for your classes.

Advantages of the use of computers

The used computers motivate students to
Videos, pictures, and sound presented by
computers stimulate sight and hearing
simultaneously in a way traditional
resources do not.
Computers can help train students to
become more independent learners.
Using computers to learn English can
help learners to become more
The computer can bring support to the
learning strategies acquired by students.
Teachers’ responsibilities include giving
students the strategies they need for
working on their own.
Computers with CD-ROM may provide
considerable input and a wide variety of
registers and accents.
The input computers can provide may
facilitate the formulation of ideas.
Computers provide access to authentic
materials and audiences around the world
through the Internet.
A computer enhanced environment may
encourage language acquisition.
Disadvantages of the use of computers
Some students and teachers are
discouraged by computers.
Many students and teachers reject a
change from the traditional classes.
It is very difficult for some students to
get used to being independent learners.
Undisciplined students have problems
working with computers.
Computers do not provide some
important features of real communicative
Computers are machines and they need
maintenance, something which may
require interruptions to class or study
Computers do not provide the sense of
cooperation that can be found in a class
with a teacher.

You are only asked to draw the summary or the conclusion of
the below paragraphs.

Classroom Uses of the Internet

Opportunities to use the Internet for educational purposes have
greatly expanded in the last several years. In 1997, the United
States Department of Education recognized this trend and stated
that one of its top seven priorities was, “Every classroom will be
connected to the Internet by the year 2000 and all students will
be technologically literate” (as cited in Barker & Whitting,
2000, p. 190). Although public schools did not achieve this goal,
it is important to recognize the many ways the Internet changed
the field of education. In fact, technology is growing faster than
the ability of researchers to measure or understand it. Barker and
Whitting note this trend and believe that many changes in
technology and accessibility will occur between when they
complete a study and when it is published. Effective practices
that integrate educational uses of the Internet are still
developing, and as new technologies rapidly emerge, it is
difficult for educators to remain well versed in them
(VanFossen, 2001). Educational museum web sites are plentiful,
but there are few published accounts of studies that critically
examine the development, use, and effects of these sites.
Additionally, there are few studies investigating the effects of
web usage in public schools (Nickell, Field, & Roach, 2001).
Because of the paucity of research on the use of museum web
sites in schools, mydiscussion of the Internet in public schools is
general and addresses many different issues related to using web
sites in schools.

Recent research indicates that only a small percentage of K-12

classroom teachers utilize the Internet during class time (Becker
& Ravitz, 1999; VanFossen, 2001). A study of social studies
teachers who use the Internet and web sites in their classrooms
found that students’ primary use is for low-level information
collection (VanFossen, 2001). Phillip VanFossen (2001) notes
that student web activities rarely take advantage of the potentials
of the web and often lack significance. Bob Coulter (2001)
cautions that when teachers are not well prepared to use the
Internet with their students, the students may collect vast
amounts of information of questionable merit. In addition,
Samuel Ebersole (2000) found that when given little instruction
about using the Internet, students primarily surf and look at
commercial sites, with little or no thinking about the sites they
use, the information they locate, or the source of the
Digital Divide
Although there are many exciting educational uses of the
Internet and computers, not all students can take advantage of
them. Because many schools do not have adequate computers or
access to the Internet, students are unable to utilize these
technologies as learning resources. A major power issue
affecting educational uses of computers and the Internet is the
digital divide, also called the knowledge gap. The term “digital
divide” refers to disparities in accessing and using technology;
these disparities are linked to socio-economic status, race,
ethnicity, country of origin, English fluency, and many other
factors. Don Tapscott (1998) writes, “The issue is not just access
to the new media, but rather whether differences in availability
of services, technology fluency, motivation, and opportunities to
learn may lead to a two-tiered world of knowers and know-nots,
doers and do-nots” (p. 256). Although the prevalence of
computers and Internet access in homes and schools is
significantly greater today than it was several years ago, it is the
gap between those who have access and those who do not that is
growing (Tapscott, 40
In the United States, both the Department of Commerce and the
Department of Education actively research and publish findings
about the digital divide. In a 2000 report, the U. S. Department
of Commerce found that between 1998 and 2000, the gap
between the number of Black and Hispanic households with
Internet access and the national average grew. Other than home
and work environments, public schools are the most frequent
place people access the Internet. This holds true especially for
those living in rural areas (U. S. Department of Commerce,
1999). Some recent studies show that universal access is
increasing, however, the digital divide persists. In some cases it
is widening, and is affecting public school students throughout
the United States. A 1999 study found that geographic location,
economic resources, and grade levels are no longer accurate
predictors of a school’s access to the Internet. In fact, this study
found that all schools are “equally likely to have Internet access”
(Holloway, 2000, p. 90). However, when the availability of the
Internet in individual classrooms is considered, this study
indicates considerable differences among schools. Wealthy
schools had an average of 74 percent
of instructional classrooms connected to the Internet, but schools
in poorer areas (those with at least 71 percent of students
eligible for free/reduced-price lunches) reported only 39 percent
of instructional classrooms connected to the Internet. Between
1998 and 1999, the number of instructional classrooms with
Internet access in high-poverty areas remained stagnant
(Holloway, 2000). The student-to-computer ratio is also
widening; in high-poverty schools it is 16:1, and in wealthy
schools it stands at 7:1 (Rose, 2001).

Many students from low-income families do not have access to

cutting-edge technologies at home; they “will get access to 21st
century technologies through their school or they won’t get it at
all” (Rose, 2001, p. 10). An eight-year study released in 2003 by
the U.S. Department of Education found that many
discrepancies still exist between urban and rural districts, poor
and wealthy districts, smaller and larger districts, and higher and
lower minority population districts. Though the differences in
access to hardware are not as significant as they once were,
other inequities remain. For instance, schools with the lowest
minority enrollment were the most likely to have a full-time paid
technology specialist. Additionally, the ratio of students to
computer with Internet access was higher in high poverty
districts than in low poverty districts (NCES, 2003).

In order to improve student access to technology, the U. S.

Department of Education advances numerous suggestions that
may dramatically improve access to computers (Cattagni &
Westat, 2001). These options include changing school funding
formulas to make technology allocations equal in wealthy and
poor districts, allowing students to access computer labs outside
school hours, enabling students to “check out” a laptop,
designing multimedia and educational software that reflects an
awareness of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity, and providing
funds for teacher training, support, and instruction (Holloway,
English Computer text

Text 1

1. Spell checkers can be used to compare words in the

program’s dictionary to those used in the user’s document.
The spell checker points out any words it cannot match,
notices the user and allows them to make any changes; it
sometimes even suggests possible correct spellings.

Like a conventional thesaurus, this database of words

contains definitions and suggestions of words with similar
and opposite meanings. A word may be spelled correctly
but still be wrong (too instead of two, for instance). This is
a good first step at proofing a document because it can find
many common errors, but users will still need to proofread
documents to ensure complete accuracy.

2. Many word processors include an online thesaurus with

which users can look up different words to use in similar
instances. Their power comes not from knowing every
grammatical rule, but from questioning the writer about
certain parts of the text. Some even include information
about pronunciation and histories of evolving meaning.

3. Grammar checkers are applications that attempt to check

more than just spelling. They count words in sentences to
flag possible run-on sentences. They look for words that
show possible conflicts between verbs and subjects and
they offer advice about corrections. Grammar checkers are
a step beyond spell checkers, but they are still not a
substitute for a human editor. However, this does not mean
that all of the words in the document are spelled correctly.
This gives the writer another chance to think about what he
or she has written; the computer can alert writers to
problems that wouldn’t be obvious to them otherwise.

(Text adapted from Understanding Computers, by N. Shedroff

et al. Sybex. 1993)
Point and Click

Typically, a mouse is a palm-sized device, slightly smaller than

a pack of cards. On top of the mouse there are one or more
buttons for communicating with the computer. A ‘tail’ or wire
extends from the mouse to a connection on the back of the

The mouse is designed to slide around on your desktop. As it

moves, it moves an image on the screen called a pointer or
mouse cursor. The pointer usually looks like an arrow or I-bar,
and it mimics the movements of the mouse on your desktop.

What makes the mouse especially useful is that it is a very quick

way to move around on a screen. Move the desktop mouse half
an inch and the screen cursor will leap four inches. Making the
same movements with the arrows keys takes much longer. The
mouse also issues instructions to the computer very quickly.
Point to an available with the cursor, click on the mouse, and the
option has been chosen.

Mice are so widely used in graphics applications because they

can do things that are difficult, if not impossible, to do with
keyboard keys. For example, the way you move an image with
the mouse it to put he pointer on the object you want to move,
press the mouse button and drag the image from one place on
the screen to another. When you have the image where you want
it, you release the mouse button and the image stay there.
Similarly, the mouse is used to grab one corner of the image
(say a square) and stretch it into another shape (say a rectangle).
Both of these actions are so much more difficult to perform with
a keyboard that most graphics programs require a mouse.

The buttons on the mouse are used to select items at which the
mouse points. You position the pointer on an object on the
screen, for example, on a menu or tool in a paint program, and
then you press the mouse button to ‘select’ it. Mice are also used
to load documents into a program: you put the pointer on the file
name and double-click on the name - that is, you press a mouse
button twice in rapid succession.

Text 2

Point and Click!

Typically, a mouse is a impossible, to do with

palm-sized device, keyboard keys. For
slightly smaller than a example, the way you
pack of cards. On top move an image with 35
5 of the mouse there are the mouse it to put he
one or more buttons for pointer on the object
communicating with you want to move,
the computer. A ‘tail’ press the mouse
or wire extends from button and drag the 40
the mouse to a image from one place
10 connection on the back on the screen to
of the computer. another. When you
have the image where
The mouse is designed you want it, you 45
to slide around on your release the mouse
15 desktop. As it moves, it button and the image
moves an image on the stay there. Similarly,
screen called a pointer the mouse is used to
or mouse cursor. The grab one corner of 50
pointer usually looks the image (say a
like an arrow or I-bar, square) and stretch it
20 and it mimics the into another shape
movements of the (say a rectangle).
mouse on your desktop. Both of these actions
are so much more 55
What makes the mouse difficult to perform
25 especially useful is that with a keyboard that
it is a very quick way to most graphics
move around on a programs require a
screen. Move the mouse. 60
desktop mouse half an
inch and the screen The buttons on the
30 cursor will leap four mouse are used to
inches. Making the select items at which
same movements with the mouse points.
the arrows keys takes You position the
much longer. The pointer on an object
mouse also issues on the screen, for
instructions to the example, on a menu
computer very quickly. or tool in a paint
Point to an available program, and then
with the cursor, click you press the mouse
on the mouse, and the button to ‘select’ it.
option has been chosen. Mice are also used to
load documents into a
Mice are so widely program: you put the
used in graphics pointer on the file
applications because name and double-
they can do things that click on the name -
are difficult, if not that is, you press a
mouse button twice in
rapid succession.

(This reading text was taken from an original Office XP 8 in 1

by Joe Habraken, Que, USA, 2001)

Use the Information in the text to help you match the terms
in the box
with the appropriate explanation or definition below.
Software peripheral device MONITOR
OUTPUT Central Processing Unit Port
1. The brain of the computer
2. Physical parts that make you up a computer system.
3. Program which can be used on a particular computer
4. The information which is presented to the computer.
5. Results produced by a computer.
6. Hardware equipment attached to the CPU.
7. Visual display unit.
8. Small device used to store information. Same as ‘diskette’.
9. Any socket or channel in a computer system into which an
input/ output
device may be connected.

A. Reading

Main Memory: RAM and ROM

The main memory of a computer is also called the ‘immediate

access store’, as the distinct from any storage memory
available on RAM and ROM, both contained in electronic chips
connected to the main board of the computers.

RAM stands for ‘Random Access Memory’ and is the working

area of the computer, that is, the basic location where the
microprocessor store the required information. It is called ‘
Random Access’ because the processor can find information in
any cell on memory address with equal speed, instead of looking
for the data in sequential order so it is lost when the machine is
turned off. Therefore if we want to use this information later on
we have to save it and store it on disk. When running an
application in the storage device (the floppy or hard disk and
transfers temporary copy of the application to the RAM area).
Consequently, if we want to increase the performance of a
computer, when several applications are open at the same time
or when a document is very complex.

The RAM capacity can be sometimes expanded by adding extra

chips. These are usually contained in Single In-line Memory
Modules or SIMMs, which are installed in the motherboard of
the computer.

We can designate a certain amount of RAM space as a cache in

order to store information that an application uses repeatedly. A
RAM cache may speed up our work, but it means that we need
enough internal memory or special cache card. ROM is an
acronym for ‘Read-Only Memory’, which implies that the
processor can read and use the information stored in the ROM
chip, but cannot put information into it. including instructions
and routines for the basic operations of the CPU. These
instruction are used to start up the computer, to read the
information from the keyboard, to send characters to the screen,
etc they can be changed and are not erased when the power is
turned off. For this reason, the ROM section is also referred to
as firmware.

B. As we have seen, there are three types of memory used by

RAM, ROM and storage memory. Look through this list
of features and
decide which type of memory they refer to.

8. Any section of the main memory can be read with equal speed
and case.
9. It is available in magnetic, optical and video disks.
10. A certain amount of this memory can be designated as
'cache' memory to
store information in applications that are used very'.
11. It stores basic operating instructions, needed by the CPU
to function correctly
12. Memory which can be expanded by adding SIMMs of 1
NIB, 2 MB, 4 MB or
other major increments,
13. Information is permanent and cannot be deleted.
14. You can save and store your documents and applications.

C. Vocabulary quiz

In groups of three, write answers to these questions. The

winners are the group that answers the most questions
correctly in four minutes.

11. What are the main parts of the CPU?

12. What is RAM?
13. What memory section is also known as ‘firmware’?
14. What information is lost when the computer is switched
15. What is the typical unit used to measure RAM memory
and storage memory?
16. What is the meaning of the acronym SINIM ?
17. What is a megahertz?
18. What is the ALU? what does it do?
19. What is the abbreviation for 'binary digit`
20. How can we store data and programs permanently?

D. Your ideal computer system

1. Make notes about the features of the computer that you
would like to

CPU: .................. Speed ........ Floppy disk drives

………….. ...................
Minimum/maximum RAM Monitor:
……………. .................... *
Hard disk: .......... ........ Software: …………….

2. Now describe it to your partner.

Useful expressions:
It has got ...
It's very fast. It runs at ...
The standard RAAM memory is ……..and it is expandable
The hard disk can hold...
As far as the disk- drive,
[need a Super VGA monitor because ..........

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