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Computer Literacy Among Students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences

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Global Journal of Health Science; Vol. 7, No.

4; 2015
ISSN 1916-9736 E-ISSN 1916-9744
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Computer Literacy Among Students of Zahedan University of Medical

Hassan Robabi1 & Azizollah Arbabisarjou2
Faculty member, Pregnancy Health Research Center, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, IR,
Correspondence: Arbabisarjou Azizollah, Faculty member, Pregnancy Health Research Center, Zahedan
University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, IR, Iran. E-mail: arbabisarjou2007@gmail.com

Received: September 11, 2014 Accepted: November 6, 2014 Online Published: December 31, 2014
doi:10.5539/gjhs.v7n4p136 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/gjhs.v7n4p136

Introduction: The need for medical students to be computer literate is vital. With the rapid integration of
information technology (IT) in the health care field, equipping students of medical universities withcomputer
competencies to effectively use are needed. The purpose of this study was to assess computer literacy (CL) needs
of medical sciences students.
Methods: This is descriptive-analytic. The population of the study comprised all students at Zahedan University
of Medical Sciences. 385 students from allschools (Medicine, dentistry, paramedics, health, rehabilitation,
nursing and midwifery) were selected through randomized- classified sampling. For data collecting, the Lin
Tung- Cheng questionnaire was used which it contained 24 items in six sections.The obtained data analyzed by
SPSS 15.
Results: The results showed that the 77.1% had personal computer. The total mean of students’ computer
literacy around six domains was 141.9±49.5 out of 240. The most familiarity with computers was the ability to it
in internet (29.0±11.4) and the lowest was familiarity and using ability of hard ware (17.5±10.6). There was a
significant relationship between passing the Computer lesson (P=0.001), passing Computer course (P=0.05) and
having personal computer (P=0.001) with the mean of computer literacy.
Discussion: In sum, the medical sciences students’ familiarity with computer literacy was not satisfactory and
they had not appropriate familiarity with computer literacy skills. The researchers suggest the officials and
in-charges to plan educational program for improving computer literacy skills in medical sciences students.
Keywords: computer literacy, medical sciences, students
1. Introduction
Computer competencies are essential for success in the business world especially in education. These
competencies are a useful tool for students to utilize to integrate them into curricula for all level of students
education. Some believe that CL has involved preparation of persons to serve as worthy citizens in their
communities and understand how society operates in an information age (Burniske, 2001). Recently, CL has
been an issue of educational research in the university. Technological advances necessitate learning, maintaining,
and upgrading of computer related knowledge (Hindi, Miller, & Wenger, 2008). CL is an emergent need for
medical and paramedical students in the third millennium due to rapidly changing information society.Nowadays,
students confront new challenges which vital to their survival in the information age (Ikolo & Okiy, 2012). One
of the most applicable for IT and computers is in telemedicine and telehealth. Telehealth is applying the ICT for
giving health care remotely. Furthermore, IT-based computer can be used for educating nurses, students, patients
or care givers (Arbabisarjou, 2010). In recent years, it grows parallel with the growth of information technology
and communication (ICT), using of computer systems, health electronic file and health information system (HIS)
are integrated in the life, education and health. There is no agreement on CL; the topic certainly is quite relevant
to key stake-holders: students, educators, and business practitioners (Kim & Keith, 1994; Kretovices & MC
Cambridge, 1998; Hindi, Miller, & Wegner, 2010). An overview, CL involves conceptual knowledge related to
basic terminology( including social, ethical, and global issues) and skills necessary to perform tasks in word
processing, databases, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, and basic operating system functions (Hindi, Miller,
& Wegner, 2010). Since common technology allied in computer programs (like Microsoft), peer-to-peer

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programs (like Skype), and social networking programs (like Twitter), we agree with Son, Robb, and Miadji
(2011) on what CL is (Murray & Blyth, 2011). Son et al. (2011) wrote” CL is the ability to use computers at an
adequate level for creation, communication and collaboration in a literate society. Ballsntine and McCourt et al.
measured CL using several sub-dimensions such as “knowledge of general computing”, spreadsheets, databases,
email/internet and presentation soft-ware. CL considered as a collection of skills pertaining to the use of basic
information and communication technology in an internet-computer based environment as well as the knowledge
that relates to the legal and ethical issues and risks of ICT usage. The terms “CL” and “computer knowledge”
will be used interchangeably (Poelmans, Truyen, & Desle, 2009). Computer skills are vital for medical
practitioners of the future. Health care professional can no longer the application of IT to health care because
they are key to E- health (Gour & Srivastavad, 2010). IT has had a positive impact on health care delivery
system worldwide, particularly in the areas of disease control, diagnosis, patient management, teaching and
learning (Ikolo & Okiy, 2012).
Availability of computers have resulted in our ability to rapidly and effectively,retrieve,analyze, share, and store
large volumes of information related to patient care and for teaching-learning process in teaching hospitals
(Masood, Khan, & Waheed, 2010) and they noted that computer skills are vital for medical practitioners of the
futures.The increasing use of IT in healthcare to posit that healthcare services efficacy and efficiency can be
improved through informatics technology and systems and,thus, provide higher–quality healthcare for patients
(Tung-Cheng, 2011).
To use technology effectively for the advancement of patient care and the education of the medical students,
medical staff must possess a variety of computer skills. Medical field is an information intensive profession. The
availability of affordable computers and the advancement of IT have resulted in our ability to rapidly and
effectively access, retrieve analysis, share, and store volumes of information pertinent to patient care and for
learning process in a teaching hospital (Blen, Miller, & Malyuk, 2000). The final version of the developed CL
scale included six constructs (software, hardware, multimedia, networks, information ethics, and information
security) and 22 measurement items. Computer experiences has a major positive impact on all our literacy
factors well. Exact sciences have a significantly score than students of other branches.
CL is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of
skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving (Ikolo & Okiy, 2011).
Anuobi (2004) described CL as having a basic understanding of what computer is and how it can be used as
resource.Computer skills are vital for medical practitioners of the future. To use technology effectively for the
advancement of patient care and the education of the medical students, medical staff must possess a variety of
computer skills. Medical field is an information intensive profession. The availability of affordable computers
and the advancement of IT have resulted in our ability to rapidly and effectively access, retrieve, analyze, share,
and store large volumes of information pertinent to patient care and for learning process in a teaching hospital
(Balen, Miller, & Malyuk, 2000).
Lack of Computer skills is an issue which can hold back many of the pedagogical opportunities that students can
exploit to assist in their medical sciences teaching (Murray & Blyth, 2011).
Female students have a significant lower CL score than male students (Ikolo & Okiy, 2012). CL for the students
should include generic data management, presentation and communication applications as well as search
strategies and techniques.For empowerment of medical sciences students in applying computer and IT in medical
sciences education and performance of their professional activities in future, awareness of medical sciences
students and their interests to learn computer skills in students of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences.
2. Review of Literatures
Recently, a number of studies have investigatedthe CL.
Mattheos et al. (2005) investigated CL amongst dental educators and students. The findings showed that the
basicCL is a necessary skill for the dentist. There was a positive correlation between gender and competence
with computers. The scores for female were very less than males. Saranto and Leino-kilpi (1997) applied the
Delphi technique to examine the level of CL necessary in nursing education. They found that basic skills were
basic computer operation, word processing skills, spreadsheet and database experience, and internet skills
including use E-mail. Ershadisarabi and Bahadini (2005) investigated the CL in medical students. They
concluded that the CL score was 56 from total score (100). There was a significant difference between gender
and CL. Zarei, Rokhafruz and Diant (2012) carried out a survey on computer literacy in students of general
medical students. Their findings showed that the students’ familiarity with CL was not satisfactory. Male
students had more CL than female students. Salehi and Hajiabadi (2010) assessed the general CL in employees.

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They found that general CL was less than moderate.

3. Materials and Methods
This is descriptive-analytic. The population of the study comprised all students at Zahedan University of Medical
Sciences. 385 students from all schools (Medicine, dentistry, paramedics, health, rehabilitation, nursing and
midwifery) were selected through randomized- classified sampling. A questionnaire was used for data collecting
which it consisted of two parts. The first part was included 12 items about demographic data and the second part
was the Lin Tung- Cheng questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of six sections with 24 items. The sections
were Hardware, Software, Multimedia, Internet, Ethical information and security information. A ten-degree scale
was measuring the responses (0 = lack of Skill and 10 = Excellent skill). Furthermore a five –degree Likert scale
used too. The scores were classified as 0-2 = Very poor, 3-4 = Poor, 5-6 = Moderate, 7-8 = Good and 9-10 =
Excellent). The questionnaire validity was confirmed by expert panel whose comments and suggestions were
used to modify the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was established by Cronbach Alpha and it
calculated 0.87. All the survey results were compiled and analyzed with the SPSS-15.
4. Findings
The findings revealed that students mean age was 21.9±3.3and 79% were female and 72.5% were resident in
collegial residency. The results showed that the 77.1% had personal computer. The total mean of students’
computer literacy around six domains was 141.9±49.5 out of 240. The most familiarity with computers was the
ability to it in internet (29.0±11.4) and the lowest was familiarity and using ability of hardware (17.5±10.6).
There was a significant relationship between passing the Computer lesson (P=0.001), passing Computer course
(P=0.05) and having personal computer (P=0.001) with the mean of computer literacy.
Distribution of fields is illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1. Frequencies and percentages of the student’s field

Filed n %
Medicine 35 9.1
Dentistry 42 10.9
Nursing 69 17.9
Midwifery 50 13.0
Operation room 62 16.1
Health 76 19.7
Paramedics 51 13.3
Total 385 100

77.1% had personal PC. 80% had passed Computer lesson and 40.5% had participated in a computer workshop
or class.The second section of the questionnaire focuses on the types of software uses by the students. Table 2
illustrates how frequency each type of software is applied. The top two uses are: Internet (55.8%) and Email
(29.4%). While 75.6 of students have never used SPSS version 21.

Table 2. Types of software used

Never (%) 1-2 times a month 1 times a 2-3 times a week Almost every day
(%) week (%) (%) (%)
Microsoft Word 8.1 48.8 20.8 16.4 6.0
PowerPoint 8.8 85.2 19.5 11.4 2.1
spss 75.6 16.9 4.2 1.6 1.8
Internet 3.4 8.6 10.6 22.3 55.8
E mail 11.7 23.9 15.1 20.0 29.4
Excel 65.7 23.1 3.6 5.5 2.1

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The results also showed that respondents have most familiarity and skills with PowerPoint (46%=Excellent) and
the respondents the least familiarity and skills with Excel (45.7= very weak). Nearly 18% had excellent
knowledge about some hard wares (Mother-Board, memory, and CD-Rom and some of them had not ability to
install printer or extra hard wares (40%=very weak). In field of multimedia, the maximum familiarity and skill
(33.8%= Excellent) related to Presentation (audiovisual files) and the least familiarity and skill (41%=Very weak)
related to a camera film editing.The respondents showed that they have familiarity and skill to search and
gathering data through Google and Yahoo (63.1%= Excellent) (Table 3).

Table 3. Familiarity and skill about computer

Very Good Barely Poor Very
Domain Measurement item good (%) Acceptable (%) Poor
(%) (%) (%)
Software (SW) I understand how to use word processing 41 28.8 17.9 4.9 7.3
software such as Microsoft Word.
I have the ability to use word processing 31.7 24.2 20.8 8.3 7.3
software (such as Microsoft Word) to create
each document type.
I have the ability to utilize presentation 46 24.9 14 6.5 8.6
software (i.e., PowerPoint) to create
appropriate presentations.
I have the ability to use spreadsheet software 7 10.9 21.8 14.5 45.7
(such as Microsoft Excel).
Hardware (HW) I understand the basic components of a 17.4 14 22.3 23.1 23.1
computer system, such as motherboard,
memory, and CD-ROM.
When there are problems with booting the 12.5 14.3 26 15.8 31.4
computer, I know simple methods to
troubleshoot the problem.
When purchasing a peripheral device such as a 13.8 11.4 18.2 16.6 40
printer, I have the ability to install it myself.
When purchasing network devices, I have the 11.2 12.7 23.1 13.5 39.5
to set up connections and utilize accessory
devices by myself.
Multimedia (MM) I know how to use multimedia software (such 12.2 15.3 23.6 17.1 31.7
as Photo Impact) to make appropriate images.
I know how to edit pictures from a digital 12.5 10.9 21.6 17.7 37.4
I know how to edit videos from a digital video 12.5 8.6 21.8 16.1 41
I have the ability to play multimedia files (such 33.8 11.7 13.5 16.6 24.4
as .AVI and .MPEG files).
Network (NW) I know how to communicate with others by 52.4 13.8 10.4 6.2 17.4
I know how to communicate with others using 46 11.9 12.7 8.3 21
communication software such as MSN
messenger and Skype.
I have the ability to attach a file when I send an 55.3 8.8 10.9 9.6 15.3

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I have the ability to collect needed information 63.1 13 12.7 2.3 8.8
through search engines, such as Google and
Information ethic I will not disseminate illegal data(such as 58.4 7.3 10.1 8.3 15.3
(IE) images, documents, music and software).
I am willing to pay to obtain data legally. 37.1 10.4 21.6 7.3 23.6
I will not download illegal data such as images, 44.7 11.7 17.4 4.9 21.3
documents, music and software..
I will not install software that is unauthorized. 36.6 13.5 17.1 8.8 23.9
Information security I have the ability to install antivirus software 27.5 12.2 20.8 9.4 30.1
(IS) myself to prevent virus infections.
I can prevent others from inappropriately 43.9 15.6 17.7 5.2 17.7
accessing my computer information by setting
up a password.
I have the ability to set up an appropriate 50.6 12.2 16.9 5.2 15.1
password to reduce the risk of it being
I understand that opening unknown files 54.8 12.7 14.5 8.3 9.6
introduces the risk of virus infection.

In addition, the findings demonstrated that the total mean of respondents in six- domains was 141.9±49.5 out of
240 scores (Table 4).

Table 4. Mean and SD of CL in students

Domain Average score Standard deviation
Software (SW) 26.7 8.9
Hardware (HW) 17.5 10.7
Multimedia (MM) 18.0 10.9
Network (NW) 29.0 11.4
Information ethic (IE) 25.9 11.9
Information security (IS) 26.7 11.2
Total 141.9 49.5

There was a significant relationship between passing computer lesson and the mean score of students CL scores
(P=0.001). There was, also a significant relationship between passing the Computer course and the mean score of
students CL scores (p=0.001). There was not any relationship between gender and academic course with students
5. Discussion
CL has been a subject of educational research ever since personal computers were introduced to the classroom,
either as teaching aids or as tools for self-study.This study has investigated the CL of medical sciences students.
77.1% of respondent had personal PC while in Ershadsarbi (65.6%) had PC(2005). The total mean of students’
literacy around six domains was 141.9±49.5 out of 240 scores, while Ershadisarabi’s study showed that the
students got 56% of score. The results revealed that students’ familiarity and skill about Internet and WEB are
fair. This result is consistent with Samuel et al. (2004) findings. They found that the highest performance of
students was with Email and Internet. In another study in Japan, 43% of students have moderate literacy about
Internet and 28% of respondents had good literacy (Murray & Andrew, 2011). Skill and familiarity of students
about Microsoft Office such as Excel wasless while they have good familiarity and skill with PowerPoint and
Words. The reason may be that they used these software for doing their home works and projects. This findings

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are consistent with Zarei et al. (2012) and Karami, Khajeh (2007). In Masood and Waheed (2010) study 69% of
students had the ability to use power point for presentation, while 47% had the ability to use Excel program.
The results showed that the least score was related to familiarity and skill of hard wares and multimedia that this
finding is consistent with findings of Lotfnejadafshar et al. (2007). They concluded that few students had
familiarity and skills about hard wares and multimedia. Poelmans et al. (2009) found that 47% of respondents
gained 4 outof 6 score about using the Multimedia. Massod and Waheed (2010) study showed that 62% of
students had Multimedia skills.
Education and training are necessitated to promote students skills and knowledge about using computer.There
was a significant relationship between passing computer lesson and the mean score of students CL scores
(P=0.001). There was, also a significant relationship between passing the computer course and the mean score of
students CL scores (p=0.001). Inversely, Lotfnejadafshar et al. (2007) found that there was no relationship
between them (p=0.399).Therefore, official training course suggested to enable students to use computer to carry
out their take homes, project, researches.
There was not any relationship between genders with students CL. The investigation of Waasserman and
Richmon_Abbot (2005) showed that the male and female have equal access use of Computers. While
Ershadsarabi et al. (2005) and Matz et al. (2005), Ikolo and Okiy (2012) found that there was gender differences
in the CLof students. This can be as a result of the fact that the make students seemed very interested in owning
their own computers. This findings is consistent with the results of Ershadsarabi et al. (2005), Matz et al. (2005)
and Zarei et al. (2012). They concluded that male students CL were higher than females (p<0.001).
Zarei et al. (2012) concluded that the pharmacist students had the most CL scores and the dentistry students had
the least CL score among medical sciences students, while the findings ofthis studycleared that there was not any
relationship between academic courses with students CL.The rapidly expanding use of computer medicine and
biomedicine has changed the medical education methods, whatever CL, the ability to use computer, is an
essential skill for medical sciences students. Knowing the CL level of students and the level of their interest for
learning IT make students to use computers and IT better in daily and professional lives.As extending access to
IT and it expected more developments in ICT systems (Arbabisarjou, 2010), there is need to develop computer
skills and CL. The results showed that the students CL was not really fair, hence it suggested to design and plan
for classes and workshop to improve CL skills in the universities of medical sciences.
Disclosure Statement
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The authors are thankful of students at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences for warmly cooperation and
collaboration. Also, the authors appreciated Mrs. Jahantigh, Mozhgan, and the manager of Skill Lab Center for
scientific consulting.
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