Lewis1916 PDF
Lewis1916 PDF
Lewis1916 PDF
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The polar character of a substance depends, therefore, not only upon
the specific properties of the individual molecules, but also upon what
we may call the strength of the polar environment. Without attempting
to give any quantitative defini- - - -- - --
- -- - - - - --- --
as inof Fig.
tion I , the
our terms we degree
may plot,
of A
@@Li Be B C
Fig. 2.
N 0 F
with the models are notes concerning different types of chemical compounds; the various
possible arrangements of electrons in the outer atom and the possibility of intra-atomic
isomerism;the relationship between symmetrical structure and atomic volume; and
certain speculations as to the structure of the helium atom which we shall see were
probably partly incorrect. The date of origin of this theory is mentioned not with the
purpose of claiming any sort of priority with respect to those portions which overlap
existing theories, but because the fact that similar theories have been developed inde-
pendently adds to the probability that all possess some characteristics of fundamental
Fig 3.
different forms of the iodine molecule 12. A represents the molecule as
completely ionized, as it undoubtedly is to a measurable extent in liquid
iodine.' Without ionization we may still have one of the electrons of one
atom fitting into the outer shell of the second atom, thus completing
its group of eight as in B. But a t the same time an electron of the second
atom may fit into the shell of the first, thus satisfying both groups of eight
and giving the form C which is the predominant and characteristic struc-
ture of the halogens. Now, notwithstanding the symmetry of the form
C, if the two atoms are for any reason tending to separate, the two com-
mon electrons may cling more firmly sometimes to one of the atoms,
sometimes to the other, thus producing some dissymmetry in the mole-
cule as a whole, and one atom will have a slight excess of positive charge,
the other of negative. This separation of the charges and the conse-
See Lewis and Wheeler, LOC.cit.
quent increase in the pohr character of the molecule will increase as the
atoms become separated to a greater distance until complete ionization
results. Thus between the perfectly symmetrical and nonpolar mole-
cule C and the completely polar and ionized molecule represented by A
there will be an infinity of positions representing a greater or lesser de-
gree of polarity. Now in a substance like liquid iodine it must not be
assumed that all of the molecules are in the same state, but rather that
some are highly polar, some almost nonpolar, and others represent
all gradations between the two. When we find that iodine in different
environments shows different degrees of polarity, it means merely that
in one medium there is a larger percentage of the more polar forms. So
bromine, although represented by an entirely similar formula, is less polar
than iodine. In other words, in the average molecule the separation of
the charge is less than in the case of iodine. Chlorine and fluorine are
less polar than either and can be regarded as composed almost com-
pletely of molecules of the form C.
I wish to emphasize once more the meaning that must be ascribed t o
the term tautomerism. In the simplest case where we deal with a single
tautomeric change we speak of the two tautomers and sometimes write
definite formulae to express the two. But we must not assume that all
of the molecules of the substance possess either one structure or the other,
but rather that these forms represent the two limiting types, and that the
individual molecules range all the way from one limit to the other. In
certain cases where the majority of molecules lie very near to one limit
or to the other, it is very convenient and desirable to attempt to express
the percentage of the molecules belonging to the one or to the other tau-
tomeric form; but in a case where the majority of molecules lie in the in-
termediate range and relatively few in the immediate neighborhood of
the two limiting forms, such a calculation loses most of its significance.
With the halogens it is a matter of chance as to which of the atoms
acquires a positive and which a negative charge, but in the case of a binary
compound composed of different elements the atoms of one element
will be positive in most, though not necessarily all, of the molecules.
Thus in Brz the bromine atom is as often positive as negative, but in BrCl
it will be usually positive and in IBr usually negative, although in all
these substances which are not very polar the separation of charges in
the molecule will be slight, whereas in the metallic halides the separation
is nearly complete and the halogen atoms acquire almost complete pos-
session of the electrons.
In order to express this idea of chemical union in symbols I would sug-
m i e n the separation occurs in a nonpolar environment the atoms may separate
in such a way that each retains one of the two common electrons, as in the thermal dis-
sociation of iodine gas.
gest the use of a colon, or two dots arranged in some other manner, to
represent the two electrons which act as the connecting links between the
two atoms. Thus we may write Cl, as C1 : C1. If in certain cases we
wish to show that one atom in the molecule is on the average negatively
charged we may bring the colon nearer to the negative element. Thus
we may write Na :I, and I : Cf. Different spacings to represent differ-
ent degrees of polarity can of course be more freely employed a t a black-
board than in type.
It will be noted that, since in the hydrogen-helium row we have the
rule of two in the place of the rule of eight, the insertion of one electron
into the shell of the hydrogen atom is entirely analogous to the comple-
tion of the cube in the case of the halogens. Thus we may consider
ordinary hydrogen as a hydride of positive hydrogen in the same sense
that chlorine may be regarded as a chloride of positive chlorine. But
Hz is far less polar even than elz. The three main types of hydrogen
compounds may be represented therefore by H :C1, H :H, and Na :H.
We may go further and give a complete formula for each compound
by using the symbol of the kernel instead of the ordinary atomic symbol
and by adjoining to each symbol a number of dots corresponding to the
number of electrons in the atomic shell. Thus we may write H : H,
.. .. ..
.. H, H :::,
H :O: ..
.. :I:I:,
.. but we shall see that in many cases such a
formula represents only one of the numerous extreme tautomeric forms.
For the sake of simplicity we may also use occasionally formulae which
show only those elkctrons concerned in the union of two atoms, as in the
preceding paragraphs.
It is evident that the type of union which we have so far pictured,
although it involves two electrons held in common by two atoms, never-
theless corresponds to the single bond as it is commonly used in graphical
formulae. In order to illustrate this point further we may discuss a prob-
lem which has proved extremely embarrassing to a number of theories
of valence. I refer to the structure of ammonia and of ammonium ion.
Ammonium ion may of course, on accouht of the extremely polar charac-
ter of ammonia and hydrogen ion, be regarded as a loose complex due to
the electrical attraction of the two polar molecules. However, as we con-
sider the effect of substituting hydrogen by organic groups we pass grad-
ually into a field where we may be perfectly certain that four groups are
attached directly to the nitrogen atom, and these groups are held with
sufficient firmness so that numerous stereochemical isomers have been
obtained. The solution of this problem in terms of the theory here pre-
sented is extremely simple and satisfactory, and it will be sufficient to
write an equation in terms of the new symbols in order to make
the explanation obvious. Thus for NHs + H+ = NH4+ we write
H H ..
.. + H = R :N:H. When ammonium ion combines with chloride
H :W: ..
ion the lstter is not attached directly to the nitrogen but is held simply
through electric forces by the ammonium ion.
While the two dots of our formulae correspond to the line which has
been used to represent the single bond, we are led through their use to
certain formulae of great signiscance which I presume would not occur
to anyone using the ordinary symbols. Thus it has been generally as-
sumed that what is known as a bivalent element must be tied by two
bonds to anotber element or elements, or remain with an “unsaturated
valence.” On the other hand, we may now write formulae in which an
atom of oxygen is tied by only one pair of electrons to another atom and
yet have every element in the compound completely saturated. To
illustrate this important point we may write the formula of perchlorate,
sulfate, orthophosphate and orthosilicate ions, in which each atom has a
.. .. ..
complete shell of eight electrons.
.. .. ..
Thus :0 :X: 0 : represents all of
these ions. If X is C1 the ion has one negative charge; if S i t has two
negative charges, and so on. The union of sulfur trioxide to oxide ion
to form sulfate ion is similar to the addition of armqonia and hydrogen
ion to form ammonium ion. The acids or acid ions are produced from
the above ion by adding hydrogen ion, or H,to the oxygen atoms.
We may next consider the double bond in which four electrons are held
conjointly by two atoms. Thus Fig. 4, A , may represent the typical
A B structure of the molecule of oxygen.
A characteristic feature of the double
bond is its tendency to “break.”
When this happens in a symme-
trical way, as it will, except in a
Fig. 4.
highly polar environment, it leaves
the two atoms concerned in the odd state, each with an unpaired elec-
tron in the shell. In so far as a substance with a double bond assumes
this other tautomeric form, it will show all the properties of the substances
with odd molecules. Thus Fig. 4, B, represents this tautomeric form
of the oxygen molecule; the equilibrium between forms A and B is entirely
analogous to the equilibrium between NpOa and NOD At low tempera-
tures almost every known case of combination with oxygen gives first a
peroxide. This shows that oxygen exists to an appreciable degree in a
form which approximates to the form B, in which it can add directly to
other atoms precisely as ethylene forms addition compounds. These
.. ..
two forms of oxygen (which, of course, may merge into one another by
.. .. ,
continuous gradations) can be represented as :0 : :0 : and :0 :0 : and
. .
.. H
.. ..
the two forms of ethylene’ as H:C: :C:H and H:C :C:H.
. .
The instability of multiple bonds and the underlying principle of
Baeyer’s Strain Theory we shall discuss presently, but before proceeding
further in this direction it is important to consider the general relation
between the strength of the constraints which hold a molecule together
and the stability of the molecule. The term “stability” is used in two
very different senses, according as we think of the tendency of a reaction
to occur, or the speed of that reaction. We speak of nitric oxide as’ an
extremely stable substance although it is thermodynamically unstable,
and the free energy involved in its decomposition is enormous, but it is
so inert that it suffers no appreciable change. A high degree of inertness
means ordinarily very rigid constraints operating withi; the molecule,
but these powerful forces may operate only over a very small distance
so that the work done in overcoming them may be very small. To illus-
trate this point let us consider a piece of iron suspended by a magnet.
It is drawn downwards by the force of gravity and upwards by the mag-
netic field, and while the net amount of work obtained by separating it
from the magnet and allowing it to fall to earth may be positive, it never-
theless will not fall of itself, but can only be drawn from the magnet by
a force far greater than that of gravitation. So in the case of the mole-
cule, thermodynamic stability is closely associated with the work of break-
ing some bond, but the inertness of the molecule depends upon the force
required to break that bond.
Before considering triple bonds, for which the cubical structure offers
no simple representation, I wish to discuss some ideas in the recent de-
velopment of which I am greatly indebted to suggestions made by Dr.
L. Rosenstein, Dr. E, Q. Adams and Mr. I?. R. von Bichowsky, as well
as to the work of Mr. A. L. Parson, to which I have already referred. In
my early theory the cube was the fundamental structure of all atomic
shells. We have seen, however, in the case of elements with lower atomic
weights than lithium, that the pair of electrons forms the stable group,
and we may question whether in general the pair rather than the group
of eight should not be regarded as the fundamental unit. Perhaps the
chief reasons for assuming the cubical structure were that this is the most
symmetrical arrangement of eight electrons, and is the one in which the
1 I shall postpone a discussion of the important bearing of such formulae upon the
problem of the conjugate double bond.
theory when the attention of chemists was largely drawn to the nonpolar
substances of organic chemistry. Of late the electrochemical theories
have come once more into prominence, but there has always been that
antagonism between the two views which invariably results when two
rival theories are mutually exclusive, while both contain certain elements
of truth. Indeed we may now see that with the interpretation which
we are now employing the two theories need not be mutually exclusive,
but rather complement one another, for the “valence” theory, which is
the classical basis of structural organic chemistry, deals with the funda-
mental structure of the molecule, while electrochemical considerations
show the influence of positive and negative groups in minor distortions
of the fundamental form. Let us consider once for all that by a negative
element or radical we mean one which tends to draw towards itself the
electron pairs which constitute the outer shells of all neighboring atoms,
782 G U E R T N. LEWIS.
Now colored substances are the very ones in which, according to OUT
theory, the electrons are least firmly held. Thus such substances as
nitrogen dioxide and sodium vapor, which contain an uneven number
of electrons and which therefore hold one of the electrons very loosely,
are colored. If, however, sodium combines with chlorine the electron
becomes firmly held by the latter element and when nitrogen dioxide com-
bines even with itself to form Nz04 the electron is again firmly held and
the color disappears. Indeed, with the exception of NO, every one of
the substances with odd molecules which we have listed is colored. The
tri-aryl methyls show a remarkable analogy to NOz. In nonpolar media
they show an increase of color when the conditions so change as to in-
crease the amount of the monomolecular or odd molecules. Thus the color
is increased by rising temperature or by increasing dilution, but the color
of these substances in a polar environment is due to another cause, the
discussion of which would lead us into the whole question of the triphenyl
methane dyes.
Turning now to substances containing an even number of electrons,
'we see in the case of the halogens how the intensity and character of the
color vary with the polar character. Thus the electrons which are con-
cerned in the union of the two atoms of iodine are held by weaker con-
straints than in the case of bromine, and so on through the group. The
electrons in fluorine, being most firmly held, absorb only the extreme violet
end of the visible spectrum.
In general, color and a high degree of polarity go hand in hand, as is
abundantly shown in the great class of organic dyes. Both of these phe-
nomena are due to the same cause, namely the weakness of the constraints
acting upon one or more electrons.
It has frequently been noticed that there is a striking parallelism be-
tween color and the possibility of tautomeric change, and it has been as-
sumed by some that color is in some way due to an alternation between
two extreme tautomeric forms. But this is not precisely the case. When
electrons are sufficiently free to produce absorption in the visible spec-
trum, that part of the molecule in which they are will always be highly
polar and reactive, and there will be opportunity for free transition from
one limiting form to another. Thus if a tautomeric process consists
chiefly in the movement of electrons, there will be electrons in some mole-
cules which are hung by loose constraints between the two extreme forms,
and these are the electrons which will have a sufficiently low character-
istic frequency to produce color.
In the class of elements which have not been considered in the present
paper many are found, such as manganese and cobalt, which give a great
variety of colored compounds. The difficulty in interpreting the com-
pounds of these elements in terms of the present theory lies, I believe,
in the fact that the kernel of the atom is not uniquely and permanently
defined. It seems probable that in these elements there is a possibility
of the transfer of electrons either from one part of the kernel to another,
or between the kernel and the outer shell, or possibly between two sepa-
rate outer shells of the same atom, and that electrons which are suspended
midway between two such stages are responsible for the absorption of
light in these cases.