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68-C-2, Gulberg-III, Lahore-54660.
Phones : 042-576 5101-3, Fax : 042-575 3569
Email: publicis@publicispakistan.com
Website: www.publicispakistan.com


Muhammad Sheraz Butt



Faraz Hasan
(Sr. Manager Client Services)


1st January, 2009


15th March, 2009



The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learned during
my internship period with Publicis Pakistan (PVT) LTD.
The report focused on primarily on assignment handled, working
environment, success and short comings that I did encounter when
handling various task assigned to me by the supervisor.

Because the various parts of report reflect the intern’s shortcomings,

success, observation and comments it would be imperative that the
recommendations are also given. Therefore a report gives number of
comments and recommendations on the internship Program.

It is hope that this report would serve as a cardinal vehicle to

improvement of the internship Program.






First of all I would like to thank Allah who bestowed upon me enough
courage and strength to complete my internship. This internship report
is the product of the concerted efforts of a number of people. My
heartfelt thanks to Publicis Pakistan team, who supported me directly
or indirectly in making a valuable Internship report.

My special thanks to Client Service team who really guided and helped
me to understand the advertising field and they really shared their
experience and knowledge with me.

I would also like to thank Publicis Pakistan who believed in me and

allowed to me work with them. I would like to thank in no small
measures Mr. Faraz Hasan (Sr. Manager Client servicing) and all team
of client servicing who helped me and guided me in every step of my
internship. Special bundles of thanks to Mr. Usman Shah (Manager
Client servicing) and Mr. Khizr I. Tajammul (Manager Client Servicing),
I would also like to thank Mr. Zakriya Samuel (Manager Client Service

In the end I would like to thank my parents for their untiring efforts in
making all the possible for me. I would like to thank all of them the
bottom of heart and just say THANK YOU ALL.

Muhammad Sheraz Butt


ADVERTISING IN PAKISTAN.........................................................................................7
HISTORY OF PAA..............................................................................................................7
Vision & Mission.................................................................................................................8
ASSOCIATION'S ACTIVITIES.........................................................................................9
What Advertising Agency Do?..........................................................................................10
Publicis Worldwide............................................................................................................11
PUBLICIS WORLDWIDE CLIENTS..............................................................................11
Publicis Pakistan................................................................................................................13
Publicis Pakistan Slogan:...................................................................................................14
Mission Statement:............................................................................................................14
Agency Core Disciplines...................................................................................................15
Publicis Pakistan Communication Medium.......................................................................16
Publicis Pakistan Product/services....................................................................................17
Key Persons.......................................................................................................................19
All Functional Departments...............................................................................................21
Publicis Pakistan Organizational Chart.............................................................................27
PUBLICIS STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS.....................................................................28
Publicis Pakistan Work Process View................................................................................29
Publicis Pakistan Clients....................................................................................................30
Publicis Pakistan Achievements........................................................................................31
Political & Economic Recession effect on Ad agency......................................................35
Publicis Pakistan Competitors Analysis............................................................................36
Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)....................................................................................37
Marketing & Account Services Department......................................................................38
How studies help me in Practical Field??..........................................................................39
Who impressed me more??................................................................................................40
Observations and Conclusion............................................................................................41
Bibliography / References.................................................................................................43


No doubt Pakistan is a developing country with a relatively less

developed industry. But advertising agencies are not all that new.
Actually, the PAA was preceded by an Advertising Association of
Pakistan (AAP) that was first formed in the early 50's by the
pioneering advertising figure, Mr. Wajid Mahmud. These were the early
years of independence, when whatever industry existed was served by
foreign ad agencies. Things begin to change. Foreign ad-agencies that
used to repatriate their profits from Pakistan soon began to either pack
up from Pakistan or convert into local companies, now headed by the
Pakistani ad practitioners who were once the employees of these
foreign companies.


Pakistan Advertising Association is the sole organization representing

the advertising profession on all Pakistan basis. It was established in
1973 and was registered with the Ministry of Commerce, Government
of Pakistan. This Association has also the privilege of being a member
of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Asian Federation of Advertising Associations (AFAA), which holds Asian
Advertising Congresses every second year in member countries wining
the bid. No doubt Pakistan is a developing country with a relatively
less developed industry. But advertising agencies are not all that new.
Actually, the PAA was preceded by an Advertising Association of
Pakistan (AAP) that was first formed in the early 50’s by the
pioneering advertising figure, Mr. Wajid Mahmud. These were the early
years of independence, when whatever industry existed was served by
foreign ad agencies. Things begin to change. Foreign ad-agencies that
used to repatriate their profits from Pakistan soon began to either pack
up from Pakistan or convert into local companies, now headed by the
Pakistani ad practitioners who were once the employees of these
foreign companies.
Pakistan Advertising Association also held “16th Asian Advertising
congress” (ADASIA-89) in the year 1989 at Lahore which was marked
as one of the very successful Asian Congresses. PAA also held two
National Congresses namely First Pakistan Advertising Congress in
1979 and the Second Pakistan Advertising Congress in 1994. The
National Congresses were successful events and participants from
within and outside Pakistan applauded the success. Pakistan
Advertising Association is working for the benefit of the advertising
profession ire general and for the member advertising agencies in

PAA is helping the member advertising agencies to enhance the

standard of designing art and creativity in press adverting and
television commercials giving excellence awards every year in befitting
The last 10 years have ushered in a new era of socialization with the
advertising industry in Pakistan. Established agencies have expanded
the scope of their operations, many setting up specialist division in the
process. New agencies have come on the scene, promising specialized
brand-building solutions. A plethora of specialists below the line
advertising service providers have emerged, as have a wave of new
media companies all slowly but surely increasing their claim to the
client’s overall budget.

Vision & Mission


To develop into a more organized body promoting ethical advertising



Pakistan Advertising Association protects and promotes the well being

of advertising; as such it exists to provide a coordinated service in the
interests of its membership i.e. the individual agencies that make up
this large, diverse and competitive business.
Its key objectives are to elevate the stature of advertising and
marketing communication industry, provide advertising professionals
with a collective voice and nurture talents and creativity.
To take all steps which may be necessary for promoting, supporting or
opposing legislatives and other measure affecting the Advertising
Industry and to make representation to local, provincial and central
authorities on any matter connected with advertising and interests of
its members.


Our industry is in constant state of evolution and we are proud that

Pakistan Advertising Association takes a leadership role in this ongoing
process. However, while the industry is much changed in the years

since the PAA was founded, what has not changed in our ongoing
mission – to support agency business to advocate to the government,
All Pakistan’s Newspaper Society and Media on behalf of the industry
and to provide comprehensive service.
The Pakistan Advertising Association has a total of 73 members
including 5 Associate Members representing almost all the major
advertising agencies in the country.
In zone A 55 Members
In Zone B 18 Members
The PAA member advertising agencies give much importance to their
association and the other advertising agencies are coming forward now
to become members.
The applicants for membership have to qualify the eligibility criteria
and only those who have full fledged agency business of advertising in
Pakistan on ethical lines, not being entirely or partially owned by an
advertiser or publication and Media owner shall be eligible for
membership of the Association.
In addition business concerns carrying on the business that is publicity
film producers, Neon sign advertising agents, Agents of Hoarding, sign
Boards, etc, Cinema slide publicity agents and any other type of
business connected or associated with advertising are eligible to
become Associate members.
The Executive Committee of PAA in its absolute discretion accepts or
rejects application of membership unanimously.

What Advertising Agency Do?

Advertising agencies exist for one basic purpose:


“To interpret for the advertiser’s target audience information about the
goods or services being marketed.”

To do this, an agency must go through a series of steps:

 Agency people get the strengthens and weakness of the products

and its competitors, and analyze the product’s current and
potential market.
 The agency examines all appropriate methods of distribution and
sales and investigates the appropriate media for the advertiser’s
 With this background, the agency prepares and executes an
advertising plan, creating and producing the advertisements,
buying media space and time, checking and producing the
advertisements run, and billing the client for services and media
 The agency works closely with the advertiser to be sure that the
advertising is coordinated with sales and other marketing

Publicis Worldwide


Founded in 1926 established in more than 125 countries and 196

Cities, over 6 continents with 250 offices over 42,000 employees world

wide, and Revenues of EUR 4.3 million and Operating income is 443
million. It’s 3rd Largest in Europe and 4th in World. Its Global Billing is
EUR 3.83 Billion.

 The largest agency network in Europe

 Media Asia’s second best creative network in Asia in 2007.
 Adage’s “Agency to Watch” in the Unites States in 2008
 No 2 in media buying and consultancy,
 No 1 Agency Worldwide in HealthCare Communication.


Consumer Products

Bel, Cadbury, Carisberg, The Coca Cola Company, ConAgra,

Diageo/Guinness, General Mills, Hallmark, Kellogg’s, Kingfisher, Kraft,
L’Oreal, Mars, McDonald’s, Miller Beer, Nestle, Pernod Ricard, Phillip
Morris, Procter & Gamble, Puma, Sara Lee

Industry, IT & Automotive

Fiat, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Nintendo, Lexus, Renault,

Samsung, Sun Microsystems, Siemens, Toyota, Whirlpool


Astra Zeneca, Berlex, Bristol Myers Squibb, Boehring, Eli Lilly,

GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Mead Johnson, Novartis, Pfizer,
Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Wyeth

Financial Services and Other

Allstate, British Airways, Citigroup, Deutsche Telekom, Fidelity, Morgan
Stanley, Richemont, Sprint PCS, Telefonica, UBS, United Airlines,
Verizon Visa, Walt Disney, Zurich Financial


Publicis Pakistan


Advertising is a Competitive challenging service Industry. A good

agency must maintain a 24/7 contact with the client and always be
ready to offer quick, effective, economical and strategically sound

advice. It must be at all times help clients launch new products or

services, maintain or gain market share and above all, remain
competitive and profitable.

Founded in 1998 Billing Rs. 173.50 million and 47 employees

Head Office in Lahore

68 C2, Gulburg III, Lahore.
Phones: 042-5765101-3,
Fax: 042-5753569
Email: publicis@publicispakistan.com
Website: www.publicispakistan.com

Branch Office in Karachi

220-Park Tower, Office Wing,
Shahrah-e-Firdousi, Clifton, Karachi.
Phones: 021-537 7096-7,
Fax: 021-536 9089
Email: publicis@publiciskarachi.com
Website: www.publicispakistan.com

Publicis Pakistan Slogan:

“Viva la Difference!”

Publicis Pakistan is a subsidiary of Publicis Group and Follow the Same

slogan from its parent Company.

Mission Statement:

 Our mission to be our clients preferred partners

 Our business approach marketplace-focused, not internally-
 Our Organization approach Achievement-driven, not
 Our creative approach idea-centric, not process-centric
 Our people approach Team-led, not Hierarchy-led

Agency Core Disciplines

• Situation analysis & marketing strategies

• Brand planning & market launch
• Corporate communications
• Developing brand guidelines
• Public Relations & Crisis management
• Event planning & management
• Special projects, such as designing & managing promotions

& competitions for clients, manning help lines, back end

Services for consumer relationship management
• Experienced core team, unchanged for over two decades
• Continuity maintained through core team for client’s advantage
• Vast experience of brands & services for multiple clients across
• Ability to adapt modern advertising techniques for clients locally
• Strong experience of handling media in Pakistan with specific
Strengths in event management & Public relations
• Strong professional ethical reputation in Pakistan market
• Reputedly educated & intelligent agency able to convert client
Briefs into meaningful & creatively challenging advertising
• Conscious of trust placed by client & committed to make every
Cent count

Publicis Pakistan Communication Medium

In Advertising, Communication has a specific purpose: to send a

message that will inform and persuade customers to take some action
(whether it’s buying a product, voting for a candidate, or volunteering
time for a worthy cause). To various process of sending promotional
messages to various audience is called marketing communication.
Such as

 TV
 Press

 Radio
 Print Media
 Sponsorship
 Promotion/PR
 Interactive
 Direct/Telemarketing
 Literature/Magazines

When successful, marketing communication moves customer along a

continuum from awareness to satisfaction in six phases that involve
the communication process just described.

 Awareness
o Make sure your audience is aware of your product.
 Comprehension
o In your marketing communication, make sure that
potential customer understand your product’s features and
 Acceptance
o Prospective customers must decide whether your product
can meet their needs.
 Preference
o Buyers chose a favorite among the products they believe
meet their needs.
 Ownership
o The element of your advertising known as the call to action
motivates people to actually buy your product or to vote
for your candidate.
 Reinforcement
o Use an advertising to bolster your customers’ sense of
satisfaction about the action or purchase.

Publicis Pakistan Product/services

Publicis is providing four services to their Clients and you can also say
that Publicis is standing on four main pillars.

 BTL Advertising
 ATL Advertising

 Public Relation
 Event Management

Below the Line (BTL) Advertising:

The terms "below the line" promotion or communications, refers to

forms of non-media communication, even non-media advertising.
Below the line promotions are becoming increasingly important within
the communications mix of many companies, not only those involved
in FMCG products, but also for industrial goods.

o Magazine
o Broshers
o Leaf lets
o Flyer
o Catalog
o Poster
o Bulletin

Above the Line (ATL) Advertising:

Promotional activities carried out through mass media, such as

television, radio and newspaper, are classed as above the line

o Radio
o Television
o News Paper

Public Relation (PR):

Public relations (PR) are the practice of managing the flow of

information between an organization and its publics. Public relations -
often referred to as PR - gains an organization or individual exposure
to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that
do not require direct payment

Event Management:

Event management is the application of the management practice of

project management to the creation and development of festivals and

The Event Manager may become involved at the early initiation stages
of the event. If the Event Manager has budget responsibilities at this
early stage they maybe termed an Event or Production Executive. The
early stages include:

Site surveying, Client Service, Brief clarification, Budget drafting, Cash

flow management, Supply chain identification, Procurement,
Scheduling, Site design, Technical design, Health & Safety,

Key Persons

Masood Hasan Pic THI yaha


 Masters (English Lit.)


 35 years in Advertising, PR and Journalism

 Associated with Pakistan media for Almost three decades
 Leading English Columnist
 Visiting Scholar at university of Austin, Texas
 Member of IAA, PAA, USA
 Board of Governors NCA, Lahore Museum & Lahore ZOO

Geethi Aziz Pic THI yaha

Sr. Creative Manager

 B.A. Fine Arts (Graphics)

 27 years in advertising –
 Creative, client service & event management.

Sohail Hashmi Pic THI yaha

Director - South

 B.A. Business
 Over 17 years in marketing & advertising International
Experience – UK, USA & Pakistan Media related work – Print,
Radio & Television

Faraz Hasan Pic THI yaha

Sr. C.S Manager

 MCS, Computer Sciences

 8 years in advertising –
 Client service & event management.

Khizr I. Tajammul Pic THI yaha


Manager Client

• HBA (Honors Bachelor of Arts &

Science) – University of Toronto
• 4 years experience in marketing &
business development

Sumbul Khalil Pic THI yaha

Asst. Creative Director

Masters degree in MFA Graphic Designing

10 years experience in advertising
Heads the creative department & also manages client servicing at
Publicis Pakistan.
Worked on several renowned national and international brands like
TetraPak, Coca-Cola, Honda and prettyFIT.

Arif Rasheed
Resident Manager – Karachi

 MBA – Marketing
 6 Years in advertising –
 Client services & event management

All Functional Departments

 Marketing & Account services

 Creative & Arts
 Media
 Administration
 Public Relation
 Finance

Marketing and Account Services:

The major function in advertising agency is marketing and account

services. What Marketing and Account service do?

 Do research to learn a client’s product and Market.

 Then with research in hand, works with other agency people and
devise an advertising strategy, a detailed advertising plan, and a
 Once the client has approved this plan, the account service team
coordinates the efforts of people.
 To make sure who develop and produce the ads, the agency’s
creative services function.
 This department creates a liaison between client and agency at
where both are ready to business with prosperity.
 Creates a liaison between venders and agency.
 Negotiate price with vendor as per company’s policies.
 Schedule one to one meetings between decision makers and
Publicis Pakistan management team.
 Assist with marketing engagement strategies and pricing
 Handling the Account of existing and new clients.
 Pitch new clients for business development and contact them by
preparing detailed presentation on company profile and provide
communicational solution to client.
 Make media plans to interact with end user on the behalf of
client as per their required budget.

Creative & Arts:

The roll second major function in advertising is creative & art services.
What is roll of this department?

 The creative director supervises all the activities of within this

 Under the creative director copywriter writes the copy, the words
in the message.
 The art work is created by the art people who prepare detailed
sketches to guide commercials.

 After approval of creative concept by client the production

department, supervised by creative director, translates the art
and the copy into finished.
 The creative department works closely with each account
manager to coordinate all aspects of developments and
 To come up with new Ideas for all kind of job weather it is an
event or PR or press release or just a Graphic designing.
 Creative team put a lots of efforts on design by using different
tools that really put a new spirit in assigned Job
 Coordinate with the client service about the job requirements for
job completion
 Keep records of the art work by updating daily job to job.

To be honest I think only a new concept can easily sell in the market
and that can not be possible without professional creative team. Who
really support the client service department on this issue?

Media Department:

 The media director is responsible for finding the best media at

best price that will most effectively reach the client’s target
 The media department is the media planner, who decides which
media to use when to use them and at what cost?
 Who books the time or the space needed for a commercial or an

 The media researcher, who supports media planning and buying

by analyzing the number and type of people each medium
 Creates a liaison between media agent and agency and make
good relation with all kind of media.
 Make release order for media release and take approval from the
client service and management.

Public Relation:

“Advertising doesn’t build brands, publicity does.

Advertising can only maintain brands that
have been created by publicity.
PR will help clients set strategic directions
for brands.”

 Communicating with Persons Outside Organization --

Communicating with people outside the organization,
representing the organization to customers, the public,
government, and other external sources. This information can be
exchanged in person, in writing, or by telephone or e-mail.
 Getting Information -- Observing, receiving, and otherwise
obtaining information from all relevant sources.
 Thinking Creatively -- Developing, designing, or creating new
applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including
artistic contributions.
 Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates
-- Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and
subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
 Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work -- Developing
specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish
your work.
 Interacting With Computers -- Using computers and
computer systems (including hardware and software) to
program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process
 Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships
-- Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships
with others, and maintaining them over time.
 Making Decisions and Solving Problems -- Analyzing
information and evaluating results to choose the best solution
and solve problems.
 Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge -- Keeping up-to-
date technically and applying new knowledge to your job.
 Scheduling Work and Activities -- Scheduling events,
programs, and activities, as well as the work of others.

Finance Department:

The Finance Department supports the Company on day to day basis to

assist in the delivery of the business plan, national and local priorities
and corporate objectives.

Specifically, the principal duties and responsibilities of the Finance

Department are as follows:

 To support to the Company in securing financial balance which

will include the determination and establishment of cash
releasing efficiency savings required to ensure financial balance
and to advise the Company on strategic and operational matters
relating to finance.
 To oversee receipt of allocations and to maintain records for
resource planning assumptions and commitments to underpin
the strategic financial plan for the Company.
 To lead the annual budget setting process and ensure that
financial and budgetary information is available to all levels of
the organization in a timely and accurate manner.
 To contribute to the operational and business planning activities
of the Company.
 Provide advice and training on corporate governance issues.
 To provide expert support and advice to all those with budgetary
responsibility and ensure that all budget managers receive
appropriate training and development to facilitate the best
possible standards of service within available resources.
 To ensure that there is a rolling program of capital investment
within the company that meets and recognizes the requirements
of the organization.
 To ensure that appropriate controls and systems are in place for
the management, monitoring and effective reporting of all
aspects balance sheet, cash and budgetary amounts, and to
advise and bring to the attention of the Board any areas of
 To develop and review financial systems, procedures and
controls to ensure that the budgetary, accounting, income and
expenditure systems operate efficiently to the highest
professional standards.
 To ensure that the Standing Orders and Standing Financial
Instructions are correct in order to maintain the Trust’s financial
controls, and to ensure compliance across the company as well
as conducting induction sessions and relevant financial training
within the organization.
 To co-ordinate the monitoring of financial performance against
plan and to advise the Board of major variances and year end
 To oversee the work of the company’s internal auditors.


 Open the office at 9:00am and make Attendance of all Staff

 Answering telephones/co-ordinating and fielding calls

 1st point of contact for clients/suppliers

 Dealing with building Management Company on all aspects of

building maintenance.

 Monitoring and management of contract suppliers/upkeep of

office i.e. Cleaners, equipment maintenance and repair

 Monitoring and ordering of required office supplies including

stationery, toiletries, cleaning materials and provisions

 Providing administrative support to 2 directors including planning

and organising meetings - co-ordinating diaries, raising invoices,
orders etc.

 Be responsible for maintaining photocopier/IT systems/phone

system/back up systems

 Incoming and outgoing mails - assess and distribute incoming

mail. Daily franking and posting of outgoing mail.

Publicis Pakistan Organizational Chart

Masood Hasan
M.A. Eng. Lit.
37 years exp. Sohail Hashmi
 Director Karachi
B.A. Business
18 years exp.
Creative & Art Marketing &
Account Servicing Finance
Geethi Aziz
Tariq Javed Creative & Art
Sr. Creative
Faraz Hasan Media Marketing &
Manager Mohd. Atique Sobia
Sr. Manager Manager Account Servicing
B.A. (Arts.) Manager Hasnain
Client Services B.A.
27 years exp. Accounts Studio
MCs. 7 years exp. Arif Rasheed
 B.Com  Manager
11 years exp. Account Director
11 years exp. Shahid Baig Diploma in
Sumbul  MBA Marketing
Assistant Graphic
Khalil 6 years exp.
Hammad Media Design
Assistant Khizr Tajammul 
Ahmed Manager 5 years exp.
Creative Manager Client Assistant 10 years exp. 
Director Service Aamir Niaz
Accountant  Imran Abid
Masters of HBA Sr. Account
B.Com Anees-ur- Graphic
Fine Arts 11 3 years exp. Manager
3 years exp. Rehman Designer
years exp.  B.Com
Media B.Com
 5 years exp.
Naeem Iqbal Assistant 8 years exp.
Usman Shah 
Assistant 2 years exp. 
Saadia Khan Account Accountant  Farah Naz
Art Director Manager Awais Sarfraz
B.Com Graphic
Diploma in 4 years exp. Account Manager
2 years exp. Designer
Graphic   BBA Marketing
Design 5 years exp.
Diploma in
11 years exp. Zakria Samuel Public Relations 
 Account Administration Publishing
Executive Khalid Butt Nadeem Alam
8 years exp.
Zeeshan 3 years PR Business
Zafar  Vickram Consultant Development
Furqan Moin
Asst. Art Munir 29 years exp. Manager
Director Admin  MBA
Production Assistant 5 years exp.
B.A. 1 year exp. Zahid Riffat 
10 years exp.
8 years exp. PR Manager 
 Visualizers Munazza 26 years exp. Umair Shams
Khawaja  Account
Tariq Saeed Communicati Executive
Mechanical ons Officer MBA
Razia Jaffer
Artist 3 years exp. 1 years exp.
Senior Accounts & Admin.
10 years exp. 
 B.A. Support Staff
09 employees Ahmed Ullah
6 years exp.
Muhammad  Naeem
Sadiq Saadia Fatima Office/Admin
Calligrapher Visualizer Manager
 Creative Strategies &
28 years exp. B.A. Fine Arts B.Com
 7 years exp. 8 years exp.
Agency Strength: 47
Media Strategy,
 
Buying & PR Asif Yusuf
Khurram  Event Planning & Office
Shehzad Execution Coordinator
Mechanical  Brand Planning, B.Com
Artist Implementation 8 years
4 years exp. & Integrated

Marketing Strategies Support Staff
 Content Writing 02 employee
 Art
 Marketing & Account


Call Centre
Communications Tamasha

City Branding City Storming

Production Road Shows
Market Storming


ATL/BTL Advertising
Real Eyes Integrated Marketing Strategies Creative Chaos
Television Productions Brand Planning & Implementation Website Development
Documentaries Public Relations & Hosting
Media Strategic Planning & Buying

Publicis Pakistan Work Process View


Publicis Pakistan Clients

In Pakistan the Publicis Pakistan Handel number of clients including

AGP, Ericsson Pakistan, Beaconhose National University, Hewellet
Packard, Maple Leaf Cement, Punjab Agrimarketing Company
(PAMCO), Servis, Millat Trackter, Lahore International marathon
2005,2006,2007, Anwar+Billa, British Airways, shalamar Hospital,
Volvo Pakistan etc.



Publicis Pakistan Achievements

Publicis Pakistan
PAA Excellence Awards

Grand Award – 2000

Client: Nestle Milkpak Ltd.
Caption: Welcome to Purity
Category: Print Colour


Publicis Pakistan
PAA Excellence Awards


Grand Award – 2000

Client: Tetra Pak Pakistan Ltd.
Caption: Ideas take shape.
Category: Corporate Print

Publicis Pakistan
PAA Excellence Awards

Grand Award – 2004

Client: British Airways
Caption: Buy low, fly high
Category: Print Colour


Publicis Pakistan
PAA Excellence Awards


Grand Award – 2003

Client: British Airways
Caption: Unprintable
Category: Print Colour

Political & Economic Recession effect on Ad agency

Political & Economic recession effect on ad companies and creates so

many issues like:

 People are not interested to more advertise their products

 Ad agency facing problems on timely recovery
 Increase in vendors prices

Advertising revenues have been dramatically affected by these issues.

An analysis of figures provided by Gallup Shows that total ad spend
(revenues) in 2008-09 registered on increase of 10% over the
previous fiscal year. This was significantly lower than the 62% increase
in 20005-06 and the 32% increase in 20006-07.

Similarly TV ad Spend revenue increased by a mere 13%, whereas

previous fiscal year had been drastically high increments of 88% &
55% respectively.

The print media showed a 9% increase, a dramatic drop from its 24%
increase in 2006-07. Radio, out door and BTL also registered similar
declines. And the shortfalls have continued. Commenting on condition
of anonymity, a financial export disclosed to aurora that in the fist two
quarters of the current fiscal year, TV channels have suffered a 40% to
60% loss of business; print a 35-55% loss and radio a less of 15-35%

Publicis Pakistan Competitors Analysis

There are so many big names in advertising field like Interflow, JWT,
Adcom, Adgroup, but Publicis Pakistan has very stiff competition with
Red communication and Evernew concept.

Below I place a Competitor Profile Matrix (CPM) where I have

mentioned the key success factors, those should be exercised in an
Organization and assigned weight to each key Success factor according
to their importance and rate them according to their performance and
find that Publicis is bit ahead of Evernew Concept by having 2.81 score
and little behind from the Red Communication.

I found that major weak point of Publicis Pakistan is Financial Problem

and I think it can only be increased by enhancing the number of
Accounts but the question is how to increase the number of Clients?

To increase the number of clients I think it would be more effective if

the principle of follow up and feed back is exercised properly. Selfless
and concentrated efforts should be made to maintain the cash flow
between the clients.

Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)
Note: Assign weight to each factor as per their importance, Total of Weight Should be 1, Rate (1-4)

Publicis Pakistan Evernew Red Communication

1 Management 0.10 3 0.30 2.5 0.25 3 0.30
2 Employees 0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14 2.5 0.175
3 Creative / Art 0.10 3 0.30 3 0.30 3 0.30
4 Product Quality / Work Quality 0.10 3 0.30 3 0.30 3 0.30
5 Market share 0.07 2 014 2 0.14 2.5 0.175
6 Customer Loyalty 0.10 3 0.30 2 0.20 3 0.30
7 Branding 0.05 2 0.10 2 0.10 2.5 0.125
8 Organization culture 0.05 3 0.15 2 0.10 3 0.15
9 Communication 0.10 3 0.30 3 0.30 3 0.30
10 e-commerce 0.07 3 0.21 3 0.21 3 0.21
11 Price competitiveness 0.05 3 0.15 2 0.10 2.5 0.125
12 Global expansion 0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14 2 0.14
13 Financial position 0.07 2 0.14 3 0.21 3.5 0.245
14 Advertising
1 2.81 2.49 2.845

Note: Weighted Total 2.5 is satisfactory


Marketing & Account Services Department

I worked in Marketing & Client Service department with Mr. Faraz

Hasan and his team. They daily assigned some tasks to me which
really sharpen my work efficiency day by day. There are some tasks
which I performed during my internship period.

Jobs and Assignments

 Prepare the new business development sheet

 Follow up the clients
 Maintain & update files daily
 Establishment of contacts
 Support to senior manager to prepare a comprehensive report
on clients
 Call existing clients for more business
 Prepare the forecasting Budget for upcoming events or jobs
 Follow up the production process
 Internet surfing
 Send mails to clients (introduction Letter or Proposals) if any
 Ad scanning and make a file of scanned Ads
 Prepare Media Plan
 Plan and execute events
 Coordinated and assisted in the holding event of HP Power
imaging and Millat MF 375 Launch Event.

How studies help me in Practical Field??

“Natural abilities are like natural plants;

They need pruning by study”

First of all I would like to thank all my teachers who really share their
knowledge in class rooms and also imparted theoretical knowledge
during 2 years MBA program.

Based on that theoretical Knowledge and strong class room

dissuasions I could be able to work in practical field, during my
internship with Publicis Pakistan (PVT) Ltd, I found the following
subjects very closely linked with Ad agency are:

 Brand Management
o In Ad Company you should be fully aware of Branding, you
should understand;
 What is your brand (client’s brand), how brand
works, how brand behave?
 What is brand Salience?
 what is brand performance and image in the market
 What is brand judgment and feeling in consumers
 What is brand resonance?
 Principle of Marketing
o When you get the opportunity to market the client’s
product, you should be fully aware of marketing tools, 7P’s
of Marketing and Marketing segmentation.
 New venture Creation
o This subject gives you the complete knowledge to set up a
new business from scratch in market; it also helps how to
enter into the new market and how to convert a product
into a brand.
 Operational Research
o developing effective strategies for Brand and Marketing of
your products
o This subject enables you to make your research more
authentic and reliable, whether it is Qualitative research or
Quantitative research.

These subjects really supported me to understand the complete

operational structure of Publicis Pakistan.

Who impressed me more??

I would like to Thank especially to Mr. Usman Shah (Manager Client

Service) who really supported me like a younger brother in all
problems. He is the person for whom you can say he is my icon.

I found him intelligent, caring, loving, supporting, informative and

experienced personality. And most importantly he has the ability of
leadership and motivational Skill. The entire team members feel free;
feel more secure to work with Mr. USMAN SHAH.

These are things that I feel it should be in a Manager, so Mr. Usman

has all above, and I feel lucky to be a part of his team. In future, I
think his experience will really help me to improve my Managerial

Observations and Conclusion


During the 10 weeks internship with Publicis Pakistan. I realized that a

company should follow these steps, are essential for the achievement
of the company’s goal because I found that these are the strength of
Publicis Pakistan.

 I did observe that team work played a quite a huge role in

attaining most of the Publicis mandates. It was equally important
as the ability of work independent. But the goal must be to find a
way to combine it in the right way.
 Most of the employees of Publicis Pakistan are committed to
their work most of them would come to work early, leave late in
the evening and a time come to work during the weekends in
order to meet their deadlines. This is some thing that I feel few
employees in any organization would do.
 Interns are given much needed supervisory support that goes
beyond work related issues. This is so given the fact that a
supervisor would once in a while spend at least a part of his
private time to talk with an intern over issues that touches on
personal life. This was very encouraging.

Even with the aforementioned positive observation, honestly I think

that Publicis Pakistan staff does need frequently arrange one to one
meeting with clients that would bring them closer. This will eventually
result in a stronger bond amongst them. I did observe that the lack of
these activities affects stronger Customer Relation.


I really appreciate the way I have been guided through this internship
Program with Publicis Pakistan, beginning from the opportunity to take
the time I needed to refresh and expand my knowledge in several
issues concerning media advertising over a some how protected period
where I could discover and learn to values my new working
environment and finally earned a confidence to deal with assignments
myself. It is through them that I did enjoy my work every day.


 I must recommend Publicis Pakistan for the continued financial

support to the interns, I think it is through there generosity that
interns find it a bit easy to afford there meal while a work and
meet their daily transport expenses to and from work. It would
be even more generous if Publicis Pakistan can review its
financial support to interns to reflect the ever changing the
economic situation in Pakistan.

Bibliography / References

1) Publicis Pakistan (PVT) LTD.


2) Client Service Management Team of Publicis Pakistan

3) BOOK: Advertising Excellence

Written By Countland L. Bovee
Jhon V. Thill
George P. Dovel
Marian Burk Wood

4) Aurora Magazine

5) Pakistan Advertising Association (PAA)


6) www.bandpower.com

7) www.brandsygnerio.com

CC: Publicis Pakistan (PVT) Ltd.

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