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302 UK Business Plan Template HSBC

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Business plan

Your business logo

Business name
Address 1
Post code

Web site

To insert your business logo, click an insertion point using your mouse to the right of the
word ‘logo’ above, then go to the menu at the top of this window (File, Edit, View, Insert,
etc), click on Insert/Picture/From file/(and select your logo).

1. Summary...............................................................................................3

2. Business overview...................................................................................4
Current position
Competitive advantage
Growth plan

3. Business strategy....................................................................................5
Strategic issues
Core values

4. Marketing..............................................................................................6
SWOT and critical success factors
Market research
Distribution channels
Strategic alliances
E-commerce and technology
Tactical promotion plan
Marketing budget
Credibility and risk reduction

5. Team and management structure...............................................................7

Skills, experience, training and retention
Management systems

6. Financial budgets and forecasts..................................................................8

Profit and loss forecast
Cash flow forecast
Balance sheet forecast
Capital expenditure budget
Break-even analysis

Business plan prepared Month Year Page 2

1. Summary
(Enter your text here)

The summary is the last part of the plan that you write, but should be included at the beginning
of the plan. This allows busy readers to quickly see what the plan is about without reading all
the details.

Use the summary to highlight the key points of your plan. If you are using your plan to raise
financing, the summary needs to make the reader (eg the bank manager or a potential investor)
want to find out more and read the whole plan.

Business plan prepared Month Year Page 3

2. Business overview
(Keep this section brief)

(Enter your text here)

A brief history of your business (or of the idea that has prompted you to start it).
The purpose of your business: what business you’re in and why you started it.
Note its location and explain if this is important (or a competitive advantage).
Describe your products and services.

Current position
(Enter your text here)

What have you achieved so far?

Outline the current position of your business: where is your business in the business lifecycle
(introductory phase, growth phase, mature, declining)?
Explain what industry you operate in and where it sits in the business lifecycle (emerging
industry, growth industry, mature industry, declining industry).

Competitive advantage
(Enter your text here)

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your competition?

Explain your competitive advantage(s) and the market niche(s) you’ve identified.
What makes you confident your business will continue to grow and endure? Why is your
business model effective?

Growth plan
(Enter your text here)

Provide a brief overview here of what will be described in more detail in the rest of the plan.
Describe the current reach of your business and explain how this business plan will change that.
Give an overview of your goals and the future you plan for your business.

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3. Business strategy
(Enter your text here)

Outline here your business strategy for:

• The next year
• The next 3-5 years (choose your own strategic horizon).
Describe your business objectives and goals (make sure they are specific and measurable).

(Enter your text here)

Outline the gap between where you are now and where you want to be (as above).
Cover the main practical steps you have to take to get your business from where it is now to
where you want it to go. What extra resources will you need?

Strategic issues
(Enter your text here)

Outline the external threats or opportunities that could impact on your business during your
strategic horizon:
• The next year
• The next 3-5 years (or a horizon of your choice).

Core values
(Enter your text here)

Describe the core values that underpin your business. Explain why these core values are crucial
to your long-term business success, how they will affect customers (the benefits) and how they
will help to motivate both you and your staff.

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4. Marketing
SWOT and critical success factors
(Enter your text here)

Outline briefly your marketing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

What are therefore the critical success factors for your business?

Market research
(Enter your text here)

Explain what market research you’ve done and methods you use.
Outline how ongoing market research is built into your daily business operations.
What target market(s) has your market research (and trading experience) established.
Explain how intimately you understand these markets (how close you keep to your customers)
and how this feeds back into your business (improvements, product/service changes, etc).

Distribution channels
(Enter your text here)

Describe the current marketing reach of your business (local, national, international?) and how
you reach customers (eg through distributors, using the Internet).
In terms of your strategy, what new markets do you plan to access:
• In the next year?
• In the next 3-5 years?
Describe how you plan to accomplish this.

Strategic alliances
(Enter your text here)

Explain what strategic alliances you have in place or are planning to increase your access to
markets, leverage resources, etc.

E-commerce and technology

(Enter your text here)

Explain how you’re using e-commerce and technology in your business to lower costs, speed up
business, access new markets, build online sales, etc.

Tactical promotion plan

(Enter your text here)

Explain how you will promote your business to customers (eg advertising, exhibitions, PR).

Marketing budget
(Enter your text here)

Detail your marketing budget for the year. Explain how you will monitor it to manage and
improve results.

Credibility and risk reduction

(Enter your text here)

Explain your tactics for increasing the credibility of your business and reducing the customer’s
risk in doing business with you.

Business plan prepared Month Year Page 6

5. Team and management structure
Skills, experience, training and retention
(Enter your text here)

Describe the skills, business track record and experience of yourself and key members of your
Outline your team. Explain the key staff, their positions and key responsibilities.
Briefly describe the incentives you’ve put in place (or are planning) to retain them and keep
them motivated.
Describe your staff training programme and its budget.
If there are gaps in your team, or you need extra staff to fulfil your short and longer term
strategies, outline the gaps here, and who you need to fill those gaps.
Explain how new staff will be trained.

(Enter your text here)

Describe your core team of advisors (lawyer, accountant, consultants, business mentor or ‘guru’
you can access for advice, etc).

Management systems
(Enter your text here)

Briefly outline the management structure of your business.

Describe the business systems you have in place to manage efficiently. Do you have written
operations manuals in place or house rules for staff (always wear name badges, etc)?
What accounting software or systems do you use? How regularly can you produce financial
reports and analyse key business ratios?
Cover compliance issues too: how you prepare for and deal with payroll and employment issues,
tax and VAT obligations, health & safety, etc.

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6. Financial budgets and forecasts
(Enter your text here)

Attach financial budgets and forecasts you are attaching to the business plan such as:
• Profit and loss forecast
• Cash flow forecast
• Balance sheet forecast
• Capital expenditure budget
• Break-even analysis
Provide brief notes on each of these forecasts. It’s a good idea to produce Optimistic, Pessimistic
and Realistic versions of the first three.
If the cash flow forecasts pinpoint future cash flow difficulties, explain how you plan to deal with
these challenges.

Business plan prepared Month Year Page 8

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