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Table 1. General Somatic Sensory: Tracts Stimulus Function N1 N2 Decussation N3 N4 Additional Info

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Table 1.

General Somatic Sensory

Tracts Stimulus Function N1 N2 Decussation N3 N4 Additional Info
Level of spinal cord
via ventral -- Lower fibers-
Pain, commissure;
Lateral Spinothalamic dorsolateral; Higher-
Temperature ascend via lateral
funiculus ventromedial
-- Level of spinal
cord via ventral VPL of Thalamus
Crude light -- Some do not -- Lateral + Anterior
Anterior touch, Itch, cross at spinal spinothalamic fibers =
Spinothalamic Tickle, Sexual Dorsal horn of cord, ascend via spinal lemniscus at
Dorsal Root Ganglion BA 312
Sensation spinal cord anterior funiculus the level of Medulla
and cross at corpus
Ascending reticular
Alertness and activating system
Spinoreticular arousal to painful Reticular Tract
(ARAS) – controls
Pain consciousness
Reflex of eye and Superior
Spinotectal neck to orient toward
painful stimulus
-- Nucleus Gracilis
Conscious -- Ascend via
(Lower 6 thoracic dorsal funiculus -- Form medial
and beyond) and cross at level lemniscus in the
Dorsal Column/ Vibration, Deep
Dorsal Root Ganglion -- Nucleus of Medulla VPL BA 312 medulla
Medial Lemniscal pressure, Deep
Cuneatus (Upper 6 -- Cross as internal -- Lower fiber- anterior
touch, Tactile arcuate fiber
thoracic and and medial
Discrimination (Contalateral)
-- Cross at spinal
cord via white
commissure. Enter
Superior cerebellar
-- Crossed fibers
Anterior/ Ventral Dorsal horn of peduncle and cross
General ascend via lateral
Spinocerebellar spinal cord at cerebellum
Unconscnious funiculus
Proprioception of --Ipsilateral fibers
Lower Limbs enter inferior Cerebellum,
Dorsal Root Ganglion
cerebellar peduncle Vermal zone via
Dorsal Horn mossy fibers
(Fastigial -- ascend in
Posterior/ Dorsal (Nucleus Dorsalis -- Ipsilateral Lateral
Fine Nucleus) posterolateral part of
Spinocerebellar of Clarke at T1-L2 Funiculus
lateral white column
or C8-L3) -- Enter cerebellum
Dorsal Horn via inferior
Rostal cerebellar peduncle
General (Nucleus
Spinocerebellar Unconscious
Proprioception of
Dorsal Root Ganglion Fibers proceed
Upper Limbs Accessory cuneate Ipsilateral inferior
Cuneocerebellar Fine (via fasciculus laterally (after N2) as
nucleus, Medulla cerebellar pduncle
cuneatus @ C1- T5) external arcuate fibers

Table 2. GSA of Face
Tracts Stimulus Function N1 N2 Decussation N3 N4 Additional Info
Cross at brainstem
and enter ventral
Pain, Temperature, -- Fibers enter
Spinal nucleus of V trigeminothalamic
Light Touch posterior limb of -- IX and X for
-- Gasserian internal capsule visceral sensation
Ganglion (CN V) only
-- Most cross and
-- Geniculate -- No synapse in
form Ventral
Ganglion (CNVII) N1
Main sensory trigeminothalamix
-- Superior Ganglia -- N3 is VPM or
Trigeminothalamic Tactile Sensation Including two-point nucleus of V and tract BA 312
(CN IX and X) arcuate nucleus or
and Vibration discrimination rostral part of spinal -- Some don’t and
semilunar nucleus
nucleus of V form Dorsal
Fibers of N2 pass
Main sensory Ascend brainstem
Conscious Mesencephalic into cerebellum for
nucleus of V or in dorsal TT
Proprioception nucleus of V unconscious
reticular formation (Ipsilateral)

Table 3. Pyramidal Descending Tract

Tracts Stimulus Function N1 N2 Decussation N3 Pathway Additional Info
-- LMN
decussation at -- Descend to
Anterior gray N1 Corona
Lateral Innervate skeletal caudal medulla lateral funiculus
column of all spinal Radiata Posterior
muscles Cerebral Cortex Internuncial neuron Lateral CST -- Longer
cord segments limb of Internal
Generally -- 1/3 BA 4 in anterior gray (Contralateral)
Corticospinal Capsule Cerebral
excitatory to flexor -- 1/3 BA 6 column of spinal -- LMN
peduncle Pons
ms and inhibitory to -- 1/3 BA 312 cord -- Ipsilateral  Anterior horn cells Anterior CST-
Pyramids Caudal
Anterior extensor ms. Anterior CST in cervical and descend to anterior
-- eventually cross upper thoracic funiculus

Table 3. Pyramidal Descending Tract

Component Lesion
Tracts Function Origin Termination Pathway Innervation Additional Info
Dorsal portion -- Sensory Nuclei –
Contralateral and
(sensory motor cortex gracilis, cuneatus, sensory
Neurons are ipsilateral Upper
found Dorsolateral of Contralateral trigeminal nuclei, and
Face corticobulbar half Ipsilateral
-- Modulate Facial Motor cerebral hemisphere) lower half nucleus of solitary
region of fibers entire half of
inputs to the Nucleus Brainstem face fsciculus
BA 4, BA synapse to face
CS (sensory (CN VII) paralysis -- Projections are bilateral
6, BA 312 facial motor Contralateral paralysis
relay nuclei) Ventral portion except CN VII and IX
Corticobulbar nucleus lower half
-- Projects to -- Fibers pass Genu of
Motor nuclei internal capsule
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Contralateral
9, 10, 11, 12 Hypoglossal Genioglossus Contralateral Ipsilateral
Cortical region  corticobulbar fibers
Nucleus muscle w/o muscle w/ muscle
 hypoglossal nucleus
(CN XII) (very minimal atrophy atrophy

Table 4. Other Descending Tracts / Extrapyramidal Tracts (Midbrain)
Tracts Function Origin Termination Pathway Innervation Additional Info
Anterior gray column (rexed Decussation: Immediately after
Tectospinal laminae VI, VII, VIII) of upper origin
Reflex postural movements Superior colliculus dorsal
Superior cervical segments Alpha and
in response to visual and tegmental DECUSSATION
Colliculus Paramediam Pontine gamma neurons
auditory stimuli (midbrain)  MLF (medulla)
Tectobulbar Reticular Formation
-- Red nucleus at the level of
-- Influence tone control in
superior colliculus (midbrain)
flexor muscles Red nucleus Ventral tegmental
-- Contralateral
-- Activates contralateral Internuncial neurons in DECUSSATION descend at Alpha and
Rubrospinal Red Nucleus -- Receive fibers from cerebral
flexor muscle and inhibit anterior gray column brainstem Lateral Funiculus of gamma neurons
cortex and cerebellum. Largest
contralateral extensor spinal cord Internuncial neurons
descending tract to go to Inferior
Interstitial nucleus
Modulates reflex postural
of Cajal Anterior horn of upper
movement in response to
Interstitiospinal (accessory cervical segment of spinal Ipsilateral
visual and vestibular
oculomotor cord (Laminae VII, VIII)

Table 5. Other Descending Tracts / Extrapyramidal Tracts (Pons and Medulla)

Tracts Components Function Origin Termination Pathway Innervation Additional Info
Maintenance of upright Alpha and Gamma
posture. Excite extensor Descend in anterolateral funiculus neurons from
Lateral VST Vestibular Ipsilaterally long
ms of neck, back, of spinal cord cervical and
forelimb, and hindlimb Rexed Laminae VII lumbosacral level
Maintains upright and VIII Alpha and Gamma
posture. Excite motor of Descend in the MLF anterior neurons to
Medial VST Vestibular Bilaterally short
neck and back muscles funiculus midthoracic level
(midthoracic level) only
Pontine (Medial) Facilitatory to extensor All cord level (RL Descend in anterior funiculus of
Pons Ipisilaterally Long
RST motor neurons VII and VIII) spinal cord
-- Bilaterally short
-- provides pathway to
Reticulospinal hypothalamus to control sympa
Medullary Inhibitory to extensor All cord level (RL Descend in lateral funiculus of
Medulla and para outflow (influence
(Lateral) RST motor neurons VII and IX) spinal cord
circulation, respi, shivering,
sphincter of GIT and Urinary

Table 6. Cerebellar Afferent Pathways

Tracts Function Origin Termination Pathway Additonal Info
BA 4, BA 312, visual area (cerebral cortex)  Corona Radiata 
Internal Capsule  Synapse at pontine nuclei DECUSSATION
Control of voluntary -- Lateral zone  synapse with
 middle cerebellar peduncle  posterior lobe of cerebellum to
Corticopontocerebellar movement and Cerebral Cortex Dentate nucleus dentate nucleus
lateral zone  cerebellar circuitry via mossy fibers  Synapse
initiation of movement -- Contralateral
with granule cell and golgi cell at granular layer  Synapse with
Purkinje fiber dendrites at molecular layer
Control of voluntary BA 4, Visual Area  Corona radiata Internal Capsule  bilateral
Cerebro-olivocerebellar movement and Cerebral Cortex Dentate nucleus Inferior Olivary Nucleus  Contralateral inferior cerebellar Contralateral
initiation of movement peduncle  Posterior lobe of cerebellum (lateral zone) via

climbing fibers  Synapse with dendrites of Purkinje cells
BA 4  Corona Radiata  Synapse at Reticular Formation 
Ipsilateral inferior/middle cerebellar peduncle  Paravermal
Paravermal zone  Nucleus
Cerebroreticulocerebellar Interposed nucleus Region of cerebellum  cerebellar circuitry via mossy fibers 
Synapse with granule cell and golgi cell at granular layer 
Synapse with Purkinje fiber dendrites at molecular layer
Input Receptors:
Motion- semicircular
Afferents from vestibular Flocculonodular
canal Sensory stimulus
nerve lober
Position- Utricle and
Spinocerebellar SEE TABLE 1. GSA

Table 7. Cerebellar Efferent Pathways

Tracts Function Origin Termination Pathway Decussation Additional Info
-- Superior cerebellar
Globose- Exit via superior cerebellar puduncle 
Nucleus peduncle
Emboliform- Ipsilateral Motor activity Red Nuclei Synapse Contralateral Red Nucleus  Nucleus Interpositus- Rubral Pathway
Interpositus -- Rubrospinal
Rubral Rubrospinal tract
-- Corticospinal tract further
Control main motor Superior cerebellar peduncle  synapse
Dentate Superior cerebellar decussates at level of pyramids or
Dentothalamic pathway (Corticospinal BA 4 ventrolateral nucleus  Primary motor cortex
Nucleus peduncle spinal segmental level
tract)  Impulse sent through corticospinal tract
-- Ipsilateral motor activity
Facilitatory influence on
Fastigial Fastigial Lateral Vestibular Inferior cerebellar peduncle  bilateral lateral
ipsilateral extensor
Vestibular Nucleus Nuclei vestibular nucleus  vestibulospinal tract
Fastigial Fastigial Inferior cerebellar peduncle  reticular
Ipsilateral Tone Pathway Reticular Formation
Reticularis Nucleus formation  Reticulospinal tract

Table 8. Cerebellar Feedback Loops

Tracts Components Function Origin Termination Pathway Decussation Additional Info
Information from
Cortico-Ponto- -- -- Primary motor
Cerebral cortex  Pontine nuclei via Corticopontine
Cerebello- Corticopontocerebellar Major and most -- Pontine level and sensory areas
fibers  Pontocerebellar fibers via middle cerebellar
Dentato- pathway important feedback -- Superior and associative
peduncle  cerebellar circuitry  Dentate nucleus
Thalamo- -- Dentothalamic loop cerbellar peduncle areas
 VL of thalamus via Dentatothalamic fibers  BA 4
Cortical Pathway -- Primary visual
Influence spinal
Nestibular nuclei  Flocculonodular lobe and
Vestibulo- motor activity
Vestibular Fastigial nucleus  Vestibular and reticular nuclei in
Archicerebellar Vestibulospinal tract through Spinal Cord 1st part to develop
nuclei brainstem via juxtarestiform body (inferior cerebellar
Loop vestibulospinal
Limits voluntary Lower brainstem nuclei and inferior olivary nucleus
Dentatorubroreticular movements by  Reticulocerebellar and olivocerebellar tract 
tract inhibiting agonist Cerebellar cortex  Purkinje cell  Dentate and Rubrospinal tract
-- Rubrospinal tract and stimulating interposed nuclei  Red Nucleus (Rubrospinal) and (midbrain)
Cerebellar Loop
-- Reticulospinal tract antagonist ms. (via Reticular Nucleus (Reticulospinal)  spinal motor
cerebellum) activity

Table 9. Special Sensory Pathways
Tracts Receptor N1 N2 Pathway N3 N4 Additional Info
Primary Visual -- Nasal retinal fiber decussate
Lateral Geniculate
Cortex (BA 17) at the optic chiasn
N2 Retinogeniculate fibers (Optic n., Body of Thalamus
Bipolar in occipital lobe -- Temporal retinal fiber stay
Visual Ganglion cells of Optic chiasm, Optic tracts)  N3 
Rods and Cones Neurons of ipsilateral
Pathway retina Geniculocalcarine Tract/ Optic radiation  Brachium of Pretectal area
retina -- LGB layers 1,4,6 (contralateral
N4 Superior Colliculus of Superior
retina) and 2,3,5 (ipsilateral
(alternate pathway) colliculus
Monoaural N3 receive -- N1 cell bodies found in
pathway axons from modiolus of cochlear and axons
(Dorsal and lateral form cochlear division of CN VIII
Intermediate lemniscus -- Trapezoid- enlargement of
N1  Acoustic  N4  ventral acoustic striae
inferior Striae) synapse -- Dorsal AC analyzes location of
Dorsal and cerebellar with BA 41 Medial origin or direction of auditory
Auditory Organ of Corti (inner Spiral Inferior colliculi
Ventral Cochlear peduncle  &42 via Geniculate signal
Pathway hair cells) Ganglion (brachium)
nuclei N2  Biaural auditory Body -- DAS and IAS cross at inferior
acoustic Pathway radiation cerebellar penduncle and join
striae  (Ventral from contralateral Lateral lemniscus
Acoustic sublenticular -- VAS pass anterior of ICP and
Striae) portion of terminate sa bilateral trapezoid
internal body and superior olivary
capsule nucleus then to Lat lemni
Maintains balance via:
-- Dorsal Column Pathway
-- Spinocerebellar Pathway
-- Visual input from retina
Coordinates eye, head and body
Dynamic receptors:
movements; and eyes to remain
-- Linear : Saccule
Scarpa’s ganglion (in Internal auditory focus when head moves.
(vertical) and utricle
meatus)  Make up the vestibular nerve  Vestibular Nuclei:
Vestibular (horizontal)
form CN VIII with cochlear nerve  -Lateral vestibular nucleus (of
System -- Angular : Cristal
synapse with vestibular nuclei at lateral part Deiter)
of 4th ventricle -Medial vestibular nucleus (of
Static: saccule and
-Superior vestibular nucleus (of
-Descending / Spinal / inferior
vestibular nucleus

Auditory Pathway  BA 41 & 42 

arcuate fasciculus  BA 22  BA 44 & 45
Pathway of Organ of Corti Verbal stimulus
 BA 4  Corticobulbar or
Corticospinal Tract
Visual Pathway  BA 17  BA 18 & 19 
Angular Gyrus  BA 22  BA 44 & 45 
Pathway of Retina Written Stimulus
BA 4  Corticobulbar or Corticospinal

Table 10. Visual Pathways
Reflex/Pathways Stimulus Afferent Arm Efferent Arm Pathway Action Additional Info
-- Pretectum neurons
interconnected by fibers
Neurons of retina  Optic N.  Optic chiasm  Optic tract  Brachium of Direct and
through posterior commisure
Pupillary Light Rods and EW nuclei superior colliculus  Pretectal nucleus  Edinger-Westphal nuclei  CN Consensual
Light (thus, bilateral projection of
Reflex Cones (CN II) (CN III) III  synapse in ciliary ganglion  Short ciliary nerves innervate sphincter constriction of
pupillae muscle pupil
-- EW nuclei is parasympathetic
EW nucleus ciliary ganglion  sphincter constriction
pupillae muscle and ciliary muscle (miosis) and
Similar to visual pathway thickening of Alternate Pathway: From BA 18
+ lens & 19  Superior longitudinal
Accommodation Blurring Neurons of
CN III BA 17  BA 18 & 19  fasciculus  motor cortex 
Reflex Vision Retina
optic radiation  EW nucleus  episcleral ganglion (no synapse Thickening of Corticobulbar or
Pretectal area  to ciliary ganglion)  synapse to ciliary muscle lens corticomesencephalic fibers

Oculomotor nucleus of Perlia  medial recti Ocular

muscles convergence

Retina  Optic Tract  Brachium of superior colliculus  Pretectal

nucleus  Tectospinal tract  Intermediolateral cell column of T1 and T2 Dilator pupillae
Pupillary Dilation expression Long ciliary
More Rods  Preganglionic sympa fibers traverse white communicating rami and muscle
Reflex or pain / Low Nerve
ascend sympa truck  Synapse at superior cervical ganglion  Long (dilation)
intensity light
ciliary nerve
Ciliospinal-Tectobulbar Tract  Orbicularis
Closure of Eyes
Retina  Optic Tract  oculi (CN VII)
Ciliospinal Reflex
Superior Colliculus  Tectospinal Tract  Anterior horn (Brachial Covering of
Plexus) Face
Vergence Eye
Pathway similar to Accomodation reflex leading to convergence of eyes
Abducens nucleus 
Reticular Lateral rectus
Formation 
Lateral Gaze
Cross at midbrain Fast voluntary movement
BA 8  Corona Radiata  PPRF  MLF  Occulomotor
Saccadic Eye -- e.g Right PPRF, Right
 Anterior limb of nucleus  medial Rectus
movement abducens nuclei and left
internal Capsule 
oculomotor nuclei
Oculomotor Nuclei 
RiMLF (pretectal SR, IO, IR
Vertical Gaze
region) 
Trochlear Nuclei  SO
Reticular Abducens nucleus 
Formation  Lateral rectus
Lateral Gaze
BA 18 & 19  posterior Cross at midbrain MLF  Occulomotor
Smooth Pursuit limb of internal capsule  PPRF  nucleus  medial Rectus Slow tracking movement
(Retrolenticular part)  Oculomotor Nuclei 
RiMLF (pretectal SR, IO, IR Vertical Gaze
region) 
Trochlear Nuclei  SO

Table 11. Auditory Reflex Pathways
Reflex Pathways Stimulus Neural Center Action Structures involved Function Additional Info
Stapedius m.s. (CN VII)
Dampen vibration of
Audiomotor Reflex Loud Sounds Superior Olivary Nucleus Tensor Tympani m.s. (CN Protective
middle ear ossicles
Orients head to source of
Head Turning Localized Sound Turn neck and head Neck, trunk, limb muscles
sound Via Tectospinal tract
Startle Reflex Loud or sudden sound Body Jerk Protective
Auditory-Oculogyric Reflex Localized Sound Eye moves toward source Orientation of eyes
Via Tectobulbar tract
Auditory-Palpebral Reflex Inferior colliculi Blinking of eyelids Orbicularis oculi protective
IC  lateral horn of
Loud Sound T1/T2 via Tectospinal
Cochleopupillary Reflex Pupil Dilation Dilator Pupillae muscle Protective
tract  Superior
cervical ganglion
* Afferent- Ascending Auditory Pathway
Table 12. Central Connections of Vestibular Pathway
Location Tract Components Function Pathway Additional Info
Spinal Cord Vestibulospinal See Table 5. Page 3
Primary Terminates at ipsilateral Flocculus and nodulus -- Fibers form vestibular nuclei
Synapse with vestibular nuclei (superior, medial and -- enter cerebellum via
Secondary inferior)  terminates at bilateral nofulus and ipsilateral juxtarestiform body
flocculus -- Fastigial nucleus
Cerebellum (Uncrossed fibers) Fastigial nucleus  Brainstem via
juxtarestiform body  synapse with restiform formation and
Fastigiobulbar Tract of Excitatory to
vestibular nuclei Ipsilateral lesion manifestation
Russel vestibulatory nuclei
(Crossed fibers) Fastigial nucleus  wind around superior
cerebellar peduncle  Form uncinate fasciculus
Ocular motor Involves Superior and medial vestibular nuclei 
nuclei Oculomotor muscle via MLF
-- Medial reticulospinal
The semicircular
-- Medial vestibulospinal
canal stimulates
Descending -- Interstiospinal
/controls a yoked pair
-- Proximal portion of
MLF of extraocular See Tables 4 and 5. Page 3
Tectospinal/ Tectobulbar
muscles that moves
Fibers interconnecting
the eyes in the same
Ascending vestibular and extraocular
plane as the canal.
Lateral Zone Vomiting center/ Receptive and integrative
Vestibuloreticular Reticular activating Participates in control cycle of
Formation Medial Zone system sleep and wakefuleness
Conscious Impulse  Ventral Lateral and VPL of thalamus 
awareness of Somatosensory cortex: 2V (joint sensation), 3a (muscle
Cerebral Cortex Vestibulothalamocortical
position of head in spindles, BA 7, junction of temporal, insular and parietal
space cortices

Lesion in angular gyrus—causes Alexia

Table 13. Sample Lesions in spinal cord

Lesion Effect Rationale
Lateral corticospinal tract (UMN)
Ipsilateral Spastic paralysis -- These tracts provide impulses that generate contraction of skeletal muscles thus,
paresis, spatic paralysis.
Pure Hemisection of Spinal Cord
Lateral spinothalamic tract.
(Brown-Sequard Syndrome) Contralateral loss of pain and temperature
Contralateral since this tract crosses at the level of spinal cord (anterior commisure)
Loss of position sense, discriminative touch, and vibratory
Interuption of posterior white column (cuneus and gracilis) (Dorsal column tract)
Transection of the Cord Loss of all sensation bilaterally below the lesion
 may result from trauma, vascular infarction, (proprioception, vibratory sense, tactile discrimination, Anterolateral spinothalamic tract
compression, demyelinating and inflammatory pain, temp, light touch, visceral sensibility.
lesions  leads to destruction of gray and white
Horners’s syndrome (ptosis, myosis, anhydrosis) Loss of descending autonomics (Lateral corticospinal tract fibers in cord)
Gyringomyelia Segmental loss of pain and temp sensation First affects crossing spinothalamic fibers
Cavitation of the cord UMN symptoms-- +Babinski, herperrefflexia, paresis Involvement of lateral funiculus (Lateral Corticospinal and Reticulospinal tracts)
Vascular Disease (infarcts) Bilateral loss of pain and temp Anterior spinal artery infarction affecting lateral funiculus (lateral spinothalamic tract)
-- Posterior spinal artery  supply dorsal part of
-- Anterior Spinal a.  anterior 2/3 of cord Loss of vibratory sense and tactile discrimination Posterior spinal a. infarct affecting posterior white column (dorsal column tract)
-- Arterial vasocorona in pial plexus  supply
periphery of anterolateral cord
Impingement of Spinothalamic tract involved since lower fibers are found dorsolaterally
Paresis starting from lower limbs progressing upward
Tumor lateral spinal cord (yun yung unang mapipisa)
Paresis strating from upper region progressing downward Impingement of Dorsal column tracts since upper fibers are found more lateral

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