Admission Is Subject To Availability of Vacancy: D.D. / Challan No: Amount: Bank (Branch)
Admission Is Subject To Availability of Vacancy: D.D. / Challan No: Amount: Bank (Branch)
Admission Is Subject To Availability of Vacancy: D.D. / Challan No: Amount: Bank (Branch)
An amount of Rs. 500 (Rs. 250 for SC/ST) to be paid in favour of “ The Registrar,
Bharathiar University”
Affix an attested
55% of marks and above in Master’s degree (5% relaxation for SC/ST). Recent Color
UGC / CSIR(JRF) / SET / GATE / NET / M.Phil. Qualified/Teacher fellowship Photograph within
holders / DST inspire (who attains eligibility) / Scientists working in DRDO / Faculty of this box.
Air Force Administrative College, the candidates who obtained PG degree from abroad need not (You may cut the
appear for Common Eligibility Test (CET). photo properly to
Centre Coimbatore Erode Nilgiris Tirupur Pollachi fit in this box)
Full Name in capital letters
Educational Qualification :
* Those who have appeared for the final exams and awaiting for the results need to fill the % of marks upto III/V
Semester Incomplete application and application without two self addressed stamped ( each 50/- rupees )
envelopes (5*11 inch), and Demad Draft will be summarily rejected.
* The candidates who have passed PG degree should enclose the xerox copy of the degree certificate. Incase of
Second class, consolidated statement of marks should be enclosed for verification of 55% in PG degree, except
for SC/ST candidates.
I, ……………………………………, son/daughter of ………………… hereby declare that the information
furnished here are true to the best of my knowledge and I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the admission
of the University/College to which I get admitted to.
Contact address (House No, Street, Locality, and must contain the Pincode)
Mobile No +91
Tel. No.
Pin code:
E-mail (if any)
Read the instructions carefully before filling up the application form
The Application without filling of any of the below criteria / details is liable for rejection.
The Common Eligibility Test application form is onl y for regular M.Phil./Ph.D. (Full time/Part
time) admission programmes for the academic year 2019-2020 offered in the University
Departments/Affiliated Colleges and Recognized Research Institutions. It is NOT for
CATEGORY-B stream.
Application form and Instructions for Common Eligibility Test can be downloaded
from the University website: (
3. Two numbers of self-addressed covers affixed with fifty rupees (Rs.50) stamp in each cover.
4. Candidates having minimum 55% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s degree are
eligible to appear for CET 2019 (for SC/ST Candidates the minimum eligibility is 50 %).
5. Passing minimum of 10 marks out of 35 is mandatory to get eligibility for
admission to M.Phil. and Ph.D. programme.
NOTE: The print out of the application in hard copy along with the above said documents
should be sent BY POST on or before 26.04.2019 in a closed envelope superscribed as
in (SUBJECT NAME)” to the Coordinator of CET, Department of Physical
Education ,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore -641 046.
* UGC / CSIR-NET/ SET/ GATE/ M.Phil. Qualified/ Teacher Fellowship holders /DST
Inspire (who attains eligibility/Scientists working in DRDO / Faculty of Air Force
Administrative College, the candidates who obtained PG degree from abroad need not appear
for Common Eligibility Test (CET).
Exam Date & Time : 23.06.2019, 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.*
* For Enquiry regarding CET 2019 contact: 0422-2428571, 2428582
which is affiliated to