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Oral Communication in Context: SHS Pre-Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato


SHS Pre-Test

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each question carefully. Circle the letter of the correct

1. When a speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition, the speech act is _______.

A. assertive C. commissive
B. directive D. expressive

2. What type of speech style is used when two students are talking and laughing about their
memorable experiences?

A. intimate C. consultative
B. casual D. formal

3. Which of the following refers to the use of simple yet precise and powerful words?

A. vividness C. brevity
B. clarity D. appropriateness

4. Talking to a counselor or a psychiatrist is an example of what type of conversation?

A. intimate conversation C. consultation conversation

B. casual conversation D. formal conversation

5. Which model depicts communication as linear?

A. Transaction Model C. Shannon-Weaver Model

B. Inventive Model D. Schramm Model

6. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional
reactions such as thanking, apologizing, welcoming and deploring.

A. expressive C. directive
B. assertive D. declaration

7. Why do we need to master non-verbal communication?

A. It helps one become a famous speaker.

B. It creates a harmonious relationship.
C. It shows the personality of a speaker.
D. It can sustain attention and connect with listeners.

8. Which of the following situations show courtesy in communication?

A. listening while someone is talking

B. manipulating the entire conversation
C. insisting one’s own idea to others
D. keeping one’s idea to others
9. Which of the following statements is a declaration?

A. “I will participate in the group starting today.”

B. “You do these tasks right away.”
C. “I am happy of your achievements.”
D. “You are hired!”

10. The communication process will be successful if ________.

A. one element of communication is missing

B. there is feedback
C. the sender starts the communication
D. the receiver has correct interpretation of the message

11. Read the conversation below and identify the type of speech style used:

Beth: Where to now?

Jeannie: Your place?
Beth: Too far. How about Liza’s?
Don: She’s out.
Beth: In that case, the cafeteria will do.

A. frozen C. consultative
B. formal D. casual

12. “Jim is my best friend so I don't know why he chose me to give the toast today. I have so
many funny stories to tell that this birthday celebration may turn into a roast.” What type of
speech is manifested in these lines?

A. demonstrative C. informative
B. entertainment D. persuasive

13. What nonverbal cue refers to the movement of your eyes, eyebrows, and mouth when
communicating with another person?

A. eye contact C. posture

B. facial expression D. proxemics

14. The Senior High School student is talking about the process of conducting an automated
student government election. What is the speaker’s purpose?

A. to persuade C. to entertain
B. to inform D. none of the above

15. Why is jargon a barrier to a successful communication?

A. It recognizes emotions of people.

B. It needs to be discussed.
C. It creates inconvenience to listeners.
D. only groups of people understand it

16. Your teacher tells you to focus in your studies so that you can reach your desired career.
What function of communication is evident in this context?

A. motivation C. regulation or control

B. emotional expression D. social interaction
17. Read the dialogue below and identify the speaker’s purpose:

Jen: Excuse me guys! I have an announcement to make. Our homeroom adviser will
meet us today after class.

Kei: Oh, my. I’m supposed to leave early. Is it going to be long? What is the agenda?

Jen: I guess, it’s going to last for one hour. She said that it’s about the upcoming

A. to inform C. to entertain
B. to persuade D. none of the above

18. It is a type of oral text where a speaker presents ideas or information over a sustained

A. Group Interaction C. Individual Presentation

B. Dyadic Interaction D. None of the Above

19. Read the dialogue below and identify the communication strategy used:

Dave: Have you heard the news? Michael is the new Student Council President.
Ron: It is David who won. Not Michael. Michael’s the Vice-President though.

A. Nomination C. Topic Control

B. Turn-taking D. Repair

20. It is a type of interpersonal communication where it involves a larger number of audience. It

serves the purpose of disseminating information and persuading a crowd to take side on an

A. dyadic communication C. public communication

B. small group D. computer- mediated

21. “By virtue of the power vested upon me as the OIC Regional Director, I now confirm you,
graduates…” What speech style is used?

A. frozen C. consultative
B. formal D. intimate

22. Liam accidentally broke the classroom television. When he was asked by the principal
whether he saw the person who did it, he denied the truth in order to avoid being reprimanded
or penalized. What do you think is the factor which became a barrier to effective

A. communication skills C. culture

B. knowledge D. social status

23. For us Filipinos, we find it difficult to directly criticize. When asked if we like the person, we
tend to say “okay” or “sort of.” We do not say outright yes or no like other people do. What kind
of culture do we have?

A. low-context culture C. monochromatic culture

B. high-context culture D. polychromic culture
24. The English teacher places her forefinger in front of her lips to silent her students. Select
which among the cues do you think the teacher used to control her students.

A. haptics C. gestures
B. paralanguage D. facial expression

25. Choose which of the following belongs to intrapersonal speech context:

A. Lyka is talking to john over the phone.

B. John and Rey are talking yesterday about their project in English
C. Michelle is talking in front of the crowd about how to save mother earth.
D. Liam is asking himself how much he has changed after 5 years.

26. What is the difference between formal and frozen speech style?

A. formal is evident in meetings while frozen is evident in prayer.

B. frozen is evident in speeches while formal is evident in anthem
C. formal is a style for very respectful setting while frozen is directly opposite.
D. frozen requires feedback from the audience while formal does not.

27. Choose which is the appropriate language for consultative speech style.

A. fixed and relatively static C. relaxed and focus

B. language is shorter and spontaneous D. comparatively rigid and often a
standard variety

28. Which of the following is as an illocutionary speech act?

A. It is unique! C. Driving so fast while being drunk kills!

B. Duh! I don’t care! D. I will do whatever it takes to help her.

29. It is a speech style where the language used may not be used in public.

A. intimate C. formal
B. casual D. frozen

30. Which of the following is an example of a public speech?

A. conversing with a friend C. studying with the classmates

B. pondering upon the current issue D. delivering a valedictory address

31. It is a communication strategy in which people decide who will take the conversational flow.

A. Nomination C. Turn-taking
B. Restriction D. Topic Control

32. Which of the following describes a speaker who is a rapport builder?

A. relays his own personal achievements

B. expresses his sentiments about others
C. uses fillers in the speech
D. uses “we” rather than “I”

33. How can a speaker speak simply and with conviction?

A. look at the people all the time

B. use the podium
C. speak softly with emotion
D. speak a little louder than usual
34. In which way that you as a speaker can establish rapport with the audience?

A. wear a business attire

B. speak with authority
C. use persuasive words
D. maintain eye contact

35. Which of the following may help in improving a speaker’s articulation?

A. always listen to eloquent speakers

B. read aloud all the time
C. memorize the entire speech
D. practice the tricky sound

36. Why is speech writing a recursive process?

A. It involves planning, rehearsing, practicing and delivering.

B. It involves prewriting, drafting, revising and editing.
C. It involves listening, writing, reading and speaking.
D. It involves writing, practicing, critiquing and delivering.

37. What is the most important role of a speaker?

A. to bring honor to himself C. to successfully deliver his message to

the audience
B. to entertain his audience or listeners D. to lead them in right decisions

38. How can a speaker effectively modulate his voice?

A. speak in a monotone voice C. always use the microphone

B. master the voice and find the pitch D. speak loudly in order to be heard

39. Why is it important that a speaker must have a proper pacing in speech delivery?

A. to catch attention of the audience C. to be clearly understood by the

B. to feel comfortable in speaking D. to gain respect from the listeners

40. It refers to presenting a particular topic clearly, truthfully and saying only what is relevant.
A. Restriction C. Nomination
B. Topic control D. Termination
41. Which of the following will not be affected if there is a change in speech context, style and
A. delivery C. message
B. relationship of the speaker D. the setting
42. Refers to a speech style where in the relationship of the speaker to the receiver is opposite
to intimate relationship because of not sharing common experiences or meaning.
A. casual C. consultative
B. formal D. frozen
43. The goal of this speech is to convince the listeners to change their opinion, attitude or belief
regarding a certain topic.
A. informative speech C. persuasive speech
B. entertainment speech D. expository speech
44. What is the first stage in speech writing that the writer must give importance?
A. determining the purpose C. selecting the topic
B. analyzing the audience D. rehearsing

45. One way of analyzing your audience is to know their age, gender, ethnic background,
occupation, economic and social status etc. What kind of audience analysis is being described
in the statement?

A. Affiliation C. Demographic Data

B. Interest in certain issues D. How they look at you as a speaker

46. Which of the following words must be avoided in speech writing?

A. jargon C. verbal cues

B. personal pronoun D. writing

47. One of the principles of speech delivery is the capability to adjust or manipulate the
resonance and timber of the vocal tone which refers to _________.

A. modulation C. stage presence

B. articulation D. Facial expressions

48. When the speaker’s words cannot be understood, the speech might as well not have been
delivered at all, that’s why the speaker should say the words correctly with clear diction which
refers to ______.

A. stage presence C. facial expressions

B. articulation D. modulation

49. The opposite of “stage fright”, the ability to own the stage and being able to fill the space
and project his personality refers to what principle of speech delivery?

A. stage presence C. facial expression

B. modulation D. articulation

50. The statement “gender equality promotes respect for both sexes. Do you believe in this? “is
an example of what kind of communicative strategy?

A. nomination C. termination
B. restriction D. Turn-taking

51. “I had a good time with you. Thanks for the company.” shows what kind of communicative

A. termination C. nomination
B. repeating D. restriction

52. What communicative strategy is used when the speaker said, “I was able to research the
correct word to be used, it should not be overhang but hangover.”?

A. repair communicative strategy C. termination

B. turn-taking D. topic control

53. Which of the following statement is NOT true in turn-taking communicative strategy?

A. Each speaker speaks whenever he/she wants to.

B. The speaker knows when to talk depending on the verbal and non-verbal cues
that signal the next speaker.
C. Others are given an opportunity to take a turn.
D. This strategy uses either an informal or formal approach.
54. The following statement is true EXCEPT

A. Without non-verbal elements, the Speaker may be judge as boring.

B. Facial expressions should be constant/permanent as the speech goes on.
C. Movement should allow the speaker to carry the speech around.
D. Movement should also direct the audience to follow the speaker and keep them
hanging on to his/her every word.

55. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A. The audience is one of the major factors that determine the uniqueness of the
B. There is a speech that fits all Public Communication Situation
C. It is just as important to find out how your audience feels about the topic of
your speech.
D. The data of the audience may influence the way you will write the speech.

56. Using good sources of information such as newspapers, magazines, books journals and
any reading materials full of useful information is a manifestation of what kind of speech writing

A. Outlining and organizing C. Choosing the topic

B. Analyzing the audience D. Sourcing the information
57. When the speakers find it difficult to know the correct way of saying a word, whether they
are familiar or unfamiliar, he/she must develop more on his/her ________.

A. articulation C. modulation
B. stage presence D. facial expression

58. With or without a microphone, voices should not bombard our eardrums. The speaker’s
words will be heard clearly, and the message will be sent and received if the speaker developed
this principle.

A. articulation C. modulation
B. stage presence D. facial expression

59. Celine a youth leader, during her speech on the Barangay Fiesta felt shaky and nervous at
first but eventually overcome that nervousness and started to feel confident delivering her
speech up to the end. This best describes what principle of speech delivery?

A. articulation C. audience rapport

B. delivery D. stage presence

60. Which of the following is NOT a speech context?

A. Intrapersonal Communication C. Long Distance

B. Dyad Communication D. Mass Communication

-End of Test-
(Review your answers.)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato


SHS Pre –Test

1. A 30. D
2. B 31. C
3. C 32. D
4. C 33. D
5. C 34. D
6. A 35. D
7. D 36. B
8. A 37. C
9. D 38. B
10. D 39. C
11. D 40. C
12. B 41. D
13. B 42. C
14. B 43. C
15. D 44. B
16. A 45. C
17. A 46. A
18. C 47. A
19. D 48. B
20. C 49. C
21. A 50. B
22. D 51. A
23. B 52. A
24. C 53. A
25. D 54. B
26. A 55. B
27. B 56. D
28. A 57. C
29. A 58. C
59. C
60. C

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