University of The Philippines Cebu: Student Handbook
University of The Philippines Cebu: Student Handbook
University of The Philippines Cebu: Student Handbook
Student No.
Course & Year
I Objectives of UP Cebu ..................................................... 1
II Classification of Students .................................................. 1
III Academic Load ................................................................. 2
IV Transfer Students ............................................................. 2
V Non-Academic Requirements ........................................... 3
VI Registration ....................................................................... 4
VII Cross-Registration ............................................................ 5
VIII Waiver of Pre-Requisites .................................................. 6
IX Curricular Changes ........................................................... 6
X Student's Identification Card ............................................. 7
XI UP Naming Mahal ............................................................. 8
XII Attendance ........................................................................ 8
XIII Leave of Absence (LOA) ................................................... 8
XIV Grading System ................................................................ 8
XV Removal of Grades of Incomplete or 4.0 ........................ 10
XVI Scholastic Delinquency ................................................... 10
XVII Honorific Scholarship ...................................................... 11
XVIII Maximum Residence Rule .............................................. 12
XIX Graduation Requirements ............................................... 12
XX Graduation with Honors .................................................. 13
XXI Student's Rights and Obligations .................................... 13
XXII Policy on Sexual Harassment ......................................... 25
XXIII UP Cebu Gender and Development Program ................. 25
XXIV Student Services ............................................................. 25
XXV Rules and Regulations Governing Fraternities,
Sororities and other Student Organizations .................... 31
XXVI Teaching Learning Resource Center (TLRC) ................. 35
U.P. NAMING MAHAL ................................................... 39
OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION ................................ 40
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III. ACADEMIC LOAD will not be allowed to enroll in a subject the pre-requisites of which, taken
elsewhere, have not yet been validated or repeated, as the case may be.
An undergraduate student is not allowed to take more than 18 non-
laboratory units or 21 units including laboratory work. However, a graduating Application for advanced credits should be made on the prescribed
student with an academic record better than average may be permitted to form to the Dean. Validating tests begin two weeks prior to the first day of
carry a heavier load in the last semester of his/her course. registration of the opening of each semester and one week after the last
day of registration. There is no fee for validating tests taken during the
Credit Unit period. A validating test may be held outside of this period with the
consent of the division/department and the approval of the Dean and
The unit of credit is the semester hour. Classes meet three hours a upon payment of a fee of ₱20.00 per subject.
week; these classes carry 48 clock hours of instruction and three units of
credit. Each unit of credit is at least 16 semester-hours of instruction, in the 2. From a Regional Unit to Diliman and Vice-Versa
form of lecture, discussion, seminar, tutorial, recitation, film viewing, fieldtrip
or other forms of instruction as approved. A student who wishes to transfer from a regional unit to Diliman, or
from Diliman to a regional unit, should file an application for transfer at
the accepting college together with the true copy of grades. If the action
IV. TRANSFER STUDENTS of the accepting college is favorable, the student gets a college clearance
which he/she presents to the accepting college together with the permit
1. From Other Universities and Colleges transfer, a true copy grades, and a certification that he/she is not under
contract with UP Cebu.
Students applying for transfer should submit, at least one month
prior to registration, an official transcript from each college attended and
a certificate of honorable dismissal together with the application form (UP V. NON-ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS
Form-3). There is no entrance test administered to transfer applicants.
1. P.E. Requirements
Requirements for admission:
Basic Physical Education is a pre-requisite for graduation. All
1. A weighted average grade of 2.0, 80%, or B, or better for all the students should comply with this requirement during their first and
collegiate academic units earned outside of UP; sophomore years. No student will qualify for honorific scholar’s status
unless he/she complies with this requirement. Eight (8) units of P.E. are
2. At least 33 units of academic courses (excluding P.E. and NSTP in a required for all undergraduates.
non-UP college;
Required Courses:
3. He/she will have to complete in the University not less than 50% of P.E. 1 Foundations of Physical fitness which is a required course for
the units required for his course; all students.
4. The quota set by the Dean for the College has not been filled up. P.E. 2 Elective Physical Education activities for beginners.
A transfer student must pay a non-refundable fee of ₱100.00. P.E. 3 Elective Physical Education activities for advanced students.
Advanced Credits (Validation) A student may take any combination for P.E. 2's and P.E. 3's to fill
the eight (8) units.
An admitted undergraduate transfer student must validate all
courses he/she is applying for advanced credits at the rate of at least 18
units a semester from the date of admission. His/her admission will be on
probation basis until he/she shall have validated or repeated all subjects
taken outside UP and which are required for his/her course. The student
2 3
LTS refers to the component designed to teach literacy and In the case of a student who registers after the opening of classes
numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth and other sectors and withdraws thereafter, the number of days shall be counted from the
of society in need of these services. actual date of registration, and the refund of his/her matriculation fees
shall be in accordance with the above schedule.
CWTS refers to the component or activities contributory to general
welfare and betterment of life or enhancement of community facilities, Laboratory fees will not be refunded after one week from the opening
especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, of classes, where voluntary change is made from one course to another.
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry and other Refund of tuition fee for a subject may be allowed only in the case of
social services. forced dropping of the subject.
The college shall offer ROTC and at least one other component
(CWTS for UP) every semester. If there are less than 300 ROTC VII. CROSS REGISTRATION
enrollees, ROTC unit cannot be opened but students can cross enroll.
Within the University
Duration and Equivalent Course Unit A student who wants to cross-register in Diliman or another regional
The chosen NSTP component shall be undertaken for a period of unit must fill up the application for cross-registration form available at the
two (2) semesters, with fifty-six (56) training hours and student load OCSR. If the request is approved, he/she accomplishes the cross-
credit of 3 units per semester. No student will qualify for honorific registration form (UP Form 5-B). The student must pay the registration
scholar's status unless he/she complies this requirement. fee at the UP Cebu Cashier’s Office before bringing his/her UP Form 5-B
to the UP unit he/she is cross-registering. The total number of credits for
Fees and Insurance which a student may cross-register in a college should not exceed the
₱900 tuition fee per semester and an insurance fee of not more than maximum allowed by the rules on academic load. No additional fee is
₱100. charged if the total number of units does not exceed 21 units.
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Courses approved by the University Council as pre-requisites to All transfers to other classes shall be made for valid reasons. No
others may not be waived. However, in meritorious cases, a student who change of matriculation involving the taking of a new subject shall be
has previously enrolled and fully attended a course that is a pre-requisite allowed after one week of regular class meetings have been held.
to another may be allowed to enroll and attend the latter course for credit,
without having passed or earned credit for the pre-requisite course. This Changes in matriculation shall be effected by means of the form for
will be acted upon through a Dean’s committee that shall decide the merit the Change of Matriculation and must be recommended by the adviser
of the application. and approved by the Dean. The form, after being duly accomplished,
shall be submitted to the Registrar through the Office of the College
Secretary for assessment and notation.
Dropping of Classes
Substitution of Courses
Every substitution of subjects must be based on at least one of the A student may, with the consent of his/her instructor and the Dean,
following: drop a subject by filling out the prescribed UP Form 26-A before 3/4 of
the prescribed hours of the semester has elapsed, and not later. If a
1. When a student pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded by subject is dropped after the middle of the term, the faculty member
a new one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in concerned shall indicate the date and the class standing of the student at
line with the new; the time of the dropping as either Passing or Failing solely for
administrative guidance.
2. Where there is conflict of hours between a require subject and
another required subject; Dropping fee is ₱10.00 per unit.
3. When the required subject is not given during the semester the
student needs it.
Every petition for substitution: The Student’s Identification Card is the student’s permit to many
1. Must involve subjects within the same department, if possible; if not, facilities of the school like the library, etc. It is also a requirement for
the two subjects concerned must be allied to each other; securing one’s copy of grades and enrollment. It is non-transferable and
may not be used by anyone except the owner. Loss of this card needs an
2. Must be between subjects in which the subject substituted carries Affidavit of Loss notarized by a lawyer and must be reported at once to
number of units equal to or greater than the units that required the OCSR. Request for replacement must likewise be made.
3. Must be recommended by the adviser and by the division chair XI. UP NAMING MAHAL
All petitions for substitution must be submitted to the Office of the Every student is expected to learn and know how to sing the UP
College Secretary before 12% of the regular class meetings have been Naming Mahal (see back page), which is sung at all university programs
held. and exercises.
1.0 Excellent
When number of hours lost by absence reaches 20% of the hours of
scheduled work in one subject, the student shall be dropped from the 1.25 Excellent
subject, provided that a faculty member may prescribe a longer
attendance requirement to meet their special needs. If the majority of the 1.50 Very Good
absences are excused, the student shall not be given a grade of 5.0
upon being dropped; otherwise, he/she shall be given a grade of 5.0. 1.75 Very Good
Time lost by late enrollment shall be considered time lost by 2.0 Good
absence. Excuses are for time missed only. All work covered by the class
during the absence shall be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor 2.25 Good
within a reasonable period of time from the date of absence.
2.50 Satisfactory
2.75 Satisfactory
A student who withdraws from the college without the formal leave of
absence shall have his/her registration privileges curtailed or entirely 3.0 Passed
withdrawn. Prolonged leave of absence should be requested in a written
petition to the Dean. The petition should state the reason for which the 4.0 Conditional Failure
leave is desired and specifies the period for the leave, which must not
exceed one academic year. A college clearance must be accomplished 5.0 Failed
by the student.
INC Incomplete
Leave of Absence fee - ₱150.00
Fine for Absence Without Official Leave - ₱225.00
Only these grades shall be officially recognized.
If a student withdraws after 3/4 of the total number of hours
prescribed for the course has already elapsed, his/her instructor may A grade of 4.0 may be made up by repetition of the course or by
give a grade of 5.0 if his/her class standing at the time of his/her passing a re-examination to be taken within one academic year from the
withdrawal is below 3.0. date of the grade of 4.0 has been received. If a student passes the re-
examination, he/she is given grade of 3.0, but if he/she fails he/she is
given a grade of 5.0. Only one (1) re-examination is allowed which must
XIV. GRADING SYSTEM betaken within the prescribed time. If a student does not remove the
grade of 4.0 within the prescribed time, he may earn credit for the course
The work of the student shall be graded at the end of each term in only by repeating and passing it.
accordance with the following system:
A grade of 4.0 given for the first semester work of a two-semester
course shall be converted to a grade of 3.0 if the student passes the
second semester part of the same course in the same academic year. If
he/she fails, the grade of 4.0 that he/she received for the first semester
work shall be converted to a grade of 5.0.
8 9
illness or other valid reasons. In case the class standing is not passing Dismissal
and the student fails to take the final examination for any reason, a grade 1. Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades of
of 5.0 is given. Removal of the INC must be done within the prescribed below 3.0 in more than 75% but less than 100% of the total number
time by passing an examination or meeting all requirements of the of academic units in which he/she received final grades shall be
course, after which the student shall be given a final grade based on over dropped from the rolls of the college.
-all performance.
2. Any student on probation who again fails in 50% or more of the total
number of units in which he/she received final grades shall be
XV. REMOVAL OF GRADES OF INCOMPLETE OR 4.0 dropped from the rolls of the college.
Examinations for the removal of grades of INCOMPLETE or 4.0 may Permanent Disqualification
be taken without fee: 1) during the regular examination period, if the Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades of
subject in which a student failed to take his/her final examination is below 3.0 in 100% of the academic units in which he/she is given final
included in the schedule of examination for the period during which said grades shall be permanently barred from re-admission to any college or
removal examination is to be taken; otherwise, said student is to be school of the University.
charged the fee of P20.00; 2) during the removal examination period,
viz. the period covering ten (10) days preceding the registration in each Permanent disqualification does not apply to cases where, on
semester; provided, that the examination for the particular subject is recommendation of the instructors concerned, the faculty certifies that
taken at the time that is scheduled; 3) within the ten-day period the grades of 5.0 were due to the student’s unauthorized dropping
preceding the Christmas vacation in colleges in which there is no inter- subjects and not to poor scholarship. However, if the unauthorized
semester vacation; provided the examination is taken at the time it is withdrawal takes place after the mid-semester and the student’s class
scheduled. standing is poor, his/her grades of 5.0 shall be counted against him/her
for the purpose of the scholarship rule.
The period for the removal of grades of INCOMPLETE should not
exceed beyond one (1) academic year from the date the grade was
Honorific scholarship does not entitle the holders to any tuition fee
XVI. SCHOLASTIC DELINQUENCY waiver, either partial or full.
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No student shall be graduated from the University unless he/she has XXI. STUDENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS
completed at least one year of residence work that may, however, be
extended to a longer period by the proper faculty. The residence work The notion that a student’s place in an institution of higher learning is
referred to must be done immediately prior to graduation. but to study has long been rejected in the University of the Philippines. It
has been replaced with an entirely different tradition the by-word of which
No student who fails to pay the required graduation fee within the is militancy. The tradition revolves around the idea that thought should
specified period set by the College Secretary shall be conferred any title transcend the classroom and transform itself into action.
or degree. Such a student may, however, upon his/her request and
payment of the necessary fees be given a certified copy of credentials Because of its affinity with the high purpose of national welfare,
without specifying his/her completion of the requirements toward any title student militancy is appraised as a cherished value not only in the
or degree. academe but in the entire Filipino society. As such, it is to be defended
and preserved.
Students must file formal applications as candidates for graduation in
the Office of the College Secretary. A fine is imposed for late application The pursuit of this tradition of militancy is moored in certain basic
for graduation. rights guaranteed to students.
Rights of Students
XX. GRADUATION WITH HONORS Among the basic rights appertaining to students as members of the
academic community are:
Students who completed their courses with the following grade point
average shall be graduated with honors: a. Freedom of inquiry and expression, within the campus, in curricular
activities and in extra-curricular affairs;
Cum Laude 1.75 b. Procedural fairness in disciplinary proceedings; and
12 13
The student’s right of freedom of inquiry includes the right not only to
accurate information, but also to hear any opinion on any subject of SECTION 1. Basis of Discipline - Students shall at all times observe the
public or general concern. laws of the land and the rules and regulations of the University.
For this purpose, they may have the right to invite outside speakers, No disciplinary proceedings shall be instituted except for conduct
and school authorities may not veto their invitation solely on the basis of prohibited by law or by the rules and regulations promulgated by duly
the credentials of the speakers. constituted authority of the University.
It also includes the right not to be subjected to indoctrination leading SECTION 2. Specific Misconduct - A student shall be subject to
to imposed ideological homogeneity. disciplinary action for any of the following acts:
a. Any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in
The student’s freedom of expression includes the right relation to his studies;
a. To hold any kind of peaceful demonstration.
b. To protest against school policies and national or local policies even b. Carrying within University premises any firearm, knife with a blade
though not related to the school. longer than 2 ½ inches, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon;
c. To circulate literature and petitions for signature. Provided, That this shall not apply to one who shall possess the
same in connection with his studies and who has a permit from the
The student’s rights to fair play in disciplinary proceedings include dean or director of his college or school;
the following rights:
c. Drinking of alcoholic beverages within academic and administrative
a. Not to be punished for acts that were not grounds for disciplinary
buildings, dormitories, and the immediate premises thereof, except in
action when they were committed.
places expressly allowed by the University, or drunken behavior
b. To a written notice of the charges and reasonable time to answer
within the University premises;
them and prepare for their hearing.
c. To a hearing before suspension or expulsion, unless summary d. Unauthorized or illegal possession or use of prohibited drugs or
suspension is clearly authorized in limited cases. chemicals, or other banned substances enumerated in the
d. To an impartial judge. Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 (as amended), such as LSD,
e. To be assisted by a counsel. marijuana, heroin, shabu, or opiates and hallucinogenic drugs in any
f. To confront and question adverse witnesses. form within the University premises;
g. To present defense.
h. To be informed of the decision. e. Gambling within the University premises;
i. To appeal the decision to higher school authorities, where allowed
and thereafter to the courts. f. Gross and deliberate discourtesy to any University official, faculty
member or person in authority;
Student Conduct and Discipline g. Creating within the University premises disorder, tumult, breach of
The UP Cebu expects from its students at all times a high degree of peace, or serious disturbance;
self-discipline and good moral conduct together with a seriousness of
purpose in the pursuit of knowledge. h. Making a false statement of any material fact, or practicing or
attempting to practice any deception or fraud in connection with his
The Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline admission or registration in, or graduation from the University;
herein listed, are as approved by the Board of Regents at its 876th
meeting on September 1976 superseding all previous rules on the i. Practicing or attempting to practice any deception or fraud in
subject, and amended at these BOR meetings: 908th, December 7, connection with his application in any University funded or sponsored
1978; 923rd, January 31, 1980; 1017th, December 8, 1988; 1041st, July scholarship or grant;
4, 1991; 1051st, June 25, 1992; and 1123rd, August 27, 1998.
j. Damaging or defacing University property;
For the guidance of all concerned, the following rules and regulations k. Disgraceful or immoral conduct within University premises;
on the conduct and discipline of students are hereby promulgated:
14 15
18 19
custody of the Vice- Chancellor for Student Affairs. Such records are f. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (f)
hereby declared confidential and no person shall have access to the shall be penalized with suspension for not less than thirty (30)
same for inspection or copying unless he is involved therein, or unless he calendar days, but not more than one (1) semester; Provided, that
has a legal right which cannot be protected or vindicated without access the penalty for the second offense shall be Expulsion; and Provided
to or copying of such records. Any University official or employee who further, that should the student assault, strike, or inflict physical
shall violate the confidential nature of such records shall be subject to violence upon any University official, faculty member or person in
disciplinary action. authority, the penalty shall be Expulsion.
SECTION 25. Sanctions g. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (g)
a. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (a) shall be penalized with suspension for not less than fifteen (15)
shall be penalized with suspension for not less than one (1) year. calendar days, but not more than forty-five (45) calendar days;
1) All cases involving cheating or dishonesty shall be investigated Provided, that should the student be found guilty for the third time,
by a College/Unit but shall automatically be subject to review by the penalty shall be Expulsion.
the Chancellor.
h. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (h)
2) Students found guilty of cheating/dishonesty shall be barred from
shall be penalized as follows:
graduating with honors, even if their weighted average is within
1) For the first offense, by suspension for a period of not less than
the requirement for graduation with honors.
one (1) semester, but not more than one (1) year;
b. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in section 2 (b) 2) For the second offense, the penalty shall be Expulsion.
shall be penalized as follows:
i. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (i)
1) For the first offense, suspension for a period not less than fifteen
shall be penalized as follows:
(15) calendar days but not more than thirty (30) calendar days;
1) For the first offense, by suspension for a period of not less than
2) For the second offense, suspension for a period of not less than
one (1) semester, but not more than one (1) year;
thirty calendar days but not more than one (1) semester;
2) For the second offense, the penalty shall be Expulsion.
3) For the third offense , the penalty shall be Expulsion; Provided,
3) Any student found guilty of willfully withholding or
that should the deadly weapon be a firearm, the penalty for first
misrepresenting information in his application to the Socialized
the offense shall be suspension for not less than thirty (30)
Tuition System (STS) shall be subject to the following guidelines
calendar days but not more than one (1) semester; for the
on penalties for STS violations:
second offense, the penalty shall be Expulsion.
a If the information withheld involves common appliances, e.g.
c. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (c) owned by majority of the population, the recommended
shall be penalized with suspension for not less than seven (7) penalty is one semester suspension, reimbursement of STS
calendar days, but not more than thirty (30) calendar days; Provided, benefits received, plus permanent disqualification from STS
that should the student be found guilty for the fourth time, the penalty and other scholarships.
shall be Expulsion. b If the information withheld involves appliances which may be
used to indicate capacity to pay, the recommended penalty
d. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (d) is one year suspension, reimbursement of STS benefits
shall be penalized with suspension for not less than fifteen (15) received and permanent disqualification from STS and other
calendar days, but not more than forty-five (45) calendar days; scholarships.
Provided, that should the student be found guilty for the third time, c If the information withheld is substantial such as car, income
the penalty shall be Expulsion. employment, real properties, the recommended penalty is
expulsion plus reimbursement of all STS benefits.
e. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (e) d If the student is found to have submitted falsified documents,
shall be penalized with suspension for not less than seven (7) the recommended penalty is expulsion plus reimbursement
calendar days, but not more than thirty (30) calendar days; Provided, of STS benefits.
that should the student be found guilty for the fourth time, the e If the student pleads guilty, he should be made to reimburse
penalty shall be Expulsion. all STS benefits received either before the decision is made
or reimbursement is made a precondition for enrollment.
20 21
Furthermore, if the information withheld is grave such as in Nos. SECTION 26. Summary Actions - Notwithstanding the provisions of the
3), c and 3), d above, the recommended penalty is two years foregoing sections, a Dean may proceed summarily against a student of
suspension and permanent disqualification from STS and other a college in the following cases:
scholarships. a. Violation of rules and regulations issued by the Dean of the unit in
accordance with Section three of these rules;
j. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (j)
shall be penalized with suspension for not less than fifteen (15) b. Misconduct committed in the presence of a faculty member or any
calendar days, but not more than forty-five (45) calendar days; official of the University within the classrooms or premises of a
Provided, that should the student be found guilty for the third time, college, or in the course of an official function sponsored by the
the penalty shall be Expulsion. In addition, the student may also be college.
required to pay for the repair and/or replacement of the damaged
property. The respondent shall be summoned to appear before the Dean of
the unit, informed of the charge against him, and afforded the opportunity
k. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (k) to present his side.
shall be penalized with suspension for not less than seven (7)
calendar days, but not more than thirty (30) calendar days; Provided, Decisions taken under this section shall be in writing, stating the
that should the student be found guilty for the third time, the penalty grounds for which disciplinary penalty is imposed. Such decisions shall
shall be Expulsion. be final and executory upon the issuance of the order. The penalty
imposed shall not exceed suspension for fifteen (15) days exclusive of
l. Any student found guilty of the misconduct defined in Section 2 (I) Sundays and official holidays.
shall be penalized with suspension for not less than fifteen (15)
calendar days, but not more than forty-five (45) calendar days; c. The Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs may likewise proceed
Provided, that should the student be found guilty for the third time, summarily against students in cases of:
the penalty shall be Expulsion. In addition , the student may also be 1) Misconduct committed as provided in paragraph (b) of this
required to pay for, or replace, the stolen property. Section, when committed within the University premises not
falling within the jurisdiction of any college, school or unit or in
m. The disciplinary action that may be imposed for violations of the the course of an official function sponsored by the University or a
misconduct in Section 2 (m) may take the form of expulsion, Unit other than a college, school, or academic unit.
suspension from the University, withholding of graduation and other 2) Misconduct as defined in Section 2 (g) above, whether or not the
privileges, withdrawal of registration privileges, permanent acts are committed within the premises of, and by persons
disqualification from enrollment, exclusion from any class, reprimand, belonging to, one or several colleges, schools, or units.
warning, or expression of apology. The gravity of the offense
committed and the circumstances attending its commission shall SECTION 27. Definitions - The following terms shall have the meaning
determine the nature of the disciplinary action or penalty to be set forth below for purposes of these regulations:
imposed. a. “Autonomous unit” refers to such universities or units of the
n. The Dean or Director of the unit may impose the penalty of University of the Philippines System which have been declared
suspension for a period not exceeding one (1) calendar year. If he autonomous by law or by the Board of Regents;
deems suspension for a longer period or expulsion is warranted, he
shall so recommend to the Chancellor, who shall refer the case to b. “Regional unit” refers to units outside of Diliman and Manila which
the Executive Committee for final decision. are not autonomous;
o. Any disciplinary action taken against a student shall be reported to c. “Student” shall refer to any person (1) admitted and registered, in a
his parents or guardians. degree or non-degree program or cross-registered in any course of
the University on a regular or part-time basis, including those who
p. Refusal to submit to the jurisdiction of the University by any student are officially on leave of absence and (2) who has not yet been
not enrolled at the time a charge against him is filed shall prejudice separated from the University formally through either transfer,
his future enrollment in any unit of the University. graduation, honorable or dishonorable dismissal or expulsion or
expiration of the period allowed for maximum residence, at the time
of the commission of the offense, regardless of whether or not he is
22 23
enrolled in any unit of the University at the time of the filing of the
charge or during the pendency of the disciplinary proceedings XXIV. STUDENT SERVICES
against him;
A. Library Services
d. “Laws of the land” shall refer to general enactments in force in the
Philippines; All students need to develop an interest in the library and its facilities.
Its services and guidelines are embodied in a library handbook.
e. “Official Report” shall include any report duly submitted in writing to
any proper authority in the University by a faculty member, any
member of the University security force, any officer of a college or
B. Health Services
unit, or any officer of the University administration.
SECTION 28. These rules shall supersede all previous rules on The UP Cebu students receive the following services, aside from the
student discipline and shall take effect upon approval. Amendments systematic health instruction offered by the school:
to these rules shall be circularized within ten (10) days after approval and 1. First aid care to students who suffer from all kinds of wounds,
shall take effect fifteen (15) days after circularization, unless a specific sprains, bruises and other similar illnesses.
date has been set, which date shall in no case be within (5) days after its
2. Immediate and temporary care to students who are suddenly taken ill
with fever, stomachache, menstrual cramps, headache, dizziness,
fainting and other cases needing immediate attention.
C. Student Affairs & Services
Sexual harassment (as defined in the Policy Guidelines) constitute a
ground for administrative disciplinary action under the offense of simple
In support to UP Cebu's academic offerings, the Office of Student
misconduct, disgraceful and immoral conduct, conduct prejudicial to the
Affairs (OSA) provides services that respond to various needs of
best interest of the service or grave misconduct.
students through the following services:
A student found guilty of simple misconduct involving sexual
1. Guidance & Counseling
harassment shall be penalized with a suspension for not less than one
(1) calendar day but not more than 30 calendar days; provided that,
a. Counseling
should the student be found guilty for the third time, the penalty shall be
Students are guided in making decisions about personal,
expulsion. Grave misconduct involving sexual harassment shall be
vocational and educational concerns with the help of a
punishable by expulsion.
professional counselor. Counseling sessions are done with
individual students or groups. Students are accommodated
either as scheduled or as walk-ins.
b. Group Guidance
Weekly group guidance sessions are held for all first year
UP GDP objectives are anchored on feminist and democratic ideas
college students and transferees to help them adjust to college
in support of the economic, political, social, and cultural empowerment of
life and the academic life in UP and help them in their emotional
women. They are pursued through three components:
and psychological growth. All first years and transferees are to
curriculum development and instruction register with the OSA for group guidance sessions (12-16 hours
research, publication and dissemination per semester).
extension, advocacy and networking
24 25
2. Psychological Testing Tuition discounts and other financial assistance from STS shall
be for one academic year, renewable annually.
Student Needs Inventory, Mental Ability and Personality Tests
are administered to the first year students on a case – to – case TUITION
basis, while Industrial Testing is administered to the graduating Other Financial Assis-
Tuition Discount Tuition Tuition
students. tance
Discount in ₱
Psychological test results are used as tools in the counseling Partial Discount 40% 40% ₱600/unit
process. Aptitude and Interest Tests are administered as requested
or as the need arises.
Partial Discount 60% 60% ₱400/unit
External Testing - Provide testing services to requesting
companies and industries. Partial Discount 80% 80% ₱200/unit
4. Scholarships and Financial Assistance Incoming Freshmen (student number beginning 2014 and
incoming MD and JD students) who will be granted Full Discount +
The STS (Socialized Tuition System) or “Iskolar ng Bayan” Stipend will receive P3,500 monthly allowance for two semesters.
program has four components, namely: Said monthly allowance may be in the form of cash, dormitory
privilege, and/or meal coupon.
a. Socialized tuition - grants free tuition, miscellaneous and
laboratory fees and/or tuition discounts to financially needy Upperclassmen (students admitted to the university before 2014)
students as determined by the University. at the same level shall receive ₱2,400 monthly allowance for two
b. Scholarship - grants subsidies for living, book, lodging and
transportation based on both financial need as determined by the Aside from the STS and UP System Scholarship, there are other
University and academic performance (the higher the grades, the government & private scholarships that can be availed of.
higher the subsidies).
c. Student Assistantship - gives students the opportunity to finance 5. Student Organizations & Activities
partially their educational expenses by working for the University
as student assistants. Student organizations and activities are venues by which
students in the University may achieve self-development and growth
outside the classrooms. Through the varied groups existing on
26 27
campus, students get to discover and actualize talents and potentials comprise of people who belong to the same ethnicity or come from a
in the many activities being held throughout the year. In the UP similar geographical area.
Cebu, there are different student organizations a student may be
involved in depending on the kind of interest one may want to Cultural Performing Groups
pursue. By membership, these organizations are generally classified
as either university-wide (members come from different colleges of These groups showcase students’ special abilities and talents
the University), or college-based (membership is exclusive to one such as acting, singing or dancing. Besides performances on
particular college), or by type, specifically classified as follows: campus, these organizations from time to time also are invited to
perform in other places, thus giving their members chances of not
Special Organizations only developing their personalities but also in getting to know other
places and people. Furthermore, as their contribution to community
a. Student Council (SC) service, these groups conduct free workshops and seminars on
acting for the out-of-school youth, thereby sharing their talents with
These are student governments that work to represent the less privileged peers.
general interest and welfare of the student body. Their pursuits are
coursed through a wide range of activities - from cultural programs to Religious Organizations
symposia and rallies and are, as a whole, geared towards the
expressions and resolutions of student concerns and the protection Catering to varied spiritual pursuits, religious organizations have
of their rights as constituents of the University. increased in number in the University in the past years. Although
some of these groups particularly expounded the tenets of one
b. Publications religious sect, many are also going interdenominational. Activities
include Bible studies, prayer meetings, symposia on vital religious
Like the student council, publications are institutional issues and other projects that the groups may undertake in
organizations in the University. They serve as forums by which cooperation with other groups.
students express ideas, feelings and opinions in print. The college
publication is “Tug-Ani”, while the high school publication is Socio-Political/Socio-Civic Organizations
Addressing the many political concerns; these organizations
Academic/Course-based Organizations typify the traditional image of a critical and liberated student body.
Their many activities include the circulation and publication of
As groups of students taking up the same academic courses or leaflets, position papers, symposia, lectures and rallies to articulate
belonging to the same academic division, these organizations their stand on important local and national issues. Some of the
engage in activities that complement their academic concerns. organizations classed under this type are the student sectors of
some cause-oriented groups.
Year Level Organizations
Socio-Civic Organizations - These organizations render services and
The year levels have their respective organizations. projects for the benefit of communities outside the University. Their
activities are mostly humanitarian in nature and their membership is
Interest-based Organizations one of the biggest in campus.
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There is a heated confrontation when, as a result of the
Actionable Misconduct and Penalties immediately preceding act of sufficient provocation, words are
exchanged in a hostile, challenging, insulting, irritating or
These rules shall apply to all fraternities, sororities and other annoying manner or conduct between the parties.
student organizations, regardless of whether or not they are officially
recognized by the University and without prejudice to the provisions D. Any such member or officer who exhibits gross or deliberate
of R.A. No. 8094, otherwise known as the “Anti-Hazing Law”. discourtesy to any University official, faculty member, employee,
disciplining authorities or their agents, in connection with
SECTION 1 fraternity, sorority and other student organization-related incident,
Members and officers of fraternities, sororities and other student shall be suspended for at least one (1) year.
organizations shall be subject to disciplinary action for the following
acts and shall be penalized as follows: E. Any such member or officer found carrying or possessing within
university premises any firearm, molotov bomb, pillbox or other
A. Any such member or officer who commits or engages in, any of explosives, knife with a blade longer than two and a half (2 1/2)
the acts specified below shall be expelled from the University inches, metal pipe or any other dangerous or deadly weapon and
whether or not the acts are committed within or outside banned substances enumerated under the Dangerous Drugs Act
University premises: (R.A. 6425, as amended) shall be expelled from the University;
provided, however, that stones, baseball bats, nightsticks, rattan
1. Participating in any rumble, engaging in fisticuffs with, or sticks or similar wooden instruments, paper cutter, tear gas,
physically attacking a member of other fraternities, sororities scalpels, icepicks and other similar objects capable of causing
or other student organizations. physical injuries shall be deemed dangerous and deadly if the
erring person possesses them in preparation for or immediately
2. Physically attacking any other student or official faculty before, during or after an attack, confrontation or rumble.
member or employee of the University or any other person in
connection with any matter relating to fraternities, sororities F. Any such member or officer who willfully fails to comply with
or other student organizations. summons by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or equivalent
official in the autonomous University, the Student Disciplinary
A rumble is a violent confrontation between two or more Tribunal, Deans or their representative for the purpose of
students belonging to different fraternities, sororities or other investigation and other proceedings conducted in connection with
student organizations. fraternity, sorority and other student organization-related
misconduct shall be automatically suspended by the Chancellor
B. Any such member or officer who engages in any form of until the person concerned complies therewith; provided, that
physical initiation or hazing resulting in or causing physical injury, such suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) calendar days.
as well as the neophyte who allows himself/herself to be
G. Any such member or officer who causes damage to university
subjected to hazing, shall be expelled, unless the student
property or property of any private person within the university
concerned agrees to become a witness for the University.
premises, on the occasion of a rumble, hazing, tumultuous affray
C. Any such member or officer who commits acts of provocation or any similar disturbance shall be suspended for at least one (1)
which result in heated confrontation between fraternities, year, provided that, if any death or serious or less serious
sororities and other student organizations shall be suspended for physical injury is caused to another person by reason of, or on
one (1) year; provided, however, that in case the provocation the occasion of said destruction of property, the erring student
results in a rumble, fisticuffs or a physical attack, the erring shall be expelled from the University; provided further, that if
student shall be expelled from the University. university property is damaged, he/she shall be required to repair
There is sufficient provocation when a person or party the damage done at his/her expense or to reimburse the
excites, incites or induces another to execute an act; when one University for costs incurred in repairing such damage and no
irritates or annoys one with improper or unjust acts, or words or clearance shall be issued until such damage is fully
30 31
compensated by the respondent. member, officer or agent of the fraternities, sororities or student
organizations who is not a student of or even if a student is not
H. Any such member or officer of fraternities or sororities who currently enrolled in the University, all officers of said fraternities,
recruits a college first year student taking a first undergraduate sororities or student organizations shall be suspended for at
degree shall be suspended for at least one (1) year and the least one (1) year; provided that, if said acts are committed by
student recruited as well as all officers of the fraternities or bodyguards, domestics or employees of a member or officer,
sororities concerned shall likewise be suspended for a similar such member or officer and all officers of the fraternities,
period. sororities or student organizations shall be expelled from the
The recruitment of two or more college first year students, in
any manner, shall be taken as evidence of the fraternities or SECTION 3
sororities’ policy of recruitment in violation of the foregoing
provision in which case, all the officers of the fraternities or Penalties of suspension shall take effect immediately upon the
sororities concerned shall be suspended for at least one (1) year. finality of the decision. A student under suspension shall not be
allowed to enroll, attend classes, take examinations, use university
As used in these rules, the college first years shall refer to facilities or graduate during the effectivity of the suspension;
students in the first year of their undergraduate course as well as provided that, use of university facilities shall be understood to
any college student who has earned not more than 30 units of include using library facilities, residing in the residence halls or
academic credits in any baccalaureate or certificate program or dormitories owned by the University, undertaking field work or any
any non-degree program of the University; provided that a grade other academic requirement, entering any academic building, etc.;
of incomplete in any subject or course shall not be construed as provided further, that a student under suspension shall not be
a unit earned in the said subject or course. allowed to enroll until his/her suspension shall have been fully
served, except when the period of his/her suspension expires on the
I. Any such member or officer who commits any other form of last day for late registration.
fraternity, sorority and other student organization-related
misconduct, whether within or outside university premises, which The period of suspension shall be counted as part of the
affects the good order and welfare of the University or which has academic residency requirement of the student, if for any reason the
a negative effect on the discipline, general welfare or the good student was able to take an examination or submit any academic
name of the University, shall be suspended for not less than six requirement during the effectivity of suspension, such examination or
(6) months but not more than one (1) year. submission shall be considered invalid.
In case of a second offense committed under paragraph C, Notice of suspension shall be immediately furnished to the
D, G, H and I above, the erring students shall be expelled from parents and/or guardians of the student and all the colleges and
the University. units concerned. All concerned faculty members shall be
immediately notified of the suspension by their respective deans,
SECTION 2 institute/center directors and department chairpersons, as the case
A. In case any misconduct defined in the preceding section is may be.
committed by two or more members or officers of the fraternities,
sororities or student organizations and a conspiracy is Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these rules shall
established, all officers of such fraternities, sororities or student preclude the disciplining authorities from imposing sanctions
organizations participating in that conspiracy shall be expelled including but not limited to withdrawal or recognition of the
from the University. fraternities, sororities and other student organizations, under existing
university and college rules and regulations.
A conspiracy shall be deemed to exist if concerted action
and unity of purpose is established.
32 33
CD's in Mathematics, History, Chemistry, Accounting, In coordination with the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), the
Language, Health, Natural Science, Pre-Algebra, Algebra (I, II), TLRC likewise assists students adjust to the academic
Geometry, History, Literature, Geography, Vocabulary, Typing, environment and provide avenues for personal growth and
Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics, Science psychological development.
Encyclopedia (Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and
Mathematics) are available at the TLRC Reading Room. Copies of the Psychosocial Development modules are also
Assistance in the use of the CD with the CD ROM and the on-hand for individual students use during their convenient time.
computer may be requested from the TLRC staff anytime during For matters needing urgent action/assistance, you may approach
office hours. Head phones are required for use by all CD users the TLRC Coordinator or OSA Coordinator or any of the
except on occasions where the CD is used by small groups or a Guidance Services Specialists.
7. Special Skills
3. Computers
Your requests for the use of any TLRC's equipment and
Twelve (12) computers are available for student's use. The facilities have to be made in writing addressed to the TLRC
installed computer programs that are available include Word, Coordinator. Reservation papers have to be accomplished and
Excel, Powerpoint, Query, Pagemaker, Paintbrush, Photodeluxe, filed at least 2 days prior to actual use.
Typing Tutor, SPSS and Pascal.
34 35
UP naming mahal
Pamantasang hirang
Ang tinig namin
Sana’y inyong dinggin
Malayong lupain
Amin mang marating
Di rin magbabago ang damdamin
Di rin magbabago ang damdamin
Luntian at pula
Sagisag magpakailan man
Ating ipagdiwang
Bulwagan ng dangal
Humayo’t itanghal
Giting at tapang
Mabuhay ang pag-asa ng bayan
Mabuhay ang pag-asa ng bayan
36 37
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