Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Current Applications and Future Directions
Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Current Applications and Future Directions
Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Current Applications and Future Directions
1 Department of Radiology, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan,
2 Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
a1111111111 Radiological imaging diagnosis plays important roles in clinical patient management. Deep
a1111111111 learning with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is recently gaining wide attention for its
high performance in recognizing images. If CNNs realize their promise in the context of radi-
ology, they are anticipated to help radiologists achieve diagnostic excellence and to enhance
patient healthcare. Here, we discuss very recent developments in the field, including studies
published in the current PLOS Medicine Special Issue on Machine Learning in Health and Bio-
OPEN ACCESS medicine, with comment on expectations and planning for artificial intelligence (AI) in the
Citation: Yasaka K, Abe O (2018) Deep learning
radiology clinic.
and artificial intelligence in radiology: Current Chest radiographs are one of the most utilized radiological modalities in the world and
applications and future directions. PLoS Med have been collected into a number of large datasets currently available to machine learning
15(11): e1002707. researchers. In this Special Issue, three groups of researchers applied deep learning to radiolog-
pmed.1002707 ical imaging diagnosis using this modality. In the first, Pranav Rajpurkar and colleagues found
Published: November 30, 2018 that deep learning models detected clinically important abnormalities (e.g., edema, fibrosis,
Copyright: © 2018 Yasaka, Abe. This is an open
mass, pneumonia, and pneumothorax) on chest radiography, at a performance level compara-
access article distributed under the terms of the ble to practicing radiologists [1]. In a similar study, Andrew Taylor and colleagues developed
Creative Commons Attribution License, which deep learning models that detected clinically significant pneumothoraces on chest radiography
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and with excellent performance on data from the same site—with areas under the receiver operat-
reproduction in any medium, provided the original ing characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.94–0.96 [2]. Meanwhile, Eric Oermann and colleagues
author and source are credited.
investigated how well deep learning models that detected pneumonia on chest radiography
Funding: This work was supported by the Japan generalized across different hospitals. They found that models trained on pooled data from
Radiological Society. The funder had no role in sites with different pneumonia prevalence performed well on new pooled data from these
writing, decision to publish, or preparation of the
same sites (AUC of 0.93–0.94) but significantly less well on external data (AUC 0.75–0.89);
additional analyses supported the interpretation that deep learning models diagnosing pneu-
Competing interests: I have read the journal’s monia on chest radiography are able to exploit confounding information that is associated
policy and the authors of this manuscript have the
with pneumonia prevalence [3]. Also in this Special Issue, Nicholas Bien and colleagues
following competing interests: KY receives a
research grant from Japan Radiological Society. applied deep learning techniques to detect knee abnormalities on magnetic resonance (MR)
OA has no competing interest regarding this work. imaging and found that the trained model showed near-human-level performance [4]. Taking
these four studies together, we can interpret that deep learning is currently able to diagnose a
Abbreviations: AI, artificial intelligence; AUC, area
under the receiver operating characteristic curve; number of conditions using radiological data, but such diagnostic models may not be robust
CNN, convolutional neural network; CT, computed to a change in location.
tomography; MR, magnetic resonance; PET, These Special Issue studies join a growing number of applications of deep learning to radio-
positron emission tomography. logical images from various modalities that can aid with detection, diagnosis, staging, and sub-
Provenance: Commissioned; not externally peer classification of conditions. Cerebral aneurysms can be detected on MR angiography with
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