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Guideline For Road in Uppwd PDF

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Government of Uttar Pradesh, India


Under IBRD Loan No. 4684-IN

Technical Assistance for Implementation of

Institutional Reforms in the Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh



Report No. 32

February 2008

LEA International Ltd., Canada

in joint venture with
LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd., India
in association with
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Canada
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................... 1

2. ACTION PLAN AND PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 2

3. OVERVIEW OF CURRENT PRACTICES AND GUIDELINES IN UP PWD ................................... 3

4. WEAKNESSES IN THE EXISTING SYSTEM ................................................................................. 4

4.1 GUIDELINES ON CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF WORK ...................................... 4
4.2 PAYMENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR................................................................................ 4
4.3 METHODOLOGY OF CONSTRUCTION............................................................................ 4
4.4 TRAINING OF SUPERVISORY ENGINEERS ................................................................... 5

5. RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION MANUAL ..................................................................... 6
5.2 STRUCTURE OF CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION MANUAL ........................................ 7

6. ACTION PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 9

7. RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................ 10
7.1 PERSONNEL .................................................................................................................... 10
7.2 FACILITIES ....................................................................................................................... 10

8. PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................... 11

9. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 12

10. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 13

11. FOCUS GROUP MEETING ........................................................................................................... 14

12. PRESENTATION TO PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE......................................................... 16


Table No. 1 : Estimates for preparation of construction supervision manual ............................................. 13


Figure No. 1 : Implementation Plan ............................................................................................................ 12

February 2008 i

ADB Asian Development Bank MoRTH Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
ADT Average Daily Traffic MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest
AE Assistant Engineer M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
BMS Bridge Management System MIS Management Information System
BOOT Build Own Operate Transfer NITHE National Institute for Training of Highway Engineers
BOT Build Operate Transfer NH National Highway
BSSL Below Single Standard Lane NHAI National Highways Authority of India
CBR California Bearing Ratio ODR Other District Road
CE Chief Engineer OD Origin and Destination
CEO Chief Executive Officer O&M Operation and Maintenance
CRF Central Road Fund PCI Pavement Condition Index
CRRI Central Road Research Institute PCU Passenger Car Unit
CSR Civil Service Reforms PMS Pavement Management System
DAO Divisional Account Officer PMGSY Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
DBC Dense Bituminous Concrete PPP Public Private Partnership
DEE Deputy Executive Director PSP Private Sector Participation
DPR Detailed Project Report PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol
DRDA District Rural Development Agency PWD Public Works Department
EC Executive Committee RMMS Road Maintenance Management System
Roughness Measurement and Data Acquisition
EE Executive Engineer ROMDAS
E-in-C Engineer in Chief SDBC Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete
Highway Development and Management
HDM4 SDL Standard Double Lane
GIS Geographic Information System SE Superintending Engineer
GPS Global Positioning System SH State Highway
GO Government Order SHA State Highway Authority
GOI Government of India SML Standard Multi Lane
GoUP Government of Uttar Pradesh SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
HQ Head Quarter SRF State Road Fund
HRD Human Resource Development SRP-II State Road Project-II
International Bank for Reconstruction and
IBRD SSL Standard Single Lane
IDS Institutional Development Strategy MIS Management Information System
Institutional Development And Strengthening
IDSP TA Technical Assistance
IRC Indian Road Congress ToR Terms of Reference
IT Information Technology UP Uttar Pradesh
ISAP Institutional Strengthening Action Plan UPSBC Uttar Pradesh State Bridge Corporation
IS Indian Standards UPSHA Uttar Pradesh State Highway Authority
IRI International Roughness Index UNDP United Nations Development Programme
JE Junior Engineer VOC Vehicle Operating Cost
MDR Major District Roads VR Village Roads
MLA Member of Legislative Assembly WB World Bank
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport &
MoSRTH WBM Water Bound Macadam
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


The IDS Consultant (TCE) made the following recommendations regarding strengthening PWD
role and capability in the supervision of works:

Construction Operation and Supervision:

Strengthen the Construction process by introducing new technologies, systematic construction

supervision and independent Quality Audits and Controls.

Based on these recommendations the GoUP included ‘strengthening PWD role and capability in
the supervision of works’ as one of the objectives of the Technical Assistance under
implementation of institutional reforms in the road sector of Uttar Pradesh. In this the GoUP
targeted the following action milestones under the TA Consultancy Services:

1. Implement new works supervision processes, guidelines and practices

2. Determine policy for mainstream use of independent quality audit.

Report No. 32 is presented against this background and action milestone number 1
i.e. implement new works supervision processes, guidelines and practices for core network of
roads for construction and maintenance operation. The word ‘Construction’ in this context
includes both maintenance and construction operation.

February 2008 1
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


In order to implement the works supervision processes, guidelines, and practices the following
methodology has been adopted;

1. Overview of current guidelines and practices for construction supervision of works in UP

2. Identify weaknesses in the existing system
3. Suggest measures to improve the supervision processes and guidelines

The purpose of this report is to suggest needful guidelines for developing a model construction
supervision manual applicable for construction of a typical road project.

A Construction Supervision manual is a project specific document. For an individual project a

construction supervision manual compatible to project requirements is to be developed.
However, a model construction supervision manual could provide a base for developing a project
specific manual.

February 2008 2
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


In the UP PWD a Construction Supervision manual does not exist in any form. However, some
circulars/Government Orders were issued by the PWD HQ which provide some guidelines/
directions on construction supervision aspects of works. All these circulars/Government Orders
are compiled in the book ‘PWD UP Road Related circulars (1959 to 1984)’ published by the
Engineer-in-Chief PWD Lucknow.

The guidelines/directions contained in Circulars/Government Orders generally relate to

administration, specification and planning aspects of roads.

Rules and regulations regarding financial aspects of works have been elaborated in UP PWD
Manual of Orders Volume Nos. I and 2. Some of the forms, which are often used by the
Supervisory Engineers, have been standardized.

Performa and forms which are essentially to be used in respect of technical matters during
construction supervision process have not been standardized.

Supervisory Engineers in UP PWD generally discharge the responsibilities of construction

supervision of works based on their subjective judgement, experience, and in accordance with
the directions issued by the superior authorities. Construction supervision of works is mainly
based on the stipulations contained in the Contract Documents: Conditions of Contract,
Specifications, Bill of Quantities, and Drawings. The methodology for executing any items of
works is seldom developed either by the Contractor or the PWD. The works are executed by the
Contractors in the traditional manner without any documented methodology or planning.

The quality of works is often adversely affected by the absence of a well defined methodology for
executing the work items.

On projects funded by the World Bank the Construction Supervision Consultants have developed
a construction supervision manual to be used on World Bank financed project.

For implementation of PMGSY works an Operational Manual has been published by Government
of India. This operational manual covers some aspects of monitoring and construction
supervision of works.

February 2008 3
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32



Each construction project is “custom built” due to many variables caused by weather,
topography, local conditions, and design considerations. It is important to provide the necessary
decisions in the shortest possible time on the several problems which are likely to occur during
the construction phase. A delay in giving a decision might cause unnecessary cost overruns to
the PWD as well as to the contractor. To achieve maximum efficiency in producing a quality
project the proper supervision of works executed by the contractor is vital. Under the PWD
system no other individual position is so important for the proper functioning of the PWD as the
position of Divisional Engineer (Executive Engineer) in charge of the execution of works. An EE
is charged with a heavy responsibility, since he represents the PWD in dealing with the
Contractor, coordinating with Governmental agencies, the travelling public, and the tax payer.
Unfortunately for discharging such important responsibilities no guidelines or manual pertaining
to technical matters concerning to works is available within the PWD for guiding officers in
dealing with the construction supervision of works.


The construction industry is a fast-moving and fast-changing business. Large amounts of capital
are necessary for undertaking construction operations and it is therefore important that the
Contractor be reimbursed for work completed in accordance with the Specifications without
undue delay. The invoice for works executed by the Contractor is generally prepared by the JE
on the basis of measurements recorded by him in the measurement books

In addition, accounting procedures are continually reviewed and modernized to the maximum
extent possible to provide swift payment of invoices, so necessary for an economical operation. It
is therefore important for the EE to ensure that all monies due to the Contractor are paid to the
fullest extent possible within the payment period stipulated in the Contract.

The prevailing system of invoicing and discharging payments is cumbersome and time
consuming. This system needs simplification and standardization.


In order to successfully implement a highway project the Contractor and the Supervisory
Engineer must be conversant with the detailed construction methodology, including the plant and
mechanical equipment it is proposed to use, the scheduling of all the various activities, safety
aspects, traffic patterns and the possible interruptions to same.

Although the 'Specifications for Road and Bridge Works' (MoSRTH) 2001, Clause 115
specifically covers methodology and sequence of work this is not currently being applied in UP
PWD on normal works.

February 2008 4
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32

Time and cost overruns, coupled with the poor quality of the completed project, are some of the
maladies often observed on projects executed without having a sound, and approved,
construction methodology or programme in place.


Currently there is no system in place for providing training to the PWD Engineers in the field of
construction supervision of works. It is of the utmost importance to conduct training programmes
or refresher courses which update the knowledge of the PWD staff engaged in construction

February 2008 5
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32



The aforesaid weaknesses in project implementation may be overcome if the supervisory staff
had available a project specific construction supervision manual for guidance during the
execution stage of projects.

Since each project has different characteristics it may not be possible, or feasible, to develop a
rigid Construction Supervision Manual that can be used for all projects. Instead the objective
should to develop a model document which can be amended to suit each specific project. Many
of the items would no doubt be the same for all projects with allowances for variations to suit
specific projects.

The Construction Supervision Manual should describe the organizational and operational
structure of the Construction Supervisory Engineer and his staff, most of whom are engaged in
either in the executing wing of the PWD or by the appointed Supervision Consultants. The
Manual should present the general procedures and guidelines to be followed by the organization
in carrying out various aspects of the construction supervision tasks related to the
implementation of the contract works.

The Construction Supervision Manual should, therefore, delineate organizational responsibilities,

lines of communications, regulations, and limitations of authority of the supervision staff. The
Manual should also include procedures for carrying out tasks related to inspection, testing,
reporting, and general correspondence. Although the existing documentation provides standard
procedures for dealing with contractual issues, such as variation orders and time extensions that
arise during implementation of the works, it does not deal with the day to day technical
requirements, nor does it propose solutions to technical problems, since these technical issues
should be covered by the Specifications and other Contract Documents.

Every endeavour should be made to develop a Construction Supervision Manual so that

adherence to its guidelines will result in efficient, safe, reliable and consistent supervision of the
works in strict conformance to the Specification and other contractual requirements.

The basic framework of the manual should relate to construction supervision procedures
consistent with standard practices for highway strengthening, widening, and new construction in
conformance those at the national level as dealt with by MORT&H, IS and IRC.

It is vital that all users of the Manual understand that the Contract Documents, including
the Specification, are legally binding on all parties and are therefore the controlling
documents for the construction supervision process.

All construction supervision staff assigned to the projects should use the Construction
Supervision Manual.

February 2008 6
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32

The Construction Supervision Manual is to be used as a guide by field personnel. The Manual is
not a set of specifications. Its purpose is to clarify the Standard Specifications and to suggest
uniform procedures in the highway construction field work. The Standard Specifications,
Supplemental Specifications, plans, proposals, special provisions and all supplementary
documents are all legally binding parts of the Contract. Nothing in the Construction Supervision
Manual should change a contract. The Construction Supervision Manual must be compatible
with, and complimentary to, the Conditions of Contract, Specification, and other Contract


The structure of Construction Supervision manual should comprise of following:

1. Organizational Structure of the appointed Supervisory Engineer

Organizational chart of the PWD personnel involved in implementation and supervision of

the project is presented under this section.

2. Roles and functions of various officials in the project hierarchy

The functions of the designated ‘Engineer’ in terms of civil construction contract and
supervisory staff of PWD along with the tasks and work activities which he is require to
perform are highlighted here.

3. Supervision Guidelines and procedures

This section mainly deals with following aspects:

• Internal and External Communications (letters)
• Office administration - filing system and records
• Works Requests (Inspection/Approval Request Forms)
• Work order book - Site instructions
• Site Inspections, Daily Reports, and Diaries
• Mechanical Plant and Machineries
• Contractor’s personnel
• Weather records
• As built drawings
• Final Documentation for Project completion

4. Variation Orders

5. Surveying guidelines and procedures

6. Quantity Survey guidelines and procedures

7. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines and procedures

February 2008 7
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32

8. Environmental monitoring

9. Methodology or Method Statement as set out in Clause 115 of MORT&H Standard


10. Sequence of Work, Programme, as set out in Clause 115 of MORT&H Standard

11. Performa and forms to be used in Execution of works Check lists

12. Labour regulations and laws

13. Work zone safety

14. Traffic Management

February 2008 8
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


The indicative Action plan to develop a Construction Supervision Manual for UP PWD is given

a. Form a fully resourced dedicated cell manned by Senior PWD Engineers, conversant with
and experienced in contract management, charged with developing a Construction
Supervision Manual
b. Provide training to the personnel mobilized in the cell.
c. Develop a model Construction Supervision Manual for Road Project.
d. Provide training in its use and application to all Supervisory Engineers.
e. Test the use of this Manual on selected construction works on pilot project basis.
f. Based on feedback received from the pilot projects revise or modify the Construction
Supervision Manual.

February 2008 9
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


The following resources are proposed for developing the Construction Supervision Manual.


Chief Engineer (Quality Management) –as Head of Cell (part-time)

Superintending Engineer – as Deputy Head of Cell (full-time)

Executive Engineer - 2 No.


Computer Operator

Office Boy

• Accommodation - fully furnished office accommodation - 150 sqm.
• Office Equipment:
i. Desk top Computers – 4 No.
ii. Printer
iii. Photocopier
iv. Scanner
v. Telephones - 2 No.

February 2008 10
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


Development of Construction Supervision Manual should be the responsibility of the Cell created
especially for this task. It is anticipated that this work will be completed in 6 months assuming
that the Cell is fully resourced. However training, implementation, and any subsequent revisions
to the Manual are not included in this 6 month period.

Immediately after creation of the Cell the personnel for efficient functioning of the cell staff should
be deployed. All the technical staff deployed in the Cell should be required to satisfactorily
complete a training programme.

The Cell would obtain necessary feedback from the field staff, i.e. EE/AE /JE, about the
difficulties and problems faced by them during project execution. A period of 3 months, following
completion of the prescribed training programme, is probably adequate for development of the
Construction Supervision Manual.

In conjunction with the HRD and Training Unit the Cell should also develop a training module for
field personnel undertaking Construction Supervision of works as per guidelines contained in
construction supervision of work.

On completion of training of selected field personnel of PWD the cell created for development of
Construction Supervision manual should be disbanded with the training programme becoming
part of the standard training programmes run by the HRD and Training Cell.

The activity of conducting construction supervision of projects on pilot basis in accordance with
the guidelines set out in the Manual would be performed by the field staff under the guidance of
the Quality Management Cell. Any revisions or modifications felt necessary on the basis of
feedback obtained on pilot project would be undertaken by Quality Management Cell.

February 2008 11
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


The implementation schedule is given in Figure No. 1.

Figure No. 1 : Implementation Plan

Year 07 2008 2009

Ref. Description
No. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 Create cell for preparation of Construction supervision manual
2 Provide training to the personnel mobilzed in the cell
3 Develop Model Construction Supervision manual
4 Implement Manual on Pilot Projects
5 Analyse feedback from Pilot Projects
6 Revise/Modify Construction Supervision Manual
7 Develop Training Programmes for all Supervisory Staff
8 Write/Develop training material
6 Training to the supervisory staff

February 2008 12
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


Financial estimates for preparation of construction supervision manual are projected in Table No.
1 as given below. It should be noted that the estimates given in Table No. 1 do not include office
accommodation or costs of furnishing same.

It is assumed that the Out-sourced Specialist appointed to the Quality Management Unit will
oversee this work.

Table No. 1 : Estimates for preparation of construction supervision manual

Ref. Monthly Cost Total Cost

Description No. Duration
No. (in Rs.) (in Rs.)
A PERSONNEL - Staff Resources
Chief Engineer - from Quality Management 1 1 0 0
2 Superintending Engineer – Head of Cell 1 6 55,000 330,000
3 Executive Engineer 2 6 50,000 600,000
4 Clerk 1 6 15,000 90,000
5 Computer Operator 1 6 15,000 90,000
6 Office Boy 1 6 8,000 48,000
Sub-Total Resources (A) 1,158,000
7 Desk top computer (hire charges) 4 6 2,000 48,000
8 Printer (hire charges) 1 6 1,000 6,000
9 Photocopier (hire charges) 1 6 3,000 18,000
10 Scanner (Lump sum) 5,000 5,000
11 Telephone 2 6 1,500 18,000
12 Networking 1 24,000 24,000
13 Stationery, etc, including running costs 1 6 20,000 120,000
Sub-Total Office Equipment (B) 259,000
14 Vehicle (hire charges) 1 6 25,000 150,000
15 Travel Allowances 50,000
Sub-Total Transportation (C) 200,000
Total A +Total B +Total C 1,617,000

The estimated cost for production of Construction Supervision Manual and associated training
material is Rs.1, 617,000 or 16.17 lacs.

February 2008 13
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


The Focus Group meeting was convened on 18th and 19th February 2008.

In the meeting held on 18th February 2008 the following members participated:

Participants from PWD

Mr. Virendra Yati Superintending Engineer

Mr. Vinod Chandra Director Research
Mr. Tirath Raj Executive Engineer
Mr. Anaya Kumar Srivastava Assistant Engineer

Participants from TA Consultant

Mr. Alan Stanbury Team Leader

Mr. S.K. Pancholy Procurement Specialist

On 19th February 2008 a meeting was held with chairman Focus Group, the following members
were present:

Participants from PWD

Mr. D. V. S. Sarawat MD UPSBC

Mr. Goyal UPSBC

Participants from TA Consultant

Mr. S.K. Pancholy Procurement Specialist

Miss Janhabi Shome Environment and Social Specialist

1. The Focus Group (FG) members opined that a standard Construction Supervision (CS)
manual which can provide guidelines to the supervisory engineers of the department
should definitely be in place. The FG members pointed out that the methodology for some
of the work items is already available with UP PWD, which should be included in the
proposed Construction Supervision manual.

2. FG desired that the CS manual should define the task and responsibilities for all the
supervisory engineers of the PWD including the designated ‘Engineer’.

3. The FG was of the view that the CS manual should include the task and responsibilities of
supervisory engineers in respect of quality assurance measures, recording and checking
of measurements of work done by the contractor.

February 2008 14
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32

4. The TA Consultant is in agreement with the opinion of the FG members. While preparing
the Construction Supervision Manual the views of FG member should be incorporated by
the cell responsible for preparing the manual.

5. The FG approved the draft of Report No.32 therefore this is issued as a Final Report.

February 2008 15
Technical Assistance for Implementation of Institutional
Reforms in Road Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Report No. 32


February 2008 16
Report No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes,
guidelines and practices
PWD Focus Group - I

D.V.S. Sarawat MD UPSBC

Surendra Kumar Jt. M.D.,, U.P. State Bridge

g Corporation,
p , Lucknow

Arun Kumar EE, CD-1, Aligarh

j Mittal
Rajan EE, PD, Saharanpur

Anurag Asthana AE, UPRRDA, Lucknow

Navin Kumar AE, TY. DCU (NH), Lucknow

Anay Kumar Srivastava AE, IDS Cell, Lucknow

Sandeep Saxena AE, IDS Cell, Lucknow

LEA International Ltd. & LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd.

S.K. Pancholy Contract & Procurement Specialist

p No. 32 - Implement
p new works supervision
p processes,
guidelines and practices

IDS Consultant’s (TCE) Recommendation:

C t ti Operation
O ti andd Supervision
S i i
“Strengthen the Construction process by introducing new technologies,
systematic construction supervision and independent Quality Audits and

j of Technical Assistance under implementation
p reforms:

“Strengthen PWD role and capability in the Supervision of Works”

Action Milestone targeted by Government of UP:

“Implement new works supervision
p guidelines and p
g practices”
p No. 32 - Implement
p new works supervision
p processes,
p ,
guidelines and practices

Purpose and Action Plan

Frame needful guidelines for developing a model construction supervision

Action Plan:
1. Overview of p prevailing
g g
guidelines and p
practices for construction
supervision of works in UP PWD.
2. Identify weaknesses in the existing system
3. Suggest measures to improve the supervision processes and guidelines
p No. 32 - Implement
p new works supervision
p processes,
p ,
guidelines and practices

i off Prevalent
P l t Practices
P ti

Constr ction Supervision
S per ision based on Circ
lars and Government
Go ernment orders relating
to administration, specifications and planning aspects. Manual for Construction
Supervision does not exist.

Manual of Orders

Elaborates the financial aspects of works and standardization of form often

used is done. However, profoma and forms in respect of technical matters have
not been standardized.
Report No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes,
guidelines and practices
(Over view Continued…)

Supervisory Engineers discharges responsibility of construction supervision

based on:
• experience,
• subjective judgement,
• guidelines given by superiors,
• contract document including Specifications, bill of quantities and drawings;

The World Bank Funded Projects

Construction Supervision manual developed by the Construction Supervision

Operational Guidelines published by GOI for monitoring and supervision of
p No. 32 - Implement
p new works supervision
p processes,
p ,
guidelines and practices

Weaknesses in the Existing System:

1. Elaborate guidelines or manual regarding construction supervision of works

at field level does not exist.

2 Invoicing and discharging payments to the contractors is cumbersome and

time consuming needs simplification and standardization.

3 Methodology of work items or method statement is not developed


4. Lack of Training to the supervisory engineers.

Report No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes,
guidelines and practices


Develop a model construction supervision of works manual.

The structure of Construction Supervision manual shall comprise of:

1. O
i ti l structure
t t off the
th supervisory
i E i
2. Roles and functions of various officials in the project hierarchy.
3. Supervision guidelines and procedures
4. Variation orders
5. Surveying guidelines and procedures
Report No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes,
guidelines and practices

Recommendations (Contd…)

6. Quantity Survey guidelines and procedures

7. Quality assurance and Quality Control guidelines and procedures
8. Environmental monitoring
9. Methodology or methods statements of works items.
10. Sequence of work and programme
11. Performa and forms used in works and checklists
12. Labour regulations and laws
13. Work Zone Safety
14. Traffic Management
Report No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes,
guidelines and practices

Action Plan

a) Form a fully resourced cell manned by Senior PWD Engineers for

developing Construction Supervision manual.
b) Provide training to official deployed in the cell
c) Cell to Develop Construction Supervision manual
d) Provide Training to supervisory engineers on use and application of manual
e) Test the use of manual on selected Construction works on pilot project basis
f) R i the
Revise th manuall on basis
b i off feedback
f db k obtained
bt i d from
f pilot
il t project.
j t
Report No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes,
guidelines and practices


CE (QM) – Part time
SE – Full time
EE- Full time 2 No
Ancillary staff

Fully furnished and equipped office
Report No
No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes
guidelines and practices

Procedure for Implementation

C t ti S
i i M
Manual l shall
h ll be
b developed
d l d by
b the
th PWD cellll
created for this purpose. The implementation of construction supervision
manual on p pilot p
j will be under taken byy the concerned Divisional

Total time period for development of Construction Supervision manual

shall be 6 months.
Report No. 32 - Implement new works supervision processes,
guidelines and practices

Cost Estimates: Rs.17.00 lacs

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