ArbExpress AXW100 Printable Help 077000013
ArbExpress AXW100 Printable Help 077000013
ArbExpress AXW100 Printable Help 077000013
ArbExpress® AXW100
Waveform Creation and Editing Tool for AWG/AFG
Printable Help
ArbExpress® AXW100
Waveform Creation and Editing Tool for AWG/AFG
Printable Help
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Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this
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TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
ARBEXPRESS is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc.
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trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
ArbExpress® AXW100 Waveform Creation and Editing Tool for Tektronix AWG/AFG version 3.4
Help part number: 076-0001-12
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
14150 SW Karl Braun Drive
P.O. Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077
Table of Contents
About ArbExpress Version 3.4 AXW100 Software ............................................................ 1
Configuration........................................................................................................ 1
Installation........................................................................................................... 2
Using Help .......................................................................................................... 4
Printing from the Online Help..................................................................................... 5
Getting Started
Basic Operations.................................................................................................... 7
File Name Extensions .............................................................................................. 8
Application File Names and Directories ......................................................................... 9
Starting the Application........................................................................................... 10
Opening a Waveform.............................................................................................. 10
Creating a Waveform.............................................................................................. 12
Saving a Waveform................................................................................................ 13
Closing a Waveform............................................................................................... 14
Exiting the Application ........................................................................................... 15
Shortcut Keys ...................................................................................................... 15
Operating Basics
Menus .......................................................................................................... 17
File Menu ...................................................................................................... 18
Edit Menu...................................................................................................... 19
View Menu .................................................................................................... 21
Display Menu ................................................................................................. 21
Waveform Menu .............................................................................................. 23
Math Menu .................................................................................................... 24
Communication Menu........................................................................................ 26
Window Menu ................................................................................................ 27
Help Menu..................................................................................................... 28
Use Shortcut Menu for Waveforms ......................................................................... 28
Standard Toolbar .............................................................................................. 31
Waveform Toolbar ............................................................................................ 31
Zoom Bar ...................................................................................................... 33
Instrument Bar ................................................................................................ 34
Point Draw Toolbar........................................................................................... 35
How to ...
Create Waveforms
Using the Equation Editor ................................................................................... 75
Sine Wave ..................................................................................................... 79
Square Wave................................................................................................... 82
Triangle Wave ................................................................................................. 85
Error Messages and Warnings I ................................................................................ 171
Error Messages and Warnings II ............................................................................... 180
Error Messages and Warnings III .............................................................................. 188
Default Settings .................................................................................................. 190
Default Settings Cont... ......................................................................................... 192
Valid Parameter Ranges......................................................................................... 197
Equation Editor Reference I .................................................................................... 201
Equation Editor Reference II ................................................................................... 205
The minimum requirements for the ArbExpress AXW100 application:
The following table lists the conditions under which ArbExpress uses TekVisa version and newer
to send data to a Tektronix arbitrary waveform generator. If TekVisa is not already installed on your PC,
you can download the software from
This section describes how to install the ArbExpress AXW100 application using the InstallShield Wizard.
1. Insert the ArbExpress CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
2. If the installation program does not automatically start, double–click setup.exe in the folder
\ArbExpress on the CD-ROM. The installation wizard opens.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions. To navigate through the wizard, click Next or Back to move to
the next or previous screen.
The installation wizard sequence of screens:
License Agreement
Choose Destination Location
Start Copying Files
Setup Status
View Release Notes
4. In the Welcome screen, click Next.
Using Help
Select Help on the right side of the application menu bar to show the Help.
Table of Contents (TOC) tab — organizes the Help into book-like sections. Select a book icon to open a
section; select any of the topics listed under the book.
Index tab — enables you to scroll through alphabetical list of keywords. Select the topic of interest to
show the appropriate help page.
Search tab — allows a text-based search.
To search with the Search tab:
1. Type the word or phrase you want to find in the search box.
2. Select some matching words in the next box to narrow your search.
3. Choose a topic in the lower box, and then click Display.
To print a topic, click Print on the Help Topics menu bar.
Select Options from the menu bar to access other commands, such as annotating a topic or keeping the
help window on top, or to use system colors.
Click Back to return to the previous help window. Use the hyperlink to jump from one topic to
another. If the Back button is grayed out or a jump is not available, click Help Topics to return to
the originating help folder.
Browse buttons (Next and Previous) allow you to move forward and backward through topics in the
order of the Table of Contents (TOC).
Notes indicate particularly important information.
NOTE. Certain aspects of the online help are unique. Blue-underlined text indicates a jump (hyperlink) to
another topic. Click the blue text to jump to the related topic. For example, select the blue text to jump to
the topic on Online Help and Related Documentation and the Back button to return to the previous page.
You can tell when the cursor is over an active hyperlink (button, jump, or pop-up), because the cursor
arrow changes to a small hand.
For help on specific dialog boxes, display the TOC for this help file, and then navigate to Operating
Basics > Dialog Boxes.
See Also:
Printing from the Online Help (see page 5)
TIP. If topics include expanding or drop-down hotspots, click the hotspots to display the information
before you print.
Basic Operations
ArbExpress AXW100 Waveform Creation and Editing Tool for Tektronix AWG/AFG is Windows-based
software with a graphical user interface that you can use to create, edit, and transfer standard waveforms to
an Arbitrary Waveform Generator, an Arbitrary Function Generator, or an oscilloscope.
In this online help, all menu selections are indicated as Menu name > Menu options. You can access a
command or a menu option in more than one way. Several main menu options are available as toolbars
that you can use instead of selecting the option from the main menu. You can show or hide the toolbars
and also create customized toolbars. Shortcut menus, which open with a right-click, are provided for
waveform editing, connecting to an instrument, and transferring a waveform to an arbitrary waveform
generator or an arbitrary function generator.
The Shortcut View on the left of the screen shows options that are available in the main menu or in the
toolbars. The Shortcut View provides the most common commands.
Some dialog boxes also have a Help button that displays help for that dialog box. Some other dialog boxes
have a toolbar for basic operations like Open, Save, Connect, Disconnect, and Show/Hide Properties.
The following figure shows the application screen, the menu, and the toolbars.
In the ArbExpress software, you can enter values in fields in different ways. In some fields, you type in the
values. In others, you select from a drop-down list, and in others, you can use the spin-box to increase
or decrease the values. You can type in the characters K for Kilo, G for Giga, M for Mega, u for Micro,
m for milli, and n for nano.
Directory Function
C:\Program Files\Tektronix\ArbExpress\System Stores the application file — .exe, .dll, Release notes.c,
and .chm
C:\Program Files\Tektronix\ArbExpress\Documentation Stores the user manual and the installation manual (.pdf)
C:\Program Files\Tektronix\ArbExpress\Samples\Waveform Stores the sample waveform files (.wfm)
C:\Program Files\Tektronix\ArbExpress\Samples\Equation Stores the sample equation files (.eqa)
C:\Program Files\Tektronix\ArbExpress\Samples\Tools\Mat- Stores the sample MATLAB equation files (.m)
Opening a Waveform
File > Open
To open a waveform, select File > Open. Browse and select the waveform file to open. You can open
files with .wfm, .pat, TekScope .wfm, .tfw, .csv, and .txt, extensions.
When more than one waveform is opened in a window, the active waveform is a solid line and the inactive
waveform is a dashed line.
See Also:
Creating a Waveform (see page 12)
Saving a Waveform (see page 13)
Closing a Waveform (see page 14)
Creating a Waveform
File > Blank sheet
1. Click File > Blank Sheet.
2. Click Waveform > Properties, and then change the number of points to 500.
3. Click File > Blank Sheet.
The new blank sheet has 500 points.
4. Click File > Blank Sheet.
The new blank sheet has 1024 points.
Standard Waveform — displays the Standard Waveform dialog box. Use the Standard Waveform to
create any of the standard waveforms that are available.
Equation Editor — displays the Equation Editor dialog box (see page 46). Use the Equation Editor to
create a waveform or edit an existing waveform equation.
See Also:
Sine Wave (see page 79)
Square Wave (see page 82)
Triangle Wave (see page 85)
Pulse Wave (see page 88)
Noise Wave (see page 91)
DC Wave (see page 94)
Saving a Waveform
File > Save
File >Save As
You can save the waveform in the following formats: AWG Wfm (.wfm), AWG Pat (.pat), AWG
2000 Wfm (.wfm), AWG. csv (.csv), MDO3000 csv (.csv), MDO4000 cvs (.cvs), and AFG Tfw (.tfw).
The application automatically saves a .set file with the same name as the waveform file. The .set file
contains the voltage values and the offset of the waveform, and the .wfm file contains the normalized
See Also:
Creating a Waveform (see page 12)
Opening a Waveform (see page 10)
Closing a Waveform (see page 14)
Closing a Waveform
File> Close
When you close a waveform, the application closes the current window. If the waveform is not saved, you
are prompted to save it. In a multiple waveform display, Close closes the active waveform.
See Also:
Creating a Waveform (see page 12)
Opening a Waveform (see page 10)
Saving a Waveform (see page 13)
Shortcut Keys
You can use the following shortcut keys for the application commands:
The application menu bar changes depending on whether a waveform is displayed. If no waveform is
open, the menu bar is:
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
File Menu
See Also:
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
Edit Menu
The Edit menu is visible only if a waveform window is open.
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
Help Menu (see page 28)
View Menu
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
Help Menu (see page 28)
Display Menu
The Display menu is available only when a waveform is displayed in the window.
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Waveform Menu
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
Help Menu (see page 28)
Math Menu
The Math menu is available only when a waveform window is open.
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
Help Menu (see page 28)
Communication Menu
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Window Menu (see page 27)
Help Menu (see page 28)
Window Menu
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
Help Menu (see page 28)
Help Menu
The Help menu is always visible.
See Also:
File Menu (see page 18)
Edit Menu (see page 19)
View Menu (see page 21)
Display Menu (see page 21)
Waveform Menu (see page 23)
Math Menu (see page 24)
Communication Menu (see page 26)
Window Menu (see page 27)
In Point Draw mode, right-click inside an open waveform window to display the following shortcut menu:
Standard Toolbar
View> Standard Toolbar
The standard toolbar is displayed, by default, below the main menu. You can place the toolbar anywhere in
the application window.
The toolbar has icons for the standard functions — New blank waveform, Open existing waveform,
Save the waveform, Cut waveform between cursors, Copy waveform between cursors, Paste waveform,
Undo, Redo, and Help.
See Also:
Waveform Toolbar (see page 31)
Zoom Bar (see page 33)
Instrument Bar (see page 34)
Status Bar (see page 36)
Waveform Toolbar
View> Waveform Toolbar
The waveform toolbar is displayed, by default, below the standard toolbar. You can place the toolbar
anywhere within the application window. The waveform toolbar has icons for the functions — Cursors,
Markers, Freehand Draw, Horizontal Draw, Vertical Draw, Equation Editor, Basic Waveform, Advanced
Waveform, and Validate.
See Also:
Standard Toolbar (see page 31)
Zoom Bar (see page 33)
Instrument Bar (see page 34)
Status Bar (see page 36)
Zoom Bar
View> Zoom Bar
The zoom toolbar is displayed, by default, alongside the waveform toolbar. You can place the toolbar
anywhere within the application window. The zoom toolbar has icons for the functions — Zoom In, Zoom
Out, Zoom In Horizontally, and Fit to Window.
See Also:
Standard Toolbar (see page 31)
Waveform Toolbar (see page 31)
Instrument Bar (see page 34)
Status Bar (see page 36)
Instrument Bar
View> Instrument Toolbar
The instrument toolbar is displayed, by default, below the main menu. You can place the toolbar anywhere
within the application window. The toolbar has icons for the standard functions — File Transfer and
Control, Scope Acquisition Wizard, Import from Scope, and Send Waveform to Arb.
See Also:
Standard Toolbar (see page 31)
Waveform Toolbar (see page 31)
Zoom Bar (see page 33)
Status Bar (see page 36)
See Also:
Standard Toolbar (see page 31)
Waveform Toolbar (see page 31)
Instrument Bar (see page 34)
Zoom Bar (see page 33)
Status Bar (see page 36)
Status Bar
View> Status Bar
The application has two status bars: the Application status bar, and the Waveform status bar.
The Application status bar is displayed at the bottom of the application window. It shows the type of
instrument that is connected and its status. You can turn on or off the Application Status bar from
the View menu.
The Waveform status bar displays the sampling rate, points, signal voltage, editing mode, and cursor
difference. When you view a standard waveform, the voltage readout on the status bar displays the height
of the waveform where it crosses the active cursor or the vertical line of the pointer/crosshair. In draw
mode, the voltage readout is the actual vertical height of the draw pointer.
See Also:
Standard Toolbar (see page 31)
Waveform Toolbar (see page 31)
Zoom Bar (see page 33)
Instrument Bar (see page 34)
Shortcut View
The Shortcut View occupies the left part of the display. You can keep the shortcut view open by clicking
the pin at the top right corner of the panel. You can show or hide each selection in the shortcut panel by
pressing the double arrow at the top right corner of each panel.
See Also:
Sine Wave (see page 79)
Square Wave (see page 82)
Triangle Wave (see page 85)
Pulse Wave (see page 88)
Noise Wave (see page 91)
Easy Edit
View > Shortcut View
Use the Easy Edit bar to shift or rotate the waveform by a defined number of points and amplitude. You
can shift the waveform or the portion of the waveform that is between cursors left, right, up, or down. You
can rotate the waveform left or right.
Type the number of points and amplitude by which to rotate or shift the waveform. If the option Rotate
Waveform is checked, the waveform is rotated. If the selection is cleared, the waveform is shifted.
Multi-Waveform Properties
View > Shortcut View
Use the Multi-Waveform Properties panel in the Shortcut View to select the window for opening a new
or existing waveform.
When you select the New Window option, the waveform is opened in a new window.
When you select the Existing Window option, the waveform is opened in an existing window. Select the
existing window using the Wave Book list box in the panel.
To display the waveform in an existing window, ensure that the new waveform has:
The same sampling rate as the existing waveform; if the sampling rate is different, then select Change
the Incoming waveform’s Sampling rate to change the sampling rate of the new waveform to match
that of the existing waveform. Or, select Change the Existing waveform’s Sampling rate to change
the sampling rate of the existing waveform to match that of the incoming waveform.
Equal number of points as the existing waveform.
See Also:
Import from Oscilloscope (see page 144)
File Transfer and Control (see page 135)
Scope Acquisition Wizard (see page 149)
Dialog Boxes
Most of the ArbExpress application dialog boxes have a corresponding help topic. To display descriptions
for the dialog boxes, display the dialog box and click Help.
For help on specific dialog boxes, display the Table of Contents for this help file, and then navigate
to Operating Basics > Dialog Boxes.
Active Waveform
Select the Waveform tab to view and modify the properties of the selected waveform. For multiple
waveform display, choose the waveform by selecting the Waveform1 or Waveform2 button located just
above the waveform display.
To save the waveform, click File > Save or File > Save As.
Option Description
Instrument Select the instrument from the list.
Sampling Rate Displays the sampling rate of the selected waveform.
Resampling waveform using Shows the number of points used for resampling.
Select resampling method Select the algorithm to use when resampling and recreating
the waveform (Sinc, linear, or Add Points with zero
amplitude). Marker data is not resampled, but marker data
may be added or removed.
Normalize the waveform before saving the file Normalizes the waveform before saving it. The waveform
amplitude is set between – 1 and +1 before the waveform
is saved.
Select the Multi-waveform tab to set up the window in which to display the waveforms.
When more than one waveform is displayed in a window or a wave book, you can select the waveform
to edit or work with by selecting the Waveform1 or Waveform2 button located just above the waveform
display. When you open or display a second waveform in the same window or wave book, the first
waveform is shown as a dotted line.
NOTE. A window or wave book can display a maximum of two waveforms. If you try to open or display
more than two waveforms in a single window or wave book, you are prompted with the message "Only two
waveforms can be opened or created in a Wave Book".
NOTE. Only waveforms with the same number of samples can be displayed in a wave book.
Option Description
New Window Displays or opens the waveform in a new window
Existing Window Displays or opens the waveform in an existing window
Wave book Displays the list of wave books to choose to display the
Change the incoming waveform's clock Changes the incoming or new waveform clock to match the
clock of the existing waveform
Change the existing waveform's clock Changes the existing waveform clock to match the incoming
or new waveform clock
Use the Preferences tab to set preferences for a waveform.
Option Description
Save .set file along with .wfm and .pat files The .set file contains the voltage and offset of the waveform.
Enable this before creating a waveform
Show paste option before pasting Displays the Paste option dialog box before pasting the
Always enables the instrument's outputs after transferring Switches on the destination channel to which the waveform
the waveform is transferred and sets the instrument in the Run mode
Option Description
Paste at active cursor Pastes the contents at the active cursor. The active cursor
in indicated by a solid line.
Prepend to the waveform Pastes the copied contents at the beginning of the waveform
Append to the waveform Pastes the copied contents at the end of the waveform
Replace between cursors Pastes the copied contents the between the cursors
Don't show this again and always paste at active cursor If checked, always pastes the copied contents at the active
cursors and does not display the dialog box next time
Option Description
Points Sets the number of points by which to rotate the waveform
Amplitude Sets the amplitude by which to shift the waveform
Vertical Segment
Shift Up Shifts the waveform up by the specified amplitude
Shift Down Shifts the waveform down by the specified amplitude
Horizontal Segment
Rotate Right Rotates the waveform to the right by the specified number
of points
Rotate Left Rotates the waveform to the left by the specified number
of points
Shift Right Shifts the waveform to the right by the specified number
of points
Shift Left Shifts the waveform to the left by the specified number of
Option Description
Insert Point Inserts a row (point) above the selected row
Delete Point Delete the selected row (point)
Clear All Clears all the rows (points) in the table
Interpolation Sets the interpolation method to Linear, Smooth, or
X Value Displays the X value in Positions (points) or in Time
The application checks the values you enter for the following:
X-value (sampling point) must always be unique. If you try to repeat this value, the message, “Values
of the sampling index should be unique” appears.
If you leave the amplitude (Y) blank, the applications fills it with a zero.
If you enter a Y value but no corresponding X value, an error appears.
Click OK. If the application finds no errors, the point draw table closes and the waveform in the Wave
Book window is updated to reflect the changes that you made in the point draw table.
Option Description
Points Select Points to set the cursor position in points.
Seconds Select Seconds to set the cursor position in seconds.
Cursor Position
Cursor 1 Enter the position for Cursor 1 in the units selected in the
previous option.
Cursor 2 Enter the position for Cursor 2 in the units selected in the
previous option.
Option Description
Waveform Name Lists the waveforms available in the active window
Enable Graticule Displays the graticule when checked
Background Color Changes the background color of the waveform window
Waveform Properties
Color Displays the waveform color and allows you to change the waveform color
Line Style Displays the waveform line style and allows you to change the style
Line Width Displays the waveform line width and allows you to change the line width
Marker Color
Marker1 Displays the color of Marker1 and allows you to change it
Marker2 Displays the color of Marker2 and allows you to change it
Cursor Color
Cursor1 Displays the color of Cursor1 and allows you to change it
Cursor2 Displays the color of Cursor2 and allows you to change it
Preview Displays the preview of the waveform
When more than one waveform is displayed in one wave book or window, the inactive waveform has a
dashed line and the active waveform has a solid line.
See Also:
Marker (see page 112)
Cursor (see page 113)
Graticule (see page 116)
Option Description
Number of Points Indicates the number of samples, typically in one cycle of
the waveform
Sampling Rate Indicates the number of samples per second
Total Range Indicates the duration of the waveform in seconds
Lock Total Range Locks the Total Range value when checked. You can then
edit only the other two variables.
The Equation Editor window has a toolbar that has icons for opening a file and saving a file. Click Open
to open an equation file (.equ ) from the sample files. Use the other toolbar icons to perform operations
such as Close, Cut, Copy, and Paste.
If the equation compiles without any errors, the application displays the waveform in the specified window.
If compilation errors occur, the application displays a message in the output pane. The OK button is
enabled only if the compilation is successful.
The application supports the AWG2000 equation editor model. Equations created using the equation editor
cannot be used on the AWG400 through AWG700 series waveform generators. For more information, see
Equation Editor Reference (see page 201). Equations created using the equation editor cannot be used on
the AWG400 through AWG700 series waveform generators.
To transfer the waveform to an AWG or AFG, click Send to Arb (see page 148). This button is enabled
only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected. You can select the channel to send the waveform to.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Equation Editor dialog box.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Show Advanced Mode Select this to show the advanced options for the horizontal
Frequency Enter M for Megahertz, and G for Gigahertz.
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Phase Enter the phase in degrees.
Advanced Options
Frequency Displays the frequency as Samples per Second divided by
Number of Points per Cycle. You can set the frequency
by entering the number of Samples per Second and the
Number of Points per cycle.
You can lock the desired frequency and adjust either the
Samples per Second or the Points per Cycle to achieve
the frequency.
Samples/sec You can lock the desired Samples per Second and adjust
either the Frequency or the Points per Cycle to achieve the
sampling rate.
Points/cycle You can lock the desired Points per Cycle and adjust either
the Frequency or the Samples per Second to achieve the
number of points per cycles.
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000,
or MDO4000 series of instruments. For the AFG2000, AFG3000, and AWG4000 series of instruments,
type the Total Number of Points, Frequency in Hertz, Phase in degrees, and Cycles. The Sampling Rate is
a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For
the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from
1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3251C, AFG3252, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total
number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz.
For the MDO3000 and MDO4000 series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The
AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Show Advanced Mode Select this to show the advanced options for the horizontal
Frequency Enter M for Megahertz, and G for Gigahertz.
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Phase Enter the phase in degrees.
Duty Cycle Enter the Duty Cycle as a percentage of the waveform width.
Advanced Options
Frequency Displays the frequency as Samples per Second divided by
Number of Points per Cycle. You can set the frequency
by entering the number of Samples per Second and the
Number of Points per cycle.
You can lock the desired frequency and adjust either the
Samples per Second or the Points per Cycle to achieve
the frequency.
Samples/sec You can lock the desired Samples per Second and adjust
either the Frequency or the Points per Cycle to achieve
the sampling rate.
Points/cycle You can lock the desired Points per Cycle and adjust either
the Frequency or the Samples per Second to achieve the
number of points per cycles.
Rise Time Enter the Rise time in number of points or in seconds.
Ramp Select Ramp.
Sine2 Select Sine2.
Fall Time Enter the Fall time in points or seconds.
Ramp Select Ramp.
Sine2 Select Sine2 .
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, or MDO3000
series of instruments. For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series of instruments, type the Total Number of
Points, Frequency in Hertz, Phase in degrees, Cycles, and Duty Cycle. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value
for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the AFG3101,
AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C instruments,
if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to
250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number
of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. Under
Transitions (10%-90%), set the Rise Time and Fall Time parameters. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000
series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000
series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is
fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Show Advanced Mode Select this to show the advanced options for the horizontal
Frequency Enter M for Megahertz, and G for Gigahertz .
Option Description
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Phase Enter the phase in degrees.
Advanced Options
Frequency Displays the frequency as Samples per Second by Number
of Points per Cycle. You can set the frequency by entering
the number of Samples per Second and the Number of
Points per cycle.
You can lock the desired frequency and adjust either the
Samples per Second or the Points per Cycle to achieve
the frequency.
Samples/sec You can lock the desired Samples per Second and adjust
either the Frequency or the Points per Cycle to achieve the
sampling rate.
Points/cycle You can lock the desired Points per Cycle and adjust either
the Frequency or the Samples per Second to achieve the
number of points per cycle.
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, or MDO3000
series of instruments. For the AFG2000, AFG3000, and AWG4000 series of instruments, type the Total
Number of Points, Frequency in Hertz, Phase in degrees, and Cycles. The Sampling Rate is a fixed
value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the
AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from
1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total
number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For
the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The
AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG, AFG, MDO3000, or
MDO4000C with AFG option enabled) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Show Advanced Mode Select this to show the advanced options for the horizontal
Frequency Enter M for Megahertz, and G for Gigahertz.
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Delay Enter the delay in seconds.
Pulse Width (50%) Enter the pulse width in seconds, typically 50% of the entire
waveform width.
Advanced Options
Frequency Displays the frequency as Samples per Second divided by
Number of Points per Cycle. You can set the frequency
by entering the number of Samples per Second and the
Number of Points per cycle.
You can lock the desired frequency and adjust either the
Samples per Second or the Points per Cycle to achieve
the frequency.
Samples/sec You can lock the desired Samples per Second and adjust
either the Frequency or the Points per Cycle to achieve the
sampling rate.
Points/cycle You can lock the desired Points per Cycle and adjust either
the Frequency or the Samples per Second to achieve the
number of points per cycle.
Pulse Direction Select the pulse direction.
Positive Select positive pulse direction.
Negative Select negative pulse direction.
Rise Time Enter the Rise time in number of points or in seconds.
Ramp Select Ramp.
Sine2 Select Sine2 .
Fall Time Enter the Fall time in points or in seconds.
Ramp Select Ramp.
Sine2 Select Sine2 .
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, or MDO3000
series of instruments. For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series of instruments, type the Total Number of
Points, Frequency in Hertz, Delay, Cycles, and Pulse Width. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for
the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the AFG3101,
AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C instruments,
if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to
250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number
of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. Under
Transitions (10%-90%), set the Pulse Direction, Rise Time, and Fall Time parameters. For the MDO3000
and MDO4000 series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series
sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Option Description
Gaussian White Noise Select this to create a Gaussian White Noise waveform.
Pink Noise Select this to create a Pink Noise waveform.
Sampling Rate Enter the sampling rate for the waveform.
Total Number of Points Enter the total number of points.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, or MDO4000 series of instruments, type the
Total Number of Points. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling
Rate depends on the total number of points. For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C,
AFG3051C, AFG3052C, AFG3151C, and AFG3152C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds
16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252,
AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the
sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000 series of instruments,
the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
–1 and + 1.
Sampling Rate Enter the sampling rate for the waveform.
Total Number of Points Enter the total number of points in the waveform.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, or MDO4000 series of instruments, type the
Total Number of Points. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling
Rate depends on the total number of points. For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C,
AFG3051C, AFG3052C, AFG3151C, and AFG3152C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds
16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252,
AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the
sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000 series of instruments,
the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Sampling Rate Enter the sampling rate for the waveform.
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Phase Enter the phase in degrees.
Total Number of Points Enter the total number of points in the waveform.
Damp Factor Enter the damp factor.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, or MDO4000 series of instruments, type the Phase
in degrees, Cycles, Total Number of Points, and Damp Factor. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for
the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the AFG3101,
AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3051C, AFG3052C, AFG3151C, and AFG3152C instruments,
if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to
250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number
of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the
MDO3000 and MDO4000 series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000
series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Option Description
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Sampling Rate Enter the sampling rate for the waveform.
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Phase Enter the phase in degrees.
Total Number of Points Enter the total number of points in the waveform.
Damp Factor Enter the damp factor.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, or MDO4000 series of instruments, type the Phase
in degrees, Cycles, Total Number of Points, and Damp Factor. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for
the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the AFG3101,
AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C instruments, if the total number of points
exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251,
AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16
K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000
series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is
fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Start Frequency Enter the frequency that you want at the beginning of the
End Frequency Enter the frequency that you want at the end of the
Time Duration* Enter the time between the start and end of the waveform.
Option Description
Sampling Rate Enter the sampling rate for the waveform.
Total Number of Points** Enter the total number of points that make up the waveform.
1 * For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series of instruments, type the Start Frequency, End Frequency, and Total Number of Points. The Sampling
Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. The Time Duration is calculated
according to the following equation:
For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3051C, AFG3052C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C,
and MDO3000 series instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the
sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and
AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate
changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000 series of instruments, the sampling
rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
2 ** The field Total Number of Points is disabled for the AWG7xx, AWG6xx, AWG5xx, AWG4xx, AWG2xxx, and AFG3xx series of instruments. The
application calculates the Total Number of Points as the product of Time Duration and Sampling Rate.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Sampling Rate Enter the sampling rate for the waveform.
Phase Enter the phase in degrees.
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Total Number of Points Enter the total number of points in the waveform.
Number of Zero Crossings Enter the number of zero crossings for the waveform.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, or MDO4000 series of instruments, type the Phase
in degrees, Cycles, Total Number of Points, and Number of Zero Crossings. The Sampling Rate is a fixed
value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the
AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from
1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total
number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz.
For the MDO3000 and MDO4000 series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The
AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
To preview the waveform, click Preview.
To restore the default values for the waveform, click Default.
To save your current values and create the waveform, click OK.
To send the waveform directly to an arbitrary waveform or function generator that is connected, click Send
to Arb (see page 148). Send to Arb is enabled only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected.
To view or vary the waveform properties, click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42). The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Option Description
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Start Frequency Enter the frequency that you want at the beginning of the
End Frequency Enter the frequency that you want at the end of the
Tone Spacing* Enter the frequency interval between the frequencies that
make up waveform.
Sampling Rate Enter the sampling rate for the waveform.
Total Number of Points** Enter the total number of points.
1 * For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series of instruments, type the Start Frequency, End Frequency, and Total Number of Points. The Sampling Rate
is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points.
For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3051C, AFG3052C, and MDO3000 series
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from
1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total
number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz.
For the MDO3000 and MDO4000 series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The
AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
2 **The field Total Number of Points is disabled for the AWG7xx, AWG6xx, AWG5xx, AWG4xx, AWG2xxx, and AFG3xx series of instruments. The
Total Number of Points is calculated according to the following equation:
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Function Select a standard function from the list.
Instrument Select an instrument from the list.
Amp/Offset Select Amp/Offset to set the amplitude and offset for the
selected waveform.
Amplitude Enter the amplitude of the waveform in volts.
Offset Enter the offset of the waveform in volts.
Option Description
Max/Min Select Max/Min to set the amplitude voltage range for the
selected waveform.
Maximum Enter the maximum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Minimum Enter the minimum amplitude or the waveform in volts.
Full DAC Value Select Full DAC Value to set the waveform values between
– 1 and + 1.
Sampling Rate Enter the number of samples per second.
Phase Enter the phase in degrees.
Cycles Enter the number of cycles in the waveform.
Total Number of Points* Enter the total number of points in the waveform.
Time Delay** Enter the delay in seconds.
Half Width Enter the half width.
1 * The field Total Number of Points is disabled for the AWG7xx, AWG6xx, AWG5xx, AWG4xx, AWG2xxx, and AFG3xx series of instruments. Type
the Sampling Rate of the waveform, the number of Cycles, and the Phase in degrees. Enter the Time Delay and Half Width. The Total number of
points is given by: The Total number of points is given by:
2 ** For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series of instruments, type the Phase in degrees, Cycles, Half Width, and Total Number of Points. The
Sampling Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points for the AFG3101, AFG3102,
AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K
points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total
number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz.
For AFG3xx, AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, or MDO4000 series of instruments Time
Delay is calculated according to the following equation:
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear when you click Preview:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Option Description
Arb List Lists the instruments that can be connected
Instrument Folders Lists the folders on the instruments hard disk drive
Instrument Files Lists the files in the folder selected on the instrument hard
PC Folders Lists the folders on the PC hard disk
PC Files Lists the files in the folder selected on the PC hard disk
Instrument Control
Channel Selector Selects the channel that you want to control
Output ON Turns the output on or off
Load File to AWG Enter or select the file to load. You can drag and drop the file
from the Instrument file list and the file name automatically
appears here.
Vertical Control the vertical parameters.
Filter Use this to filter frequencies greater than the value specified.
Amplitude Enter the voltage for the waveform.
Offset Enter or select the offset for the waveform.
High Set the High value for Marker1.
Low Set the Low value for Marker1.
Instrument Control
High Set the High value for Marker2.
Low Set the Low value for Marker2.
Clock Enter the clock frequency.
Run/Stop Changes the instrument from the Run to Stop mode or vice
Apply Applies the changes to the waveform.
For the AFG3xx series, you can transfer the waveform files in the following directions — PC to Edit
memory, PC to User memory, and Edit memory to User memory.
For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series, you can transfer the waveform in the following directions — PC to
Edit memory, PC to User memory, Edit memory to User memory, and Edit memory to PC.
For the AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series, you can transfer the waveform in the following
directions — PC to Edit memory and Edit memory to PC.
When you transfer a waveform from the Edit memory to the PC, the file has the name EMEM<n> in the
destination folder. When you transfer a waveform from the PC to the Edit memory, the EMEM<n>
waveform text box shows the waveform file name. When you drag the EMEM<n> file to User<n>, the
User<n> text box shows the file name as EMEM<n>.
When you drag a file from the PC Files list and drop it to the destination Edit or User memory, the
destination text "Drag source file and drop here" is replaced with the name of the transferred file. When
you close the dialog box or reinvoke it, the destination text reappears.
Option Description
Waveform Library
Select the waveform This appears in the Math Source preview.
Amplitude Pk-Pk Type the amplitude in volts of the selected waveform
Cycles Type the number of cycles of the selected waveform.
Phase Type the phase in degrees of the selected waveform.
Duty Cycle/Pulse Width/Damp Factor Type the duty cycle, pulse width, or the Damp Factor for
the selected waveform.
Scalar Value
Amplitude Type the amplitude in volts.
Copy from clipboard Uses the waveform copied to the memory to perform math
Add Adds every point of the selected waveform to every point on
the math source waveform.
Subtract Subtracts every point of the selected waveform from every
point on the math source waveform.
Multiply Multiplies every point on the selected waveform with every
point of the math source waveform.
Divide Divides every point on the selected waveform with every
point of the math source waveform This operation is not
available when you select a standard waveform from the list
to operate with.
Only between cursors Select this to perform the operation only on that section of
the waveform between the cursors.
Option Description
Instrument Model Displays the model of the selected instrument
Connection Status Displays the status of the instrument — connected or not
Interface String Displays the resource string or IP address of the connected
Bus Type Displays the bus type: Serial, GPIB, or Ethernet
Before Connecting
Ensure that the oscilloscope you intend to connect to is detected by the TekVisa Resource manager tool.
Without this, ArbExpress will not show it in its Scope list. Refer to the help on VisaRM for information on
how to search for an oscilloscope using the TekVisa Resource Manager tool.
Connecting to an Oscilloscope
The Scope list shows the oscilloscopes to which you can connect. You can choose any one of them and
connect to it. Once successfully connected, the Scope list shows the available data sources — Channels,
Reference waveforms, and Math waveforms in the oscilloscope.
Importing a Waveform
To import a waveform, you must first select a data source (a channel, ref or math). When you select one of
the available data sources, its status is displayed in the bottom half of the dialog box. After selecting the
data source, you can either drag and drop the source into one of the folders on the hard disk, or select the
Acquire option from the shortcut menu for the selected data source and paste it in a folder on the PC.
When the transfer is complete, a waveform file with the name of the form <model number>_<channel
number>.wfm is created in the selected folder.
NOTE. If you have a Ref waveform of a particular record length, you can successfully import the waveform
only if the oscilloscope current record length is the same as the Ref waveform record length.
Acquisition mode (supports Sample, Peak Detect and Average modes on all families of oscilloscopes.
In addition to these three, supports Hi Res, and Peak to Peak modes for TDS5000, TDS6000 and
TDS7000 series of oscilloscope)
NOTE. Closing the dialog box does not close the connection.
Option Description
Marker1 Select Marker1 as the target to set the pattern for Marker1.
Marker2 Select Marker2 as the target to set the pattern for Marker2.
Hex Select Hexadecimal as the data type to set the pattern in
Binary Select Binary as the data type to set the pattern in binary.
Pattern Use characters 0 – 9 and A– F to create a hexadecimal
pattern, and 0 and 1 to create a binary pattern.
Use the Equation pane to edit the equations, use the Command list to select the commands, functions,
units and operations, use the Settings pane to set the Total Range, and use the Preview pane to preview the
waveform after the equation is compiled. The OK button is enabled only when the equation compiles
The equation editor toolbar has icons for standard functions — Open, Save, Close, Cut, Copy, Paste,
and Instrument list.
Creating an Equation
To use a sample equation:
1. Select Waveform > Equation Editor.
2. From the Equation Editor window, select File > Open.
3. Browse the equations (.equ or .eqa) listed in the folder \ArbExpress\Samples\Equation.
4. Edit the equation using the Command list options or by placing the pointer over the equation and
typing in the equation.
NOTE. Ensure that the total range you specify in the equation and the total range defined in the Settings
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series of instruments, the
sampling rate is replaced with the Equivalent Sampling Rate. If you lock the Total Range, the
Equivalent Sampling Rate is the calculated depending upon the Number of Points. The application
displays the sampling rate of the current instrument.
If the total range defined in the equation is greater than the total range in Settings, the equation fails to
compile. The output pane displays a message and the error.
If the number of points specified in the Settings is more than the range specified in the equation, then
the available extra points have a value of zero.
4. Click Compile. The compiled equation is displayed in Preview. The compilation status and messages
are displayed in Output. If the compilation is successful, you can click OK.
Click Send to Arb (see page 148) to transfer the waveform to an AWG or an AFG. This button is enabled
only when an instrument (AWG or AFG) is connected. You can select the channel to send the waveform
to. A progress bar displays the status of the operation. In the AFG3xx, AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000,
MDO3000, and MDO4000C series, the waveform is sent to the edit memory. A message "Are you sure
you want to overwrite EMEM<n> with this file?" warns you that the instrument edit memory will be
Click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42) to view or vary the waveform properties. The Waveform
Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Equation Editor dialog box.
The application supports the AWG2000 equation editor model and follows the same syntax. See Equation
Editor Reference (see page 201) for more details. Equations created using the equation editor cannot be
used on the AWG400 through AWG700 series waveform generators.
See Also:
Send Waveform to Arb (see page 148)
Transfer Files to an AWG/AFG (see page 137)
Sine Wave
File > Standard Waveform
3. Under Horizontal, type the Frequency of the waveform in Hertz, the number of Cycles, and the Phase
in degrees. Select Show Advanced Mode to show advanced parameter options for the sine wave.
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, or
MDO3000 series of instruments. For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, or MDO4000C
series of instruments, type the Total Number of Points, Frequency in Hertz, Phase in degrees, and
Cycles. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends
on the total number of points. For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C,
AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384
(16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252,
AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points),
the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of
instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed
to 2.5 GHz.
4. If you have selected Show Advanced Mode, set the Frequency as the number of samples per second
divided by the number of points per cycle. You can lock any one of the parameters – Frequency,
Samples/sec, or Points/cycle – and vary the other two.
5. Click Preview to view the waveform.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
6. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in
the Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Square Wave
File > Standard Waveform
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000,
MDO3000, or MDO4000C series of instruments. For these instruments, type the Total Number of
Points, Frequency in Hertz, Phase in degrees, Cycles, and Duty Cycle. The Sampling Rate is a fixed
value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the
AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes
from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments,
if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz
to 250 MHz. Under Transitions (10%-90%), set the Rise Time and Fall Time parameters. For the
MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The
AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
4. If you have selected Show Advanced Mode, set the Frequency as the number of samples per second
divided by the number of points per cycle. You can lock any one of the parameters – Frequency,
Samples/sec, or Points/cycle– and vary the other two. Another pane titled Transitions (10%-90%)
Set the number of points for Rise Time and select rise type to Ramp or Sine2.
Set the number of points for Fall Time and the fall type to Ramp or Sine2. The equivalent value is
displayed in seconds.
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
6. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Triangle Wave
File > Standard Waveform
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000,
MDO3000, or MDO4000C series of instruments. For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series of
instruments, type the Total Number of Points, Frequency in Hertz, Phase in degrees, and Cycles. The
Sampling Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total
number of points. For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C,
AFG3051C, and AFG3052C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points),
the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and
AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate
changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the
sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in
the Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Pulse Wave
File > Standard Waveform
The Show Advanced Mode option is not available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, or
MDO3000 series of instruments. For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series of instruments, type the Total
Number of Points, Frequency in Hertz, Delay, Cycles, and Pulse Width. The Sampling Rate is a fixed
value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the
AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes
from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments,
if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz
to 250 MHz. Under Transitions (10%-90%), set the Pulse Direction, Rise Time, and Fall Time
parameters. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to
250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
4. If you selected Show Advanced Mode, the Transitions (10%-90%) pane appears.
Set the Pulse Direction to Positive or Negative.
Set the number of points for Rise Time and the rise type to Ramp or Sine2.
Set the number of points for Fall Time and the fall type to Ramp or Sine2. The equivalent value is
displayed in seconds.
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
6. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in
the Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Noise Wave
File > Standard Waveform
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in
the Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
DC Wave
File > Standard Waveform
To create a DC wave:
1. Under Settings, set the Function to DC, and set the Instrument to the target instrument.
2. Under Vertical, choose one of the following:
Amp/Offset — to enter the Offset value. Enter the offset value. This value cannot exceed the
maximum offset supported by the instrument.
Full DAC Value — to create a waveform for the maximum amplitude supported by the instrument.
3. Under Horizontal, enter the Sampling Rate and the Total Number of Points for the waveform.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series of instruments, type
the Total Number of Points. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The
Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C,
AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C instruments, if the total number of
points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the
AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds
16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and
MDO4000C series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series
sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
4. Click Preview to view the waveform.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in
the Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
3. Under Horizontal, enter the Sampling Rate of the waveform, the Phase in degrees, and the number of
Cycles per second. Enter the Total number of Points, and Damp Factor.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series of instruments, type the
Phase in degrees, Cycles, Total Number of Points, and Damp Factor. The Sampling Rate is a fixed
value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the
AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, AFG3052C,
and MDO3000 series instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the
sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and
AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate
changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the
sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
4. Click Preview to view the waveform.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
1. Under Settings, set the Function to Exponential Decay, and set the Instrument to the target
2. Under Vertical, you can choose one of the following:
Amp/Offset — to enter the Amplitude (Pk-Pk) and Offset in volts. The amplitude specifies the
amplitude of the waveform (along the Y-axis ) and the offset specifies the volts by which the
waveform will be offset from the origin along the Y-axis . The sum of the amplitude and offset
must not exceed the voltage range supported by the target instrument.
Max/Min — to enter the Maximum and Minimum voltage values for the waveform.
Full DAC Value — to create a waveform for the maximum amplitude supported by the instrument.
3. Under Horizontal, enter the Sampling Rate of the waveform, the Phase in degrees, and the number of
Cycles per second. Enter the Total number of Points, and Damp Factor.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series of instruments, type the
Phase in degrees, Cycles, Total Number of Points, and Damp Factor. The Sampling Rate is a fixed
value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the
AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes
from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if
the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to
250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to
250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
4. Click Preview to view the waveform.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Sinc Wave
File > Standard Waveform
Rate is a fixed value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of
points. For the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C,
and AFG3052C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the
sampling rate changes from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and
AFG3252C instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate
changes from 2 GHz to 250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the
sampling rate is limited to 250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
4. Click Preview to view the waveform.
If the number of points is fewer than the number of points supported by the instrument, the following
options appear:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Sweep Wave
File > Standard Waveform
waveform will be offset from the origin along the Y-axis . The sum of the amplitude and offset
must not exceed the voltage range supported by the target instrument.
Max/Min — to enter the Maximum and Minimum voltage values for the waveform.
Full DAC Value — to create a waveform for the maximum amplitude supported by the instrument.
3. Under Horizontal, type the Start Frequency, End Frequency, Time Duration, and Sampling Rate. The
application calculates the Total Number of Points as the product of Time Duration and Sampling
Rate. This is applicable for the AWG7xx, AWG6xx, AWG5xx, AWG4xx, AWG2xxx, and AFG3xx
series of instruments.
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series of instruments, type the
Start Frequency, End Frequency, and Total Number of Points. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for
the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. The Time Duration
is calculated according to the following equation:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Multi-Tone Wave
File > Standard Waveform
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series of instruments, type the
Start Frequency, End Frequency, and Total Number of Points. The Sampling Rate is a fixed value for
the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points.
The Tone Spacing is calculated according to the following equation:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Click Send to Arb (see page 148) to transfer the waveform to an AWG or an AFG. This button is
enabled only when an instrument (AWG, AFG, MDO3000, or MDO4000C with AFG option enabled)
is connected. You can select the channel to send the waveform to.
Click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42) to view or vary the waveform properties. The
Waveform Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Lorentz Wave
File > Standard Waveform
For the AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series of instruments, type
the Phase in degrees, Cycles, Half Width, and Total Number of Points. The Sampling Rate is a fixed
value for the selected instrument. The Sampling Rate depends on the total number of points. For the
AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3101C, AFG3102C, AFG3151C, AFG3152C, AFG3051C, and AFG3052C
instruments, if the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes
from 1 GHz to 250 MHz. For the AFG3251, AFG3252, AFG3251C, and AFG3252C instruments, if
the total number of points exceeds 16,384 (16 K points), the sampling rate changes from 2 GHz to
250 MHz. For the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series of instruments, the sampling rate is limited to
250 MHz. The AWG4000 series sampling rate is fixed to 2.5 GHz.
For AFG3xx, AFG2000, AFG3000, and AWG4000 series of instruments, Time Delay is calculated
according to the following equation:
Option Description
Manually change the Horizontal settings to reach minimum Select this and change the parameters to increase the total
number of points number of points in the waveform to achieve the minimum
number of points.
Add zeros to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points of zero voltage to the waveform.
Add last vector to achieve minimum number of points Select this to achieve the minimum number of points by
appending points with the voltage value of the last point
to the waveform.
Click Send to Arb (see page 148) to transfer the waveform to an AWG or an AFG. This button is
enabled only when an instrument (AWG, AFG, MDO3000, or MDO4000C with AFG option enabled)
is connected. You can select the channel to send the waveform to.
Click Multi-Waveform Properties (see page 42) to view or vary the waveform properties. The
Waveform Properties dialog box opens.
NOTE. The Active Waveform tab is disabled when invoked from the Standard Waveform dialog box.
5. Click OK to display the waveform in a new or an existing window. The window values are saved for
this waveform type and the selected instrument.
NOTE. To display the waveform in a new or existing window, select Multi-Waveform Properties in the
Shortcut view.
See Also:
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
Default Settings (see page 190)
Display > Marker
Selecting Display > Marker from the menu toggles the display of the markers.
Select a marker to edit it. Right-click in the marker field to display a shortcut menu listing the following
Option Description
Create 0/1 pattern Fills the entire marker area with a 0/1 pattern
Random pattern Fills the entire marker area with a random pattern
Clear Pattern Clears the entire marker area
Invert Pattern Inverts the marker area values
Freehand Use the mouse to enter 0,1 data in the marker area by
clicking the mouse to place a data point.
Shift Shifts marker bits one point to the right or left
Right Shifts the marker bits one point to the right
Left Shifts the marker bits one point to the left
Set Pattern Displays a dialog box where you can set the pattern type
(Hexadecimal or Binary) for the markers
Make High Sets the data values to high
Make Low Sets the data values to low
Rotate Rotates marker bits one point to the right or left
Right Rotates the marker bits one point to the right
Left Rotates the marker bits one point to the left
Edit Markers
To edit markers, select a marker and right-click in the marker pane. From the shortcut menu, select
Freehand to edit marker patterns. Click the points on the marker to edit. Right-click to end freehand
A tool-tip 'Right-click to end' appears when you are in the freehand editing mode.
Display > Cursor
Selecting Display > Cursor from the menu toggles the display of the cursors.
Point to a cursor and select it. The selected cursor or the active cursor is displayed with a solid line and
the other cursor is displayed with a dash-dot line.
See Also:
Cursor Position (see page 113)
Properties (see page 116)
Cursor Position
Display > Cursor Position
Selecting Display > Cursor Position from the menu sets the cursor position in points or seconds.
You can also double-click the cursor head to display the cursor position dialog box.
See Also:
Cursor (see page 113)
Properties (see page 116)
Zoom In
Display > Zoom In
Select Display > Zoom In from the menu. You can zoom the area of interest by doing either of the
Clicking near a point
Selecting an area of interest
ArbExpress supports unlimited zoom. The zoom extent is limited by the number of points (10) displayed
on the X-axis.
See Also:
Zoom Out (see page 114)
Horizontal Zoom In (see page 115)
Fit to Window (see page 115)
Zoom Out
Display > Zoom Out
Select Display > Zoom Out from the menu to zoom out. You can use Zoom out only after you have
zoomed in. If the markers are displayed, the corresponding marker area is also zoomed.
See Also:
Zoom In (see page 114)
Horizontal Zoom In (see page 115)
Fit to Window (see page 115)
Horizontal Zoom In
Display > Horizontal Zoom In
Select Display > Horizontal Zoom In to zoom the area of interest horizontally. The voltage values
displayed on the Y-axis remain unchanged during horizontal zoom. You can zoom the area of interest
doing either of the following:
Clicking near a point
Selecting an area of interest
If the markers are displayed, the corresponding marker area is also zoomed. ArbExpress supports
unlimited zoom. The zoom extent is limited by the number of points (10) displayed on the X-axis.
See Also:
Zoom In (see page 114)
Zoom Out (see page 114)
Fit to Window (see page 115)
Fit to Window
Display > Fit to Window
Select this to fit the waveform in the window and restore the waveform to its state before the first zoom in.
This option is enabled only after a zoom in or a horizontal zoom. If you have turned on marker display, Fit
to Window also fits the markers within the marker window.
See Also:
Zoom In (see page 114)
Zoom Out (see page 114)
Horizontal Zoom In (see page 115)
Display > Crosshair
Display the crosshairs by selecting Display > Crosshair from the menu. This toggles the display of the
crosshairs . If there is a check mark next to this command, the crosshairs are on; if there is no check
mark, the crosshairs are off.
See Also:
Cursor (see page 113)
Cursor Position (see page 113)
Display > Graticule
Display the graticule by selecting Display > Graticule from the menu. This toggles the display of the
graticule . If there is a check mark next to this command, the graticule is on; if there is no check mark, the
graticule is off.
Time Scale
Display > Time Scale
Select Display > Time Scale to display the waveform with time as the X-axis and voltage along the Y-axis
. If there is a check mark next to this command, the waveform is displayed with Time along the X-axis; if
there is no check mark, Time Scale display is off.
Display > Properties
Display the waveform, cursor, and marker properties by selecting Display > Properties from the menu.
When more than one waveform is displayed in one wave book or window, the inactive waveform is
displayed with a dashed line style and the active waveform is displayed with a solid line style.
Edit > Undo
Select this to undo the last operation performed on the waveform and restore it to its previous state. This
command can be repeated to undo the last operations indefinitely.
See Also:
Redo (see page 117)
Edit > Redo
Select this to redo the last operation performed on the waveform.
See Also:
Undo (see page 117)
Edit > Cut
To cut a portion of the waveform:
1. Select the portion of the waveform that you want to cut by turning on the cursors and positioning them
on the waveform. To see the cursors, select Display > Cursors.
2. Select Edit > Cut from the menu or click the icon in the toolbar. The portion of the waveform within
the cursors is cut. If the cursors are hidden, the portion of the waveform that is between the cursors
is cut.
See Also:
Select All (see page 120)
Copy (see page 118)
Paste (see page 119)
Edit > Copy
To copy a portion of the waveform:
1. Select the portion of the waveform that you want to copy by turning on the cursors and positioning
them on the waveform. To see the cursors, select Display > Cursors. To copy the complete waveform,
select Edit > Select All.
2. Select Edit > Copy from the menu or click the icon in the toolbar. The portion of the waveform
within the cursors is copied to the clipboard. If the cursors are hidden, the portion of the waveform
that is between the cursors is copied.
See Also:
Select All (see page 120)
Cut (see page 118)
Paste (see page 119)
Edit >Paste
To paste a copied portion of the waveform:
1. Select Edit > Paste from the menu. The following dialog box appears:
NOTE. In multiple waveform display, ArbExpress pastes the contents to both waveforms to maintain
the same waveform length for both.
See Also:
Copy (see page 118)
Cut (see page 118)
Select All (see page 120)
Cursor (see page 113)
Select All
Edit > Select All
To copy the entire waveform in an active window, select Edit > Select All from the application menu.
See Also:
Copy (see page 118)
Paste (see page 119)
Copy as Bitmap
Edit > Copy as Bitmap
You can paste the captured image as a bitmap in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.
Edit > Invert
To invert a portion of the waveform:
1. Select the portion of the waveform that you want to invert by turning on the cursors and positioning
them on the waveform. To see the cursors, select Display > Cursors.
2. Select Edit > Invert from the menu or click the icon in the toolbar. The portion of the waveform
within the cursors is inverted along the X-axis. If the cursors are hidden, the portion of the waveform
that is between the cursors is still inverted.
See Also:
Mirror (see page 123)
Cursor (see page 113)
Edit > Mirror
To mirror a portion of the waveform:
1. Select the portion of the waveform that you want to mirror by turning on the cursors and positioning
them on the waveform. To see the cursors, select Display > Cursors.
2. Select Edit > Mirror from the menu or click the icon in the toolbar. The portion of the waveform
within the cursors is mirrored along the Y-axis . If the cursors are hidden, the portion of the waveform
that is between the cursors is still mirrored.
See Also:
Invert (see page 122)
Cursor (see page 113)
Edit > Freehand
Select Edit > Freehand to enable the freehand drawing mode or click the icon in the toolbar. Use this
mode to draw a new waveform or to edit an existing waveform. Move the pointer to the point on the
waveform that you want to edit. Click and move the selected point; it moves in the direction the pointer
moves. The voltage readout in the status bar is the actual vertical height of the draw pointer.
Turn off the freehand draw mode by selecting Edit > Freehand or by clicking the corresponding icon.
See Also:
Horizontal Draw (see page 124)
Vertical Draw (see page 124)
Point Draw (see page 125)
Horizontal Draw
Edit > Horizontal Draw
Select Edit > Horizontal Draw to enable the horizontal draw mode or click the icon in the toolbar. Use
this mode to draw a new waveform or to edit an existing waveform. You can move the selected point
only in the horizontal direction. All vertical movement is restricted.
Move the pointer to the point on the waveform that you want to edit. Click and move the selected point; it
moves only horizontally. The voltage readout in the status bar is the actual vertical height of the draw
Turn off the horizontal draw mode by selecting Edit > Horizontal Draw or by clicking the corresponding
See Also:
Freehand (see page 123)
Vertical Draw (see page 124)
Point Draw (see page 125)
Vertical Draw
Edit > Vertical Draw
Select Edit > Vertical Draw to enable the vertical draw mode or click the icon in the toolbar. Use this
mode to draw a new waveform or to edit an existing waveform. You can move the selected point only in
the vertical direction. All horizontal movement is restricted.
Move the pointer to the point on the waveform that you want to edit. Click and move the selected point; it
moves only vertically. The voltage readout in the status bar is the actual vertical height of the draw pointer.
Turn off the vertical draw mode by selecting Edit > Vertical Draw or by clicking the corresponding icon.
See Also:
Freehand (see page 123)
Horizontal Draw (see page 124)
Point Draw (see page 125)
Point Draw
Edit > Point Draw
Select Edit > Point Draw > Enable Point Draw to enable the point draw mode or click Enable Point
Draw in the toolbar.
You can use the point draw feature to define points and create a waveform. Before you can enable point
draw, you must have a blank or existing wave book window open. The markers disappear and the Point
Draw toolbar items are enabled.
You can use the Point Draw feature in two ways to create a waveform in a new or existing window:
Enable Point Draw and click points within the waveform window.
Enable Point Draw and select Point Draw Table. Type the coordinates (X, Y) of the points in the
Point Draw Table.
The application checks the values you enter for the following:
X-value (sampling point) must always be unique. If you try to repeat this value, the message “Values
of the sampling index should be unique” appears.
If you leave the amplitude (Y) blank, the applications fills it with a zero.
If you enter a Y value but no corresponding X value, an error appears.
Click OK and if the application finds no errors, the Point Draw Table closes and the waveform in the Wave
Book window is updated to reflect the changes that you made in the Point Draw Table.
If you change from the point draw mode to other modes like Freehand, Horizontal Draw or Vertical Draw
modes, the point s are not lost. If you return to the point draw mode, the points reappear.
From the point draw mode, if you edit the waveform using Cut, Paste, Invert, Mirror, Shift/Rotate, or Math
operations the following message appears: “This edit operation would flush the draw point and you might
lose the current draw points. Do you want to proceed?”
See Also:
Point Draw Toolbar (see page 35)
Freehand (see page 123)
Horizontal Draw (see page 124)
Vertical Draw (see page 124)
Math > Waveform Math
Enable the math operations by selecting Math > Waveform Math from the menu. A Waveform Math
screen is displayed.
Math > Waveform Math
Enable the math operations by selecting Math > Waveform Math from the menu. A Waveform Math
screen is displayed.
Math > Waveform Math
Enable the math operations by selecting Math > Waveform Math from the menu. A Waveform Math
screen is displayed.
The original waveform, the standard waveform to multiply with, and the resulting waveform are
displayed in the Selected Waveform, Math Source, and Resultant Waveform panes.
2. Select Multiply from Operation.
Math > Waveform Math
Enable the math operations by selecting Math > Waveform Math from the menu. A Waveform Math
screen is displayed. Waveform division is available only with scalar operations and with a waveform
copied to the clipboard.
The original waveform, the standard waveform to multiply with, and the resulting waveform are
displayed in the Selected Waveform, Math Source, and Resultant Waveform panes.
2. Select Divide from Operation.
The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Option Description
Filter setup Shows the file types to select from
Filter On/Off Toggles between the enable filter and disable filter modes
Instrument Properties Displays properties of the instrument selected from the Arb
Connect Connects to a selected instrument
Disconnect Disconnects a selected instrument if it is connected
Refresh Instrument List Rereads the instrument file list and updates the Arb list
Show/Hide Instrument Control Hides the instrument control panel
Help Displays the help
Arb List
The instrument list shows a list of Tektronix waveform or function generator models that are supported by
ArbExpress. When you invoke AWG/AFG File Transfer and Control, ArbExpress automatically refreshes
the Arb List and disables the Refresh icon in the toolbar. Refresh is enabled once the Arb List is updated.
When no instruments are available to connect to either over LAN or over GPIB, this view shows only
“AWG Ethernet ” and the IP address last used. Expand the list to display the Visa resource string. Select
the Visa resource string and right-click to display the shortcut menu.
NOTE. It is recommended that you refresh the TekVisa instrument list by right-clicking and selecting
"Refresh" on the system tray TekVisa option to display an active list of instruments in the application
Arb List.
See Also:
Import from Oscilloscope (see page 144)
Transfer Files using MATLAB (see page 159)
Control an Instrument using MATLAB (see page 161)
Scope Acquisition Wizard (see page 149)
3. Select the resource string (for example, GPIB1::01:: INSTR ) and right-click to display the shortcut
menu. Click Connect in the shortcut menu. If you connect to the instrument successfully, the
instrument File and Folder views show the data files of the connected AWG or the edit and user
memories of the AFG.
4. Expand the Folder tree to view the list of folders and files within. Select a file in the instrument File
view and right-click to display the shortcut menu. Select Copy.
5. Select a PC folder, right-click the PC file list, and select Paste. A progress bar shows the percentage of
task completed.
6. You can transfer the waveform using one of the following methods:
Directly on a USB flash drive.
Wherever a .set file is created for a waveform (.wfm or .pat) file in ArbExpress, it contains
information including the name of the waveform file, the voltage, offset, and clock information.
You can save the .wfm, .pat, and the .set file to a USB flash drive and transfer it manually to
an AWG or an AFG.
By dragging and dropping the .wfm file from the PC to the instrument or from the instrument to
the PC. The application automatically drags and drops the .set file.
Follow these steps to drag and drop a waveform file to the instrument:
a. Select Communication > AWG/AFG File Transfer and Instrument Control.
b. Use the shortcut menu or the toolbar to connect to the instrument.
c. Drag and drop the required .wfm/.pat file from PC list view to instrument files view
for an AWG. The application automatically transfers the .set file to instrument (not for
AWG2000 series).
d. For an AFG, drag and drop the .wfm or .pat file to the Edit memory or User memories.
For the AFG3xx series, you can transfer the waveform files in the following directions — PC
to Edit memory, PC to User memory, and Edit memory to User memory.
For the AFG2000 and AFG3000 series, you can transfer the waveform in the following
directions— PC to Edit memory, PC to User memory, Edit memory to User memory, and
Edit memory to PC.
For the MDO3000 series, you can transfer the waveform in the following directions — PC to
Edit memory and Edit memory to PC.
When you transfer a waveform from the Edit memory to the PC, the file has the name
EMEM<n> in the destination folder. When you transfer a waveform from the PC to the Edit
memory, the EMEM<n> waveform text box shows the waveform file name. When you drag
the EMEM<n> file to User<n>, the User<n> text box shows the file name as EMEM<n>.
When you drag a file from the PC Files list and drop it to the destination Edit or User memory,
the default destination text "Drag source file and drop here" is replaced with the name of
the file transferred. When you close the dialog box or reinvoke it, the default destination
text reappears.
e. In the AWG, load the .wfm or .pat file using the Load/Restore button.
Directly send the waveform from a Wave book, Standard Waveform dialog, or Equation Editor
dialog to the instrument.
Use the Send to Arb option to select a channel on the target instrument and send the waveform
directly from the wave book, Standard Waveform dialog box, or Equation Editor dialog box.
The application provides an option in the Preference tab – Channel output On after waveform
transfer using "Send to Arb" – to turn the target channel on and output the waveform data. The
waveform is sent to the target channel and loaded on to it. The corresponding amplitude and offset
will also be set on the instrument.
In the AFG3xx, AFG2000, AFG3000, AWG4000, MDO3000, and MDO4000C series, the
waveform is sent to the edit memory. A message "Are you sure you want to overwrite EMEM<n>
with this file?" warns you that the instrument edit memory will be overwritten.
Follow these steps to transfer the waveform directly to the instrument from a Wave book:
a. Select Communication > AWG/AFG File Transfer and Instrument Control and establish
connection between the instrument and the PC. Once the connection is successfully
established, you can close the File Transfer dialog box. The connection is not lost by closing
the file transfer dialog.
b. Create a waveform and from the shortcut menu, click Send Waveform to Arb and choose the
target channel to which to transfer the waveform.
c. The voltage, offset, and other parameters that are set while creating the waveform, are set on
the instrument automatically. After the file is transferred successfully the parameters are
set, and if the preference Channel Output ON after waveform transfer using "Send to
Arb" is selected, the target channel is switched on, and instrument is set in Run mode. If this
preference is not selected, then the target channel is switched off.
NOTE. When you use this mode of file transfer, an associated .set file is not created. The
transferred file is loaded in the instrument internal memory.
In an AFG, the transferred file is loaded in the Edit memory, and in an AWG it is loaded
on the destination channel.
d. Repeat step b and step c to transfer a waveform form the Equation Editor or Standard
Waveform dialog boxes.
Control an AFG
Communication > AWG/AFG File Transfer and Control
You can use ArbExpress to control an AFG, MDO3000, or MDO4000C series (with AFG option enabled)
connected to the computer. The AFG3xx series parameters can be controlled from the instrument control
NOTE. The MDO3000 and MDO4000C series with option AFG enabled provides some, but not all, of
the AFG controls described in the section. Features or functions that do not apply to the MDO3000
will be noted as such.
To control an AFG:
1. Select an AFG from the instrument list. Even though the PC is physically connected to an AFG, the
screen does not show the Instrument Control panel. Select an AFG, and from the shortcut menu select
Connect. The instrument control panel appears. All the controls are updated for the selected channel.
AWG/AFG File Transfer and Control screen. This screen will look slightly different if you are using an MDO3000 or
MDO4000C series instrument with option AFG.
2. Select the channel in the channel selection box to output data. The number of channels shown depends
upon the number of channels of the instrument that is connected. You can select only one channel at a
time. Channel 1 is the default. (The MDO3000 and MDO4000C only have 1 channel.)
You can set the Function parameter in the list by selecting the function form the function list. Click
Apply to reflect the new selection.
The Vertical parameters — Phase, Amplitude, and Offset values — are loaded from the file. The
Function field displays the waveform type that is loaded.
3. Set the Operating Mode, Output Frequency in Hertz, and EMEM size in bytes, or use the default
settings for the instrument.
The operating modes available for the AFG2000, AFG3000, and AWG4000 series are: Continuous,
Sweep, Burst 1-cycle, Burst N-cycle, Burst Gated, Burst Inf cycle, Modulation AM, Modulation FM,
Modulation PM, and Modulation FSK. The operating mode depends on the function that you have
selected. The operating modes available for AFG3xx series are: Continuous, Trigger, and Burst. The
operating mode available for the MDO3000 and MDO4000C series is Continuous.
The operating mode available for the MDO3000 is Continuous.
4. Select the Output On check box to generate the waveform output for the channel selected. Clear the
check box to stop generating the output.
5. You can change the Phase, Amplitude, and Offset values and click Apply to reflect the new values in
the output waveform.
Control an AWG
Communication > AWG/AFG File Transfer and Control
You can use ArbExpress to control any AWG parameters that are displayed in the Instrument Control pane.
To control an AWG:
1. Connect an AWG from the Arb list. All the controls are updated for the selected channel.
2. Select the channel in the channel selection group box. The number of channels shown depends
upon the number of channels of the instrument that is connected. You can select only one channel
at a time. Channel 1 is the default.
3. Select the Output On check box to enable the selected channel. In case of AWG2xxx, the selected
channel is enabled and the waveform is output.
NOTE. It is recommended that you load a file in this channel and then enable or disable the channel.
4. Drag and drop a .wfm or .pat file from the instrument files list to the File Name field or type the
file name and click Load. The Vertical parameters — Filter, Amplitude, Offset, and Clock values
— are updated.
If you click once on a file in the Instrument Files view, the name of the selected file appears in the Load
File to AWGtext box. If you click twice (double click) on the file in the Instrument Files view, the
name of the selected file appears in the Load File to AWGtext box and is also loaded in the instrument.
5. Change the Clock frequency to set the output frequency for the selected channel.
6. Set the High and Low values for Marker1 and Marker2. When no file is loaded, these fields display
the values for the selected channel.
7. Click Run/Stop to generate or stop the waveform output for the selected channel.
NOTE. It is recommended that you load a file on the selected channel and then click Run/Stop.
8. You can change the Filter, Amplitude, and Offset values and click Apply to reflect the new values in
the output waveform.
The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Option Description
Filter Setup Selects types of files available
Filter On/Off Enables or disables filters
Instrument Properties Displays properties of the selected oscilloscope
Connect Connects to a selected oscilloscope
Disconnect Disconnects a selected oscilloscope if it is connected
Refresh Instrument List Rereads the instrument file list and updates the instrument
Open in New Window Acquires data from selected channel and displays it in a
new window
Help Displays the help for the dialog box
Instrument List
The instrument list shows a list of Tektronix oscilloscope models that are supported by ArbExpress.
ArbExpress supports TDS1000, TPS2000, TDS2000, TDS3000, TDS5000, TDS6000, TDS7000,
TBS1000, DPO2000, DPO3000, DPO4000, MSO2000, MSO3000, MSO4000, MDO3000, MDO4000,
and MDO4000C series oscilloscopes. When the oscilloscopes are not connected, the channels are not
visible. Before you acquire data, you must connect to the oscilloscope. You can do this either by selecting
one of the listed oscilloscope models and clicking the Connect button in the toolbar or by bringing up the
shortcut menu by right clicking on an oscilloscope in the instrument view. When you connect successfully
to the selected oscilloscope, you will see the available Channels, Math, and Ref channels.
Assigning friendly names to listed oscilloscopes: You can associate a "Friendly name" with the
oscilloscope you want to connect to. You can do this by giving the VISA resource string associated
with the Oscilloscope an alias in the TekVisa Resource Manager dialog box. The Alias appears in the
instrument list within brackets as shown in the following figure.
Option Description
Run Mode Displays the second level of menu with item — Continuous,
and Single Sequence. Continuous acquisition puts the
oscilloscope in the Run mode. Single Sequence acquisition
stops the acquisition as soon as the oscilloscope acquires
one full waveform.
Acquisition Mode Displays a submenu with the acquisition modes that
ArbExpress supports. The mode currently selected is
checked. To change the mode, select it from the drop-down
Record Length Displays the available record lengths for the connected
instrument. A check mark shows the currently selected
record length. If you are connected to a model other than
the TDS1000, TPS2000, TDS2000, or TBS1000 series, you
can change the record length to any other value in the list.
Acquire Copies the waveform into ArbExpress application buffer.
Channel Status
Channel status is a list of read-only data, displayed below the PC file folder view. This shows the details of
the currently selected channel.
NOTE. An entry – Math Equation – appears only for Math channels. This entry displays the equation
used for creating the math waveform.
See Also:
AWG/AFG File Transfer and Control (see page 135)
Scope Acquisition Wizard (see page 149)
NOTE. When you use this mode of file transfer, an associated .set file is not created. The transferred
file is loaded in the instrument internal memory.
In an AFG, the transferred file is loaded in the Edit memory, and in an AWG it is loaded on the
destination channel.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to transfer a waveform from the Equation Editor or Standard Waveform
dialog boxes.
See Also:
Transferring Files to an AWG/AFG (see page 137)
Scope Acquisition Wizard (see page 149)
Valid Parameter Ranges (see page 197)
2. Click Next. The wizard displays the next screen, searches and displays a list of instruments that are
connected to your PC. If no instruments are found, the message “No instruments found” appears.
Connect an instrument and click Refresh in the Wizard.
3. Select an instrument to see its details. The first instrument in the list is selected by default. To refresh
the instrument list, click Refresh.
Click Next to connect to the selected instrument and display the Set Up Acquisition screen.
Depending on the selected oscilloscope, the channel, math, and ref details are displayed. Select the
channel, math, or ref from which to acquire data. If no math and ref are available for the selected
instrument, the following text appears:
No math channels were found.
No reference channels were found.
To import a waveform:
a. Enter the number of points.
b. Select whether to rotate left or right. This would help to locate any disconnect toward the end of
the waveform. The waveform will be rotated only in this view.
c. Select whether to open the waveform in a new window.
d. Click Finish to import the waveform.
Math > Normalize
You can normalize a waveform such that all points on it lie between +1 and – 1.
for the command. A sample MATLAB Script, “ Sample.m ” is provided to show how to use the commands
in a MATLAB Environment.
The MATLAB script is stored in a .m file that is created using the MATLAB built-in editor. When you
compile a .m file, you get a .p file.
The following files must be present in the directory before you start using the commands documented here:
3. Open a session on an AWG connected either through LAN, GPIB, or USB to your PC.
Connecting through GPIB:
You can connect to the AWG using the NewSession command as follows for an instrument connected
through GPIB.
This command works only if the GPIB resource string is found by TekVisa resource Manager. For
more information, refer to the TekVisa Resource manager documentation for help on adding new
instruments to the PC.
Connecting through LAN:
You can connect to the AWG using the NewSession command as follows for an instrument connected
through LAN. Since TekVisa does not support connection over raw sockets, TekVisa does not list the
resource name.
Connecting to an AFG2000, AFG3000, and AWG4000 series instrument using Visa:
[SessionID, StatusMsg] = NewSession ('TCPIP::', 'LAN')
Connecting to AFG300, AWG2000, AWG400/500/600/700 series not using Visa (support through
raw sockets):
[SessionID, StatusMsg] = NewSession ('', 'TCPIP')
If the command is executed successfully, the session ID is available in the SessionID variable and the
StatusMsg is a null string. If the command is not successful, the SessionID contains an error code with
the StatusMsg containing the text describing the failure.
4. Create a Waveform using the MATLAB mathematical functions such as Sin or Exp.
The following script for example, creates a sine waveform having a thousand points and stores it in a
variable called Data. Enter the text in the MATLAB editor and save it as a .m file.
Frequency = 1e2;
Period = 1/Frequency;
Data = sin(Pts );
5. Use this variable to transfer the Sine wave created to the AWG as shown:
[Status,StatusMsg] = SendWfm (SessionID, 'example.wfm', Data, 1000)
where the SessionID is the session you have opened earlier, example.wfm is the name of the waveform
file, and 1000 is the number of points in the waveform.
If the file transfer is successful, you should see the waveform file with the selected name in the
current directory of AWG.
NOTE. Current directory refers to the directory path returned by MMEM : CDIR command – not the
directory as seen on the instrument display.
This attempts to load the file “example.Wfm” from the current directory path and output it from
Channel 1 of the AWG. This command fails if the file is of a wrong format or not found in the
current directory. You may not see any output if the channel number chosen is not supported by the
connected instrument.
NOTE. ”Current directory” here refers to the directory path returned by MMEM : CDIR command – not
the directory as seen on the instrument display.
Example Program:
%A very preliminary sample code to show how to use MATLAB functions %to talk
to an AWG from MATLAB %Please compile this using 'PCODE <filename>' before
%running it.
%This script only with Visa resource strings %Turn off echo
echo off
%Open a session. If you are connecting over LAN to an AWG %the first
parameter to NewSession would be the IP address %and the second parameter
would be the string 'tcpip'
%IDN query outputs two values: Status of the query, and the %Response from
the instrument.
[status,idn]=query(s, '*idn?');
%Writes a single command to the connected AWG. The status will %be Zero if
write is successful
status=Write(s,'Output1:State 1');
Frequency = 1e2;
Period = 1/Frequency;
Data = sin(Pts);
ArbExpress implements the following commands for communication with Tektronix AWGs:
Session Management
See Also:
NewSession.p (see page 164)
CloseSession.p (see page 165)
query.p (see page 170)
Read.p (see page 167)
Write.p (see page 166)
LoadWfm.p (see page 168)
TransferWfm.p (see page 169)
NewSession Command
This command opens a communication session with a Tektronix AWG connected to the PC using GPIB or
LAN cable.
[nSessionID, strErrMsg] = NewSession(strResourceID, strBusType)
strResourceID — A MATLAB string containing the resource name in the standard Visa format.
strBusType — Communication bus used for connection. Supported values are "GPIB" and "TCPIP".
Return Values
nSessionID — A numeric variable that holds the session ID to be used in subsequent communication
with the instrument.
strErrMsg — Contains the error description if you fail to connect to the instrument. When the connection
is successful it contains a null string.
NOTE. Before trying to connect to the instrument, make sure that the instrument is accessible by TekVisa
Resource manager. See the TekVisa VisaRM documentation for help on how to configure VisaRM to
detect the instrument.
[SessionID , StatusMsg] = NewSession ('GPIB0::9::INSTR', 'GPIB')
CloseSession Command
This command closes the connection with instrument.
nSessionID — A Numeric value of the session obtained when NewSession command was called.
Return Values
NOTE. You must have an active connection with an instrument before calling CloseSession.
CloseSession( <SessionID>)
Write Command
This command sends a SCPI command to the connected instrument.
[nStatus, strErrMsg] = Write (nSessionID, strCmd)
nSessionID — Session ID obtained by NewSession command.
strCmd — SCPI command string
Return Values
nStatus — Zero if successful, error code if the operation failed.
[nStatus, strErrMsg] = Write (nSessionID, '*IDN?')
Read Command
This command reads responses from instruments. Response to the query sent in a previous call to Write
command or error message if the query failed.
[nStatus, strResponse] = Read(nSessionID)
nSessionID — Session ID obtained from NewSession command
Return Values
nStatus — Zero if successful, error code if the operation failed.
strResponse — Response to the query sent in strQuery parameter or error message if the query failed.
NOTE. Read will return a proper response only when it is called immediately after a Write operation that
wrote one of the SCPI query commands.
LoadWfm Command
This command loads a waveform into the connected AWG internal memory and outputs it from the
selected channel.
[nStatus, strErrMsg] = LoadWfm(nSessionID, strWfmName, nCh)
nSessionID — Session ID obtained by calling NewSession command
strWfmName — Name of the Waveform file with or without the extension.
nCh — Channel number.
Return Value
The command always returns Zero as the return value.
NOTE. The waveform file you are trying to load must be in the current directory. If the file is in any other
directory, change the path to the directory where the desired file is located by using the MMEM:CDIR
command. When the load command is sent, the instrument takes time to load the file, especially if they
are big files. Because the call is synchronous, the program does not return until the load operation is
completed on the instrument.
If the waveform file is corrupt or in the wrong format, the instrument does not load it.
[Status, StausMsg ] = LoadWfm(SessionID , 'example.Wfm', 1)
TransferWfm Command
This command transfers a waveform from the MATLAB environment to the connected instrument mass
TransferWfm[nSessionID, strWfmName,double dDataPoints[], nSize)
nSessionID — Session ID obtained from NewSession command
strWfmName — The name of the waveform file to be created in the instrument
dDataPoints — One-dimensional array of doubles containing data points
nSize — Number of data points in the file.
Return Values
NOTE. Use this function to transfer an array of data values into an AWG and store it in the form of a
waveform file. Be cautious while using this function because if you choose a file name that already exists
in the current directory of the Instrument, it will be overwritten without warning.
Also note that this is only a transfer command and the transferred file is not loaded into the internal
memory of the instrument.
TransferWfm(SessionID, 'example.wfm', Data, 1000)
Query Command
This command sends a query and returns the response from the instrument.
[nStatus, strResponse] = Query(nSessionID, strQuery)
nSessionID — Session ID obtained from NewSession Command
strQuery — Standard SCPI query
Return Values
nStatus — Zero if successful, error code otherwise
strResponse — Response to the query sent in strQuery parameter or error message if the query failed.
NOTE. This is a combination of Write and Read commands. The return value always returns the result
of the read operation
[nStatus, strResponse] = Query(nSessionID, '*IDN?')
Multiple Waveforms
6001 Only two waveforms can A maximum of two Open or create the
be opened or created in a waveforms can be opened waveform in another Wave
Wave Book in a Wave Book. You have Book or a new window.
tried to open or create more
than two waveforms in a
Wave Book.
6002 You can open only files with Only waveforms with files of You can:
"####" points in this Wave the same number of points
Book. in size can be opened Select a new
or created in the same window by setting
To open the file <filename> the Multi-Waveform
in a new window, set window.
Properties to New
Multi-Waveform Properties Window.
to New Window and select
File> New or Open. Select a waveform with
You can also use the the same number of
Open or New icon from the points as the existing
toolbar waveform in the Wave
6003 You can create only Only waveforms with files of You can:
waveforms with #### the same number of points
points in this Wave Book in size can be opened Select a new
or created in the same window by setting
To create a waveform
window. the Multi-Waveform
in a new window, set
Properties to New
Multi-waveform properties
to New window and select
File> New Select a waveform with
the same number of
points as the existing
waveform in the Wave
Standard Waveform
1201 Enter a value This message appears when For more details refer to the
no value has been entered in instrument specification.
a field.
1202 Invalid value This message appears if you The value must not cross
have entered an invalid value the selected instruments
in the editable fields. specification. For more
details, refer to the Instrument
1203 Invalid amplitude. Voltage The value entered is not Enter a value that lies
range supported is xx–xx within the instrument range. within the amplitude range
supported by the instrument.
For more details, refer to the
Instrument Specifications.
1204 Invalid Offset, Range +x.x to This message appears when Enter a value that lies within
–x.x offset crosses the range the range.
supported by the instrument.
Standard Waveform
1205 Instrument cannot generate This message appears Enter the frequency such that
this frequency when the instrument cannot there are at least 2 points per
generate the frequency cycle for Sine and Triangle
entered because the points and at least 10 points per
per cycles is less than 2 for cycle for Square and Pulse.
sine and triangle and less
than 10 for square and pulse.
1206 Invalid Sampling Rate Range This message appears if the Enter a value that lies within
supported by the instrument sampling rate exceeds range the range of the selected
is xx - xx supported by the instrument. instrument. Refer to the
instrument specifications for
the range supported.
1207 Start frequency greater than This message appears when Start frequency entered
end frequency the start frequency entered should be less than the end
for sweep and multi-tone frequency.
waveforms is greater than the
end frequency.
1208 Points per Cycle*Cycle, This message appears Enter values for points
exceeds the Maximum for sine, triangle, pulse, per cycle and cycle such
memory limit of the instrument and square waves when it does not exceed the
Points per Cycle multiplied maximum memory limit of
by Cycles exceeds the the instrument. For more
maximum memory limit of the details, refer to the instrument
instrument. specifications.
1209 Invalid cycles, points per This message appears if Increase the number of
cycle less than 2. number of points per cycle points per cycle. For sine and
for the sine and triangle triangle waves, the points
waveforms is less than 2. per cycle should be greater
than two to generate a good
1210 The number of points per This message appears if Increase the number of
cycle is less than 10, change number of points per cycle for points per cycle. For square
the points per cycle the square and pulse waves and pulse waves, the points
is less than 10. per cycle should be greater
than two to generate a good
1211 Points per cycle = Total This message appears when Change the cycle or total
Points/Cycle points per cycle is less points such that points per
Number of points per cycle than 10 for exponential rise, cycle is greater than 10.
less than 10. Change cycles exponential decay, and Sinc
or total points waveforms.
1212 Points per cycle = This message appears when Increase the points per
TotalPoints/Cycles. points per cycle is less than cycle change cycle or total
Number of points per cycle 10 for Lorentz waveform. points (Total points = Delay
less than 10. Change cycles * Sampling Rate). Change
or total points (Sampling Rate the total points by changing
* Delay) sampling rate or delay.
Standard Waveform
1213 The value exceeds the total This message appears when The maximum value that can
number of points the value entered for Rise be entered for Rise Time or
Time or Fall Time for Square Fall Time should be less the
or Pulse waveform exceeds than total number of points.
the total number of points. Rise Time plus Fall Time
should not cross the Total
number of points.
1214 Rise Time + Fall Time of the This message appears Enter values for Rise Time
waveform should be less than when Rise Time + Fall Time and Fall Time, such that Rise
the total number of points exceeds the total number of Time plus Fall Time do not
points. cross the total number of
1215 Number of zero crossings This message appears when Enter number of zero
greater than the total number the number of zero crossings crossings that lies within the
of points entered for Sinc exceeds the total number of points.
total number of points.
1216 Total Points = Duration * This message appears for Change the sampling rate or
Sampling Rate. the Sweep waveform when the duration so that the total
Total points exceeds the the total points (Duration points is within the instrument
maximum memory limit of the *Sampling Rate) exceeds the specification.
instrument maximum memory limit of the
1217 Total Points = Delay * This message appears for Change the sampling rate
Sampling Rate Lorentz waveform when or Delay so that the total
Total points exceeds the the total points (Delay * points is within the instrument
maximum memory limit of the Sampling Rate) exceeds the specification.
instrument maximum memory limit of the
1218 Total Points = Sampling Rate This message appears for Change the sampling rate or
/Tone Spacing Multi Tone waveform when tone spacing so that the total
Total points exceeds the the total points (Delay * points is within the instrument
maximum memory limit of the Sampling Rate) exceeds the specification.
instrument maximum memory limit of the
1219 Total Points = Duration * This message appears if total Change the duration or
Sampling Rate points is zero for sweep. sampling rate so that total
Change duration or sampling points is greater than zero.
1220 Total Points = Delay * This message appears if total Change the Delay or
Sampling Rate points is zero for the Lorentz sampling rate so that total
Change delay or sampling waveform. points is greater than zero.
1221 Total Points = Sampling This message appears if total Change the Tone Spacing or
Rate/Tone Spacing points is zero for multi-tone sampling rate such that total
Change sampling rate or tone waveform. points is greater than zero.
Standard Waveform
1222 Total number of points This message appears Enter total number of points
exceeds the maximum when total number of points such that it does not exceed
memory limit of the instrument exceeds the maximum the memory limit of the
memory limit of the instrument instrument selected.
selected. For more details refer to the
instrument specification.
1223 Total Points not a multiple This message appears for For the sine, triangle, square,
of 4. Change frequency or the sine, triangle, square, and pulse waveforms,
cycles. and pulse waveforms (in total points = points per cycle
the basic mode) when total * cycles. When total points is
points is not a multiple of four not a multiple of four, change
and the instrument selected the frequency so that points
is AWG710, AWG520, and per cycle changes or use the
AWG510. advanced option to change
points per cycle directly.
You can also change the
number of cycles.
1224 Total Points not a multiple of This message appears Ensure that the total points
4. when the total number of are a multiple of 4.
points is not a multiple of
4 for waveforms other than
sine, triangle, square, and
pulse waveforms, when
the selected instrument
is AWG710, AWG710B,
AWG615, AWG510, and
1225 Total Points not a multiple This message appears for For the sine, triangle, square,
of 8. Change frequency or the sine, triangle, square, and and pulse waveforms,
cycles. pulse waveforms (in the basic total points = points per cycle
mode) when the total points * cycles
is not a multiple of eight and
When the total points is not
the instrument is AWG2021.
a multiple of eight, change
the frequency so that points
per cycle changes or use the
advanced option to change
points per cycle directly.
You can also change the
number of cycles.
1226 Total Points not a multiple of This message appears Ensure that the total points
8. when the total number of are a multiple of 8.
points is not a multiple of
8 for waveforms other than
sine, triangle, square, and
pulse waveforms, when
the selected instrument is
AWG2021, and AWG610.
Standard Waveform
1227 Delay + Pulse width + Rise This message appears for Enter values so that with the
Time + Fall Time should be pulse if the value given for given parameters when the
less than total points delay, pulse width, rise time waveform is generated it is
and fall time added together within the total points.
exceeds or is equal to the
total points.
1228 Delay + Pulse Width exceeds This message appears for Enter Delay and Pulse width
total number of points pulse waveform if the sum so that it does not exceed
of delay and pulse width total points.
exceeds total points.
1229 Rise Time + Fall Time + Duty This message appears for Ensure that the sum of rise
Cycle should be less than the square waveform when time, fall time, and duty cycle
total points the sum of rise time, fall time, does not exceed total points.
and duty cycle exceeds or is
equal to the total points.
1230 Value range 0 – 360 degree This message appears when For phase, range is between
value entered for the phase 0–360.
in not within the range. Enter a value within this
1231 Half Width exceeds Delay For the Lorentz waveform, For the Lorentz waveform,
Half Width should not exceed enter a value for Half Width
delay. so that it does not exceed the
1232 Sampling rate should be at This message appears Enter end frequency so that
least twice than that of the when the end frequency the sampling rate is at least
highest frequency component (the highest frequency twice that of the highest
component) entered for frequency component.
the sweep and multi-tone
waveforms is less than the
sampling rate.
1233 Tone Spacing is greater This message appears for Enter value such that
than difference between the multi-tone if the tone spacing tone spacing is within the
frequencies is greater than the difference difference between start and
between the start and end end frequency.
1234 Total Range = Total This message appears for the Change duration so that
Points/Sampling Rate. sweep waveform when the it is within the total range.
Duration greater than total duration entered is greater Total range = Total Points /
range than the total range. Sampling rate
1235 End frequency should be This message appears if End frequency should be
greater than start frequency the end frequency is greater always greater than start
than start frequency for frequency.
the multi-tone and sweep
Standard Waveform
1236 Value range 1 – 99.9 This message appears for the Enter a value within the range
square waveform when the specified.
duty cycle is not within the
1237 Cycles exceeds the maximum This message appears when So the maximum cycles than
limit of the instrument the number of cycles exceeds can be entered is half the
half the maximum memory maximum memory limit.
1238 Invalid amplitude: change This message appears when There should at least two
voltage entered you enter an invalid voltage points per cycle. Enter a
in the Max/Min mode. voltage value that lies within
the voltage range supported
by the instrument.
1239 Total Points = Cycles * Points This error message appears Change points per cycle or
per cycle .Change cycles or for the sine, triangle, square, cycles to change the total
points per cycle and pulse waveforms if the points.
total points is zero.
1240 Frequency range supported This error message appears Enter a value that lies
is x mHz – x MHz for the AFG2000, AFG3000, within the frequency range
and AWG4000 series of supported by the instrument.
instruments when the value For more details, refer to the
entered is not within the Instrument Specifications.
instrument range.
1241 Total number of points: XX. This error message appears Increase the total points such
Minimum number of points when the total points entered that it meets the minimum
required is XXX is less than the minimum number of points supported
number of points required by by the instrument.
the instrument.
1242 Total Points less than the This message appears when Make sure total points
minimum points required the total points is less than is within the instruments
minimum points required and specification. For any
the user selects OK button. instrument selected the
Min and Max memory limit
is mentioned in the Notes
section of the dialog box.
1243 Unable to generate this This message appears when The parameters given to
waveform the parameters given to generate the waveform
generate the waveform is should be within the selected
not valid and the user has the instrument specification.
selected OK button.
Standard Waveform
1244 Total Points not a multiple This message appears for For the sine, triangle, square,
of 4. Change either the the sine, triangle, square, and pulse waveforms,
frequency, sampling rate and pulse waveforms (in the total points = points per cycle
points per cycle, or cycles. advanced mode) when total * cycles.
points is not a multiple of four
When total points is not a
and the instrument selected
multiple of four, change the
is AWG710, AWG520, and
frequency so that points per
cycle changes or change
points per cycle and sampling
rate directly. You can also
change the number of cycles.
1245 Total Points not a multiple This message appears for For the sine, triangle, square,
of 8. Change either the the sine, triangle, square, and and pulse waveforms,
frequency, sampling rate pulse waveforms in advanced total points = points per cycle
points per cycle, or cycles. mode when total points is * cycles.
not a multiple of eight and
When total points is not a
the instrument selected is
multiple of eight, change the
frequency so that points per
cycle changes or change
points per cycle, sampling
rate directly. You can also
change the number of cycles.
1246 Invalid Amplitude Voltage This error message appears The amplitude supported by
range supported is Vamp ≤ for the AFG310 and AFG320 the instrument is
2(|Vmax|-|Voffset|) when the amplitude entered Vamp ≤ 2(|Vmax|–|Voffset|)
is not within the range of the
Where Vmax is the maximum
output voltage (Vmax) that
the instrument can produce
(±5 V) when terminated with
50 ohm.
For example, if offset is zero
then amplitude is 10 = 2(5– 0)
1247 Invalid Offset. Range This error message appears The valid range for the offset
supported is – 0.75 V to for the AFG310 and AFG320 voltage setting is in the range
+0.75 V when the offset entered is ± 0.75 V when the amplitude
not within the range of the setting is 500 mVp-p or
instrument. smaller.
Standard Waveform
1248 Invalid Offset. Range This error message appears The valid range for the offset
supported is |Voffset| ≤ for the AFG310 and AFG320 voltage setting is restricted
|Vmax| - Vamp/2 when the offset entered is according to the following
not within the range of the formula when the amplitude
instrument. setting is 505 mVp-p or
larger, for a Vmax
value of ±5 V.
|Voffset| ≤ |Vmax|- Vamp/2
Example: if amplitude is 10
the offset is
0 = 5 – 10/2.
1249 Total Points = Delay * This error message appears For Lorentz wave,
Sampling Rate. For given when the value entered for Total points = Delay *
delay total points exceeds delay multiplied by sampling sampling rate.
maximum memory limit rate exceeds the maximum
The value entered for delay
memory limit of the instrument
multiplied by sampling rate
should not exceed maximum
memory limit of the selected
1250 Connected instrument and This message appears The connected instrument
selected instrument do not in standard waveform and the selected instrument
match. Do you want to and equation editor when should match for a successful
continue? connected instrument and transfer. If they differ, a
selected instrument do not warning message appears.
match. You can select Yes to
proceed, however, depending
on the connected instrument
memory size and step size
the transfer may fail.
Point Draw
1801 Only 100 PD Points are This message appears Remove the existing PD
allowed. when PD points exceed point and then add new PD
100. point.
1901 Enter units in right place. This message appears Enter the units
when units are not entered appropriately.
properly for the time value.
Time value can be entered
when Time button is
selected under XY group.
The user will not be able to
click the next cell until the
right value is entered.
1902 Please enter only digits. This message appears Enter the time value
when input is not correct correctly.
for the time value. Time
value can be entered when
Time button is selected
under XY group. The user
will not be able to click
the next cell until the right
value is entered.
1903 Please enter the units This message appears Enter the units
correctly. when units are not entered appropriately.
properly for the time value.
Time value can be entered
when Time button is
selected under XY group.
The user will not be able to
click the next cell until the
units are entered correctly.
1904 Please enter correct double This message appears Enter the correct voltage
value. when the input value for value.
Voltage is not correct. The
user will not be able to click
the next cell until the right
voltage value is entered.
1905 The time value entered The maximum time The time value entered
should be within maximum value will depend on should be within the range.
time range. the waveform length. Time
value can be entered when
Time button is selected
under XY group. The user
will not be able to click
the next cell until the right
voltage value is entered.
Point Draw
1906 Sampling Index should be This message appears Enter the point within the
within Maximum Sampling when the point value range.
value. exceeds the waveform
length. Point mode can be
selecting the Points under
the XY group.
1907 Value of the Sampling Index The sampling index should Enter unique sampling
should be unique. always be a unique value. index.
1908 There should be minimum This message appears Entering the time
time difference of at least when time values value in the cell such
MinimumTimeDifference. in two cells have a that they have the
difference of less than the MinimumTimeDifference
MinimumTimeDifference. between them.
Time value can be entered
when Time button is
selected under XY group.
Default Settings
Parameter Selection Default Setting
Edit> Paste Paste at active cursor Prepend to the Paste at active cursor.
waveform Append to the waveform
Replace between cursors.
Don't show this again and always Not selected by default.
paste at active cursor.
Shift/Rotate Points 10
Amplitude .5 V
Vertical Segment: Shift Up, Shift Shift Up
Horizontal Segment: Rotate Right, Rotate Right
Rotate Left, Shift Left, Shift Right
Point Draw Table Interpolation: Linear, Smooth, Smooth
X Value: Time, Points Depends on the X axis units of the
active wavebook or window
Display> Cursor Position Points The selection is based on the
Seconds waveform. If the X-axis is Time, the
setting is Seconds.
Cursor 1 Reflects the current location, in points
or seconds, of Cursor 1
Cursor 2 Reflects the current location, in points
or seconds, of Cursor 2
The table below lists the output styles, number of channels, memory lengths, and marker out levels
supported by the AWGs and AFGs.
The table below lists the output types and number of channels supported by the AFG2000 series of
The table below lists the output styles and the number of channels supported by the AFG3xxx series of
The table below lists the output styles and the number of channels supported by the MDO3000 and
MDO4000C series of oscilloscope. The oscilloscope AFG is a 50 Ω source. The levels described in this
table apply when the output load impedance is set to 50 Ω.
The table below lists the output styles and the number of channels supported by the AWG7xxx and
AWG5xxx series of instruments.
The component menu contains the items used to set the time range as well as functions, operators, variables,
constants, syntax items and characters. You can use these items to create equations and enter comments.
The following table lists the units that you can use and their descriptions.
Unit Meaning
m milli (e– 3 )
u micro (e– 6 )
n nano (e– 9 )
p pico (e– 12 )
s second
, comma separator
K Kilo (e3)
M Mega (e6)
The following table lists the units that you can use and their descriptions.
Button Meaning
Enter Confirms the selection and moves to the next line of the
BKSP Backspaces over the last character. Works like the
backspace key on the keyboard
CLR Clears the entire equation