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Opportunities and Challenges in OFDMA-Based Cellular Relay Networks: A Radio Resource Management Perspective

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5, JUNE 2010

Opportunities and Challenges in

OFDMA-Based Cellular Relay Networks:
A Radio Resource Management Perspective
Mohamed Salem, Student Member, IEEE, Abdulkareem Adinoyi, Member, IEEE,
Halim Yanikomeroglu, Member, IEEE, and David Falconer, Life Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The opportunities and flexibility in relay networks sive and scarce spectrum, achieving this objective requires
and orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) make high-spectral-efficiency schemes that rely on aggressive re-
the combination a suitable candidate network and air-interface
source reuse. Meanwhile, the orthogonal frequency-division
technology for providing reliable and ubiquitous high-data-rate
coverage in next-generation cellular networks. Advanced and multiplexing (OFDM) air interface is the accepted candidate
intelligent radio resource management (RRM) schemes are known technology for delivering this ambitious performance for next-
to be crucial toward harnessing these opportunities in future generation networks. This is mainly due to the fact that OFDM
OFDMA-based relay-enhanced cellular networks. However, has the inherent ability to combat frequency-selective fading.
it is not very clear how to address the new RRM challenges
(such as enabling distributed algorithms, intra-cell/inter-cell In addition, it offers some degrees of freedom in radio resource
routing, intense and dynamic co-channel interference (CCI), and management (RRM) since orthogonal frequency-division mul-
feedback overhead) in such complex environments comprising a tiple access (OFDMA)-based RRM schemes allocate different
plethora of relay stations (RSs) of different functionalities and portions of radio resources to different users in both the fre-
characteristics. Employment of conventional RRM schemes in
quency and time domains.
such networks will highly be inefficient if not infeasible. The
next-generation networks are required to meet the expectations of Ubiquitous coverage demands that service has to reach users
all wireless users, irrespective of their locations. High-data-rate in the most unfavorable channel conditions (e.g., cell-edge
connectivity, mobility, and reliability, among other features, are users) by efficient distribution of the high data rate (capacity)
examples of these expectations. Therefore, fairness is a critical across the network. Increasing capacity along with coverage
performance aspect that has to be taken into account in the design
of prospective RRM schemes. This paper reviews some of the in conventional cellular architecture (without relay assistance)
prominent challenges involved in migrating from the conventional dictates dense deployment of base stations (BSs), which turns
cellular architecture to the relay-based type and discusses out to be a cost-wise inefficient solution to service providers
how intelligent RRM schemes can exploit the opportunities in [1]. A relay station (RS) with less cost and functionality than
relay-enhanced OFDMA-based cellular networks. We identify
the role of multiantenna systems and explore the current
the BS is able to extend the high-data-rate coverage to remote
approaches in literature to extend the conventional schedulers areas in the cell. In addition to the traditional use of relays
to next-generation relay networks. This paper also highlights to enhance network coverage, a new network architecture rep-
the fairness aspect in such networks in the light of the recent resenting a paradigm shift has recently emerged. This archi-
literature, provides some example fairness metrics, and compares tecture is widely referred to as cooperative communications.
the performances of some representative algorithms.
Protocols to facilitate relay cooperation are still being inves-
Index Terms—Cellular, fairness, load balancing, orthogonal tigated. Thus, numerous standardization bodies, forums, and
frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), radio resource
management (RRM), relaying, routing, scheduling, throughput.
consortiums have been positioning their efforts toward relay-
based architectures in various scenarios, e.g., IEEE 802.16m
I. I NTRODUCTION and Third-Generation Partnership Project advanced long-term
evolution (LTE-Advanced).
U BIQUITOUS high-data-rate coverage is the theme of
next-generation wireless networks. Given the expen-
OFDMA combined with relaying techniques offers a promis-
ing technology for providing ubiquitous high-data-rate cover-
age. While it is crucial to devise intelligent RRM schemes to
Manuscript received April 3, 2009; revised September 30, 2009; accepted
January 8, 2010. Date of publication February 17, 2010; date of current version harness the opportunities in future relay-enhanced OFDMA-
June 16, 2010. This work was supported by Samsung Electronics Company based networks, it is not yet clear how to overcome the new
Ltd., Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea. The review of this challenges in such a complex environment where conventional
paper was coordinated by Dr. W. Zhuang.
M. Salem, H. Yanikomeroglu, and D. Falconer are with the Department RRM schemes are not scalable. In fact, even some of the con-
of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON ventional technical terms may need to be redefined. Neverthe-
K1S 5B6, Canada (e-mail: mrashad@sce.carleton.ca; halim@sce.carleton.ca; less, with the ambitious objective of ubiquitous high-data-rate
A. Adinoyi is with Swedtel Arabia, Riyadh 11527, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: coverage announced and the opportunities advertised, modern
adinoyi@sce.carleton.ca). RRM schemes have stronger fairness obligations, and thus, the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. RRM design approach has to be shifted from network centric
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2010.2042736 toward user centric [2], [3].

0018-9545/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


Fig. 1. Example relay-enhanced cellular architecture. A central controller performs global resource allocation in centralized conventional networks.

From an RRM perspective, in Section II, we address some of One way to avoid such ambiguity is to tie the description to
the opportunities, challenges, and terminologies associated with the relevant network “hierarchy.” For instance, a network-level
the migration from conventional cellular architecture to relay distributed/cell-level centralized RRM scheme could refer to a
enhanced in OFDMA-based networks. Some of these issues scheme that does not rely on a central controller to perform
are discussed in [4] yet within the limited depth and literature global resource allocation, whereas each BS will individually
breadth of a magazine article. In Section V, we highlight the handle the resource allocation for all the entities in the cell
fairness concerns in such networks and discuss some fairness including RSs. Similarly, a network-level distributed/cell-level
metrics as well as possible fairness implementations in radio re- semi-distributed RRM scheme could refer to a similar scheme
source allocation (RRA) algorithms. An interesting case study but with the provision that RSs can partially participate in
that combines these issues is discussed in Section VI, along the resource allocation. The importance of such precise termi-
with relevant performance results to further the illustration. nology cannot be overemphasized in future networks, where
several entities will be involved, in one way or another, in the
ACCESS -BASED C ELLULAR R ELAY N ETWORKS In addition to that, the ambiguity of the technical terminolo-
gies extends to an important aspect that is “load balancing.”
Research interest is moving rapidly toward the relay-based
2) Cell-Load Balancing: Load balancing is a function usu-
network architecture. The focus of this paper is mostly on the
ally incorporated with the connection admission control (CAC)
potential opportunities and challenges in this type of network
mechanisms in conventional cellular networks. In that context,
architecture. To be on the side of caution, it may be necessary
the load balancing function refers to the hand over (hand off) of
to reexamine the technical terminologies used in conventional
some users between adjacent cells to distribute the traffic load
networks as they relate to this new paradigm shift, i.e., relay-
network-wide among BSs while maintaining the users’ quality
enhanced networks.
of service (QoS). Although the load balancing previously de-
fined will be an integral part of any prospective RRM scheme in
A. Migration From Conventional Cellular to Relay-Enhanced
relay-enhanced networks, researchers often associate the term
1) Centralized or Distributed?: There seems to be no agree- “load balancing” in relay networks with a different function that
ment in the literature on the use of the terms “centralized,” aims at evenly distributing the load among all nodes, cell-wide.
“decentralized,” and “distributed” as regards to the operation The number of OFDM subcarriers handled by a node is often
of RRM schemes. For instance, in the context of conventional employed in the literature as a good estimate of the traffic load
cellular networks (e.g., [5]), an RRM scheme is considered to at that node [6]–[9]. A balanced traffic load reduces the packet
be centralized if there exists a central controller that gathers processing delays at the regenerative relays.
all the information and feedback required from all the BSs One might refer to the first definition as network-load bal-
and performs global resource allocation, as shown in Fig. 1. ancing, whereas the second definition might be referred to
Whereas an RRM scheme may be considered distributed if each as cell-load balancing. In fact, cell-load balancing also has
cell individually performs its own resource allocation based some implications on inter-cell interference (ICI) and fairness,
on local information and perhaps aided with some inter-cell which we highlight in Sections II-B and V, respectively. We
information. In the context of relay-enhanced cellular networks, will discuss the concept of network-load balancing in relay
however, the latter scheme is referred to as centralized given networks in Section II-A5.
that the BS gathers information from the RSs and performs the 3) Various Forms of Wireless Relays of Different Function-
resource allocation for itself and the RSs as well. alities: It is envisaged that a plethora of RSs of different

specifications, functionalities, and geographical densities will packets on the chosen path(s), e.g., [15]. However, performing
be part of the next-generation cellular network architecture. For joint routing and scheduling is known to produce superior
instance, fixed RSs (FRSs) are assumed to be deployed with low performance results, as compared with decoupled scheduling
density at strategic locations of the cell; possibly line-of-sight and routing [16]. Therefore, differently expressed, resource
(LOS) communication with the BS is maintained, and off-the- allocation in such relay-enhanced networks is indeed a joint
wall power is available. Worthy of emphasis is the plug-and- scheduling and routing problem. However, it is quite chal-
play type of relay known as nomadic RS (NRS), an idea that lenging to devise efficient RRM schemes that tackle the joint
has been entrenched in the IEEE 802.16 standards [10], [11]. problem. The algorithm presented in the case study is a good
While mobile RSs (MRSs) are characterized by their mobility example of a class of dynamic joint routing and scheduling
(e.g., rooftop-mounted vehicular devices), NRSs are technically strategies discussed in the literature [17], as based on the theory
stationary devices but portable and, like MRSs, are battery in [18] and as applied to OFDMA relay networks [19]. In such
operated; much lower transmit power levels than those of FRSs a strategy, CCI is depicted by the achievable rates of individual
are thus anticipated. In [12], motivational scenarios for using hops on different OFDM tones.
mobile multihop relaying are provided. Therein, NRSs can be In addition to the multihop relaying schemes, the joint rout-
deployed with high density to provide temporary coverage and ing and scheduling problem challenges as well the multihop
capacity in an area where FRSs may not provide the required cooperative schemes in relay networks. In fact, the authors in
QoS. An example of temporary coverage areas could be, in [4] observe that to devise efficient routing algorithms to es-
general, where wireless connectivity is required for only a short tablish a path through multiple clusters of possible cooperating
period of time, such as in trade fairs and sporting events or in nodes, the problem is in principle joint routing, clustering, and
disaster-recovery situations. In addition, NRSs can be used to resource allocation.
spread the capacity in a large building. In such case, NRSs will It is worth mentioning that in the context of relay-enhanced
coexist with FRSs with potentially much better communication cellular networks, “in-cell routing,” or simply relay selection
links to user terminals. Although FRSs are the most commonly in case of two-hop relaying within the cell vicinity, is the
considered in the literature, to the extent of our knowledge, no most commonly considered [20]. Nevertheless, more sophis-
work so far, other than [13] and [14], has provided mechanisms ticated schemes that enable a sort of mesh topology exploit
for integrating autonomous NRSs into the cellular network or the substantial increase in degrees of freedom by establishing
suggested the underlying RRM schemes to facilitate a smooth routes comprising relay nodes even located in adjacent cells,
integration and coexistence with FRSs. i.e., inter-cell routing. Such RRM schemes, despite incurring
As the architecture of next-generation cellular networks be- further complexity, are of great research interest [21].
comes more sophisticated, i.e., comprising a plethora of active 5) CAC and Handover for Network-Load Balancing via
nodes, distributed RRM schemes with limited feedback, par- Inter-Cell Routing: As earlier mentioned, RRM schemes have
ticularly if involving MRSs, become essential. Furthermore, in to work in conjunction with a CAC mechanism that de-
a network with a large number of relays, more often than not, cides, based on available resources and connected users’ QoS,
orthogonal resources are required for multihop relaying pur- whether to admit an incoming connection to a particular cell
poses, and thus, a form of reuse is necessary. To facilitate this (BS) or deny it and hand the user over to a neighboring noncon-
reuse and combat the resulting interference, intelligent RRM gested cell through a handover mechanism. Such mechanisms
schemes are needed to balance between aggressive resource are essential to balance the load network-wide and reduce the
reuse and efficient management of the associated co-channel blocking probability. With the deployment of relays, more han-
interference (CCI). dover opportunities arise through enabling inter-cell routing.
Given such modern architecture, prospective RRM schemes In that case, a user with denied connection to one cell can be
are quite diverse in terms of transmission protocols and opti- admitted to an adjacent cell by establishing connection through
mization objectives. Among the fundamental questions these one or more RS(s) in the latter. This dynamic load-balancing
protocols have to answer are the following; which transmission mechanism is termed “primary relaying” in [22], in which the
mode (direct, multihop simple relaying, or multihop coopera- authors integrate ad hoc relaying schemes into cellular net-
tive relaying) is optimal for a particular user and which relay works. An alternative mechanism termed “secondary relaying”
node(s) should be incorporated in that mode? This is where is also proposed, where an ongoing connection can be diverted
efficient routing schemes come as an RRM design tool. through RSs to an adjacent cell, and the vacant resources are
4) Relay Selection or In-Cell Routing: Routing is thus a key then inherited by the incoming connection. Such mechanism
issue of networks that support multihop relaying through the is beneficial whenever handover opportunities are limited for
deployment of dedicated relays, users’ cooperative relaying, the user with incoming connection request due to traffic and
or protocols incorporating both. Routing can be viewed as the channel conditions.
process of establishing efficient connectivity between nodes Although the concept could be generalized, to alleviate the
over multihop links allowing coverage extension, throughput, burden on the cellular resources, these dynamic load-balancing
and fairness improvement. Since different routing schemes are mechanisms rely on the availability of out-of-band channels,
expected to differently affect the system performance in terms such as the 2.4-GHz industrial, scientific, and medical band,
of throughput, delays, and signaling overhead, several relay- to facilitate multihop relying and user access [23]. Several
selection strategies and relaying criterion are employed in the works have analyzed the performance of these mechanisms
RRM schemes as an initial step followed by scheduling user and proposed different routing or path-selection criteria; a

mathematical theory has been developed in [24]. It has been communication in each sector. However, such techniques re-
noted, however, in [4] that out-of-band relaying requires UTs quire planning and limit the opportunities a prospective relay-
and RSs equipped with multiple radios operating on differ- based scheme could exploit in frequency, multiuser, and spatial
ent frequency bands: the default cellular interface and an diversities within the relay coverage area.
ad hoc wireless interface. Moreover, we observe that these Having observed that cell-edge relays potentially increase the
inter-cell routing mechanisms were proposed and analyzed level of ICI, an interesting question could be can relays help
for time-division multiple-access/code-division multiple-access mitigate the ICI? In fact, some works, such as [29] and [30], do
(TDMA/CDMA)-based networks rather than OFDMA-based employ the cell-edge relays in mitigating the ICI. In [29], an RS
relay networks. located at the cell edge is shared by the surrounding BSs and is
equipped with multiple antennas. The shared RS separates the
received mixed signals and performs interference suppression
B. CCI in OFDMA Cellular Relay Networks
using multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) techniques, on
Another burdensome challenge that faces the RRM schemes the same resource block, before forwarding to the respective
in next-generation cellular relay networks is the increase in UTs; we will revisit this approach in Section III. Using a
CCI. In fact, CCI is inherent in any multicellular network different approach, the algorithm in [30] (the case study in
mainly due to inter-cell and intra-cell resource reuse. Cluster- Section VI) utilizes the existence of relays and their uniform ge-
ing, cell sectorization, and static/dynamic fractional frequency ographical deployment to spatially randomize the ICI through
reuse are common techniques used to control the ICI in con- its inherent cell-load balancing feature, which results in an even
ventional cellular networks. With the increasing demand of distribution of OFDM subchannels among the active relays of
high data rates in next-generation networks, highly aggressive each cell. As such, a cell-edge user being served by a relay in
reuse schemes are envisioned to achieve a much higher spectral one cell is less likely to receive ICI from the closest relay of the
efficiency. The aggressive reuse suggests that entire system adjacent cell.
resources will be made available in each cell, whereas intra- On the network level, dynamic inter-cell coordination could
cell spatial reuse can be applied to further improve resource be the candidate for addressing interference problems. Dynamic
utilization given that a part is consumed in facilitating multihop inter-cell coordination can be employed by exchanging vital
relaying on orthogonal channels. interference information among BSs over the backbone net-
On the cell level, some techniques, such as dynamic power work connection to achieve the interference avoidance gain
allocation [17], can be employed, as a link adaptive technique, and improve user throughput and/or fairness. Although several
to either mitigate or cope with the excessive CCI in such inter-cell coordination schemes have been proposed in the
interference-limited systems. It is, however, observed that the literature for conventional and LTE cellular networks [31], [32],
vast majority of works apply static intra-cell spatial reuse pat- there have been no proposals for dynamic coordination schemes
terns solely based on user locations, e.g., reusing the channels designed for cellular relay networks so far. Interestingly, our ef-
assigned to RS–UT links in the BS–UT links within the close forts toward devising dynamic inter-cell coordination schemes
vicinity of the BS [25], [26]. Such static reuse patterns are not for OFDMA-based cellular relay networks led to some im-
informed by the resultant CCI. However, more intelligent RRM portant observations on the issue of pronounced “interference
schemes are supposed to control the CCI through opportunistic uncertainty.”
intra-cell reuse utilizing instantaneous channel conditions and Challenges of CCI Uncertainty: Due to the dynamic and
antenna directivity [13]. In such a case, the least CCI lev- synchronous nature of the network-level distributed resource-
els are attained, and underutilized resources, if any, are used allocation process in multicarrier cellular networks, the lack
first. Thus, different channels will have different reuse factor of interference predictability represents a challenging prob-
realizations. lem that has been observed in the literature of conventional
More importantly, while relays are deployed with the poten- OFDMA-based cellular networks. Generally, such uncertainty
tial of improving coverage and assisting users having unfavor- of subcarrier quality arises when the network is partially loaded
able channel conditions (e.g., cell-edge users), an adverse effect such that BSs, based on individual allocation decisions, are not
arises. That is, in the downlink scenario, the relays deployed in fully utilizing the set of available subcarriers. Various tech-
one cell bring the interference closer to the cell-edge users in niques that aim at increasing the predictability of interference
the adjacent cells; this potentially increases the level of ICI and in conventional OFDMA-based cellular networks are discussed
renders a more interference-limited system for the prospective in [5], which we summarize as follows:
RRM schemes in their attempt to attain the desired high spectral
efficiency. 1) partitioning (imposing structures): power shaping over
Therefore, some recent works, e.g., [27] and [28], have ex- time slots within the frame, on–off power shaping over
tended the static fractional frequency reuse technique to OFDM the cell sectors in time, fixing the sequence of resource
cellular relay networks as a compromise solution between ag- allocation to users, or limited exchange of interference
gressive reuse and cell-edge performance due to the ICI caused information between neighboring BSs;
by the neighboring relays. In both works, a three-sector cellular 2) discretization of the quantities involved in the resource
network is considered, where the fractional frequency bands are allocation, such as transmit power levels, steering co-
used for the RS–UT communication at the relay coverage area, efficients of the directional antennas, and transmission
whereas the whole band is used for the BS–UT and BS–RS rates.

Although some of these techniques may still be imported

to a relay-enhanced type of network, they will basically com-
promise the aggressiveness in resource reuse and limit the
available degrees of freedom. Moreover, these techniques are
anticipated to be less efficient in combating the uncertainty
problem as it becomes more pronounced in relay networks.
The main reason is not farfetched; the problem originates from
the dramatic increase in ICI dynamics resulting from switching
over different link budgets of potential interfering links as
the subcarrier assignment hops among different cell nodes
(see Fig. 2). In other words, a receiving node on a particular
subcarrier, somewhere in the network, will experience a dra-
matic change in interfering signal strength when the subcarrier- Fig. 2. Snap shots of the cellular network in downlink explaining the CCI
to-node assignment changes in the interfering cell from one uncertainty problem. (a) CCI during frame i. (b) CCI during frame i + 1. Solid
allocation instant to another. To the best of our knowledge, arrows represent the desired signals in the center cell.
current literature on relay-enhanced networks overlooked such takes place, optimization could rely on a statistical value of
deterioration in the CCI uncertainty. However, our results the past sequence of previous interference measurements. For
for RRA schemes and some dynamic inter-cell coordination instance, a moving-average interference filtering approach has
schemes as applied to OFDMA cellular relay networks revealed been examined in our studies for its simplicity in terms of
the following. computation [similar to the filtering used in the proportional
1) Some dynamic inter-cell coordination schemes may not fair scheduler (PFS)]. This recursive single-tap filter basically
tolerate the increased CCI uncertainty as their embedded ˜ of interference that is more
provides one output sample I(t)
optimization criteria rely on the assessment of how much influenced by immediate past measurements than earlier mea-
“harm” each individual interferer causes to other nodes surements, within a time window controlled by α, as
before taking decisions against the most harmful interfer- ˜ = (1 − α)I(t
˜ − 1) + αI(t − 1),
ers. As such, relying on the outdated interference power I(t) 0 < α < 1. (1)
observed during the previous transmission can obviously The parameter α can carefully be chosen. A review on
overestimate a tolerable interferer or underestimate a very research development toward adapting transmission using the
strong interferer in the following transmission. Therefore, statistics of measured SINRs, rather than relying on the out-
the overall performance gain in throughput or fairness dated information itself, is provided in [34].
might be insignificant if not in the negative direction. For
instance, this has been observed in the performance of
a binary power control coordination scheme in which a C. Restating the Strategy for Improving Goodput Efficiency
central controller is employed to only resolve the conflicts As earlier mentioned, both dynamic inter-cell coordination
in suppression requests issued by the receiving users and link adaptation are possible techniques for CCI avoidance
or relays against their most harmful interferers in the or mitigation. Both techniques rely on channel state informa-
adjacent cells. tion (CSI) feedback from the receiver to the transmitter as
2) On the other hand, RRA algorithms designed for frequent as the relevant resource-allocation process. Since the
OFDMA-based relay networks might, however, tolerate net throughput or “goodput” depends on how much feedback
the increased uncertainty as the subcarrier quality metric overhead penalty the RRM scheme incurs, the CSI feedback
used is usually tied to the sum of received interfer- represents an additional challenge to any prospective central-
ence power, e.g., signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio ized RRM schemes in OFDMA-based cellular relay networks.
(SINR), rather than individual interferer strength. There- This is because, in principle, the required CSI feedback in
after, if practical adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) such networks is substantially higher than that required for
is employed as a link-adaptive technique, a wide range of conventional cellular networks due to the following reasons.
these SINRs is then quantized to one out of a few AMC
1) Signals at source nodes have multiple potential recipients,
modes or spectral efficiencies [33]. More importantly, any
among which, the routing algorithm selects the appropri-
greedy or even fairness-aware RRA algorithm will end
ate receiving nodes.
up allocating the “best” subcarrier through a comparative
2) Relays, as receivers, are also required to provide CSI
or a sorting routine. As such, the allocation result is not
feedback to the source node(s).
necessarily sensitive to the actual values of the outdated
3) Half-duplex relaying (HDR) is commonly employed due
quality metrics or SINRs (observed during the previous
to current practical limitations on the operation of wire-
transmission), and therefore, the algorithm might still
less relays. In HDR, the transmission time frame is split
achieve its desired objective without significant perfor-
into two consecutive subframes (e.g., in downlink, BSs
mance losses.
transmit, and then BSs and RSs transmit), and thus,
Since the last observed interference power values may not the links that are active during both subframes experi-
represent the actual interference situation when transmission ence two different interference situations that need to be

reported within the duration of a frame, as compared with then schedules the users as in conventional OFDMA systems.
a single interference situation in the case of conventional Examples are the partial proportional fair (PPF) scheduler and
cellular networks. In fact, this applies even if the channel the extended/greedy round-robin schedulers in [36] and the
gains do not change along the whole frame duration. reference scheme in [37].
The PFS is a widely used scheduler that provides a compro-
mise solution between network-capacity-greedy scheduling and
user-fairness-oriented scheduling. Thus, it realizes the multi-
user diversity gains to some extent while maintaining a degree
The combination of multiantenna systems in the form of of fairness across UTs [38]. A simple implementation of this
MIMO and OFDMA has been shown to yield a rich synergy. scheduler allocates a resource unit to the UT that maximizes
From the RRM perspective, MIMO in its simplest implementa- the ratio of its achievable rate on that unit to its exponentially
tion can significantly improve the multiplexing gain of system weighted average rate [39].
links. Such boost in the quality of communication links yields Although PFS is known in the literature to provide an effi-
significant savings in system resources as fewer resource blocks cient throughput–fairness tradeoff, incorporating this scheduler
are needed therein to satisfy the users’ QoS requirements. Thus, in multicarrier systems has not vigorously been investigated
system capacity in terms of the number of users and/or traffic [40]. This is going to change soon given the recent develop-
load is increased, and a reliable service is attained. In fact, the ments in the literature. Through the strategy described earlier,
LTE technology has positioned itself to exploit this opportunity. some heuristics have integrated PFS into combined relay and
For conventional MIMO, different UTs are expected to carry OFDMA technologies, such as in [26], [41], and [42]. Since the
multiple antennas according to their size constraints. BS node is required to allocate the resources among the direct
Different strategies are required to enjoy the benefit of UTs and the feeder links of the RSs, a priority metric for such
MIMO transmission in a scenario where multiple antennas feeders to contend with direct UTs has been proposed in [41].
are not deployable at the terminal. For instance, cooperative For the relay-enhanced scheme proposed in [42], a potential
relaying schemes and protocols are envisioned to build vir- improvement in proportional fairness sense can be realized
tual antenna arrays from distributed single-antenna terminals through the clustering (in-cell routing) criterion of UTs, which
[35]. This, however, is possible in the evolved LTE, i.e., LTE- aims as well at maximizing the proportional fairness metric.
Advanced, where relays are an integral part of the technology. PFS has also been implemented in [43] considering both half-
The current LTE specification indicates that mixed (in terms of and full-duplex UTs in a multihop frequency-division duplex-
the number of antennas) terminals are supportable, and thus, ing (FDD) network. However, due mainly to the inherent lack
point-to-point MIMO can be realized for terminals equipped of queue awareness in the PFS besides the suboptimal extension
with multiple antennas. For single-antenna terminals, the con- strategy, the relay-enhanced scheme proposed in [19] is shown
ventional maximal ratio combining technique can be used to to provide more fairness in the throughput rate sense.
improve the system reliability since the eNodeBs (LTE BSs) In addition to the prominent challenges, it is important to
are deployed with multiple antennas. point out the fairness opportunities residing in such rich envi-
Another important aspect of multiantenna relay-aided sys- ronment with numerous degrees of freedom. In the following
tems is the opportunity of establishing efficient multihop routes section, we discuss various fairness types, fairness-assessment
through beamforming and the smart-antenna capabilities of methods, as well as some possible fairness implementations in
nulling the CCI from neighboring users or relays. A more prospective RRA algorithms.
elaborate exploitation of the combined relaying and multi-
antenna technologies is observed in [29], where multiantenna V. FAIRNESS IN O RTHOGONAL F REQUENCY-D IVISION
cell-edge relays are shared by the surrounding BSs and separate M ULTIPLE ACCESS R ELAY N ETWORKS :
the received mixed signals using MIMO techniques. Without A N O BLIGATION OR A P RIVILEGE
resorting to resource planning and partitioning, such a scheme Schedulers in OFDMA-based networks can be designed to
alleviates the interference burden on system resources and fully exploit multiuser and channel diversities in both time
further facilitates aggressive reuse. and frequency to maximize the total cell capacity in a greedy
In summary, multiantenna systems will provide a great manner at the expense of fairness among users. Such a design
opportunity for advanced signal processing (such as beamform- approach is network centric and does not take the individual
ing, precoding, and multiplexing, among others), which are es- users’ QoS into account. Thus, the applicability of these al-
sential for reliable and bandwidth-efficient system deployment. gorithms in practical cellular networks is doubtful since users
pertaining to the same service class will similarly be charged
IV. E XTENDING C ONVENTIONAL S CHEDULING while the service is not evenly distributed. Clearly, from a
roaming user’s perspective, the inability to maintain fairness
defeats service reliability and ubiquity as it becomes channel
A common strategy to extend a conventional non-relaying and location dependent. That would be deemed a failure on the
scheduler to relay networks, though not optimal, is the generic part of the service provider, despite the technology and ingenu-
framework of partitioning the users into clusters around the ity embedded in network equipment. In that sense, fairness as
chosen serving nodes (BS and RSs), and based on this par- an obligation rather than a privilege ensures user satisfaction,
titioning, resources are shared among the nodes. Each node regardless of location and channel conditions.

Therefore, user fairness expectations would be even higher algorithms to assess priorities of users and evaluate whether
in modern relay networks, where service providers advertise compensation is required and fairness metrics used to investi-
outstanding QoS based on the new architecture widely adopted gate and classify fairness-aware algorithms. In the following,
by the state-of-the-art standards. With less diversity sacrifices in we briefly mention the most commonly used fairness func-
mind, relaying promises ubiquitous coverage and QoS improve- tions or metrics, whereas some numerical examples are shown
ment for users with unfavorable channel conditions. Fairness through the case study in Section VI.
obligation is thus stronger, whereas keeping such promises 1) The proportional fairness metric: Considering a network
is conditioned on the awareness and smartness of the RRM with K users with the same service class and prior-
scheme in use. ity, the scheme that maximizes the proportional fairness
Relative fairness [44] is a very important aspect when it metric as
comes to practical implementation. That is because users sub-

scribe to different service classes offered by the service provider F = log ri (2)
for different costs per bit. Thus, heterogeneous traffic flows i=1
are expected to coexist with different statistical nature and
QoS requirements. Therefore, fairness assessment has to be is fairer according to the game-theoretic definition of
conducted within subgroups of users that pertain to the same proportional fairness, which implies that any change in
service classes taking into account their respective on and off the “proportionally fair” rate allocation x to, for example,
traffic bursts. Otherwise, to incorporate multiple classes into rate allocation y, must have a negative total relative
i=1 (ri − ri /ri ) ≤ 0.
change [38], i.e., ΣK x x
the fairness assessment, some works have proposed modified
fairness metrics or assessment criterion by introducing relative 2) Jain’s fairness index [50] assumes a value between 1/K
weights [45] or using normalized throughput [46], [47]. In that and unity for a network having K users with the same
sense, results reflect on the relative fairness yet they may vary service class and priority. Mathematically, Jain’s index
from a time window to another within a session due to the can be expressed as
different traffic properties.  2
Various fairness classes are noted in [48], such as short- i=1 ri
x=  . (3)
term fairness, long-term fairness, and time-average fairness. K K i=1 ri
The classification is dependent on the time window size used to
evaluate the chosen fairness metric. Generally, achieving short- 3) The IEEE 802.16m fairness index [51] maps each user’s
term fairness imposes stringent constraints on the RRM scheme rate to a value between 0 and K as expressed in the
while less-stringent constraints for the long-term fairness and following:
relaxed constraints for the time-average fairness. The choice rj
of the appropriate fairness class to investigate the fairness of xj = 1 K . (4)
K i=1 ri
an RRM scheme should be based on the traffic model and the
relevant QoS requirements. Numerical examples are shown through the case study in
Relay fairness is another important aspect of RRM in Section VI.
OFDMA-based relay networks, which is different from user 4) The fairness factor [48] has been developed to measure
fairness because there are no QoS requirements specific to fairness in RRM noncooperative static games. As shown
RSs. In fact, relay fairness, as shown in the literature, aims in (5), this factor represents the normalized statistical
at distributing the traffic load almost evenly among RSs so standard deviation of user’s throughput compared with
that no RS will be overloaded [7]. In [49], relay fairness is that of a single-user case. In contrast with Jain’s index,
assessed based on the power consumption at the relays, under the higher the factor, the less the fairness realized among
different relay-selection mechanisms, to operate a cooperative users, i.e.,
diversity scheme without overloading the battery of one or 
more relay(s). We also note that if the relay’s transmit power 1
 1  Ti
ρ= −T (5)
per subcarrier is fixed, maintaining almost even distribution of T K − 1 i=1 Timax
subcarriers among relays limits the relay’s total transmit power
and, thus, its power-amplifier rating and the consumption of where Timax is the maximum throughput user i
its battery energy for battery-operated relays. In addition, a could solely achieve while T = average(T i ), T i =
balanced traffic load reduces the packet processing delays at the average(Ti /Timax ).
regenerative relays. Therefore, we observe that the term “cell-
load balancing,” as earlier defined in Section II, and the term
B. Throughput-Fairness Tradeoff in OFDMA Relay Networks
“relay fairness” can be used interchangeably, regardless of the
measure used to quantify the load. The tradeoff between aggregate network throughput and
user fairness has vigorously been investigated in the literature
of scheduling in conventional cellular networks. The concept
A. Fairness Metric Examples
refers to the tendency of the scheduling algorithm to sacrifice,
Fairness functions can be viewed from two different perspec- to some extent, the throughput opportunities provided by the
tives: fairness criteria implemented in routing and scheduling multiuser/channel diversity to attain a degree of user fairness.

However, it is worth noting that with burst traffic, such a trade- this area is steadily growing, one can realize that most of the al-
off may not always exist. For instance, a queue-aware scheduler gorithms proposed so far focus on total capacity maximization
would improve fairness without incurring a throughput penalty and, sometimes, with some fairness constraints imposed on the
when it schedules some users with low channel qualities and optimization problem, e.g., [6] and [55].
occupied buffers after scheduling the queues of the user(s) with Since capacity does not directly map to throughput due to
the best channels exhaustively. traffic burstness, such scheduling and routing algorithms will
Among the conventional networks, multiuser OFDM- and not satisfy the QoS requirements because they are unaware of
OFDMA-based networks generally offer better opportunity for traffic and queues status. In other words, allocating resources
schedulers to exploit the multiuser and channel diversities in for some links solely based on SINRs or achievable rates, even
both time and frequency domains and achieve a more effi- under fairness constraints, can result in substantial performance
cient throughput–fairness tradeoff [52], e.g., the algorithm in losses if no sufficient data reside at the buffers of source nodes
[53]. Further enhancing OFDMA-based networks with relays at that allocation instant. For that reason, full queues at all
has remarkably enriched the wireless environment through potential source nodes [25] are often implied in some studies,
the reduced path loss, the increased spatial diversity, and e.g., [15].
the performance-boosting multihop-relaying and cooperative- An interesting approach therefore is to involve buffer states
diversity schemes. As such, fewer diversity sacrifices are ex- or queue lengths in the formulation of the optimization prob-
pected to attain the desired user fairness in OFDMA-based relay lem, and given that the allocation process is conducted in a
networks; compared with conventional networks, user fairness relatively fast manner, no prior knowledge of the traffic-arrival
should not cost the system performance as much sacrifice processes is required. As such, not only is a waste of resources
in terms of throughput opportunities, and significantly more avoided, but also, “traffic diversity” is exploited, which means
efficient tradeoffs can potentially be achieved. However, as that when some users’ traffic is in the off period, more resources
noted earlier in Section V, achieving such an efficient tradeoff can be utilized to provide a better and fairer service to the other
is conditioned on the awareness and smartness of the RRM users.
scheme in use. That also implies that an intelligent RRM One way of involving the buffer states in the formulation is
scheme may outperform other poorly designed schemes, i.e., to work out the optimization problem as a sum-utility or sum-
with inefficient tradeoffs, in both throughput and user fairness demand maximization, where, for instance, such a metric could
and not necessarily in one aspect on the expense of the other. be a stochastic drift that is proportional to both the difference in
This could be the case as well if comparing the network queue length between the source and destination buffers and
performance, possibly under the same scheduling policy, with the link quality at the destination. Such a scheduling policy
and without relay assistance. These observations have been belongs to the class of throughput-optimal link-scheduling
captured by the performance results of the schemes in [30] and policies inspired by the theory in [18] and developed in the
[54], which are presented in the case study in Section VI. context of multihop packet-radio networks. Several throughput-
In fact, some works in the literature of OFDMA relay net- optimal RRA algorithms have been proposed thereafter for
works have demonstrated the difference in performance and the non-OFDMA and/or non-relaying networks with different op-
ability to exploit the available diversities between some basic timization problems. In [56] and [57], modulated versions of
scheduling approaches as extended to relay networks using this metric are used in conventional cellular Space Division
strategies similar to that described in Section IV. Among these Multiple Access/TDMA and OFDMA networks, respectively.
extended basic approaches are the round-robin, the PFS, and Generally, queue awareness allows RRM schemes to take cor-
the Max-SINR, which have been shown in [26] to respectively rective actions in following allocation frames to compensate the
possess greater capacity greediness. In addition to these ap- overlooked user buffers, if any, and potentially improve fairness
proaches, the extended PPF and greedy polling schedulers are among homogenous traffic flows, at least in the long term.
compared in [36]. The tradeoff has been addressed as well in However, these corrective actions are limited to subchannel
[41], where a fairer scheduler, namely, two-hop proportional allocation in conventional RRM schemes, which clearly cannot
fair, attains significantly less aggregate throughput. combat large path loss unless handover between neighboring
BSs is employed. This, however, has implications on load bal-
ancing among BSs. In contrast, queue-aware relaying schemes
C. Fairness Implementation in RRA Algorithms
offer the opportunity to circumvent the problem of large path
Basic scheduling approaches and criterion (e.g., max-min, loss, for instance, due to heavy shadowing, through in-cell
round-robin or proportional fairness), as well as popular prac- routing. This is done by selecting the appropriate RS(s) and
tical schedulers such as the channel-state-dependent packet resource units for the associated hops.
scheduling, the channel-independent packet fair queueing, and It should be noted that throughput-optimal policies are not
the server-based fair approach, were proposed for the conven- fairness oriented in principle, as they aim to stabilize all
tional networks. So far, there are no provisions, other than that user queues under any heterogeneous traffic flows within the
discussed in Section IV, for how such approaches should be system’s capacity region. Therefore, in [58], for instance, a
applied to a relay-enhanced cellular network, which is different congestion-control mechanism is proposed with such policy
from the conventional downlink point-to-multipoint problem. employed to introduce user fairness through traffic policing if
Therefore, new algorithms need to be developed to facilitate fair the arrival rates are elastic, i.e., the traffic sources can adapt
scheduling and routing in such networks. While the literature in their rates.

Fig. 3. Example partial network of BS and relays showing a snap shot of user queues and the potential links of the BS and RS2 on subchannel n.

In the next section, a joint-routing and fair-scheduling algo- by only reporting the index of the achievable AMC level [30].
rithm that employs a similar policy is presented. The algorithm The serving BS and each of the M relays in a cell are equipped
represents a different optimization problem in an OFDMA- with K user buffers. User packets arrive at the corresponding
based relay-enhanced network [30]. The objective is to max- BS buffer according to the UT’s service class and traffic model
imize the total cell throughput while maintaining throughput (same for all users). The total transmit power available at any
fairness among users. The idea is to operate a throughput- node is equally divided among its allocated subchannels. A
optimal scheduling policy that stabilizes user queues at all UT can be receiving from a group of nodes, and any node
nodes in a system that receives homogenous inelastic traffic can transmit to multiple destinations on different orthogonal
processes at only one source node in the cell, which is the BS. subchannels. Also, any RS in that scheme is assumed to have
Therefore, the fair behavior of such policy is a special case due the ability to concurrently receive and transmit different data
to the considered cellular system model, where all users belong on orthogonal subchannels during downlink (DL) or uplink
to the same service class and, thus, have the same mean arrival (UL). This duplexing mode, such as in [15] and [42], is termed
rates and the same QoS requirements. Such a policy is also quasi full-duplex relaying (QFDR), which is different from the
perceived fair, given a similar scenario in [16] but in a relay- theoretical full-duplex mode considered earlier in the literature
enhanced single-carrier CDMA network. [59], [60]. The practical implications on self interference from
adjacent subchannels are discussed in [30].
Nevertheless, the scheme can be modified for HDR operation
VI. I LLUSTRATIVE C ASE S TUDY such that the downlink resource allocation is split into two
We emphasize that the purpose of the case study presented consecutive allocation processes: 1) a BS subframe followed by
in this section is to illustrate and contextualize most of the 2) an RS subframe. This new optimization problem considering
topics addressed in this survey paper. The discussion is based HDR and based on the same joint routing and scheduling policy
on the material presented in [30]. Therefore, in the subsequent is presented in [54], where further improvements in terms of
discussions, we employ the style in this reference. The down- system’s capacity and latency have been achieved. We also note
link of a multicellular network is considered, where each cell that the term “HDR relaying” has been used differently in [61]
has K UTs. These UTs are served through the BS directly to describe a relaying protocol for half-duplex UTs in an FDD
or through any of the cell’s M RSs. The system may operate system.
in either time-division duplexing (TDD) or FDD modes. All
cells use the same spectrum, resulting in a unity reuse factor.
A. Joint-Routing and Fair-Scheduling Algorithm
Through sectorization, higher reuse is attainable by employing
the same scheme in each sector, e.g., LTE-A architecture. The Fig. 3 shows a part of the multicellular network to demon-
total bandwidth is divided into N subchannels each consisting strate the basic principle of operation of the representative RRM
of a set of adjacent OFDM data subcarriers. According to the in a relay-enhanced OFDMA-based network. In the uplink,
previous discussion in Section II, the scheme is network-level relays update the BS (node 0) with the actual queue size
distributed/cell-level centralized. information for only the previously relayed UTs. Qm k is the
The CSI is available at the transmitters in the form of per- queue length of UT k at node m in bits, bytes, or equal-size
subchannel SINRs or the corresponding achievable rates taking packets (shown in blue bars in Fig. 3). A UT is the sink for
into account the ICI and assuming that AMC is employed. its respective data flow and, thus, has zero queue length. At
However, substantial savings in feedback overhead are achieved any allocation instant, only one link is active per subchannel.

Let us first define the demand metric for each type of links:
For any user-access link nodem − UTk , the demand metric on
subchannel n is calculated as

Dn,m→k = Rm,k,n Qm
k , m = 0, 1, . . . , M (6)

where Rm,k,n is the achievable rate (or spectral efficiency) on

the link nodem − UTk based on the SINR γm,k,n calculated
using the filtering approach1 mentioned in Section II. As the BS
has the choice to use a subchannel on a direct user access link
or on a relay feeder link, the demand of any BS-RSm link on
subchannel n, which has an achievable rate R0,m,n , is defined
as in (6) and incorporates the maximum differential backlog of
the queues of the BS and those of RSm [16], [17] as
Dn,0→m = R0,m,n max Q0k − Qm k (7)

where (·)+ sets negative values to 0. Note that if the feeder link Fig. 4. Demand matrix during one iteration. Rows with assigned entries are
BS-RSm is assigned subchannel n, then the data flow that is crossed out and eliminated. Bold red entries reflect on the queue updates due to
nominated by this maximum differential backlog is scheduled; the previous iteration.
routing is thus jointly performed with scheduling.
To maximize the total cell throughput while stabilizing user Thus, Dn,m is the best proposal of RSm to use sub-
queues at all nodes, the RRA scheme needs to optimize the channel n, whereas the UT associated with that maximum
assignment of subchannels to all user access links and to all is marked as the candidate receiver. The demand metric
feeder links with their selected data flows so that the sum for the BS node is the maximum metric of M + K
demand is maximized at each allocation instant. The resource potential links and is expressed as
allocation at the BS can therefore be formulated as a 3-D
Dn,0 = max{Dn,0→j } (9)
assignment problem that falls in the category of binary integer j
linear programming (BILP) under some constraints, which
ensure that at most one link is active per subchannel, guarantee where Dn,0→j is calculated using (6) and (7), and j
even distribution of subchannels among all nodes and, hence, denotes any of the M + K potential destinations. Thus,
achieves cell-load balancing, and finally ensure efficient bit Dn,0 is the best proposal of the BS to use subchannel n.
loading of subchannels to avoid resource wastage. However, the The destination associated with that proposal is marked
computational complexity of a brute-force solution to this 3-D as the candidate receiver. Note that if the destination is
BILP problem is prohibitive and nonpolynomial in time and an RS, then the UT that achieved the maximum queue
can be approximated to O(((M + 1)K)N ). Therefore, a near- difference on that link is marked as well.
optimal low-complexity algorithm is devised with an upper 2) After calculating the (M + 1) demand metrics on each
polynomial bound of O(N 2 (N + M + 1)2 /4(M + 1)). subchannel, the algorithm solves a one-to-one optimiza-
Utilizing the absence of interdependency between the po- tion problem to maximize the total demand by applying
tential links at each subchannel node pair (n, m), the link the Hungarian algorithm to the N × (M + 1) demand
with the maximum demand at each pair is nominated without matrix [Dn,m ] (see Fig. 4).
compromising the optimal solution. Since usually N > M , 3) The algorithm virtually updates the affected UTs’ queues
the algorithm iteratively solves the problem such that in each according to the decisions of the previous iteration as
iteration a 2-D one-to-one assignment problem is optimally (ı+1)
solved using the Hungarian algorithm [62]. The buffer states are Qmk = Qk − R (ı)
m T . (10)
updated and the assigned subchannels are eliminated between
iterations while the aforementioned constraints are satisfied. (ı) (ı)
Qmk is the input queue length to iteration ı, and Rm
Hence, the algorithm can be executed at the beginning of each is the rate of the link assigned by the Hungarian algorithm
allocation time frame through the following steps: to node m as a result of iteration ı. Note that the queues
1) The demand metric of RSm on subchannel n is calculated at destination RSs are not incremented between iterations
as the maximum of K potential links as follows: because the transmissions on all subchannels simultane-
ously occur in the QFDR mode, and the algorithm has to
Dn,m = max {Rm,k,n Qm
k }, m = 1, 2, . . . , M. (8) obey the causality law.
4) The rows corresponding to the assigned subchannels are
1 A marginal performance gain has been observed, as compared with employ-
5) Steps 1)–4) are repeated for the unassigned subchannels
ing the SINR values of the previous DL frame due to the uncertainty problem until all enqueued packets are scheduled or the subchan-
discussed earlier. nels are exhausted.

Due to the one-to-one assignment, each iteration will only

assign M + 1 subchannels to the M + 1 nodes. As a result,
each node is linked to only one destination per iteration; this
prevents, along with step 3, the scheduling errors that could
happen when the same queue length is involved in the choice of
more than one link. Furthermore, if N mod (M + 1) = 0, then
each node will be assigned exactly N/(M + 1) subchannels.
It therefore implies that load balancing or relay fairness is
inherent in that algorithm. During any iteration, if a node
has exactly zero demand values on all subchannels, then it is
excluded by default from that Hungarian iteration.
Routing of user packets from the BS is dependent on the
second-hop link quality, as the following example shows: Let
us assume that RSM in Fig. 3 has a very poor link to UT3 (e.g.,
due to heavy shadowing), whereas the BS has forwarded some
UT3 packets to RSM (as the user with the maximum differential
backlog therein). In this situation, these packets might not be
forwarded to UT3 . This is not an error; the algorithm exploits Fig. 5. CDF of time-average user throughput at 15 users/cell.
the presence of these trapped packets as they reflect on the
quality of the second-hop link to UT3 . That is because in the
next allocation frame, the BS will identify the user k ∗ that has
the maximum difference Q0k − QM k as the candidate user on
that feeder link who is unlikely to be UT3 . Hence, the trapped
packets reduce the likelihood of routing UT3 data again through
that link on any of the subchannels, whereas other user queues
at RSM are being discharged from one iteration to another.
Thus, the probability of forwarding UT3 packets to RSM very
rapidly converges to zero, particularly if the cell has a high
density of UTs and RSs. The algorithm therefore possesses a
learning ability, as subsequently observed.2
Results: The described algorithm is evaluated through com-
prehensive system-level simulations using the WiMAX param-
eters [63] based on the IEEE 802.16e and 802.16m. The
WINNER3 C2 LOS channel model is employed for the BS–RS
links. We hereby mention some essential parameters to provide
insight into the simulation environment. The network consists
Fig. 6. System’s capacity in terms of number of UTs/cell at the given
of 19 hexagonal cells. The distance between two adjacent mean arrival rate for the algorithm with three and six RSs and the reference
BSs is 1 km. Relays are placed at a distance of 0.65 of the conventional schedulers. Higher capacity is attained through the HDR scheme
cell radius from the BS and with a uniform angular spacing. in [54] based on the same policy.
The BS–RS links experience 4-dB lognormal shadowing and
time–frequency correlated Rician fading with 10-dB Rician fac- in Fig. 5 for 15 users/cell. The fifth percentile throughput of
tor. All the other links experience 8.9-dB independent lognor- the CDFs is associated with cell-edge users in LTE evalua-
mal shadowing and time–frequency correlated Rayleigh fading. tion methodology [64]. A significant five percentile throughput
The UTs are dropped from a uniform distribution on the cell advantage is realized for the no-relay queue-aware R-times-Q
area. Shadowing and UT location are fixed during a drop. A (RQ) scheduler as compared with the no-relay Max-SINR
bandwidth of 20 MHz is divided into 102 subchannels. The scheduler,4 which achieves a corresponding throughput of al-
TDD frame length is 2 ms with a 2 : 1 downlink-to-uplink ratio. most zero with a bad lower tail behavior. Substantial throughput
The transmit powers for BSs and RSs are 46 and 37 dBm, improvements of 730% and 760% are realized with respect to
respectively. Independent Poisson packet arrival processes the “ RQ” scheduler for the relaying scheme with three and six
are assumed at BS queues with an average arrival rate of RSs, respectively. As an alternative interpretation, at a target
632 packets (188 B each) per second per UT. For more details, average throughput of 1 Mb/s, the outage probability is 0.4%
see [30]. in the case of six RSs, and it is 1.4% in the case of three RSs,
The statistics of time-average user throughput are studied as compared with 18% for the RQ scheduler and 27% for the
through the cumulative distribution function (CDF) plots shown Max-SINR.
The behavior of the curves in Fig. 6 is in agreement with
the multiuser diversity concept and emphasizes the multihop
2 More elaborate discussions on the algorithm’s optimality, convergence, and
learning ability of this dynamic routing strategy are contained in [19].
3 EU’s Sixth Framework Project, IST WINNER: www.ist-winner.org. 4 It assigns a subchannel to the best user of only those with buffered data.

Fig. 7. Time-average fairness through the CDF of the IEEE 802.16m index for a multicell network with 15 and 30 users/cell.

relaying gain compared with the same policy without relays

(the RQ scheduler). The aggregate traffic load is increased in
terms of the number of UTs per cell. It can be observed that
given the same amount of system resources, the capacity of the
system has significantly been increased through relay assistance
using the joint algorithm, which exploits the opportunities in
such environment, at low to moderate loadings. At higher loads,
the slope indicates a performance bottleneck as compared with
the HDR variant (A) devised in [54] to improve the capacity,
latency, and practicality of the system based on the same
scheduling policy across two consecutive subframes of the DL
While the time-average fairness can be realized from the
trend in the previous CDFs, the IEEE 802.16m fairness index
and Jain’s fairness index are employed to further assess the
performance in terms of time-average and long-term fairness,
respectively. The values of the 802.16m index are collected
based on the users’ time-average throughput from each drop to
Fig. 8. Long-term fairness over 20 time frames through Jain’s fairness index
plot the CDFs shown in Fig. 7 for 15 and 30 users/cell. Recall for a multicell network with 15 and 30 UTs/cell and the assistance of three or
that the closer the CDF plot is to a step function at unity, the six RSs for the relaying algorithm.
fairer the scheme is to the UTs pertaining to the same service
class. Although the RQ scheduler is a form of throughput- fairness the scheme achieves over a time window of 20 frames.
optimal scheduling, we observe a significant time-average fair- A substantial improvement in long-term fairness is realized
ness advantage with respect to the Max-SINR scheduler that is through the relaying scheme, as compared with the reference
mainly due to the fact that the RQ scheduler allows none of schemes, including the queue-aware RQ scheduler, regardless
the symmetric and equal-priority user flows to be overlooked, of the different shadowing and path loss experienced in each
unlike the greedy Max-SINR scheduler, which may not even drop. That is, in fact, a good example on the fairness oppor-
map the allocated capacity to throughput due to the lack of tunities in routing in relay-enhanced networks, as discussed
queue-size awareness. The best fairness behavior is achieved in Section V-C. Fig. 9 shows the time-average throughput
when the relaying scheme manages the RSs to provide a fair as a function of shadowing and user distance from the BS
service for all users. This is evident from the difference between using a scatter plot. The plot is obtained by time averaging
the scenarios with three and six RSs under different loading the throughput for each UT within a drop with fixed location
conditions. and shadowing. The scatter plots are approximated by third-
As a matter of fact, long-term fairness is a more stringent degree polynomials using least-square curve fitting as a means
fairness assessment than time-average fairness. In Fig. 8, the of averaging over shadowing and thus represent the distance-
closer the CDF to a unit step at unity, the more long-term based conditional mean. For the joint routing and scheduling

performance evaluation of prospective fair RRA algorithms.

While the literature in this area is steadily growing, this paper
has introduced a case study where a joint routing and fair-
scheduling algorithm has shown significant fairness behavior
and achieved ubiquitous coverage. The example algorithm has
also achieved relay fairness and ICI mitigation through its
inherent cell-load balancing capability.

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Mohamed Salem (S’06) received the B.Sc. degree Halim Yanikomeroglu (S’97–M’98) received the
in communications and electronics and the M.Sc. de- B.Sc. degree in electrical and electronics engineering
gree from Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara,
in 2000 and 2006, respectively. He is currently work- Turkey, in 1990 and the M.A.Sc. degree in electrical
ing toward the Ph.D. degree with the Department of engineering (now ECE) and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton Uni- trical and computer engineering from the University
versity, Ottawa, ON, Canada. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1992 and 1998,
In February 2006, he was nominated and hired as a respectively.
faculty member with the Department of Engineering From 1993 to 1994, he was with the R&D Group,
Mathematics, Alexandria University, where he was Marconi Kominikasyon A.S., Ankara. Since 1998,
promoted to the position of Assistant Lecturer. He he has been with the Department of Systems and
has gained a wide range of experience in research and development and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, where he
collaboration with industrial parties. He has been conducting research in collab- is currently an Associate Professor with tenure. He is an Adjunct Professor
oration with Samsung Electronics on advanced radio resource management in with the Prince Sultan Advanced Technologies Research Institute, King Saud
next-generation wireless networks. His research interests encompass stochastic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He was a Guest Editor for the Wiley Journal
modeling, congestion control, and optimization techniques. on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. His research interests
Mr. Salem has been granted the 2009/2010 Ontario Graduate Scholarship in cover many aspects of the physical, medium-access, and networking layers
Science and Technology. of wireless communications with a special emphasis on multihop/relay/mesh
networks and cooperative communications. His research is currently funded
by Samsung (SAIT, Korea), Huawei (China), the Communications Research
Centre of Canada (CRC), Research in Motion (Canada), and the National
Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Dr. Yanikomeroglu was the recipient of the 2009 Carleton University Re-
search Achievement Award. He has been involved in the steering committees
and technical program committees of numerous international conferences.
He has also given 18 tutorials at such conferences. He is a member of the
Steering Committee of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference (WCNC) and has been involved in the organization of this con-
ference over many years, including serving as the Technical Program Co-
Chair of WCNC 2004 and the Technical Program Chair of WCNC 2008.
He is the General Co-Chair of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
to be held in Ottawa in September 2010. He was an Editor for the IEEE
an Officer of IEEE’s Technical Committee on Personal Communications
(Chair: 2005–06, Vice-Chair: 2003–04, and Secretary: 2001–02) and was a
member of the IEEE Communications Society’s Technical Activities Council
(2005–06). He is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario.

Abdulkareem Adinoyi (M’04) received the B.Eng.

degree in electrical engineering from the University David Falconer (LF’06) received the B.A.Sc. de-
of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, in 1992, the M.S. degree gree in engineering physics from the University of
in electrical engineering from the King Fahd Univer- Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1962, the S.M.
sity of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Saudi Arabia, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in elec- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
trical engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, in 1963 and 1967, respectively, and an honorary
ON, Canada, in 2006. doctorate of science degree from the University of
From April 1993 to August 1995, he was an In- Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K., in 2009.
strument/Electrical Engineer with Dubi Oil Limited, After a year as a postdoctoral fellow with the
Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Between September 1995 Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden,
and October 1998, he was a Research Assistant with KFUPM. Between January he was a member of technical staff and Group Su-
1999 and August 2002, he was a Lecturer with the Department of Electrical En- pervisor with Bell Laboratories from 1967 to 1980. From 1976 to 1977,
gineering, KFUPM. He was a Senior Research Associate with the Department he was a Visiting Professor with Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
of Systems and Computer Engineering (SCE), Carleton University. Between Since 1980, he has been with Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada,
January 2004 and December 2006, he participated in the European Union Sixth where he is currently Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Research Pro-
Framework integrated project—the WINNER. From January 2007 to August fessor with the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering. He was
2007, he was an Assistant Professor of electrical and electronic engineering the Director of Carleton’s Broadband Communications and Wireless Systems
with Qassim University, Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Between September 2007 and Centre from 2000 to 2004. He was the Chair of Working Group 4 (New
July 2009, he was a Project Technical Manager on Samsung’s advanced radio Radio Interfaces, Relay-Based Systems, and Smart Antennas) of the Wire-
resource management project for OFDMA-based relay-enhanced broadband less World Research Forum in 2004 and 2005. His current research inter-
wireless networks under the auspices of SCE. He is currently a Consultant ests center around beyond-third-generation broadband wireless communication
with Swedtel Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the Saudi Telecommunication systems.
Company. His current research interests are in infrastructure-based multihop Dr. Falconer received the 2008 Canadian Award for Telecommunications
and relay networks, cooperative diversity schemes and protocols, efficient radio Research, the 2008 IEEE Technical Committee for Wireless Communications
resource management techniques for next-generation wireless networks, and Recognition Award, and the 2009 IEEE Canada Fessenden Award (Telecom-
technology evolution. munications).

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