Urim and Thummim
Urim and Thummim
Urim and Thummim
Urim and Thummim were two indescribable controversial pieces of equipment that lived in
the high priest’s uniform. The high priest's job was to go into the Holy of Holies, and when
he went into the Holy of Holies, there was a garment that he wore. And the garment that he
wore up until he got to the veil of the temple had 12 stones on it. The 12 stones are for the
12 tribes of Israel.
Those stones meant that God's people were on His heart, that we have a God who cares
about His people. He doesn't just reign and rule without any concern for His people, but He
carries His people on His heart inside. What the priest is holding in his hand is incense, and
the incense is for the prayers of the saints. And so, when you saw the priest coming in with
the sensor and the incense on, he was carrying the prayers of the saints into the presence of
the Lord to burn on the altar of incense a sweet-smelling savour to stop the stench of the
burning flesh of the sacrifice that was made on the outside, that we might be able to come
boldly into the presence of God.
What you cannot see on the priest are two stones called Urim and Thummim. Urim and
Thummim were hidden inside the bosom of the priest. Whenever there was a decision to
be made, these were the prophetic stones that released the information for the decision to
be made, and they were called Urim and Thummim.
There is not much written about it, how to use it, or how it worked. Some say they cast lots,
we don't know, but we do know that you did not see the high priest without those
prophetic stones on the inside. When I talk about a priest, I'm talking about worship, I'm
talking about you being a royal priesthood, a holy nation. You are a worshipper of God, but
if you function as a priest and you don't function as a prophet, and you have something on
the inside that is able to bring information to you so that you can understand God's
purpose, then you're worshipping outside of the will of God, running all over the church,
taking up time, and we can't do anything for you acting all crazy in service. You worship all
day long because you don't have discernment on the inside as to what is appropriate at any
time or moment, that means you're not sincere in your worship. You need Urim and
Thummim on the inside so that not only can you worship God but you can make decisions
when decisions are needed to be made.
The priest had the ability through these two stones to determine the will of God. What good
is it to worship a God that you can't determine His will? What we're talking about today
goes beyond just the garments of the priest, to the Thummim and the Urim that I have in
my bosom, so I can have a two-way communication: I can receive a text, I can send a text, I
can download or upload, I can make a call or receive a call.