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A Literature Review On Global Occupational Safety and Health Practice & Accidents Severity

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International Journal for Quality Research 10(2) 279–310

ISSN 1800-6450

Kassu Jilcha 1
Article info:
Received 08.01.2016
Abstract: This literature review focuses on researches
Accepted 27.05.2016
undertaken since 1980s onwards. The purpose of the study is
UDC – 343.532 to identify existing gaps on workplace safety and health
DOI – 10.18421/IJQR10.02-04 management and propose future research areas. The review
adds value to existing electronic database through integration
of researches’ results. To identify existing gaps, a systematic
literature review approach has been used. The reviews were
undertaken through keywords and safety related topics. In the
literature, various characteristics of workplace safety and
health problems were found emanating from the lack of
operational activities of the employees, internal working
environment and external environment those impose hazards
on employee temporarily, permanently and on working
environments. The integration of multidisciplinary approaches
and collaborative model of hub and peripheral industries to
protect workplace safety hazards to develop multilevel model
has been undermined in many researches. The other face of
finding is that knowledge transfer mechanism and industrial
topology factors are left. Some researches finding showed that
they have focused on single problems related to health and
health factors leaving universal improving workplace safety.
In general, this literature reviews compare various studies
output based on their research method and findings to fills gap
and add value to a body of knowledge.
Keywords: Occupational safety and health, safety culture,
safety climate, safety management systems, manufacturing
industries, collaboration, Ethiopia

1. Introduction1 nowadays considered as a driving force to

ward finding solutions how to prevent it
Occupational health and safety is the from the manufacturing industries employee
concern of human wellbeing that, this day, negative consequence. In recent years, the
industrialization and service giving sectors quality, health, knowledge and safety
development is accelerating resulting in requirements in many countries have been
workplace health problem booming. more stringent than was the case previously
Workplace safety and health hazards seen. Some research finding concluded that
pressures from communities have led to the
enactment of various safety legislations and
Corresponding author: Kassu Jilcha safety standards in different countries and
email: jkassu@gmail.com

regions for different industries (Dejoy and variables in relation to the exhibition of safe
Southern, 1993). Ahonen et al. (2002) argue work behavior and occurrence of individual-
that different international and national level accidents, injuries, illnesses, and
safety standards provide guidance to help diseases. In order to understand the
organizations develop their safety inadequacies of previous review works, this
management systems (SMS) with respect to research attempts to provide systematic
varied business needs and requirements. literature review on OSH focusing
Despite the fact that people are working and manufacturing industries operation
spend most of their working hours at the perspective. Specifically, the objectives of
workplace, little attention and resources are this literature review are to describe the
accorded to health and safety at work nature of OSH depending on year of
(Michaels et al., 1985). In emerging publication, research contexts, and suggest
economies, workplace safety and health has future research opportunities for each
been overlooked in their industrial research domain of OSH. It also gives
development policy and strategies. They are information to any researchers who need to
mostly focused on the production volume or conduct further studies by refereeing to the
profit undermining the latent effect of identified gaps. Besides this, it adds data to
dissatisfactory working environment. For the scientific electronic database. This study
instance, in Ethiopia, there was no contains the following remaining sections:
workplace safety and health related stringent second section material & methodology,
policy standing alone for the manufacturing third section literature review, fourth section
industries. When it is focused on the results and discussions and last section deals
workplace safety and health it is to mean that with conclusion.
there should be both rules of effective
resource utilization and safe workplace 2. Material and methodology
environment for employees where their
health is considered and insured. Safe Search strategy: Electronic databases
workplaces are profitable workplaces, searched included in MEDLINE (through
whether measured in a company’s bottom PUBMED) EMBASE, Sociological
line, its market share, its broader consumer abstracts, LILACS, EconLit and CINAHL.
reputation, or its ability to attract and retain The search was limited to publication dates
workers, managers, or investors. Healthy from 1980s to 2015s. However, the major
people are expected to contribute more to consideration falls in this range of durations,
productivity and innovation. However, the other which is basic for this desertion has
absenteeism from workplace site causes been also included beyond this interval rage.
productivity loss (Michaels et al., 1985). But they are limited in number as there was
This literature review study helps in finding no more consideration for OSH before
gaps in previous researches on workplace 1980s. Searching mechanism used keywords
safety and health management system from a were used in terms of reflecting OSH
variety of disciplines. The purpose of gap practice in the global condition. The terms
identification is to propose the area which reflecting OSH included like workplace
needs further study toward the improvement safety, safety management system,
of workplace safety and health. Some of the relationship between safety and quality,
gaps were undeveloped multilevel model quality and safety, workplace health,
that affects individual, organizational and industrial health, industrial safety,
national safety performance and safety and occupational safety, employee health, safety,
health outcomes. In addition to these, work, health, manufacturing safety, working
absence of cross-level linkages among environment, safety committee, and
national, organizational, and individual-level workplace. More than these key terms were

280 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

utilized in different approaches in line with brought down to the most important data
expected methodologies that any researchers considering recent publications and reading
can use. methodology and results of the papers.
The literature reviewed has attempted to Finally, it has been filtered out to for this
identify related article with occupational literature purpose write up. It was difficult to
safety and health hazards identification or include all documents that made contribution
hazards controlling mechanisms. The to the field. At last, 116 articles were
obtained materials more of them were from collected as the samples area. The objective
electronic database. More than 1500 journal is to focus on how the workplace safety and
articles, reports, policies, standards and health hazards are happening, to see current
manuals were obtained from these selected state of the art of the researches summit and
databases. Depending on the relevance of the to identify the drawback from previously
material, through abstract and keyword conducted researches. The gaps that exist
screening operation were made and the can be filled by the overall research works
collected data were further reduced. The considering further research areas.
screened and reduced materials also again

Figure 1. Research methodology how data organized

Figure 2 indicates that categorical fourth are lean and innovation, knowledge
distribution of research domain (areas) transfer related studies with technology
related to safety & health based on research diffusion (11.52%), safety management
areas. The major areas of previous research system and safety culture (climate) models
works focus on assessment and model related (10.53%) and others like cost related
development of safety (25.00%) takes the researches are the major areas under which
maximum share and the second, third and most studies were conducted.

Figure 2. Distribution of Researches Based on research areas

Figure 3. Based on publication Years

This study also considered year of 3. Literature review

publication as shown in Figure 3. The
publication rate on occupational safety and 3.1. Global status of workplace safety and
health related hazards is increasing from health
1980s to 2015s period. This is an indication
that OSH related researches are considered Nowadays, work place safety is considered
as every individual issues. Previously, by World Health Organization (WHO) a
workplace safety and health was not given priority setting for health promotion in the
consideration and called as Pathological 21st century (Takala, 1999; WHO, 2010).
where people have no interest on OSH International Labour Organization (ILO) and
hazards control. But now it is considered as WHO reports indicated that in
every bodies issue as more understandings manufacturing industries many employees
are created through researches to the society. suffer from workplace injuries and property
The literature review used to look into the damage resulted in economic crisis (ILO,
previous researchers objective of the 2010; WHO, 2010). Every 15 seconds, a
researches, methodology they followed, and worker dies from a work-related accident or
findings/conclusions (see Appendix 1 & 2). disease. Every 15 seconds, 153 workers have

282 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

a work-related accident. Every day, 6,300 industrializing countries, 70% reported OSH
people die as a result of occupational being in place and 80% noted the existence
accidents or work-related diseases – more of a national institute for OSH, the estimated
than 2.3 million deaths per year. Annually, coverage of workers with OSH services was
317 million accidents occur on the job; many only 18% (Hamalainen et al., 2006;
of these resulting in extended absences from Rantanen, 2013). WHO and ILO have
work. As a result of the ever-increasing pace elaborated programs to foster the
of worldwide liberalization of trade and development of international occupational
economies, as well technological progress, health, but the real effect of this effort is still
the problem of occupational accidents and not optimal likely due to insufficient funding
diseases are becoming more and more global (LaDou, 2003). This lack of funding is not
concern, particularly in developing countries alone the reason but also globalization and
(Soehod and Laxman, 2007). In recent years, industrialization has a strong impact in
occupational health and safety of the development of OSH hazards development.
workers has improved and is relatively There are many varieties of workplace safety
satisfactory in developed countries, whereas hazards causing factors (Yessuf et al., 2014).
in developing countries, occupational health Developed countries like North American,
receives little attention and comes at low European, and Australia are planning and
level in the list of national priorities (Perrow, budgeting for workplace safety and health
1984). Studies showed that there are baskets prevention better than the rest of the world.
of measures providing information on a In total, nearly 1million workers will suffer a
range of health and safety performances workplace accident and every year a total of
(HSE 2001; Yessuf et al., 2014). Most 2.4 million people die as a result of unsafe or
business sectors prefer a single OSH unhealthy workplace conditions. Worldwide,
performance measurement. It would be this situation causes an economic loss of 4%
optimal if such a measure were to be found, of global GDP (ILO, 2010; ILO, 2014).
but in occupational health and safety no such Rarely mentioned is the presence in
single measure can be completely adequate developed countries of a political mechanism
to measure occupational health and safety that mediates the translation of scientific
(Gallagher et al., 2001a) in solving the findings into policies and regulations that are
challenges. enforced by specialized agencies.
Many studies indicated that where there are In developing countries including Ethiopia,
people and complex technologies, there are the risk of having work-related injury is 10
always safety problem and accidents where to 20 times higher than that of developed
these systems are operating (Perrow, 1984). counties. This is because in developing
This researcher finding concludes that the countries, majority of the workforce is
risk never be eliminated but minimized. employed in small and medium scale
However, it is difficult to minimize OSH, its industries that do not meet the minimum
practices focus is less than 1% of standards and guidelines set by the WHO
organizational and national researches issues and the ILO for occupational health, safety
(Barling et al., 2002). Promoting and social protection (Tadesse and Kumie,
occupational health and safety practices such 2007). Occupational health and safety laws
as OSH promotion, OSH awareness, OSH cover only about 10% of the population in
research and OSH education requires a developing countries, omitting many major
broader platform (Alkilani et al., 2013; hazardous industries and occupations
Goldstein et al., 2001; Gyekye, 2010). (LaDou, 2003). Occupational health remains
Although in a survey among International neglected in most developing countries
Commission on Occupational Health under the pressure of devastating social,
members from 47 industrialized and economic, and political challenges (Ahasan

and Partanen, 2001; O’Neill, 2000; (Ashford and Caldart, 1996). The traditional
Christiani et al., 1990). A striking workplace-oriented occupational health has
characteristic of occupational health in the proven to be insufficient in the developing
industrialized world, and a message world, and tangible progress in occupational
frequently disseminated in developing health can be achieved only by linking
countries, is the contribution of science to occupational health to the broader context of
progress in occupational health through data social justice and national development
collection, ongoing assessment of problems, (Swuste and Eijkemans, 2002; Joubert, 2002;
and innovative technological solutions Michaels et al., 1985; Mendes, 1985).

Figure 4. The occupational health “cycle of neglect” in developing countries

The fatality rate in Sub-Saharan African and Stallworthy, 1998). Hence, majority of
countries is 21/100, 000 workers and the African countries have poor health and
accident rate is 16,000/100,000 workers safety culture (RCAR, 2004). The study
(Takala, 1999). In Sub-Saharan African conducted in Tago (Nigeria) found that the
countries about 54,000 fatal and nature of work environment and the
approximately 42 million occupational experience about work environment has a
accidents happen annually that results at great share on low productivity and in
least 3 days absence from work of every developing countries safety management and
workers. In Ethiopia, the fatal occupational measurement is at its infancy (Alkilani et al.,
accidents rate is 5,596 per year with a 2013; Goldstein et al., 2001). Although the
fatality rate of 21.5/100,000 workers and an positive impact of healthy workplaces on
accident rate of 16,426/100,000 workers growth is well known, some companies,
(Takala, 1999) regardless of its poor small enterprises and organizations are still
reporting culture and availability of data facing challenges in adopting preventive
accuracy. Accordingly, if people are not measures of the working place hazards. Most
safety conscious, then no amount of of African countries are noted for poor
gadgetry, fail safe devices and back up occupational health and safety practices
alarms can ensure their safety (Kharbanda (Gyekye 2010).

284 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

Most of the company’s focus is on the organization than on the social and political
external customer satisfaction with their issues and then move inward to address the
product or service disregarding workers particularities of the workplace (i.e., from
satisfaction and working environment the “external–contextual domain” to the
comfort in economic lagging countries. “internal domain”).
Because of workplace safety and health OSH for development has been stated that it
improvement, it increases the health of the is heart of health and development. While it
employees and satisfaction of the employees had long been recognized that lack of
(WHO, 2007). Many researchers said that development was responsible for poor health
wealth means health. outcomes in low-income countries, it was
The problems emanate from different angles not until 1990s or so that the reverse process
of the workplace environment in industrial – the impact of health on development –
sectors. Alli (2008) and WHO listed out became a key topic for research and policy
some of several problems of occupational (ILO, 2012). Developing countries have few
safety and health problems as psychological assets, little access to credit, and their current
stress of employees, physical body damages, income puts them uncomfortably close to the
socio economic dissatisfaction, property poverty line (ILO, 2012). When there is high
damage, family disorder, and sever accidents, there is high disease and require
accidents. Figure 4 Shows that the neglects more economic currency. When a country
of the developing countries on occupational pays more money to health caring, the
safety and health problem controls. country’s economy leads to poverty (ILO,
Occupational health research in the 2012). Table 1 shows the two domains of the
developing world focus on the internal of the OSH research.

Table 1. Domain of OSH research

Domain of OSH Sub domains
 Global, regional and national policies and regulations
External contextual  vulnerable populations (children, women, disabled, migrant and older workers)
domain  Disability and compensation (economic and social burden)
 Occupational mobility (unemployment, retirement)
 Movements of hazards and population
Internal domains Workplace hazards, work organizations, exposures (disease spectrums),
occupational health, service and programs

In summery developing and developed governmental interest in occupational health,

countries have commonality and differences poor data and data collection systems, and
in OSH execution philosophy. Developed weak enforcement of health and safety
countries pretense of political mechanisms regulations (O’Neill, 2000) improvement
mediates scientific findings to policies & system development. It has been considered
regulations and economic, technological, and as a routine job and time consuming as well
socio-political feasibility of intervention is as liable to cost. However, the authors ask
valid and strong (Verma et al., 2002). questions like what is the difference between
Whereas in developing countries without costs occurred for safety control and costs
similar parliamentary or democratic political paid for unsafe workplace after hazards?
mechanism(s) and risk assessment processes, Which is best for companies to be more
the industrialized model cannot be imported persistent in the global competitiveness
to developing countries to perform critical market and economy?
OSH improvements. There is also lack of

3.2. Safety culture and climate internal, characteristics called as culture.
Culture is defined as the ways of thinking,
The terms ‘safety culture’ and ‘safety behaving and believing that members of a
climate’ are often used interchangeably to social unit have in common (Rousseau,
refer to similar concepts (Bentley and 1988; O’Connor et al., 2011; Glendon and
Tappin, 2010). Safety climate is essentially a Litherland, 2001; Cooper, 2000; Olsen,
snapshot of the safety culture, which, unlike 2010). Culture can be static (unchanging
safety culture, is relatively unstable and value held by organization) and dynamic
subject to change (Wiegmann et al., 2004; (how the organization operates, type of work
cited in Bentley and Tappin, 2010). Safety process it feels comfortable with). Social and
climate described as a superficial construct, cultural differences between countries in
comprising the attitudes and beliefs of working conditions and employment
workers, which guide their subsequent structure can also affect workers exposure to
behavior (Bentley and Tappin, 20110). risk as well as health outcomes.
Every organization has some common

Table 2. Different characteristic and definition of safety culture and climates by different
Definition of Safety culture Definition of Safety climate
the sub-facet of organizational safety culture Organizational safety climate as the shared perceptions
that is thought to affect members’ attitudes [among members of an organization] with regard to
and behavior in relation to an organization’s safety policies, procedures and practices (Zohar, 2008)
ongoing health and safety performance
(Cooper, 2000)
the system of shared values and beliefs about Safety climate, on the other hand, can be seen as a
health and safety which create behavioral temporary ‘state’ of an organization that is changeable,
norms which guide health and safety activities depending on the prevailing organizational and
in the enterprise’ (Kaluza et al., 2012) environmental conditions (Wiegmann et al., 2004)
Safety culture can be viewed as an enduring Safety climate is the construct most commonly
characteristic of an organization (analogous to measured in studies of organizations, with
trait or personality) that is reflected in its psychometric survey items usually related to
ongoing safety activity and priorities perceptions of a range of organizational indicators of
(Wiegmann et al., 2004). safety culture, including management commitment,
communications between management and employees
and environmental conditions (Zohar, 1980)
Five global components or indicators of safety A Safety Climate survey provides a snapshot of the
culture, including: ‘organizational organization’s culture in relation to safety (HSE, 2015;
commitment’, ‘management involvement’, Huang et al., 2012)
‘employee empowerment’, ‘reward Systems’
and ‘reporting systems’ (Wiegmann et al.,
An organization’s culture can have as big an A safety climate is the sum of employees’ shared
influence on safety outcomes as the safety perceptions of the policies, procedures, and practices
management system. 'Safety culture' is a relating to safety in their work environment (Huang et
subset of the overall organizational or al., 2006).
company culture. Many companies talk about
'safety culture' when referring to the
inclination of their employees to comply with
rules or act safety or unsafely (HSE, 2015).

286 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

In order to contribute to the overall reduction not limited).
of workplace accidents, workplace safety has As shown in Figure 5, the safety culture
been studied from divergent points of view elements combined and reorganized together
(Rousseau, 1988). Table 2 describes the results in culture of trust. This culture of
characteristics of safety culture and safety trust helps the organization to have
climate that is useful to investigate the confidence and good culture of reporting
coherence and difference between them. accidents to the management. When there is
This differentiation helps to minimize absence of culture of trust, the employees are
ambiguity among users in organizations and not courageous to report happened accidents,
highlight further research areas. happening, or near miss accidents. Reason
Although the constructs used to assess safety (1997) agree in that when there is informed
climate have varied from study to study, culture, reporting culture, just culture,
measured domains generally include flexible and learning cultures are cultures of
management commitment, supervisor the organization trust will be built and
support, safety awareness, safety training, accidents easily controlled. This is a safety-I
safety policy, safety knowledge, safety approach and the model lacks safety-II
communication, and co-worker support (but approaches (Hollnagel, 2014).

Figure 5. Safety culture Model Characteristics (Reason, 1997)

Safety culture has its own characteristics and The evolution of safety culture recognized as
indicators. This characteristics and indicators no interest (Pathological), reactive,
are the elements for workplace safety and calculative, preventive (proactive) and
health improvements. The researchers generative phase. The author introduced
identified this safety culture characteristics predictive method on the evolutionary safety
and indicators as key issues of successful culture model developed by Hudson (2001).
workplace hazards management tools. Their Nowadays, the evolution is considered to be
detail characteristics elements and indicators at the stage of human behavior as safety
are shown in Table 3. characteristic is dynamic and it varies from
When researchers come to safety culture, time to time depending on the developmental
they agree that there is an evolving change in stages of the economy.
different eras of safety culture development.

Table 3. Safety Culture characteristics and indicators
Characteristic Indicators
Commitment Management concern, perception of importance of safety, prioritization of safety,
safety procedures and requirements & personal involvement and responsibility for
Behaviour Employee behaviour with respect to safety, mutual expectations and encouragement,
job satisfaction & adequate equipment
Awareness Attitude towards unreported hazards, awareness of job induced risk & concern for
Adaptability Pro-activity to prevent negative happenings, actions with respect to negative
happenings & employee input
Information Availability of information, communication of work related information, training,
safety issues reporting system, willingness to use the reporting system, consequences of
safety reports, communication of safety related information & information exchange
about safety issues
Justness Evaluation of safety related behaviors, perception of evaluation & Passing of

In Figure 6 safety characteristics model has such type of safety model development;
been seen. Here Cooper (2000) has there is absence of considering the external
developed a safety culture model with three environment and inter-collaborative bodies’
interdependent dimensions (environment, role in the safety improvement culture.
person, and behavior). However, there is

Figure 6. A safety culture model (Cooper, 2000; Choudhry et al., 2007a)

Safety climate is the shared employee 3.3. Safety management system

perceptions and attitudes about safety,
reflects safety culture in the workplace and Safety Management system (SMS) is one
can be measured by a questionnaire. Overall, example of a system safety method. ICAO
the integrated model and various (2009) defines SMS as an organized
measurement tools would allow for a approach to managing safety, to include the
multilevel, holistic analysis of manufacturing necessary organizational structures,
industries safety culture. accountabilities, policies, and procedures.
The four pillars of SMS are: 1) Safety

288 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

Policy, 2) Risk Management, 3) Safety needed on the factors that enhance and limit
Assurance, and 4) Safety Promotion the development, transfer, and use of
(Velazquez and Bier, 2015). occupational safety and health information
Future studies proposed by Fan et al. (2014) (OSH). In this study the way how to
“how safety climate moderates the level of disseminate knowledge has been discussed
integration of environmental and health and but lack how to integrate knowledge
safety system?” how to develop a new management system to management systems
domain (e.g. top management team's impact) related to safety.
that has been common investigated in other As shown in Fig. 7 research domain
research context (e.g., quality and classification made by Fan et al. (2014)
environmental management system). indicates that more researches were
Research question, such as “Whether the top conducted on safety culture and safety
management team's background and climate during their studies. Only 14 articles
composition affect the adoption of EHS were obtained from 128 articles on
systems, and whether their experience management system integration. Integrations
moderates the safety performance?” is were the combination of two or three
interesting for future research (Fan et al., elements.
2014). This agrees that management system Despite widespread adoption of OHS-MS by
integration (e.g. Knowledge management, organizations, its effectiveness has been
quality management, safety management, debatable. Goh et al. (2012), among others
environmental health management) has less for example, have posited that OHS-MS is
consideration. Knowledge management beneficial to an organization’s overall
system helps in disseminating and using performance. In contrast, Goh et al. (2012)
knowledge regarding workplace safety and have estimated the failure rate of OHSMS to
health management (Schulte et al., 2003). be at least as high as the failure rate of
They added that information dissemination is quality management systems, which is
a mandated, but understudied, requirement between 67% and 93% (Goh et al., 2012).
of occupational and environmental health
laws and voluntary initiatives. Research is

Figure 7. Research domain classification (Fan et al., 2014)

In a similar vein Goh et al. (2012) have it needs further research on the hybridization
expressed doubts about the effectiveness of of quality management system (QMS),
OHSMS. Table 4 shows that the environmental management system (EMS),
commonality and difference between QMS, knowledge management system (KMS), and
MS and SMS in any organization trend. Here safety management system (SMS).

Table 4. Commonality and difference between Management systems
Commonality among Difference among QMS, EMS,SMS
 System requirement  Aim
 System documentation o QMS aims toward customer satisfaction
 Verification o EMS aims toward environmental protection, pollution prevention &
 Auditing promoting social economic harmony
 Conformity o SMS aims toward occupational risks control to improve safety and
 Continuous health related performance
improvements  EMS focus on environmental protection and energy conservation
 Prevention (Matias and while SMS focus on creating and maintaining safe environment
Coelho, 2002) while protecting and maintaining the good health of the workers
 Leadership  They possess different traditional mode of operation (Gallagher et
(management al., 2001b)
responsibility) o Logics of managerial control (QMS)
 Management of o Logics of accountability and state control (EMS)
resources o Logic of interest representation and bargaining (SMS)
 Management of  In terms of Implementation
process o QMS applied 100% voluntarily
 System o EMS partly voluntarily and partly obligated by legal demands
implementation  There is no ISO standards for SMS at present of the two MS. SMS
 Monitoring and standards are not globally accepted but QMS standards are easily
measuring adopted (Matais and Coelho, 2002)
 Deming principle

Figure 8. Key elements of successful health and safety management (HSE, 2008)

Research findings focused on the of organizations business planning process

management practice planning in related to (Liu et al., 2015). Despite the
safety. Planning for OSH is an integral part implementation of many occupational safety

290 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

and health (OSH) management practices, impact of the conventions. Moreover, some
accidents at work still occur. This study also have criticized the shift in ILO standards
added that many practitioners find away from specific measures with high
management systems to be ineffective due to levels of accountability toward promoting
their high level of formalization and rigidity, high-level global labor standards that allow
which makes them unable to respond to flexibility in application, ostensibly to allow
emerging and unexpected challenges and countries with different levels of economic
risks. development to adapt standards to their local
HSE (2008) has identified key elements of context. This, in practice, allows greater
successful health and safety management accommodation of management discretion at
systems. The primary key element starts at the workplace (Hilgert, 2013). Here, it is
policy existence, and then organizing, learned that ILO standards settlement alone
planning & implementing, measuring is not an efficient goal of OSH problems
performance, and reviewing (evaluating) solving target. Therefore, it requires another
performance of the management system supportive method for settlement of
(Fig. 8). However, how this is different from workplace hazards and improves workers
other disciplines has not been clearly living standards
discussed. As a result of this it needs, little Studies agree on the top management level
advance in clarification of the SMS through training. Since upper level management can
integration of the MS and knowledge set priorities and have a greater impact on
transfer system. organizational strategy, there is a need for
more research on these individuals (Huang et
3.4. Safety standards, policy and safety al., 2011). Studies have discovered empirical
training evidence for the hypothesis that high-quality
products and services cannot be produced
Until now, only 24 countries have ratified unless there is a high-quality workforce
the ILO Employment Injury Benefits functioning with a high-quality production
Convention (No. 121), adopted in 1964, process and it is maintained when there is
which lists occupational diseases for which exceptional quality of working life (Carayon
compensation should be paid and only 31 et al., 1999). A self-assessment method for
have ratified the Convention on OSH management is a useful tool for
Occupational Health Services (No. 161). The continuous improvement (Ketola et al.,
adoption of these conventions should be the 2002). This improvement maintained
first step toward the implementation of an whenever there is training opportunities in
OSH system. OSH regulations cover only the organization culture. Training teens
about 10% of the population in developing about occupational safety is part of an
countries. These laws omit many major overall strategy to address the negative
hazardous sectors like agricultural and workplace health consequence (Maki and
domestic work, typically not considered Winder, 2008).
“industries.” Only 5% to 10% of workers in Training and education in OSH management
developing countries and 20% to 50% of is disregarded subject area, as one looks at
those in industrialized countries have access the scientific press (Verbeek and Kroon,
to adequate occupational health services 1995). There are few publications related to
(LaDou, 2003; WHO, 2004). OSH education and training in higher
Although ILO is an important reference for institutes (Arezes and Swuste, 2012; Gute et
OSH standards, conventions and al., 1993). Training at all levels should be
recommendations require national emphasized as a means of improving
ratification and the lack of ratification and working conditions and the work
subsequent enforcement undermines the environment. However, in today’s

competitive globe, workplace safety training question “how”. In general, they only found
has not been considered yet as essential issue accidents causing factors on the occupational
of the development. From this study, it is safety and health conditions. Therefore, it
grasped that developing countries put needs to develop holistic improvement
policies in place in white and black in the approaches that impact the workplace safety
office without execution plan. This may also and health positively. The overall study of
the result of the globe failed to build ISO this paper discusses some of the following
related to safety like that of quality and gaps.
environment. Environmental Management System, Quality
Management System, Safety Management
4. Result and discussion System and Knowledge Management
System were found to be undermined in the
In the previous literature review discussion previous studies. The first three mainly
section, many research gaps were identified. considered in few studies referring to quality
It was found that manufacturing industries management system (ISO 9000),
have two opposite prospective factors toward environmental management system (ISO
the development. One is the economy driver 14001) and occupational health and safety
and the other is hazard creators on workers. management system (OHSAS 18001) (Fan et
As studies summarized based on their al., 2014). They also added that OHSAS
methodologies, objectives and finding or 18001 is a voluntary OHS management
conclusion, workplace safety has given less system certification introduced in 1999. The
consideration being an issue of globe. The main motivations of integrating management
summery shows that many studies lack systems are to optimize and unify the audits
integration of different disciples and (both internal and external), reduce
management systems (See appendix 1 and documentation and bureaucracy and saving
2). For instance, all the studies being time (Salomone, 2008 cited in Fan et al.,
conducted in Ethiopia considered case 2014). When integrating the management
companies at different location with almost systems firms face difficulties such as lack
the same methodology of the study. Their of human resources, integration guidelines
studies’ objectives, data analysis, research and compatibility among the systems (De
finding results, target industries (textile and Oliveira and Coelho, 2002; Di fan et al.,
garment), recommendations and their 2014), higher cost of simultaneous systems
conclusion more or less similar. Their adoption and change in systems due to
intention was also on the identification of operations change (Fan et al., 2014). The
workplace hazards and accidents causing level of integration is another key focus in
factors. After the identification of the this research domain that needs further
factors, none of them developed integrated studies. Jorgensen et al. (2006) conceptually
systematic models. Almost all of them proposed that there are three levels of
concentrated on medical aspects leaving the integration of the systems, namely, the
working physical environments behind. Few lowest level “corresponding”, the medium
of them raised the safety culture elements, level “coordinated and coherent” and the
management elements and organizational highest level “strategic and inherent”.
cultures (climates), policy and regulations, Bernardo et al. (2010) argued that the
knowledge diffusion and workplace characteristics of the three levels of
innovation characteristics and how to integration through cluster analysis,
approach the hazards in holistic ways. Most empirically. The differences of management
of them had given recommendation saying, system goal, documentation, human
“Special attention has to be given to prevent resources and procedure may determine the
occupational injuries” without answering the levels of integration (Bernardo et al., 2010).

292 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

Besides, the auditing of the management performance & the relationship between
systems has been further discussed as a key quality practices and safety performance
element representing the integration levels may depend on the specific quality practices
(Bernardo et al., 2010). However, the link under consideration (Pekovic, 2015).
between level of integration and firm External environment and inter-collaboration
performance is not clearly established in the of external industries workplace safety and
previous studies. Several scholars have health improvement approaches were found
proposed that management systems loosely. In the literature, external
integration may improve firms' internal environments loosely considered. Similarly,
coordination, which can reduce there is study as the knowledge of the
administrative burdens (Jorgensen et al., Authors finding that the inter-collaboration
2006), duplication of planning and execution of external industries to combat workplace
(Salomone, 2008) and wastage and operating safety and health problems. There were few
costs, eventually improving efficiency and studies conducted on the impact of
productivity. The propositions are purely workplace safety and health improvement
theoretical and require solid empirical approaches when companies collaboratively
evidence to prove. Moreover, it is interesting work together to bring safe workplace.
to investigate under what contexts the
In order to confront OSH problems, it also
integration can achieve more operational
needs to develop integrated models with
benefits. Finally, OHSAS 18001 is often
multidisciplinary level, external and internal
viewed as the third step of firms to achieve
organization factors, socio-economic status,
systematic management. However, scholars
technological change, leadership, safety
have questioned the compatibility of OHSAS
culture, Deming cycle, knowledge transfer,
18001 with ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 for
team innovation, workplace innovation, and
long (De Oliveira and Coelho, 2002). Firms
physical environmental factors. In other
with only ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 have
words, soft, hard, human and environmental
achieved higher integration than firms with
factors consideration are very important to
all three certificates (Bernardo et al., 2010).
workplace hazard management. There are
This implies that the compatibility issue of
other factors such as prioritized process
OHSAS 18001 may exist, and further
improvement & change management, model
research on the compatibility between the
of knowledge management behavior, the
three systems is essential. Boldly writing,
road to excellence (RTE) framework, safety
management systems models (QMS, EMS,
culture and others has been flouted and not
& SMS) integration has not been arrived on
interestedly researched in well integrated
consensus for the workplace safety and
frameworks with multidisciplinary
health improvement approaches (Matias and
approaches. Many researches to date have
Coelho, 2002). A limited number of
not adopted a multilevel theoretical
theoretical and empirical studies suggest
perspective to the study of workplace safety
contradictory evidence for the relationship
nor has it attempted to integrate findings
between these practices and safety
from various disciplines. There is lack of
performance. It is worth noting that the
integration of workplace safety with human
subject is of great importance, especially if
resource management, organizational
we consider that work-related health
behavior, safety engineering, and various
problems have greatly increased since 1990s
fields of medicine and public health to focus
(Pekovic, 2015), and that they could
on cross-level linkages among national,
indirectly inhibit firm performance. Further
organizational, and individual-level variables
research is required for examination of
in relation to the exhibition of safe work
conditions under which firms adopt quality
behavior and occurrence of individual-level
practices in order to benefit in term of safety
accidents, injuries, and illnesses. As a result

this ignorance of multidisciplinary priorities limited to the internal domain of
researches, nowadays occupational safety occupational health. Indeed, workplace
and health is getting worst and becoming interventions such as proper occupational
global issue. hygiene and ergonomic practices have been
The other gaps identified were on safety presented as one of the tools to break the
culture difference. Studies attempted to cycle of poverty, because these improve
identify the largest influential factors on productivity, salaries, and, consequently,
safety culture as management commitment living conditions (O’Neill, 2000; Elgstrand,
and style; employee involvement; training 1985; Khogali, 1982). However, this
and competence; communication; sequence of positive impacts is not clear to
compliance with procedures; and decision makers in most developing
organizational learning (Bentley and Tappin, countries, who still perceive occupational
2010). They also attempted in their study to health as a luxury. Occupational health
see the relationship organizational safety problems in developing countries require
culture, OSH-MS and ergonomics technological innovation (Sass, 2000) plus
intervention. Their relationship is significant institutional and legal
interlocking that each of them imposes developments (LaDou, 2003). Occupational
influences on each other bilaterally. health researchers in developing countries
However, the relationship lacks are not awake up to the potentially negative
consideration of knowledge factors, policy effect of global trade on the health and safety
effort and final goals (strategic plan) of the of poor and marginalized workers
workplace safety improvement approaches. (Loewenson, 2001). The study conducted by
It also overlooks the dynamism of culture Jupp (2010) indicated that existence of
that affects workplace safety negatively policy and research priority at workplace
where it fails to meet that model. safety and health is at its infant stage. There
is no relationship between team innovation
In the literature review it has been found that
climate and organizational culture in
researches results and knowledge diffusion
improving workplace safety. Hence, more
has been considered loosely. Knowledge
researches are required in developing
transfer mechanism to workplace safety has
countries than developed countries.
not also been properly stated in literatures.
How knowledge diffusion is undertaken In the previous studies it was also found that
among organization in line with horizontally smaller businesses differ from their larger
or vertically flows. The workplace safety counterparts in having higher rates of
management system needs to employee occupational injuries and illnesses and fewer
information flow peer-to-peer, vertical to resources for preventing those losses. These
vertical, horizontal to horizontal, peripheral researchers identified that economic
to peripheral organization. The study also constraints are the basic problem of small
found that policy development and continual and medium enterprise. This needs OSH
training approaches are challenges. Zohar initiators at countrywide or enterprise wise
(2010) pointed out that safety policies, with available resources. The overlooked
procedures and practices can be interpreted area of this theme is that how to cope the
differently at different hierarchical levels in challenges exist within this shortage of
an organization. The perceived safety resource in the small business enterprises
climate can therefore depend upon an (manufacturing industries). It is true in the
individual’s position within a company developing countries more of the infancy
(Zohar, 2010). Hence, it requires further stage of industries are micro and small
study. enterprises where high accident rate may
recorded even though accident recording
Researchers conducted studies focusing on
culture is yet infant. Raymond et al.

294 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

developed and extended OSH intervention time, money, energy, and related wastes are
model from diffusion of innovation and reduced. There are few studies that reveals
social exchange theory that function for only about the lean occupational safety and health
small business than large business that helps researchers to consider this area
organizations. Hence, it is another and conduct well organized studies
assignment for the researchers to look into especially for the developing countries.
both small and large business organization
workplace safety improvement techniques. 5. Conclusions
In the study of Nordlöf et al. (2015) survey,
the workers reported that there is a constant In conclusion, the authors have conducted a
and ongoing trade-off between productivity, literature review on occupational safety and
on the one hand, and safety, on the other, health state of the art in the globe
and that they are conflicting entities, wanting considering previous and recent studies. The
to produce as well as wanting to work safely, research focused on the global condition of
with practical obstacles to working safely safety in manufacturing industries both in
sometimes. The workers experienced that the developing and developed countries. It has
possibility to communicate is very important been discussed on safety culture,
for safety at the workplace. The trade-off performance, management systems, and its
between productivity increase and impact on the employees, working area and
sometimes safety management are safety improvement approaches. Even
conflicting ideas that need justification in though, there are quit increasing research
further studies. Studies also concluded that trends in the workplace safety and health
to prevent workplace safety hazards, it is control, they lack integrated and universal
mandatory looking into objectives, management system studies. Research also
strategies, structure, method and people in finds gaps exist that require extended
the organization. research areas. These areas identified were
As studies highlighted, integrating safety safety culture difference (dynamic state of
culture, leadership, and safety management culture) that impacts workplace; research
system into manufacturing industries methodologies approached variation which
planning system must be target of the is not holistic, performance measurement of
researches. In management level, the safety workplace approaches instability,
culture should incorporate the resources technological innovation dynamism impact
allocated to production and protection. on workplace safety, absence of clear
Studies testified that many companies are distinction between developing and
not committed to allocate resources to developed countries safety management
workplace safety and health prevention. systems, absence of multidiscipline
More resources are rather allocated to researches, and lack of impact of
production and the companies used to say management’s system integration.
accident suddenly happens. Hence, this Workplace design and hazard interventions
literature review recommends that have also been seen as barriers in research
companies should consider a holistic findings. Barriers identified in
approach when designing system manufacturing industries which need
improvements (to strengthen company innovation. In this study the barriers
performance jointly with safety and well- identified to intervention of workplace safety
being for the workers) (Weiner et al., 2009) and health were negative managements’
than focusing on the productivity (physical attitude, negative workers attitudes,
look up only). Second lean thinking to ineffective or excessive legal requirements,
workplace safety and health should be a bureaucracy, lack of time, lack of training,
priority of organizations so that waste of lack of economic resources, lack of

economic results, presence of geographical to further researches to reach on
delocalized activities, and workers consolidated study’s findings. Developing
participation (Podgorski, 2015). While countries should establish safety and health
researches conducted on workplace safety policy while developing industrial expansion
and health spans across disciplines in strategies at the same time as it has been
medicine, public health, engineering, proved from the studies null. Workplace
psychology and business, researches to date safety and health improvement and
have not adopted a multilevel theoretical development cannot be achieved by
perspective that integrates theoretical issues individual researcher but with all
and findings from various disciplines. Most organization members, government, in
of the researches finding results spin around collaboration with universities, research and
health matter by the medical professionals in development institution or top management
spite of engineering controls. It is true that commitment. Comprehensive and
integration of multidiscipline (health matter meticulous research areas in different topics
and engineering controls) is the major gap are very important questions considering the
that exists unconsidered in todays’ research location, economic level, external
areas. The study also ratified that improper environment, employment rate, industrial
resource allocation to the workplace, development trends and social culture for
unavailability of hybridized management developing countries to create awareness to
systems (knowledge, safety, quality, health, the people as the developed countries have
and environment) and weak alliances of done and are doing. There should also be
inter-organizational approaches (external research dissemination channels and media
collaboration of the inter firms) are also (own journals from which researchers or
some challenges those improve the readers easily aces resources playing a big
workplace safety and health if they are taken role in disseminating knowledge) in which
into account. citizens enrich their knowledge.
In general, the authors recommend that
identified gaps and research areas are open


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Kassu Jilcha Daniel Kitaw

Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa University,
Addis Ababa Institute of Addis Ababa Institute of
Technology Technology
School Of Mechanical and School Of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering
Addis Ababa Addis Ababa
Ethiopia Ethiopia
jkassu@gmail.com danielkitaw@yahoo.com

302 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

Appendix 1. Researches categorization based on their objectives, methodology and finding
Research areas objectives Methodology Finding & conclusion Authors
& years
A model of OSH Reviewing existing Extend previous intermediary
Intervention small business models of organizations were highly
Diffusion to intervention model diffusion attuned to providing
Small Businesses and extending the smaller businesses OSH
diffusion of intervention
innovation and
exchange theory
with validating case
Leadership and To see leadership Case studies and Workplace and health Kaluza et
Occupational and safety culture literatures where improved when there is al. (2012)
Safety and Health development how used commitment system,
(OSH): An improve workplace employees involvement,
Expert analysis health and safety communication and
collaboration, and in
innovative approaches
Safety culture To investigate and Semi structure Responsibility and Nordlöf et
and reasons for describe safety interview and actions for a functioning al. (2015)
risk-taking at a culture and risk- analysis by safety performance was
large steel- taking at a large qualitative perceived to rest on the
manufacturing steel-manufacturing content analysis individual, whereas the
company: company in Sweden work environment and
Investigating the by exploring priority of productivity
worker workers’ constitute constant
perspective experiences and obstacles
perceptions of safety
and risks.
Safety climate, This study explored A cross-sectional The results revealed Liu et al.
safety behavior, the relationships survey significant associations (2015)
and worker between four between different safety
injuries in the dimensions of safety climates, safety behavior,
Chinese climate and unintentional injuries,
manufacturing (management and provided evidence
industry commitment, safety that safety behavior
supervision, strongly mediates the
coworker support, relationship between
and safety training), safety climate and
three dimensions of unintentional injuries.
safety behavior
(safety compliance,
personal protective
equipment, and
safety initiatives),
and occupational
injuries among

Dynamics of A system dynamics System the causal loop diagram Goh et al.
safety group model dynamics provides a tool for (2012)
performance and building (GMB) organizations to
culture: A group approach is used to hypothesize the dynamics
model building create a causal loop influencing effectiveness
approach diagram of the of OHS management
underlying factors
influencing the OHS
performance of a
major drilling and
mining contractor in
Occupational to evaluate The Positive integration of Podgórski
Health and Safety management investigation was OSHMS and TQM but (2000)
Management in methods applied to conducted in the need more research area
Polish improve working form of to integrate over all MS at
Enterprises conditions in Polish interviews, the enterprise level
Implementing enterprises
TQMS implementing TQM
The Use of Tacit How knowledge reviews literature OSH management system Podgórski
Knowledge in management in on KM (OSH MS) is identified, (2010)
Occupational OSHMS is useful applications in in which knowledge
Safety and Health and integration OSH contributes significantly
Management assessment. to to prevention of
Systems identify and analyses occupational injuries and
KM applications diseases. To date there
has not been any
conceptual model that
would describe and
explain holistically the
role of KM processes
within OSH MS, in
particular those related to
creating, converting and
transferring tacit
Different to assess the critical case studies were Results from the current Almeida et
perspectives on success factors carried out based study are highly al. (2014)
management (CSFs) during an on semi- important for
systems integrated structured organizations that plan to
integration management system interviews with implement or integrate
(IMS) the management their management
implementation and system manager subsystems
to identify the
difficulties and
barriers faced by
the organizations
when they
integrate several
subsystems, and
the resulting

304 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

Quality and investigate the Employing a empirical evidence Pekovic
environmental relationship between multivariate regarding the relationship (2015)
management quality and probit model between quality and
practices: their environmental environmental practices
linkages with practices and safety and employee safety
safety performance performance is relatively
performance measured by scarce, findings indicate
employee accidents that the implementation
at work of quality practices by the
firm that considers quality
as very important for its
strategy and provides
employee’s quality-
related training is not
associated with safety

Relationship To analyzes the The relationship there is very strong Darcın

Between relationship between is explained significant correlation (2015)
Working working conditions using the between working
Condition and perceived canonical condition quality and the
Quality and quality of society, correlation quality of society
Perceived Quality which is measured method
of Society by the existence of
trust in institutions
and people and the
absence of perceived
tensions within
society (as an
indication of social

Using leading research aims were The study design study argues for Sinelnikov
indicators to to (1) describe the included an continued effort to et al.
measure extent to which OHS expert panel and improve access to (2015)
occupational practitioners a quantitative research and practical
health and safety understand leading survey to explore
performance indicators; (2) the views and
knowledge among
explore experiences of OHS professionals as
organizational OHS well as their executive
practices pertaining practitioners in leaders who seek to
to tracking, relation to demonstrate
analyzing, and leading continuous
applying information indicators improvement of
provided by leading performance
indicators to measurement strategies
improve OHS
performance; and (3)
identify barriers and
factors that enable
the use of leading

Performance To overcome the a Fuzzy an HSE operating Li et al.
assessment shortcomings of Comprehensive performance assessment (2015)
system of health, conventional HSE Evaluation system is designed to
safety and performance (FCE) method is simplify manual and
environment assessment in used in this study complex assessment
based on experts' practical application, by taking process and generate
weights and a combination of experts' weights charts and analysis
fuzzy fuzzy into account reports automatically
comprehensive comprehensive and
evaluation experts' weights
Climate Change To begin such an Literature review Seven categories of Schulte
and Occupational effort, it may be climate-related hazards and Chun
Safety and useful to develop a are identified: (1) (2009)
Health: framework for increased ambient
Establishing a identifying how temperature, (2) air
Preliminary climate change pollution, (3) ultraviolet
Framework could affect the exposure, (4) extreme
workplace; workers; weather, (5) vector-borne
and occupational diseases and expanded
morbidity, mortality, habitats, (6) industrial
and injury transitions and emerging
industries; and (7)
changes in the built
environment. This review
indicates that while
climate change may result
in increasing the
prevalence, distribution,
and severity of known
occupational hazards,
there is no evidence of
unique or previously
unknown hazards
The Relationship to examine how combined role study finds support for a
between employees use theory and social one-factor innovative
innovative work innovative work cognitive theory work behavior and a two-
behavior on work behaviour to achieve with insights factor work role
role performance: performance from the performance. The results
An empirical innovative work show lack of differences
study behaviour and in innovative work
work role behaviour and work role
performance performance based on
literature to gender and education
study employees
in a Malaysian

306 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

Assessment of paper is an effort to Survey, development of standard
Occupational present the various questionnaires, checklist and safety
Health, Safety & factors governing training required forthe
Environmental thesafety and Health specific industry
Problems in of chemical
Chemical industries with a
Industries of special focus on air
Uttarakhand quality, water
quality, noise, light
intensity monitoring,
fire safety and safety

Appendix 2. Studies conducted in Ethiopia and comparison of their work

The research area Authors Objectives Methodologi Findings
and years es
Prevalence and Molla et al. assess the Cross Sex, monthly salary, age,
determinants of work (2015) prevalence and sectional work experience and use
related injuries among determinants of comparative of personal
small and medium scale work-related study design, protective equipment
industry workers in Bahir injuries purposive were found to be different
Dar Town, north west sampling and in the small and medium
Ethiopia, Annals of questioners industries
Occupational and were used
Environmental Medicine
Determinants of Yessuf et To assess the An working greater than 48
Occupational Injury in al. (2014) major institution- hrs/, handling objects
Kombolcha Textile determinants of based cross- greater than 20 kg, visual
Factory, North-East occupational sectional concentration, timely
Ethiopia, Int J Occup injury among study , maintenance of machine,
Environ Med workers random, and sleep disorder
selection and
s was
Assessment of Yiha and To determine Cross- Working more than 48
occupational injuries in Kumie, the magnitude sectional hours per week, absence
Tendaho Agricultural (2011) of occupational study design, of health and safety
Development S.C, Afar injury questionnaire training, sleeping
Regional State, Ethiop. J. (assessment)an s and physical disorder, alcohol
Health Dev. 2010 d describe observation consumption, job
factors was made dissatisfaction and
affecting its absence of protective
happening devices were significant
among workers factors to injuries
Determinants of Aderaw et identifying A case Young age less than 30
Occupational Injury: A al. (2011) determinants of control study years, male gender health
Case Control Study occupational and structured and safety training,
among Textile Factory injury among questionnaire sleeping disturbance,
Workers in Amhara textile factory s were and job stress were
Regional State, Ethiopia, workers utilized significant predictors of
Hindawi Publishing occupation injury
Corporation Journal of

Tropical Medicine
Volume 2011,
Work related injuries and Kifle et al. To assess the Institution common causes of injury
associated risk factors (2003) prevalence of based cross- were splitting and flying
among iron and steel work related sectional objects, hit by falling
industries workers in injuries and study design, objects and machinery,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, associated risk stratified and Workers were exposed to
Safety Science factors among structured preventable workplace
production questionnaire hazards such as to
Workers, s were used excessive noise, fumes
and dusts and to old and
unguarded machines,
splitting materials and
sparking of metals.
Workers consuming
alcohol during working
days, without spouse,
perceiving their work
highly stressful and not
using personal protective
Prevalence and factors Tadesse To assess the Institution Most causes of workplace
affecting work-related and Kumie magnitude and based cross- safety were Service
injury among workers (2007) factors sectional duration less than 5 years,
engaged in Small and affecting work study design, working more than 48
Medium-scale industries related injuries stratified and hrs/week, workplace
in Gondar wereda, North structured supervision, sleep
Gondor zone, Amhara questionnaire disorder, job satisfaction,
Regional State, Ethiopia, s were used job categories related to
Ethiopian Journal Of mechanics and welding,
Health Development
Occupational Exposures Sharma et A identifying Workers were suffering
And Related Health al. (2008) questionnaire - potential from shoulder- aches,
Effects Among based survey exposures and back pains, skin related
Construction Workers. was conducted their effects diseases, problems in the
Ethiop. J. Health Biomed on eyes, breathing and noise
Sci. construction irritations.
workers in
Gondar town
of Amhara
Predictors of Tafese et to assess the A cross- neck and shoulder
occupational exposure to al. (2014) prevalence and sectional musculoskeletal
neck and shoulder associated risk study, disorders, age group of
musculoskeletal disorders factors of work questionnaire less than 30 years, who
among sewing machine related neck s and had greater than 16 years
operators of garment and shoulder interview of service were about
industries in Ethiopia, musculoskeleta was four times more likely to
l disorders conducted develop neck and
shoulder musculoskeletal
disorders than those who
had short (1–5 years) year
of services, medical
history of systemic

308 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

illness, methods of
payment factors
significantly associated
with disorders.
Magnitude and Factors of Habtu et al. to assess the Facility based Sex of workers, safety
Occupational Injury (2014) magnitude and cross and health supervision,
among Workers in Large factors sectional hours worked per week,
Scale Metal affecting study, cigarette smoking and
Manufacturing Industries occupational structured presence of functional
in Ethiopia, Open Access injuries among questionnaire danger signs/posts were
Library Journal workers s, in-depth- significantly associated
interview, factors with magnitude of
checklist and occupational injury
Magnitude of Berhe et al. to address the A cross- Use of personal
Occupational Injuries and (2015) information sectional protective equipment’s,
Associated Factors gaps about the study and age of respondent’s,
among Small-Scale magnitude and structured number of years worked
Industry Workers in associated questionnaire in the same job, number
Mekelle City, Northern factors with were used of hours worked per week
Ethiopia. Occup Med occupational and the job category;
Health Aff injuries that metalworkers and wood
could help in workers were found to be
designing significantly associated
appropriate factors with occupational
prevention and injury
Assessment Of Seyoum, To assessing institutional Male workers take the
Occupational Skin (2014) prevalence of based cross majority, dermatological
Diseases And occupational sectional diseases symptoms,
Associated Factors skin diseases Study,
among Tannery Workers, and its structured
Of Selected Tanneries, associated questionnaire,
Addis Ababa Ethiopia, factor among and
tannery observational
workers of check lists y
selected was done
tanneries of
Addis Ababa.

310 K. Jilcha, D. Kitaw

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