Professional Education 200 With Separate Answer Key
Professional Education 200 With Separate Answer Key
Professional Education 200 With Separate Answer Key
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided.
STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.
8. Which is a characteristics of DEVELOPMENTAL INAPROPRIATE
PRACTICE type of education?
a. Contextual learning
c. Experiential learning
d. Integrated learning skills
12. Roberto who is in Grade IV has the following grade norm equivalents:
MATH-4; Reading-8; and Science-5. What can be said of Roberto?
Compared to the average Grade IV pupil, Roberto is
a. behind in Math
b. average in Science
c. behind in Math and average in Science
d. advanced in Science
16. For mastery of learning and in line with the Outcome-Based Evaluation
model which element should be present?
a. inclusion of non-performance objectives
b. construction of criterion-referenced tests
c. construction of norm-referenced tests
d. non-provision of independent learning
18. With specific details in mind, which one (s) has (have) a stronger
diagnostic value?
a. Restricted essay test
b. Non-restricted essay test
c. Restricted and non-restricted essay test
d. Multiple choice test
19. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good.
a. empiricism c. hedonism
b. Epicureanism d. realism
25. What is an advantage of point system of grading?
a. it does away with establishing clear distinctions among students.
b. It is precise.
c. It is qualitative.
d. It emphasizes learning not objectivity of scoring.
29. Matthew Arnold’s ideal person was “the person whose powers were all in
balance”. The following enumerate which have to be developed for a
person to become Arnold’s ideal person EXCEPT.
a. head, heart, hands, health
b. knowledge, skills, attitudes
c. brain, mind, reason
d. cognitive, psychomotor, and affective powers
30. How student learn maybe more important than what they learn. From
this principle, which of the following is particularly important?
a. knowing how to solve problem
b. getting the right answer to a world problem
c. determining the given
d. solving the problem within time limit
31. If you want a child to eliminate an undesirable behavior, punish him. This
in accordance to Thorndike’s law of ___.
34. A person is held responsible for his actions because
a. he is mature. c. he has instincts.
b. he has a choice. d. he has reason.
38. Under which category does the MPS that we talk about in the
measurement and evaluation of learning fall?
a. Mode c. Median
b. Mean d. Ratio
39. Which attitude is exemplified by a Boy Scout who says “Bahala Na!” and
drives into a pool to save a drowning boy?
a. A daring attitude
b. A “segurista” attitude
c. A daring attitude combined with” pagmalasakit”
d. An “I dont-care attitude’’
41. “ The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to qualify
education at all levels.” Which government program is in support of this?
a. Exclusion of children with special needs from the formal system
b. Free elementary and secondary education
c. Deregulated tuition fee hike
d. Re-introduction of the NEAT and NSAT
42. Which is the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers?
a. RA 7836 c. RA 7722
b. RA 4670 d. P.D. 1011
46. The attention to the development of a deep respect and affection for
our rich cultural past is an influence ____.
a. Hegel’s c. Dewey’s
b. Confucius d. Teilhard de Chardin’s
Column A Column B
_____ 1. Equilateral a. with 3 equal sides
51. An industrial Arts teachers is very strict in the classroom, yet he smokes
inside the room whenever he wants to. His pupils even see him with his
:barkada” drinking liquor in public places. If you were the principal, how
would you deal with him?
a. Explain to the pupils that smoking is bad for young people but not
to adults.
b. Be tolerant about his behavior for it is only a manifestation of “
c. Express disapproval in writing the unbecoming behavior of
the teacher.
d. Talk with him about the importance of being consistent on actions
and in the rules of discipline enforced in the classroom.
52. Teacher B wants to diagnose in which vowel sound (s) her students have
difficulty. Which tool is most appropriate?
a. Portfolio assessment
b. Journal entry
c. Performance test
d. Paper-and-pencil test
54. The index of difficulty of a particular test is .10. What does this mean? My
students ___.
a. gained mastery over that item
b. performed very well against expectation
c. found that test item was neither easy nor different
d. were hard up in that item
56. A catalyst teacher is good at the following skills, EXCEPT;
a. makes effective use of cooperative learning techniques.
b. ask thought-provoking questions.
c. require uniform reports
d. do inquiry teaching
58. A good classroom manager has “eyes on the back of her head.” This
means that the effective teacher ____.
a. has eye contact with his students
b. gives penetrating looks to his students
c. looks at his students from head to toe when he
expresses legitimate anger
d. is aware of all actions and activities in the classroom
60. What is the role of the learner in the Re-structured Basic Education
a. passive recipients of knowledge
b. rival of classmates in learning
c. active partner in learning
d. object of pedagogy
61. Study this group of tests which was administered with the
following results, then answer the question.
Physics 41 9 31
English 80 16 109
63. Which is a good practice that a teacher uses in correcting student’s
a. Encourage the students to read books and magazines to improve
their spelling.
b. Readily correcting the error upon utterance to distract the
students flow of though
c. Nothing students errors and dealing with them after the class
d. Ignore the mistake, anyway she will commit the same error in the
65. I want my students to show historical ages graphically which will be most
a. Fishbone diagram
b. Continuous scale
c. Series if events chain
d. Flow chart
66. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, what is it that a child can NOT do?
a. Doing mentally what was done just physically done
b. Reasoning applied to specific example sets
c. Classifying objects into different sets
d. Imagining the sets necessary to complete an algebraic equation
80. In what developmental stage is growth most rapid?
a. Adolescence
b. Middle childhood
c. Infancy
d. Early childhood
81. A woman kills the man who had raped her by reason of self-defense. Is
this right?
a. Yes, rape is very serious act of aggression and is proportionate to
b. Yes, it is done to defend her reputation.
c. Yes, this is the only time the woman can ably defend herself.
d. No, the killing is no longer self-defense because the rape
is already over.
85. Where in the three-level teaching strategy does the teacher pose the
question: can we say that the root cause of water pollution is our very own
indifference? How can we fight our indifference to the water pollution problem
around us?
a. Concept-level
b. Facts and concept level
c. Value-level
d. Concepts and value level
87. The teacher prepares a minimum of five questions in her daily lesson
plans. In what phase of teaching-learning activities does she take up
these questions?
a. Evaluation c. Assignment
b. Motivation d. Recitation
89. Teacher F teaches the rest of the class while one group works in a study
area on a special task. Students share materials help one another, and
assess each ideas and assignment. What approach does the teacher use?
a. Cooperative learning
b. Integrative learning
c. Adaptive instruction
d. Independent study
92. “ Man may understand all about the rotation of the earth but he may
still miss the radiance of the sunset”, said Dr. Martin Luther King. Which is
an educational implication of this statement? Stress on
a. science education
b. skill education
c. liberal education
d. technical education
93. A son put a time bomb in the luggage of his mother who took it abroad a
Philippine airline. The bomb exploded while the airplane was in flight killing
the mother and forty other passengers. Although the movie of the criminal act
was never revealed by the son, he aroused suspicion, when he named
himself beneficiary to an insurance policy he had previously taken out on his
mother’s life. Was the son accountable for the death of his mother and other
a. No. He did not directly the death of his mother and the
other passengers.
b. Yes, if he got the insurance money after the death.
c. Yes, he may have been directly interested only in the insurance
money but indirectly as a foreseen consequence, he willed the
death of all passengers.
d. No, if he refused to get the insurance money after the incident.
95. With the linguistically intelligent group in mind, which activity is
least effective?
a. Concept maps
b. Debates
c. Manipulatives
d. Deductive reasoning
98. To have a test with a coverage and with power to test analytical thinking
and case scoring?
99. Who was a strong supporter of inclusive education and “education for
all” concept?
a. Rousseau c. Dewey
b. Kung-fu-tsu d. Hegel
101. After showing the chart on families of different sizes and their
corresponding water consumption, Teacher L asked pupils this question:
What can you say about the size of families and their average water
consumption? To answer the question which specific skill is demanded of the
a. Drawing inferences
b. Recall
c. Evaluation
d. Stating generalization
103. Ms. Cho gives a quiz to her class after teaching a lesson. What does
she give?
a. Diagnostic test c. Performance test
b. Summative test d. Formative test
104. Teacher K believes that every learner can be helped to achieve his full
potential and so functions effectively in society when we satisfy his needs.
On what theory(ies) is Teacher K’s belief based?
a. Cognitive psychology c. Behaviorist theory
b. Humanistic psychology d. S-R theories
106. With the gradations of objectives in the affective domain in mind, under
what level does “developing a consistent philosophy of life” fall?
a. Organization
b. Responding
c. Characteristics
d. Valuing
110. One group of psychologist said: “Wait until the child is ready”. But who
said “one can help the child to get ready by developing pre-requisite skills
in an interesting and meaningful way”?
a. Gagne c. Ebbinghaus
b. Bruner d. Kohler
112. The following characterize a child-centered kindergarten EXCEPT
a. academic-oriented
b. importance of play in development
c. emphasis on individual uniqueness
d. focus on the education of the whole child.
119. I use the gumamela to teach the parts of a complete flower. Later, the
flowers will be studied in comparison to gumamela. What teaching method
did I use?
a. Problem-solving method
b. Discovery method
c. Type-study method
d. Laboratory method
121. Fear of the dentist from a painful experience, fear of heights from
falling off a high chair when we were infants are learned through
a. insight
b. classical conditioning
c. operant conditioning
d. imitation
125. “Using the principles of a guide, describe how you would solve
the following problem situation” is a sample though question on _____.
a. summarizing
b. synthesizing
c. applying
d. analyzing
127. The variance, standard deviation, and range are all measures of
a. variability
b. central tendency
c. grouping
d. partition values
129. Ramil helps his classmate carry heavy books if their teacher sees him
and so praises Ramil. In which level of moral development according to
Kohlberg’s theory?
a. Conventional
b. Non-conventional
c. Pre-conventional
d. Post conventional
130. The teacher gives indigenous achievement test to his 25 students.
The test consist of 50 items. He wants to classify his student’s performance
based on the test result.
132. “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels.” Which government program is in support of this?
a. Deregulated tuition fee hike
b. Re-introduction of the NEAT and the NSAT
c. Primary schools for indigenous peoples
d. Exclusion of children with special needs from the formal system.
135. Which describes learning that5 students get when they go into
community immersion?
a. Symbolic
b. Simulated
c. Experiential
d. Theoretical
136. Teacher R helped his students recall that stalagmites grow on the
ground while stalactites grow on the “ceiling” of a cave by associating “G” in
stalagmites with ground and “C” with ceiling. What did teacher R makes
use of?
a. Visual aid
b. Audio-visual aid
c. Meaning-maker device
d. Mnemonic device
137. What primary criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of
instructional devices?
a. Attractiveness
b. Novelty
c. Cost
d. Appropriateness
143. In the faculty room everyone is talking about Teacher W who is tutoring
for a free her own pupil who is vying for honors. What is the professional
thing for the other teachers to do?
a. As a group report her to the principal
b. Leave her alone, she might accuse you of meedling in
her personal life.
c. Talk to the parents of the tutee. Tell them what Teacher W. is
doing is unprofessional.
d. Correct her and remind her tutoring one’s own pupil for a fee is
144. For facts to be useful in research, it is best to ___.
a. See if they withstand the test of time.
b. Gather additional facts for comparison
c. Use all original facts
d. Select, classify, and summarize them.
146. When Teacher I presents sets of data then asks the students to enter a
conclusion, generalization or a pattern of relationship which method does
she use?
a. process approach
b. unit method
c. inductive inquiry method
d. type method
147. Which curriculum (a) was (were) in place before the 2002 Basic
Education Curriculum?
a. 2-2 plan curriculum and college preparatory curriculum
b. 2-2 plan curriculum
c. new elementary/secondary education curriculum
d. college preparatory curriculum
155. Who among the following is genuinely nationalistic? The citizen who
a. works overseas for the educational of his/her children
b. sings the national anthem with all his/her heart
c. salutes the flag as it is raised during generate jobs in the
156. The steps of the goal-oriented instructional model arranged ion order
a. pre-assessment, specification of objectives, instruction, evaluation
b. specification of objectives, instruction, pre-assessment, evaluation
c. pre-assessment, specification of objectives, motivation, instruction
d. specification of objectives, pre-assessment, instruction, evaluation
157. Nila reads WAS for SAW or D fro P or B. From her reading behavior,
one can say that Nila suffers from _____.
a. dysphasia
b. dyslexia
c. dysgraphia
d. dyspraxia
158. What will you do if someone confided to you an anomy which will
implicate people close to you?
a. Tell him to go to the authorities and report the matter
b. Encourage him to keep quit so as not to harm your friends.
c. Encourage the one who confined to you to seek the services of
a lawyer.
d. Tell him to call a radio broadcaster to air it.
160. Students B claims: “ I cannot see perfection but I lone for it so it must be
real.” Under which group can he be classified?
a. Realist
b. Pragmatist
c. Idealist
d. Empiricist
162. A grade II teacher wanted to show the parts of a seed by using a large,
wooden seed visual aid with detachable cotyledons and tiny seed. Under
what classification does this wooden structure fall?
a. Replica
b. Model
c. Mock up
d. Realia
164. Some of your students don’t seem to like you as their teacher. If you will
regard the situation on the level of the ego, what will you most likely think
a. What wrong have done to deserve this?
b. To hell with them
c. What is it about me that they do not like
d. Why should I care they like me or not?
165. Which teaching method is intended primarily for skill and concept
mastery by way of practice?
a. Review
b. Drill
c. Project
d. Supervised study
167. The teacher who nurtures the student’s positive psychological nature
is likely to
a. trace all students background and coordinate with the
guidance center in case the
students have problems.
b. be in class and listen to reasons of justification when students get
into conflict.
c. provide some practical learning activities that will develop or
foster harmonious relationships in classroom.
d. remind the students to develop a peaceful classroom atmosphere
so that everyone will be safe and happy.
170. After reading “ A NEW HOME for Ruben”, teacher asked the pupils this
questions: “Who was Ruben”? Under what level of comprehension does
this question fall?
a. Application
b. Literal comprehension
c. Interpretation
d. Critical evaluation
172. Which applies when the score distribution is concerned on the left
side of the curve?
a. Bell curve
b. Positively skewed
c. Bimodal
d. Negatively skewed
173. Which software allows teachers and students to write, edit, and
polish assignments and reports?
a. Database c. Spread sheets
b. Word processing d. Graphics
187. About what percent of the cases falls between + 1 and –1 in a normal
a. 64.2%
b. 63.2%
c. 65.5%
d. 68.2%
192. Which role (s) does the teacher play when he sets desirable learning
activities for the individual learner and takes the responsibility of matching
available resources with the needs of each learner?
a. Manager of the teaching-learning process
b. Scholar and director of learning
c. Abstractor and supervisor of learning
d. Counselor and consultant of learning
194. Teachers D banged the door when she entered the classroom while the
pupils waited nervously to greet her. She was tense and so were the pupils.
Later, she tried to encourage them to participate but the children remained
quit in their seats. Which can best explain the situation?
a. The teacher’s verbal and non-verbal messages are contradictory.
b. The impact of the non-verbal and verbal messages of the behavior
did not change.
c. The pupil’s perceptions of the teacher’s non-verbal behavior did
not change.
d. The teacher’s verbal communication has not been
interpreted correctly by the pupils.
195. Which item is learned most by my students? In the item with a difficulty
index of
a. .50
b. .10
c. .90
d. 1.0
197. The lesson is about the brain. Teacher D likes to share some facts
about the brain by the use of a graphic organizer. Which graphic organizer is
most fit?
a. Generalization pattern organizer
b. Episode pattern organizer
c. Descriptive pattern organizer
d. Time sequence pattern organizer
198. Which questioning practice will promote more class interaction?
a. Rejecting wrong answer
b. Asking the questions before calling on a student answer
c. Asking theoretical questions
d. Focusing on convergent questions
200. A student’s dislike for Math is due to a traumatic experience with a Math
teacher in the past. When law explains this?
a. Analogy
b. Vividness
c. Disposition or mind set
d. Partial activity