Teacher - S - Book For Smart Word 6
Teacher - S - Book For Smart Word 6
Teacher - S - Book For Smart Word 6
Describe personal appearance Ask someone to join you in Talk about what you need CLIL: LITERATURE REVIEW
Use the Present Simple tense an activity which friends for a trip Reading Listening: KET Part 3
and adjectives often do together
Use need and don't need for An extract from a famous Reading: KET Part 8
Use the Present Continuous different situations Vietnamese story
tense for future plans Game: Block Buster
Writing: An email
An email describing a
Focus on parts of an email
Identify different kinds of Exchange information about Matt and Milly in Film Fear CLIL: MUSIC REVIEW
movies TV programs Reading
Critical thinking skills Listening: KET Part 4
Offer and respond to Use the Past Simple tense A magazine article about a
Collaborative project work traditional kind of music from Reading: KET Part 3
suggestions and adjectives to express
opinions Vietnam Game: Board Game
Use Wh-questions Writing
Writing: An email
A paragraph about someone's
favorite music
Focus on topic sentences
2 of food
Focus on body sentences
Scope and Sequence
6. Recreation (page 62-71)
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
Talk about popular sports Talk about how often you do Matt and Milly in Backham’s CLIL: PHYSICAL EDUCATION REVIEW
and games in the world different free time activities Ball Reading Listening: KET Part 1
Use the Present Perfect tense Use adverbs of frequency Critical thinking skills A magazine article about a Reading: KET Part 2
to talk about experiences famous sports star in Vietnam
Collaborative project work
Game: Block Buster
Writing: A paragraph
A paragraph about a famous
sports star
Focus on conclusion sentences
The approach
i-Learn Smart World is designed based on the following principles:
Vocabulary is the core of language – Grammar is important, but vocabulary makes up the core of the meaning.
For all language learners, developing vocabulary is a primary focus.
In i-Learn Smart World, every theme introduces, practices and reviews 20-30 new words.
Motivation and interest are keys to learning – The key element to successful language learning is maintaining a high
level of interest and motivation. i-Learn Smart World does this by:
Featuring interesting age-and-level-appropriate content – The language, activities, and images were chosen specifically
to match the interests of the target learners.
Using an approach that emphasizes clear and noticeable progress – Success is a powerful motivation, but
learning language is a long-term process that takes many years of effort. Learners often have difficulty recognizing
the progress they are making, and this can often lead to losing motivation. ("I've been studying for years, but I still
can't speak"). i-Learn Smart World overcomes this by breaking the syllabus into clear, practical, and achievable goals.
Key features of the Clear and Noticeable Progress (CNP) approach:
1. Clarify the goals and create a need
Each 70-to-80-minute lesson focuses on a carefully chosen set of
3. Provide evidence of success
The final stage of each lesson gives learners an opportunity to utilize all the previous knowledge they have learned in
completing a practical task that mirrors real life activities (e.g. role plays, discussions, surveys, etc.). It features group and
pair activities, and directly addresses the aims noted at the start of the lesson. Progress is monitored by the teacher,
who gives assistance as necessary, and ensures that learners are able to achieve a successful outcome.
4. Confirm the success
The bottom of each lesson page features a final review and Now you can talk about travel
confirmation of the language element/function the learners have plans and arrangements.
now mastered. This is in the form of a friendly student who
confirms that "Now you can…"
In this way, learners accumulate clear evidence of the numerous
milestones that they have reached on the road to language proficiency.
This continuing series of successes can provide a major boost to learners' confidence and motivation.
Pronunciation is important and should be taught early
Speakers who cannot pronounce English correctly will have difficulty in making themselves understood. Equally important,
however, is its impact on comprehension. Learners who are unfamiliar with the phonological conventions of the target
language will have difficulty understanding the things they hear. Both of these elements need attention.
From the aspect of production, it is also crucial to understand that there is a critical period for learning productive skills in
another language. Oyama's research1 shows that learners who learn pronunciation before puberty almost always attain the
ability to produce without noticeable interference from their first language. Those who start to focus on pronunciation after the
age of 15 almost always develop accents influenced by their mother tongue.
For this reason, i-Learn Smart World continues with the approach introduced in the elementary Smart Start series,
by focusing on all key aspects of pronunciation and systematically developing it from an early age.
i-Learn Smart World divides the elements of English phonology into an inverted "Pronunciation Pyramid" that features four
main categories as follows:
Sound - Focus activities draw attention to elements that Vietnamese learners find challenging, such as final consonant
sounds, sentence stress, difficult sounds, and intonation changes. They will hear 2-3 different native speakers pronounce the
language naturally and then mimic the sounds.
Word Stress activities address the issue of stressing the wrong syllable in a word, which can dramatically affect the meaning or
comprehension. i-Learn Smart World provides guidance on the common patterns for different parts of speech.
The Sound Changes category focuses on the features of connected speech. Many learners do not often realize that the
sound of English words can change completely when used in natural conversation. Sounds may be dropped (elision),
changed (assimilation) or linked to other sounds. For example, "Would you…?" will sound more like /wʊd ә/. Learners
who are unfamiliar with these changes often mistake these sounds as being completely unfamiliar words. By raising their
awareness of the common sound changes that occur, i-Learn Smart World can help learners dramatically improve their
comprehension of natural spoken English.
Finally, Intonation and Sentence Stress focus on how placing stress on different words and changing the pitch at the end of the
sentence can affect the whole meaning or the intent of the sentence.
S.Oyama, "A Sensitive Period for the Acquisition of a Non-native Phonological System" - Journal of Psycholinguistic
Research, 5/3/1976
Language learners need lots of listening
Listening is not only essential as a receptive skill but also pivotal in the development of spoken language proficiency.
1. Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for the learner. Unless learners can understand
language as presented in the classroom, learning cannot begin.
2. Listening exercises provide teachers with a means to draw learners' attention to new forms (vocabulary, grammar,
new interaction patterns) in the language.
3. Natural spoken language presents a challenge for the learners to understand. Lots of exposure in an understandable
context is essential to build confidence and comprehension.
As with first language learning, providing comprehensible listening input helps learners build an understanding of the
Build awareness of the target culture and the ability to explain the learners' own culture
Understanding the culture of the target language is essential to communication. i-Learn Smart World features characters
living in a North American town. Understanding the food they eat, the games they play, the way they interact, etc. helps
learners understand the way English is actually used.
Develop critical thinking skills with collaborative tasks and projects
Language learning is not just about learning words and grammar but also supported by developing different ways to
process information. Using logic puzzles and tasks which require learners to draw information from different sources,
integrate it and process it to complete a task will open new pathways in the brain and enhance learning. This effect is
heightened if learners interact in groups in a project-like atmosphere. Peer learning can have a powerful effect and i-Learn
Smart World encourages this, using the communicative and collaborative tasks at the end of each lesson, and especially in
the narrative mysteries that run through the course.
Easy to prepare and teach
One of the primary aims of the course is to reduce teachers' workload and keep preparation time to a minimum. i-Learn
Smart World was designed to make lesson preparation smoother and easier for the teacher by having:
Clear and simple tasks – The activities have been designed with clear illustrations and short, simple standardized
instructions to make understanding and setting up tasks easier.
A standard theme/lesson format – Every theme follows a standard pattern of activities. This allows learners and
teachers to quickly become familiar with the lesson style and progression.
An easy-to-refer-to Teacher's Book – The aim of this course is to put all the information teachers need in a very clear
and easy-to-find layout. Each lesson page is accompanied by a single Teacher's Book page so that teachers can quickly
and easily find the information they need.
The syllabus
The i-Learn Smart World Syllabus is an integrated communicative syllabus based on the MOET curriculum guidelines, and is
informed by both the CEFR for Languages, and the Cambridge English Key syllabus. This has been extended by adding a
range of useful practical phrases as well as Vietnamese content. Each unit is designed to recycle vocabulary and language
content from the same level or from the previous lessons of the course.
i-Learn Smart World theme and lesson walkthrough
i-Learn Smart World features 50 lessons divided into ten five-lesson themes. Each theme includes a number of different
lesson types (Language Input, comic style Mystery Narratives, Content and Culture, and Review lessons). Regardless of
the lesson type, each i-Learn Smart World lesson features a two-page layout and contains roughly 70-80 minutes of lesson
Pronunciation (5 min) – Each tip targets a single phonological feature (as noted in the Pronunciation Pyramid, shown above)
such as difficult sounds or clusters, word stress, sound changes, sentence stress or intonation that is related to the vocabulary
or sentence (patterns) necessary to achieve the lesson aims. i-Learn Smart World deals with these issues using a simple but
effective procedure known as IMP. This breaks down as follows:
Isolate – Learners' attention is drawn to the feature in question and the point is clarified using a simple explanation box.
Model – Example words or phrases, taken from the lesson, are played using audio files to clearly exemplify the sound
feature. These audio samples feature 3 examples spoken naturally by native speakers of different ages and
not level with words above. This allows learners to generalize and become familiar with the feature.
Practice – In this stage, learners hear another recorded example and are given opportunity to follow the model to help
refine their own pronunciation of the target feature.
It is understood that not all learners will be able to master each phonological feature immediately. Of course, many learners
will take time to master this. However, the most important part of learning pronunciation is to help learners become aware
of possible issues as they arise. This will make it easier for learners to fully understand natural spoken English and of course to
improve their own speaking.
Note: A chart showing the English phonemes is provided on page 112 of this book, as well as at the back of the Student's
Practice (10-15 min) – This activity provides support for learners to practice the key structure/vocabulary. These generally
start with a task to review and contextualize the target structure and vocabulary and provide a clear model to follow. Teachers
encourage learners to continue practicing the correct sound and rhythm features that are covered in the Pronunciation stage.
Speaking (15-20 min) – This stage gives learners an opportunity to use all aspects of the target language and vocabulary and
directly reflects the aims. Tasks feature a simulated real world format, and are done in pairs or groups of three or four. They
use a variety of different activity types, including:
• Role-plays
• Discussions
• Quizzes
• Surveys
They generally feature a project-based approach where learners will collaborate to complete a practical or cooperative task
in pairs, then compare their results with another group before summarizing or comparing their results with the whole class.
Teacher's supervision and assessment - Because the pair/group tasks are designed in such a way that the learners can work
independently, it allows time for the teacher to move around and assess learners' ability with regards to the lesson aims. This
enables the teacher to note any problems learners may be having and provide assistance.
After pairs complete their tasks, they should switch roles and repeat to provide extra practice. This helps to ensure that all
learners are able to successfully achieve the lesson aims by the end of the lesson.
Final "I can..." statements and lesson wrap–up (2-3 min) – At the end of the lesson the teacher draws attention to the picture
of the learner at the bottom of the page. Using the "I can..." speech bubble (e.g. Now, you can talk about where people live
and work.), the teacher confirms that all learners feel confident in their ability to meet the aims. This reminds the learners
what they have learned, reinforces the target points and helps to clarify the learning that has taken place.
Mystery narrative lessons
Lesson 3 in each even-numbered theme features a mystery story. Two young detectives help their police officer mother
to solve a variety of mysteries in their town of Maple Falls. These lessons have learners work collaboratively in pairs/small
groups and will help them develop critical thinking skills as they collect and analyze clues to try to solve the mysteries.
The pages are designed to look like Matt and Milly's desk, and the materials and tasks look like notes, clues, and other
materials that they have collected as they try to solve the mystery.
Mystery comic
The top half of each two-page spread features a mystery comic story. This is used to engage learners' attention with the
story, introduce the characters, the background of the story and set the scene. The comic can also provide important
clues that learners will use to solve the mystery. This will be used in the following stages:
• Comprehension questions (35-45 min)
Also below the comic on the left side of
the page is a series of Listening/Reading
comprehension questions. The story is
divided into 4 scenes, each with its own
audio track. Some audio also includes
vocabulary notes (which look like they
are taken from Milly's dictionary). The
tasks are all integrated and learners will
draw upon both listening and reading skills
to complete them.
The first set of questions (Look before you
listen) features pre-listening tasks to set the
scene and predict key vocabulary. The
remaining questions (Listening) focus
on checking key plot points and
introducing clues.
• The interview (15-20 min)
After the learners have a firm understanding of the story, it's time to interview the suspects. In groups, learners will role-play
either Matt, Milly, or one of the suspects. "Matt" and "Milly" will use the questions in the interview chart on the right hand
page. "Suspects" will use the noted role-play cards at the back of the Student's Book.
Teacher allows enough time for all groups to complete the role-plays, then confirms the answers to the whole class
before moving onto the next stage.
• "Solve the mystery" Discussion (10-15 min)
In small groups, learners review the information from the interview chart, the details from the comprehension questions,
as well as giving a thorough scan of the details of the comic. They should be encouraged to notice any elements that
Mr. Nuts, Milly's pet squirrel, pays attention to because he's a smart little fellow with a good nose for clues.
Each learner must give their opinion on who they think the culprit is, why they think the person did it (their motive) and
name the clues that led them to their conclusion. The teacher should encourage the use of the phrases for giving opinions
and agreeing/disagreeing in order to reach a consensus. Teacher may wish to have groups report their ideas to the class
before moving onto the final reveal.
• "We know who did it!" (The final reveal) (5 min)
After all learners have reached a conclusion, Teacher will play the final recording in which Matt and Milly reveal the
solution to the mystery. It is to be expected that many learners who are not experienced with this type of puzzle may not
have got the correct answer. Teacher should encourage them to reflect on the clues they missed and be more vigilant
next time.
*Notes: Some learners may think of other possible solutions. Acknowledge their analytical and reasoning skills to
encourage their continuing participation in collaborative activities.
Lesson aims (2-3 min) – The lesson aims (key vocabulary/structure/function) is shown at the top of the first page.
The first page of the CLIL lessons (New Word,
Listening, Useful language) follows the same
format as lessons 1 and 2, but with a stronger
focus on the topical content.
Reading (10-15 min) – This stage reinforces the
target concept and reviews new vocabulary and
features a passage of appropriate length in the
format of content subjects. The topics usually
focus on aspects of Vietnamese culture or
history that are interesting and relevant to
learners and are presented in a variety of
The activities focus on reading comprehension
questions where learners complete tasks such
as "True or False", "Fill in the blanks", "Answer
the questions", and "Choose the best title".
Speaking (10-15 min) – This is a follow-up to
the reading passage. Examples of sentence patterns are shown using speech bubbles. This activity allows learners to
use the language presented in the previous parts of the lesson. They collaborate in groups, or with a partner, to complete
tasks such as explaining their history or culture to an overseas visitor, conducting an interview, giving their opinion on a
topic, or choosing an activity from a given selection.
Writing (10-15 min) – This follows the same focus as the speaking but with a level-appropriate writing task. This activity
solidifies learners' understanding of the language presented in previous parts of the lesson and helps to develop their
writing skills. Learners focus on a variety of common written genres, including emails, letters, etc. The major focus
however is on writing good paragraphs, as these are the basic building blocks of written English. Model letters are
provided at the back of the Student's Book to clarify key writing conventions.
Speaking - Communicative Game (20-25 min) – The final speaking task of the unit is focused on free (but guided)
production of the structures and vocabulary covered in the theme. These activities are in the form of an interactive game
and provide an effective review of the theme for the learners.
Writing (20-25 min) – This activity features a practical writing task (email, short letter, report, etc.) that follows the aims and
target language taught in the theme.
Theme 13
lesson 1
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, say which jobs in the box below belong to the places in Part a. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs look at the words in the box and say which jobs belong to the places in New Words.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
Listening a. Peter is talking to an interviewer about his family. Listen and circle "True" or "False". CD1
Write questions for these answers using "Who" or "Where". Check with a partner.
Practice asking and answering.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write questions to the answers using "Who" or "Where".
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice asking and answering with their partners.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 05
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: Where do you live?
feature. B/G: Who do you live with?
a. You need a student card for River Town Summer Camp. Work in pairs. Student B, turn to page 104, File 1.
Student A, you work for River Town Summer Camp. Ask Student B for their information and complete the form.
1. Demonstrate the activity.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have Student A stay on the current page and Student B turn to page 104, File 1.
4. Have Student A ask Student B about their information and complete the form.
b. Swap roles and repeat. Then, ask and answer with your own information.
1. Have students swap roles and repeat.
2. Have students ask and answer with their own information.
3. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Answer key
Theme 13
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words in the table. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat.
b. With your partner, add more words to the table, then talk about what housework you do at home.
Share with the class.
1. Have pairs add more words to the table.
2. Have pairs talk about what housework they do at home.
3. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
3. Ken: OK! What about your father? What housework does he
a. Lisa is talking about her family and housework. do?
Listen and tick () the boxes. 07 CD1
Lisa: Well, he doesn't do a lot. He's at work for most of the day
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. and is very tired when he gets home.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and tick the boxes. Ken: I understand.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. Lisa: But he makes breakfast for everyone in the morning.
4. Ken: Right. And what about your brother? Does he do any
b. Fill in the blanks. Listen again and check. CD1
07 housework?
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. Lisa: My brother doesn't do very much. He does the least
2. Have students fill in the blanks. housework.
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check. Ken: He doesn't do anything?
Lisa: No. He's so lazy!
Track 07 Ken: Oh dear. Well, it's time for a commercial, but please join
1. Narrator: Example. us after the break!
Ken: Hello everyone, and welcome to "Kids Talk". Today's Narrator: Now listen again and check.
topic is housework. Our guest today is Lisa. Hello, Lisa!
Lisa: Hello.
Ken: So Lisa, tell me, do you have to do housework?
Lisa: Yes, I do. Useful Language Listen then practice. CD1
Ken: What housework do you do?
1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
Lisa: I clean my bedroom and do the laundry. My mom and
2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
dad tell me I have to keep my room really clean.
3. Have students practice the useful language.
2. Ken: And who do you live with?
Lisa: I live with my mom and dad. And I have one older brother. Track 08
Ken: OK. What housework does your mother do? W: What housework do you do?
Lisa: She does a lot! She cleans most of the rooms in the B: I make breakfast.
house like the bathrooms and living room, does the W: Who does the dishes?
dishes, and she makes dinner. B: My sister does the dishes.
Ken: Wow, sounds like she does the most housework! She's a W: Who does the most housework?
hard-working woman. B: My dad does the most housework.
Lisa: Yes, she is. W: Who does the least housework?
B: My mom does the least housework.
Unscramble the questions. Check with a partner.
Grammar Practice asking and answering about your own family.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students unscramble the questions.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students ask and answer questions with a partner, using information about their own families.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 09
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G/M: What housework do you do?
Practice Ask and answer using the family members from the box and the activities below.
Answer key
Theme 13
lesson 3 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, say whether you have any of the things above where you live. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs say whether they have any of the things in Part a. where they live.
2. Have some students share with the class.
Listening a. Jenny is asking some students about where they live. Listen and write "True" or "False". CD1
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. Jenny: Does it have a gym?
2. Play audio. Have students listen and write "True" or "False". Jim: No, it doesn't.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. Jenny: What about a balcony?
Jim: Yes, it does.
b. Circle the correct words. Listen again and check. CD1
11 Jenny: Thank you. Goodbye.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. Jim: Bye!
2. Have students circle the correct words. 3. Jenny: Can I ask you some questions?
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check. Mark: Um, sure.
Jenny: Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Track 11 Mark: I live in a house.
1. Narrator: Example. Jenny: How many floors does it have?
Jenny: Excuse me. I'm doing a survey for my class. Can I ask Mark: It has two floors.
you some questions? Jenny: Does it have a yard?
Jim: Sure. What's it about? Mark: Yes, it has a big one. I play badminton in it.
Jenny: It's about what kind of homes people live in. Jenny: Wow! Lucky you!
Jim: OK. 4. Jenny: And does it have a basement?
Jenny: Do you live in a house or an apartment? Mark: Yes, it does.
Jim: I live in an apartment. Jenny: Does it have a garage, too?
Jenny: What floor is it on? Mark: Yes, it does. For my mom's car.
Jim: It's on the 17th floor. Jenny: How many bedrooms does it have?
2. Jenny: How many bedrooms does it have? Mark: It has three bedrooms.
Jim: It has two bedrooms. Jenny: OK. Thank you.
Jenny: Does it have a pool? Mark: Bye!
Jim: Yes, it does. It's pretty small though. Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Track 12
Useful Language Listen then practice. CD1
B: Do you live in a house or an apartment?
1. Have students look at the Useful Language box. G: I live in an apartment.
2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language. B: What floor is it on?
3. Have students practice the useful language. G: It's on the 11th floor.
B: Does it have a gym?
G: Yes, it does.
Complete the questions for these answers. Check with a partner.
Grammar Practice asking and answering.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students complete the questions.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice asking and answering with their partners.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 13
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: It has three bedrooms.
feature. B/G: It's on the 11th floor.
a. You're doing a survey about what kind of homes people live in. Work in fours. Complete the survey for yourself
and then ask three friends about their homes.
1. Demonstrate the activity by asking one student the first two questions.
2. Divide the class into groups of four.
3. Have students complete the table with information about their home and then ask three friends about theirs.
4. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
b. Choose the apartment or house you like the most. Share with the class.
1. Have students discuss their favorite house or apartment.
2. Have some students share their ideas with the class.
Answer key
Theme 13
lesson 4 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Match the words with the phrases. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers
2. Have students match the words with the phrases. with their partners.
4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat.
Track 14
1. M: Watch fireworks or a parade. 5. M: Get lucky money, candy or gifts.
2. M: Decorate a house or a tree. 6. M: Eat special food.
3. M: Visit family and friends. 7. M: Play games or music.
4. M: Wear traditional clothes. 8. M: Buy fruits or flowers.
b. With your partner, talk about things you think people do during these holidays. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs look at the words in the box and discuss what activities people do during each holiday.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
a. You will hear a talk about traditional holidays. b. Fill in the blanks. Listen and check. CD1
Reading a. Read the article and underline all the New Year activities.
1. Have students read the article individually.
2. Have student read the article as a whole class.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students underline all the New Year activities.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and circle "True" or "False".
1. Have students read the article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity.
3. Have students read the statements and circle "True" or "False".
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Writing a. Read the letter. Look at the letter model on page 118, then write the name of each part in
the boxes.
1. Have students look at the example letter on page 118.
2. Explain that a letter needs an address, a date, a greeting, an introduction, a main body, a closing, and a signature.
3. Have students label the parts of the letter.
4. Have students check with a partner.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar letter.
1. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar letter.
2. Have some students read their letter in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b. Reading a.
1. watch fireworks or a parade 1. c 1. wear 1. buy fruits and flowers
2. decorate a house or a tree 2. a 2. get 2. decorate their houses
3. visit family and friends 3. b 3. food 3. visits their family and friends
4. wear traditional clothes 4. d 4. buy 4. no one goes to school or work
5. get lucky money, candy or gifts 5. wear new clothes
6. eat special food 6. get lucky money
7. play games or music 7. watch lion dances and fireworks
8. buy fruits or flowers
Writing a. Writing b.
Reading b.
Address 12 Kings St...USA Students should follow the
1. False
writing model using their own
2. True Date May 15, 2017
3. True Greeting Dear Linda,...for Christmas.
4. False
Introduction Let me...about it.
Main Body Christmas is.. family and friends.
Closing It's really... you soon!
Signature Best wishes, Sarah
Theme 13
lesson 5
You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
Review then play "Letter Race". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into groups of four. 5. Elicit one or two example answers from students to
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. demonstrate the game. When it is clear, say, "Are you ready?",
3. Write three categories from the theme on the board. then say "Go!" to start the game.
e.g. 6. The first group to finish calls out "We're ready!". Have that group
• Places people work give their answers and award one point if they answer
• Types of housework correctly.
• Parts of a house or an apartment 7. Keep the same categories and write new letters. After 10
4. A
dd the letters next to the categories. minutes, total the scores and find the winning team.
• Places people work: S (example answer: school)
• Types of housework: C (example answer: clean my bedroom)
• Parts of a house or an apartment: B (example answer: balcony)
Listen to Jack talking to a friend about his family. Where do Jack's family members work
Listening or what housework do they do? For questions 1–5, write a letter (A–H) next to each person.
You will hear the conversation twice. 18 CD1
Track 18
Narrator: Listen to Jack talking to a friend about his family.
Where do Jack's family members work or what
housework do they do? Emma: Wow! What does your father do?
For questions 1 to 5, write a letter (A–H) next to each Jack: He works in a factory.
person. You'll hear the conversation twice. Emma: What housework does your sister do?
Emma: Who do you live with, Jack? Jack: She cleans the kitchen.
Jack: I live with my uncle, father, mother, brother, and sister. Emma: What about your brother? What housework does he do?
Emma: You have a big family! Where does your uncle work? Jack: He does the dishes.
Jack: He works at an airport. Emma: And what about you? What housework do you do?
Emma: What about your mother? Where does she work? Jack: I make breakfast.
Jack: She works in a hospital. She's a doctor. Narrator: Now listen again.
Read the descriptions of some jobs. What is the workplace for each?
Write the words. There is one space for each letter in the word.
Speaking Play the board game.
Answer key
Listening. Reading. Writing b.
Example. C Example. hospital Students should follow the writing model using
1. F 1. store their own ideas.
2. H 2. construction site
3. G 3. restaurant
4. E 4. school
5. B 5. hotel
Theme 23
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. H
ave some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Number the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat.
b. With your partner, think of three more subjects you know. Take turns asking each other if you like them.
Share with the class.
1. Have pairs think of three more subjects they know. 3. Have students take turns asking their partners if they like
2. Elicit answers and write them on the board. the subjects.
4. Have some students share their answers with the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 22
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G/M: I like biology, physics, and literature.
Toby art
8 1
Sara geography
Listening b.
1. and
7 2. favorite
6 3. subjects
4. geography
2 1. What is your favorite subject?
3 2. My favorite subject is geography.
3. What subjects do you like?
4. I like art and literature.
5. I don't like physics and music.
Theme 23
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. H
ave some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Match the words with the descriptions. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
Listening a. Two students are talking about school activities. Listen and write "True" or "False". CD1
Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
Check with a partner. Practice the conversation.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice the conversation with their partners.
6. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 26
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation M: Do you like basketball?
feature. B/G: Yes, I do.
B/G: No, I don't.
a. You're choosing school activities to sign up for. Work in pairs. Look at the list of clubs your school will have next
year. Ask, answer, and choose two activities each that you'd like to do next year.
1. Demonstrate the activity by asking one student the first two questions.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have students take turns asking and answering to choose two activities they'd like to do next year.
4. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
b. Join another pair. Which club do most people want to join? Share with the class.
1. Have students join another pair and discuss which club most people want to join.
2. Have some students share their findings with the class.
Answer key
Theme 23
lesson 3
1. Mystery words:
a. Match the words to their meanings. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write the letters for each picture. Track 27
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers 1. M: Mystery. 4. M: Thief.
with their partners. 2. M: Detective. 5. M: Clue.
4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat. 3. M: Steal. 6. M: Solve.
b. In pairs, make three sentences using the mystery words. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs make three sentences using the mystery words.
2. Have pairs write their answers in their notebooks.
3. Have some pairs share with the class.
3. Read about Matt and Milly's first mystery and answer the questions. Check with a partner.
1. Have students read about Matt and Milly's first mystery.
2. Have students answer the questions.
3. Have students check with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
4. With your partner, read the police report. Use the police report to answer the questions.
1. Have pairs read the police report.
2. Have pairs answer the questions.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Look at the map and the police report to fill in the missing information for Madge and John in the table below.
1. Have students read the police report and look at the map.
2. Have students use the report and the map to fill in the missing information for Madge and John in the table.
3. Have students check their answers with their partners.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
6. The interview
a. In pairs, write the questions in full above.
Track 29
1. Demonstrate the activity with one student.
Narrator: The interview.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
Officer Baker: Where were you from 11:30 to 12:05?
3. Have students write the questions in full below the prompts.
Bill: I was in the garage.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Officer Baker: What were you doing?
b. Listen to Officer Baker interviewing Bill and complete Bill: I was cleaning the car.
the table above. 29 CD1
Officer Baker: Who do you think stole the car?
1. Have students listen to the audio. Bill: I think it was Madge, the cleaner.
2. Have students fill in the blanks. Officer Baker: Why do you think Madge stole the car?
3. Check answers as a whole class. Bill: Because her son loves that car.
8. Discussion.
In fours, solve the mystery. When you all agree, write your answers in the box.
1. Divide the class into groups of four.
2. Have students discuss in their groups who stole the car.
3. Have students give reasons for their decision and explain why that person did it.
4. Have students write their ideas in the box.
5. Have students share their ideas with the class.
Answer key
1a. 2a. 3. 4.
1. b 1. twelve a. Last year. a. $10,000
2. d 2. detective b. A package. b. Adam
3. f 3. sister c. Mr. Jackson, the mailman. c. Mr. Johnson
4. e 4. clues d. Because he knew there was a comic d. Three
5. a 5. police book worth $1,000 in the box. e. On Sunday June 5
6. c 6. solve e. Andy Brown.
7. father
8. mysteries
5. 6. 7.
Madge - The cleaner - in the kitchen a. 1. Where were you from 11:30 to 12:05? a. Bill
John - The gardener - next to the gate 2. What were you doing? b. John
3. Who do you think did it? c. Because John likes expensive things.
b. Bill - car - Madge.
Theme 23
lesson 4
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Match the words with the descriptions. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, name any heroes, generals, kings, or leaders you know. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs think of who they know as heroes, generals, kings, or leaders from history.
2. Elicit students' answers and write them on the board.
Listening a. You will hear a talk about Vietnamese people from history. Listen and fill in the blanks. CD1
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. Track 33
2. Play audio. Have students listen and fill in the blanks. 1. Narrator: Example.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. G: Someone that I really admire is Lady Trieu. She was a great
b. Circle the correct words. Listen again and check. CD1 Vietnamese hero. She rode a big white elephant and won
many battles. She died at the age of twenty four.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 2. G: I also admire Ngo Quyen. He was a king of Vietnam.
2. Have students circle the correct words. He was a great leader. He won many battles. One of the most
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check. famous battles is the Battle of Bach Dang River. He died
in 944.
3. B: I really admire the two Trung Sisters. They were born around
12 AD. The two sisters won many battles with their army.
People say the two Trung Sisters were heroes.
4. B: Someone else that I admire is Le Loi. He was a great king of
Vietnam. He defeated the Chinese army in many battles and
won Vietnam's freedom. He did many good things for the
people and died in 1433.
Narrator: Now listen again and check.
READING a. Read the article and fill in the blanks.
1. Have students read the article individually.
2. Read the article as a whole class.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students fill in the blanks.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and write "True" or "False".
1. Have students read the article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students write "True" or "False".
4. Check answers as a whole class.
a. Read the paragraph. Look at the paragraph model on page 118, then write the name of
each part in the boxes.
1. Have students look at the example paragraph on page 118.
2. Explain that a paragraph needs a topic sentence, 3 body sentences, and a conclusion sentence.
3. Explain to students that the model is not how we lay out paragraphs, but a breakdown of the individual elements of a paragraph.
4. Have students label the parts of the paragraph.
5. Have students check with a partner.
6. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Now, in your notebook, write a similar paragraph about another hero from your country.
1. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
2. Have some students read their paragraph in front of the class.
Answer key
Theme 23
lesson 5
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Board Race". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into four groups. 4. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. 5. When you have demonstrated the rules, say, "Are you ready?",
3. D
ivide the board into four columns. Write a different name for then say "Go!" to start the game.
each category above each column. Assign each group a different 6. Groups have to write as many words as possible on the board
category for them to write their answers. for their category in ten minutes. Each student can only write
e.g. one answer at a time.
• School subjects (example answers: history) 7. Each group gets a point for each correct word. The winning
• School activities (example answer: reading books) group is the one with the most points.
• Famous people from the past (example answer: Le Loi)
• Words to talk about history (example answer: army)
Listening You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one
question for each conversation. For questions 1-5, put a tick () in the box. 35 CD1
Track 35
Narrator: You will hear five short conversations. You will
hear each conversation twice. There is one question 3. Narrator: What club does Mark sign up for?
for each conversation. For questions 1-5, put a tick Sally: There's a book club. Do you like reading books?
in the box. Here is an example: Mark: Yes, I do.
Narrator: What subject does Sally like? Sally: Why don't you sign up for it?
Mark: What subjects do you like, Sally? Mark: Yes, good idea.
Sally: I really like math. I think I'm good with numbers. Narrator: Now listen again.
Narrator: The answer is "math", so there is a tick in Box C. (REPEAT)
Now we are ready to start. Look at question 1. 4. Narrator: What subject doesn't Mark like?
1. Narrator: What club does Sally want to sign up for? Sally: Do you like biology, Mark?
Mark: Why don't you join the tennis club? Mark: Yes, I do. I love it.
Sally: No, I don't like outdoor activities. Sally: How about physics?
Mark: Do you like doing arts and crafts? Mark: No, I don't like physics. I don't understand it.
Sally: Yes, I do. I think I'll sign up for arts and crafts club. Narrator: Now listen again.
Narrator: Now listen again. (REPEAT)
(REPEAT) 5. Narrator: What outdoor activity does Sally like?
2. Narrator: What's Mark's favorite subject? Mark: Do you like tennis, Sally?
Sally: What's your favorite subject, Mark? Sally: No, I don't.
Mark: Well, I like lots of subjects, but my favorite's music. Mark: What outdoor activity do you like?
Sally: Yeah, I like music, too. Sally: I like soccer.
Narrator: Now listen again. Narrator: Now listen again.
READING Which notice (A-G) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-G.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students read the statements individually and mark the letters A-G.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
Speaking Play the "Connect Three" game.
Have students read the paragraph about school subjects and activities.
b. N
ow, in your notebook, write a similar paragraph about school subjects and activities you like.
Use the paragraph model on page 118 to help you.
1. Have students look at the paragraph model on page 118.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
3. Have some students read their paragraph in front of the class.
Answer key
Listening. Reading. Writing b.
Example. C Example. B Students should follow the writing model using their
1. B 1. C own ideas.
2. A 2. A
3. A 3. E
4. B 4. F
5. A 5. D
Theme 3
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words in the table. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. W
ith your partner, add more words to the table. Describe your partner using the new words. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs add more words to the table.
2. Elicit their words and write them on the board.
3. Have students describe their partner using the new words.
4. Have some students share their sentences with the class.
Listening a. Jake and Lisa are describing their friends to people at a party. Listen and number the pictures. CD1
Grammar Unscramble the sentences. Check with a partner. Practice saying the sentences.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students unscramble the sentences.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have pairs practice saying sentences.
6. Have some students read their answers in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model CD1
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 39
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: black, blond, blue
Answer key
New Words. Listening a.
Listening b. Grammar.
1. does 1. He has short brown hair.
2. Is 2. She's slim and has dark skin.
3. Does, wear 3. She has long red hair.
4. Does, have 4. He's short and has fair skin.
5. She has long blond hair.
Theme 3
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. H
ave some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words in the table. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, add more words to the table. Tell your partner which activities you want to do this weekend.
Share with the class.
1. Have pairs add more words to the table.
2. Elicit their words and write them on the board.
3. Have pairs talk about which activities they want to do this weekend.
4. Have some pairs share with the class.
Listening a. Two friends are inviting each other out. Listen and write "Yes" or "No". CD1
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
Check with a partner. Practice saying the sentences.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice saying the sentences.
6. Have some students read the complete sentences in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model 43
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 43
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G/M: What are you doing tomorrow?
Theme 3
lesson 3 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, say which of these items you have in your home. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs say which items they have at home.
2. Have some pairs share with the class.
Listening a. Two students are planning their school camping trip. Listen and circle "True" or "False". CD1
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 2. Max: OK. What else do we need?
2. Play audio. Have students listen and circle ''True'' or ''False''. Lisa: We need to bring mobile phones so we can call our
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. parents.
Max: Oh yeah, good idea! Do I need to bring my camera?
b. Fill in the blanks. Listen again and check. CD1
Lisa: No, my phone has a camera! I can take pictures.
Max: Great!
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Max: Do we need sleeping bags?
2. Have students fill in the blanks.
Lisa: Yes, we do because it'll be cold at night. Good thinking!
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check.
Max: So, I'll need a pillow, too.
Lisa: Oh, yeah! You should bring a jacket, too.
4. Max: OK. What about soap?
Track 45 Lisa: No, you don't need it. The campground provides it!
1. Narrator: Example. Max: Really? What about finding the bathroom at night?
Max: Hi, Lisa! Are you ready for our school camping trip? It's Do we need a flashlight?
going to be awesome! Lisa: Yes, because there's no electricity after eight. Bring
Lisa: Yeah, I can't wait. batteries, too.
Max: Say… What do we need to bring for our camping trip? Max: OK. This will be so much fun!
Lisa: Well, we need a tent because there isn't a hotel. Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Grammar Unscramble the sentences. Check with a partner. Practice asking and answering.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 47
2. Play audio once and draw students' attention to the B/G: flashlight, toilet, tent, don't
pronunciation feature.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b.
Theme 3
lesson 4 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words in the table. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
a. You will hear a talk about Anne Frank. b. Circle the correct words. Listen and check.
Listen and write "True" or "False". 49 CD1
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and write "True" or "False". 2. Have students circle the correct words.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. 3. Play audio. Have students listen and check.
Track 50
Track 49
1. Narrator: Example.
1. Narrator: Example.
M: Anne wrote about her life in her diary.
M: Anne Frank is famous for the diary that she kept for two
2. M: Anne tried to make other people feel happy.
years from 1942 until 1944.
3. M: Anne's father was a very kind and generous man.
Her family had to hide from German soldiers in a secret
4. M: Margot was serious.
room during the war.
5. M: Anne wrote mean things about her mother in her diary.
Anne wrote about her life, family, and friends in her diary.
2. M: Anne was only thirteen when she started to write.
She was a confident and funny girl who tried to make
other people feel happy.
She became more serious as she grew older.
3. M: Her father was a very kind and generous man. Useful Language Listen then practice. CD1
He saved food for the children and took Anne's side when 1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
her mother was angry with her. 2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
4. M: Her older sister, Margot, was a shy and quiet girl. 3. Have students practice the useful language.
She was more serious than Anne but they were good
5. M: We don't know much about her mother. She was often Track 51
angry with Anne. M: What's he like?
Anne wrote mean things about her mother in her diary. G: He's confident and funny.
Anne felt sorry about this. M: What's she like?
Narrator: Now listen again and check. G: She's serious and honest.
Reading a. Read the paragraph and choose the best title.
Writing a. Read the email. Look at the email model on page 119, then write the name of each part in
the boxes.
1. Have students look at the example email on page 119.
2. Explain that an email needs a receiver's email, a subject, a greeting, a purpose, a body, a closing, and a signature.
3. Have students label the parts of the email.
4. Have students check with a partner.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar email.
1. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar email.
2. Have some students read their email in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b. Reading a.
You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Letter Race". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into groups of four. 5. Elicit one or two example answers from students to
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. demonstrate the game. When it is clear, say, "Are you ready?",
3. Write three categories from the theme on the board. then say "Go!" to start the game.
e.g. 6. The first group to finish calls out "We're ready!". Have that
• Personal appearance group give their answers and award one point if they answer
• Things for a trip correctly.
• Character adjectives 7. Keep the same categories and write new letters. After 10
4. A
dd the letters next to the categories. minutes, total the scores and find the winning team.
• Personal appearance: B (example answer: blond)
• Things for a trip: F (example answer: flashlight)
• Character adjectives: L (example answer: lazy)
Listen to Jenny talking to Tom about their brothers and sisters. For questions 1 to 5, tick ()
A, B, or C. You will hear the conversation twice. 52 CD1
Read the advertisement and the note below. Fill in the information on the order form.
For questions 1-5, write the information.
Speaking Play the "Block Buster" game.
Answer key
Listening. Reading. Writing b.
Example. A Example. Jane Bonds Students should follow the writing model using
1. B 1. 16 Park Street their own ideas.
2. C 2. sleeping bags
3. B 3. first aid kit
4. C 4. $138
5. A 5. March 13th
Theme 43
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Number the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, say what kinds of movies you like and dislike. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs say what kinds of movies they like and dislike.
2. Have some pairs share with the class.
a. Some friends are talking about movies. Listen and write the kind of movie they agree to see.
Listening 54
Grammar Unscramble the sentences. Check with a partner. Practice the conversation.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 56
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G/M: What kind of movie is it?
Answer key
Listening a. Listening b.
1. comedy 1. like
2. science fiction 2. watch
3. cartoon 3. about
4. romance 4. kind
Theme 43
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words in the right columns. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, add more adjectives to the table. Share with the class. Describe different kinds of movies using the
adjectives above.
1. Have pairs add more words to the table.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
3. Have pairs describe different kinds of movies using the adjectives.
Listening a. Two friends are talking about TV shows. Listen and write. CD1
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. Emma: What did you watch?
Toby: Hmm, I watched an action show called The Con Club.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and write.
Emma: Was it good?
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.
Toby: Not really, it was awful.
b. Circle the correct words. Listen again and check.
58 Emma: What time was it on?
Toby: Six o'clock.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Toby: I watched another show earlier.
2. Have students circle the correct words. Emma: What did you watch?
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check. Toby: I watched a drama called Picture Day.
Emma: Was it good?
Track 58 Toby: Yeah, it was very good.
1. Narrator: Example. Emma: Great. When was it on?
Toby: What did you do last night, Emma? Toby: It was on at four.
Emma: I watched TV. 4. Emma: I watched something else, too.
Toby: What did you watch? Toby: What did you watch?
Emma: I watched an action show called Broken Arrow. Emma: I watched a horror show called The Pig Man.
Toby: Was it good? Toby: Hmmm. Was it good?
Emma: Yeah, it was fantastic. Emma: No, it was really terrible. It wasn't scary at all.
Toby: When was it on? Toby: Oh, what time was it on?
Emma: It was on at eight. Emma: It was on really late, at twelve. My mom was really
2. Emma: What did you do last night, Toby? angry.
Toby: I watched TV, too. Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Circle the correct words. Write questions for these answers.
Check with a partner. Practice asking and answering.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students circle the correct words.
3. Have students write questions for the answers.
4. Have students check their answers with a partner.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
6. Have students practice asking and answering with their partners.
7. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example, and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 60
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: awful, boring, awesome
Practice Practice the conversation using the information and the prompts. Swap roles and repeat.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have students practice the conversation using the information and the prompts.
4. Swap roles and repeat.
5. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Answer key
Track 64 Fred: Me? No! I think Tara did it. She hates Amanda!
Narrator: Scene 4. Officer Baker talks to the three other actors... Matt: I'm so confused. Who did it, Milly?
Officer Baker: One of you three sent this to Amanda. Milly: Let's talk to all of them.
Tara, Judy, Fred: What!?! Narrator: End of Scene 4.
Tara: It must be Judy. Amanda shouted at her earlier.
Judy: No, I didn't do it. It must be Fred. Amanda hates him.
The interview
New Words: trailer (n) c. In fours, Student A (Tara), look at page 106, File 6.
Repeat steps from Scene 1 - New Words. Students B (Judy), look at page 111, File 15.
a. In pairs, write the questions in full below. Students C (Matt), interview Tara. Student D (Milly),
1. Demonstrate the activity with one student. interview Judy. Complete the table below.
2. Divide the class into pairs. 1. Demonstrate the activity.
3. Have students write the questions in full below the prompts. 2. Divide the class into groups of four.
4. Check answers as a whole class. 3. Have Student A look at page 106, File 6, Student B look at
page 111, File 15.
b. Listen to Officer Baker interviewing Fred and
4. Have Students C and D interview Students A and B using the
complete the table below. 65 CD1
1. Have students listen to the audio. 5. Have students complete the table with the information from
2. Have students complete the table below. Students A and B.
3. Check answers as a whole class. 6. Check answers as a whole class.
Track 65
Narrator: The interview. Fred: I was reading a book.
Officer Baker: OK. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Officer Baker: Who do you think did it?
Where were you? Fred: I think Tara did it.
Fred: I was in my trailer. Officer Baker: Why?
Officer Baker: What were you doing? Fred: She wanted Amanda's part in the movie!
In fours, solve the mystery. When you all agree, write your answers in the box.
1. Have students discuss in groups of four who sent the poster and person did it.
letter. 3. Have students write their ideas in the box.
2. Have students give reasons for their decision and explain why that 4. Have students share their ideas with the class.
1. Play audio and have students listen to Matt and Milly say 2. Have students compare their ideas with Matt and Milly's.
who did it, why they did it and how they know.
Track 66 Matt: We know because she also knew there was a letter.
Matt & Milly: We know who did it! Milly: Yes, and she had feathers on her from this morning.
Milly: Tara left the letter and picture in Amanda's room to Tara: I thought I'd have her part in the movie, but you kids
scare her because she wanted her part in the movie. were too smart!
Answer key
Scene 1. Scene 2. The interview.
a. 1. Judy looks like a bird. a. 1. She is shocked.
Tara looks like a dog. 2. Someone cut the poster. Fred – the soldier Judy – the bird Tara - the dog
2. No, he doesn't.
1. Where were you? in my trailer in my trailer in my trailer
b. 1. noisy b. 1. doesn't know
2. What were you reading a book listening to music watching TV
2. cry 2. police
Scene 3. Scene 4. 3. Who do you Tara Fred Judy
think did it?
a. 1. He's taking photos. a. 1. Judy's
4. Why do you Because she Because I saw Because I saw
2. He finds a blue feather. 2. Fred's think (name) wants Amanda's Amanda shout at her holding a
did it? part in the movie. him earlier. letter earlier.
b. 1. No b. 1. True
2. No 2. False
Theme 43
lesson 4
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, say if you like or dislike the music in Part a. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs say if they like or dislike the music in New Words.
2. Have some pairs share with the class.
a. You will hear a talk about different kinds of music. b. Circle the correct words. Listen and check. CD1
Listen and number. 68 CD1
Track 68 Track 69
1. Narrator: Example. 1. Narrator: Example.
M: Some people like listening to jazz in small clubs with M: Young people like listening to pop music from Korea.
friends. Jazz bands often play saxophone and there are 2. M: People like singing and dancing to country music from the
many famous jazz singers, like Louis Armstrong. USA.
2. M: Other people like loud and exciting music, like rock 3. M: There are hip hop dancing competitions around the world.
music. 4. M: Rock bands often have electric guitars and loud drums.
Rock musicians like playing electric guitars and drums. 5. M: People often play jazz music in small clubs or coffee shops.
3. M: Country music is very popular in the USA.
People like singing or dancing to it. Taylor Swift started
as a country singer.
4. M: Young people often love listening and dancing to
hip hop music. Hip hop music videos have lots of dancing Useful Language Listen then practice.
Reading a. Read the magazine article and fill in the blanks.
1. Have students read the magazine article individually.
2. Read the magazine article as a whole class.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students fill in the blanks.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and circle "Yes" or "No".
1. Have students read the magazine article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students circle "Yes" or "No".
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Writing a. Read the paragraph and choose the best topic sentence.
1. Have students read the paragraph individually.
2. Have students choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
3. Have students check with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have some students read the paragraph in front of the class.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
1. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
2. Have some students read their paragraph in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b.
1. pop 1. jazz 1. listening
2. jazz 2. rock 2. dancing
3. hip hop 3. country 3. dancing
4. country 4. hip hop 4. have
5. classical 5. pop 5. play
6. rock
Theme 43
lesson 5
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Keep It Quiet". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into four groups. f. I watched a cartoon called Teddy Bears last night. It was very
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. interesting.
3. Whisper (speak quietly) a different sentence to each group. g. I watched a musical called Dancing School last night. It was
Start at the back of the class so the sentence will be passed on to really awful.
the front. h. I watched a science fiction called UFO last night. It was
e.g. awesome.
a. Many people like listening and dancing to country music 4. When you have whispered the sentences to all groups, say, "Are
from the USA. you ready?", then say "Go!" to start the game.
b. Many people like listening and dancing to pop music from 5. Students have to whisper the sentence to the student in front of
Korea. them.
c. Country music is popular in the USA. Many people like listening 6. The last student has to write the sentence on the board and then
to it. say it out loud.
d. Many people like listening and dancing to jazz music in small 7. The first group to write the correct sentence wins.
e. I watched a drama called Happy Family last night. It was very
You will hear a girl asking her friend about what he did last Thursday. Listen and complete
questions 1-5. You will hear the conversation twice. 71 CD1
Track 71
Narrator: You will hear a girl asking her friend about what he did
last Thursday. Listen and complete questions 1-5. You
will hear the conversation twice.
Jane: What did you do last Thursday?
Harry: I watched TV with my brother.
Jane: Oh, what did you watch?
Harry: We watched a comedy. It's called My Three Best Friends.
Jane: What's it called, again?
Harry: My Three Best Friends.
Jane: Oh, cool! When was it on?
Harry: It was on at seven last Thursday evening.
Jane: Was it good?
Harry: Yes, it was very funny. And I like the music in it, too.
Jane: What kind of music do you like?
Harry: I like hip hop. There was lots of hip hop in the show.
Narrator: Now listen again.
Speaking Play the board game.
Writing a. Read Sarah's email to her friend about going to the movies.
Have students read the email.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar email. Use the email model on page 119 to help you.
1. Have students look at the email model on page 119.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar email.
3. Have some students read their email in front of the class.
Answer key
Example. C
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
Writing b.
Students should follow the writing
model using their own ideas.
Theme 53
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
around town
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words in the table. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
a. Peter is buying some clothes in a store. b. Circle the correct words. Listen and check. CD1
Listen and circle "True" or "False". 73 CD1
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and circle "True" or "False". 2. Have students circle the correct words.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. 3. Play audio. Have students listen and check.
Track 73 Track 74
1. Narrator: Example. 1. Narrator: Example.
Sales assistant: Hello. Can I help you? G: Do you have this jacket in green?
Peter: Do you have this sweater in red? M: We have it in red and orange.
Sales assistant: Sorry, we only have it in blue, black, and 2. G: Can I try these jeans on?
yellow. 3. G: Can I try this sweater on?
Peter: OK, I like the blue one. 4. G: Do you have these pants in blue?
2. Peter: Do you have it in small?
Sales assistant: Yes, here you are.
Peter: Can I try it on?
Sales assistant: The changing room's over there. Is it OK? Useful Language Listen then practice. CD1
Peter: Yes, how much is it?
Sales assistant: It's ten dollars. 1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
3. Peter: Do you have these jeans in dark blue? 2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
Sales assistant: Yes, we do. 3. Have students practice the useful language.
Peter: Do you have them in medium?
Sales assistant: Oh, I'm sorry. We only have them in large. Track 75
Peter: Can I try them on? M: Do you have this jacket in red?
Sales assistant: Yes, sure. W: Yes, do you want to try it on?
4. Sales assistant: Are they OK? M: How much are these pants?
Peter: Yeah, they're fine. How much are they? W: They're $20.
Sales assistant: They're twenty-five dollars.
Peter: That's great, thanks.
Sales assistant: You're welcome.
Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Grammar Unscramble the questions. Check with a partner. Practice asking the questions.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 76
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G/M: Do you have these pants in blue?
Answer key
Listening a. Listening b.
New Words a.
1. True 1. it
2. False 2. these
clothes sizes other 3. True 3. this
jeans large changing room 4. True 4. these
sweater extra large customer
medium try on Grammar.
sales assistant
1. Do you have this dress in red?
2. Do you have it in medium?
3. Can I try it on?
4. How much is it?
Theme 53
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
around town
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Match the words with the descriptions. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
Listening a. People are ordering food in a restaurant. Listen and write "Yes" or "No". CD1
Track 78
b. Circle the correct words. Listen and check. CD1
1. Narrator: Example.
Waiter: Good evening. 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
Customer: Good evening. Can I have the menu, please? 2. Have students circle the correct words.
Waiter: Yes, of course. 3. Play audio. Have students listen and check.
Customer: Can I have a water, please?
Waiter: Here you are. Anything else? Track 79
Customer: Can I have a chicken pasta and some fries? 1. Narrator: Example.
Waiter: Anything else? B: Can I have some beans?
Customer: No, thank you. 2. B: Can I have an ice cream?
2. Waiter: Here you are. Enjoy your meal. Anything else? 3. B: Can I have a hamburger?
Customer: Yes, can I have an ice cream? 4. B: Can I have a soda?
Waiter: Here you are.
Customer: Can I have the check, please?
Waiter: Yes, of course. Here you are. That's $16.
Customer: Keep the change.
Waiter: Thank you very much! Useful Language Listen then practice. CD1
3. Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Customer: Can I have a hamburger and a vegetable soup? 1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
Waiter: Sorry, we're out of vegetable soup. Anything else? 2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
Customer: Can I have a coffee? 3. Have students practice the useful language.
Waiter: Yes, of course.
4. Waiter: Here you are. Enjoy your meal.
Customer: Thank you. Track 80
Waiter: Do you want anything else? M: Are you ready to order?
Customer: Can I have a cheesecake? W: Can I have a hamburger?
Waiter: Yes, sure. Here you are. M: Sorry, we're out of hamburgers.
Customer: Can I have the check, please? Do you want anything else?
Waiter: Yes, of course. Here you are. That's $11. W: Yes, can I have some fries?
Grammar Draw lines to complete the sentences. Check with a partner. Practice saying the sentences.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 81
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G/M: Can I have the menu, please?
Practice Fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box. Practice the conversation with your partner.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b.
1. E 1. No 1. some
2. D 2. Yes 2. an
3. B 3. No 3. a
4. A 4. Yes 4. a
5. F
6. C
Grammar. Practice.
1. Can I have some beans, please? 1. C
2. Can I have a hamburger, please? 2. A
3. Can I have a cup of coffee, please? 3. E
4. Can I have an ice cream, please? 4. B
5. Can I have the check, please? 5. D
Theme 53
lesson 3 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
around town
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. With your partner, think of one thing you can buy at each place. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs come up with one thing they can buy from each place.
2. Elicit their words and write them on the board.
b. Look at the map. Circle the correct words.
a. Two friends are asking each other where to buy things. Listen and check. 84 CD1
Track 84
Track 83
1. Narrator: Example.
1. Narrator: Example.
W: The pharmacy is between the post office and the police
Sophie: Hi, Nick…Are you ok?
Nick: No, I feel sick. Where can I buy medicine?
2. W: The shoe store is opposite the post office.
Sophie: You can buy some at the pharmacy.
3. W: The clothes store is next to the bakery.
Nick: Where's that?
4. W: The bus station is opposite the supermarket.
Sophie: It's between the post office and the clothes store.
2. Nick: Where can I buy some shoes?
Sophie: You can buy some at the shoe store.
Nick: Where's that?
Sophie: It's opposite the post office on Main Street.
3. Sophie: I want to buy Sam a present for his birthday. Useful Language Listen then practice.
Nick: Good idea, Sophie. He said he needs some new clothes.
Sophie: Where can I buy some clothes? 1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
Nick: You can buy some at the clothes store on Main Street. 2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
Sophie: Where on Main Street? 3. Have students practice the useful language.
Nick: It's next to the bakery.
4. Nick: I want to go to the zoo this weekend. Track 85
Sophie: Great. Are you driving there? B: Where can I buy some stamps?
Nick: No, I'm taking the bus. Where can I buy a bus ticket? G: You can buy them at the post office.
Sophie: You can buy one at the bus station. B: Where's that?
Nick: Where's that? G: It's next to the restaurant on King's Road.
Sophie: It's opposite the supermarket.
Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Write the complete sentences.
Check with a partner. Practice saying the sentences.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write the complete sentences.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice saying the sentences.
a. Isolate c. Practice 86
Focus on the example, and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model 86
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation Track 86
feature. B/G/M: store, station
2. Play audio once and draw students' attention to the
pronunciation feature.
a. You're going shopping. Work in pairs. Student A, stay on this page. Student B, turn to page 110, File 13.
You're shopping in Fair View. Add two more things to your shopping list, ask for directions, and complete the map.
b. Now, look at the map of Maple Falls and give directions to your friend.
1. Demonstrate the activity.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have Student A stay on the current page and Student B turn to page 110, File 13.
4. Have Student A add two more things to the shopping list.
5. Have Student A ask for directions and complete the map of Fair View.
6. Have students swap roles and repeat with the map of Maple Falls.
7. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD1
b. Tell your partner about your favorite food. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs tell their partner about their favorite food.
2. Have some students share their ideas with the class.
Listening a. You will hear a talk about food from around the world. Listen and write. CD1
a. Read the article and choose the best headline.
1. Have students read the article.
2. Have students choose the best headline.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. Have students read the article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students answer the correct answers.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Writing a. Read the paragraph and choose the best body sentence.
1. Have students read the paragraph individually.
2. Have students choose the best body sentence for the paragraph.
3. Have students check with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have some students read the paragraph in front of the class.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
1. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
2. Have some students read their paragraph in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b. Reading a. Reading b.
1. noodles 1. beef 1. are A Taste of Vietnam 1. People eat rice and noodle
2. pork 2. grilled 2. eat dishes.
3. fish sauce 3. fried 3. made 2. It's a kind of noodle soup.
4. seafood 4. seafood 4. some 3. It's made with rice, grilled
5. beef pork, and fried eggs.
6. herbs 4. People often eat com tam
7. fry with fish sauce.
8. grill
Writing a. Writing b.
A is incorrect. It introduces another kind of dish that is not in the paragraph. Students should follow the writing
B is correct. It describes the ingredients of paella. model using their own ideas.
Theme 53
lesson 5
around town
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Board Race". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into four groups. 4. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. 5. When you have demonstrated the rules, say, "Are you ready?",
3. Divide the board into four columns. Write a different name for then say "Go!" to start the game.
each category above each column. Assign each group a 6. Groups have to write as many words as possible on the board
different category for them to write their answers. for their category in ten minutes. Each student can only write
e.g. one answer at a time.
• Clothes (example answers: jeans) 7. Each group gets a point for each correct word. The winning
• Drinks (example answer: juice) group is the one with the most points.
• Places (example answer: post office)
• Food (example answer: pho)
Listening Listen to Matt and Amy talking in a restaurant. For questions 1-5, tick () A, B, or C.
You will hear the conversation twice. 90 CD1
Track 90
Narrator: Listen to Matt and Amy talking in a restaurant.
For questions 1 to 5, tick A, B, or C.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Now listen to the conversation.
Amy: Hey Matt, that's a nice jacket. Is it new?
Matt: Yes, I just bought it from the store next door.
Amy: I really like it. Do they have it in red?
Matt: Yes, they do. I bought this hat, too.
Amy: How much was the hat?
Matt: It was eighteen dollars.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Amy: Yes. Can I have a chicken pasta, please?
Matt: And can I have a hamburger, please?
Waiter: Yes, sure. Anything else?
Matt: Yes, can I get some fries, please?
Waiter: Sorry, we're out of fries. Anything else?
Amy: Yes, can I have an orange juice, please?
Waiter: Yes, sure.
Narrator: Now listen again.
Complete the conversation. What does the customer say to the waiter? For questions 1-5, mark the
D Reading
correct letter A-H.
D Speaking Play the "Connect Three" game.
1. Demonstrate how to play the game.
2. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group has two pairs.
3. Have pairs play rock, paper, scissors. The winning pair goes first.
4. Have the winning pair point to that space on the board where they wish to put a mark, then ask and answer using prompts.
5. If correct, that pair can put a mark on that space (an X or an O). If incorrect, the next pair takes their turn.
6. Swap roles and repeat until the game is finished.
7. The winners are the pair that gets three of their own marks in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Writing a. Read Jess's email to her friend about where to buy a dress.
Have students read the email.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar email. Use the email model on page 119 to help you.
1. Have students look at the email model on page 119.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar email.
3. Have some students read their email in front of the class.
Answer key
Theme 63
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words in the table. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
Listening a. Two friends are doing a survey about free time activities. Listen and circle "True" or "False". CD2
Fill in the blanks. Write answers to these questions.
Check with a partner. Practice asking and answering.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.
3. Have students write answers for the questions.
4. Have students check their answers with a partner.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
6. Have students practice asking and answering with their partners.
7. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice CD2
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model 04
Practice Practice the conversation using the pictures. Swap roles and repeat.
1. Have students look at the conversation.
2. Divide the class into pairs and have them practice the conversation using the pictures.
3. Swap roles and repeat.
4. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b.
1. True 1. done
go do play 2. False 2. been
3. False 3. done
surfing yoga hopscotch 4. False 4. do
rock climbing martial arts hide and seek
1. been
2. done
3. been
4. played
5. played
Theme 63
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Fill in the blanks. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat.
Listening a. Two friends are talking about their free time activities. Listen and write the adverbs of frequency. CD2
Grammar Unscramble the sentences. Check with a partner. Practice saying the sentences.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 08
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G/M: I always go swimming after school.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b. Grammar.
1. never 1. rarely 1. on 1. I rarely go swimming on the weekends.
2. rarely 2. always 2. on 2. She often goes shopping on Saturdays.
3. sometimes 3. often 3. don't like 3. I always chat with friends at break time.
4. often 4. usually 4. on 4. I never ride my bike to school.
5. usually 5. I usually play basketball on Friday nights.
6. always
Theme 63
lesson 3
B Ackham’s Ball
Scene 1: Panel 1.
New Words: trophy (n) b. Listening: Listen and fill in the blanks. CD2
1. Have students look at the new word. 1. Have students read the sentences.
2. Elicit the meaning of the new word. 2. Play audio for Scene 1. Have students listen and follow.
a. Look before you listen: In pairs, ask and answer. 3. Have students listen and fill in the blanks.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Have students look at the scene carefully. Track 09
2. Divide the class into pairs and have them ask and answer Narrator: Matt and Milly in Backham's Ball.
the questions. Scene 1.
3. Have students write their answers in their notebooks. Matt: Wow! Milly, look! It's from Danny Backham, the famous
4. Have some students share with the class. soccer player. He's invited the Maple Falls Soccer Club for
a trophy tour at his house.
Narrator: End of Scene 1.
Repeat steps from Scene 1 - New Words. 1. Have students read the sentences.
2. Play audio for Scene 2. Have students listen and follow.
a. Look before you listen: In pairs, ask and answer. 3. Have students listen and write "Yes" or "No".
Write the answers in your notebook. 4. Check answers as a whole class.
Repeat steps from Scene 1 - Look before you listen.
Track 12
Narrator: Scene 4.
Mr. Backham: I need a police report for my insurance money. Mr. Backham: I know who took it. It was that boy from yesterday.
Officer Baker: Yes, of course. Officer Baker: Can you describe him for me?
Mr. Backham: Look! See? They broke the window and climbed in. Milly: Testing 1, 2, 3, testing.
Officer Baker: I see. Narrator: End of Scene 4.
The interview
a. Listen to Officer Baker interviewing Mr. Backham.
Circle the correct answers. 13 CD2
In fours, solve the mystery. When you all agree, write your answers in the box.
1. Have students discuss with another pair who stole the World why that person did it.
Cup ball. 3. Have students write their ideas in the box.
2. Have students give reasons for their decision and explain 4. Have students share their ideas with the class.
1. Have students listen to Matt and Milly say who did it, 2. Have students compare their ideas with Matt and Milly's.
why they did it and how they know.
Track 14 Matt: We know because the glass was all outside the window.
Matt & Milly: We know who did it! There was no glass inside.
Milly: Mr. Backham stole the ball because he wanted the Milly: He used the trophy from the shelf to break the window.
insurance money. Mr. Backham: I'd have got the insurance money, but you kids
were too smart!
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Number the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
Listening a. You will hear a talk about some famous sports stars. Listen and fill in the blanks. CD2
D Reading
a. Read the magazine article and circle the best headline.
1. Have students read the magazine article individually.
2. Read the magazine article as a whole class.
3. Have students circle the best headline for the magazine article.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. Have students read the magazine article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students answer the questions.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
a. You're going to invite a famous sports star to give a talk at your school. Work in pairs. Talk about different sports
stars, then choose one to invite to your school.
1. Demonstrate the activity.
2. Divide class into pairs.
3. Have pairs role-play the conversation.
4. Have pairs swap roles and continue with the other sports stars.
5. Have each pair choose a famous sports star.
b. Talk to another pair and compare your choices. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs compare their choice with another pair.
2. Have some students share with the class.
Writing a. Read the paragraph and choose the best conclusion sentence.
1. Have students read the paragraph individually.
2. Have students choose the best conclusion sentence for the paragraph.
3. Have students check with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have some students read the paragraph in front of the class.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
1. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
2. Have some students read their paragraph in front of the class.
Writing b.
Students should follow the writing model using their own ideas.
Theme 63
lesson 5
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Letter Race". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into groups of four. 5. Elicit one or two example answers from students to
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. demonstrate the game. When it is clear, say, "Are you ready?",
3. Write three categories from the theme on the board. then say "Go!" to start the game.
e.g. 6. The first group to finish calls out "We're ready!". Have that
• Adverbs of frequency group give their answers and award one point if they answer
• Names of sports and games correctly.
• Sports people 7. Keep the same categories and write new letters. After 10
4. A
dd the letters next to the categories. minutes, total the scores and find the winning team.
• Adverbs of frequency A. (example answer: always)
• Names of sports and games S. (example answer: surfing)
• Sports people B. (example answer: boxer)
Listening You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice.
There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1-5, put a tick () in the box. CD2
Read the sentences and questions about sports and games. Choose the best word (A, B, or C)
D Reading for each space.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students read the sentences and mark the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
D Speaking Play the "Block Buster" game.
b. N
ow, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
Use the paragraph model on page 118 to help you.
1. Have students look at the paragraph model on page 118.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
3. Have some students read their paragraph in front of the class.
Answer key
Theme 73
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Match the words with the phrases. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers
2. Have students match the words with the phrases. with their partners.
4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat.
Track 19
1. M: Fly in the sky. 5. M: Lift heavy things.
2. M: Drive a car or a truck. 6. M: O
perate on sick people in hospitals.
3. M: T ake pictures of people or things. 7. M: U
nderstand lots of languages.
4. M: Repair broken machines. 8. M: M
ake things like toys or cars.
b. With your partner, add three more places robots can work to the list above. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs add three places they think robots can work to the list above.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
Listening a. Two friends are talking to an expert about robots. Listen and circle "True" or "False". CD2
Grammar Unscramble the sentences. Check with a partner. Practice asking and answering.
a. Isolate c. Practice CD2
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 22
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the B/G: What can your robot do?
pronunciation feature. B/G: What can it do?
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b. Grammar.
1. fly in the sky 1. True 1. can 1. Where can robots work?
2. drive a car or a truck 2. True 2. make 2. They can work in hospitals.
3. take pictures of people or things 3. False 3. on 3. What can they do there?
4. repair broken machines 4. False 4. also 4. They can operate on sick people.
5. lift heavy things
6. operate on sick people in hospitals
7. understand lots of languages
8. make things like toys or cars
Theme 73
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Read the article and fill in the table. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
b. With your partner, add one more thing about robots in each column above. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs add one more thing about robots in each column.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
Listening a. Toby and Lisa are talking about robots. Listen and write "Yes" or "No". CD2
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 2. Toby: What about you?
2. Play audio. Have students listen and write "Yes" or "No". Lisa: Hmm. I agree.
3. Play audio and check answers as a whole class. Toby: Why?
b. Circle the correct words. Listen again and check. CD2 Lisa: Because robots don't make mistakes.
Toby: Yeah, I guess that's true.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Lisa: What else does it say?
2. Have students circle the correct words.
Toby: It says rescue robots should replace people. Hmm.
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check.
I agree.
Lisa: Why?
Toby: Because robots don't get tired.
Track 24 Lisa: How does that help?
1. Narrator: Example. Toby: They can rescue people all the time.
Lisa: Hey Toby, what are you doing? 4. Toby: What do you think, Lisa?
Toby: I'm just reading a blog about robots. Lisa: I disagree.
Lisa: What does it say? Toby: Why?
Toby: It says the robot soldiers should replace people. Lisa: Because people need jobs.
Lisa: Oh, and what do you think? Do you agree? Toby: So? Robots can do our jobs for us!
Toby: Actually, I disagree. Lisa: Toby! Our dad's a firefighter! How would he get money?
Lisa: Why? Toby: Oh yeah!
Toby: Because robots can run out of energy. Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
Grammar Check with a partner. Practice saying the sentences.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice saying the sentences.
6. Have some students read their answers in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model 26
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 26
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: I agree. I disagree.
In pairs, take turns saying the statements and say if you agree or disagree.
Give three reasons for your opinion.
1. Demonstrate the activity.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have pairs take turns saying the statements and say if they agree or disagree with three reasons why.
4. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. You're discussing two different roles of robots. Work in fours. Pair 1, think of three reasons to use robot soldiers.
Pair 2, think of three reasons to use rescue robots. Find three reasons to disagree with the other pair.
1. Demonstrate the activity.
2. Divide the class into groups of four and have these groups make two pairs.
3. Have Pair 1 think of three reasons to use robot soldiers.
4. Have Pair 2 think of three reasons to use rescue robots.
5. Have pairs find three reasons to disagree with the other pair.
b. In fours, discuss your reasons and vote for each robot. Share your results with the class.
1. Have pairs join together and discuss their reasons.
2. Have groups vote to agree or disagree and write down the number of votes in each box.
3. Have some groups share their findings with the class.
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b.
1. No 1. run
Robots can... Robots don't... People... 2. No 2. make
1. run out of energy 4. get sick 8. need jobs 3. Yes 3. get
2. break 5. get tired 4. No 4. need
3. be fixed 6. make mistakes
7. have feelings
1. replace
2. run
3. make
4. have
5. get
Theme 73
lesson 3 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
b. With your partner, describe someone or something using the words in Part a. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs use the New Words to describe someone or something.
2. Have students share their ideas with the class.
Listening a. Two friends are discussing robots at a robot fair. Listen and circle "True" or "False". CD2
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. Tony: Oh yes, they do. So, maybe not Robot 1, then.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and circle "True" or "False". 2. Tony: Soldiers need to be strong. Which is the strongest robot?
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. Sophie: Robot 3 is really strong. It's the strongest robot.
Tony: What about Robot 2? Is it strong as well?
b. Fill in the blanks with the superlative form of the Sophie: No, Robot 2 is the weakest robot. It's also smaller than
adjectives. Listen again and check. 28 CD2
Robot 3.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 3. Sophie: Soldiers also need to be intelligent.
2. Have students fill in the blanks. Tony: Robot 2 is the most intelligent robot. Maybe we should
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check. choose that one.
Sophie: I t's intelligent, but remember it's also the weakest.
I don't think Robot 2 would make a very good soldier.
Track 28 Tony: Yeah, OK. I agree.
1. Narrator: Example. 4. Sophie: Soldiers have to be quiet, too. Which robot's the
Sophie: Which robot do you think would make the best soldier, quietest?
1, 2, or 3, Tony? Tony: Robot 2 is quite quiet, but Robot 3 is quieter.
Tony:Hmm. Well, soldiers have to move fast sometimes. Sophie: Hmm...Robot 3 is the strongest, too.
Robot 1 is the fastest robot. Tony: OK, I think that Robot 3 would make the best soldier.
Sophie: That's true, but it's also the loudest. Soldiers have to be Sophie: I agree. It's the strongest, and the quietest.
quiet, don't they? Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Grammar Write the superlative form of the adjectives. Check with a partner.
Practice the conversation.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the superlative form of the adjectives.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice the conversation.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
30 Track 30
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. B/G: quiet, light, intelligent
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b. Grammar.
1. strong 1. False 1. loudest 1. best
2. quiet 2. False 2. strongest 2. fastest
3. fast 3. True 3. most intelligent 3. most intelligent
4. weak 4. False 4. quietest 4. weakest
5. intelligent 5. best
6. loud
Theme 73
lesson 4 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Match the words with the descriptions. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
Listening a. An astronaut is talking about life on a space station. Listen and number the pictures. CD2
Our guest today is Mr. Bevan, a famous astronaut. 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
Mr. Bevan: Hello! I'm going to talk about life on a space 2. Have students circle the correct words.
station. 3. Play audio. Have students listen and check.
Interviewer: The first question is "What do you do in your free
time?". It's from Trang, a Grade 6 student in
Track 33
Ha Noi, Vietnam.
Mr. Bevan: Well, one of the things I like to do is look at the 1. Narrator: Example.
stars, the moon, and the Earth outside because M: Astronauts have to wear spacesuits in space.
they look so beautiful. 2. M: There's no gravity in space so everything floats.
2. Interviewer: "How do you use the toilet in space?". 3. M: Astronauts have to complete a checklist every day.
It's from Nicky, a Grade 7 student in Sydney, 4. M: Astronauts have to exercise for two hours a day to keep
Australia. healthy.
Mr. Bevan: That's an interesting question. In space, we have
to use a special toilet because without gravity,
everything floats.
Interviewer: You mean everything from the toilet would Useful Language Listen then practice. CD2
Mr. Bevan: Yes, it wouldn't be very nice. 1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
3. Interviewer: "Do you need special clothes?". This question's 2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
from Mark, a Grade 8 student in London, in the UK. 3. Have students practice the useful language.
Mr. Bevan: Well, that's a good question. In the space station,
we wear clothes like we do on Earth. But whenever Track 34
we need to go outside, we have to wear spacesuits.
W: How do you use the toilet in space?
4. Interviewer: "How do you sleep in space?". A question from
M: I have to use a special toilet.
Lily, a Grade 6 student in New York, in the USA.
W: Why?
Mr. Bevan: Hmm. We use sleeping bags instead of real beds.
We also have to lock our sleeping bags to the wall M: Because everything floats in space.
because there's no gravity in space.
D Reading
a. Read the article about life in space and fill in the blanks.
1. Have students read the article individually.
2. Read the article as a whole class.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students fill in the blanks.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. Have the students read the article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students answer the questions.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Writing a. Read the paragraph and choose the best topic sentence.
1. Have students read the paragraph individually.
2. Have students choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
3. Have students check with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have some students read the paragraph in front of the class.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
1. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
2. Have some pairs read their paragraph in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words a. Listening a. Listening b. Reading a.
1. i A. 3 1. wear 1. space station
2. c B. 2 2. no 2. gravity
3. b C. 1 3. have 3. astronauts
4. h D. 4 4. for 4. float
5. d
6. e Reading b.
7. a
8. g 1. Because there is no gravity there.
9. f 2. They clean themselves with special soap and wet towels.
3. They eat dried food.
4. Sleeping bags are tied to the wall so they don't float around.
5. Pham Tuan
Writing a. Writing b.
A is correct. It introduces the topic. Students should follow the writing model using their
B is incorrect. It only talks about food, not sailors' lives. own ideas.
Theme 73
lesson 5
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Keep It Quiet". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into four groups. f. Rescue robot should replace people, because robots don't
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. get tired and sick.
3. Whisper (speak quietly) a different sentence to ONE student g. I think Strongbot would make the best soldier, because it's
from each group. Start with students at the back of the class the strongest.
so the sentence will be passed on to the front. h. I have to wash with wet towels in space, because water
e.g. floats in space.
a. Robots can work in hospitals. They can operate on sick 4. When you have whispered the sentences to all groups, say,
people. "Are you ready?", then say, "Go!" to start the game.
b. Robots can work in police stations. They can drive cars and fly. 5. Students have to whisper the sentence to the member in
c. Robots can work in factories. They can repair broken machines. front of them.
d. Robots can work in hospitals. They don't make mistakes and 6. The last student has to write the sentence on the board and
get tired. then say it out loud.
e. Robot soldiers should replace people, because robots can't 7. The first group to write the correct sentence wins.
die and can be fixed.
Listen to Jack talking to his dad about a robot competition. What can each robot do?
For questions 1-5, write a letter (A-H) next to each robot. You will hear the conversation twice. CD2
Track 35
Narrator: Listen to Jack talking to his dad about a robot
competition. What can each robot do?
For questions 1-5, write a letter (A-H) next to each
robot. You will hear the conversation twice.
Jack: The robots are fantastic, Dad!
David: Oh, cool! What kind of things can they do?
Jack: One robot's called Jay. It can operate on sick people.
David: What about other robots? What can they do?
Jack: There's Star. Star can repair broken machines.
David: Is there a robot that can speak to you?
Jack: Yes, it's called Box. It can understand four languages.
David: That's interesting!
Jack: Another robot's called Robby. It can build lots of things.
David: Wow!
Jack: Yes. There was one called "Gravity".
David: Oh, Gravity? Can it fly?
Jack: Yes, it can fly around. My friends really like that one.
David: What's your favorite robot?
Jack: My favorite robot is Max. It can drive cars.
Narrator: Now listen again.
D Reading Complete this article. Write ONE word for each space. For questions 1-5, write the words.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students read and complete the article by writing one word for each space.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
D Play the "Connect Three" game.
Answer key
Listening. Reading. Writing b.
Example. C Example. be Students should follow the writing model using
1. H 1. to their own ideas.
2. A 2. gravity
3. E 3. wear
4. D 4. to
5. F 5. to
Theme 83
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the letters in the boxes. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
b. With your partner, think of three famous landmarks in your country. Ask your partner if they've been there before.
Share with the class.
1. Divide the class into pairs and have them think of three famous landmarks in their countries.
2. Have students ask their partners if they've been to these famous landmarks before.
3. Have some pairs share their ideas with the class.
Listening a. Two friends are talking about their holiday plans. Listen and number.
Grammar Fill in the blanks. Check with a partner. Practice asking and answering.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 39
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: What are you going to do there?
feature. B/G: Where are you going to go on holiday?
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b.
1. A 5. F Paris - 1 1. going
2. E 6. D London - 2 2. visit
3. C 7. H San Francisco - 3 3. go
4. B 8. G New York - 4 4. are
1. are-going
2. do-visit
3. else-to
4. Are-I'm
Theme 83
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Match the words with the descriptions. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
b. With your partner, complete the table with the new words in Part a., then add more nouns and adjectives to
describe the two pictures. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs complete the table with the new words and add more nouns and adjectives to describe the two pictures.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
Listening a. Two friends are discussing where to go on holiday. Listen and circle "True" or "False". CD2
Grammar Read the rules of comparatives and fill in the blanks. Check with a partner. Practice using the
comparatives in sentences with your partner.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students read the rules of comparatives and fill in the blanks.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice using the comparatives in sentences.
6. Have some students read the sentences in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model 43
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 43
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: statue, tower, palace, picture
Answer key
New Words a. New Words b. Grammar.
1. C
Adjectives: crowded
2. D
modern Adjectives Comparatives
3. A
peaceful exciting more exciting
4. F
5. B old older
Nouns: b
6. E cheap cheaper
amusement park
shopping mall expensive more expensive
boring more boring
Listening a. Listening b. peaceful more peaceful
1. True 1. more modern crowded more crowded
2. True 2. cheaper
3. False noisy noisier
3. more crowded
4. False 4. more exciting
Theme 83
lesson 3
T he diamond nec lace
Track 47 Matt: Why do you think one of them stole the diamond?
Narrator: Scene 4. Mr. James: M s. Wilson wants to get a new manager. I heard her
Milly: Can we ask you some questions, please? shouting at Mr. Wiles last night. Maria's husband lost
Mr. James: Yes, but don't be long... his job. She told me yesterday.
Matt: Where were you between 7:00 and 7:30? Milly: Argh! Mr. Nuts! Stop!
Mr. James: I was in my room. Mr. James: OK. You have to leave now and please take your
Matt: What were you doing? little red friend with you.
Mr. James: I was writing my book. Matt: Thank you very much, Mr. James.
Milly: Who do you think stole the diamond? Milly: OK. Let's talk to Maria and Mr. Wiles.
Mr. James: I think it was Mr. Wiles or Maria. Narrator: End of Scene 4.
The interview
b. In fours, Student A (Mr. Wiles), look at page 111,
a. In pairs, write the questions in full below. File 16. Student B (Maria), look at page 112,
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. File 19. Student C (Matt), interview Mr. Wiles.
2. Divide the class into pairs. Student D (Milly), interview Maria. Complete the
3. Have students write the questions in full below the prompts. table below.
4. Check answers as a whole class. 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example in the table.
2. Divide the class into groups of four.
3. Have Student A look at page 111, File 16 and Student B look at
page 112, File 19.
4. Have Students C and D interview Students A and B using the
5. Have students complete the table with the information from
Students A and B.
6. Check answers as a whole class.
In fours, solve the mystery. When you all agree, write your answers in the box.
1. Have students discuss in their groups who stole the diamond why that person did it.
necklace. 3. Have students write their ideas in the box.
2. Have students give reasons for their decision and explain 4. Have students share their ideas with the class.
Answer key
Scene 1. Scene 2. The interview.
a. 1. Captain Orlov a. 1. Kate Wilson and the Bakers are at breakfast.
Maria - the Mr. Wiles - the
2. Ms. Wilson – Mr. Wiles 2. The other people are in their room. cleaner manager
3. Mr. James (The answer may vary.)
1. Where were in the Bakers' walking around
4. Maria 3. I think the necklace was stolen. you between room the ship
b. 1. blind b. 1. No, she isn't. 7:00 and 7:30?
2. singer 2. Mr. James and Mr. Wiles are missing 2. What were you cleaning their looking for Ms.
3. manager from their tables at breakfast. doing? room Wilson
3. Who do you the manager the cleaner
Scene 3. Scene 4. think stole it?
a. 1. manager a. 1. A newspaper, a pair of reading glasses, 4. Why do you Because I saw Because she has
a glass of water think they did it? him near Kate the keys to all
2. writer
Wilson's room. the rooms.
3. cleaner 2. Mr. Nuts is playing with the glass of water.
b. 1. ship b. 1. False
2. heard 2. False
3. True
4. True
Theme 83
lesson 4
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the letters in the boxes. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
b. W
ith your partner, think of three beautiful places in your country. Ask your partner if they'd like to go to
these places. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs think of three beautiful places in their countries.
2. Have students ask their partner if they'd like to go to these places.
3. Have some pairs share their ideas with the class.
Listening a. You will hear a talk about the natural wonders of Vietnam.
Listen and write the words on each picture. 50 CD2
D Reading
a. Read the article and underline the natural wonders of Vietnam.
1. Have students read the article individually.
2. Read the article as a whole class.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students read and underline the natural wonders of Vietnam.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and circle ''True'' or ''False''.
1. Have students read the article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students circle ''True'' or ''False'' .
4. Check answers as a whole class.
a. Your overseas friend is staying in Vietnam for a week. They need some travel advice. Work in pairs. Student A, look at
the travel magazine. Talk to your friend about the natural wonders of Vietnam. Student B, ask where to visit.
Swap roles and repeat.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students look at the table.
3. Divide the class into pairs.
4. Have Student A give advice to Student B about where to visit in Vietnam.
5. Swap roles and repeat.
b. With your partner, think of two more places to visit and things to do in your country. Share with the class.
1. Have students think of two more places to visit and things to do in their country.
2. Have some students share their ideas with the class.
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b. Reading a.
1. False A is incorrect. It gives details. It doesn't Students should follow the writing model
2. True introduce the topic. using their own ideas.
3. True B is correct. It introduces the topic of
traveling to the UK.
4. False
Theme 83
lesson 5
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Letter Race". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into groups of four. 5. Elicit one or two example answers from students to
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. demonstrate the game. When it is clear, say, "Are you ready?",
3. Write three categories from the theme on the board. then say "Go!" to start the game.
e.g. 6. The first group to finish calls out "We're ready!". Have that
• famous landmarks group give their answers and award one point if they answer
• adjective and nouns to talk about cities correctly.
• natural wonders 7. Keep the same categories and write new letters. After 10
4. Add the letters next to the categories. minutes, total the scores and find the winning team.
• famous landmarks: S (example answer: Sydney Harbor Bridge)
• adjectives and nouns to talk about cities: S (example answer:
shopping mall)
• natural wonders: B (example answer: Black Forest)
You will hear some information about a trip to Vancouver, Canada. Listen and complete
Listening questions 1-5. You will hear the information twice. 52 CD2
Track 52
Narrator: You will hear some information about a trip to Vancouver,
Listen and complete questions 1-5. You will hear the
information twice.
Ms. White: Welcome to Vancouver. Before we start our trip, I'd
like to tell you about our travel plan.
First, we're going to visit Grouse Mountain. On the
mountain, you can go skiing or snowboarding.
Next, we're going to visit Granville Island. It's a really
nice place for shopping and eating. We'll go there by
ship. Finally, we're going to Lynn Canyon Park. This
park's a good place to enjoy nature. We can also
walk to Lynn Creek to see the wonderful waterfalls.
Enjoy your time.
Narrator: Now listen again.
Read the paragraph about Tom's summer in the country. Are sentences 1-5 'Right' (A) or
'Wrong' (B)? If there is not enough information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B), choose
D Reading
'Doesn't say' (C). For questions 1-5, mark A, B, or C.
D Speaking Play the board game.
1. Demonstrate how to play the game.
2. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group has two pairs.
3. Have pairs play rock, paper, scissors. The winning pair goes first.
4. Have one player from the winning pair cover their eyes and use their pencil to pick a number on the number board, then move
forward that number of spaces.
5. Have students ask and answer using the prompts on each space.
6. If both the question and answer are correct, the pair stays on that space. If incorrect, the pair moves back to where they were before.
7. Have the other pair repeat Steps 4, 5, and 6.
8. Repeat until the game is finished.
9. The winners are the first pair to get to the Finish.
Writing a. Read Mandy's postcard to her friend talking about her vacation.
Have students read the postcard.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar postcard. Use the postcard model on page119 to
help you.
1. Have students look at the postcard model on page 119.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar postcard.
3. Have some students read their postcard in front of the class.
Answer key
Listening. Reading. Writing b.
Example. Grouse Mountain Example. A
Students should follow the writing model using their
1. skiing 1. A
own ideas.
2. Island 2. C
3. ship 3. A
4. Walk 4. B
5. waterfalls 5. B
Theme 93
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
the Future
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
a. Write the words under the pictures and match the words with their descriptions.
New Words Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. 53 CD2
b. With your partner, talk about where the people below should live. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs talk about where the people should live.
2. Have some pairs share their ideas with the class.
Listening a. A professor is talking about homes of the future. Listen and write "True" or "False". CD2
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
Grammar Check with a partner. Practice saying the sentences.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice saying the sentences.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model CD2
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 56
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: I think a lot of people will live in megacities.
feature. B/G: I think some people will live under the sea.
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b.
1. under the sea 6. mobile home 1. True 1. in
2. in a city 7. smart home 2. True 2. on
3. by a river 8. eco-friendly home 3. False 3. be
4. on the sea 4. False 4. by
5. megacity
1. I think people will live under the sea.
2. I think some people will live in mobile homes.
3. I think a lot of people will live in smart homes.
4. I think people will live in cities that float on the sea.
Theme 93
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
the Future
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Draw lines to match the words with the descriptions. Check with a partner.
Listen and repeat. CD2
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. Track 57
2. Have students draw lines to match the words with the 1. M: Smart walls.
descriptions. 4. M: 3D printer.
2. M: Zero gravity room. 5. M: Robot helper.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers 3. M: Automatic food machine.
with their partners.
4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat.
b. With your partner, talk about five things you have in your home. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs talk about five things in their home.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
a. Two friends are discussing how homes will change. b. Circle the correct words. Listen and check. 59
Sara: That sounds awesome! 1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
3. Toby: And, in the future, we'll have smart windows. 2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
Sara: What do you mean? 3. Have students practice the useful language.
Toby: Now, you look out your window and see your garden.
In the future, you'll be able to see anything you want Track 60
through your windows. B: How will homes change in the future?
Sara: I don't understand. G: Now, we use ovens. In the future, we'll have automatic food
Toby: You can use your window like a computer and choose machines.
what you see out of the window, like a forest or the sea. G: Now, we have a computer. In the future, we'll have smart walls.
4. Toby: How do you think things will change in the future?
Sara: I think we'll have automatic food machines. Now, we
only have ovens and fridges.
Toby: Wow, that'll be great. I'll never stop eating.
Sara: Me too!
Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Grammar Match the sentences. Check with a partner. Practice saying the statements with your partner.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model CD2
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 61
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: printer, automatic, gravity
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b. Grammar.
1. a 1. zero gravity rooms 1. we'll 1. D
2. d 2. 3D printers 2. we 2. B
3. c 3. smart windows 3. we'll 3. A
4. e 4. automatic food machines 4. we 4. E
5. b 5. C
Theme 93
lesson 3 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
the Future
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat.
Listening a. Two students are choosing school activities in 2100. Listen and write "True" or "False". CD2
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. Check with a partner.
Practice saying the sentences.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model CD2
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 65
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation B/G: Would you rather do robot building or drone racing?
feature. B/G: Would you rather do trampoline basketball or rocket building?
Answer key
Listening b. Grammar.
1. rather 1. do
2. making 2. making
3. about 3. play
4. playing 4. think
5. do
Theme 93
lesson 4 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
the Future
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
b. With your partner, think of three ways you learn at school. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs think of three more ways they learn at school.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
Track 67
Listening 1. Narrator: Example.
a. You will hear a talk about the future of education. M: There'll be a lot of changes to the way we learn in the
Listen and match. 67 CD2
future. Schools won't use blackboards anymore.
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. In the future, many schools will use interactive whiteboards
2. Play audio. Have students listen and match. or projectors to teach.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. 2. M: Students won't use paper and pens to do homework in the
future. Every student will use tablets or laptops to study and
b. Circle the correct words. Listen and check. CD2 do homework on. Teachers will mark everything online.
3. M: There won't be many real books in school libraries.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. Instead, students will use digital libraries and read books on
2. Have students circle the correct words. smartphones or tablets.
3. Play audio. Have students listen and check. 4. M: A lot of students won't go to school every day. They'll be able
to study from home.
Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Track 68
1. Narrator: Example.
M: Few schools will use blackboards.
2. M: Many students won't use paper and pens to do homework
3. M: There won't be many paper books in libraries.
4. M: Most schools will let students study from home.
D Reading
a. Read the article and choose the best headline. Fill in the blank.
1. Have students read the article individually.
2. Read the article as a whole class.
3. Have students choose the best headline and fill in the blank.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and circle "True" or "False".
1. Have students read the article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students read the statements and circle ''True'' or ''False''.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Writing a. Read the paragraph and choose the best body sentence.
1. Have students read the paragraph individually.
2. Have students choose the best body sentence for the paragraph.
3. Have students check with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have some students read the paragraph in front of the class.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar paragraph. Use the paragraph model on
page 118 to help you.
1. Have students look at the paragraph model on page 118.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
3. Have some students read their paragraphs in front of the class.
Answer key
New Words. Listening a. Listening b.
1. smartphone 1. A 1. Few
2. tablet 2. D 2. Many
3. projector 3. B 3. many
4. digital library 4. C 4. Most
5. interactive whiteboard
6. online learning
Theme 93
lesson 5
the Future
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Keep It Quiet". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into four groups. f. Now we have video games. In the future, we'll have zero
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. gravity rooms.
3. Whisper (speak quietly) a different sentence to ONE student g. I'd rather do rocket and robot building because I love
from each group. Start with students at the back of the class making things.
so the sentence will be passed on to the front. h. I think students won't use paper to do homework. They will
e.g. use tablets.
a. I think a lot of people will live on the moon in the future. 4. When you have whispered the sentences to all groups, say,
b. In the future, I think many people will live in mobile homes. "Are you ready?", then say, "Go!" to start the game.
c. I think many people will live in eco-friendly homes in 5. Students have to whisper the sentence to the student in
megacities. front of them.
d. In the future, I think many people will live in megacities. 6. The last student has to write the sentence on the board and
e. Now we have pets like dogs. In the future, we'll have robot then say it out loud.
dogs. 7. The first group to write the correct sentence wins.
Listening You will hear some information about Future Home 2100. Listen and complete questions 1-5.
You will hear the information twice. 70 CD2
D Reading Read the sentences about homes of the future. Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students read the sentences and choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
Play the "Block Buster" game.
D Speaking
1. Demonstrate how to play the game.
2. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group has two pairs.
3. Have pairs play rock, paper, scissors. The winning pair goes first.
4. Have the winning pair point to a block on the board where they wish to put a mark, then ask and answer using the prompts.
5. If correct, that pair can put a mark on the block and the other pair can't use that block. If incorrect, the next pair takes their turn
to choose a block.
6. Swap roles and repeat until the game is finished.
7. The winners are the pair that creates a line of blocks from one side to the other.
Pair 1: From yellow to yellow. Pair 2: From purple to purple.
b. N
ow, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
Use the paragraph model on page 118 to help you.
1. Have students look at the paragraph model on page 118.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar paragraph.
3. Have some students read their paragraphs in front of the class.
Answer key
Listening. Reading.
Writing b.
Theme 10
lesson 1 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous theme on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
the natural world
3. Write the structures from the previous theme using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
a. Write the words in the table. Some words can be used more than once.
New Words Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. 71 CD2
b. With your partner, say which words below can go with "bag" or "bottle". Share with the class.
1. Have pairs look at the words in the box and decide which ones go with "bag" or "bottle".
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
Listening a. Two friends are talking about helping the environment. Listen and write "Yes" or "No".
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. Billy: Cans, newspapers, and comic books.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and write "Yes" or "No". 2. Lisa: Next question. Do you turn off the air conditioner when
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. you go outside?
Billy: Oh, uh… No, I don't. I leave it on a lot.
b. Circle the correct words. Listen again and check. CD2
72 Lisa: Billy! That's bad for the environment! It wastes electricity.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. Billy: I know, my mom always says that. I leave the lights on,
2. Have students circle the correct words. too.
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check. 3. Lisa: Do you turn off the faucet when you're brushing your
Track 72 Billy: Oh, yes, I do. What about you?
1. Narrator: Example. Lisa: Yes, I do. I don't want to use a lot of water.
Lisa: Hey! Billy! I'm doing a survey for Earth Day. Can I ask you Billy: Yeah, me too.
some questions? 4. Lisa: Alright. Next question. Do you reuse water bottles?
Billy: Yeah, sure. Billy: Yes, I have my own water bottle. I use it every day.
Lisa: Great! OK, do you pick up garbage? Lisa: Great! Last question. What else do you do?
Billy: Yes, I do and I recycle stuff, too. Billy: I always reuse shopping bags.
Lisa: Really? Like what? Narrator: Now listen again and check.
Grammar Unscramble the questions. Check with a partner. Practice asking and answering with your own
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students unscramble the questions.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
5. Have students practice asking and answering with their own information.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 74
2. Have students match the words to the sounds. B/G: cans, lights, boxes
3. Play audio once and draw students' attention to the
pronunciation feature.
Practice Practice asking and answering using the pictures and the verbs.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have pairs ask and answer using the pictures and the verbs.
4. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
b. Talk about what you and your classmates can do at school to protect the environment. Share with the class.
1. Have groups think about what they can do at school to protect the environment.
2. Have some groups share their ideas with the class.
Answer key
Theme 10
lesson 2 Review
1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board.
2. Have students read the words on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary
the natural world
3. Write the structures from the previous lesson using examples and structures in front of the class.
on the board.
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
Listening a. Three friends are making arrangements for a trip. Listen and write "True" or "False". CD2
Track 77
Useful Language Listen then practice. CD2
77 W: Where do you think we should go?
1. Have students look at the Useful Language box. M: We should go to Blue River Canyon.
2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language. W: What can we do there?
3. Have students practice the useful language. M: We can go hiking and kayaking.
W: How long does it take to get there?
M: It takes two hours by train.
W: Where can we stay?
M: We can stay at a hotel.
Grammar Unscramble the questions. Check with a partner. Practice asking and answering.
a. Isolate c. Practice
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a
focus on the feature.
b. Model
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature. Track 78
2. Play audio once and draw students' attention to the B/G/M: What can we do there?
pronunciation feature.
Answer key
Theme 10
lesson 3
the natural world
2. Now write in the missing words to complete the sentences. Use the pictures to help you, then listen and check. CD2
3. During the conversation, the reporter said something to show that he understood or was surprised. When people
are surprised, the intonation goes up.
a. Listen to these sounds and repeat. b. Listen again and write each sound in the correct box.
Have students listen and repeat the listener's sounds. Check with a partner. 80 CD2
4. Circle the correct listener sound for each sentence. Check with a partner, then practice saying these sentences
and listener sounds with your partner.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 4. Have students check with a partner.
2. Have students circle the correct listener sound for each sentence. 5. Have pairs practice saying the sentences and listener sounds.
3. Divide the class into pairs. 6. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
5. In pairs, practice the interview about Film Fear as Officer Baker and the reporter. Swap roles and repeat.
1. Demonstrate the activity with one student. 4. Swap roles and repeat.
2. Divide the class into pairs. 5. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the
3. Have pairs practice the interview as Officer Baker and the reporter. class.
7. Label the pictures using Milly's notes. Listen and check. CD2
81 Narrator: It took place at Mr. Backham's house. Someone stole
1. Have students look at the notes below and label the pictures. his World Cup soccer ball.
2. Have students check with a partner. The suspect was a teenage boy. Matt and Milly found
3. Play audio. Have students listen and check. out that Mr. Backham did it!
They knew because he said the window was broken
Track 81 from outside. But there was no glass inside!
Narrator: Milly's Mystery Theater presents another Baker Twins' Come back next week for another exciting Matt and
story. I'll tell you about…Backham's Ball. Milly mystery!
8. You're going to tell the story Backham's Ball. Work in pairs. Student A, use the words in bold from the
interview and pictures to tell the story Backham's Ball. Student B, use the listener sounds to show you
are listening. Swap roles and repeat.
1. Divide the class into pairs. 3. Have Student B use the listener sounds to show they are listening.
2. Have Student A use the words in bold from the interview and 4. Have students swap roles and repeat.
the pictures to tell the story Backham's Ball. 5. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
9. Look at page 19. Fill in the table with the information from Toy Trouble. Check with a partner.
1. Have students look at Toy Trouble on page 19. 3. Have students check with a partner.
2. Have students complete the table with information from the story. 4. Check answers as a whole class.
10. You're going to tell the story Toy Trouble. In pairs, Student A, use the words in bold from the interview and
the information in the table. Student B, use the listener sounds to show you are listening. Swap roles and repeat.
1. Divide the class into pairs. 3. Have Student B use the listener sounds to show they are listening.
2. Have Student A use the words in bold from the interview and 4. Have students swap roles and repeat.
the information in the table to tell the story Toy Trouble. 5. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Answer key
3b. 4. 6a. 7.
Toy Trouble Mr. Johnson's house Someone stole a Madge - the cleaner John - the gardener Because he said he
toy car that costs John - the gardener was collecting the
$10,000. Bill - the driver mail, but there's no
mail on Sundays.
Theme 10
lesson 4
the natural world
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New Words a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. CD2
b. With your partner, fill in the blanks using fractions. Practice saying the answers. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs fill in the blanks using fractions.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
a. You will hear a talk about water usage. b. Match to complete the sentences.
Listen and circle. 83
Listen and check. 84 CD2
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and circle the correct answers. 2. Have students match to complete the sentences.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. 3. Play audio. Have students listen and check.
Track 83 Track 84
1. Narrator: Example. 1. Narrator: Example.
M: People in the UK and Vietnam use water in very different M: More than one fifth of water in the UK is used at home.
ways. In the UK, around 22% of water is used at home. 2. M: People everywhere use water for cooking, cleaning, and
That's more than one fifth of water used. more.
2. M: There are many reasons for using water at home. 3. M: In Vietnam, most water is used for farming.
People use it for cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, 4. M: In the UK, people use water mostly for business and
watering plants, and washing dishes. Flushing the toilet factories.
can also use a lot of water.
3. M: Farms don't use as much water as homes or factories.
Farming has the lowest percentage of water use in the UK.
This is very different from Vietnam.
4. M: Vietnam uses most of its water for farming, and the lowest
amount of water is used in homes.
Only 1% of water is used in homes.
Narrator: Now listen again and check.
D Reading
a. Read the article and choose the best headline. Fill in the blank.
1. Have students read the article individually.
2. Read the article as a whole class.
3. Have students choose the best headline for the article and fill in the blank.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and write "True" or "False".
1. Have students read the article again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students read the sentences and write their answers.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Answer key
New Words a. New Words b. Listening a. Listening b.
1. fraction 1. 1/2 1. 22% 1. More than 1/5 of water in the UK is used at home.
2. half 2. 1/4 2. flush the toilet 2. People everywhere use water for cooking,
3. one third 3. 1/3 3. Farms cleaning, and more.
4. two fifths 4. 1% 3. In Vietnam, most water is used for farming.
5. a quarter 4. In the UK, people use water mostly for
6. one fifth business and factories.
7. percent
8. three quarters Reading b. Speaking.
1. False 1. washing machines/house/USA: more than 1/5
Reading a.
2. True 2. homes/UK: more than 1/5
B. Water Safety Planning in Vietnam 3. False 3. faucets/house/USA: less than 1/5
4. True 4. showers/house/USA: less than 1/5
Writing a.
5. False 5. industry/UK: more than 3/4
A is incorrect. It doesn't relate to the topic or body sentences. 6. farming/Vietnam: more than 9/10
B is correct. It paraphrases the topic sentence. 7. industry/USA: more than 4/5
8. homes/Vietnam: 1/100
Writing b.
Students should follow the writing model using their own ideas.
Theme 10
lesson 5
the natural world
Review You have five minutes to review the Useful Language and New Words from the theme,
then play "Board Race". Turn to page 113 to read the game rules.
1. Divide the class into four groups. 4. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students turn to page 113 to read the game rules. 5. When you have demonstrated the rules, say, "Are you ready?",
3. Divide the board into four columns. Write a different name for then say "Go!" to start the game.
each category above each column. Assign each group a 6. Groups have to write as many words as possible on the board
different category for them to write their answers. for their category in five minutes. Each student can only write
e.g. one answer at a time.
• Things you can recycle (example answer: newspapers) 7. Each group gets a point for each correct word. The winning
• Things you can reuse (example answer: plastic bottles) group is the one with the most points.
• Things you can turn off (example answer: air conditioner)
• Fractions (example answer: one third)
Listening You will hear two students talking about a class trip. Listen and complete questions 1-5.
You will hear the conversation twice. 86 CD2
Read the paragraph about what people should do to protect the environment.
D Reading
Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space.
D Speaking Play the board game.
1. Demonstrate how to play the game.
2. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group has two pairs.
3. Have pairs play rock, paper, scissors. The winning pair goes first.
4. Have one player from the winning pair cover their eyes and use their pencil to pick a number on the number board, then move
forward that number of spaces.
5. Have students ask and answer using the prompts on each space.
6. If both the question and answer are correct, the pair stays on that space. If incorrect, the pair moves back to where they were before.
7. Have the other pair repeat Steps 4, 5, and 6.
8. Repeat until the game is finished.
9. The winners are the first pair to get to the Finish.
Writing a. Read Laura's email to her friend about their coming trip.
Have students read the email.
b. Now, in your notebook, use your own ideas to write a similar email.
Use the email model on page 119 to help you.
1. Have students look at the email model on page 119.
2. Have students use their own ideas to write a similar email.
3. Have some students read their emails in front of the class.
Answer key
Example. Black Canyon Example. C Students should follow the writing model using
1. go rafting 1. B their own ideas.
2. 4 hours 2. C
3. campsite 3. A
4. Caves 4. A
5. hotel 5. B
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Email: nxb@hcmup.edu.vn
Website: http://nxb.hcmup.edu.vn
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