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Literature Review On Cocacola

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Founded in 1886 in Atlanta, Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer

and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, used to produce more than 230
beverage brands. It is also the world’s most inclusive brand and company.

It has already ventured regionally out of Atlanta to other states of United States since the late
19th century and its signature contour bottle was first manufactured in the early 20th century to
distinguish themselves and assuring the genuine Coca-Cola. Though the company grew rapidly
and roared into some European countries during the 1900s, its presence worldwide grew swiftly
only after World War II.

Year after year, the company has been discovering new foreign markets to bring higher profits as
to fulfill its ultimate obligation to provide consistently attractive returns to the owners of the
company and to enlarge its customer base in order to achieve economics of scale. Due to strong
competition with Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola wants to reduce its dependence on United States
market, which is their similar domestic market, as to reduce its risk and increase its global
market share by going international. Presently, the company has already reached six billion
consumers in nearly two hundred countries.

Coca-Cola Company has been very successful in international marketing effort. Aggressive
advertising, branding and market segmentation have played an important part in the success. It
has portrayed itself as fun, playfulness, freedom, lifestyle and the international appeal of Coca-
Cola was embodied by a 1971 commercial, where a group of young people from all over the
world to a hilltop in Italy to sing “I’ll like to buy the world a Coke”.

The company has been sponsoring big events, like Olympics, Sea Games, FIFA Cup,
International Film Festivals all over the world to create awareness, credibility and to brand itself
as world-class company. It also makes big donations to organizations, charities and involvement
in the communities. These activities have aided Coca-Cola in creating a positive image and
consumers’ perception toward the company.

Though the company makes the world its target market, segmenting by diverse consumer
preferences would still required to help Coca-Cola to serve the consumers better. As different
segments of different countries have various preferences or cultures, Coca-Cola tried to expand
with new flavors, brands and even reduced the sugar contents in its Coke, to suit all the different
segments. This often increases the acceptance of new drinks that are specially designed for them.

Coca-Cola entered foreign markets in various ways. The most common modes of entry are direct
exporting, licensing and franchising.

Besides beverages and their special syrups, Coca-Cola also directly exports its merchandise to
overseas distributors and companies. Other than exporting, the company markets internationally
by licensing bottlers around the world and supplying them with the syrup needed to produce the
There are different types of franchising. The type that is used by Coca-Cola Company is
manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise system. It is very comparable to licensing but the
only difference is that the finished products are sold to the retailers in local market.

Foreign environment factors have influenced the Coca-Cola’s strategies in international

marketing. Culture has a tremendous effect on people’s preferences and perception. Language is
one of the aspects of culture that marketers must take care of, in term of translating product
name, slogans and promotional messages so as not to convey the wrong meaning. Coca-Cola did
not look much into this aspect when entering into the markets of countries like China and Taiwan
as the literal translation of Coca-Cola in Chinese characters mean, “bite the wax tadpole”.

Political structure and legal considerations also have impinged on Coco-Cola Company’s
strategies. Governments of some Arab nations boycotted Coca-Cola’s products due to a political
dispute and discontented with the company for maintaining distributors in Israel.

Changes are necessary in international marketing for consumer’s products, as it is important that
the products suit one’s taste, preferences and fulfill one’s needs. Coca-Cola has continued
changing, improving and developing new drinks to appeal to local tastes.

After discovering that Coke did not appeal as much to Japanese consumers, Coca-Cola
developed over 30 new drinks for the Japanese market, which inclusive of Asian tea, English tea,
coffee and fermented-milk drink.

In China, Coca-Cola has also begun the similar strategy of introducing beverages developed for
the taste buds of local market. It launched a fruit juice drink called Tian Yu Di (Heaven and
Earth) specifically for the Chinese market with planning of introducing the market with a
Chinese iced tea and soy milk drink.

Being flexible and willing to change to satisfy consumers’ needs, has enabled Coca-Cola to
exploit the economies of scale that was gained by its global marketing and at the same time
making its products appeal to local taste, which these have earned the company an enormous
profits quarterly.

As Coca-Cola has expanded over the decades or even nearly a century, the company has
benefited from the various cultural insights and perspectives of the societies in which business is
done. No doubt of the remarkable experience it has, it is still very committed to local markets, to
paying attention to what people from different cultures and backgrounds like to drink, and where
and how they like to drink it, to remain competitive and to develop more new drinks to satisfy its

Now, the estimated brand equity of Coca-Cola is $84billion, market share of more than 50
percent in beverage industry globally and about 70 percent of its income comes from countries
outside United States. Every 10 seconds, 126,000 people in the whole world, choose to reach out
for one of The Coca-Cola Company brands, and it is the company’s mission to make that choice
exciting and satisfying, every single time.
Not only to make great drinks, Coca-Cola is also determined to contribute to communities
around the world through its commitments to education, health, wellness, and diversity and
consistently shaping its business decisions to improve the quality of life in the communities in
which the company do business.


A Comparative Analysis on Consumption Pattern of Cold Drink and Fruit Juice


Consumption may be defined as

u s e o f final goodsby aconsumer until disposal. final goods aregoodst h a t ar e u l t i ma t e l y

c o ns um e d r a t h e r t ha n u s ed i n t h e p ro du c t i o n o f another good.A pattern is the
repeated or regular way in which something happens or isdone.The research is
regarding consumption pattern of cold drink and fruit juice.In cold drink specially Coca
cola is taken into consideration and in fruit juice specially Tropicanao f m a n g o
fl av o u r i s t a k e n i n t o c o n s i d e r a t i o n . A f a r a s b e v e r a ge s i s
c o n c e r n e d consumption pattern of Indian people are changing day by day .In
spite of awareness byd i f f e r en t gr o u p s t ha t co n s umi n g c ol d d r i n k i s no t go od
f o r h e a l t h , p eo pl e sp e c i a l l yyoungesters prefer cold drink to fruit juice.There are
many youngesters and middle andold age group person give importance to fruit
juice because of rising level of healthc o n s c i ou sn es s . T h e p u rp o s e o f w r i t i n g
t his l i t e ra t u r e r e v i ew i s t o m ak e com pa r i s i o n between coca cola and tropica of
mango flavour as far as consumption is concerned.

Literature Review

Fruit drinks are popularly used in most urban households.If we go in history then we seethe use
of fruit juices began with consumption of orange juice, as a source of vitamin C to prevent
scurvy disease. However, today markets are flooded with a large variety of juices


., mango, apple, guava, litchi, grape, pineapple, etc. The main reason for
increasedconsumption of fruit juices is changing lifestyles and rising level of health
consciousnessamong consumers and parents. They believe that these drinks provide
superior nutrition be ca u s e o f t h ei r f o rt i f i e d s t at u s a n d h i g h b e v er a g e
c o s t . C h i l d p r e fe r e n ce , e a s y availability, convenience, naturalness and
marketing strategies have given fruit drink industry a booming growth. Few months
before it was in news that cold drinks possesses pesticides which further augmented sales of fruit

Indian Pediatrics 2008; 45: 215-217.

Fruit drinks, if consumed in appropriate quantity, can be a part of balanced die t

for children, and are not always harmful. Studies have shown that vitamin C and
flavinoidsin juices have beneficial long term health effects like decreasing the risk
of cancer andheart disease.Vitamin C by increasing iron absorption to almost
double can reduce thei n c i d e n c e o f a n e m i a i n p o p u l a t i o n
c o n s u m i n g d i e t w i t h l o w i r o n c o n t e n t a n d bioavailability. However,
the awareness and education of these details is lacking among general
population.Brand persona is most effective factor that affects brand
preference.Brand persona deals with personality aspects or the external attributes of brand.
Many people think only cold drink quenches thirst fruit juice is just for
health.When we talk about taste and preferences people normally prefer cold drink
to fruit juice. Consumers prefer any beverage by looking at external attributes of a product

(Journal of IMS,Vol 5, No.1,Jan-June 2008)

The intensity of colour (43%) and the flavour (32%) are the keydrivers behind
consumer acceptance of beverages

A s f a r as c ol d dr i nk i s c on c e rn e d people give first preference to brand ambassador

then taste and finally give importance to

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