Favorite Nursery Rhymes
Favorite Nursery Rhymes
Favorite Nursery Rhymes
Rain is falling down, splash! (Raise arms above head, wiggle fingers and bring arms down for rain,
splash hands to ground)
Rain is falling down, splash! (repeat motions)
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.(drum hands on the ground)
Rain is falling down, splash! (Raise arms above head, wiggle fingers and bring arms down for rain,
splash hands to ground)
Oh no by Candace Fleming—has great repetitive rhyme perfect for very young children
An elephant goes like this and that (stomp feet separately)
He’s terrible big (show how wide)
He’s terrible tall (show how tall)
He has no fingers (wiggle fingers)
And he has no toes (point to toes or wiggle)
But goodness, gracious, WHAT A NOSE (pull hands out in front in shape of elephants’ trunk)
Rum Sum Sum with hand movements (We start slow, medium, as fast as you can)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICcZB6rxDyE to learn song
The More We Get Together with sign language for preschoolers up to 20 signs
An Orca Whale
An Orca whale, an orca whale, little sea scallops and an orca whale
Sea otter, sea otter
Little sea scallops and an orca whale
Thelma thumb is up
Thelma thumb is down,
Thelma thumb is dancing,
All around the town.
Dance her on your shoulder,
Dance her on your head,
Dance her on your knees
And tuck her into bed.
Kiss the Baby Goodnight from Peter and Ellen Allard CD Vol. 3 Sing, Say it, Stamp it Sway it
Great game for letter recognition: toss a bunch of items on the floor
I’m looking for a(n) _________________
I’m looking for a(n) ________________
Who can find it, who can find it?
Grand Old Duke of York—Some of the fun of this rhyme is to pause at the half way up and then speed
up at on the last couplet of “you’re neither up or down”
Grand old duke of York,
He had ten thousand men,
He marched them up the hill (Stand up)
He marched them down again (sit down)
And when you’re up, you’re up (stand up)
And when you’re down, you’re down (sit down)
And when you’re only halfway up (go half way up)
You’re neither up (go up)
Or down (sit down)
I am a groovy chicken
And my feathers shake, shake, shake.
I am a groovy chicken
And I’m always wide awake—POW!
Counting rhyme
1, 2, 3 you are friends with me (Count on fingers, point out to audience then point to self)
4,5,6 we make the perfect mix (Stir Motion)
7,8,9 We have fun all the time (Sign language motion for fun)
Shake my hand, shake my hand that makes 10!
One little girl went to the park (fingers walking)
She met two friends before it was dark
They climbed three trees (make climbing motion)
And spied four bees (buzzing sound)
Making a buzzing noise
So they climbed down fast (climbing)
Before five seconds passed! (Hold up 5 fingers)
Jane Yolen’s How do Dinosaurs count to 10?—to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus
Pteranodons’ wings went flap, flap, flap (flap arms like wings)
Flap, flap, flap. Flap, flap, flap.
Pteranodons’ wings went flap, flap, flap (flap arms like wings)
All around the swamp.
Other verses: Tyrannosaurs Rex went grrr, grr, grr (make T-rex-arms and say grrr)
Tricertatops’s horns went poke, poke, poke, (make horns on the top of head with fingers)
Apatosaurus’s neck went stretch, stretch, stretch…(Stretch arms up)