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How Do You Write A Research Title

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How do you write a research title?

1. Effective titles in academic research papers have several characteristics.

2. Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the study.
3. Avoid using abbreviations.
4. Use words that create a positive impression and stimulate reader interest.
5. Use current nomenclature from the field of study.

Good Research Topics for Current Issues

Abortion Dilemmas Faced by Adults

Government Subsidies for Agriculture: Pro and Con

Adopted Children: Issues Faced as Adults

Discovery of Pluto by Astrologists

Affirmative Action and College Admission Policies

Ethical Practices in Clothing Manufacture

African American Vernacular English (Ebonics) in Elementary Schools

Animal Management for Sustainable Living

Biased Media Practices in Television Reporting

Chemically Altered Products in Specialty Markets

Body Art as Personal Expression

Civil Rights Struggles of the 21st Century

Cost Analysis of Prescription Drugs

Disaster Relief Actions Following Earthquakes

Distribution of Condoms to Students in Urban Schools

Emotional Aspects of Cocaine Addiction

Growing Up in a Minority Culture: Confidence and Confusion

Identity Theft: Three Most Common Sources

Impact of Assisted Suicide on The Medical Community in the 1980s

Individuality versus Conformity for Young Adults in College Settings

Physical Effects of Bulimia

Power of Women in the Media

Punishment and Prosecution of Hate Crimes in Alabama

Reform of Social Security Programs: Supplemental Security Income

Rural Poverty for Non-Agricultural Families

Recreational Marijuana’s Effect on the Economy

Effective Use of The Insanity Defense for Crimes Other Than Murder

Urban Farming within City Limits

Variations in the Legal Drinking Age Among States: Effects and Causes

A Post-Privacy World: What Does it Mean?

20 Good Research Topics in the Humanities

Arthurian Legend In 19th Century Paintings

Definitions and Examples of Nocturnes in Musical Compositions

Science Fiction Versus Science Fantasy: Comparisons and Contrasts

Folklore and Fairy Tales of France

Historical Architecture of Germany

Theatre Styles of Ancient Rome

The Decorative and Practical Functions of Egyptian Ceramics

Archetypes in Heroic Literature

Obscure Religions of Spain

Sculptures Representing the Ideal Human Form

Christianity in the Middle East

Traditional Dances of Algeria

Textile Arts as an Expression of Cultural Beliefs

Protest Art: Posters, Paintings, and Murals

The Harlem Renaissance in Theatre

Regional Theatres and Summer Stock During the 1950s in the US

Evolution of Women’s Shoes

Design and Construction of Worship Houses

Family Structure in the Inuit Culture

The Function of Kivas in Worship and Social Life

Abortion Dilemmas Faced by Adults

Keep the overall structure of the topic example, but make significant changes in BOTH of the main ideas. Examples of
adaptations for this topic might include:

Life-Stage Dilemmas Faced by Older Adults

Peer-Pressure Dilemmas Faced by Preteens in After School Hours

Topics on Popular Culture

The best music projects of 2016.

How do reality shows influence teenagers?

Do celebrities form a specific cast in today’s world?

How much do people depend on heroes? Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes.

How do American and Japanese popular cultures intertwine with each other?

Sexism and ageism in modern Hollywood.

Do shows like American Idol, the Voice, and X-factor really aim to find and develop talents?

The female role in the world according to Beyonces Lemonade.

How did YouTube change popular culture?

The meaning of the Harry Potter Book Series in promoting reading.

Effects of water before breakfast .

Impact of electronic, video and mobile games on social development of teenagers

Cultural Studies

Focused on the political dynamics of culture and its historical foundations, conflicts, defining traits, aesthetics, and

Can focus on a particular medium or message: ideology, social class, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, popular
culture, etc.

Comparison of the use of gestures across various cultures

Race in comparative perspective

Social movements: Rethinking globalization

Can science explain consciousness?

Online social networks and their influence

How do men and women communicate differently using body language, and why does it matter (in dating, the
workplace, and social circles)?


Should government impose restrictions on what kinds of foods can be served in school cafeterias?

Pros and cons of school uniforms.

Do children learn better in boys-only and girls-only schools?

Charter schools

Prayer in schools

School prestige vs. academic standards

Demand for beauty by society

Body image

Is homosexuality a choice, or are people born gay?

Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

Transgender bathroom policies.

Should parents be allowed to spank their children?

Day Care

Government support vs. parental financing

Benefits vs. harmful effects

Elder Care


What is the true key to happiness?

What is the cause of America’s obesity crisis?

Why sleep is necessary.

Are plastic bottles really bad for you?

How to encourage people to recycle more.

How 3D printers benefit everyone.

How do GPS systems on smartphones work?

How have oil spills impacted the environment?

Verbal vs. nonverbal communication.

The accuracy of lie detector tests.

How does a search engine work?

How Bill Gates and Steve Jobs changed the world.

The pros and cons of hitchhiking.

The PC vs. the Mac.

What causes tornadoes?

How to protect children vs. respect for parental rights

Organic farming vs. mainline use of chemical sprays

Cats vs. dogs: which makes the better pet?

How seniors contribute to societal well-being.

Popular music and its impact on the culture.

The differences between life in the city, suburbs, and/or rural areas.

The role of religion in society.

How eating disorders impact teens.

Tablets vs. textbooks.

Do standardized tests improve teen education?

Do teachers inflate grades so students can pass?

How to prevent teen pregnancy.

Cell Phones: How have they changed us socially?

Family values

A view of home life and its effect on child development

To what extent is self-image influenced by culture in regard to eating disorders? Are external factors entirely to blame?

Music of the past vs music of the present.

How has the music industry effected the music’s quality?

How does being a part of a group (sports, band, theatre, etc.) affect student’s grades?
How pop culture trends influence youth?

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