Science Reviewer For Science Quiz Elementary: Matter
Science Reviewer For Science Quiz Elementary: Matter
Science Reviewer For Science Quiz Elementary: Matter
1. What do you call when matter changes from 17. What is the chemical symbol of lead?
liquid to solid? Answer: Pb
Answer: freezing
18. What is the common name of sodium
2. Changing matter from gas to liquid. chloride?
Answer: condensation Answer: table salt
3. Changing matter from solid to gas 19. What common compound that has a
Answer: sublimation symbol of H2O?
Answer: water
4. Changing matter from solid to liquid
Answer: melting (fusion) 20. What compound is CO2?
Answer: carbon dioxide
5. It is the smallest part of the property of a
substance. 21. What gas is used as a disinfectant in
Answer: molecule drinking water?
Answer: Chlorine
6. The study of the patterns of the movement
of gases is called what? 22. What is the fermented juice of apples
Answer: aerodynamics better known as?
Answer: cider
7. It is the number of protons in the nucleus of
an atom 23. What kind of waste is capable of being
Answer: atomic number slowly destroyed and broken down into very
small parts by natural processes?
8. What is the most abundant noble gas? Answer: biodegradable
Answer: argon
24. It is the action or process of making land,
9. It is the substance that capable of water, air dirty and not safe or suitable to use.
destroying bacteria. Answer: pollution
Answer: antibiotic
25. It is collecting, processing and
10. A BTU is the quantity of heat required to manufacturing materials instead of throwing
raise the temperature of one pound of water them away.
one degree on what temperature scale? Answer: Recycling
Answer: Fahrenheit
26. It is a waste material that are recycled as
11. What is measured by the SI units Bar? fertilizer
Answer: pressure Answer: compost
12. What is measure by the SI units Curie? 27. It is the ability of a material to absorb
Answer: Activity of radionuclide water.
Answer: Porosity
13. What is measured by barn?
Answer: Area 28. The ability or capability of a material to
dissolve another material.
14. What is measured by calories? Answer: solubility
Answer: Energy
29. The dissolved substance in a solution.
15. This gem stone is the softest of all Answer: solute
precious stones. What is this green stone that
is composed of mineral beryl? 30. The dissolving substance in a solution
Answer: Emerald Answer: solvent
16. The atomic number of a chemical element
refers to the number of what found in a
nucleus of an atom?
1. It is a system that enables human being to
reproduce another human. 16. Where does fertilization takes place?
Answer: Reproductive system Answer: fallopian tube
2. It is a process that makes possible the 17. What do you call when an egg or ovum
continuance of life on Earth. from an ovary is released about once a
Answer: reproduction month?
Answer: ovulation
3. A male reproductive organ where it
produces sperms and the hormone 18. It is the finger-like extension of the
testosterone. fallopian tube that drive the fertilized egg to the
Answer: testis uterus.
Answer: fimbriae
4. A tube that circle the bladder and the
excretory duct of testes. 19. It is a hollow, avocado-shaped muscular
Answer: vas deferens organ with thick walls where a fertilized egg
5. It is a sac-like pouch that supports the Answer: uterus
testes in place.
Answer: scrotum 20. It is called the birth canal because when a
baby is to be born, it is where it passes.
6. It is a sac that serves as the receptacle of Answer: vagina
the urine.
Answer: bladder 21. It is the neck of the uterus.
Answer: cervix
7. A gland that produces sperms with a fluid
that enables them to move. 22. It is the union of the sperm and egg cell.
Answer: seminal vesicle Answer: fertilization
8. It is the mixture of the sperm and fluid. 23. What do you call the fertilized egg?
Answer: semen Answer: zygote
9. The tube that carries urine out from the 24. What do you call the period of time when
body and also serves as an opening of the the zygote undergoes development for nine
sperm. months in the uterus and until the birth of the
Answer: urethra baby?
Answer: pregnancy
10. The male reproductive organ
Answer: penis 25. It refers to an unborn child during the first
two months of pregnancy.
11. It is a single cell with a head and a tail. Answer: embryo
Answer: sperm
26. What do you call the protective membrane
12. It is found at the top of each testis and that surrounds the embryo?
where the sperms are stored. Answer: amniotic sac
Answer: epididymis
27. It is a clear fluid filled in the amniotic sac
13. It provide fluids that lubricate the duct that protects the embryo against harm and
system and nourish the sperm. keeps the embryo moist.
Answer: prostate gland Answer: amniotic cord
14. What human stage on time of development 28. What cord connects the embryo to the
when a person become physically able to placenta?
reproduce. Answer: umbilical cord
Answer: Puberty
29. Nutrients and oxygen pass from the
15. It is a sex glands located in the pelvis, they mother to the embryo through the
produce the ova and the sex cells of the __________.
female. Answer: placenta
Answer: ovary
30. In what week of the pregnancy when the 1. The system that helps a person breathe in
embryo develops tiny arm and legs with oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
fingers and toes? Answer: respiratory system
Answer: 6th-7th weeks
2. Where does the exchange of oxygen and
31. What do you call the embryo after the two carbon dioxide happens in human body?
months of pregnancy and the body organ are Answer: alveoli
now present?
Answer: fetus 3. It is the opening in our nose where air
32. It is a series of changes during which an Answer: nostrils
egg matures and the uterus is prepared for
possible pregnancy. 4. It is where the air gets moistened and
Answer: menstrual cycle warmed as it enters in the nostrils.
Answer: Nasal Cavity
33. It happens when the uterine lining begins
to break down and the blood with some uterine 5. It is a tiny hair-like structure that traps the air
tissue and unfertilized egg make their way out against impurities.
through the vagina. Answer: cilia
Answer: menstruation flow
6. A tube-like passage for both food and air
34. How many hours a sperm can survived? that found between the nasal cavity and
Answer: 24-48 hours esophagus.
Answer: pharynx
35. It refers to the lining of the uterus that
becomes thicker in preparation for implantation 7. It is a flap of tissue found at the end of the
of the fertilized egg. pharynx that closes over the larynx when we
Answer: endometrium swallow.
Answer: epiglottis
36. It is the female gonad where the egg is
produced. 8. It is where the vocal chords attached that
Answer: ovary produce sounds when we speak.
Answer: larynx
37. How many chromosomes are in the
nucleus of a human sperm? 9. An organ below the larynx which is a 12cm
Answer: 23 chromosomes long tube and made up of C-shaped rings of
38. Sex determination of a child is done by Answer: trachea
whose chromosome?
Answer: Father 10. Branch of trachea that carry air into the
39. It is the male gametes. Answer: bronchi
Answer: Testicles
11. It is a cluster of tiny thin-walled sacs found
40. A walnut sized glands located between the at the end of each bronchioles.
bladder and the penis, it secretes fluid that Answer: alveoli
nourishes and protects sperm.
Answer: prostate 12. Substance that produced by the lining of
the nasal cavity
41. The female gametes is ___. Answer: mucus
Answer: ovaries
13. Tiny hair-like structure that trap the
bacteria in the trachea
Answer: mucous membrane and cilia
11. Where does the filtration of blood in the 11. It is a muscle found at the end of the
kidney take place? stomach that closes and opens to allow the
Answer: Bowman’s capsule flow of from the esophagus to the stomach.
Answer: Sphincter muscle
12. It is a waste product excreted through the
urinary system. 12. It is the long coiled connected from the
Answer: Urine stomach.
Answer: Small intestine
13. Cystitis is the infection of ________. There are three parts of the Small
Answer: Urinary bladder Intestine:
Duodenum – the upper 20 cm.
14. What tube connects the kidney to the connected to the stomach
bladder? Jejunum – is about 2.5 meters long.
Answer: Ureter
Ileum – is the longest half coiled through
15. the abdominal cavity
The last 20 or 30 centimeters of the colon
are called rectum.
13. The softened food is rolled into a ball
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM called the bolus and is pushed by the tongue
into the throat.
1. The process of breaking up and dissolving
the food so that it ca be taken into the blood to 14. How long is an adult’s small intestine?
be used by the body. Answer: 22 feet
Answer: digestion
15. Where does bile made/ production of bile?
2. Where does digestion begin? Answer: Liver
Answer: mouth
16. Your food can spend up to this long in the
3. It is a digestive juice which is secreted by small intestine.
the three pairs of salivary glands that empty Answer: 4 hours
into the mouth.
Answer: saliva 17. The large intestine measures about ___.
Answer: 5 feet long
4. It is the front teeth with sharp edges for
biting and cutting the food. 18. What are the last four teeth a person will
Answer: Incisors get?
Answer: Wisdom teeth
5. It is the pointed teeth which grip and tear the
food. 19. What kind of teeth do babies have?
Answer: Canines Answer: Primary
6. The teeth that crushed and grind the food 20. What makes up the roots of your teeth and
Answer: Premolars attaches to your jawbone?
Answer: Cementum
7. It is the flat teeth used for chewing the food.
Answer: Molars 21. What innermost part of the tooth does the
dentin protect?
8. It is a is a long muscular tube that connects Answer: pulp
the pharynx to the throat to the stomach.
22. What hard, tough and shiny substances 39. It is a squeezing movement of muscles
cover the crown? which help the food moves from the
Answer: Enamel esophagus towards the stomach.
Answer: peristalsis
23. What is the part of the tooth you can see
above the gum? 40. What lined in the walls of the small
Answer: crown intestines that separate the food nutrients
ready to be absorbed by the walls from the
25. What tiny hairs send messages to the foods that is not yet ready.
brain that help identify tastes? Answer: villi
Answer: Microvilli
41. It is the undigested food that becomes a
26. How many taste buds does a man has soft solid.
when he was born? Answer: feces
Answer: 10 thousand
42. The lowest end of the large intestine and
27. The back section of the tongue that is part when feces pass out of the body.
of the immune system. Answer: Rectum
Answer: Lingual tonsil
43. What is the largest gland in the body that
28. This is the thin membrane that connects produces a bile.
your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. Answer: liver
Answer: Frenulum
29. What substance in the mouth that helps 44. It breaks the fats into tiny droplets.
break down food? Answer: bile
Answer: Saliva
45. Where does bile stored?
30. _____ contains taste buds. Answer: gall bladder
Answer: Papillae
46. The organ that produces juice that digest
31. It is the bumps on the top of the tongue. sugars, starches, proteins, fats and insulin
Answer: Papillae Answer: pancreas
32. What organ in the digestive system that is 47. It is produced by the pancreas that helps
responsible for Vitamin B and K absorption? control the use of sugar by the body.
Answer: Large intestine Answer: insulin
33. Where do excess fat soluble vitamins 48. What is the hardest material in the body?
typically accumulated? Answer: enamel
Answer: Liver
49. Layer of the teeth that is harder than the
34. What enzyme contains in saliva which acts bone but softer than the enamel.
on starches and changes them into sugar? Answer: dentin
Answer: ptyalin
50. What is the center of the tooth that
35. What is the strong muscle that helps the contains the nerves and blood vessels?
teeth in digestion? Answer: soft pulp
Answer: tongue
51. What chemical helps to make the teeth
36. How many permanent teeth does an adult harder?
have? Answer: fluoride
Answer: 32
37. It is the passageway of food from the 52. It is a yellow or brownish material formed
pharynx. from saliva and food that sticks below the
Answer: esophagus gums and becomes hard.
Answer: tartar
38. It is the passage of air in the pharynx.
Answer: windpipe 53. What kind of doctor you need to consult
when your teeth are poorly aligned, badly
spaced or prodding?
Answer: orthodontist
8. What age does your bone stop growing?
54. The liver secrets bile which flows through Answer: 25 yrs. Old
ducts and into what pear shaped muscular
sac? 9. How many bones are in the spine?
Answer: gall bladder Answer: 33
55. How many incisor teeth are there in a full 10. What bone protect the lungs, heart and
set of adult teeth? liver?
Answer: 8 Answer: rib cage
56. In the normal adult human, how many 11. Which part of the ear takes soundwaves
bicuspids are there? and turns them into vibration?
Answer: 8 Answer: middle ear
57. The organ that controls the level of glucose 12. What tiny bone is attached to the eardrum?
in our bodies. Answer: Malleus
Answer: pancreas
13. What is the most delicate bones in your
58. What canal is travelled in digestion? body called?
Answer: alimentary canal Answer: Ossicles
59. Where do digestion most occur? 14. It separates the outer ear from the middle
Answer: small intestine ear?
Answer: Eardrum
60. How many teeth should a human adult
have, including wisdom tooth? 15. What part of the ear that is responsible for
Answer: 32 the popping sensation you feel when you’re
flying in an airplane?
61. It makes insulin to help digest and use Answer: Eustachian tube
Answer: pancreas 16. Which part of the ear do people pierce to
wear earrings?
62. It refers to the secretion of substance or Answer: Auricle or Pinna
hormones in the bloodstream.
Answer: Endocrine 17. What name is given to the 33 bones that
make up a person’s spine or spinal cord.
SKELETAL SYSTEM Answer: vertebrae
2. What is the smallest bone in the body? 19. Where is the largest bone in the body
Answer: Stirrup found?
Answer: in the legs
3. It is the part where bones meet.
Answer: Joints 20. A bone is joined to a muscle by what
4. How many bones that an adult has? Answer: tendon
Answer: 206 bones
21. What is the common name for the
5. What do you call the bones in your spine? scapula?
Answer: Vertebrae Answer: shoulder blade
6. Where does the patella located? 22. What is protected by the cranium?
Answer: Knee Answer: brain
24. It is a break in the bone. 13. The brain of an adult human weighs about
Answer: Fracture ______.
Answer: 2.5 to 3 pounds
25. It is a strong muscle contraction that is
very painful. 14. It is the largest part of the brain.
Answer: Cramp Answer: cerebrum
9. It is the part of the brain acts like 21. It is partly made up of tracts that connect
switchboard that allows the communication the spinal cord with higher brain levels. It also
from the brain to the other parts of the nervous contains cell groups that transfer information
system. from the cerebrum to the cerebellum.
Answer: Midbrain Answer: Pons
22. The wrinkled folds of the brain are called
10. What makes up 80% of the human brain?
Answer: water
Answer: gyri or convolutions
11. It is the organ which receives, processes
23. Heartbeat is controlled by the ________.
and stores information from inside and outside
Answer: Medulla Oblongata
the body. It decides what to do with the
received information and sends signals to the
24. It is the downward extension of the brain.
body to react, decide or move.
Answer: Spinal Cord
Answer: Brain
26. It is the basic unit of the nervous system. 36. Anything that the receptors of the sense
Answer: neuron organ collect from the environment called
27. Fibers of nerve cells that pick up Answer: stimuli
information from the receptors. (Receptors are
parts of the body, either nerves or sense 37. What neurons gather information from the
organs, that can pick up stimuli from the sense organs and send impulses to the spinal
environment or from within the body). cord and brain for processing?
Answer: dendrites Answer: sensory neurons
28. What contains the nucleus of the cell as 38. What neurons carry impulses from the
well as other structures that help keep the cell brain or spinal cord to the muscles?
alive? Answer: motor neurons
Answer: cell body
39. What part of the midbrain that regulates
29. Where do information received by the body functions such as thirst, hungers, sleep
dendrites go after? patterns and emotions?
Answer: cell body Answer: hypothalamus
30. What is the gap or space between axon 40. What is the main endocrine gland that is
and dendrites called? located at the base of the brain?
Answer: synapse Answer: Pituitary gland
2. Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny 22. What disorder when a man’s skin has very
tube in the skin called ____. little melanin that cause the skin looks very
Answer: Follicle white and have blonde hair.
Answer: Albinism
3. What gives the skin color?
Answer: Melanin 23. It is the part of the nails that connects the
4. What is the outermost layer of the skin? Answer: cuticle
Answer: Epidermis
24. What is the meaning of the scientific suffix
5. What is the body’s largest organ? –derm?
Answer: skin Answer: skin
8. Where does the nail meet the skin? 2. It is the fluid component that circulates
Answer: cuticle throughout the body, carries nutrients to the
cells and delivers oxygen in the tissue.
9. Nail start growing from the ___. Answer: Blood
ANSWER: Nail root
3. A tube-like structure where blood travels.
10. On your nail, what is the pale half-circle Answer: Blood vessels
part above the cuticle?
Answer: Lunula 4. What organ pumps blood to the different
parts of the body.
11. What does the nails made out of? Answer: heart
Answer: Keratin
5. The system that considered as the main
16. Why do you get goosebumps when you’re transport of the body.
cold? Answer: circulatory system
Answer: Pilomotor reflex
6. How big is human’s heart?
17. What is the deepest layer of the skin? Answer: human’s fist
Answer: subcutaneous fatty tissue
7. It is a very thin but very strong sac that
18. It refers to the moisture produce by sweat enclosed the heart.
glands. Answer: pericardium or pericardial sac
Answer: perspiration
8. It is the chamber of the heart with thicker
19. It is the inflammation of the sebaceous walls because it pumps blood to the different
glands due to increase oil production in the part of the body.
skin. Answer: ventricles
Answer: acne
9. What chamber of the heart receives oxygen-
20. What is the thickest layer of the skin? rich oxygen from the lungs?
Answer: dermis Answer: left auricle
10. What is the alternating relaxation and 25. The smallest elements in the blood that
contraction of the heart? play an important role in blood clotting.
Answer: cardiac cycle Answer: Platelets
11. What is the muscular wall that completely 26. The protein that platelets release when
separates the left and right chambers of the there is cut or damage in the blood vessels.
heart? Answer: fibrin
Answer: septum
27. It is a jelly-like red mass fibrin.
12. It is the specialized region of the heart that Answer: clot
makes sure that the heart never skips a beat?
Answer: pacemaker 28. Who first discovered blood circulation?
Answer: Dr. William Harvey
13. What circulatory circuit that transport blood
between the heart and the lungs? 29. The passageways of blood
Answer: pulmonary circuit Answer: Blood vessels
14. The circulatory circuit that transport or 30. Blood vessels that carry blood away from
carries blood between the heart and the rest of the heart.
the body and back to the heart. Answer: arteries
Answer: systemic circuit
31. Blood vessels that carry blood toward the
15. How many liters of blood that an average heart
healthy person has? Answer: veins
Answer: 4.5 to 6 liters
32. Blood vessels that allow the exchange of
16. It is a protein-rich fluid and that consists of nutrients, gases and wastes in the cells of the
plasma, RBC, WBC and platelets? body.
Answer: Blood Answer: capillaries
17. It is 55% of the blood volume, 90% water 33. Which vitamin is primarily responsible for
and 10% solute. blood clotting?
Answer: Plasma Answer: Vitamin K
18. The most abundant cells in the blood that 34. It is the exerted force as the blood flows
contains hemoglobin. inside the walls of the blood vessels
Answer: Red Blood cells Answer: blood pressure
19. What is the other name of red blood cells? 35. Instrument that measured blood pressure
Answer: Erythrocytes quickly and easily.
Answer: sphygmomanometer
20. It gives red color of the blood.
Answer: hemoglobin 36. Blood pressure 120/90
120 (systolic pressure) – higher pressure of
21. Where does hemoglobin produced? the heart that occurs during contraction of the
Answer: Red marrow of flat bones ventricles
22. It is the composition of blood that also 90 (diastolic pressure) – low pressure of the
known as leukocytes. heart that occurs when relaxed
Answer: White blood cells
37. It is the introduction of blood of a blood
23. They are the soldiers of the body because donor to the blood stream of a recipient.
they fight infections. Answer: Blood transfusion
Answer: White blood cells
38. Who performed the first human to human
24. It is a yellowish liquid consisting of dead blood transfusion?
WBC, bacteria and other foreign materials in Answer: Jean-Baptiste Denis
the blood.
Answer: pus
39. It is a specialized protein secretes by Answer: lub-dub, lub-dub
lymphocytes that help protect the body against
foreign bodies. 54. Why do blood cells do not shrink in blood?
Answer: antibodies Answer: Because blood is isotonic
40. It is a sudden rise in blood pressure. 55. Blood vessels that allows the exchange of
Answer: hypertension nutrients, gases and waste in the cells of the
41. A disease occur when there is an increase Answer: capillaries
in white blood cell.
Answer: leukemia 56. It is the inflammation of the lungs.
Answer: Pneumonia
42. It occurs when a blood clot or fat get
lodged in blood vessels. 57.
Answer: heart attack
45. It is a protein in the blood, primarily carries 2. “Baby teeth” are also known as deciduous
oxygen throughout the body. teeth. How many deciduous teeth does the
Answer: hemoglobin average person develop when young?
Answer: 20
46. What bacteria caused rheumatic fever.
Answer: streptococcus bacteria 3. What is the colored part around the pupil of
the eye?
47. What is the largest artery where oxygen- Answer: iris
rich blood from the heart flows?
Answer: Aorta 4. What is the strongest muscle in the body?
Answer: tongue
48. A hereditary blood disorder wherein blood
clots very slowly affecting only males but
transmitted in genes of females.
49. What blood cells that defend our bodies
1. It makes up most of your blood and help
against illnesses?
carry oxygen and food to the cells in your
Answer: white blood cells
body. It helps your body get rid of wastes
through urine and sweat.
50.How many coronary arteries has a human
Answer: Water
Answer: 2
2. What food nutrient is our body’s main
source of energy?
51. What is the name of the main artery that
Answer: Carbohydrates
carries blood from the heart?
Answer: Aorta
3. They are very important for building strong
52. Where are red blood cells made?
Answer: Calcium
Answer: bone marrow
4. It is a degenerative brain disorder that
53. When a physician puts a stethoscope to
causes a gradual and irreversible decline in
your chest, two sounds are heard. What
memory and eventually, the ability to care for
sounds represents the opening and closing of
the valves?
Answer: Alzheimer’s disease
5. It is a dietary-deficiency disease resulting 20. It is a condition characterized by
from inadequate intake of niacin. sleepiness, indifference, and lack of energy.
Answer: Pellagra Answer: Lethargy
15. It refers to the food that a person usually 29. This refers to the ease with which
consumes. nutrients, particularly minerals, can be
Answer: Diet absorbed from the digestive tract and utilized
by the body.
16. This vitamin is extracted from liver which is Answer: Bio-availability/Bioavailability
essential for red blood cell formation.
Answer: Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin 30. ___________ is a term to describe
minerals that are attached to other molecules
17. It is a relapse or recurrence of an illness or such as proteins or carbohydrates and used to
disease. improve the bio-availability of minerals.
Answer: Palindromia Answer: Chelates
18. It is the scientific regulation of diet in 31. These are the building blocks of fats and
treating disease. oils.
Answer: Dietotherapy Answer: Fatty Acids
19. Any substance that nourishes a person to 32. It refers to the study of measurement of the
enable him to live and grow. physical characteristics of the body such as
Answer: Food height and weight.
Answer: Anthropometry Answer: Recommended Dietary
Allowances (RDA)
33. It is the pressure of the blood on the walls
of the arteries. 46. It is the breaking down of foodstuffs in the
Answer: Blood Pressure body into a form that can be absorbed and
used or excreted.
34. _________ is the rate of energy used for Answer: Digestion
metabolism when the body is at complete rest.
Answer: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 47. It is the state of being healthy and fit,
gaining all nutrients.
35. It is an eating disorder characterized by Answer: Wellness
binge eating, sometimes followed by vomiting
or purging. 48. It is a lack of adequate fluids in the body.
Answer: Bulimia Answer: Dehydration
36. What is the natural stimulant found in 49. It is a deficiency in blood where iron level
coffee, tea, and chocolate? intake is too low.
Answer: Caffeine Answer: Anemia
37. It is the unit of heat and the measurement 50. These are foods that are supplemented
of energy. with essential nutrients in quantities greater
Answer: Calorie than already present.
Answer: Fortified Foods
38. ___________ is a monosaccharide,
sometimes known as blood sugar. 51. How do you call a healthcare professional
Answer: Glucose with training in nutrition and diet planning?
Answer: Dietician/Dietitian
39. It is the main carbohydrate in milk.
Answer: Lactose 52. _______ is the science that deals with
foods and their effects on health.
40. These refers to the substances obtained Answer: Nutrition
from food and used in the body to provide
energy and structural materials and to regulate 53. ________ is a drug or remedy used for
growth, maintenance and repair of the body’s treating illness.
tissue. Answer: Medicine
Answer: Nutrients
54. It is a lack of healthy foods in the diet, or
41. __________ is a chronic disease an excessive intake of unhealthy foods,
characterized by excessively high body fat in leading to physical harm.
relation to lean body tissue. Answer: Malnutrition
Answer: Obesity
55. What is the best way to determine the
42. It is an excess of body weight that includes nutritional status of an individual?
fat, bone, and muscle. Answer: Weighing
Answer: Overweight
56. What substance are nails made of?
43. What is the general term for the people Answer: Keratin
who exclude meat, poultry, fish, or other
animal-derived foods from their diets? 57. Dairy products are generally made from
Answer: Vegetarians what common liquid?
Answer: Milk
44. These are organic, essential nutrients
required only in small amounts. 58. He is a Polish-American chemist
Answer: Vitamins considered as the “Father of Vitamin Therapy”
and was the first to coin the term “vitamin” as
45. ________ is a guideline for the amount of vital factors in the diet.
energy and selected nutrients considered Answer: Casimir Funk
adequate to meet the nutrient needs of
practically all healthy people. 59. It is the only sugar manufactured my
Answer: Lactose 74. It is a medical condition in which the eye
fails to produce tears caused by a deficiency in
60. Axerophthol is the same as what vitamin? vitamin A.
Answer: Vitamin A Answer: Xerophthalmia
63. It is a disease caused by a deficiency of 77. What Presidential Decree, known as the
Vitamin D. “Nutrition Act of the Philippines” which created
Answer: Rickets the National Nutrition Council (NNC) as the
highest policy-making on nutrition, was
64. What vitamin is a viosterol? promulgated on 1974?
Answer: Vitamin D2 Answer: P.D. 491
78. What Executive Order, which named the
65. What nutrient is needed as the main Department of Health as the chair of the NNC?
structural component of the body? Answer: Executive Order No. 472
Answer: Protein
79. What is the process of removing harmful
66. What vitamin helps in blood clotting and is pathogens from various types of food.
known as naphthoquinone? Answer: Pasteurization
Answer: Vitamin K
80. It protects the child from measles and is
67. What vitamin is needed for a healthy given only once as early as nine months.
immune system and strong connective tissue? Answer: Measles Vaccine
Answer: Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid
81. It protects the unborn child from the
68. It is also known as tocopherol and is tetanus and is given to the mother twice.
necessary for normal reproduction. Answer: Tetanus Toxoid
Answer: Vitamin E
82. It is the current vaccine for tuberculosis.
69. What is the cheapest source of iodine in Answer: Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)
our household?
Answer: Iodized salt 83. What is the substance found in colostrum
that fights against infection and creates
70. What fruit is an alligator pear? antibodies that stimulates immunity?
Answer: Avocado Answer: Immunoglobulin
71. Who was the Philippine President who 84. ________ is a hidden hunger.
declared July as a month of nutrition? Answer: Malnutrition
Answer: Ferdinand E. Marcos
85. It is also called “Night Blindness” and is a
72. This is often marketed as “superfruits” poor vision in relatively low light.
being rich in vitamins A and C. Answer: Nyctalopia
Answer: Guava
86. Malunggay have different parts. One of
73. It is an agency of the Philippine these is the fruit/seed. For what is the use of
government under the Department of this fruit/seed?
Health responsible for creating a conducive Answer: Arthritis
policy environment for national and local
nutrition planning, implementation, monitoring 87. _________ is slowness in eating.
and evaluation, and surveillance using state-of Answer: Bradyphagia
the art technology and approaches.
Answer: National Nutrition Council (NNC) 88. A person who stores too much sugar in the
body may suffer from ___________.
Answer: Diabetes
89. Who discovered the vitamin D and the role 101. It is the process of introducing vaccine
of the vitamin in preventing rickets? into the body to stimulate the formation of
Answer: Edward Mellanby antibodies which fight germs that cause
90. What is the medical term for the Answer: Immunization
inflammation of the protective membranes
covering the brain and spinal cord, known 102. What do you call the medical condition in
collectively as the meninges? which a person’s spine is curved from side to
Answer: Meningitis side?
Answer: Scoliosis
91. ____________ is a great toe displacement
toward other toes. 103. What is the act establishing the Philippine
Answer: Hallux varus Food Fortification Program?
Answer: R.A. 8976
92. This disease happens when the flow of 104. This results from a disproportion among
oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle essential nutrients with or without the absolute
suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can’t deficiency of any nutrients.
get oxygen. Answer: Imbalance
Answer: Heart Attack
105. What is the other name for vetsin, which
93. It is a part of the vitamin B complex, which we usually used in cooking that give flavor to
is vital for red blood cells, and thus used in the the foods we eat?
treatment of pernicious and macrocytic anemia Answer: Monosodium glutamate / Sodium
and gastrointestinal disorders. glutamate
Answer: Folic Acid / Folacin / Folate /
vitamin M / vitamin B9 / vitamin Bc 106. ________ is a substance formed by
protein in the blood that is used by the immune
94. _________ means hernia of the stomach. system to identify and neutralize foreign
Answer: Gastrocele objects such as bacteria and viruses.
Answer: Antibody
95. _________ is any illness resulting from the
consumption of contaminated food or foods 107. It is the removal of mineral or calcium
which contain poisonous substances. ions from the bone or other calcified tissue to
Answer: Food Poisoning make them flexible and easy for pathological
96. What is the stable food of Filipinos that is Answer: Decalcification
served every meal?
Answer: Rice 108. These are smaller amounts of vitamins or
minerals consumed.
97. When protein reaches the intestines for it Answer: Micronutrients
to be digested, in what unit is it broken?
Answer: Amino Acid 109. What hormone is produced in the
pancreas that regulates the metabolism of
98. It is a statement or information on food glucose? [The lack of this hormone causes
labels indicating the nutrient(s) and the diabetes.]
quantity of said nutrient found or added in the Answer: Insulin
processed foods or food products.
Answer: Nutrition Facts 110. __________ are portions and types of
foods and beverages consumed on a regular
99. ________ is the addition of nutrients to basis.
processed foods or food products at levels Answer: Diet
above the natural state.
Answer: Fortification / Food Fortification 111. It is a standardized ratio of weight to
100. This is a strategy to encourage food Answer: Body Mass Index (BMI)
manufacturers to fortify processed foods or
food products with essential nutrients at levels 112. In what part of the body does digestion
approved by the Department of Health (DOH). begin?
Answer: Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program Answer: Mouth
128. _______ is a guideline for helping people
113. What group of foods builds and repairs choose a varied, balanced, and moderate diet.
worn-out tissues? Answer: Daily Food Guide
Answer: Grow Foods
129. It is a fatlike substance found only in
114. In what year was it discovered that citrus animal sources of food.
fruit juices aided in the treatment of scurvy, Answer: Cholesterol
now known as vitamin C deficiency disease?
Answer: 1720 130. What is the governmental agency
responsible for food labels?
115. What basic food group provides the body Answer: Food and Drug Administration
with heat and energy? (FDA)
Answer: Energy-Giving Foods (Go Foods)
131. These are the substances added for a
116. It is a deficiency of calcium in elderly. specific effect.
Answer: Osteoporosis Answer: Additives
132. ___________ is an excess body fat.
117. What is the poor man’s meat? Answer: Obesity
Answer: Monggo
133. How many calories are there in a pound?
118. What vitamin do we get from yellow Answer: 3,500 calories
Answer: Vitamin A 134. It is an eating disorder characterized by
an irrational fear of becoming obese.
119. What mineral makes our teeth harder? Answer: Anorexia nervosa
Answer: Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus
135. It refers to the eating of large amounts of
120. What are the water-soluble vitamins? starches on days leading up to athletic
Answer: Vitamin C and Vitamins B complex competition.
Answer: Carbohydrate Loading
121. What vitamin helps in preventing
hemorrhage and known as bandage vitamin? 136. It is when the body’s immune system
Answer: Vitamin K overreacts to food substances.
Answer: Food Allergy
122. What do you call the thrombocytes that
are tiny colorless disk-shaped and plays an 137. ___________ is using a medicine in a
important part in the clotting process? way that is not intended.
Answer: Platelets Answer: Medicine misuse
123. What do you call the cholesterol that 138. It is the ability to be physically active.
comes from food? Answer: Physical Fitness
Answer: Dietary Cholesterol
139. Of the existing 22 amino acids, how many
124. What do you call the cholesterol that are considered to be essential in the diet?
circulates in your blood? Answer: 9 amino acids
Answer: Serum Cholesterol/Blood
Cholesterol 140. What are the complex carbohydrates?
Answer: Starches
125. What is the body’s most essential
nutrient? 141. What mineral helps build red blood cells?
Answer: Water Answer: Iron
126. What are the fat-soluble vitamins? 142. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that enhances
Answer: Vitamins A, D, E, and K the absorption of calcium and therefore aids in
the formation and maintenance of bones and
127. It must accompany smart eating for teeth.
weight control. Answer: Vitamin D
Answer: Regular Exercise
143. What are the simple carbohydrates?
Answer: Sugars
144. What is the primary role of carbohydrates
in the body?
Answer: To provide energy
1. What do you call the animals with 14. Organism that has bilateral symmetry and
backbone? no digestive system, flatworms belong to this
Answer: vertebrates group.
Answer: Platyhelminthes
2. Animals without backbone is called
_________. 15. Unsegmented worms that has long, thin
Answer: invertebrates round bodies pointed at both ends and
covered by a touch cuticle. Roundworms
3. Warm blooded animals with fur and belong to this group.
mammary glands. Answer: nematodes
Answer: mammals
16. Segmented worms that has no respiratory
4. Vertebrates that have dry scaly skin, system but absorbs oxygen and gives of
covered with scales or plates, lay eggs and carbon dioxide through the thin skin.
can live both land and water. Answer: annelids
Example: turtles, crocodiles
Answer: reptiles 17. What is the largest group in the animal
5. Vertebrates that has moist skin and can live Answer: arthropods
both land and water.
Examples: frog 18. They are joint legged animals.
Answer: amphibians Answer: arthropods
6. _________ are animals that live in water 19. Arthropods are animals with bodies and
when they are young and when become old, legs made up of section and they have outside
their lungs are now developed and they can shell. What do you call the outside shell of
now live in land? arthropods?
Answer: amphibians Answer: exoskeleton
7. Vertebrates that covered with scales and 20. What group of animals that have a hard
used gills for breathing. outer body covering, have five pairs of legs ad
Answer: fish characterized by the presences of antenna
located on the head?
8. Vertebrates covered with feathers, lay eggs Example: crabs, lobster, shrimps
and adapted to flight. Answer: crustaceans
Answer: Birds
21. What animals that have 3 body parts that
9. What is the largest bird? includes the head, thorax and abdomen?
Answer: ostrich Answer: insects
10. Invertebrates that are marine animals that 22. How many legs that an insect has?
full of pores or holes. Answer: six legs
39. It is the transmission of sound waves to
23. What animals belong in arthropods that locate object, this is where bats rely to help
has 4 pairs of legs, two body segments and no them find their food.
antennae. Answer: Echolocation
Example: scorpions, spiders
Answer: arachnids 40. It is the way or biological process by which
insects develop after birth or hatching, usually
24. What do you call the animals that have accompanied by change of habitat or behavior.
hundred feet? Answer: metamorphosis
Answer: centipede
41. It refers to the total number of animals in a
25. Animals with thousand feet particular habitat or community.
Answer: millipede Answer: population
30. It is the largest animal phylum. 45. It is the structure or behavior that helps an
Answer: arthropod organism survive in its environment.
Answer: adaptation
31. Types of these animals includes the
gorilla and chimpanzee. 46. The process in which the pollens are
Answer: ape transferred from the anther to the stigma in a
32. It is the bony out-growth on the head of a Answer: Pollination
Answer: antler
36. Animals that are carnivores at some times 3. It is the transfer of solar energy from plants
and herbivore at others. to animals and eventually to decomposers
Answer: omnivores when they die.
Answer: food chain
37. Pollination by birds is called _____.
Answer: Ornithophily 4. What is the process when tissues are
breakdown to its simplest form?
38. Which insects spread kala-azar? Answer: decomposition
Answer: Sand fly
5. They are microorganisms that change
complex substances.
Answer: decomposers 20. Golden algae would be found in what
6. It is the relationship between a prey and a Answer: Protista
Answer: predation 21. The process where plants make their own
7. Relationships among living organism where Answer: Photosynthesis
they obtain their foods by living together.
Answer: symbiosis 22. The emergent, canopy and understory
layers all form part of what?
8. A kind of hunter-prey relationship between a Answer: rainforest
parasite and a host.
(Example: Tapeworm in human’s stomach, 23. What is the name given to the female part
tapeworm-parasite; human’s stomach-host) of a flower?
Answer: parasitism Answer: Pistil
9. A relationship where an organism benefits 24. What gas do plants absorb from the
from another without harming it. atmosphere?
Answer: commensalism Answer: Carbon dioxide
10. What part of the plant that receives the 25. It is the science that study plants.
pollen from the male parts of the flower? Answer: Botany
Answer: stigma
26. What kind of plants that has no roots, stem
11. Female parts of a flower that produce or leaves?
ovules that become seeds Answer: fungus
Answer: Carpels
27. What are gum trees better known as?
12. What is produce by the male parts of the Answer: Eucalyptus trees
Answer: pollen 28. What tree produces acorns?
Answer: oak tree
13. It is a plant that bears cones.
Answer: coniferous plant 29. A plant that produce seed but not fruit.
14. The interrelationship between species from Answer: mint
the Greek word that means “to live together”
Answer: symbiosis 30. Soya bean is a good source of _________.
Answer: protein
15. This type of relationship is characterized
by an organism sapping nutrients from the 31. Parthenogenesis is seen generally in what
body of a living host. fruit?
Answer: parasitism Answer: Grapes
16. In this relationship, both organisms benefit 32. Some plants grow better if bone meal is
from the relationship. spread around their roots. What does bone
Answer: mutualism meal supply to the plants that makes them
grow faster?
17. One of the partners’ benefits while the Answer: minerals
other neither helped or harmed.
Answer: commensalism 33. It is the process in which the embryo or
baby plant gets energy from the stored food in
18. A botanist calls a ripe ovule before the see and starts grow.
germination what reproductive item? Answer: Germination
Answer: seed
35. Seeds with one cotyledon.
19. Plant hormone produced in growing tips of Answer: Monocot
plant stems
Answer: auxin 36. Seeds with two cotyledon
Answer: Dicot
37. It is the outer covering of the seed. It
protects the seed from injuries.
Answer: Seed coat
3. What comet with shortest known orbital 19. What was the name of the space mission
period? that landed the first humans on the moon?
Answer: Encke’s comet Answer: Apollo 11
4. Besides hydrogen, what is the next major 20. Which planet do the moons of Phobos and
component of Jupiter’s atmosphere? Deimos belong to?
Answer: Helium Answer: Mars
5. What is the highest volcanic mountain in the 21. Which planet was the Galileo spacecraft
solar system that is located on Mars? sent to study?
Answer: Olympus Mons Answer: Jupiter
6. What is the highest mountain on Earth? 22. What part of the sun is easily visible only
Answer: Mount Everest during total solar eclipse?
Answer: Corona
7. It is a scale-like pattern of cirrocumulus
clouds that also known as “buttermilk sky”. 23. How many minutes does it take for light
Answer: mackerel sky from the Sun to reach Earth?
Answer: 5 minutes
8. Envelope of gases surrounding a planet
Answer: atmosphere 24. How many planets are there in the solar
9. What layer of the earth is inferred to be Answer: 8 planets
liquid in form?
Answer: Outer core 25. Who was the first person to land on the
10. It is the space shuttle sent to Venus to Answer: Neil Armstrong
investigate its atmosphere.
Answer: Pioneer-Venus 2 26. What is the outermost layer of the earth’s
11. Who formulated the mathematical equation Answer: crust
that probe the Big Bang Theory?
Answer: Albert Einstein
27. What is the hottest layer of the Earth’s Answer: 366 days
Answer: inner core 44. What is the imaginary line on which Earth’s
rotates on its axis?
28. What layer of the earth is inferred to be Answer: orbit
liquid in form?
Answer: outer core 45. If the earth has completed three
revolutions, how many rotations has it
29. What instrument can view the heavenly completed?
bodies clearly and without the filtering effect of Answer: 1095 ¾
Earth’s atmosphere?
Answer: space telescope 46. It is the earth’s movement on its axis.
Answer: rotation
30. What is the closest planet in the sun?
Answer: Mercury 47. It is the Earth’s rotation around the sun.
Answer: revolution
31. What is the name of the second biggest
planet in the solar system?
Answer: Saturn 48. How long does the earth travel around the
32. What is the hottest planet in our solar Answer: 365 ¼ days
Answer: Venus 49. How many seasons does the Philippines
33. What planet in famous because of its big Answer: 2 seasons (wet ad dry)
red spot?
Answer: Jupiter 50. What law that states that energy can be
transformed from one form to another, but can
34. What planet is famous for the beautiful be neither created or destroyed.
rings that surround it? Answer: Law of Conservation of Energy
Answer: Saturn
51. It is an astronomical body orbiting a star or
35. What planet is known as red planet? stellar remnant.
Answer: Mars Answer: planet
36. It is the force that holding us on Earth. 52. What is the largest star?
Answer: Gravity Answer: Eta Carinae
37. What is the name NASA’s most famous 53. It is an astronomical event that occurs
space telescope? when an astronomical object temporarily
Answer: Hubble Space Telescope obscured.
Answer: eclipse
38. In which galaxy does earth located?
Answer: Milky Way Galaxy 54. A group of star.
Answer: constellation
39. What is the first satellite sent into space?
Answer: Sputnik 55. An eclipse when the moon passes directly
behind the Earth and into its shadow.
40. Ganymede is a moon in which planet? Answer: Lunar eclipse
Answer: Jupiter
56. An eclipse when an observer on Earth
41. What is the name of Saturn’s largest passes through the shadow cast by the moon
moon? which fully or partially block.
Answer: Titan Answer: solar eclipse
42. Olympus Mons is a large volcanic 57. It is the partial shadow in an eclipse.
mountain on which planet? Answer: penumbra
Answer: Mars
43. How many days are there in a leap year?
11. Who formulated the mathematical equation
that probe the Big Bang Theory?
Answer: Albert Einstein
3. What comet with shortest known orbital 19. What was the name of the space mission
period? that landed the first humans on the moon?
Answer: Encke’s comet Answer: Apollo 11
4. Besides hydrogen, what is the next major 20. Which planet do the moons of Phobos and
component of Jupiter’s atmosphere? Deimos belong to?
Answer: Helium Answer: Mars
5. What is the highest volcanic mountain in the 21. Which planet was the Galileo spacecraft
solar system that is located on Mars? sent to study?
Answer: Olympus Mons Answer: Jupiter
6. What is the highest mountain on Earth? 22. What part of the sun is easily visible only
Answer: Mount Everest during total solar eclipse?
Answer: Corona
7. It is a scale-like pattern of cirrocumulus
clouds that also known as “buttermilk sky”. 23. How many minutes does it take for light
Answer: mackerel sky from the Sun to reach Earth?
Answer: 5 minutes
8. Envelope of gases surrounding a planet
Answer: atmosphere 24. How many planets are there in the solar
9. What layer of the earth is inferred to be Answer: 8 planets
liquid in form?
Answer: Outer core 25. Who was the first person to land on the
10. It is the space shuttle sent to Venus to Answer: Neil Armstrong
investigate its atmosphere.
Answer: Pioneer-Venus 2 26. What is the outermost layer of the earth’s
Answer: crust
43. How many days are there in a leap year?
27. What is the hottest layer of the Earth’s Answer: 366 days
Answer: inner core 44. What is the imaginary line on which Earth’s
rotates on its axis?
28. What layer of the earth is inferred to be Answer: orbit
liquid in form?
Answer: outer core 45. If the earth has completed three
revolutions, how many rotations has it
29. What instrument can view the heavenly completed?
bodies clearly and without the filtering effect of Answer: 1095 ¾
Earth’s atmosphere?
Answer: space telescope 46. It is the earth’s movement on its axis.
Answer: rotation
30. What is the closest planet in the sun?
Answer: Mercury 47. It is the Earth’s rotation around the sun.
Answer: revolution
31. What is the name of the second biggest
planet in the solar system?
Answer: Saturn 48. How long does the earth travel around the
32. What is the hottest planet in our solar Answer: 365 ¼ days
Answer: Venus 49. How many seasons does the Philippines
33. What planet in famous because of its big Answer: 2 seasons (wet ad dry)
red spot?
Answer: Jupiter 50. What law that states that energy can be
transformed from one form to another, but can
34. What planet is famous for the beautiful be neither created or destroyed.
rings that surround it? Answer: Law of Conservation of Energy
Answer: Saturn
51. It is an astronomical body orbiting a star or
35. What planet is known as red planet? stellar remnant.
Answer: Mars Answer: planet
36. It is the force that holding us on Earth. 52. What is the largest star?
Answer: Gravity Answer: Eta Carinae
37. What is the name NASA’s most famous 53. It is an astronomical event that occurs
space telescope? when an astronomical object temporarily
Answer: Hubble Space Telescope obscured.
Answer: eclipse
38. In which galaxy does earth located?
Answer: Milky Way Galaxy 54. A group of star.
Answer: constellation
39. What is the first satellite sent into space?
Answer: Sputnik 55. An eclipse when the moon passes directly
behind the Earth and into its shadow.
40. Ganymede is a moon in which planet? Answer: Lunar eclipse
Answer: Jupiter
56. An eclipse when an observer on Earth
41. What is the name of Saturn’s largest passes through the shadow cast by the moon
moon? which fully or partially block.
Answer: Titan Answer: solar eclipse
42. Olympus Mons is a large volcanic 57. It is the partial shadow in an eclipse.
mountain on which planet? Answer: penumbra
Answer: Mars
58. 11. What season is characterized with the
most amount of leaves falling from trees?
Answer: autumn
29. Global warming is caused by too much of 46. It is the branch of biology that study about
which type of gas? relationship between living things and their
Answer: Carbon dioxide environment.
Answer: Ecology
30. Which element has atomic number of 2?
Answer: Helium 47. It has the longest wave length.
Answer: Infrared radiation
31. Which metals make the strongest
magnets? 48. Bacteria that converts atmospheric
Answer: Iron nitrogen into nitrogen compound.
Answer: Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
32. What device is used to measure air
pressure? 49. At constant temperature, the product of
Answer: barometer pressure and volume of a given amount of gas
is constant, whose law is this?
Answer: Boyle’s Law
33. What two elements made up water? 50. What degree does water boils?
Answer: Hydrogen and oxygen Answer: 100 degrees Celsius
34. Which gas has the chemical formula CO? 51. In what degree that water becomes solid.
Answer: carbon monoxide Answer: 0 degree Celsius
35. Who invented the gramophone? 52. In which enzyme is Urea converted into
Answer: Thomas Edison ammonia and carbon dioxide?
Answer: Urease
36. What vitamin does sunlight provide to
human? 53. What is addictive poisonous substance can
Answer: Vitamin D be found in tobacco leaves?
Answer: Nicotine
37. What two metals combined to make
bronze? 54. Who discovered the law of gravity?
Answer: copper and tin Answer: Isaac Newton
38. Who invented the telephone? 55. Cumulus, cirrus and stratus are kinds of
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell ____.
Answer: Clouds
39. Who invented telescope?
Answer: Galileo Galilei 56. What do DNA means?
Answer: Deoxyribonucleic acid
40. Who discovered penicillin in 1928?
Answer: Alexander Fleming 57. What is the freezing point of water?
Answer: 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees
41. What is the lightest metal? Celsius
Answer: Lithium
58. What does an anemometer measure?
42. Scientists that devise the three laws of Answer: Speed of Wind
Answer: Isaac Newton 59. What is the largest flower in the world?
Answer: Rafflesia
43. What is the name of the device used to
convert sound to electricity? 60. What is the process by which plants
Answer: microphone release water from their leaves?
Answer: Transpiration
44. What is needed to change the velocity of
an object?
61. It is the process by which the condensed 76. It is a system in which energy and matter
water vapor falls back on the earth’s surface in from the sun, the atmosphere and living
the forms of rain, hail, snow and sleet. organisms penetrate and interact.
Answer: Precipitation Answer: soil
62. The process of changing water vapor in 77. It is the type of soil that is a mixture of
liquid water. sand and clay.
Answer: Condensation Answer: Loam
63. It is the process of changing liquid water 78. It is a blanket of air that surrounds the
into gas or water vapor earth.
Answer: Evaporation Answer: atmosphere
64. How do sun’s heat and light reaches the 79. It is the primary source of energy.
surface of the earth? Answer: sun
Answer: radiation
80. The sound that is reflected or returned
65. What do you call when food makes their sound.
own foods. Answer: Echo
Answer: photosynthesis
81. It is the softness and loudness of sound.
Answer: volume
66. The device used in telling the direction of
the wind? 82. What type of energy made by vibrations?
Answer: wind vane Answer: Sound
83. It is the transfer of heat from one place to
67. What is used to measure air temperature? another by movement of fluids.
Answer: thermometer Answer: Convection
68. It is the hotness and coldness of the air 84. It is the transfer of heat through solid
around us. materials.
Answer: Temperature Answer: Conduction
69. What do you call the water part of the earth 85. It is the push and pull of magnets.
or “water sphere”? Answer: magnetism
Answer: hydrosphere
86. It is the ability to do work.
70. The process in which water continuously Answer: energy
moved in the earth’s surface.
Answer: Water cycle 87. The energy from electromagnetic waves.
Answer: Radiant energy
71. What kind of water is found beneath the
earth’s surface? 88. It is the energy of a moving object.
Answer: Groundwater Answer: Kinetic energy
72. What kind of water is called hard water? 89. The energy that is stored in a substance.
Answer: Seawater Answer: Potential energy
73. What kind of water is also called surface 90. It is also called as heat energy.
water? Answer: thermal energy
Answer: Freshwater
91. Energy that stored in the bonds of
74. It is the uppermost layer of the soil. chemical compounds like atom and molecules.
Answer: Topsoil Answer: Chemical energy
75. What is the lowest layer of the soil? 92. It is the amount of moisture in the air.
Answer: Bedrock Answer: humidity