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Ceramics, Ceramic - Metal Systems: 2005 Wiley-Vch Verlag GMBH & Co. Kgaa, Weinheim

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Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 1

Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

Victor A. Greenhut, Rutgers – The State University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, United States

Richard A. Haber, Rutgers – The State University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, United States

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4.6. Vapor-Phase Metallizing . . . . . . . 14

2. Fundamentals of Bonding . . . . . . 2 4.7. Liquid-Phase Metallizing . . . . . . . 14
2.1. Wetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4.8. Electroforming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2. Bonding and Adherence 4.9. Graded Powder Process . . . . . . . . 14
Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.10. Nonmetallic Fusion Process . . . . . 15
2.3. Stresses in Ceramic – Metal Systems 4 5. Thin Films and Coatings . . . . . . . 15
3. Glass-to-Metal Joining . . . . . . . . 5 5.1. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1. Glass-to-Metal Seals . . . . . . . . . . 6 5.2. Deposition Techniques . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2. Enamels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.2.1. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) . 16
3.2.1. The Enameling Process . . . . . . . . . 7 5.2.2. Evaporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.2. Theory of Adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.2.3. Sputtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4. Ceramic-to-Metal Joining . . . . . . 12 5.2.4. Plasma Spraying . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1. Sintered Metal Powder Process 5.2.5. Sol – Gel Processing . . . . . . . . . . . 20
(SMPP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.2.6. Ion Implantation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2. Metal Powder – Glass Frit Method . 13 6. Ceramic – Metal Composites . . . . . 21
4.3. Active Metal Process . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.1. Cermets and Cemented Carbides . 22
4.4. Gas – Metal Eutectic Process . . . . . 13 6.2. Metal Matrix Composites . . . . . . . 23
4.5. Pressed Diffusion Joins . . . . . . . . 14 7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

1. Introduction els used as corrosion protection and decora-

tion are an example. A microscopic combina-
The use of ceramics and metals in conjunction tion of materials can be produced in the form
allows for a combination of properties. Ceram- of a ceramic – metal composite, often termed a
ics, here to include glasses, typically show strong cermet when the ceramic is the principal phase.
covalent/ionic bonding with chemical inertness, Such materials are used for carbide cutting tools,
high elastic modulus (stiffness) and compressive high-temperature jet orifices, and turbine parts.
strength, low electrical and thermal conductiv- In all cases it is necessary to bring the ceramic
ity, low friction and wear behavior, and trans- and metal into intimate contact and create a bond
parency to electromagnetic radiation. Metallic between materials. The distinct differences bet-
bonds result in complementary properties, for ween ceramic and metal in terms of bonding and
mechanical ductility is not usually exhibited properties make it necessary to consider the ma-
by ceramic materials. Ceramic – metal systems jor factors required to join the two classes of
have been used since prehistoric times in such materials and satisfy the physical, chemical, and
forms as enamels on metal and metallic deco- mechanical properties required of the system.
ration on ceramics. The contributions provided
by both the ceramic and the metal make such
systems important in traditional and advanced 2. Fundamentals of Bonding
The ceramic and metal may be coupled as Metals and ceramics may be joined in the solid
macroscopic pieces or engineering structures. state or with one component deposited as a liq-
These find use in such components as semi- uid or vapor. Intimate contact occurs between
conductor substrates, turbines, electronic equip- the materials by physical means. Bonding may
ment, and lamps. Coatings of ceramic or glass occur by surface or interfacial interaction. De-
can be placed on metal or vice versa. Enam- pendent on the chemical nature of the materials,

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a06 055
2 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

solution and redox reactions may proceed, thus where γ lv , γ sv , and γ sl are the interfacial en-
promoting adherence. Quite commonly a liquid ergies between liquid – vapor, solid – vapor, and
phase is present during fabrication of a joint, solid – liquid, respectively. For θ>90 ◦ , a non-
coating, or composite. In such a case, the wet- wetting situation occurs, while if the angle is
ting behavior of the liquid phase on the solid is <90◦ , the liquid wets the surface. If θ = 0◦ , the
quite important. Solution and/or redox reactions liquid spreads over the surface as a thin layer.
are likely, which can affect the wetting behavior The surface energy can be obtained from this
and adherence. Wetting is usually required for experiment when equilibrium is achieved [3–6],
adherence between ceramic and metal. providing an estimate of interfacial energy and
A further factor that may affect the bond at theoretical bond strength if extrapolated to room
a ceramic-to-metal interface is stress between temperature.
the ceramic and metal. Such stresses may arise
in the presence of an applied stress because
of differences in elastic constant. As the mate-
rial cools from fabrication at elevated tempera-
ture, differences in thermal expansion can give
rise to residual stresses. Changes in tempera-
ture during use can have a similar effect. Forces
at the ceramic – metal interface can exceed the
strength of the bond between materials, prevent-
ing a macroscopic join, causing delamination of
a coating, or affecting composite properties.

2.1. Wetting
Figure 1. Sessile drop configuration
Commonly a bond between metal and ceramic
is created by either melting the metal or soften- The wetting angle itself is valuable in evalu-
ing a glassy ceramic material. The success of the ating the system. The contact angle may change
bond depends on the wetting or capillary action with small changes in the composition of the at-
[1], [2]. To join two pieces of material, the liq- mosphere, liquid, or solid phases. Temperature
uid must spread across the surface or interface. and time also play an important role. In indus-
In a composite material, a phenomenon called trial processes, the liquid is seldom brought to
sweating occurs in a nonwetting situation such equilibrium as it reacts with the solid oxide films,
that liquid is exuded at the surface of the mate- and contaminants on the surface, as well as the
rial. This may cause nonuniformity or porosity, atmosphere of the furnace. While interfacial en-
or it may make the composite impossible to pro- ergy cannot be obtained in this case, the wet-
duce. ting information in itself indicates the degree to
A number of methods have been developed which the liquid spreads or infiltrates the solid.
to determine the wetting response of the liquid Although a strict relationship cannot be drawn
phase. These include the geometry of liquid in between wetting and bonding, usually a good
a capillary or a sessile drop on a flat substrate, wetting response and a degree of bonding coin-
the rise of liquid in a capillary, and wicking in cide. However, a reasonable bond strength may
a porous material [2–4]. Perhaps the simplest develop in a nonwetting case, and adequate bond
and most common approach is the sessile drop strength may not develop in a wetting case. The
method, which is shown schematically in Fig- wetting response should, therefore, be regarded
ure 1. A drop of liquid, shown in cross section, as a necessary but not a sufficient condition for
is observed at elevated temperature, and the con- good ceramic-to-metal bonding.
tact angle θ is measured. The relationship is as For ceramic – metal sealing, a transition from
follows: metal oxide to metal layers may be used to
promote wetting. Such a layer may be ap-
γlv cosθ=γsv −γsl
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 3

plied as a metallizing layer in the form of a increases the surface area for physical bonding.
moly1 – manganese paste (see Chap. 4). Such However, a mechanically interlocked structure
a material may provide a bond to the ceramic could in itself lead to a bond.
because of the oxide ceramic and glass phases Chemical bonding occurs in a transitional
present while providing a low interfacial energy oxide film between the metal and the enamel
with a molten metal because of a metal-rich sur- and is responsible for adherence, the oxide film
face structure [7]. actually bonding the enamel to the metal. Many
In glass – metal joining, the metal is com- complex reactions take place in the transition
monly preoxidized [3], [5], [8]. The oxide layer zone. One accepted model hypothesizes that the
may be more compatible with the oxide bond of adherence is the result of metal-to-metal bonds
the glass, thereby lowering the interfacial energy between the atoms of the base metal and some
between liquid and solid [3], [5] and possibly metallic ions in the enamel. The enamel at the
promoting wetting. Glass-to-metal and ceramic- interface must be saturated with the lowest oxi-
to-metal bonding often involves a forming gas, dation state oxide of the base metal [5].
which may affect wetting by oxidizing or reduc- Chemical reaction can produce a transition
ing the metal or ceramic, altering interfacial en- structure that gradually varies from metallic to
ergies, or diffusing a particular species into solid ceramic. Often such a structure is developed by
or liquid. These techniques suggest that some design. Metals may be preoxidized to provide
transition between metallic and ionic/covalent an oxide that can react with molten glass, sat-
bonding enhances the wetting response. urating the glass near the interface in the metal
species. Alternatively, the oxide may adhere to
the metal, providing a ceramic surface for the
2.2. Bonding and Adherence bonding glass. A transition structure may be pro-
Mechanisms vided by a mixed oxide and metallic material
applied to the ceramic, such as in the sintered
The mechanisms of ceramic – metal bonding powder process, which provides a ceramic-like
have been classed in various ways, but perhaps a interface at the ceramic and a sufficiently metal-
most general view is that physical, mechanical, lic one at the metal bond [1–9].
and chemical bonding mechanisms can occur. In practice, complex combinations of these
These effects do not occur independently, and mechanisms may occur. For example, in porce-
all may be involved in a ceramic – metal system. lain enameling, a preoxidized metal surface may
Physical bonding may be regarded as the undergo galvanic attack, roughening and pit-
bonding effect that occurs when a pair of flat sur- ting the metal surface locally, changing the lo-
faces are brought within atomic-interaction dis- cal chemistry of the glass, and redepositing den-
tances. The work of adhesion is given by the spe- dritic anchors of metal at the interface. Features
cific energy of the metal and ceramic minus that of physical, mechanical, and chemical contribu-
of the metal – ceramic interface. This work of tions to bonding may all be identified, but their
adhesion can yield a theoretical breaking stress relative contributions may be difficult to assess.
near that of the metal or ceramic [4], [9]. Nev- Chemical interaction can produce material prop-
ertheless, actual interfaces can fail at stresses erties rather different from those of either origi-
many orders of magnitude smaller as the result nal material (see also Section 3.2.2).
of flaws in the bond.
Mechanical bonding relates to the interlock-
ing structure of rough surfaces, which gives rise 2.3. Stresses in Ceramic – Metal Systems
to either frictional effects in shear or interlocking
of microstructure, which provides mechanical Thermally Induced Residual Stresses. The
anchors in tension. When ceramic and metal are thermal expansion of a metal is generally con-
joined, liquid metal or glass can penetrate pores siderably greater than those of ceramics and
and cavities, a ductile metal solid can conform glasses, as can be seen in Figure 2. An un-
to the ceramic surface, or a vapor phase may constrained metal may contract significantly
deposit in surface asperities. A roughened sur- more than the ceramic, but if the metal is con-
face, which promotes mechanical bonding, also strained, the differential expansion can result in
4 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

residual stresses in the ceramic and the metal. the metal is placed in tension. A compressive
These stresses add to those resulting from ap- seal can be used to obtain a purely mechanical
plied forces, thermal gradients, phase transfor- bond between solid metal and ceramic during
mations, and rapid cooling. This residual stress fabrication. One way is to use the differing ther-
in itself or in combination with external stress mal expansions to produce a “shrink fit” dur-
may cause failure of the bond. ing cooling. A pair of concentric cylinders with
The greater shrinkage of a metal in a flat sheet the metal as the outer sleeve is an example, the
causes net compressive stresses in the ceramic greater contraction of the metal on cooling re-
and tensile stresses in the metal. Such a situation sulting in a strong, tight fit. However, different
is favorable because a ceramic typically shows stress components can be in tension or compres-
far greater compressive than tensile strength: a sion for the same location in a material. Caution
residual stress can enhance properties such as must be taken not to exceed the fracture stress
fracture strength and wear resistance. However, for any tensile stress component in the ceramic
if the stress is too great, failure may occur in the or the interface.
interface or possibly in either material.
Several approaches may be used to limit
the thermally induced residual stresses. The ce-
ramic and metal can be chosen to minimize
the mismatch in thermal expansion. For ex-
ample, molybdenum and tungsten reasonably Elastic Modulus Effect. The difference in
match several ceramic and glass compositions the elastic modulus or stiffness of the ceramic
and can be used where their poor oxidation re- and the metal components of a system or com-
sistance is not a limitation. For platinum and posite can result in material or interfacial failure
chromium, several glasses and ceramic com- under applied and residual stresses. This situ-
positions show similar expansion, but expense ation is shown in Figure 3. A ceramic is typi-
and useful bonding technology, respectively, can cally stiffer than a metal, as shown by the greater
limit application. A common alloy in glass seal- slope of the ceramic curve. For this example the
ing, ASTM F15, is a set of iron, 28 – 29 wt % ceramic has been chosen to be stronger in ten-
nickel, and 17 – 18 wt % cobalt alloys. These al- sion than the metal. If the metal is the massive
loys show expansion behavior similar to that of member in the system and is loaded to a stress
borosilicate glasses, some showing an extraor- σ m at the ceramic – metal interface, it will ex-
dinary match over both low and high temper- perience a strain εcm, . The deformation or strain
ature ranges. Such alloys are often referred to must be compatible across the interface, thereby
by the trade name Kovar (Carpenter Technolo- imposing a stress σ c on the ceramic or interface
gies). These alloys also show ductility, do not because of the higher modulus of the material.
usually embrittle, and can be soldered, brazed, Even when the ceramic is much stronger than
and welded. Some glasses and ceramics have the metal, the failure stress may be exceeded, as
been designed to match the expansions of par- shown by the x, which indicates failure stress.
ticular alloys, e.g., lead silicate and other enamel This effect can lead to failure of a ceramic –
compositions applied to steels. metal joint or coating. For composite material,
Another approach to matched expansion is the situation may be more complex as sharing
the Housekeeper seal, in which a very thin piece of load may be desired for properties such as
of metal is used. The slight size, low yield elastic modulus. However, when a failure crack
strength, and ductility of the metal allow it to propagates, failure at the ceramic – metal inter-
accommodate the induced stresses [3], [8]. face may be desirable so that the crack is diverted
Continuum mechanics can predict the magni- and fracture energy is expended in the process.
tude of residual stresses that result from thermal Such considerations may be complex, involv-
expansion differences [3], [8], [10] and can be ing the properties of ceramic and metal, chemi-
used to design a system configuration or applied cal interaction zones between materials, and mi-
loads such that critical stresses are not exceeded. crostructural and geometrical factors. Predictive
One approach is to design a compression seal so theoretical treatments for such materials are be-
that the ceramic is placed in compression and ing developed.
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 5

Figure 2. Thermal expansion of typical ceramics (dashed curves) and metals (solid curves)

3. Glass-to-Metal Joining and in many cases these elements are not re-
moved. The formation of bubbles in the enamel
The bonding of glass and metal can be divided is considered undesirable if it weakens the bond
into two general categories, glass-to-metal seals with the base metal, results in a large bubble that
and enamels. These two areas are distinguished exposes base metal, or causes aesthetic prob-
by use, glass-to-metal seals being used primar- lems in surface roughness or color. Instead of
ily in electronic applications such as hermetic preventing bubbles from forming, a controlled
sealing of lamps and devices, isolation of elec- fine-sized bubble structure is introduced to act as
trical feed throughs, packaging, and vacuum- a getter for evolving gases, thus avoiding large,
tube technology. Enamels are used principally objectionable bubbles in the glass.
as corrosion protection and decorative coatings
on such products as domestic appliances, bath-
room fixtures, and cookware.
Enamels and glass-to-metal seals are also
distinguished by the base metal. Most enamels
are applied to low-carbon steels and cast iron,
while glass-to-metal seals are commonly used
with nonferrous metals, stainless steels, and the
iron – nickel – cobalt Kovar alloys.
A third distinguishing feature is how the car-
bon and hydrogen are treated. These species
may be either in the base metal or on the sur-
face as hydrocarbons. These elements combine
with oxygen at elevated temperature and can
form gaseous bubbles in the molten glass. In the
case of glass-to-metal sealing, the base metal is
cleaned of hydrocarbons and then decarburized
or the hydrogen baked out. In enameling, higher Figure 3. Difference in stresses for a bonded ceramic and
levels of carbon and hydrogen are permissible, metal under applied stress
6 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

3.1. Glass-to-Metal Seals at 900 – 1100 ◦ C. The temperature should be

higher than final glass-to-metal sealing temper-
A good glass-to-metal seal requires a glass and ature. A typical cycle is 1100 ◦ C for 10 – 15 min
metal with thermal expansions that match ade- in a hydrogen/nitrogen/water vapor atmosphere,
quately over the temperature range of fabrica- typically 1 vol % water and as little as 10 vol%
tion and application. The base metal is gener- hydrogen.
ally cleaned and then decarburized and/or the The next step is to preoxidize the metal in a
hydrogen baked out. Other products, such as ni- controlled fashion. While air and natural gas can
tride in the case of titanium alloys, may need be used, the variability of components such as
to be removed. The metal generally is oxidized water in these gases makes process control dif-
to provide a tightly adherent layer of oxide that ficult. Pure oxygen gives a thick, flaky coating
remains adherent during forming of the glass-to- that does not penetrate metal grain boundaries.
metal join. The oxide typically is wet by the glass An atmosphere of nitrogen/water/hydrogen at
and dissolves in the glass to yield a structure with 800 – 1050 ◦ C is used: an atmosphere of nitro-
sufficient chemical bonding [5]. Glass-to-metal gen/1 vol% water/0.4 vol% hydrogen at 1000 ◦ C
sealing has been reviewed [3], [8], [11]. for 10 min produces good oxide structure with
Metals commonly used for glass-to- optimum thickness and grain boundary penetra-
metal joining include tungsten, molybde- tion.
num, titanium, tantalum, nickel – iron alloys, The final step is the glass sealing. The glass
iron – chromium alloys, iron – nickel – cobalt preform or frit is assembled or applied. Firing
alloys, platinum, copper, gold, and copper- is performed in a nitrogen-based atmosphere,
clad nickel or iron – nickel Dumet alloys. A such as that used for controlled preoxidation,
large range of borosilicate and lead silicate or an exothermic (natural) gas atmosphere is
glasses are commonly used in glass-to-metal employed. Sealing is done at ca. 1000 ◦ C, the
seals; borosilicate glasses are most commonly precise time and temperature depending on part
used. Where copper and copper-clad alloys or geometry, glass viscosity, and wetting response
iron – chromium alloys such as stainless steels [12].
are used, lead silicate glasses are more common.
The glass is usually applied as a frit, bead,
or paste. A solid fabricated glass shape may be 3.2. Enamels
heated and softened to the required viscosity by
electrical, flame, or radio-frequency heating, and Enamel is a fused, vitreous, superficial coating
then pressed into contact with the preoxidized on metals or a decorative pattern on a glass sur-
metal to bond. Frequently a protective or spe- face. Enamels are similar in properties to ce-
cial forming atmosphere is required to promote ramic glazes.
wetting and bonding. Careful cooling or anneal-
ing avoids residual stress because of excessively History. The origin of enameling metals
rapid cooling. goes back to the Egyptians, centuries before
A typical sequence of operations is that of Christ. Enamels were used to provide elabo-
the specialty Kovar alloy ASTM F15 (1983) rate designs in jewelry. The materials enameled
(Fe –29 % Ni – 17 % Co) glass-to-metal sealed were typically gold and silver. Later more metals
with borosilicate glass. This system is com- were enameled; bronze and copper jewelry in-
mon because of the excellent thermal expan- serts were coated with enamels. By variations in
sion match between materials, good wetting re- the composition of the enamel the glassy coating
sponse, and strong bond. It is used for microelec- could be made to hide defects in the metal.
tronics packages, electrical and high-frequency The application of enamels to iron and steel
feed throughs, laser cavity-to-window bonding, made enamels available for uses other than jew-
and other diverse applications. elry. Enamels were sought to provide decorative
The Kovar is first degreased, chemi- coatings on a wide variety of cast-iron shapes.
cally cleaned, and decarburized in a hydro- In the earliest operations, cast iron was heated to
gen, hydrogen/nitrogen, or dissociated am- redness, the enamel was dusted upon the metal
monia atmosphere with various water levels as a fine dry powder, and as the powdered glass
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 7

stuck to the hot metal it softened and adhered Metal preparation can be described as the fol-
to the surface. This operation required a num- lowing processes:
ber of successive coating steps to obtain a layer
thick enough to provide the desired effect. Many 1) Annealing. The metal to be enameled is
problems were related to the firing: enamels blis- heated to a temperature sufficient to remove
tered, turned black, lacked the desired color, and organic surface impurities. Such impurities
exhibited poor adhesion. can act as a source of gases that become en-
Advances corrected or improved these prob- trapped in the enamel during the firing.
lems. Adherence was related to the surface prop- 2) Grit or sand blasting. This acts as part of the
erties of the metal. Surface pretreatments, such cleaning process where heavier rust, scale,
as sand blasting, cleaning, and pickling, evolved. and dirt are removed. More importantly,
New, cheaper sources of raw materials were sand blasting creates a rough surface for the
found, e.g., borax, allowing lower firing temper- enamel to anchor mechanically.
atures and producing cheaper enamels. The ap- 3) Solvent cleaning. Cleaning removes mill oils
plication of enamels as a suspension, rather than and the soaps, oils, and rust preservatives
dry powder, was a great improvement. Greater added during forming.
control of the chemistry was found to provide 4) Acid pickling. Pickling acts to remove metal
newer, more stable enamels. oxidation products and scale. It also acts to
create a rougher surface and increase enamel
3.2.1. The Enameling Process 5) Nickel flash. The nickel deposit follows the
acid pickle and subsequent acid rinse. Its
The enameling process can be simplified into function is to promote adherence between
three basic steps: (1) metal preparation, (2) ground coat and enamel and reduce the oc-
ground-coat application, and (3) cover-coat ap- currence of defects in the ground coat result-
plication. Figures 4 and 5 provide process flow ing from noncontrolled metal oxidation.
diagrams for three commonly enameled metals 6) Neutralization. This functions to increase the
– cold-rolled steel, low-carbon steel, and cast pH of the metal surface.
(enameling) iron [13]. The type of surface pretreatment is governed
not only by the metal, but also by the processing.
Metal Preparation. The metal surfaces The three types of process systems are batchtype
must be free from grease, machining oils, dirt, immersion, continuous or automatic immersion,
oxidation products, and rust. A roughened or and continuous spray. For example, the steps
suitably etched surface is desirable for most used for sheet steel include the following:
metals. The exact metal preparation depends on
the composition of the base metal and the type 1) Physical and chemical cleaning. Heavily ox-
of enamel to be applied. idized steel is sand blasted prior to chemical
No pretreatment is required for gold or silver, cleaning. Alkaline cleaners, typically baths
provided the metal surfaces are clean. For copper containing caustic soda at 40 – 60 ◦ C, are
and bronze the cleaning step is often followed used to remove organic soils.
with a 2 – 4 % nitric acid pickle and a clean wa- 2) Acid pickling. The removal of rust and
ter rinse. Aluminum and its alloys require special scale from the metal surface by pickling
surface pretreatment, including cleaning, chro- is carried out in sulfuric acid (6 – 9 wt %
matizing, and preoxidation. at 65 – 75 ◦ C) or in hydrochloric (muriatic)
Stainless steel and other metal substrates for acid (10 – 12 wt % acid at room temperature).
high-temperature end use are usually prepared Phosphoric acid or an acid salt can also be
by sand or grit blasting. Otherwise, the metals used. Sulfuric acid is most commonly used
are processed typically. The pickling acids may because of its speed and lower cost. The sul-
be quite reactive; i.e., HF is typically incorpo- furic acid should be pure, and inhibitors must
rated into the pickle. Cast iron and heavy-gauge be avoided since they interfere with metal
sheet steel are prepared by sand or grit blasting removal and etching, resulting in faulty ad-
and then typical chemical processing. herence. After pickling, the metal should be
8 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

Figure 4. Flow diagram for the enameling of cold-rolled steel or enameling iron

Figure 5. Flow diagram for the enameling of low-carbon steel

rinsed in cold running water, usually acid- ween 2.6 and 3.2. The temperature, pH, and
ified to pH 3 – 3.5 to prevent hydrolysis of nickel concentration are closely monitored.
iron salts. For conventional enameling, the nickel de-
3) Nickel deposition. Time of treatment, typ- posited should range from 0.27 to 1.6 g/m2 .
ically 5 – 15 min, should be sufficient to 4) Neutralization. The final step is neutralizing
provide the desired coating of nickel. The acid residuals on the metal surfaces, and also
aqueous nickel solutions are maintained at providing rust protection and minimizing the
concentrations of 0.25 – 3 wt % nickel sul- presence of undesirable surface chemicals.
fate at 70 – 80 ◦ C. The pH should be bet- Typically, either alkaline soda ash or borax
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 9

solutions equivalent to 0.02 – 0.3 wt % Na2 O surface and promoting glass – metal bonding at
are used. an earlier stage. A third may be used as a deco-
rative or colored base to hide defects prior to the
Table 1. Chemical oxide composition of ground coats for steel, parts
by weight final coat.
Ground coats are applied in the form of a
ponent slurry to the treated metal by spraying or dip-
ping, and are then allowed to dry. Typical firing
KNa2 O ∗
B 2 O3
temperatures range from 780 to 870 ◦ C. Table 1
Al2 O3 7.7 8.8 8.7 5.4 8.0 shows typical chemical oxide compositions of
SiO2 51.1 52.1 44.4 44.1 56.6 ground coats for steel.
CaF2 5.5 3.8 8.7 6.8
BaO 2.0
CoO 0.5 0.4 0.4 Cover Coats. Enamel cover coats are de-
Mn2 O3 0.9 1.2 0.9
NiO 0.5 0.2
signed to provide specific color and appear-
CuO 0.7 ance characteristics coupled with resistance to
CaO 1.2 atmospheric and liquid corrosion, abrasion re-
Sb2 O3 4.8 1.4
ZrO2 3.7 6.2 sistance, and thermal shock resistance, to name
a few properties. Cover coats are applied ei-
Ground coats I, II, and III are typical blue ground coats,
whereas coats IV and V are white ground coats for use with
ther as a suspension, followed by drying and
white enamel cover coats. firing, or by spreading a dry powder over the
∗ KNa2 O appears often in the enameling literature, indicating hot metal. Cover coats range in thickness from
that the proportions of K2 O and Na2 O in the oxide raw
materials do vary. The formulation K,Na2 O also appears in the 0.08 to 0.64 mm, depending on application. The
literature. firing temperatures for the cover coat are lower
than those for the ground coat to prevent exces-
Ground Coats. Porcelain enamel ground sive flow in the ground coat.
coats for sheet steel are basically alkali- The corrosion properties of the enameled
metal aluminoborosilicate glasses containing metal are most often those of the cover coat. For
adherence-promoting oxides of such metals as instance, titania-based enamels are used for acid
cobalt, nickel, and copper. These coatings serve resistance, while zirconia-based cover coats are
three purposes. The first is to provide a satisfac- used for alkali resistance. Table 2 shows typical
tory bond or adherence to the base metal by com- steel cover coats.
plex reactions with the steel during firing. The
Table 2. Chemical oxide composition of cover coats used for cast
second is to provide a protective layer or coat- iron, parts by weight
ing that minimizes surface defects caused by the Com- I II III IV V
metal or metal preparation, smoothing the sur- ponent
face for the cover coat. The last is to provide a
KNa2 O 37.1 21.8 32.0 37.6 32.4
resistant coating, in some cases decorative, ther- B2 O 3 11.8 13.4 9.1 11.8 14.9
mally resistant, or chemically resistant. While PbO 10.4 13.4 16.0
increased adherence is the primary function of Al2 O3 6.4 4.6 5.4 6.5 5.3
SiO2 39.0 2.9 24.0 44.2 14.9
the ground coat, the other functions should not CaF2 6.2 5.6 7.0 6.2 4.9
be underemphasized. For some steels satisfac- CaO 3.9 6.7 2.3 4.0 10.5
ZnO 7.5 7.9 5.0 9.2
tory adherence may be obtained without the use Sb2 O3 3.7 4.2 3.7
of ground coats; however, special surface treat- ZrO2 4.7 5.9
ments must be employed if a ground coat is not BaO 12.0 8.0
MgO 5.4
Ground coats are most typically composed
of ground-glass powders or frits. In most in- 3.2.2. Theory of Adhesion
stances the base ground coat may contain a num-
ber of frits, all having specific properties that The theory of adherence can be divided into
make them useful. For example, one frit may two main branches: the mechanical theory and
provide sag resistance to the molten glass when the chemical or oxide theory [14–16]. Each is
the ground coat is heated. A second frit may fuse characterized by numerous hypotheses that have
at a lower temperature, thus sealing the metal evolved to explain adhesion. In addition, there
10 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

is electrolytic theory and dendritic theory. How- a schematic section of the enamel – metal inter-
ever, no one theory can adequately describe ad- face, shows the two measures of roughness. The
hesion for all systems. undercuts or anchor points (each marked by an
x) are counted and expressed as the number per
centimeter, in this case, number of x’s/AA . The
interface ratio is calculated by measuring the
length of the interface line with a map measure
and dividing it by the length of the line paral-
lel to the interface, in this case BB /AA . These
two measures are then correlated to adherences.
Adherence is determined by the standard test of
deforming the metal and measuring the amount
of metal exposed.
If adherence is due to the gripping action of
the rough ceramic – metal interface (mechani-
cal theory), then the best correlation should be
between adherence and anchor points per cen-
timeter. If adherence is due to chemical bond-
ing (chemical theory), the interface ratio should
give a better correlation between adherence and
roughness. For enameled cast iron:
Figure 6. Schematic section of the enamel–metal interface
comparing measures of roughness 1) Positive correlation is found between the ad-
herence of a porcelain enamel ground coat
Mechanical Theory. The mechanical theory and the roughness of the interface.
states that adherence is due to mechanical grip- 2) In general, adherence correlates better with
ping of the roughened base metal. The enamel anchor points/centimeter than with the inter-
glass is held to the metal by enclosing projec- face ratio.
tions and by filling the depressions occurring on 3) The method of metal preparation has a
the metal surface. marked effect on the relationship between
The application of porcelain enamels to cast roughness and adherence, pickled iron gen-
iron was the first commercial application of ce- erally producing better adherence than sand-
ramic coatings. Although the surface of the cast blasted iron for the same degree of rough-
iron was inherently rough, further roughening, ness.
usually by sand or grit blasting, improved the 4) Most of the roughness associated with good
adherence. This practice suggested the mechan- adherence develops during firing.
ical theory of adherence. Other metals could be 5) Roughness of interface is a necessary but not
coated with ceramics if their surface was rough- a sufficient condition for the development of
ened. Treatment included combinations of sand- good adherence.
blasting, scouring, electrolytic corosion, pick- 6) Factors other than roughness of interface in-
ling, etc. This extension to other metals in- fluence adherence.
creased acceptance of the mechanical theory.
To better understand the relationship between These conclusions tend to confirm the
the roughness of the ceramic – metal interface mechanical theory of adherence. However, some
and adherence, a model contrasting two mea- adherence phenomena cannot be explained by
sures of roughness was proposed: the mechanical theory:

1) undercuts/distance in centimeters (or anchor 1) Excellent adherence can be obtained on ex-

points/centimeter) tremely smooth surfaces.
2) interface ratio 2) A roughened surface exhibiting many an-
chor points does not ensure adherence signif-
Both are measured on microscopic polished sec- icantly better than chemical adherence alone.
tions of the ceramic – metal interface. Figure 6,
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 11

3) The measured values for the strength of the surface becomes roughened, and the glass an-
bond necessitate assignment of extremely chors itself into the depressions produced. Fi-
high values for the strength of iron because nal adhesion is basically mechanical. The elec-
the total cross section of the anchor points is trolytic theory has two main faults:
always a relatively small portion of the total
interface area. 1) Some metals that exhibit a greater potential
difference with iron than does cobalt do not
Chemical or Oxide Layer Theory. Chem- cause greater corrosion.
ical reactions include dissolution, redox, in- 2) The theory is still based on mechanical the-
terdiffusion, and precipitation, which change ory, which was previously discussed and par-
the nature of the interface and may result in tially discredited.
a transition zone between the metal and the
ceramic. The bond in metals and ceramics is
fundamentally different, and this may prevent
a strong physical bond between bare metal and
ceramic. A theory developed for glass-to-metal
bonds and verified experimentally may be ap-
plied more generally to all ceramic-to-metal
bonds. The theory states that chemical bonding
occurs across an interface when chemical equi-
librium relative to the lowest valence oxide of
the metal phase is present [5]. The glass and
the metal are saturated in the metal oxide at the
interface, and therefore the activity of the lowest
valence metal oxide is one. Then there is an ide-
alized molecular monolayer of the metal oxide
at the interface, which is part of and compatible
with both metal and glass. Bond energies should
then balance, and the electronic structure should Figure 7. Electrolytic cells between molten enamel and
be continuous across the interface. If oxide ac- cast iron
tivity is less than one, complete continuity is
not realized. Reaction of metal and glass with
chemical interdiffusion is driven by the lack of
Dendritic Theory. Dendrites are the form in
chemical equilibrium relative to the lowest va-
which the metal normally crystallizes from the
lence metal oxide. A chemical bond occurs when
melt, aqueous solutions, or any nonmetallic liq-
equilibrium in terms of chemical potentials or
uid in which compounds of the metal dissolve.
activities is reached at the interface. In glass-to-
They are branched crystals that occur periodi-
metal bonding this occurs when the glass near
cally, giving fernlike, treelike, or toothlike ap-
the interface is saturated in the metallic species.
Electrolytic Theory. According to the elec- The dendrite theory claims that the α-iron
trolytic theory, metal oxides dissolved in enam- dendritic precipitates that occur in the boundary
els are reduced during firing to the metal- layer between enamel and base metal are respon-
lic state by the base metal. The adherence- sible for adherence. The dendrites grow from the
promoting metal in the enamel is believed to base metal into the enamel, and after cooling
form shorted galvanic cells that strongly corrode they tend to mechanically attach the enamel to
the base metal. This concept is illustrated in Fig- the base metal. This differs from the mechanism
ure 7. The current flows from the iron through of the electrolytic theory, in which the metals
the melt to the cobalt and back to the iron. These and dendrites in the interfacial zone are Co, Ni,
local cells are not exhausted during firing be- or other adherence-promoting metals.
cause anodic iron and diffusing oxygen are abun- Although a possible adherence mechanism,
dant. Iron goes continuously into solution, the dendritic theory correlates poorly with adhesion.
12 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

4. Ceramic-to-Metal Joining is applied by brushing, spraying, roller coat-

ing, transfer tape, silk screening, or dipping to
A ceramic component and a metal component a thickness of ≈ 20 µm. For single-phase ce-
may be joined in various ways, including fasten- ramics such as high alumina classes without a
ers, adhesives, and direct joining of ceramic and glassy silicate phase, the usual pastes do not
metal. For durable, integral, hermetic joins capa- bond well. Compositions containing approxi-
ble of extended service, particularly at extreme mately equal amounts of the metal powders
temperatures, the direct join is used. The suc- and 13 Al2 O3 –52 MnO – 35 SiO2 or 41 Al2 O3 –
cessful join usually requires a preparation step to 54 CaO – 5 MgO, for example, are used. (The
achieve a transition structure, good wetting, and numbers are the weight percents.) After appli-
chemical bonding between ceramic and metal- cation, the paste is dried in air, often under heat
lic materials. The following are common joining lamps. It is then fired in a hydrogen atmosphere
processes: (dew point ≈ 25 ◦ C) at 1200 – 1600 ◦ C for ca.
0.5 h. Manganese or titanium additions lower the
sintered metal powder (moly – manganese
firing temperature by 100 – 200 ◦ C.
The process gives rise to a transition coating
metal powder – glass frit
with a glassy or crystalline ceramic phase that
active metal
has migrated in the metal – metal oxide powder
gas – metal eutectic
or that comes from the ceramic added to the paste
pressed diffusion joins
in the case of single-phase ceramics [1], [2], [7],
vapor-phase metallizing
[20]. The structure of the liquid-phase sintered
liquid-phase metallizing
product consists of a glassy phase with metal-
lic and oxide particles. This structure provides
graded powder
the necessary bridging phases between ceramic
nonmetallic fusion
and metal. The resulting coating can be directly
These processes are listed in approximate order brazed to metal, but more commonly it is electro-
of frequency of use. plated or electroless plated with a 5 – 8 µm thick
The various joining techniques are often cat- nickel layer. Alternatively, copper can be plated,
egorized as liquid phase, vapor phase, and solid or either metal can be applied as a powder and
phase. Ceramic-to-metal joining is discussed fired to bond by diffusion in a controlled atmo-
comprehensively in [3], [11], [17–19]. sphere. The resulting nickel surface is suitable
for conventional brazing materials and methods.
While SMPP involves several steps, the pro-
4.1. Sintered Metal Powder Process cedures are relatively straightforward, and the
(SMPP) results are reliable, SMPP producing some of
the strongest ceramic – metal joins. It is the
The sintered metal powder process, also referred most common method for producing ceramic-
to as SMPP or moly – manganese paste pro- to-metal joins and metallization in industry.
cess, uses a paste composed of molybdenum and
manganese metals and their oxides suspended
in an organic vehicle. Compositions contain- 4.2. Metal Powder – Glass Frit Method
ing tungsten, tantalum, iron, rhenium, and tita-
For the metallization of hybrid microelectronic
nium with their oxides can also be used. Thus,
circuitry, a finely divided noble metal or alloy
moly – manganese pastes may contain neither
(platinum, palladium, gold, silver) mixed in a
molybdenum nor manganese.
glass frit and suspended in an organic binder is
A slurry of a composition such as
commonly used. The required pattern is usually
60 g of molybdenum powder (0.2 µm) screen-printed on an electronic substrate mate-
15 g of manganese powder (0.2 µm) rial such as alumina or on a multilayer capacitor
0.2 g of nitrocellulose material such as barium titanate. These systems
30 mL of butyl acetate permit air firing of the material. The structure of
the bridging glassy phase providing a bond bet-
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 13

ween the ceramic and a metal-rich free surface strate by liquid-phase reaction. A carefully con-
is akin to that produced by SMPP. The metal trolled oxygen atmosphere and temperature are
powder – glass frit method may be regarded as a required. A eutectic copper – copper oxide melt
liquid-phase process. is formed to wet the ceramic. A reaction layer
The incorporation of active metal compo- containing AlCuO2 can form and aids in bond-
nents such as titanium, zirconium, nickel, or cop- ing. Strong bonds have been reported for alu-
per can lead to formation of a mixed oxide phase mina, beryllia, silica, and spinels [25], [26].
by reaction with the ceramic. These phases, like
devitrifying phases, aid in bonding and may be
fired in a reducing atmosphere [21]. 4.5. Pressed Diffusion Joins
Copper and nickel have been used as a less
expensive alternative to the noble metals. The Joining by solid-phase diffusion and reaction
glass frit is composed of oxides that are stable can also be used to create a ceramic-to-metal
at low oxygen partial pressures (Al2 O3 , B2 O3 , bond. Such bonds are typically termed pres-
CaO, MgO, SiO2 , ZnO). Firing is done in low sure diffusion, crunch, or ram joins. A low-
nitrogen with a low partial pressure of oxygen yieldstress metal such as copper is pressed to the
(10 ppm) to achieve slight, but controlled, oxi- ceramic, or the ceramic is forced into a cavity in
dation of the metal so that it can be wet by the the metal, so that there is good contact between
glass. The glass must show sufficiently low vis- metal and ceramic and there is an applied or
cosity for good flow at firing temperatures [21], residual force at their interface. The parts should
[22]. be as clean as possible before contact. The parts
are held, often with great external force applied
4.3. Active Metal Process to the interface, at as high a temperature as possi-
ble above one-half the melting point of the metal
The active metal techniques employ an ac- in kelvin. A variety of metals and ceramics can
tive constituent such as titanium, zirconium, or be bonded by the resulting diffusion and chem-
hafnium in the braze metal to promote wetting ical reaction [27], [28].
and bonding to the ceramic. The active metal
may be alloyed with a metal such as nickel or
copper to reduce its reactivity and provide a 4.6. Vapor-Phase Metallizing
brazing temperature as low as 800 – 1200 ◦ C.
The braze materials are used in the form of pow- A thin film of metal, which may be base, noble,
ders, shims, or wires. Brazing is typically per- or reactive metal, is applied by various vapor-
formed under vacuum or in an inert atmosphere phase deposition methods, including ion implan-
with careful temperature control. The hydride of tation, evaporation, sputtering, reactive sputter-
the active metal may be applied separately as a ing, plasma methods, and chemical vapor depo-
layer on the ceramic and fired, a process resem- sition (CVD). Often the initial bonding layers
bling SMPP [23]. are reactive metals such as Ti, Zr, and Cr to pro-
In the liquid braze the active metal is trans- mote bonding, followed by base or noble metals
ported to the ceramic surface where it can react such as Cu, Ni, Au, and Pt. Because platinum
[24]. Wetting is enhanced to the point that cau- shows good ductility and its expansion matches
tion must be taken to prevent braze metal from that of alumina, it is often directly deposited.
flowing into unwanted areas. The joints formed Final layers are usually oxidation-resistant met-
by this method cannot withstand elevated tem- als. Layers up to several micrometers thick can
peratures, even in inert gas atmospheres, because be built up in this manner, although usually the
of continued reaction of the bonding phase with metallization is quite thin.
the ceramic. These layers may be built up by more con-
ventional solder or braze methods for bonding
4.4. Gas – Metal Eutectic Process with a metal part. Brazing is usually done in hy-
drogen, under vacuum, or in cracked ammonia.
In the gas – metal eutectic technique, a cop-
Strong hermetic seals can be made on various
per sheet is bonded directly to a ceramic sub-
14 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

polyphase, single-phase, and single-crystal ce- 4.10. Nonmetallic Fusion Process

ramics. Furthermore, glasses and other ceramics
not tolerant of brazing can be soldered at lower Nonmetallic fusion bonds employ a glass frit
temperature. to produce a bonding glass between ceramic
and metal components. This is a liquid-phase
4.7. Liquid-Phase Metallizing Ceramic glazes and glass frits can be used to
join ceramics to each other or to metals if used
An alternative metallizing method involves ther- in layers sufficiently thin to be incorporated into
mal reduction of a salt solution of a precious the ceramic and metal on cooling. The incorpo-
metal (platinum, gold, silver, or palladium). A ration of the glass in the structure may allow use
thin, conductive coating is obtained and may be at significantly higher temperatures than the fab-
electroplated or soldered directly. Molten salts rication temperature or softening temperature of
have been used in conjunction with reactive met- the glass suggests.
als (Ti, Zr, Hf, or U) to metallize ceramics [3].
An oxide composed of constituents such as
MnO2 , SiO2 , and Al2 O3 may be applied to
4.8. Electroforming the join interface as a suspension or preform.
The assembly is heated in an inert gas atmo-
Electroforming can be used to avoid high- sphere for up to 15 min at 1200 – 1500 ◦ C and
temperature brazing after a ceramic part has then cooled relatively rapidly, 100 ◦ C/min, so
been metallized by another method. The met- that the glass does not devitrify. The compo-
allized ceramic is placed in contact with a metal sition of the frit can be adjusted to match the
such as copper under slight pressure. The assem- expansion, wetting, and bonding characteristics
bly is then placed in an electroplating bath for of ceramic and metal. The bond may be heated
several days, and the electrodeposition of metal to temperatures substantially higher, ca. 800 ◦ C,
in and around the gap between metal and metal- than SMPP joins. Success has be obtained with
lized ceramic creates the bond. Large, complex high-purity alumina and sapphire. The high tem-
parts have been joined in this way. This tech- peratures and cooling rates can lead to defects
nique has been coupled with pressure diffusion or interfacial failure.
joining to produce an enhanced bond, but in such
a case high temperatures are not avoided.
5. Thin Films and Coatings
4.9. Graded Powder Process
A coating may be defined as a near-surface re-
The graded powder process produces a join by gion of a material with properties different from
first pressing a powder compact of metal and those of the bulk. The fabrication of coatings
metal oxide either to the base ceramic or between varies widely, depending on application, sub-
ceramic and metal. Often this process is similar strate, coating materials, and economic consid-
to SMPP or metal powder – glass frit methods. A erations. Coating techniques may be categorized
gradual change in the powder composition from as follows: (1) those processes that produce a
ceramic-rich to metal-rich is accomplished by layer of material in the surface region of the bulk
producing the preform in layers. This chang- material that has properties differing from those
ing composition provided by mechanically mix- of that bulk material and (2) those processes that
ing powders provides a ceramic-rich layer and a modify the immediate surface of the bulk mate-
metal-rich layer for the respective materials to be rial, causing that region to have different prop-
joined, with graded composition and properties erties [29].
in between. The powder is sintered at elevated Ceramic – metal coatings can be divided into
temperature similar to SMPP. Bond strengths are two categories: (1) coatings containing both ce-
not especially greater than those of other meth- ramic and metal phases and (2) ceramic films
ods, and the preform is expensive. Only limited
commercialization has taken place.
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 15

and coatings on metals. Ceramic – metal coat- low-friction materials. When low friction is re-
ings are a unique type of coating in that the prop- quired in addition to wear resistance, softer ma-
erties of the coating are strongly controlled by terials may be used. Calcium fluoride and com-
the microstructure of the metallic phase. These posites including calcium fluoride are among the
composite films exhibit properties unavailable most promising solid lubricants for service at ca.
from either the ceramic or metal phases alone 650 ◦ C [31].
(see Section 6.1).
Table 4. Bulk properties of some hard coat materials
Ceramic films and coatings are a special class
of ceramics in the sense of their special form Material Microhardness, Oxidation
and the special preparation techniques required. kg/mm2 temperature,

However, their uses are diverse and exploit the
wide range of unique and desirable properties Al2 O3 2350
B4 C 4200 1090
that various bulk ceramics possess. In this sense, Cr3 C2 2650 1370
ceramic films and coatings should be viewed as Cr2 O3 1800
a large family of materials with quite diverse SiC 2900 1650
Si3 N4 2000 1400
compositions and properties [30]. TiC 3200 540
TiN 1950 540
WC 2050 540

5.1. Uses ∗ Temperature of appreciable detrimental oxidation. Passivating

oxide films form at lower temperatures.
Table 3 lists uses of ceramic films and coatings
and gives typical examples. The table is illus- Corrosion and oxidation resistance at high
trative rather than exhaustive, but does show the temperatures constitute a complex field of chem-
wide range of ceramic films and coatings, both ical reactions and protective mechanisms pro-
in terms of uses and in terms of compositions. vided by coatings. Often the protective mech-
anism involves the production of a dense, ad-
Table 3. Uses of ceramic films and coatings
herent, diffusion-resistant oxide film by in situ
Use Typical ceramic materials oxidation, e.g., chromia and alumina on high-
temperature superalloys and silica on silicon car-
Wear reduction Al2 O3 , B4 C, Cr3 C2 , CrB2 , CrSi2 ,
Cr3 Si2 , DLC ∗, Mo2 C, MoSi2 , SiC, bide. This requires that the base alloy or ce-
TiB2 , TiC, TiN, WC ramic has a composition that is self-passivating.
Friction reduction MoS2 , BN, BaF2 – CaF2
Corrosion reduction Cr2 O3 , Al2 O3 , Si3 N4 , SiO2
Much work has been directed toward developing
Thermal protection Ca2 Si4 , MgAl2 O4 , MgO, ZrO2 pinhole-free coatings with sufficient adherence
(stabilized with Mg or Ca) to use as corrosion protection mechanisms. An-
Electrical conductivity In2 O3 – SnO2
Semiconductors GaAs, Si other corrosion-related problem involves water
Electrical insulation SiO2 attack, especially the stress-assisted water attack
Ferroelectricity Bi4 Ti3 O12
Electromechanical AlN
involved in slow crack growth in many ceram-
Selective optical BaF2 – ZnS, CeO2 , CdS, ics. Silicon nitride films are promising barriers
transmission and CuO – Cu2 O, Ge – ZnS, SnO2 for protection of glass, including glass fibers for
Optical wave guides SiO2 optical communication [32].
Optical processing GaAs, InSb Thermal protection coatings, consisting of a
(electrooptic, etc.)
Sensors SiO2 , SnO2 , ZrO2
thin layer of ceramic applied over a metallic
bond coat, are used in gas turbine components,
∗ DLC = diamond-like carbon. such as combustion chambers, and are under de-
velopment for additional uses. Bond coat oxida-
Resistance to wear is generally correlated tion and stress development appear to be limiting
with hardness. Of special interest is the use of aspects of present coatings [33].
ceramics for wear resistance at elevated tem- Thin films play a central role in electronic
peratures. Table 4 gives the microhardness and and optical devices, especially as the dimensions
oxidation temperatures for some hard coat ma- of these devices are reduced. Coating applica-
terials. Although some hard-coating materials tions include thin-film resistors and photother-
have good wear resistance, they generally are not mal converts for solar energy. Indeed, modern
16 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

electronics would not be possible without thin- chemical reduction most frequently involve
film technology [34]. organometallic compounds, but halides and
other simple inorganic compounds can be used.
CVD processes are dependent on both the ther-
5.2. Deposition Techniques modynamics and kinetics of the reaction. Even
though the formation of a material is thermody-
Table 5 lists coating techniques that have been namically feasible, its growth rate must not be
used for ceramics. Table 5 includes four sub- too slow. When reaction occurs on the substrate,
categories of processes: (1) atomic deposition, the stages required to obtain a deposit are
(2) particulate deposition, (3) bulk coating, and
(4) surface modified coatings. Ceramic coating 1) Formation of the gaseous phase
processes could also be divided into those that 2) Gas transfer to the substrate
directly apply the ceramic compound or a pre- 3) Adsorption
cursor and those that react metallic species with 4) Decomposition of the adsorbed phase
gases to form the ceramic coating compound 5) Compound deposition and desorption of the
[35]. other decomposition products
With the exception of CVD-coated cutting 6) Removal of these products
tools, traditional ceramic coatings were limited Table 6 lists ceramics that can be deposited by
to those materials that could be applied to a sur- CVD. The CVD process finds its greatest ap-
face as a powder and subsequently fused, such as plication in the preparation of coatings that are
glazes (→ Ceramics, General Survey, Chap. 5.) not easily applied by physical vapor deposition
and enamels (see Section 3.2), which were either (PVD) techniques.
dipped or sprayed. Studies have shown that non- It has become common to apply thin coatings
traditional ceramic materials, such as nitrides, of carbide and oxide ceramics to cemented car-
carbides, and oxides, could be applied to a vari- bides and cermets to increase performance. Such
ety of materials ranging from polymers to metals coatings are commonly applied by chemical va-
to other ceramics. The techniques that are most por deposition in micrometer thicknesses and
used include chemical vapor deposition, evapo- can provide abrasion resistance (Al2 O3 , TiC),
ration, sputtering, plasma spraying, sol–gel pro- oxidation resistance (Al2 O3 ), friction reduction
cessing, and ion implantation [36]. (TiN), or a thermal or diffusion barrier (Al2 O3 ,
TiN, TaC). Often many different coatings are
used to obtain matched thermal expansions and
5.2.1. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) better adherence properties. In the area of ce-
mented carbide cutting tools, cutting speeds can
Chemical vapor deposition is the reaction to be increased by three times and tool lifetimes
form the desired compound and the condensa- may be two to ten times greater than those of
tion of the compound or compounds from the an uncoated tool. In the past decade such coated
gas phase onto a substrate where reaction oc- tools have been introduced and now dominate
curs to produce a solid deposit. The compound the marketplace for industrial machining of steel
bearing the deposit material, if not already a gas, [37].
is vaporized by either a pressure differential or The advantages of CVD are the following:
the action of a carrier gas and is transported to
the substrate. Since the vapor condenses on any 1) Various kinds of coatings possible – car-
relatively cool surface that it contacts, all parts bides, nitrides, and oxides
of the deposition system must be at least as hot 2) Crystal growth controlled by controlling the
as the vapor source. The reaction portion of the reactive gas concentrations
system is generally much hotter than the vapor 3) High deposition rates
source but considerably colder than the melting 4) Possibility to coat complex bulky shapes
temperature of the deposit. Its disadvantages include the following:
Generally the deposition process is either
thermal decomposition (Fig. 8) or chemical 1) Rather high temperatures required to pro-
reduction. Both thermal decomposition and duce certain compounds
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 17
Table 5. Categorization of ceramic coating techniques

Atomic deposition Particulate deposition Bulk coatings Surface modification

chemical vapor environment fusion coatings diffusion chemical (liquid)

chemical vapor deposition sol–gel diffusion bonding oxidation
reduction thermal spraying hot isostatic pressing chemical (vapor)
decomposition plasma spraying wetting processes thermal
plasma enhanced low-pressure plasma spraying dipping plasma
plasma environment laser-assisted plasma spraying enameling ion implantation
sputter deposition electric arc spraying spraying sputtering
activated reactive
vacuum environment
vacuum evaporation
ion implantation

Figure 8. Schematic of CVD reactor

2) Low pressures restrict the types of substrate Evaporation processes for the deposition of
that can be coated refractory compounds are subdivided into two
3) Uniform heating of the substrate at times dif- types:
4) Reactor vessel design is critical to coating 1) Direct evaporation – the evaporant is the re-
complex shapes uniformly [38]. fractory compound itself.
2) Reactive evaporation – a metal or compound
in a low valence state is evaporated in the
presence of a reactive gas to form a com-
5.2.2. Evaporation pound deposit.

In the evaporation technique, the coating mate- Direct evaporation of ceramics can occur
rial is placed in a vacuum chamber opposite the with or without dissociation of the compound
substrate. A relatively high vacuum is used, typi- into fragments. However, the observed vapor
cally 10−6 Torr (≈ 10−4 Pa), because the coating species show that very few compounds evapo-
material must be evaporated either by heating it rate without dissociation. Examples are MgF2 ,
to some large fraction of its melting point or by B2 O3 , CaF2 , SiO, GeO, and SnO. In the more
using an electron beam to locally heat it. When general cases, ceramic materials are not trans-
it is evaporated, its atoms are ejected in straight formed to the vapor state with the same molec-
lines from the solid and impinge and condense ular composition as the solid. Subsequently the
on all exposed surfaces, including the substrate fragments must then recombine to reconstitute
to be coated. Because there is no driving force to the compound. Therefore, the stoichiometry of
accelerate the freed coating atoms, they impinge the deposit depends on several factors, which
with ca. 0.2 eV. can lead to cation- or anion-deficient structures.
18 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

Reactive evaporation broadens the range of

ceramics for coatings – the ceramic need not
form directly or recombine from a vapor. Rather,
a metal or suboxide is evaporated in the presence
of a reactive gas to produce a ceramic deposit by
Figure 9 illustrates the evaporation process
with an electron-beam source. The entire system
is within a vacuum chamber. If reactive gas is al-
lowed to enter the vacuum chamber, evaporation
can be reactive rather than direct. However, the
reaction must be both thermodynamically and
kinetically feasible.

Table 6. Chemical vapor deposition of ceramics

Figure 9. Schematic of evaporation (reactive if reactive gas
Materials Reactive gas Temperature, ◦ C present)

Nitrides Compounds that have been synthesized by

BN BCl3 + NH3
thermal decomp. B3 N3 H3 Cl3
1000 – 2000
1000 – 2000
the reactive evaporation process include α-
HfN HfClx + N2 + H2 950 – 1300 Al2 O3 , γ-Al2 O3 , Y2 O3 , TiO2 , In2 O3 , In2 O3 –
Si3 N4 SiH4 + NH3 950 – 1050 SnO2 (ITO), SnO2 , BeO, SiO2 , TiC, ZrC, NbC,
SiCl4 + NH3 1000 – 1500
TaN TaCl5 + N2 + H2 2100 – 2300 Ta2 C, VC, W2 C, HfC, VC–TiC, TiC–Ni, Ti2 N,
TiN TiCl4 + N2 + H2 650 – 1700 TiN, MoN, Cux Mo6 S8 , and Cux S [39].
VN VCl2 + N2 + H2 1100 – 1300
ZrN ZrCl4 + N2 + H2 2000 – 2500
Al2 O3 AlCl3 + CO2 + H2 800 – 1300 5.2.3. Sputtering
SiO2 SiH4 + O2 300 – 450
thermal decomp. Si(OC2 H5 )4 800 – 1000
Silicon SiH4 + H2 + CO2 + NH3 900 – 1000 Sputtering is a coating process that involves the
oxide transport of almost any material from a source, or
SnO2 SnCl4 + H2 O target, to a substrate of almost any other material.
TiO2 TiCl4 + O2 + hydrocarbon The ejection of the source material is accom-
plished by the bombardment of the surface of
V3 Si SiCl4 + VCl4 + H2 the target with gas ions accelerated by high volt-
MoSi SiCl2 + Mo (substrate) 800 – 1100 age. Particles of atomic dimensions from the tar-
AlB2 AlCl3 + BCl3 ≈1000 get are ejected as a result of momentum transfer
HfBx HfCl4 + BX3 (X = Br, Cl) 1900 – 2700 between incident ions and the target. The target-
SiBx SiCl4 + BCl3 1000 – 1300
TiB2 TiCl4 + BX3 (X = Br, Cl) 1000 – 1300
ejected particles traverse the vacuum chamber
VB2 VCl4 + BX3 (X = Br, Cl) 1900 – 2300 and are subsequently deposited on a substrate as
ZrB2 ZrCl4 + BBr3 1700 – 2500 a thin film. Sputtering can be direct or reactive.
B4 C BCl3 + CO + H2 1200 – 1800 It can be accomplished with diode, triode, or
B2 H6 + CH4 magnetron sources. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate
thermal decomp. (CH3 )3 B ≈ 550
Cr7 C3 CrCl2 + H2 ≈1000
diode and triode assemblies.
Cr3 C2 Cr(CO)5 + H2 300 – 650 Diode sputtering uses a simple two-element
HfC HfCl4 + H2 + C6 H5 CH3 2100 – 2500 electrode configuration. The expendable target
HfCl4 + H2 + CH4 1000 – 1300
Mo2 C Mo(CO)6 350 – 475 is attached to the cathode and an anode platen
Mo + hydrocarbon 1200 – 1800 supports the substrates. The system can be mod-
SiC SiCl4 + C6 H5 CH3 1500 – 1800
MeSiCl3 + H2 ≈1000
ified to allow for reactive sputtering. Diode sput-
TiC TiC4 + H2 + CH4 980 – 1400 tering may be operated in either the d.c. or
W2 C thermal decomp. W(CO)6 300 – 500 RF (radiofrequency) excitation modes, with RF
WF6 + C6 H6 + H2 400 – 900
VC VCl2 + H2 ≈1000 being preferred for ceramics because it per-
mits lower pressures and thus generally purer
films. In addition, RF sputtering reduces charge
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 19

buildup, permitting direct sputtering of ceram- The driving force for sputtering is electrical
ics. rather than thermal (as in evaporation). Because
In triode sputtering a hot electron-emitting of the high kinetic energy transferred, the sput-
filament is added between the anode and cathode tered atoms impinge on the substrate with ca.
and serves to control the plasma. The ion current 5 eV. Because of this relatively high kinetic en-
is significantly increased, and lower gas pres- ergy of impingement, adhesion to the substrate
sures can be used. These are important advan- is usually stronger than for evaporation.
tages for the sputtering rate: production through- Materials having refractive indices ranging
put is increased, while potential radiation dam- between 1.45 and 4.08 have been investigated
age to sensitive electronic devices is minimized. for optical applications. Indium tin oxide, zinc
oxide, and titanium and tantalum oxides have
been sputtered for window films, solar cells, and
antireflective coatings.

5.2.4. Plasma Spraying

The plasma spraying process is a technique that

combines particle melting, quenching, and con-
solidation into a single process. The arc plasma
spraying process involves injection of powder
particles into a plasma jet stream created by
heating an inert gas in an electric arc. The par-
ticles injected into the plasma jet melt rapidly
Figure 10. Schematic of a diode sputtering assembly [9] and at the same time are accelerated toward
the workpiece surface. Rapid quenching of the
molten particles occurs when the droplets im-
pact the surface. Cooling rates are typically 105 –
106 K/s, and the resulting microstructures are
fine grained but may retain a substantial amount
of porosity.
The torch itself consists of two concentric
electrodes that are cooled by water and electri-
cally isolated from each other. Inert or nonox-
idizing gases, or a mixture, are passed through
Figure 11. Schematic of a triode sputtering assembly
the annular space formed by these electrodes,
In magnetron sputtering the cathode incorpo- and a d.c. arc is initiated. With proper operat-
rates a magnetic field aligned perpendicular to ing procedure, the arc is continually sustained,
the electric excitation field. The magnetic field forming a high-temperature plasma that issues
serves to impart a cycloidal motion to the free from the nozzle front. Figure 12 illustrates the
electrons being liberated at the cathode surface configuration of a typical arc plasma torch sys-
both by the electric field and by the ionized ar- tem.
gon. The great length of the cycloidal path taken Plasma-sprayed coatings offer several advan-
by the electrons in response to the presence of tages over other coating processes:
the magnetic field greatly enhances the yield of
1) High particle velocities result in higher bond
argon ionization for a given current density and
strength coupled with higher coating density.
voltage. The greater flux of argon ions imping-
2) The heat source is more efficient because the
ing on the cathode causes rapid disintegration
plasma is in a high-energy state, providing
of the cathode and a sputtering rate for a given
efficient particle heating.
voltage and current density much higher than
3) The heating source is inert, minimizing oxi-
that for diode or triode sputtering.
20 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

4) High plasma temperatures permit the spray- densification. Typical applications of these films
ing of materials with high melting points. include dipping and spin coating [40].
Advantages of sol – gel-derived films include
Disadvantages include the following:
1) Low densification temperatures
1) Consistency and compositional uniformity 2) High degree of chemical homogeneity
of a coating over a large area at times can 3) Multicomponent films possible
2) Spraying tends to produce porous coatings, Disadvantages include
especially at high velocities, because of gas
entrapment. 1) High shrinkages due to high volume of sol-
3) Reactive materials cannot be sprayed in open vent present
air; however, low-pressure plasma spraying, 2) Difficulty in making physically stable, thick
LPPS, can be used in air. coatings
4) The deposits contain oxidation products, to- 3) Coating and substrate densified by heating
gether with some porosity because of in-
complete melting, wetting, and fusing of de-
posited particles. 5.2.6. Ion Implantation

In ion implantation, ions are formed by colli-

sions with electrons ejected from a heated fila-
ment and accelerated in an electric field. In the
instances where the element to be ionized is a
gaseous species, such as argon, nitrogen, oxy-
gen, or carbon dioxide, which is typical for im-
planted ceramic coatings, the gas is introduced
directly into the ionization chamber, where the
high-velocity electrons strip away other elec-
trons, creating a plasma. An electric field then
directs the plasma from the chamber to a mag-
net, which is able to select ions of the desired
Figure 12. Schematic of an arc plasma spraying assembly
mass. These ions are then focused in an elec-
In LPPS the reduction of the amount of air tric field and accelerated to the final energy to
present in the torch region is accomplished by bombard the specimen. The penetration depth
maintaining the plasma system under vacuum depends on the type and energy of the ions and
with only 30 – 60 Torr (4 – 8 kPa) of inert gas. material to be implanted. Figure 13 illustrates an
This greatly reduces the chances of included ion implantation system [41].
porosity; therefore, denser deposits and more Sputtered films of carbides, nitrides, and
uniform deposits are possible. borides exhibited increased adhesion and micro-
hardness when bombarded with heavy inert ions,
such as Kr and Xe. The formation of nitride layer
5.2.5. Sol – Gel Processing on the surface of a Ti – Al – V alloy by bombard-
ment with nitrogen ions has been found to slow
Sol – gel coatings are based on a process of ap- the wear rate of the metal by a factor of ten [42].
plying sols, stable dispersions of hydrous ox-
ides or hydroxides, to a substrate material. Once
these liquid dispersions are applied to a surface, 6. Ceramic – Metal Composites
they undergo a catalyzed transition to form a gel.
The sol – gel coating is subsequently dried to re- Ceramic – metal composites may be defined as
move excess water and densified. The specific the heterogeneous combination of one or more
properties of the films, such as pore volume and ceramic phases with one or more metals or
pore-size distribution, can be controlled during alloys. Systems with very small amounts of
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 21

metal or ceramic are usually not considered as metal matrix composites (MMC). Neither strict
composite materials. Also not generally viewed definition nor common technological usage pro-
as ceramic – metal composites are materials in vides a clear distinction. Indeed, some use the
which metal particles may be in a continuous two terms interchangeably. Usually, however, a
ceramic – colloidal and other metal particle col- cermet is understood to consist of continuous or
orants in glasses, glazes, and enamels, and thin- partially continuous metal phase with ceramic
film materials such as sputtered and CVD resis- particles having similar size in all dimensions.
tors and microwave devices for hybrid micro- The metal matrix composites may be distin-
electronics. guished by the high aspect ratio of the ceramic
constituent: the metal surrounds long continu-
ous or chopped fibers or elongated single-crystal
whiskers of ceramic composition.

6.1. Cermets and Cemented Carbides

Within the cermet subcategory of
ceramic – metal composites, there is a nomen-
clature difficulty. Tungsten carbide – cobalt
is termed a cemented carbide, while other
carbide – metal materials, such as titanium
carbide – nickel, chromium carbide – nickel, as
well as oxide ceramic – metal systems, such as
alumina – chromium and thoria – tungsten, are
termed cermets. This distinction is largely his-
torical. The cermets were developed during and
after World War II as materials with better hard-
ness and high-temperature properties than the
cemented carbides. However, the microstruc-
tures and properties of the cemented carbides
and the cermets, particularly the carbide cer-
mets, are closely related. The structure consists
of a continuous metal or alloy cement bond-
ing grains (particles) of carbide and/or oxide
Cermets and cemented carbides derive their
usefulness from the combination of compressive
strength, hardness, and thermal resistance pro-
vided by the ceramic with ductility, lubricity, and
Figure 13. Schematic of an ion implantation system
adhesion provided by the metal. The cermets and
The distribution of phases in ceramic – metal cemented carbides are used for their strength,
composites is typically at a fine structural level, hardness, and abrasion resistance, particularly
commonly microscopic. The metal and ceramic at elevated temperatures, which may arise from
phases are usually mixed physically, often with the environment or frictional heating. Uses in-
a binder, formed, and fired at elevated tempera- clude metal and rock cutting or grinding tools,
tures. For the usual production times and temper- friction and glide devices, turbine parts, flame
ature, there is relatively little or only incomplete nozzles, magnetron tube cathodes, seals, high-
solution between phases. temperature containers and pouring spouts, and
A nomenclature problem exists for the the ball for ballpoint pens.
ceramic – metal composite materials. Two Cermets are generally prepared by mixing
classes of materials have evolved: cermets and carbide and/or oxide powder with metal pow-
der in the presence of a binder. The chemistry of
22 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems

each component is often quite complex. Tung- provides fracture toughness. Hardness decreases
sten carbide typically contains purposeful addi- with increased metal binder because the cermet
tions of tantalum carbide and titanium carbide. is less resistant to deformation [43], [44]. The
Molybdenum is added to nickel to promote wet- size of the ceramic grain also affects hardness:
ting of titanium carbide. Some cermet is unidi- for a 16 wt % Co cemented carbide, the hard-
rectionally or isostatically pressed and heated to ness decreases almost linearly from 89 to 85 RA
a temperature at which the metal liquifies, coats, as the grain size decreases from 1 to 6 µm. Fine
and bonds the ceramic. Alternative preparation submicrometer grain size increases hardness and
methods may include slip casting, liquid-metal resistance to deformation. However, for a fixed
infiltration, or hot pressing of parts. The factors amount of binder metal, a decrease in the grain
that dictate the properties of the final part are the size and the corresponding increase in grain sur-
following [43–45]: face area may result in inadequate metal to wet
1) Bonding between carbide grains and matrix the grain, leading to loss of fracture strength.
2) Composition and structure of the matrix
3) Shape and size of the carbide or oxide grain
4) Dispersion of the carbide grain in the matrix
A good bond between metal binder and ce-
ramic grain is required to transfer load properly
and to provide a homogeneous microstructure
for uniform load bearing and deformation. Fur-
thermore, since a wetting angle of near zero de-
grees is usually desired to have uniform spread-
ing of binder, the degree of bonding is usually
quite high. The wetting angle is affected by the
composition of the metal binder and ceramic
grain, as well as by the firing atmosphere [43].
Phase composition, distribution, and stabil-
ity have major effects on properties. For ex-
ample, the tungsten carbide – cobalt system is
stable only over a narrow carbon content. At Figure 14. Effect of increased binder on mechanical prop-
erties of TiC – Ni – Mo cermet with an average TiC grain
16 wt % cobalt, WC and Co are the sole size of 1 µm
phases in the compositional range from 6.00 to
6.12 wt % C – an allowable composition range of
0.12 %. Graphite forms above 6.12 % C and eta
phase (η-WC1−x ) below 6.00 % (see Carbides,
Chap. 2.1.). Both phases embrittle the cemented
carbide, causing a loss of one-quarter of the op-
timum strength for compositions about 0.1 %
outside the acceptable range [44], [45].
The microstructure of a cemented carbide or
cermet has an important influence on its prop-
erties. A uniform dispersion of carbide or oxide
ceramic grains in a matrix of metal binder gives
the best mechanical properties. Rounded grains, Figure 15. Effect of mean free path on hardness for a ce-
which can result either during powder prepara- mented carbide
tion or from partial dissolution by molten metal A useful way of examining the properties of
during firing, improve the fracture strength. The cermets and cemented carbides, as well as other
relative amount of binder phase strongly affects composites, is provided by the concept of mean
the mechanical properties, as can be seen in free path, the average distance between neigh-
Figure 14. Fracture strength increases with the bor ceramic grains, i.e., the average thickness of
amount of binder because the metal ductility
Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems 23

the binder phase. The mean free path depends only serving to transfer load into the fiber. Up
on the size and shape of the ceramic grain and to 540 ◦ C, several potential metal composite
the amount of metal available. The hardness (as systems have been identified. For higher tem-
well as a variety of other mechanical proper- peratures, at which oxidation presents a ma-
ties) depends, within a narrow band, only on this jor problem, stable reinforcements such as alu-
mean free path (see Fig. 15), provided there is mina and silicon carbide fibers have consid-
adequate metal binder phase to cover the grains erable potential. Below 320 ◦ C, the potential
uniformly. For the tungsten carbide – cobalt ex- is less clear, but the advantages of metal ma-
ample shown, a mean free path of less than ca. trix composites over polymer matrix compos-
0.1 µm corresponds to incomplete binder and ites include improved wear and erosion resis-
poorer properties. tance, greater shear, compressive and transverse
strength, increased toughness and hardness, and
greater strain prior to failure. The disadvantages
6.2. Metal Matrix Composites include higher density, more difficult fabrica-
tion, metal – fiber reactions, and higher cost.
The concept of reinforcing a metal with ceramic
is not new. In the 1950s the need for jet engine
components that could withstand high tempera-
tures for long periods of time began the search
for materials that had properties better than those
that could be attained by the metal alone.
The advantages that metal matrix compos-
ites offer over conventional metals include (1)
taking advantage of the anisotropic character of
the composite in the efficient design and fabri-
cation of components, (2) manufacturing an en-
gineered material with a specific set of strength
Figure 16. Temperature regimes of usefulness for various
and toughness requirements, and (3) increasing materials
the strength, modulus, creep resistance, and ox-
idation resistance of common engineering al- Reinforcement Materials. The most appro-
loys such as aluminum, titanium, and nickel. priate reinforcing material depends on the re-
In addition, a major advantage of metal ma- quirements put upon the metal matrix compos-
trix composites arises from the reduction in the ite. A wide variety of materials of high elastic
strength : weight ratio. For instance, an alu- modulus, high strength, low density, and high-
minum alloy reinforced with graphite exhibits temperature stability are available. Table 7 lists
the same strength as steel while exhibiting a a number of ceramic materials along with typi-
45 % increase in the strength : density ratio [46], cal mechanical properties; in addition, the prop-
[47]. erties of a few glasses and metals available as
In comparison to other composite matrices, fibers are shown for comparison. In many cases
the greatest potential advantages of the metal the metal or the fabrication technique results in
matrix are its resistance to severe environments, composites with less than theoretical properties.
toughness, and strength at high temperatures. In these instances such things as process defects
The temperatures where metal matrix compos- and matrix – filler incompatibility affect prop-
ites exhibit the greatest potential advantages erties. Matrix – filler compatibility can include
over rival metallic alloys and polymer matrix the following factors: (1) wetting, (2) chemical
composites are above 800 ◦ C (Fig. 16). In fiber- bonding, (3) filler surface character, i.e., shape,
or filament-reinforced metals the environmen- roughness, and porosity, (4) filler volume frac-
tal stability of the matrix at elevated tempera- tion and size, i.e., particle size or fiber length and
tures can be emphasized because the required diameter, (5) filler orientation, and (6) relative
mechanical strength and stiffness are obtained thermal expansion and elastic modulus match.
from the reinforcement. The strength require- The last can give rise to residual stresses that
ments of the matrix are nominal, the matrix can affect the mechanical properties.
24 Ceramics, Ceramic – Metal Systems
Table 7. Filament properties for a variety of reinforcing materials establish and maintain fiber alignment
Material Tensile Elastic Density, Strength : be able to vary filler loading
strength, modulus, density achieve a high-density matrix
(ksi) ∗ GPa g/cm3 106
establish filler–matrix interfacial bond suffi-
cient to transmit applied load from matrix to
Fibers filler
Steel 600 200 7.9 2.1
Tungsten 575 407 19.3 0.83 allow a degree of matrix alloying
Molybdenum 320 331 10.2 0.88 allow for postfabrication heat treatment
S-glass 600 86 2.5 6.52 provide flexibility in filament spacing
E-glass 500 72 2.5 5.43
Silica 500 72 2.2 5.43 allow for cross and angle lay-ups in some
Boron 450 400 2.6 4.68 instances
Silicon carbide 350 379 3.4 2.84
Alumina 350 483 3.98 2.43 minimize product variability
Graphite 285 345 1.66 4.75 be amenable to scale-up
Alumina 2000 483 3.98 13.9
Silicon carbide 1500 483 3.2 13.0 Compatibility. Filler–matrix compatibility
includes the chemical reactions between matrix
∗ ksi, a non-SI unit, equals 6.89 MPa.
and filler during consolidation, secondary pro-
cessing, and use. Some degree of chemical in-
Fabrication Process. Numerous techniques
teraction should take place. In a successful com-
have been employed for the consolidation of ce-
posite, the metal completely wets the filler and
ramic fibers, whiskers, and particles into metal
chemically bonds to it. However, the exact de-
matrices. These techniques vary widely, from
gree of chemical interaction needed to produce
typical powder-metallurgical techniques such as
optimum properties is not yet known. If the metal
slip casting to techniques such as diffusion bond-
and filler are able to bond chemically during con-
ing and plasma spray bonding. The most widely
solidation, there is a likelihood that this chemical
used consolidation techniques are the following:
interaction continues during use, degrading the
diffusion bonding filler as a result. Knowledge of the thermody-
plasma spray bonding namics for the combination of metal and filler
electroforming is an important composite design criterion and
liquid-metal infiltration a suitable starting point for selecting stable sys-
high-energy rate forming tems.
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