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The Cell

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• The cell comprises the greater part of the body
and are the basic functional and structural unit
of living organisms.
Cell type:
• Eukaryotic cell- a cell type that has a true
nucleus surrounded by nuclear memrane or
• Prokaryotic cell- lacks a nuclear envelope and
the nuclear sustance is mixed or in direct
contact with the rest of the protoplasm.
 The
principal parts of a cell are the cell
membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.

 Thecell membrane is the cytoplasmic component

that is not clearly distinguishable in common
hematoxylin and eosin stained preparation but the
cytoplasm appears pinkish or reddish, and the
nucleus appears intensly blue or purple in color.
• The cell membrane
forms the outer
boundary of all
eukaryotic cells. They
are also called plasma
membrane or
• 7-11 mm, semi-
• Light Microscope- cell
membrane is invisible
• Electron Microscope-
appear as trilaminar
membrane made up of

• Gives shape to the cell

• Regulates the passage of ions and macromolecules in
and out of the cell.
• It contains devices for cell attachments.
• Involves in cell to cell communication.
• Has antigenic molecules that are the basic of
recognition and tissue specificity.
• Involved in Ion pump for regulating the internal
• Contains receptor for hormones
• Mechanism for generating messenger molecules that
activate the cell’s physiological responses to stimuli.

Is the colloidal suspension

of the cell. It is
composed of matrix,
termed “Cytosol” in
which several structures
are embedded classified
into three groups
• Organelles
• Inclusions
• Cytoskeleton
A. Organelles
• The different
metabolically active
internal organs
- present in all carrying out essential
eukaryotic cells specific funtions are
the following:
- permanent • Endoplasmic
components of the reticulum
cytoplasm • Golgi complex
• Mitochondria
-contain enzymes • Ribosome
that participate in • Lysosomes
cellular metabolic • Centrioles
activity. • Peroxisomes or
Endoplasmic reticulum

 extensivesystem of membrane
 these organelles consists of loose network
of branching and anatomosing tubules
throughout the cytoplasm, but the tubules
maybe expanded locally into broad flat
saccules called cisternae.
Rough ER (granular
• parallel stacked of
flattened cisternae,
these cisternae have
ribosomes attached on
the surface of their
• It synthesizes protein for
export as a secretory
Smooth ER (agranular
• cisternae are more
likely to appear as a
profusion of
channels of variable
shape and sizes.
• lacks the associated
• involved in the
synthesis of triglyceride,
glycogen cholesterol
or steroid hormone
Golgi complex (Golgi
Apparatus or Dictyosomes)

 Involved in secretory
activity of the cell
 It is the site of
chemical modification,
storage of secretory
product, and
packaging of secretory
product of the rough
• Hence, they are
Mitochondria referred to as
“powerhouse of
the cell”

• This is a cytoplasmic
structure that provides
for biosynthesis and
motor activity of cells..
• Free ribosome- occur
• measure 15 by 25 mm. singly free, involved in
and composed of protein synthesis for
smaller and larger
subunit. intercellular use.
• Small subunit- single
larger molecule of
RNA and some 30 • Attached ribosome-
associated small involved in the
proteins. synthesis of proteins
• Larger subunit- 2 destined for export
molecules of RNA and
about 40 associated from the cell as
proteins. secretory product.

 Main function is  Primarylysosomes-

related to small vesicles
digestion containing the
 Membrane bounded inactive ezymes
vesicles that contains
large variety of
 Secondary
hydrolytic enzyme
active at acid pH. lysosomes-
(acid hydrolases) involved in

 Determine polarity of
 Considered as the
center of activities
associated with cell
 Self-duplicating
organelles and
prominent in mitosis.
Peroxisomes or Microbodies

 Contains enzymes
rich in catalase,
urase, oxidase
 These are
abundant in the
liver, kidneys,
B. Inclusions

 Generally temporary  They are the inert

component of certain accumulations of
cells. They usually metabolites or cell
appear as vacuoles, products such as:
granules, globules and  Stored food
a diversity of sizes and  Crystals
 Pigments
 Secretory granules
C. Cytoskeletons

• Structural framework of • Microtubules

the cell
• Microfilaments
Important functions: • Intermediate
• Maintenance of cell filaments
shape • Microtubular
• Stabilization of cell lattices
• Movements of local
specializations of the cell
• Cell motility
Microtubules Microfilaments
• Play a significant role in • Contractile filaments
the development and of actin-myosin
maintenance of cell filaments
• Responsible for the
• Major role in
intracellular transport viscoelastic
of other organelles and properties and
provide basis for contractility of the
several complex cytoplasm.
cytoplasmic organelles • Necessary for cell
including centrioles, motility
cilia, flagella
Intermediate Microtubular lattices
 Slender strands
 Cross section
forming a gel solid
diameter falls phase linking
between together the other
microtubules and filamentous
microfilaments components and
 Identified by organelles.

 Is the archive of the

cell. The repository of
its genetic material. It
is usually basophilic in
staining because of
the presence of
nucleic acids.
1. Nuclear envelope
3. Chromatin- composed of
-bilayer ,membrane coiled strands of DNA
of bounded to basic protein
a. Euchromatin- metabolically
lipoprotein active, loose or fine network
separated by a of chromatin fibrils
narrow space called b. Heterechromatin-
metabolically inactive,
perinuclear space or condensed network of
cisternae. chromatin appears as
coarse granules or patches.

2. Nuclear pores 4. Nucleoplasm- amorphous

- opening in the matrix that fills the space
between the chromatin and
nuclear envelope the nucleoli in the nucleus.
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