Film Critic and Reflection
Film Critic and Reflection
Film Critic and Reflection
1. Get hold of a copy of one of the following movies related to our course, The Teacher and the School
Curriculum. You can choose among the following:
1) learner?
2) teacher?
3) society?
4) educational system?
c. What major educational issues/ conflicts are being presented in the movie?
d. Using the knowledge you gained from the different curricular foundations, what solutions do you
suggest in addressing the said issues?
e. What aspect/s of the movie, in relation to the course, that impacts your insights?
7. REVIEW. How do you transfer the reflections you gained in your own context (as a future teacher in a
particular area)?
This task and scoring rubric is developed by Prof. Gerry C. Areta of PNU-CTD-FES for 2PROFED06 – The Teacher &
the School Curriculum. Should you want to use this, kindly acknowledge the source.
Rubrics in Grading the Film Critic and Reflections
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 % Grade W
- Gives reader a clear - Gives detailed explanation of the - Gives a general idea of the film - Does not give reader a summary
understanding of the film along film’s main plot and characters but lacks in clarity of the plot of the film. Main characters and
1. Content of the
with the main characters and extending beyond two paragraphs. and characters. Too short, plot is not addressed.
Summary of Film
plot in an appropriate amount - Addresses either plot twist or almost synopsis - Glosses over, disorganized
of space that is no more than character’s motive - Crucial plot and character thoughts
characters, notes 25%
two paragraphs. - Provided some spoilers of plot and actions not addressed - Not clear what the film is about
main plot, clear
- Addresses plot twist and/or character - Provided spoilers and ending
idea of what the
character’s motive
film is about)
- Does not give away ending or
- Provides evidence of critical - Provides new perspective and - Uses some basic course - Provides no critical thinking and
thinking relation to the issues addressed in the terminology but limited critical only a summary of what occurred
- Avoids simple explanations of course thinking about the film’s - Gives no relation to the course work
terms but rather relates the - Uses terminology learned from the purpose, theme, actions, and/ or terminology
terms to the film and the course in appropriate ways or conflict presented. - No focus on what caught the
2. Analysis of the purpose - Was able to relate some curricular - No articulation of both film’s writer’s attention
Film - Articulates director’s actor’s foundations on the analysis of the film purpose and relation to the - There was no use of the knowledge
vision, approach to the film writer’s context to different curricular foundations
- Reflects a strong ground of the - Was able to use limited on the analysis of the film.
curricular foundations and was background on the curricular
able to relate this knowledge to foundations on the analysis of
the analysis the film
- Reflection flows well and - Good overall reaction is presented. - Some reflection but lacks in - Very vague and no personal
integrates learning from the - Reflection of what was personally ability to relate to what was reaction included
coursework as well as the film learned from the film and the relation learned through the film. - Inappropriate use of reflection
3. Reflection - Expression of personal reflection to the course. - Transfer of learning is ideally taking up majority of the paper 20%
to the film - Transfer of learning is in some way articulated with some - Disjointed applicability to one’s
- Transfer of learning is realistic realistic and contextualized applicability to real context. context.
and contextually articulated
- Free of grammar and spelling - Minimal errors of grammar, spelling - Several grammatical, spelling & - Glaring errors in spelling, grammar
and punctuation errors. and punctuations punctuation errors are present & punctuations
- Excellent tone - Appropriate tone - Tone is disjointed - Mismatch in tone
4. Style and - Vocabulary is simple, yet - Appropriate and correct usage of - Some wordiness - Too wordy & lots of fillers
Mechanics specific to paper vocabulary - Some vague language usage - Student’s voice is lost because of
- Avoided qualifiers or fillers - Language usage is appropriate - Uses some qualifiers/ fillers abused of stock phrases
- Clear, concise and direct - Student’s voice is articulated in - Sources are not well recognized
articulation of originality various sections.
This task and scoring rubric is developed by Prof. Gerry C. Areta of PNU-CTD-FES for 2PROFED06 – The Teacher & the School Curriculum. Should you want to use this, kindly acknowledge the source.