Hacker PDF
Hacker PDF
Hacker PDF
Hackers are classified according to the intent of their actions. The following list classifies
hackers according to their intent.
Ethical Hacker (White hat): A hacker who gains access to systems with a view to fix the
identified weaknesses. They may also perform penetration Testing and vulnerability
Cracker (Black hat): A hacker who gains unauthorized access to computer systems for
personal gain. The intent is usually to steal corporate data, violate privacy rights, transfer
funds from bank accounts etc.
Grey hat: A hacker who is in between ethical and black hat hackers. He/she breaks into
computer systems without authority with a view to identify weaknesses and reveal them
to the system owner.
Script kiddies: A non-skilled person who gains access to computer systems using
already made tools.
A hacker who use hacking to send social, religious, and political, etc. messages. This is
usually done by hijacking websites and leaving the message on the hijacked website.
Phreaker: A hacker who identifies and exploits weaknesses in telephones instead of
Are hacker good people or bad people? it depends on our own opinion because hackers can be
good or bad people. Why, because if hackers want to be good people they can just make a new
program that can help the progress of humanity, otherwise if they are evil, they can break into
important data such as bank data or other important data from other countries.
What is Cybercrime?
Cyber Crime is the use of computers and networks to perform illegal activities such as
spreading computer viruses, online bullying, performing unauthorized electronic fund transfers,
etc. Most cybercrimes are committed through the internet. Some cybercrimes can also be
carried out using Mobile phones via SMS and online chatting applications.
Type of Cybercrime
Ethical Hacking is identifying weakness in computer systems and/or computer networks and
coming with countermeasures that protect the weaknesses. Ethical hackers must abide by the
following rules.
Get written permission from the owner of the computer system and/or computer network
before hacking.
Protect the privacy of the organization been hacked.
Transparently report all the identified weaknesses in the computer system to the
Inform hardware and software vendors of the identified weaknesses.
Ethical Hacking is legal if the hacker abides by the rules stipulated in the above section on the
definition of ethical hacking. The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-
Council) provides a certification program that tests individual’s skills. Those who pass the
examination are awarded with certificates. The certificates are supposed to be renewed after
some time.