CPS 2006 3 High
CPS 2006 3 High
CPS 2006 3 High
every individual.
16 Queensberry Place
London SW7 2EB, UK phone: 020 7589 3292
from simple concentration on the heart, through cosmic consciousness, to the ultimate mystical 6 October 2006 (Friday)
experience - the illuminated heart. This evening seminar will give a beginning experience of HRM
that you can then practise at home.
Spirituality Beyond Religion CYGNUS REVIEW LECTURE
Pierre Pradervand
Puran and Susanna Bair are the co-authors of Living from the Heart, a book hailed as a “classic
text in meditation.” They are also co-founders of the Institute for Applied Meditation, an inter- Could religions be supplanted by a universal spirituality? Religions have played an indispensable
national school based in the U.S. that offers a complete curriculum in heart-centered personal rôle over the centuries in helping humanity develop moral guidelines. However, they have also
development. They have been students of universal mysticism for 35 years, and teachers for been at the source of immense suffering. People are coming to understand that it is not the label
the last 25 years. you carry on your sleeve that counts so much as the love and spirit of service one expresses in
daily life.
7pm – 9pm £6 (Non-Members £10)
Modern science has shown that the universe is based on laws. However, laws also exist on the
spiritual level, and the existence of these laws could form the foundation of a universal spiritual-
26 September 2006 (Tuesday) CPD ity, starting with the law of love.
Soul Memories Between Lives GWEN TATE LECTURE Author of The Gentle Art of Blessing, Pierre is an inspiring speaker who lives in Geneva, where he
runs workshops on more value-centred living.
Andy Tomlinson
In deep hypnosis people are able to go beyond remembering a past life and recall in great detail 7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6)
their soul memories between lives. These typically include leaving the physical body after death,
reviewing the past life with a spirit guide and working co-operatively with other souls. Of particular
importance is a meeting with spirits of light that have evolved beyond the need to reincarnate, that 10 October 2006 (Tuesday)
help in the planning for each new life.
The New Group of World Servers
Several thousand clients, working with Dr Michael Newton and other between-life therapists,
William Meader
have now experienced this type of regression. The extent and consistency of this work is providing
remarkable, objective evidence for the existence of the soul and reincarnation. Tonight Andy will In this lecture the nature and role of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) will be examined.
draw from his own case studies, and refer to his research which has opened up new exciting areas As forerunners of the Light, this worldwide group acts as the intermediary between humanity
of knowledge about the working of the spirit realms. The talk will be accompanied by a short video and the guiding Masters of Wisdom found upon the inner planes. Though most are unaware
of a client recalling the soul memories. of their membership in this group, such people are found in every nation, race and religious
background. They are people who are inspired by the soul (higher consciousness), and are
Andy Tomlinson is a qualified psychotherapist and director of training for the Past Life Regres-
dedicated to contributing to the betterment of the human condition in some way. In this talk,
sion Academy. He is the author of the book Healing the Eternal Soul – Insights from Past Life and
William will discuss the origin and nature of the NGWS, as well as the spiritual techniques they
Spiritual Regression.
utilise on behalf of humanity’s upliftment. He will also present a comparison between Piscean
and Aquarian forms of service, and how the Will-to-Good is emerging as a transforming force
7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6)
in the world.
For over twenty years, William Meader has been a student and teacher of the Esoteric Philoso-
3 October 2006 (Tuesday)
phy. Much of his work has been focused on the subjects of White Magic, Esoteric Astrology and
Universal Laws and Activating the Rod of Power the Science of the Seven Rays. He is an experienced teacher of various meditation practices
and the author of Shine Forth: The Soul’s Magical Destiny. At present he is teaching in the United
Dr. Norma Milanovich
States, Canada, England, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand.
This lecture instructs on the process of becoming the Adam Kadmon – the superhuman
destined to walk the Earth in the Seventh Golden Age – through understanding Universal 7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6)
Laws and Activating the Rod of Power. Learn the traits of the Adam Kadmon, activate personal
power points, use power appropriately, replace the will of the ego with the will of the Higher
17 October 2006 (Tuesday)
Self, integrate the curricula of the 12 Rays with everyday life, and understand and use Universal
Laws. Participants will enjoy a focused setting designed to stimulate a motivational desire to The Intuitive Kabbalah
Soizic Aureli
Designed by the Ascended Masters, the curriculum will assist participants to weave their person-
In tonight’s talk Soizic will introduce us to the Tree of Life, the map of consciousness which is
ality traits into the greater tapestry of the oversoul of the Adam Kadmon.
found at the heart of the esoteric Judeo-Christian tradition of the Kabbalah. However the Tree
Dr. Norma Milanovich is a source of inspiration worldwide through her workshops, lectures, transcends religion, offering a unique method for understanding all aspects of ourselves and
sacred journeys and her books, such as The Light Shall Set You Free and We, The Arcturians. teaching universal spiritual laws that will transform our lives. The Tree is a path which can con-
nect our inner world and outer world and guide us to receive answers which the mind cannot
7pm – 9pm £6 (Non-Members £10) give. Come and discover how to read this singularly powerful map and learn the spiritual laws
LECTURES w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk LECTURES
it describes. Soizic will also be presenting a three day intensive course in Intuitive Kabbalah for a 7 November 2006 (Tuesday)
small group of individuals who are committed to self-discovery and change (see page 24).
The Science of Oneness
Soizic Aureli is a Psychosynthesis Counsellor who has worked with groups and individuals for 25
Malcolm Hollick
years in Europe, America and Australia. She has been working with the Kabbalah for 17 years and
teaches the Tree of Life in a very intuitive way. Mystics have always experienced the Oneness of all existence. Many branches of modern sci-
ence, from physics and cosmology through biology and ecology to chaos theory, reveal a similar
7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6) reality. By combining experiential, spiritual and intellectual ways of knowing we gain a deeper
understanding of this unity and its significance for our lives. We discover that we co-create the
24 October 2006 (Tuesday) world with each other and Spirit, and hence are collectively responsible for guiding the evolution
of Gaia into the ways of love and wisdom, beauty and truth.
Demonstration of Mediumship
An academic for 25 years who now lives in the Findhorn Community, Malcolm Hollick is author
Donna Stewart of The Science of Oneness: A Worldview for the Twenty-First Century. Tonight he will introduce the
Donna Stewart has been a medium since childhood, and has been working professionally for subject briefly, and then lead two meditative journeys into Oneness based on the insights of
almost ten years. Her aim is to reunite loved ones with those who have passed. Her inspiring modern sciences - first inwards into the heart of ourselves and then out into the Cosmos. These
demonstrations combine warmth, humour and unquestionable proof that life continues after meditations will be followed by a time of sharing and discussion of our experiences.
physical death. Donna teaches at the College and also throughout the UK and internationally.
She is also a registered approved Medium with The Institute of Spiritualist Mediums. Her televi- 7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6)
sion appearances include 6ixth Sense and Psychic Detective.
14 November 2006 (Tuesday) CPD
7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6)
The Alchemy of Voice
27 October 2006 (Friday) CPD Stewart Pearce
The Vertebrae – Our Column of Energy Our voices have a wondrous power to affect our whole inner being and therefore to bring healing to
ourselves and others. Ancient sages regarded this power as an essential part of creation, they called
Stefan Rippel
it Persona. Tonight one of the world’s leading voice coaches will take you on a journey to discover
The vertebral column is the main energetic channel of our body. Stefan will give an overview of the force that Orpheus used! Transform and enrich your life through the power of your voice.
this on different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. He will focus on the anatomy
Stewart Pearce is a Voice Alchemist. Two of the prestigious positions he holds are ‘Master of Voice’
and physiology of the vertebra and how our emotional and mental patterns cause problems with
at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and ‘Head of Voice’ at the Drama Centre London. Stewart also
its flexibility which in turn will limit our ability to perceive and transfer energies. On a spiritual
trained the presenters for the London 2012 Olympic Bid – a successful sounding if ever there was
level you will be shown how the raising of the snake power, which is the transformation of ener-
one! His book The Alchemy Of Voice was published in 2005.
gies to higher states of consciousness, is described and used by different ancient cultures, such as
the Chinese and Egyptians. See page 22 for Stefan’s bio and information on his workshop.
7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6)
7pm – 8.30pm £4 (Non-Members £6)
21 November (Tuesday)
31 October 2006 (Tuesday)
The Meaning of Hallowe’en – The Old Ways Explained Richard Beaumont
Edwin Courtenay
The Human Design System is a synthesis of astrology, the I Ching and genetics. It accurately
Tonight Edwin will focus on witchcraft from a spiritual perspective and explain Wicca as a nature describes the unique aspects we each have as individuals. It is the science of understanding
based religion which recognises the Divine as both male and female. He will lift the cauldron lid how each of us has incarnated with a particular blueprint for our life. To consciously know our
on many misconceptions regarding curses, broom-stick riding and naked nature rituals, as well particular pattern gives us the information required to live according to ‘who we are’, thereby
as explaining the relevance of traditions associated with Samhein, or Halloween, which is a major reducing the resistance commonly encountered in our lives. In this class you will receive both
festival in the Wiccan calendar. The evening will culminate in a small ritual to open the gateway an overview and some in-depth insights into how the Human Design System works and what
to the “otherworld” - a traditional practice on Samhein, enabling participants to commune with it can do for you.
their ancestors and loved ones who have gone before, in Spirit.
In 1987 Richard co-founded Kindred Spirit magazine, the UK’s leading guide to mind, body and
Edwin Courtenay is a non-traditional, self-initiated, solitary practitioner of Wicca, a witch with spirit. He has been the editor-in-chief for almost two decades. Now, as head of the national
almost twenty years’ experience of his craft. organisation, he is passionate about getting the Human Design System more widely known.
Colour is the language of our chakras and of consciousness. Tonight, Martin’s talk will reveal what Awaken The Psychic Within – Stage 1
our relationship to certain colours means for particular parts of our consciousness. The key to Tracey Ash-Ingley
understanding the language of colour is through the chakras. Martin will also lead us in a guided
visualisation to explore the colour state of our chakras and explain how this relates to what is We all have innate intuitive and psychic abilities which can be activated and developed. This
currently happening in our consciousness and what effect this has upon our bodies. workshop will explore your psychic potential and how expanding this can enhance your life.
Stage 2 will be on Saturday, 7 October 2006 and Stage 3 on Saturday, 4 November 2006.
Thirty years ago Martin Brofman PhD. healed himself of terminal cancer. He subsequently
evolved The Body Mirror System of Healing and has taught it to many, worldwide, as a technique This is the first of three workshops, which can be taken together or independently. Today we will
for healing themselves and others. Understanding the relationship between the chakras and use energising, grounding and empowerment techniques, intuition and the aura, and learn how
consciousness is a fundamental aspect of Martin’s teaching. we can access information and give psychic readings.
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) Working With Spirit Guides to Develop Mediumship
Becky Walsh
16 September 2006 (Saturday) This workshop will give you the opportunity to explore your mediumship potential in an en-
couraging environment. It will cover how to open and close the chakras and work safely with
Journey to Atlantis – Awakening your Gifts
energy, and the importance of protection and grounding. You will learn how to sit in the power
Diana Summer and how to tell the difference between spirit communication and your imagination. You will be
shown techniques to help you connect with your spirit guide and to develop your ability to bring
This workshop is a journey to discover our forgotten gifts. Each of us has had previous
through clear messages from loved ones and spirit guides on the other side.
lives where we acquired knowledge and powerful skills that can be accessed and integrated
into this one. Many of us had incarnations in Atlantis and may feel particularly drawn to Becky Walsh is a psychic medium and spiritual teacher at the College. She has presented
that lifetime. By traversing the path to the inner planes using meditation, visualisation and workshops for Spirit and Destiny magazine, Watkins Books and Alternatives. Becky has been
intention, we will search out any blockages that may be preventing us from utilising those working as a psychic counsellor for many years. Her teachings are down-to-earth and humor-
gifts in the present. This will be an opportunity to discover our inner potential and help to ous. She has her own Psychic show on Friday nights on LBC Radio 97.3 FM (Greater London
reclaim the knowledge of our former lives. Working with the Archangels, Ascended Masters area), 10.00pm to 1.00am.
and the universal spiritual hierarchy to guide and aid our awakening, we heal the past and
open the heart to welcome our long dormant Atlantean wisdom. The day will end with a 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
channelled message.
Diana Summer is a clairvoyant channel, and teaches about The Goddess and Void, The Gaiadon 23 September 2006 (Saturday)
Heart Keys to Ascension, Crystal Skulls, and Atlantis. She leads annual spiritual journeys to Egypt
and is a Seichem Master/Teacher and High Priestess of the Goddess. The Soul’s Journey With the Angelics
Kayt Raymond
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
This is a day to recall how the Angels support us on all levels and in every aspect of our daily lives
and soul experience. This workshop will help to simplify and strengthen the connection to our
16 September 2006 (Saturday) guardians, angels, and archangels and reveal practical tools and techniques to support us on
our soul journey and to lighten our load in life, so that we enjoy our lives more. It includes the
Could You Be a Healer?
teachings of Ascended Masters, Ascended Teachers, Archangels and Angels.
Julia Shepherd
The day is designed so each of us can have a rich experience of the angelic beings and their
We all have the potential to be a channel for healing. On this practical and experiential work- stories. The angelics lovingly speak to the heart of all those in attendance and assist us to go
shop you will learn simple and safe techniques to connect with and channel the universal forward on our soul path. Come to relax and connect!
healing energy.
The angel paintings co-created by the angels and Kayt will be on exhibition throughout the day
Julia Shepherd is a College Accredited Healer and tutor on the healing course, with her own to enhance the feel of the experience. Please see page 5 for further information on Kayt and her
private healing practice. She is also an Aromatherapist and a Reiki Master. lecture on Friday, 15 September 2006.
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
14 W O R K S H O P S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk WORKSHOPS 15
30 September 2006 (Saturday) CPD Barbara Meiklejohn-Free grew up in Scotland, where as a child she was inducted in the art of
Seership by Swain, a traditional Highland Seer. This is a course which takes place over 2 work-
Spiritual Anatomy– A Guide To The Energy Body & How To Heal It shops. Part 2 will be on Sunday, 5 November 2006.
Edwin Courtenay
10am – 5pm two days: £100 (Non-Members £140)
The energy body, like its physical counterpart, is a complex and beautiful thing. This perfectly
designed, interdependent system of power provides the link between our consciousness and
our physical form. The energy body enables us to be sustained by the world around us and to 1 October 2006 (Sunday)
experience and contribute to that world. In this one day workshop Edwin Courtenay will use his
The Art of Mandalas
clairvoyant talents and experience as an energy healer to detail the nature of the subtle bodies,
chakras, aura, energy cocoon, assemblage point and the universal meridians or axitonal lines. He June-Elleni Laine & Ian Dale
will provide an alternate and detailed view of how these structures work and are composed, how
Mandalas focus the mind and increase the energy of intention. We will experience sound Man-
they affect each other and can be healed from imbalance and pollution.
dalas by listening to Tibetan bowls and gongs. These sounds help to switch us into the altered
This workshop is ideal for both experienced and novice healers, as well as the simply curious. It state required for potent Mandala making. In the morning we will create a Mandala that will help
contains eye-opening truths about a topic that many believe they already understand in-depth. rid you of unnecessary baggage, and in the afternoon create one to manifest what you need in
your life. Please give some thought to what you may like to manifest before the workshop. Please
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) bring paper and coloured pastels or pencils.
June-Elleni Laine is a leading psychic artist and teacher, appearing on TV and presenting work-
30 September 2006 (Saturday) shops, demonstrations and lectures. She is a qualified Ayurvedic health educator with particular
interest in the mind/body connection. Ian Dale has 25 years experience producing music for film,
Heart-Centred Clairvoyance: Seeing from the Soul radio and television for a successful global music publishing company. He is a Satvik sound healer
Yvonne Napper (BAHA associated) and a sensitive. Using ancient gongs, bells and Tibetan bowls, he intuitively
creates multi-dimensional ‘harmony’, which re-balances the subtle frequencies of mind, body
Clairvoyance is a powerful and natural ability. To “see” clairvoyantly is to connect with the Divine, and spirit.
our soul self, and our guides, and to see clearly in all directions of space and time. Our spiritual
eyes are designed to help us develop and grow, to consciously create and shape our lives from 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
the inside out, and to manifest in the physical world.
This will be a day of gentle, playful and expansive exploration, practise and enjoyment of the 7 October 2006 (Saturday)
clairvoyant gifts of the soul through the heart. We will be aligning the third eye (the seat of clair-
voyance) with the heart, where we can easily and safely lift blocks to our visual power, knowing Creating Space for Miracles to Happen
it is safe for us to see the future, the spirit world and the truth about our lives. All that is required Davina MacKail
for this workshop is an open mind and an open heart, and it is suitable for beginners as well as
those with more experience. Yvonne is a College sensitive and tutor. This practical, fun and inspiring workshop will explore the tools of intuitive feng shui, geomancy
and space clearing, to enable you to create a healthy living environment that supports your
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) wellbeing. You will leave with a completely different idea of your home and how it can either
support you or keep you stuck.
During this workshop you will practise using the feng shui bagua. You will discover how to create
1 October 2006 (Sunday)
a sanctuary that nourishes you and your family; how making small adjustments to your decor
Seership: Walking the Path of the Ancient Ones – A Two-Day Course can create miraculous effects in your life; how to cure the energy vampires in your home that
slowly rob you of your sleep, your health and your well being; how to energise and activate any
Barbara Meiklejohn-Free
area of your life to get more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. You will explore
From the dawn of time the gift of Seership has been given to those who seek the truth of the the harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution and how to create a safe space to sleep. You will
universe; it is the birthright of every soul. Seership means awakening to the power within your- discover how to recognise geopathic stress and how to dowse for it in your home and what you
self and recognising that you can control your own destiny. It is also about gaining knowledge can do to minimise its impact on your wellbeing. Please bring a hand drawn-floor plan of your
of your spirit self which has lived through your many past lives, and can be brought into this home (it doesn’t have to be to scale!) and a notebook.
life-time to access your hidden wisdom and truth. You will be journeying on your personal time
As well as being a qualified nurse, hypnotherapist, counsellor and NLP Master, Davina MacKail is
line, to work with the world of spirit, with your visions, premonitions and healing.
professionally trained in feng shui, geomancy, space clearing and shamanic healing. During her
Seers hear and understand the voices that speak to them, both in this reality and in the dream shamanic training she learnt the arts of the seer and perfected her oracle reading ability. She
time. They know the connection to all living things. Come and reawaken the Seer within you. teaches advanced feng shui for Channel 5’s House Doctor Anne Maurice and is a ‘healthy home’
Discover that there is no limit to your knowledge; you can unveil the unseen world and answer expert for a number of different companies.
your own questions. It is time for you to wake up from your deep sleep and honour who you are
and where you have come from. 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
18 W O R K S H O P S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk WORKSHOPS 19
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) Explore the Dynamics of ‘RaphaYad’ Bioenergy Healing Treatment
Michael Cohen
8 October 2006 (Sunday)
A comprehensive hands-on workshop, teaching the primary techniques of this dynamic form
Mantra Chanting of Bioenergy Healing. RaphaYad has a scientific basis, working with the body’s electromagnetic
circuitry to access the body’s connective pathways and neurological systems. The hands-on/off
Marianne Brady
techniques include: scanning the client’s body to pinpoint the root cause of a symptom or
Chanting is an enjoyable and accessible way to open our hearts and minds to the potent forces condition, mild manipulation and stretching the energy. Michael has revealed extraordinary
of the universe. In this workshop we will explore the power of mantra to protect, purify and results using RaphaYad at his London clinic with both adults and children. This CPD registered
transform ourselves and heal our world. Using meditation, mantra, Buddhist myth and symbol workshop will be highly experiential.
we will discover the vibrational keys to the depths within us.
Michael Cohen founded the Bioenergy Healing Research Foundation for training and research into
Marianne Brady is a member of the Western Buddhist Order and taught fulltime at the London Bioenergy Healing. His ongoing exploratory and experimental approach to his work at the cutting
Buddhist Centre for 13 years. edge of Bioenergy medicine has led to his specialist treatment of chronic and difficult cases.
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
20 W O R K S H O P S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk WORKSHOPS 21
15 October 2006 (Sunday) 21 & 22 October 2006 (Saturday & Sunday) CPD
Working Psychically, Working Mediumistically Waveform Energetics – A Two-Day Training Course
Tuula Jukola Mike & Stella Webster
How can you tell the difference? Today you will have the opportunity to experience working on Many people believe that only those who have the “gift”, or who work hard at it for many years
both levels, in order to strengthen your sense of where you are connected to in the spirit world. are able to feel, see or hear the movement of energy. However, the truth is that these ancient
You will practise bringing through messages from Spirit and giving survival evidence, as well as abilities lie dormant in all of us, waiting to be recognised. This weekend will provide a practical
looking at ways to present the information with clarity, confidence and care. This will include introduction to energy in its many forms and an individual path towards increased awareness,
learning how you can let go of your ego’s need to control the situation, as the more spontaneous enabling you to locate your personal ‘receptors’ or indicators of energetic change. For some
you can be when delivering messages, the better the information tends to flow. Suitable for all. participants this realisation may occur during this first weekend. You will practise sensing en-
ergetic change and learn how to facilitate this change in a person on whom you are working,
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) as well as sensing auric fields. Everyone is capable of being in constant contact with universal
energy, Waveform simply teaches you how. Waveform is for everyone because it is about our
relationship with the world. It is invaluable in healing, as using Waveform to sense and treat
21 October 2006 (Saturday) only energy that is ready to change now, leads to highly effective treatments.
The Art of Mediumship (2) Mike Webster was a martial arts practitioner when he encountered four women in the Orkneys
Donna Stewart who apparently had a much greater awareness of energy than he did. This eventually led to his
understanding and development of Waveform, which he now teaches worldwide.
This can also be taken as an individual workshop. Today is the second of three intensive days
designed as an advanced course for the more experienced, developing medium who wishes 10am – 5pm two days: £100 (Non-Members £140)
to work publicly on platform or in private sittings. Through theory and practical work, we will
further enhance your ability to present your work with clarity and confidence. Come and be put
through your paces! Interview required. Part 3 on Saturday 25 November 2006. 22 October 2006 (Sunday)
Donna Stewart is a College medium and tutor who also teaches and demonstrates alongside Physical Spirit Phenomena & The Séance
Tony Stockwell and Colin Fry and is a tutor at the Arthur Findlay College.
Becky Walsh & Ian Shillito
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) Since Victorian times spirit has found many ways to give proof of continued life. Recent media
attention has led to a revival of interest in physical mediumship and the séance. In this work-
shop we will look at the history of this form of mediumship and the rules of safe practice. We
21 October 2006 (Saturday) CPD will do experiments inviting spirit to demonstrate table-tipping and moving, electronic voice
Personal Spiritual Alchemy – Life Mastery (Level 1) production (EVP) and spirit ‘rapping’. We will also investigate other methods of Victorian spirit
communication and ask “what on earth became of ectoplasm?”
Dr SusAN Anthony
PSALM (Personal Spiritual Alchemy – Life Mastery) workshops are about attuning to the highest Becky Walsh is a College tutor and psychic, who also has her own psychic radio show on LBC
life-force energies and creating life-changing ‘miracles’. Susie teaches a dynamic, integrated Radio, 97.3 FM. Ian John Shillito runs Gay Psychics, a development circle for gay men, as well as
programme for self-mastery, which follows an alchemical map for spiritual evolution and synthe- The Residual History Group, a team of young mediums who investigate historical events for a par-
sises wisdom from the mystery traditions of many ancient cultures. PSALM guides you through anormal survey. His ghost investigations have been featured in Spirit and Destiny and Prediction
the personal transformations necessary to free yourself from the limiting issues of your past and Magazine. Ian has appeared on Psychic 5, and Living TV’s Most Haunted and Most Haunted Live.
become the powerful spiritual being you are meant to be. It awakens the divine in you, attuning
your mind with daily practices to deepen your connection. For healers, seers, wisdom seekers and 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
beginners alike, PSALM offers you an opportunity to go beyond knowledge into experience. It
produces powerful insights which lead to greater awareness. Embodied Awareness creates inner
28 October 2006 (Saturday)
and outer transformation.
Mediumship – Making it Work
In this first of a series of workshops Susie will reveal the ancient map of the Seven Alchemical
Levels, which lead from bondage to freedom, and explain how these teachings evolved. You will Anthony Kesner
also be introduced to a highly accelerated healing technique. Subsequent levels will follow.
This workshop is designed for those students who wish to have an insight and understanding of
Dr Susan Anthony, PhD. is a doctor of divinity and a master initiate of diverse spiritual lineages. the mechanics of mediumship. It promises to be an intense and exciting day, as we explore all the
She is creating a modern-day spiritual community near Glastonbury and she teaches PSALM in avenues of clairvoyance, working through and with Spirit. The day will include meditation and
the UK, Europe and the USA. practical exercises to help you attune to the energy of Spirit.
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
22 W O R K S H O P S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk WORKSHOPS 23
28 & 29 October 2006 (Saturday & Sunday) CPD 4 November 2006 (Saturday)
Awakening of the Snake Power - The Vertebral Column The Spirit of The Clown - Bridging the Practical and the Magical
Stefan Rippel Richard Dunkerley
Following his highly successful workshop in the Spring, Stefan returns for this two-day intensive, Calling all Lightworkers interested in bridging the practical and the magical with a sense of
teaching an aspect of his Directed Care method of healing, which is aimed both at people suffering wonder and innocence. Are you interested in being more authentic and learning how to connect
from back problems and at healers who wish to help them. Several techniques to make your spine with others on the earth-plane in a more light-hearted way? This is the path of the sacred clown
more flexible and increase your ability to perceive and transfer energies on different wavelengths that teaches the way of the heart and the spirit.
will be taught. This will include body exercises as well as a special form of Qi Gong meditation to
In this energetic workshop, you will discover your inner clown in a way that is organic, freeing
enable you to experience the sensual sensations of the different energy wavelengths.
and fun. You will explore physical and emotional expression, inspire your natural humour, and
Stefan will also discuss some of the major problems frequently associated with the spine, from learn again the value of play in your life.
simple back pain to prolapsed disc and vertebral metastases. You will be shown how to treat
You will work with some of the tools of sacred clowning and discover doorways into being more
and ease the pain successfully through the hands-on healing method. This workshop is open to
present, aware and open to the poetry of life. You are most heartily invited to liberate and delight
everyone who is willing to learn and is able to work in a group.
in the joy of your inner clown.
Stefan Rippel was responsible for developing the Directed Care healing method and training
Richard Dunkerley trained in sacred clowning with the Fool at Heart School and has clowned for
other healers in its use, to help hospitalised cancer patients in Vienna. Stefan is also giving a
community groups, in hospitals, and on the street. He has been leading clowning workshops for
related lecture on Friday, 27 October 2006 (see page 8).
seven years and is also a director of Alternatives at St James’s Church, Piccadilly.
10am – 5pm two days: £100 (Non-Members £140)
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70) 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
24 W O R K S H O P S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk WORKSHOPS 25
5 November 2006 (Sunday) A trainer with Psychology of Vision, Pam has facilitated process-led workshops in the UK & Europe
for over five years. She is known for her compassion, grace and humour.
Introducing Psychic Art
Please give your date, time and place of birth when booking this workshop!
June-Elleni Laine
Even though many of us have not been artists since childhood, the good news is that Psychic Art 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
makes the most of our natural spark of childhood creativity. It is exactly this innocent creativity
that entices participation from the other side of the ether…
12 November 2006 (Sunday) CPD
In this workshop June-Elleni offers everyone the opportunity to experience various forms of
Psychic Art, from Aura Graphs to Spirit Portraiture. Any creative endeavor can be enhanced if we
Intuitive Healing
begin in the ‘right’ frame of mind! Please bring paper and coloured pastels or pencils Sue Allen
An ability to see or sense what is happening energetically before, during and after a healing ses-
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
sion is enormously beneficial for the healer and the recipient. This is a practical workshop aiming
to teach you to read and assess someone’s energy field, chakra system and levels of grounding,
10 – 12 November 2006 (Friday – Sunday) give a healing and consider the changes achieved.
Intuitive Kabbalah – The Whole Tree (A Three-Day Course) 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
Soizic Aureli
Kabbalah is an esoteric tradition which presents a unique way of understanding all aspects 18 & 19 November 2006 (Saturday & Sunday)
of ourselves. It is based on a map of consciousness called the Tree of Life. The Tree transcends College Open Days
religions and teaches universal spiritual laws that will transform our lives and the lives of others,
as well as extending healing into the world. One such law is that the outer world reflects the Our annual Open Days are an opportunity for you to explore the College and explore what we
inner world and the Tree gives us the tools we need to connect to our inner world and receive have to offer. Course tutors and staff will be on hand to answer all your questions.
answers which the mind alone cannot give. On Saturday there will be lectures on a variety of topics such as angels, psychic protection and
We will work with the 10 spheres on the tree, known as Sefirots, each representing an aspect of meditation, as well as demonstrations of mediumship & channelling. Our advanced-level psychic
ourselves: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The Sefirots provide us with a map of development students will give free 15 minute sittings, which can be booked at the beginning
where we are and how we function in our lives, thus giving us an opportunity for deep under- of the day. Places are limited, so please come early to avoid disappointment. On Sunday you can
standing and clarity about areas of our lives which are ripe for development. In a supportive and explore the healing work of the College – including courses and our healing clinics. You will have
safe group we will share our growth, using sound, chanting and invocations to angels. the opportunity to book free healing sessions with accredited and advanced student healers,
and tutors will present lectures on healing-related topics.
Soizic Aureli is a Psychosynthesis Counsellor who has worked with groups and individuals for 25
years in Europe, America and Australia. She has been working with the Kabbalah for 17 years and Throughout both days, there will be selected new books on sale at a significant discount, as well
teaches the Tree of Life in a very intuitive way. as second-hand books and a crystal stall. Refreshments served all day.
10am – 5pm three days: £150 (Non-Members £210) 11am – 3pm Free
25 November 2006 (Saturday) The workshop will include simple but important practices for the proper management of our
energy systems, to help us integrate and anchor our multidimensional Self in the consciousness
The Art of Mediumship (3) of our physical life.
Donna Stewart
Ariel, the Archangel who works closely with the consciousness of Earth, will oversee this work-
This can also be taken as an individual workshop. Today is the third of three intensive days shop and provide safe passage along the Web. This workshop is suitable for advanced students.
designed as an advanced course for the more experienced, developing Medium who wishes
to work publicly on platform, or in private sittings. Through theory and practical work, we will 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
further enhance your ability to present your work with clarity and confidence. Come and be put
through your paces! Interview required.
2 December 2006 (Saturday)
Donna Stewart is a College medium and tutor, who also teaches and demonstrates alongside
Tony Stockwell and Colin Fry, and is a tutor at the Arthur Findlay College. Seven Principles for Radiant Living
Jason Chan
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
In this empowering workshop Jason Chan will introduce his Seven Principles for Radiant Living.
Jason will also introduce you to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits of practis-
26 November 2006 (Sunday) CPD ing Infinite Tai Chi and Infinite Chi Yoga. The Seven Principles for Radiant Living are as follows:
Communicating With Our Ancestors Ñ 1.) You are the master of your own life.
Terry & Natalia O’Sullivan Ñ 2.) Let go of the past and embrace the present.
Our ancestors are our most intimate contact in the spirit world. The belief that we have an invis- Ñ 3.) I will always be kind to myself.
ible connection with them is held worldwide. They stand at the gateway of birth and death. In
many cultures a birth is welcomed as an ancestor returning with special gifts and teachings, Ñ 4.) To give is to receive.
continuing the cycle of life and death. When our grandparents or our parents die we often wish Ñ 5.) Be still on a daily basis.
to maintain that relationship, which we do in our thoughts, dreams and memories. Instinctively,
we call out to them when we want their advice or need to feel their presence around us. Ñ 6.) Appreciation will increase. Condemnation will multiply.
You don’t have to be a medium to communicate with deceased relatives and ancestral spirits. Ñ 7.) I live in a world of abundance.
This is a workshop to celebrate, inspire and heal, by discovering the parallels between our own Jason Chan is a highly inspired spiritual teacher who has passed on the benefits of rejuvenation,
lives and those of our ancestors, and our spiritual relationship with our deceased family. The day vitality, natural health, grace, and inner-strength to countless individuals. His ultimate goal is to as-
will include meditations, visualisations, healing and diagnosis of family influences and a sacred sist & inspire spiritual seekers along the eternal pathway towards oneness with Life itself - The Tao.
celebration of the ancestors. Please bring family photographs, any small family memorabilia, a
blanket and cushion, pen and paper. Jason is also presenting a lecture on Friday, 1 December 2006, introducing his “Radiant Warrior
Programme”. For more details see page 10.
Terry O’Sullivan set up and runs the Soul Rescuers Foundation, which he developed over 25 years,
using ancient and contemporary healing methods, psychic protection and spirit release. Natalia 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
is a psychic who communicates with ancestors and spirit guides to bring wisdom and healing to
her clients, helping them to discover their personal destiny and spiritual heritage.
2 December 2006 (Saturday) CPD
10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
Client-Directed Healing
Edwin Henshaw
26 November 2006 (Sunday)
On this workshop for practicing healers we revisit the partnership between healer and client, and
Walking the Web of Spirit: An Experiential Exploration of Multi-Dimensional Reality
consider ways in which we can help clients be more active in their own self-healing.
Yvonne Napper
An advanced healing technique will be taught in which the healer is connected at the hara, rather
From our unique and privileged position as physically incarnate beings on Earth at this time of than the chakra level of energy, and facilitates the client to take a conscious and active part in
unprecedented universal light, information and resources, we stand at the crossroads of many the healing process. The healer engages verbally with the client throughout, leading her/him
intersecting levels and dimensions of reality. As our vibration becomes ever finer and faster, we through a series of procedures to locate more precisely key positions in the body where the
are becoming increasingly aware of our true nature as multidimensional beings. energy needs directing. The client gives feedback throughout the healing, including deciding
when it is complete.
Today we will be journeying through some of the doorways in the Web of Spirit, which are open
to us at this time and, depending on the energetic vibration of the group, we will meet and We will also explore how healers can adapt the method to use as a self-healing technique.
converse with our multi-dimensional Self, guides, spiritual family, ancestors, Ascended Masters,
universal and stellar beings, the angelic realms and the faery, elemental and animal kingdoms. 10am – 5pm £50 (Non-Members £70)
28 W O R K S H O P S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk COURSES 29
Introductory Courses Could You Be a Healer? your personality, it empowers you to directly connect children and the lines of security, financial resources and
Julia Shepherd with your highest guidance and channel energies to job changes, together with the implications for timing of
These short introductory courses are a good way to ex- Come and discover that we all have the potential to be understand the roots of old issues (maybe lifetimes ago) events which are revealed in the hands.
plore your potential in different areas of psychic and spir- a channel for healing. On this practical and experiential and heal them at their deepest level. It enables you to Thur 7pm, 5 weeks 14 Sep – 12 Oct
itual growth, helping you to choose the path you would course you will learn simple and safe techniques to con- perceive and re-connect with your soul purpose. £55 (Non-Members £70)
like to pursue in depth. No interviews are required to nect with and channel the universal healing energy. Wed 7pm, 4 weeks 25 Oct – 15 Nov
book these courses and you can take as many as you like Mon 7pm, 4 weeks 16 Oct – 6 Nov £44 (Non-Members £59) Crystals for Beginners
per term. Courses marked CPD count towards Continuing £44 (Non-Members £59) Valerie Pitts
Professional Development hours required for Healers. In the House of the Angels We will cover how to select, clean, care for, dedicate and
Reading the Signs of Destiny Yvonne Napper NEW! attune our crystals. There will be practical exercises using
Beginners Psychic Development Davina MacKail NEW! Angels come in many shapes and forms and each crystals for grounding, cleansing the aura and protection.
Each course is a practical introduction to accessing and The Universe works symbolically, providing signposts belongs to a “House”, overseen by a particular Archangel. We will also learn to use our crystals for self-healing, to
developing your psychic awareness. Learn the essential along the journey of our life, pointing us in the right Each week we will be exploring a different House and create sacred space and to enhance meditation.
techniques of protection, grounding and how to sense direction. To take advantage of this guidance and max- interacting with its Archangel and angelic beings. Us- Fri 7pm, 2 hours, 5 weeks 29 Sep – 27 Oct
and work with your chakras and aura. Guided visualisa- imise our personal potential we need to become master ing exercises, games, meditations and angel readings, £72 (Non-Members £97)
tions & exercises will help to develop your understanding map readers. The art of divination is the art of cosmic we will learn to contact and interact with our angelic
and confidence in connecting with Spirit. map reading, enabling us to accurately interpret and counterparts from the Houses of Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael Introduction to Past Lives
align ourselves with the forces that are our personal pow- and Michael. Meet the angels who have been involved Sally Sampson
Yvonne Napper erhouses. We will explore various divination techniques with you on a regular basis, some since birth. Discover Each week, through deep meditation, you may explore
Mon 7pm, 4 weeks 25 Sep – 16 Oct including the tarot; oracle cards; palmistry; the bagua; simple and effective methods for communicating with a past life, accessing strengths and abilities to integrate
£44 (Non-Members £59) and lucid dreaming. You will need to keep a journal dur- the angels and receiving their assistance and guidance into this life. Your Higher Self and guides may accompany
BECKY WALSH ing the course. Please bring a Tarot deck. whenever you need it. Suitable for all levels. you on the journey to greater understanding of any past
Tues 5.15pm, 4 weeks 3 Oct – 24 Oct Mon 7pm, 5 weeks 23 Oct – 20 Nov Wed 7pm, 4 weeks 22 Nov – 13 Dec life issues, thus enabling you to move forward in this life.
£44 (Non-Members £59) £55 (Non-Members £70) £44 (Non-Members £59) Fri 7pm, 2 hours, 5 weeks 29 Sep – 27 Oct
TUULA JUKOLA £72 (Non-Members £97)
Wed 5.15pm, 5 weeks 20 Sep – 18 Oct Self-Empowerment Introduction to Meditation
£55 (Non-Members £70) Carolyn Proctor NEW! Marianne Brady
TUULA JUKOLA We continue the Journey of Self Enlightenment by The purpose of meditation is not to pacify or calm us – the Personal & Spiritual Growth
Wed 5.15pm, 5 weeks 1 Nov – 29 Nov expanding our consciousness and awareness of all the real purpose of meditation is to wake us up and bring us
£55 (Non-Members £70) aspects, qualities and strengths that make us who we to life in a fuller and more lucid way. This is an introduction These courses help students to gain a solid foundation
are. We will also look at the talents we have brought with to two ancient meditation practices that are easily learnt for any future psychic development or healing work.
Discovering Psychic Art us from other lives. A deeply empowering journey as we but radical in their positive effects. Marianne is a member They are also a valuable way of bringing greater personal
June-Elleni Laine NEW! learn to trust our intuitive self. of the Western Buddhist Order and was a fulltime teacher awareness and fulfillment into your life.
We will explore various forms of Psychic Art such as aura Tues 5pm, 4 weeks 12 Sep - 3 Oct at the London Buddhist Centre for 13 years.
graphs, energy art and mandalas. By becoming aware of £44 (Non-Members £59) Thur 7pm , 5 weeks 12 Oct – 9 Nov Starting Your Spiritual Journey (Fdtn)
the subtle energies that can be harnessed through the £55 (Non-Members £70) KAY STIRLING
arts, we can begin to develop the techniques of spirit Self-Enlightenment This course is a first step for those wishing to begin a
portraiture and learn to interpret messages from these Carolyn Proctor The Art of Dreaming journey that leads ultimately to a deeper understand-
spirit connections. This course is deeply empowering, helping you to con- Deborah Winterbourne NEW! ing of who they really are. We will explore some of the
Mon 7pm, 5 weeks 11 Sep – 9 Oct nect with and trust your Intuitive Self. As we learn to This course will examine dreaming on many levels, most asked questions, such as why and how should I
£55 (Non-Members £70) follow our Inner Wisdom and dissolve our limitations, including dreams as metaphor and their interpretation. meditate? What is an aura? Could I be psychic or a healer?
our creativity, emotional health and spiritual healing is We will look at lucid dreaming and shamanic dreaming We will invite our soul self to guide us as we work with
Developing Psychic Art enhanced. We will use guided meditations, inner journey and techniques to encourage these states, as well as ex- the chakras, the aura and the energy field, explore karma
June-Elleni Laine NEW! work, body dialogue, image work and many more tools ploring the nature of reality and out of body experiences. and reincarnation; healing; psychic awareness and com-
For those with experience of psychic development, we to reach the essence of our being. Please bring a dream you would like to interpret. munication with spirit guides.
will briefly explore various forms of Psychic Art such as Tues 7pm, 4 weeks 12 Sep - 3 Oct Thur 7pm, 4 weeks 5 Oct – 26 Oct Mon 7pm, 10 weeks 11 Sep – 13 Nov
aura graphs, remote viewing and mandalas. Becoming £44 (Non-Members £59) £44 (Non-Members £59) £110 (Non-Members £140)
aware of the subtle energies that can be harnessed
through the arts, we will then take time to develop spirit Heart-centred Soul Healing Introduction to Palmistry Intuitive Living for Success & Fulfilment
portraiture and learn to interpret messages from these Dr Jude Currivan PhD NEW! Robin Lown NEW! Valerie Gordon NEW!
spirit connections. This course connects you with the newly accessible This course will introduce you to palmistry in easy steps. For those who want to be their real selves, to live more
Mon 7pm, 5 weeks 23 Oct – 20 Nov chakras of your Unity energy field and especially the You will learn about the major and minor lines and what confidently and creatively. Using meditation and visu-
£55 (Non-Members £70) 8th chakra of the universal heart. Beyond the level of they mean, including the lines for relationships and alisations, written exercises and group discussion, we will
32 C O U R S E S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk COURSES 33
explore expressing ourselves freely in all aspects of life, will assist them in receiving loving guidance and healing Opening Psychic Sensitivity (Fdtn) up, close down and ground yourself will also be covered.
work and relationships, as well as acting on our personal from their spiritual teachers, bring positive change into GERRIE MARCH (Interview required)
dreams, such as changing vocation, writing, singing trav- their lives and fulfil their creative potential. Students will A beginners’ course exploring psychic, mediumistic and Wed 7pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov
elling or having children. This is a very supportive course, be asked to keep a meditation and dream notebook. healing skills. (Interview required) £110 (Non-Members £140)
encouraging you to integrate your development into (Interview required) Tues 4.30pm, 12 weeks 12 Sep – 28 Nov
every day. Mon 7.15pm, 10 weeks 25 Sep – 27 Nov £132 (Non-Members £152) Psychic & Spiritual Sensitivity (Fdtn/Int)
Tues 12.30pm, 8 weeks 12 Sep – 31 Oct £110 (Non-Members £140) ANGELA WATKINS
£88 (Non-Members £118) Developing Your Psychic Ability (Fdtn) A course to help you enhance your intuition, fully explore
Journey of Discovery (Int/Adv) TUULA JUKOLA your psychic ability and connect with your guides. Learn-
Sensing Energy (Fdtn) CECILIA JONES For beginners who wish to explore their psychic abililites, ing to know yourself will enable you to move forward on
JENNY LEE For students with an established meditation practise learn how to sense energies, tune into each other and to your spiritual path and assist others along the way.
Would you like to be more fully aware of your own who wish to deepen their experience and develop their the spirit world and clearly present the information re- (Interview required)
energy field and the energy field of those around you? spiritual gifts and understanding. Guided visualisations ceived. Throughout the course, you will be encouraged Wed 7pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov
This course will show you how to ground and protect will assist them in exploring other dimensions and reali- to practise and integrate your new skills into your daily £110 (Non-Members £140)
yourself, and help you to sense when you and others ties with the intention of discovering: Who am I? Where life. (Interview required)
are grounded and protected. Discover how to open up do I come from? What have I come to do? Including silent Tues 7pm, 10 weeks 12 Sep – 21 Nov Open the Channel to Spirit (Fdtn)
to your sensitivity and, more importantly, how to close meditation, inner work and group discussion and sup- £110 (Non-Members £140) excl. 24 Oct DONNA STEWART
down your psychic mechanism in daily life, and how to port. (Interview required) We all have the natural gift of mediumship. This course
sense when you or others are not closed down. With Mon 5pm, 2 hrs, 10 weeks 25 Sep – 27 Nov Psychic Awakening (Fdtn) is an empowering opportunity to explore, understand
practical exercises, learn to sense your own and others’ £155 (Non-Members £185) TRACEY ASH-INGLEY and enhance your natural abilities. Through theory and
physical, etheric, emotional and mental state. Recog- Activate your psychic awareness by exploring the levels practical work, utilizing all the senses, we will develop
nise when someone is depleting your energy, learn of information that are available when you learn how your Spirit connection. (Interview required).
how you can prevent this and replenish your energies. Psychic Development to ground yourself, energise, expand and heighten your Thur 5pm, 10 weeks 14 Sep – 23 Nov
This course will benefit you if you want to develop your sensitivity. (Interview required) £110 (Non-Members £140) excl. 9 Nov
psychic or healing ability, or simply want to understand We recommend that before starting any Psychic Devel- Wed 2.30pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov
your relationships with others. opment or Mediumship work, courses in Meditation or £110 (Non-Members £140) Opening Your Psychic Awareness (Fdtn)
Wed 5.15pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov Personal and Spiritual Growth are taken first. We also AVRIL PRICE
£110 (Non-Members £140) suggest that students only work with one course leader First Steps As a Psychic & Medium (Fdtn) You will learn how to open up safely and tune in to
per term. The College’s Psychic Development classes are Anthony Kesner NEW! different energies, and begin to develop a relationship
designed to offer continuing development and support A first step for students to discover their psychic, mediu- with your guides. Exercises will help you tune into the
Meditation within a familiar group. Students usually stay in one mistic and healing ability, in a safe environment. You will information held within the energy field around objects
class for several terms before advancing to a higher be encouraged to explore and develop your gifts and lay and people. You will learn how to clearly present the
Please also join our regular guided meditations at lunch- level class at the tutor’s discretion. down strong foundations to take you forward on your information you see, sense or hear. (Interview required)
time: Mondays (with Marianne Brady), Wednesdays and spiritual journey. Fri 5pm, 10 weeks 15 Sep – 24 Nov
Fridays (with Kay Stirling) from 12.30 to 1.30pm in our Developing Psychic Ability (Fdtn) Weds 5.15pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov £110 (Non-Members £140) excl. 17 Nov
Sanctuary. Admission is free. BECKY WALSH £110 (Non-Members £140)
A course to safely awaken your psychic ability, which Connecting to Spirit (Fdtn)
Meditation in the Sanctuary (Fdtn) will cover how to open up and close down the chakras, Mediumship Development (Fdtn/Int) Teresa Leong
JULIAN WILLMORE grounding and protection, using psychic tools, linking Simon Bacon This course will be instrumental in helping you to un-
Working with inspired meditations and mindfulness, with spirit guides, and developing trust, confidence and This course offers a traditional and sound understanding derstand the basic principles of psychic work. When you
these sessions balance spiritual & personal develop- clarity in your readings. (Interview required) of the process and tools of mediumship. We will focus know how to use the keys to open specific inter-dimen-
ment. They include channelled guidance from Tibetan Mon 5.15pm, 10 weeks 11 Sep – 13 Nov on psychic awareness and protection and on extending sional doors and pathways, you will be able to develop
spirit teacher Linpur and use sound as a path to higher £110 (Non-Members £140) from the psychic levels to Spirit contact. We will explore your gifts safely and accurately, with integrity.
consciousness. the role of guides and how we learn to communicate and Fri 7pm, 9 weeks 6 Oct - 1 Dec
Tues 7pm, 10 weeks 12 Sep – 14 Nov Psychic Beginnings (Fdtn) connect with them. (Interview required) £99 (Non-Members £129)
Sat 1.30pm, 10 weeks 16 Sep – 25 Nov SUE ALLEN Wed 5.15pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov
£30 per course to cover overheads. excl. 18 Nov This course provides an opportunity to discover your £110 (Non-Members £140) Psychic Expansion (Int)
psychic potential in a safe and grounded way. You will Sue Allen NEW!
The Way of Meditation (Fdtn) learn to expand your awareness and become more Psychic Unfoldment (Fdtn) A course for those who wish to develop further confidence
CECILIA JONES confident in your psychic sensitivity through practical AVRIL PRICE in their psychic gifts, strengthen their connection and
This course aims to provide students with practical tech- work. (Interview required) You will learn how to read the energy of objects (psy- enhance the clarity of their communication. (Interview)
niques to enable them to focus, still the mind and enter Mon 7pm, 10 weeks 18 Sep – 20 Nov chometry), give a reading from a flower, sense the energy Mon 5pm, 10 weeks 18 Sep – 20 Nov
their inner world in meditation. Guided visualisations £110 (Non-Members £140) of colour, and read each other’s energy field. How to open £120 (Non-Members £150)
34 C O U R S E S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk COURSES 35
Expanding Psychic Ability (Int) Developing Mediumship (Int/Adv) relationships and past life issues. Manifestation will be use. This course explores the purposes and techniques of
BECKY WALSH ANTHONY KESNER explored as you align to all that resonates with your soul Trance in spiritual work, while allowing each individual
For those who want to develop further confidence and For those wishing to develop a true understanding of energy. Channelling will also be a key component. to develop freely, according to their ability and aptitude.
purpose with their psychic ability. The focus will be on the mechanics of mediumship and become professional (Interview required) The student is gently guided into a professional manner
strengthening the link with your spirit guides and your mediums. Students will also be able to work on the Wed 12.30pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov of working, in readiness for the fulfilment of spiritual
higher self and encouraging you to use your skills in platform in churches. (Interview required) £120 (Non-Members £150) service. (Interview required)
everyday life. (Interview required) Wed 7pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov Tues 7pm, 10 weeks 12 Sep – 14 Nov
Mon 7pm, 10 weeks 11 Sep – 13 Nov £120 (Non-Members £150) The Art of Mediumship (Adv) £170 (Non-Members £200)
£120 (Non-Members £150) Donna Stewart NEW!
Spirit to Spirit (Int) An advanced course for the more experienced, developing
Professional Tarot – Stage 2 (Int) DONNA STEWART Medium who wishes to work publicly on platform, or in
Jackie Barnes This is a course to strengthen your working partnership private sittings. Through theory and practical work, we will
For students who have done Stage 1. For all others, an with Spirit and unfold your potential as a medium. We further enhance your ability, to give clarity confidence and
interview is required. will explore different techniques to combine and enhance presentation to your work - come and be put through your
Mon 7pm, 2 hr class, 10 weeks 11 Sep – 13 Nov your developing skills and give confidence, clarity, and paces! It is recommended that you attend all three days.
£155 (Non-Members £185) presentation to your mediumship. (Interview required) (Interview required)
Thur 6.45pm, 10 weeks 14 Sep – 23 Nov Sat 10am-5pm, 3 days 23 Sep, 21 Oct, 25 Nov
Activate The Psychic (Int) £120 (Non-Members £150) excl. 9 Nov £150 (Non-Members £180)
This course continues to develop Tracey’s modern Psychic Development (Int)
approach to psychic awareness and channelling. Arch- AVRIL PRICE Trance
angels, guides, soul awareness and channelling will be A course to deepen and expand your psychic abilities
explored. (Interview required) through both psychometry and auric & psychic readings. Due to the nature of Trance development, classes are smaller
Tues 12.30pm, 10 weeks 12 Sep – 14 Nov We will strengthen our connection with our guides and so students have more time for individual tuition. Students
£120 (Non-Members £150) bring through information from the higher vibrations. entering trance classes must be at Advanced Level Psychic
(Interview required) Development, unless referred by a College tutor.
Strengthening Your Psychic Ability (Int) Sat 10.30am, 10 weeks 16 Sep – 25 Nov
TUULA JUKOLA £120 (Non-Members £150) excl. 18 Nov First Steps in Trance (Fdtn)
For those who wish to continue developing their psychic ELIZABETH ROBERTS
and mediumistic abilities and integrate them into daily Living With Sensitivity (Adv) This class introduces you to the first steps of trance IMPORTANT INFORMATION
life. The focus is on strengthening our connection and GERRIE MARCH control. It covers preparation of the self, including
Anyone wishing to enrol for a course or work-
refining the clarity of our communication with Spirit and Intensive training for psychic, mediumistic and therapy psychic protection, and guidance in the practice and
shop is embarking upon a personal journey of
one another. (Interview required) work. (Interview required) development of trance, in its varying degrees, according
investigation and exploration that should not be
Tues 5.15pm, 10 weeks 12 Sep – 14 Nov Mon 7pm, 12 weeks 11 Sep – 27 Nov to individual abilities. You will be able to develop at your
entered into lightly.
£120 (Non-Members £150) £144 (Non-Members £174) own pace. (Interview required)
Fri 7.15pm, 10 weeks 15 Sep – 24 Nov Everyone should take personal responsibility
Sensitivity Training (Int) Psychic&MediumshipDevelopment (Adv) £130 (Non-Members £160) excl. 17 Nov for themselves and attendance at consultations,
GERRIE MARCH Becky Walsh NEW! lectures, courses and workshops are at the
A course which will further develop, enhance & discipline For dedicated students who wish to develop profession- Developing Trance (Int) individual’s own risk without liability on the part
students’ psychic and mediumistic awareness. Mainly ally and are willing to work hard. We will work towards a ELIZABETH ROBERTS of the College.
continuing students. (Interview required) fuller understanding of the subject, yourself and the way This class is open to any students who already have a
If you are pregnant or have any health problems,
Tues 6.30pm, 12 weeks 12 Sep – 28 Nov you work. We will also cover how to find work, deal with good foundation in trance development and who wish
please consult your tutor before enrolling on a
£144 (Non-Members £174) blocks and challenging clients. The course will encourage to progress in this manner of communication. Students
course or workshop.
increased confidence in your abilities and their effect in will continue to build on their knowledge by focusing
Psychic & Spiritual Awareness (Int/Adv) your life. (Interview required) on a deeper way of communicating as well as enhanc- No persons using recreational or mind altering
ANGELA WATKINS Tues 7pm, 10 weeks 12 Sep – 14 Nov ing Spirit participation. (Interview required) drugs on a regular basis can be considered for
For the committed student wishing to enhance their £120 (Non-Members £150) Fri 5.30pm, 10 weeks 15 Sep – 24 Nov courses held at the College. This includes the
intuition and develop a professional standard of medi- £150 (Non-Members £180) excl. 17 Nov abuse of alcohol.
umship. Visitors to the class, practise on the platform, Archangels and Soul Purpose (Adv)
The College reserves the right to ask a student to
encouragement, patience and humour will assist this TRACEY ASH-INGLEY Working with Trance (Adv)
leave a class, rescind membership at its discretion
process. (Interview required) Archangels and soul guides activate a dynamic & inspir- Elizabeth Roberts NEW!
and change the tutor of a course when necessary.
Wed 5.15pm, 10 weeks 13 Sep – 15 Nov ing level from which you can harness your soul’s purpose For those in an advanced stage of Trance development
£120 (Non-Members £150) and potential. You will explore your soul contracts, who wish to harness their knowledge for professional
36 C O U R S E S w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk w w w.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk COURSES 37
Email & Telephone Readings propriate level, whether emotional, spiritual, psychic Visiting Sensitives & Healers u Robin Lown uses his in-depth understanding of
or practical. Cancer counselling and spiritual healing the ancient science of palmistry, incorporating all
u Lee Van Zyl. We are pleased to announce that Lee also available. £35, 1 hour Each term the College presents a variety of respected aspects of the hands, to tell you about events in
is exclusively undertaking email and telephone u Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). Teresa Leong and well-known psychics, mediums and healers from all your past, present and potential future, as well as
readings on behalf of the College. Book through is a certified Spiritual Response Therapy Teacher and over the United Kingdom and abroad. While some visit us your health, relationships, money and home life.
our website or call Lee on 020 8423 3990 and quote Consultant. Working with Spirit, Teresa uses a set of mainly to give lectures and workshops, we are delighted £65, 1 hour
CPS10 to make a booking. £45 - £75, depending on 32 charts to identify, clear, and replace any discord- that many of them also choose to make themselves avail- u Davina MacKail uses a combination of clairvoyance
the type of reading. ant, blocking energies and programmes from your able for private consultations at the College. and psychic insight together with tarot, oracle cards
Soul Records. Past life traumas, repeated patterns, and palmistry to offer a comprehensive guide to your
and interferences, as well as any present life issues, u Dr Susan Anthony (PhD) offers Personal Spiritual current life situation and the energies that are influ-
Healing & Counselling can be effectively and efficiently cleared, enabling Alchemy – Life Mastery healing sessions. Reported encing you. She is a compassionate and inspiring
you to live your life more fully. £85, 1.5 hrs. results include increased left and right brain coher- guide who will empower you to take responsibility
The College offers private Healing & Counselling sessions u Healing. Sir Thomas Lucas works by focusing on the ence, accelerated learning ability, heightened self- for your life and offer the necessary exercises, healing
with healers & therapists who have extensive training in spine and the energy meridians to release and heal in- awareness, increased vitality, and enhanced mental or coaching you need to support you on your journey.
their respective fields. You may also find excellent Healers jury and emotional stress ‘remembered’ in the spine, clarity. Sessions can also help eliminate dysfunctional You will leave inspired, encouraged and with a plan
in the Visiting Sensitives & Healers section. and to restore clients’ health, energy and balance. feelings and behaviour and dissolve stress and of action! £80
£48, 1 hour / £68, 1.5 hours depression. They can also enhance your spiritual u Barbara Meiklejohn-Free is known as a Highland
u Spirit Release & Psychic Attack. Sue Allen MA u Healing. Angela Palmer works with high, subtle practise and progress. £85, 1 hour. Seer and has been working with spirit for over 30
works with those who are under psychic attack, energies to help relieve stress in this busy world. u Richard Beaumont does Human Design Analysis years. She works both psychically and mediumisti-
have a spirit attachment or feel they may have been Sessions help to clear and strengthen client’s energy sessions, which will provide clients with an in-depth cally, and may bring through information from your
cursed. Detrimental energies are removed, including field. The client is also encouraged to be involved in understanding of their unique blueprint, along with a family and loved ones or your guides. She also does
spirits, thought forms, cords and contracts. Offers their own wellbeing. £35, 1 hour practical life-changing strategy to experiment with in ‘life readings’, working with information from your
counselling and practical techniques for use after the u Past Life Healing. Carolyn Proctor offers past life their lives. Clients must provide their time, date and past lives to explain where you are in the present. By
sessions. £60, 1 hour regression and healing. Have you ever wondered place of birth. £75, 1 hour (discounted from £100). releasing problems from a previous life you can move
u Heart-Centred Soul Healing. Dr Jude Currivan why you are here? Do you have inexplicable phobias, u Martin Brofman PhD helps clients to heal by forward into the future. £60, 1 hour
offers life changing sessions that allow you to di- anxieties or low self-esteem? Come and see how to contacting their consciousness and healing from that u Dr. Norma Milanovich offers personal readings on
rectly experience your highest guidance. Jude can lift the veil of time to reveal past lifetimes, as some- space. Due to the limited sessions available, Martin a limited basis. These readings last about one hour
see and feel what you are experiencing and can times the causes of symptoms experienced in this life can only see those with a terminal or serious illness, and allow the participant to receive information
guide and support you to heal at a heart-centred are rooted in the past. When we access and heal the or those in a lot of physical pain. £100, 1.5 hours directly from the Ascended Masters, through Dr.
soul level. These sessions can enable you to remove past life, the situation in this life is free to improve. u Kana Butkovic. With the help of ancient Indian Milanovich. Usually, there is also some time allowed
your deepest blocks and reconnect you to your soul £85, 2 hours / £65, 1.5 hours astrology, Kana will help you understand your inner for the participant to ask questions of the Celestial
purpose. £65 u Healing. Cheryl Roper RGN, re-balances your potentials and will reveal how to make your chal- Hierarchy. £115.
u Powerful Silent Healing. Matthew Hamilton chakra system and subtle energy field by working lenges work for you. You will be able to identify your u Natalia O’Sullivan combines clairvoyance, psychic
specialises in helping clients to access an area of through the 8th chakra and utilising the Body Mir- life lessons and how to progress on the path. He also counselling, oracle cards and healing. Her readings
raised consciousness, enabling those suffering ror System of healing to read your body as a map of provides comprehensive relationship compatibility bring inspiration and guidance, which can reveal the
critical or terminal illness (or recovering from medical the consciousness. This gives you the opportunity analysis thus helping you to make the best choices at potential in your career and personal relationships.
treatment), or those who want to explore their own to understand tensions which have caused physical all times. £100, 1.5 hours She assists you in understanding why things can go
deeper insights, to draw on the wisdom and strength symptoms and facilitate their release. £35 u Pam Carruthers is an experienced counsellor, wrong and how to correct them. Healing is offered to
of their inner Being. £35, 1 hour (may be adjusted in u Past Life Healing / Healing. Sally Sampson uses whose astrology consultations combine her insights resolve personal, emotional and professional issues,
cases of genuine hardship) guided imagery to lead you into a deep meditative from Western astrology with the Vedic system. The using crystals, spiritual healing and massage. £60, 1
u Psychic Protection, Soul Retrieval, Past Life state, where you can draw upon the resources of the birth chart helps us recognise our full potential by hour / £75, 1.5 hours
Healing. Bernadette Jaye works with those who unconscious mind to enable you to break life inhibit- revealing our dharma, our life’s purpose, and when u Pierre Pradervand offers one to one counselling,
find situations or relationships going wrong and ing patterns such as low self-esteem, phobias and that may be realised. Pam rather sees astrology as a based on the philosophy in his book “The Gentle Art
want to understand and clear any elements of restricting habits. Working through past life memo- guide, which affirms that the path a person is taking of Blessing”, helping people to key into their inner
self-sabotage or psychic conflict, from their past ries and the in between life state it becomes possible is true for them. £60, 1 hour. wisdom, beauty and original innocence. £35.
or present, or from a past life. Many techniques to heal and move forward in our current life. £85, 2 u Sonia Ducie AIN. Numerology is the ancient science, u Stefan Rippel offers personal healing sessions. He
available according to your needs, including auric hours / £65 1.5 hours psychology and philosophy of numbers, utilised by says “Pain is always an important signal, convey-
cleansing, counselling. £50, 1 hr. u Finding the Cause and Healing. Veronika & the Greek, the Hindus, Chinese, Tibetans and Egyp- ing a message about what is going wrong in our
Past Life Healing: £85, 2 hrs. / £65, 1.5 hrs. Christopher Strong MA CANTAB, FSSA, ATH are tians. Sonia will highlight your personality traits, soul lives. Together we can discover what this message
u Counselling / Healing. Jenny Lee RGN, CHAC, professional Dowsers, specialising in holistic healing, purpose and karma, along with timing for events both is.” To relieve the pain, Stefan releases blocks and
MNFSH, Transpersonal Counsellor, enables clients clearing and harmonising stressed buildings, busi- past and present. A reading covers health, career and harmonises the entire energetic system. This initiates
to contact their inner wisdom, gaining insight into nesses and people of adverse energies. Fees depend relationships (including compati-bility), along with change to enable the self to continue learning on its
life issues so that they can be dealt with at the ap- on situation. appropriate personal issues. £75, 1 hour path of life. £60, 1 hour.
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