Om Industrials: GST: 33BRDPS6284B2ZS Contact Number
Om Industrials: GST: 33BRDPS6284B2ZS Contact Number
Om Industrials: GST: 33BRDPS6284B2ZS Contact Number
Hatsun Agro product Limited,
We have Finished electrical and civil work in Sham agencies kallakkudi.
We have enclosing the completed shop list for your reference and enclosing the measurement
Sheet as per the following
Demolishing of existing 4 1/2" thk Brick wall and carting away the debris from the site and
1.1 bldg compound including bldg. Materials. Sq ft. 12
Demolishing of existing 9" thk Brick wall and carting away the debris from the site and bldg
1.2 compound including bldg. Materials. Cu ft. 20
Dismantling of existing RCC and carting away the debris from the site and bldg compound
1.7 including bldg. Materials. Sq ft. 20
Dismantling of existing doors & doorframes and carting away the debris from the site and
1.8 bldg compound including bldg materials. Nos. 300
Dismantling of existing Windows and carting away the debris from the site and bldg
1.9 compound including bldg materials. Nos. 300
Removing of existing Sanitary fittings in toilet and carting away debris from the site and
1.1 bldg compound LS. 750
Dismantling of existing front glazing and carting away the debris from the site and bldg
1.11 compound including bldg materials. Sq ft. 20
1.14 Existing Wall and Floor Hogging Work Sq ft. 454.3 8 3634
2 Civil Works
P & L 4 1/2" partition walls with well burnt 1st class table moulded, good quality approved
bricks in C.M 1:4 including providing 2 nos. of 6mm dia MS round bars at every 3rd course,
2.1 Brick work including scaffolding, curing, rubbing the surface, racking out the joints etc., specified for Sq ft. 95
walls, planters, parapet, platform supports etc. at all floor levels.
Engineer signature
Om Industrials
GST: 33BRDPS6284B2ZS Contact Number : 0431-4971775
P & L brick masonry 9” for wall in C.M 1:6 in true line, level and plumb including
2.2 Brick work raking the joints upto 20 mm depth, rubbing and cleaning the surface, with necessary Cu ft. 145
Saffolding, curing etc., complete as directed and specified.
Providing cement plastering 12mm average thick on all brick walls in Cement Mortar
2.3 Plastering 1:5 including preparation of the surface, scaffolding curing etc. complete in all heights Sq ft. 30
etc., complete.
2.4 Cement Flooring Raising 4” Sq ft. 55
2.12 Skirting tiles Supply and laying skirting tiles 4"x1' RFT 60
3 False ceiling NA
Engineer signature
Om Industrials
GST: 33BRDPS6284B2ZS Contact Number : 0431-4971775
4 Wooden Work
Wooden Supply & fixing 12mm thick Plywood with singel layer finished one side of laminate
4.1 Sq ft. 345
Partition finshing with necessary frameworks.
Wooden EB
Wooden covering with frame work bothside laminated 2MM edge binding tap with
4.2 Meter accessories Sq ft. 650
& Loft cupboard 2600
Wall Cupboard Supply & fixing 12MM Plywood Panel with
4.3 Sq ft. 200
Panel Work 1MM Laminate Finishing
Providing all materials, accessories and labour for wiring with conduits and
accessories for light / fan circuit main using PVC insilated stranded copper conductor
wires of 650V grade drawn through heavy gauge rigid PVC conduit with necessary
connection all complete.
2 x 2.5sqmm wires in 20mm dia PVC conduit Rmt 44.80 110 4928
Providing all materials, accessories and labour for wiring with PVC conduit and
accessories for wiring 6A sockets, 6/16A sockets, 16/20A sockets single phase and
32A, 3 phase commercial / industrial type sockets using PVC insulated stranded
copper conduct
3.1 2 x 4.0sqmm + 1x 2.5sqmm (earth) wire in 25mm dia . Rmt 24.80 160 3968
Engineer signature
Om Industrials
GST: 33BRDPS6284B2ZS Contact Number : 0431-4971775
3.2 2 x 6.0sqmm + 1x 2.5sqmm (earth) wire in 25mm dia PVC conduit Rmt 200
3.4 4x10sqmm + 1x4sqmm (earth) wire in 25mm dia PVC conduit. Rmt 1 500 500
Supply and installation of 6A, 3 pin, shuttered switched socket outlet with G.I or moulded
4.1 plastic outlet box and moulded plastic cover plate as required including the termination of 8 450
wires. 3600
Supply and installation of 6/16A, 5pin, combination type shuttered switched socket outlet
4.2 with indicator lamp and G.I or moulded plastic outlet with indicator lamp and G.I or No 8 625
moulded plastic cover plate as required including the termination of wires. 5000
Installation, testing and commissioning of following type of light fixtures as per drawings
and specifications with all other accessories such as supporting rods / frames, anchor
fasteners, necessary hardware etc.
Engineer signature
Om Industrials
GST: 33BRDPS6284B2ZS Contact Number : 0431-4971775
Wall mounted
Supply and Erection of Wall Mounting Fan EA 1 2050 2050
Ceiling fan Supply and eriction of ceiling fan EA 1 2000 2000
MS cash
8 Cash counter 1 3900
counter 3900
Landing table 1 5450 5450
Transportation 1 1000 1000
Packaging Charge 1 500 500
Total amount 160534
Engineer signature