Family Health: Ppcalara
Family Health: Ppcalara
Family Health: Ppcalara
School-Year: 2019-2020 Ref: PE and HEALTH 8 LM, Wikipedia,
Total Number of Meetings: 8 Honing Your Skills through MAPEH 8
The aim of education for human sexuality is to develop in a
boy the characteristics of the personality belonging to his sex, and in a 1. Family or home plays an important role in a teenager’s life. Parents
girl the characteristic of her own sex, thus turning a boy into a mature need to establish open communication with their children about their
man and a girl into a mature woman. sexuality. Parents can influence their children to have strong self-control
Gender and sexuality are two issues that affect your life as a and discipline, self-respect, responsible decisions, and self-esteem,
teenager. These two concepts have some of the greatest impact on and should be instilled and practiced at an early age.
how you view yourself and deal with other people especially with the
opposite sex. Sexual feelings are normal and healthy. As a teen, you 2. School is the second home of the students. In school, they received
will experience a heightened desire to explore your sexuality. This is education or correct information about sexuality, family life, sexually
completely normal and healthy. Just keep in mind that sexuality transmitted diseases that will give them deeper understanding about
encompasses our whole being. Managing sexuality-related issues these concepts. Misinformation and misconception will be corrected in
should be founded on values particularly self-respect and respect school. The school and teachers influence the sexuality of the individual
for others. through teaching sex roles, responsible parenthood, and other concepts
related to sexuality.
Sex is centered on the biological basis of being a male or female.
3. Church/Religion and other places of worship help the parents and
Gender is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, the school in developing moral values among teenagers. With the
and act. It refers to femininity or masculinity of a persons’ role and strong faith and obedience to the moral standards of the religious belief
behavior as defined by society. they are in, teenagers can avoid sexual behaviors that are not
Gender Role refers to set of roles, characteristics, and
expectations of how a man or woman should feel, think, and 4. Mass Media have a very strong influence on the development of
act as influenced by parents, peers, and society. man’s sexual attitudes and behaviors. Magazines, newspapers, and
other printed materials, radio, television, cinema, internet, and other
Gender Role is often an outward expression of gender social media are often the sources of information. The mass media
identity. It is manifested within society by observable factors assume great impact in influencing sexual attitudes and teenagers
such as behavior and appearance. Your gender role begin to associate their sexual behaviors to what they are seeing in
demonstrates the typical characteristics of a person in his or media.
her behavior
5. Friends/Peer Groups can help increase enjoyment in life. Most of
Gender Equality permits man and woman equal enjoyment of the time, teenagers are with their friends talking about so many things.
human rights. They have great influence on each other. Teenagers should know
whom to trust and go with to avoid any wrongdoing that may result to
Sexuality is an integral part of what we do and who we are; it is the way sexually-related problems.
in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings. It is
the total expression of an individual’s self-concept. 6. Community or communities set standards for the community
members to follow. The moral standards set by the community help
Human sexuality is the quality of being male or female. It is each member to develop wholesome attitudes and behaviors about
the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexuality. These will also help each community member to have a
sexual beings. healthy and satisfying sexual life.
pressure that your group may impose on you. If you give in to peer Some problems as result of teenage pregnancy are:
pressure, this will interfere with your search for your identity. a. She may have health problems during pregnancy.
b. Death due to complication is higher among teenage
A person with secure identity is: pregnancy
1. Able to be with different sorts of people without feeling c. She may not get adequate prenatal care because of
uncomfortable delayed decision.
d. She may experience educational, economic, and social
2. Able to say “no” to things that make you feel uncomfortable disadvantages.
without feeling angry or embarrassed. e. Both the teenage boy and girl may find the sudden
responsibilities overwhelming
3. Able to feel close to others without feeling he/she is losing f. Since they are less likely to finish high school or college
himself/herself. and so they are less successful financially than others of
the same age who are not pregnant
2. Sexual Identity and Sexual Maturity- the development of one’s
sexual identity is a composite of biological gender, social gender role, 5. Abortion is the premature expulsion from the uterus of a fertilized
sexual preference, body image, and sexual script begins at birth. Part egg, embryo, or nonviable fetus. It is immoral to take the life of the fetus.
of your sexual identity is also reflected in your sexual maturity. Sexual In the Philippines, abortion is illegal
maturity goes far beyond the capacity to reproduce. The process of
achieving sexual maturity involves intentional effort on your part as an
(Mccoy and Wibbelsman, 1992: 235-236)
An unplanned and unwanted pregnancy can cause emotional
anguish, possible health risks, and in some cases, limited life options.
Teenage pregnancies are premature because they occur in
mothers who may be too young and/or immature to care for a child
adequately. In such cases, the mother may be so young endangering
pregnancy. Chances are, if you are a pregnant teenager, young
pregnancy is a problem for you and your family.