INDUSTRIAL AGE: (1700s-1930s) : The Evolution of Traditional Media To New Media
INDUSTRIAL AGE: (1700s-1930s) : The Evolution of Traditional Media To New Media
INDUSTRIAL AGE: (1700s-1930s) : The Evolution of Traditional Media To New Media
In this timeline we were going to discuss the evolution of media generation to genreation.This include how media is used
during the Pre-historic age,Industrial age,information age and Electronic age.
Electronic Age(1930s-1980s)
The Electronic age is the invention of the transistor ushered in the elec-
Tronic age.People harnessed the power of transistor that led to the
Transistor communication became more efficient.
DIGITAL AGE(1900s-2000s
the shift from from traditonal industry that the industrial revolution broughtthrough industrialization to an economy
based on information computerization.The internet paved the way advanced the uesd of microelectronics with the
invention of personal computers,devices wearable technology.Moreover,voice,image,sounds,and data are digitalized.
We need to consider and give emphasize from prehistoric age into digital age because of new innovations from the
simplest going to complex invention.Without this era that passing by theres no new technologies that occur at the present
in for the next generation.