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Cebu Institute of Technology - University Chemical Engineering Department

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CHE501 – V1


Cebu Institute of Technology – University

Chemical Engineering Department
Laboratory Experiment Report # 2


Author: Ed Ryan M. Ruales

Date: July 17, 2019

This experiment was performed in Cebu Institute of Technology – University Unit

operation Laboratory. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the overall
coefficient of heat transfer using steam to water forced convection. The equipment that
was used is a double pipe heat exchanger that could measure the heat transfer of both
the parallel and concurrent flows of liquid. To compute the rate of heat transfer, for each
time interval of 2 minutes the inlet and exit temperatures of the steam and cold water
streams were recorded as well as their respective mass. After obtaining the data, it is
found out that the concurrent flow transfer more heat compared to that of the parallel flow
and that the overall heat transfer coefficient of both system do not vary greatly.

CHE501 – V1

The objective of this experiment was to determine the overall coefficient of heat transfer
using steam to water in forced convection.

Materials/Apparatus/ Equipment List

 Concentric – pipe heat exchanger
Length of heating section: 11.5 ft
Outside diameter of heating tube: 0.875 in.
Inside diameter of heating tube: 0.745 in.
 Four Thermocouples
 Weighing scale
 Weighing pails
 Stopwatch
 Water, steam

Relevant Theory/ Background Information

Heat can be transferred from one place to another by three methods: conduction in
solids, convection of fluids (liquids or gases), and radiation through anything that will allow
radiation to pass even with lack of medium. Heat transfer occurs when there is a
difference of temperature between two system and the transfer of heat is from that with
higher temperature to lower.
Conduction is the movement of heat through a substance by the collision of
molecules. At the place where the two object touch, the faster-moving molecules of the
warmer object collide with the slower moving molecules of the cooler object. As they
collide, the faster molecules give up some of their energy to the slower molecules.
Convection occurs when warmer areas of a liquid or gas rise to cooler areas in the
liquid or gas. In liquids and gases, convection is usually the most efficient way to transfer
heat. As this happens, cooler liquid or gas takes the place of the warmer areas which
have risen higher.
Both conduction and convection happens in heat pipe exchanger. The heat from the

CHE501 – V1

hotter fluid transfers heat to the pipe by convection, the heat travels through the thickness
of the pipe through conduction, and the heat from the pipe to the cooler fluid through
convection. The overall heat transfer can be expressed by the formula:
𝑸 ∆𝒕
= 𝟏 𝑳 𝟏 (1)
𝜽 + +
𝒉𝟏 𝑨𝟏 𝒌𝑨𝒎 𝒉𝟐 𝑨𝟐

Both conduction and convection require matter to transfer heat. Radiation is a

method of heat transfer that does not rely upon any contact between the heat source and
the heated object.
Radiation is a form of energy transport consisting of electromagnetic waves traveling
at the speed of light. No mass is exchanged and no medium is required. This may occur
in heat exchangers. The heat that is transferred from the outside pipe to the environment
is expressed by the Stefan-Boltzmann law:
𝑻𝟏 𝟒 𝑻𝟐 𝟒
𝒒𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟕𝟑𝒑𝑨 [(𝟏𝟎𝟎) − (𝟏𝟎𝟎) )] (2)

The overall heat transfer coefficient

= 𝑼𝒊 𝑨𝒊 ∆𝒕 = 𝑼𝒎 𝑨𝒎 ∆𝒕 = 𝑼𝒐 𝑨𝒐 ∆𝒕 (3)


The lateral area of the heat exchanger was computed before the experiment started. The
equipment can be used for parallel and concurrent flow and so it was inspected and
familiarize by studying the valves that will be left open or closed depending on what flow
is desired.
For parallel flow, the valves V2, V4, V5, and V8 were closed, steam was passed through
valves V1 and V3; it enters the annular space at E and leaves as condensate at F; the
condensate then passes to the weighing tank through valves V 6, V7, and V9 and steam
trap K. Valve V11 was opened slightly to permit the escape of air from the steam space.
In countercurrent flow, Valves V3 and V6 are closed and valves V4 and V5 are opened.
The hot water, therefore, enters the annular space at F and leaves at E.

CHE501 – V1

Refer to Appendix for figure 1.1.

At 2 minutes interval the following data were recorded: time, Inlet and exit temperature of
the steam and cold water streams, and weight of discharge. The calculations that were
made involved using the steam table for latent heat identification.

Experimental Data Analysis and Discussion

Table 1.1 Steam Table Data

Steam Temperature, ⁰C Latent Heat, Weight of Heat
kJ/kg the transfer, kJ
Parallel flow 125.718 98.5 2409.104 2.227 5142.375
Concurrent 105.063 95.836 2281.96 2.12 4837.753

Table 1.2 : Computed data

Ai, area of inner heating surface 0.2083 m2
Ao, are of outer heating surface 0.24462 m2
Am, area of the mean heating surface 0.22592 m2
ΔTm, Mean Temperature Difference 54.05018 ⁰C
ΔTm, Mean Temperature Difference 50.1335 ⁰C
Q, Heat transfer in two minutes (parallel) 42,85 kW
Q, heat transfer in two minutes 40.314 kW

CHE501 – V1

Table 1.3: Determination of Overall heat transfer coefficient using equation 3.

Overall Heat- transfer Parallel, W/m2K Countercurrent, W/m2K
Ui 3806.68 3860.97
Uo 3241.12 3287.34
Um 3509.39 3559.43
Average 3519.06 3569.25

The data that was recorded showed a comparison between the parallel and
concurrent flows in a heat exchanger. The heat that was supplied to the parallel was
higher compared to the concurrent. This is due to the uncontrollable flow of steam in
valves but nevertheless, the heat from the steam was approximately calculated to be
5142.375 kJ. The supplied heat for concurrent is found to be averaging at 4837.753 kJ.
However the heat transfer (refer to table 1.2) does not vary greatly. The heat transfer of
concurrent flow is near to that of the parallel flow despite the difference in heat supplied
by the steam to each system. The overall heat transfer coefficient for both parallel and
concurrent flow does not vary greatly. This means that heat transfer in concurrent is more


The overall coefficient of heat transfer for the heat exchanger in parallel flow is 3519.06
W/m2K and that of the concurrent flow is 3569.25 W/m2K. The overall heat transfer
coefficient is near to equal since the same equipment was used. However, it is proven
that the concurrent flow transfer more than that of the parallel.

CHE501 – V1

McCabe W.L. Smith J.C. and Harriott P. (1993), “Unit Operations in Chemical
Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 5th Ed., pp. 463-494

ml, Accessed online , July 16,2019

Figure 1.1 Double pipe heat exchanger

Table 1.1: Raw data

Type of flow Time Cold water Hot water Weight of
, min Meter Temp, ⁰C Gage Temp, ⁰C Condensat
reading, Inlet Exit reading Inlet Exit e
L , psi

CHE501 – V1

0 27 68 27 103.2 94.1 2.0

2 27.1 68.1 27 104.5 94.6 1.98
4 27.0 68 27 104.1 98.2 1.75
6 28.0 68.3 28 103.2 94.0 1.50

8 28.2 68.4 27 103.1 94.2 2.1

10 28.4 68.7 27 105.2 95.6 2.23
12 28.7 68.9 28 104.9 95.2 2.18
14 29.1 69.2 29 103.8 94.2 2.0
16 29.3 69.4 29 107.8 97.7 2.52
18 29.8 70.1 29 108.5 99.2 2.61
20 30.1 71.4 30 107.4 97.2 2.55
AVERAGE 28.93 68.95 27.82 105.063 95.836 2.52

Type Time, Cold water Hot water Weight of

of flow min Meter Temp, ⁰C Gage Temp, ⁰C Condensate
reading, Inlet Exit reading, Inlet Exit
L psi
0 32.1 67 22 124.1 99.2 1.9
2 32.3 68.2 23 124.5 99.5 2.0
4 34.2 68.3 20 124 98 2.0
6 34.5 68.4 25 126 99 2.3

8 35.7 68.7 20 124 108 2.5

10 36.2 69.2 28 129 93 2.4
12 36.9 70.3 27 128 98 2.1
14 37.3 72.7 26 128.4 97.3 2.2
16 35.9 68.9 22 124.6 97.5 2.2
18 36.6 71.2 24 125.4 97.9 2.4
20 37.4 72.7 23 125.4 98 2.5
AVERAGE 35.46 69.36 23.636 125.718 98.5 2.227

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