Bachelor of Science in PCM: Singhania University
Bachelor of Science in PCM: Singhania University
Bachelor of Science in PCM: Singhania University
Term-I Term-II
Prose- 1, 2, 3, 4 Prose- 5, 6, 7, 8
Poetry- 9, 10, 11 Poetry- 12, 13, 14
Grammar- 1, 2, 3 Grammar- 4, 5
Communication Skills- 1,2,3,4,5 Communication Skills- 6,7,8,9,10
1. An Astrologer’s Day - R.K Narayan
2. Our Urgent Need of Self-esteem - Nathaniel Branden
3. The Gift of Magi - O’ Henry
4. Karma - Khushwant Singh
5. Tryst with Destiny - Jawaharlal Nehru
6. Youth and the Tasks Ahead - Karan Singh
7. Prospects of Democracy in India - B. R. Ambedkar
8. The Eyes are not Here - Ruskin Bond
9. A Red, Red Rose - Robert Burns
10. Where the Mind is without Fear - Rabindranath Tagore
11. If You Call Me - Sarojini Naidu
12. Upon Westminster Bridge - William Wordsworth
13. An old Woman - Arun Kolatkar
14. Success is Counted Sweetest - Emily Dickinson
Grammar and Communication Skills
Grammar :
1. Articles
2. Prepositions
3. Verbs :
4. Tenses :
Communication skills:
1. Taking Leave
2. Introducing Yourself
7. Making a Complaint
Unit Topic
1 Introduction to Chemistry:
o States of matter
o Solid state, Solutions and colligative properties
o Chemical Thermodynamics
o Chemistry in everyday Life
F. Y. B. Sc. Chemistry (Paper - II)
Organic Chemistry
No. Topic
1 Strength of organic acids and bases
Introduction, pKa, origin of acidity, influence of solvent, simple
aliphatic saturated and unsaturated acids, substituted aliphatic acid,
phenols, aromatic carboxylic acids, pKa and temperature, pKb,
aliphatic and aromatic bases, heterocyclic bases, acid base
2 Stereochemistry of disubstituted cyclohexane
Introduction, 1,1-alkyl disubstituted cyclohexane;
Dimethyl cyclohexane 1,2; 1,3 and 1,4.
Geometrical isomerism, Optical isomerism, stability of
conformation, energy calculations.
3 Nucleophilic substitution at aliphatic Carbon
Introduction, Nucleophile and leaving groups,
Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution. The SN1
reaction: Kinetics, mechanism and stereochemistry
(Racemization), stability of carbocation. The
SN2 reaction: Kinetics, mechanism & stereochemistry
(inversion). How to know whether a given reaction will follow SN1 or
SN2 mechanism.Comparison of SN1 & SN2 reactions.SNi reaction
and mechanism.
4 Reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons and carbon oxygen
double bond
a) Reaction of Carbon-Carbon double bond:
Introduction, Mechanism of electrophilic addition to C=C bond.
Orientation & reactivity, Rearrangements, (Support for formation of
carbocation). Addition of hydrohalogen, Anti Markownikoff’s
addition (peroxide effect) with mechanism, Addition of halogens (dl
pairs and meso isomers), hypohalous acids (HOX), Hydroxylation
(Mechanism of cis and trans 1,2-diols). Hydroboration- Oxidation
(Formation of alcohol), Hydrogenation (Formation of alkane),
Ozonolysis (formation of aldehydes & ketones)
b) Reactions of Carbon :
Carbon triple bond: Addition of hydrogen, halogens, halogen
acids, water and formation of metal acetylides and its application.
c) Reactions of Carbon –oxygen Double Bond :
Introduction, Structure of carbonyl group, reactivity of carbonyl
group, addition of Hydrogen cyanide, alcohols, thiols, water,
ammonia derivatives, Cannizzaro and Reformaski reactions with
5 Elimination Reactions :
Introduction; 1,1; 1,2 elimination,E1, E2 and E1cB mechanism
with evidences, Hoffmann and Saytzeff’s elimination, reactivity
effect of structure, attacking and leaving groups.
6 Aromatic Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions:
Introduction, arenium ion mechanism, Effect of substituent group
(Orientation, o/p directing and meta directing groups). Classification
of substituent groups (activating and deactivating groups)
Mechanism of – Nitrat
F. Y. B. Sc. (Paper - I)
Algebra & Geometry
1.1 Well Ordering Principle for N. Principle of Mathematical
induction (strong form).
1.2 Divisibility in Z: Definition and elementary properties.
Division Algorithm, Euclidean Algorithm (Without proof)
G.C.D. and L.C.M of integers, Relatively prime integers,
Definition Prime numbers ,Euclid’s lemma, Basic properties
of G.C.D., G.C.D of any two integers and if it exists is unique
and can be expressed in the form ax+by, where x,yZ.
1.3 Equivalence Relations, Equivalences classes, properties
of Equivalences classes, Definition of partition, every
partition gives an equivalence relation and vice-versa,
Definition of Congruence, Congruence as equivalence
relation on , Residue classes, Partition of , Addition modulo n
, Multiplication modulo n.
2.1 Definition of polynomial, Degree of polynomial, Algebra of
polynomials, Division algorithm (without proof). G.C.D of two
polynomials (without proof).
2.2 Remainder Theorem, Factor Theorem.
2.3 Relation between the roots and the coefficients of a
polynomial, Examples.
Matrices and System of linear equations
3.1 Matrices, Echelon and Reduced echelon form of a matrix,
Reduction of matrix to its echelon form, Definition of rank of a
matrix by using echelon form.
3.2 System of linear equations, Matrix form of system of
linear equations, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous
system of linear equations, Gauss Elimination and Gauss
Jordan Method.
3.3 Consistency of a system of linear equations, condition of
consistency (without proof).
3.4 Eigen values, Eigen vectors, characteristic equation of a
matrix of order up to 3×3
3.5 Statement of Cayley Hamilton theorem and its use to find
the inverse of a matrix.
4 Analytical Geometry of two dimensions:
4.1 Change of axes, Translation and rotation.
4.2 Conic Section: General equation of second degree in x
and y. Centre of conic, Nature of conic, Reduction to
standard form.
5 Planes in 3-dimension:
Revision: Equations of the first degree in x, y, z,
Transformation to the normal form, determination of plane
under given conditions, Equations of the plane through three
given points.
5.1 Systems of planes, two sides of a plane.
5.2 Length of the perpendicular from a point to a plane,
bisectors of angles between two planes.
5.3 Joint equation of two planes, Angle between planes.
6 Lines in 3-dimension:
Revision: Equations of a line, equations of a straight line in
terms of its direction cosines and the co-ordinates of a point
on it, equations of a line through two points, Symmetrical and
unsymmetrical forms of the equations of a line.
transformation of the equations of a line to the symmetrical
form. Angle between a line and a plane.
6.1 The condition that a given line may lie in a given plane,
the condition that two given lines are coplanar.
6.2 Number of arbitrary constants in the equations of a
straight line, sets of conditions which determine a line.
6.3 The shortest distance between two lines, the length and
equations of the line of shortest distance between two
straight lines, length of perpendicular from a given point to a
given line.
7 Sphere
7.1 Definition and equation of the sphere in various forms.
7.2 Plane section of a sphere, intersection of two spheres.
7.3 Equation of a circle, sphere through a given circle,
intersection of a sphere and a line.
7.4 Equation of a tangent plane
iii) iv) v)
5 Differential Equations of first order and first degree:
5.1 Introduction to function of two, three variables, homogenous
functions, Partial derivatives.
5.2 Differential equations, General solution of Differential equations.
5.3 Methods of finding solution of Differential equations of first order
and first degree, Variable separable form, Homogenous Differential
equations, Differential equations reducible to homogeneous form.
Exact Differential equations.
Differential equations reducible to exact Differential equations,
Integrating factors, Linear Differential equations. Bernoulli’s
Differential equations.
6 Application of Differential Equations :
6.1 Orthogonal trajectories.
6.2 Kirchhofff’s law of electrical circuit (RC & LR Circuit)
7 Methods of finding general solution of Differential Equations of
first order and higher degree:
7.1 Equations solvable for p.
7.2 Equations solvable for x.
7.3 Equations solvable for y.
7.4 Equation in Clairaut’s form.
S. Y. B. Sc. Physics (Paper - I)
Mathematical Methods in Physics
1. Complex Numbers
1.1 Introduction to complex numbers.
1.2 Rectangular, polar and exponential forms of complex
1.3 Argand diagram
1.4 Algebra of complex numbers using mathematical and
Argand diagram
1.5 De-Moivre’s Theorem
1.6 Powers, roots and log of complex numbers.
1.7 Trigonometric, hyperbolic and exponential functions.
1.8 Applications of complex numbers to determine
velocity and acceleration in curved motion
1.9 Problems.
2. Partial Differentiation
2.1 Definition of partial differentiation
2.2 Successive differentiation
2.3 Total differentiation
2.4 Exact differential
2.5 Chain rule
2.6 Theorems of differentiation
2.7 Change of variables from Cartesian to polar co-ordinates.
2.8 Implicit and explicit functions
2.9 Conditions for maxima and minima (without proof)
2.10 Problems.
3. Vector Algebra
3.1 Introduction to scalars and vectors
3.2 dot product and cross product of two vectors and its physical
3.3 Scalar triple product and its geometrical interpretation.
3.4 Vector triple product and its proof.
3.5 Problems.
4. Vector Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Scalar and vector fields
4.3 Differentiation of vectors with respect to scalar.
4.4 Vector differential operator and Laplacian operator
4.5 Gradient of scalar field and its physical significance.
4.6 Divergence of scalar field and its physical significance
4.7 Curl of vector field
4.8 Vector identities
a. Ñ´ÑF = 0
b. Ñ.(Ñ´V) = 0
c. Ñ.(ÑF) =Ñ2F
d. Ñ.(FA) =ÑF. A +F(Ñ.A)
e. Ñ´(F A) = F(Ñ´A) + (ÑF) ´ A
f. Ñ.(A´B) = B. (Ñ´ A) . A.(Ñ´B)
4.9 Problems.
5. Differential Equation
5.1 Frequently occurring partial differential equations
(Cartesian coordinates)
5.2 Degree, order, linearity and homogeneity of
differential equation.
5.3 Concept of Singular points. Example of singular
points (x = 0, x = x0 and x =¥) of differential
5.4 Problems.
S. Y. B. Sc. Physics (Paper - II)
1. Network Theorems
1.1 Kirchhoff’s laws (revision)
1.2 Voltage and Current divider circuits
1.3 Thevenin's theorem
1.4 Norton's theorem
1.5 Super-position theorem
1.6 Maximum power transfer theorem (All theorems 1.3 to 1.6
with proof)
2. Study of Transistor
2.1 Bijunction Transistor
1. Revision of bipolar junction transistor, types,
symbols and basic action
2. Configurations (Common Base, Common
Emitter & Common Collector)
3. Current gain factors (á &â) and their relations.
4. Input, output and transfer characteristics of CE,
CB & CC configurations.
5. Biasing methods: Base bias, Emitter feedback
and voltage divider
6. DC load lines (CE), Operating point (Q point)
7. Transistor as a switch
2.2 Uni- Junction Transistor
1. Symbol, types, construction, working
principle, I-V characteristics, Specifications,
Parameters of: Uni-Junction Transistor(UJT)
2. Use of UJT as a relaxation oscillator
3. Opertaional Amplifiers
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Ideal and practical Characteristics
3.3 Operational amplifier: IC 741- Block diagram and Pin
3.4 Concept of virtual ground
3.5 Inverting and non-inverting operational amplifiers with
concept of gain.
3.6 Operational amplifier as an adder and substracter.
4. Oscillatros
4.1 Concept of positive and negative feedback
4.2 Barkhausein criteria for an oscillator
4.3 Construction, working and applications of Phase shift
oscillator using IC-741
5. Power Supply
5.1 Concept and working of rectifier half wave, full wave and
bridge rectifier
5.2 Ripple voltage
5.3 RC filter circuit
5.4 Unregulated and regulated power supply
5.5 Concept of load and line regulation
5.6 Zener as regulator
6 Number System and Logic Gates
6.1 Number systems: Binary, Binary coded decimal
(BCD), Octal, Hexadecimal
6.2 Addition and subtraction of binary numbers and
binary fractions using one’s and two’s
6.3 Basic logic gates (OR, AND, NOT)
6.4 Derived gates: NOR, NAND, EXOR, EXNOR with
symbols and truth tables
6.5 Boolean Algebra
6.6 De Morgan's theorems and its verification
S. Y. B. Sc. Chemistry (Paper - I)
Inorganic Chemistry
1. Molecular Orbital Theory
Limitations of Valence Bond theory(VBT), Need of
Molecular orbital theory (MOT), Features of MOT, Formation
of molecular orbitals(MO’s) by LCAO principle, Rules of
LCAO combination, Different types of combination of Atomic
orbital(AO’s): S-S, S-P, P-P and d-d, Non-bonding
combination orbitals(formation of NBMO), M.O. Energy level
diagram for homonuclear diatomic molecules, Bond order
and existence of molecule from bond order, Energy (â) and
He2+, Li2, Be2, B2,C2, N2, O2, O2+, O2-, O22-, F2, Ne2,
2. Coordination Chemistry
1. (General account and meaning of the terms involved in
coordination chemistry:)
Coordinate bond, central metal atom or ions, ligand,
double salt, complex compound, coordination number,
charge on the complex ion, oxidation number of Metal ion,
first and second coordination sphere.
2. Ligands: Definition, Classification, Chelates and chelating
3. Formation Constant, inert and labile complexes.
4. IUPAC nomenclature of coordination compounds
5. Different geometries of coordination compounds
with C.N.= 4 to C.N.=10 and examples of each geometry.
3. Spectrophotometry
Introduction, Electromagnetic spectrum, Interaction of
electromagnetic radiations with the matter, Mathematical
Statement and derivation of Lambert’s Law and Beer’s Law,
Terminology involved in spectrophotometric analysis,
Instrumentation of single beamcolorimeter, Instrumentation of
single and double beam spectrophotometer, Principle of additivity
of absorbance and simultaneous determination,
Spectrophotometric Titrations, Experimental Applications-
Structure of organic compounds, Structure of complexes,
Numerical Problems
4. Polarography
Introduction to voltammetric methods of analysis, Principles of
polarographic analysis, Dropping Mercury Electrode, Instrument
and working of polarographic apparatus, Ilkovic equation and
quantitative analysis, Polarogram and chemical analysis, Analysis
of mixture of cations, Factors affecting polarographic wave,
Quantitative Applications, Numerical Problems
4 Directed Graphs
Definitions, In degree and Out degree, Tournament, Traffic