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Almaghrib Curriculum

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QRN 101
5 AQD 6 FQH SNH 101
+ + +



Islamic Theology (‘Aqīdah) Classes


AQD 101 Doctrines of Faith I An introduction to the sciences of Islamic Theology (‘aqīdah); Allāh’s
(Light of Guidance) Lordship and Right to Be Worshipped; reality and categories of tawḥīd;
concepts of shirk, kufr and nifāq.
AQD 102 God, Religion and Politics A study of contemporary theological and political issues and
in the Modern World controversies. Tackles difficult and controversial topics such as the
(No Doubt) LGBTQ movement, the rise of New Atheism, evolution and creationism,
existence of evil, political allegiances and secular feminism.
AQD 103 Living with the Names and A detailed analysis of the Names and Attributes of Allāh. Extract the
Attributes of Allāh etiquettes, wisdom, and learn about their effect on our lives.
(Valley of the Seekers)
AQD 201 Doctrines of Faith II Delves into the reality and science of Allāh’s Names and Attributes,
(Light Upon Light) types and categories, rulings pertaining to belief in them, linguistic
derivations from the Scriptures and historical survey of sectarian
differences in this topic.
AQD 202 His Majesty This class reconnects with His Majesty, Allāh, studying the linguistic
(Unlocking the Names of Allāh) roots of Allāh’s 99 Names, and how to use them in our everyday lives
and du‘ā’.
AQD 301 Doctrines of Faith III This class looks at the core components of Islamic ‘Aqīdah, focusing on
(Rays of Faith) the importance of the belief in angels, jinn, the prophets and books.
AQD 302 Doctrines of Faith III Looks into the belief in the hereafter, signs of the Day of Judgment,
(Rays of Faith) predestination, Paradise and Hell.
AQD 303 A Journey Through Heaven and Hell This class combines vivid, detailed descriptions of Heaven and Hell into
(Forever) an easy-to-follow, story-format narrative. It explains the essential ‘Aqīdah
and theological issues surrounding life beyond the grave.
AQD 304 Study of Shayṭān Comprehensive study of Shayṭān. Goes into detail on Shayṭān’s history,
(Also (Deception) his status, helpers and abilities. Provides tools to cure and protect from
ELC 108) the whisperings of Shayṭān, black magic, evil eye, fears, etc.
AQD 401 Doctrines of Faith IV Delves into the importance of following the Sunnah and following the
(Darkness to Light) methodology of the salaf. Explains the concept of bid’ah, taqwa, īmān,
and the way of ahl’l-sunnah wa’l-jamā‘ah in relation to practical and
theological issues.
AQD 402 Signs of the Last day A study of the Major and Minor signs of the Last Day without a fatalistic
(All Around Us) mindset. Distinguishes fact from fiction and interprets events within the
classical understanding of texts pertaining to the end of times.
AQD 403 The Purification of the Soul A study and analysis of the concept of purification of the heart and soul
(A Heart Serene) and spirituality in Islam.

Ethics (Adab) Classes


ADB 101 Islamic Code of Ethics This class looks into the concept of ethics in Islam and how to embody
(Rules of Engagement) the true character of a Muslim by bettering our relationships and how
we engage with others.
ADB 201 Islamic Code of Ethics This class is designed to teach the eternal morals and principles which
(Art of Manners) will always be visible in your actions, as well as how to improve your
overall character in the hope of attaining happiness in this life and the
ADB 202 The Muslim Family Based on This class combines Adab, Fiqh and practical advice governing family
Al-Adab Al-Mufrad relations and problems between parents, children, siblings, spouses
(Protect This House) and in-laws. Dives into parenting and educational psychology along with
issues such as principles in disciplining children and their right to Islamic
ADB 203 The Muslim Family in This class combines Adab, Fiqh and practical advice governing family
the Modern World relations and problems between parents, children, siblings, spouses
(Protect This House) and in-laws in the modern world. Dives into parenting and educational
psychology along with issues such as principles in disciplining children
and their right to Islamic education.


Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) Classes


FQH 101 Fiqh of Worship I Covers in detail the principles and rulings covering types of water, pure/
(The Purification Act) impure substances, wudū’, ghusl, tayammum, etiquettes, feminine
hygiene, menstruation, postpartum rulings and much more.
FQH 102 Fiqh of Worship I (Ṭahārah) Delves into the principles and rulings covering purification: the types of
(The Purification Act II) water, pure/impure substances, wudū’, ghusl, tayammum, the nullifiers,
etiquettes, the prohibited matters and more.
FQH 201 Fiqh of Worship II (Ṣalāh) Explains the rulings of adhān and provides detailed description of
(Divine Link) the various types of prayer such as congregational prayer, Jumu‘ah,
voluntary prayers, and prayer for those who have special needs.
FQH 202 Fiqh of Worship III (Death) Provides detailed information on the funeral prayer and procedure
(The Last Breath) (janāzah) and the procedure of wills, outlining the rules of inheritance and
rulings pertaining to illness.
FQH 203 Entertainment & Recreation in Islam An open look on the fiqh of entertainment, recreation and enjoyment in
(Also (Fiqh of Chillin’) Islam. Provides a review of the recreational pastimes of the ṣaḥābah as
ELC 105) examples.

FQH 301 Fiqh of Worship IV Covers the types and rules of charity (zakāh), fasting, pilgrimage (Ḥajj),
(Rizq Factory) rules pertaining to sacrificial animals, oaths and vows.
FQH 302 Fiqh of Marriage Goes through the rules of marriage and divorce; sexual intimacy;
(Fiqh of Love) Prophetic example of marriage; child custody.
FQH 303 Fiqh of Food & Dress Rulings regarding slaughtering animals (dhabh); hunting; permissible and
(Precious Provisions) impermissible foods; male clothing and external appearance; female
clothing, ḥijāb and external appearance.
FQH 304 Fiqh of Worship IV (Fasting & Zakāh) Delves into the classical and contemporary Zakāh rulings and principles
(Detox) and the Fiqh of Fasting.
FQH 305 A to Z of Women’s Modern Fiqh An A to Z of women’s modern fiqh covered in this unique single
(Also (Complicated?) weekend seminar. This class erases the confusion around women’s fiqh,
ELC 102) providing answers to classical fiqh questions like menstruation, ḥijāb and
worship, as well as modern questions like public speaking, activism and
career aspirations.
FQH 306 Fiqh of Du‘ā’ & Dhikr A seminar that will enable students to understand the deeper meaning
(24-7) of daily dhikr and Fiqh rulings pertaining to it. Discover the proper
etiquette of dhikr and feel the power of du‘ā’ as you learn how to
implement both in your daily life.
FQH 401 Fiqh of Money & Transactions A look at classical Islamic Economics with modern examples of business
(Pure Paisa) transactions and the concept of usury (riba).
FQH 402 Fiqh of Earning & Spending Everything you need to know about your money issues and how to keep
(Pure Paisa 2.0) it ḥalāl; personal finance and business transactions and understanding
prohibitions in financial contracts.
FQH 403 Culture, Identity & Fashion This seminar dives into modern and contentious issues surrounding
(Trends) clothing and culture that Muslims face in the Western world while
discussing classical Islamic positions and sources.

Legal Theory (Uṣūl’l-Fiqh) Classes


USL 101 Evolution of Fiqh A historical analysis of the development of Islamic jurisprudence and
(The Code Evolved) legal theory, and a survey of the development of the legal schools.
USL 201 Islamic Legal Theory I A study of Islamic rulings and their sources, and an introduction to the
(Code of Scholars) science of Islamic Legal Theory.
USL 301 Islamic Legal Theory II A study of the methodology by which rulings can be derived from the
(Decoded) text and resolving any conflict and contradiction between evidences.
The rulings of ijtihād and taqlīd (personal reasoning and imitation). The
etiquettes of fatwa and its rulings and an introduction to Islamic Legal
Maxims (qawā‘id).

Qur’ānic Sciences (Ulūm’l-Qur’ān) Classes


QRN 101 Sciences of the Qur’ān Introduction to the field of Qur’ānic Sciences (ulūm’l-Qurān), The
(Route 114) Revelation (al-waḥy), the causes of revelation (asbāb’l-nuzūl), the
compilation of the Qur’ān, and the concept of aḥruf & qira’āt. A critical
analysis of English translations and special emphasis on modern
Orientalist thought.
QRN 102 The Art of Contemplating the Qur’ān Introduction to the Science of Tafsīr, principles and guidelines on
(Also (Lost in Translation) developing a relationship with the Qur’ān for people of all abilities.
ELC 106)

QRN 201 Selective Tafsīr Juz’ ‘Amma Explanation with lessons and wisdom derived from selected sūrahs from
(Touched by an Angel) Juz’ ‘Amma.
QRN 202 Selective Tafsīr Sūrat’l-Baqarah Explanation with lessons and wisdom derived from selected verses from
(Breach of Covenant) Sūrat’l-Baqarah.
QRN 203 Selective Tafsīr Juz’ Tabārak This class focuses on the linguistics of the sūrahs from Juz’ Tabārak,
(Eternal Journey) giving important insights in the etymology of the Arabic words used.
Focuses primarily on the Hereafter, the terrible fate for those who
rejected the message of the prophets, the Jinn and the true reality of
QRN 204 Tafsīr Sūrat’l-Kahf Explanation of the verses of Sūrat’l-Kāhf. Delves into the parables and
(Echoes of a Cave) stories related to us and their practical life-changing lessons such as
tests of youth, friendship, faith, wealth, knowledge and power and the
trials of the Dajjāl and Gog and Magog.
QRN 205 Tafsīr Sūrat Yūsuf Study of the in-depth tafsīr of the story of Yūsuf, extracting practical
(Beautiful Patience) life lessons such as practicing patience, resisting temptation,
choosing mercy over revenge, prophetic parenting advice, and self-
empowerment, among many others.
QRN 301 Thematic Tafsīr Introduction to the methodologies of the mufasirīn and the history of
(Heavenly Hues) tafsīr followed by a selective thematic study of the Qur’ān.
QRN 302 Tafsīr Sūrat’l-Raḥmān and Ya Sīn Explanation with lessons and wisdom derived from Sūrat’l-Raḥmān
(Denial) and Ya Sīn, two of the most oft-recited sūrahs for their beauty and
virtue. This class looks into their linguistically complex compositions and
reasons of revelation.
QRN 303 Tafsīr Sūrat’l-Nūr A study of the Sūrah, Sūrat’l-Nūr, and the lessons derived from the
(Confidential) stories within, such as with the slander of ‘Ā’ishah (raḍyAllāhu ‘anha),
the rulings around zina, the punishment of adultery, alongside an
explanation to the most beautiful verse, the Verse of Light.
QRN 304 The Tafsīr of Selected Verses of Learn from the House of ‘Imrān, the stories of Badr and Uḥud, unity and
Sūrat Āle-‘Imrān solidarity in community, responding to propaganda, resisting Shayṭān,
(Fitnah) and the power of du‘ā’. This chapter is a true cure and recovery guide
for all those who are suffering.


QRN 305 Once Upon the Nile Learn the many elements and characters involved in Mūsa’s action-
(The Epic of Moses) packed life and find their parallels to your personal struggles. This class
compiles all the verses pertaining to Mūsa chronologically, studies their
context, linguistic genius, and subtle differences.
QRN 306 Purified Explanation with lessons and wisdom derived from Sūrat Maryam.
(A Study of Sūrat Maryam)

Ḥadīth Sciences (Ulūm’l-Ḥadīth) Classes


SNH 101 Sciences of Ḥadīth The legal status of the Sunnah; history of its compilation; famous
(Chain of Command) scholars of ḥadīth, their works and methodologies, introduction to the
sciences of ḥadīth and its narrators (rijāl).
SNH 201 40 Ḥadīth of al-Nawawi A close study and analysis of a selection of the 40 ḥadīth collected by
(Sacred Scrolls) al-Imām al-Nawawi.
SNH 202 Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāri A close study and analysis of selections from Ṣaḥīh al-Bukhāri.
(Collector’s Edition)
SNH 203 Into The Mirror Uncover the roadmaps to spiritual, intellectual and personal growth
(Seeking Spiritual, Personal, Intellectual embedded in Ṣaḥīh Muslim. From the Imām’s aḥādīth covering the
Growth Through Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim) life and teachings of our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), to the
exceptional life of Imām Muslim himself, uncover the ails of your heart,
and learn how to embody the Sunnah and ḥadīth in your daily life.

Islamic History (Sīrah and Tarikh) Classes


HST 101 Sīrah This course analyzes and provides an overview of the life and Sīrah of
(The Shepherd’s Path) the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and his companions and the
examples and lessons learnt from them.
HST 102 Succession A study of the lives of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (radhyAllāhu ‘anhum) as role
(The Rise of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar) models who embodied the message of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
sallam), becoming righteous successors whose actions were equal to
their statements, in spite of their imperfections. Learn how to implement
the ideals of this faith by overcoming your own imperfections.


HST 103 Shamā’il (Characteristics) of The rights of the Messenger of Allāh. A detailed physical and moral
Muhammad (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa description of the Prophet Muhammad (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam),
sallam) exclusive attributes and evidences of his Prophethood.
(The Prophet’s Smile)
HST 201 History of the Khulafā’ A study of the lives of the four Caliphs.
HST 202 Lives of the Companions and Ahl’l- Introduction to the status of the companions and ahl’l-bayt (the
Bayt Prophet’s family). Study of the lives of selected companions of the
(On the Shoulders of Giants) Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam).
HST 203 Making of the Modern Muslim World An overview of the period from the Ottomans until present, with a
(Islam Invulnerable) particular emphasis on understanding the historical background of
modern conflicts in the Muslim world.
HST 204 Islamic History in Africa, Andalus, An extensive analysis of Islamic history in three Western continents.
and the Americas
(Western Sunrise)
HST 205 Muslims in the Americas This course discovers the early Muslims in the Americas before the time
(Deeper Roots) of Columbus right up to the slavery period. Looks at how those Muslims
played a part in building the foundations of Muslims today in America.
HST 206 Islamic History in Ethiopia, al- An extensive analysis covering the Islamic period from the first hijrah
(Also Andalus and North/West Africa to Abyssinia, the rise and fall of Islamic Spain and the various Islamic
ELC 111) (New Dawn) empires. Provides a historical narrative and explores issues of identity,
race and power that underpin the economic, social and political
discourse of our times.
HST 207 The Living Legacy of the Ṣaḥābah A class dedicated to the lives and legacy of the Ṣaḥābah (raḍyAllāhu
(Also (Shadows in the Sun) ‘anhum) focusing on companions with specific roles during the time of
ELC 112) the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and the righteous Caliphs that
followed. Looks at the lives of the first Qur’ān reciters, female teachers,
and those who fought alongside Angels.
HST 208 Scholars of Islam An analysis of the lives of selected influential people from various stages
(Also (Torch Bearers) of Islamic scholarship and eras, from different backgrounds, cultures,
ELC 104) wealth and social standings.
HST 301 The Makkan Seerah Study the volatile phase of the Prophet’s (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) life
(Desert Rose) from birth to hijrah. This seminar sets the scene for the coming of the
final messenger who raises the greatest generation of Muslims amidst a
backwards society and intense persecution.
HST 302 Madinan Seerah Study the transformational phase of the Prophet’s life from hijrah to his
(Homecoming) death (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam).
HST 401 Nation Builders Critical approach to the stories and lessons from the lives of the
(Stories of the Prophets I) Prophets mentioned in the Qur’ān.
HST 402 Nation Builders Critical approach to the stories and lessons from the lives of the
(Stories of the Prophets II) Prophets mentioned in the Qur’ān.

Homiletics (Methodology of Da’wah)


DWH 101 The Fiqh of Da‘wah Covers the methodology of da‘wah, character of dā’iyah, etiquettes of
(Shahādah) dialogue and debate, interfaith programs, da‘wah techniques and the
history of modern da‘wah movements.


ELC 101 Marriage and Family Life Love in Islam, spousal relations, and etiquettes of family life. Drawn
(Love Notes) from the classical work of Ibn Ḥazm’s Ṭawq’l-Ḥamāmah, this course is
designed to clear major misconceptions and provide guidance to those
vested in marriage, parents and community leaders.
ELC 102 A to Z of Women’s Modern Fiqh An A to Z of women’s modern fiqh covered in this unique single
(Also (Complicated?) weekend seminar. This class erases the confusion around women’s fiqh,
FQH 305) providing answers to classical fiqh questions like menstruation, ḥijāb and
worship, as well as modern questions like public speaking, activism and
career aspirations.
ELC 103 An In-Depth Study of the Spiritual A unique Purification of the Soul class. Primarily based on Mukhtasar
Practices of the Best Generations Minhāj’l-Qāsidīn (The Methodology of The Seekers) by Imām Ibn
(Behind the Scenes) Qudāmah al-Maqdisi.
ELC 104 Scholars of Islam An analysis of the lives of selected influential people from various stages
(Also (Torch Bearers) of Islamic scholarship and eras.
HST 208)

ELC 105 Entertainment & Recreation in Islam An open look at the fiqh of entertainment, recreation and enjoyment in
(Also (Fiqh of Chillin’) Islam. Provides a review of the recreational pastimes of the ṣaḥābah as
FQH 203) examples.
ELC 106 The Art of Contemplating the Qur’ān This seminar discusses best practices on how to interact with the
(Also (Lost in Translation) Qur’ān with respect to its recitation, interpretation and contemplation.
QRN 102) Learn tools to decipher verse structures, repetition of key phrases and
patterns, and thematic relationships.
ELC 107 Foundations For Clarifying Textual A study of the most commonly misinterpreted source texts in Islam,
Misinterpretation refuting doubts, and developing a methodology for understanding texts.
(Firm Ground)
ELC 108 Study of Shayṭān Comprehensive study of Shayṭān. Goes into detail on Shayṭān’s history,
(Also (Deception) his status, helpers and abilities. Provides tools to cure and protect from
AQD 304) the whisperings of Shayṭān, black magic, evil eye, fears, etc.

ELC 109 Principles in Spiritual Development Study of Spiritual Development. This class reaffirms the primacy of
(Transformed) the heart as the physical, spiritual and emotional center of all humans.
Covers the differences between love and attachments, various types
of relationships and how they affect the heart, and practical advice to
improve your relationship with Allāh.
ELC 110 Life & Leadership Lessons from 1 credit elective
Women in the Qur’ān
(I Am Her)
ELC 111 Islamic History in Ethiopia, An extensive analysis covering the Islamic period from the first hijrah
(Also al-Andalus and North/West Africa to Abyssinia, the rise and fall of Islamic Spain and the various Islamic
HST 206) (New Dawn) empires. Provides a historical narrative and explores issues of identity,
race and power that underpin the economic, social and political
discourse of our times.
ELC 112 The Living Legacy of the Ṣaḥābah A class dedicated to the lives and legacy of the Ṣaḥābah (raḍyAllāhu
(Also (Shadows in the Sun) ‘anhum) focusing on companions with specific roles during the time of
HST 207) the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and the righteous Caliphs that
followed. Looks at the lives of the first Qur’ān reciters, female teachers,
and those who fought alongside Angels.


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