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Summer Internship Report On Human Resource Management At: Zeba Shafiq

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Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, PO Box 10, Amul Dairy Road,
Anand, 388001, Gujarat, India.


DATE: 26/JULY/2019
This is to certified that Zeba shafiq has successfully
completed internship of 45 days from 11/JUNE/2019 to
26/JULY/2019 at Amul ltd.
During the internship period she was assigned a
Her approach to this work has been found satisfactory.
We wish him all the best.

(Area Manager)

(Authorized Signature)


I ZEBA SHAFIQ student of MBA batch (2018-20) declare

that the project entitled HUMAN RESOURCE
MANAGEMENT, is my own work conducted under the
supervision of VIJAY SHARMA SIR(Area Manager) as
partial fulfilment of Summer Internship Program for the
course of MBA submitted to AMUL LTD And I.M.R.T
COLLEGE Lucknow.

I further declare that to the best of my knowledge the project

does not contain any part of any work which has been
submitted for any other project either in this institute or in
any other without proper citation.

Place: Gujrat

Date:………………………….. Signature of the Candidate



I am very thankful to AMUL Limited for giving me such a

golden chance to undergo training in their organization.

I would like to thank Mr. VIJAY SHARMA SIR, Sales

MANAGER Lucknow unit to have been really co-operative
with me through this study.

They guide me at every step and inspired me with the

opportunities to tune my learning process and also to
those who directly or indirectly helped me, support me and
devoted their time during the whole tenure of my training.

Once again, I would like to thank AMUL Limited for their

great co-operation and hospitality.

Thank you!


1 Company profile 3

2 Introduction of Human Resource Management 4-5

3 Human Resource Department 6

4 Function of Human Resource Management 7-17

 Recruitment
 Selection
 Training and Development
 Performance Appraisal
 Wages and Salary
 Compensation
 Trade Union
 Human Resource Information System

5 Conclusion 18

6 Bibliography 19



 NAME : Kaira District Co- Operative Milk Producers’

Union Limited, Anand.

 FORM : Co-Operative Sector under the

Co- Operative Society Act.

 REG.OFFICE : Kaira District Co-Operative Milk Producers

Union Ltd, Anand 3881001. Gujarat, India.

 PROMOTERS : (1) Shri Tribhuvandas Patel

(2) Shri Morarji Desai

(3) Shri Vallabh Bhai Patel

(4) Dr. Varghese Kurien

 AUDITORS : Special Auditors(Milk), Milk Audit Office Anand.

 SOCITIES : 1113.

 MEMBERS : 6, 31,333.

 OFFICE TIME : 10:00 A.M To 06:00 P.M.

 PREMISES : 49.55 Acres.

 REGISTRATION : 14th December, 1946.



Summer Internship programme is a part of

MBA programme, which is very helpful in
getting practical knowledge in this globalization
world. Now-a-days only theoretical knowledge is not
enough to success in life but most important we must
have practical knowledge. With the help of this
training, I came to know how to apply theoretical
knowledge in practice. Main purpose of this training is
to have awareness about industrial
environmentand to know about different functio
ns of an organization like Distribution,Producti
on and Marketing.

I got an opportunity in AMUL in Gujarat to undergo

Summer Internship programme as a part of MBA
programme. I consider myself privileged that, I
got a chance to work with reputed company and
can upgrade my knowledge related to practical
aspect of business world which is very helpful in my
career building.


 Human Resource Management:

Human Resource Management has come to be recognized
as an inherent part of management, which is concerned
with the human resources of an organization.

Its objective is the maintenance of better human relations

in the organization by the development, application and
evaluation of policies, procedures and programmers
relating to human resources to optimize their contribution
towards the realization of organizational objectives.

In other words, HRM is concerned with getting better

results with the collaboration of people. It is an integral
but distinctive part of management, concerned with
people at work and their relationships within the

HRM helps in attaining maximum individual

development, desirable working relationship between
employees and employers, employees and employees, and
effective modeling of human resources as contrasted with
physical resources. It is the recruitment, selection,
development, utilization, compensation and motivation of
human resources by the organization.

Human resources may be defined as the total knowledge,

skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an
organization's workforce, as well as the values, attitudes,
approaches and beliefs of the individuals involved in the
affairs of the organization. It is the sum total or aggregate
of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills
represented by the talents and aptitudes of the persons
employed in the organization.

The human resources are multidimensional in nature.

From the national point of view, human resources may be
defined as the knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents

and aptitudes obtained in the population; whereas from

the viewpoint of the individual enterprise, they represent
the total of the inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and
skills as exemplified in the talents and aptitudes of its

Introduction of Dairy Industry

Indian dairy sector contributes the large share in

agricultural gross domestic products.
Presently there are around 70,000 village dairy
cooperatives across the country. The co-operative
societies are federated into 170 district milk producers
unions, which in turn have 22-state cooperative dairy
federation. Milk production gives employment to more
than 72 million dairy farmers.
In terms of total production, India is the leading producer
of milk in the world followed by United State of America.
The advent of dairying has been a boon for dairy farmers
and of particular importance to those segments of the
society that have been traditionally weak, the small
landholders, landless labourers and women.
It has provided a year-round source of income for people
who previously could only depend on payments from
small seasonal crops or from occasional labour.
It is estimated that up to 60-65 percent of the income of
this group (marginal and small-scale farmers) now comes
from dairying. Studies have shown that dairying in rural

areas surpassed crop production in terms of profit in

marginal, small and medium-sized holdings. For small-
scale farmers with irrigated land, dairying and crop
production together, were more profitable than crop
farming alone.
Over the period, dairying has also acquired the contours
of a fully-fledged industry in the country and has
positively improved the life of those engaged in this
business, directly or indirectly, bringing significant socio-
economic changes. The primary dairy cooperatives are
positively influencing the development of villages in India
especially in Shahuwadi Tahsil of Kolhapur district of
Maharashtra. This research highlights the important
position of dairy industry in Shahuwadi Tahsil’s rural
It examines the contribution of dairy cooperatives to
rural development. It is a case study of some selected
cooperative milk dairies in Shahuwadi Tahsil of Kolhapur
district in Maharashtra.
It tries to assess the contribution of milk cooperatives in
the rural development of the same village. The study
comprises the analysis of primary data related to
demography of the sample, change in income, change in

education and change in health services and many more.

The results put forth the contribution of primary milk
cooperatives in this development in terms of upliftment
of poor people, increase in income level, increase in
education level and access to health services.
Co-operative dairies in World Scenario The idea of dairy
cooperative originated first in Switzerland in the village of
Kiesen in 1815. Later on it spread over Denmark, Europe,
and the USA. In India the seed of Cooperation was sown
in1904 with the passage of first Cooperative Act. The
Indian Dairy Cooperatives are organized on three-tier
structure. The Primary Milk Producers' Cooperative
Societies work at the village level followed by the District
Milk Cooperative Union works at the district level. A state
level Cooperative Milk Federation supports and guides
district unions. All the unions in a state are normally
members of a federation whose prime responsibility is
the marketing of milk and milk products outside the
state. There is also a fourth tier, the National Cooperative
Dairy Federation of India (NCDFI), which is a national
level body that formulates policies and programmes
designed to safeguard the interests of all milk producers.
In India Dairy Cooperatives are successful because of

their Empowerment, Labour Intensiveness and Cost

History of Co-operative Dairies in India: The Co-operative
movement started in India in the last decade of the 19th
Century with two objects in view, i.e. to protect the
farmers from the hands of the private money lenders and
to improve their economic condition. Madras province
was the birth-place of this movement. With the setting
up of an Agricultural Co-operative Banks there the
movement took root in our Land and slowly gained
strength. However, the growth of Co-operative
movement in India during British rule was very slow and
haphazard one. In most of the cases, the provincial
governments took the lead. The foreign ruler had only
made some committees or framed a few rules and
regulations. But they did not take any wide-ranging
programme to spread the movement all over the country.
The golden era of Co-operative movement began after
India had won freedom. Within two decades of
independence the membership of primary societies had
increased four times while the share capital and working
capital increased 23 and 31 times respectively. The
history of Dairy Development Movement in India is a new
one. During the pre-independence period this movement

was limited to a few pockets of Calcutta, Madras,

Bangalore and Gujarat but after independence the
National Government took great initiative in setting up
new Dairy Co-operatives in many parts of the country.
The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was set
up to make the ambitious project a success.
Development of Co-operative Milk Dairies in India Indian
economy is agricultural and in agricultural India 65 to 70
percent people lives in rural area. Most off people are
depend on agriculture and agricultural business. In
supplementary business to farming is animal Husbandry,
dairy-farming, fishery and poultry-farming. In Indian
industry dairy farming has important role. More than
eight lac villages in India . 72million villagers are involved
in dairy farming. Indies Milk production is 88metric
tones, which is 14 present of the world. India is first rank
holder in the World. First military dairy at Alhabad
established on 1886 in India. First animal counting was
done in 1919. First co-operative dairy was founded at
Khetra, Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. Later other milk co-
operative dairies established at Baroda, Belgam, Hubali,
Culcutta, and Bagalkot. Government consciously made
attempts to develop dairy-farming, like other sectors of

human are other economic business, principle of co-

operative also adopted in dairy-farming.
So this business developed in three sectors like
Government, private and cooperative. To develop co-
operative dairy farming throughout India, "National Dairy
Development Board" was founded on 1965.After
foundation of 'National Dairy Development Board'
'Operation flood' scheme was started on1970. So on
Anand pattern stress was given on establishment of co-
operative milk society. District milk producer’s federation
on district level, Taluka milk producer’s federation on
taluka level and primary co-operative milk society on
village level was established. Similarly state federation
was established on state level. Importance of Study Dairy
farming is a supplementary business to agriculture. To
develop this Business and co-operative dairies net;
researcher have given some remedies for general
development of co-operative milk dairies in Shahuwadi
Tahasil .India is Nation of villagers, maximum people live
in rural areas. Rural people face different problems due
to illiteracy, mismanagement etc . It resulted in poverty
moreover, due to underutilization of available resources.
Alleviation of the rural poverty has been prime
consideration of Indian planning, for alleviation of the

poverty of govt. India launched specific programmes and

is trying to improve the quality of rural people. Rural
development involves raising the social and economic
status of the rural population on a sustainable basis
through optimum utilizing of local resources. Milk is a
complete food hence it has a special importance in
human diet. This provides a golden opportunity to rural
dairy milk producers and farmers to do the
supplementary business in their own villages. Because of
the milk farms general milk producers have changed their
lives and economic status. At the same time urban
peoples have got pure milk because of cooperative
dairies in their native places. Shahuwadi Taluka is one of
the developing taluka in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra.
Also much population is living in rural area; they have a
lot of opportunities of employments in their villages
through primary co-operative milk dairies. Now days this
business is getting immense importance in this district.
Although maximum numbers of farmers are doing this
business, lack of complete knowledge, mismanagement,
lack of facilities and lack of modern technology are some
of major obstacles in front of this business.


AMUL means “priceless “in Sanskrit. A quality
control expert in Anand suggested the brand name
“AMUL” from the Sanskrit word “Amoolya” variants,
all meaning “priceless” are found in several Indian
languages. Amul products have been used in millions
of home since 1946.

Today Amul is a symbol of many things; of high –

quality products sold at reasonable prices; triumph of
indigenous technology; of the marketing savvy of a
farmer’s organization and proven model for dairy

 Motto
The main motto of AMUL is to help farmers. Farmers
were the foundation stone of AMUL. The system works
only for farmers and for consumers, not for profit. The
main of AMUL is to provide quality products to the
consumers at minimum cost. The goal of AMUL is to
provide maximum profit in terms of money to the

 Mission
We at GCMMF (Gujarat Co-operative milk Marketing
Federation) endeavor to satisfy the taste and nutritional
requirements of the customers of the world, through
excellence in marketing by our committed team. Through

co-operative networking, we are committed to offering

quality products that provide best value for money.”

 Vision
Vision of AMUL is to provide and vanish the
problems of farmers (milk producers). The AMUL
apparition was to run the organization with co-operative
of four main parties, the farmers, the representatives, the
marketers, and the consumers.

 Quality Policy
The motivated and devoted work force of AMUL are
committed to produce whole some and safe foods of
excellent quality to remain market leaders through
deployment of quality management system, state of art

technology innovation and eco- friendly delightment of

customer and betterment of milk producer.

CSR Initiatives


Amul Dairy has launched a
novel scheme for total rural
sanitation and set a target for
itself whereby not a single milk
producer will attend to nature’s
call in the open. The Dairy with
the support of District Rural
Development Agency (DRDA)
will provide interest free loans to its milk producers in
Anand and Kheda districts to set up ‘pucca’ toilet
blocks, which will not only help women milk
producers avoid embarrassment but will also ensure

‘In five years’ time, dairy wishes to achieve the target

of providing 100 per cent toilet facilities in all villages
where Amul has a milk society.

Amul has prepared a model low-cost toilet block that

costs Rs.11,500 per unit. While DRDA will support
this initiative through subsidy ranging between
Rs.4500 and Rs.4600 for BPL/APL families, Amul
will provide its members an interest free loan worth
Rs.4300 returnable in four years’ time. A member
can pay up this loan by getting Rs.100 per month
deducted from his/her bill.

The mission is not just about bringing a cultural

change by imbibing good habits among milk
producers but also targeted towards encouraging
hygienic practices in the milk supply chain.

Amul has prepared a model low-cost toilet block that

costs Rs.11,500 per unit. While DRDA will support
this initiative through subsidy ranging between
Rs.4500 and Rs.4600 for BPL/APL families, Amul
will provide its members an interest free loan worth
Rs.4300 returnable in four years’ time. A member
can pay up this loan by getting Rs.100 per month
deducted from his/her bill.

Amul Scholarships: To encourage

outstanding children of farmers in pursuing higher
studies Amul introduced scholarship schemes in
1992. The children are given scholarships for
pursing Diploma, Graduation, Post-Graduation and
Doctorate. Every year the outstanding children are
identified from the villages and scholarships are
provided to fulfill their dream of achieving academic
excellence. This effort has motivated greatly children
to excel in their studies and spread education in
rural areas.

Amul Scholar Felicitation Programme: Annually

Amul felicitate outstanding children of employees
who have secured highest marks in 10th, 12th
standards and Gold Medalist in graduation. Amul
Scholars’ Felicitation Programme was initiated in
2004 and has facilitated many outstanding students
of Amul family.

Amul in association with the Indian Red Cross

Society aim to inspire, encourage and initiate
humanitarian services to minimize, alleviate and
prevent human suffering at all times to contribute for
“Humanity to Peace”. Towards this objective Amul
initiated blood donation campaign since 1987. Blood
donation camps are organized regularly in rural
areas through Village Dairy Co-operative Societies.
Similarly camps are organized in Amul Dairy
Campus wherein employees and their family
members join in donating blood. In addition, Amul
organizes donation of blood on emergency. Amul
has made a trend in donating blood to the society.

Amul Vidya Shree & Vidya Bhushan:Amul’s vision

is to see an educated, talented and strong youth in a
developed India of the future and thereby contribute
towards nation building. We at Amul believe that the
sound education of its youth is the foundation of
every state. Hence it is the most basic constituent
for a developing nation like ours. Towards this
philosophy, Amul Vidyashree & Vidyabhushan
Awards have been instituted to recognize the
brilliance of the students across India as well as the
quality of education & guidance imparted by the
schools they study in. The inception of these awards
dates back to 2004-05.

The Awards recognize the academic brilliance of

Class 10th and 12th top merit rankers across India
and the quality of education and guidance imparted
by the schools they study in and thereby encourage

the spirit of enlightenment among today’s youth. In

the first year of the Award Foundation, Amul honored
500 students in Gujarat and other parts of India. In
the second year it acknowledged further 2267
students across schools in India. Moving ahead
(2006-07) Amul instituted Amul Vidya Bhushan”
awards to recognize the toppers of Std 12th
examination also. The pan India details on these
Awards are available in the following links.

It is India’s first of its kind award that recognizes and

rewards brilliant minds of India. By winning this
award, not only the student gets recognized, but it
also help the schools to enhance their image as an
academy that imparts quality education, worth
emulating by others.

Tree practices
In 1946, the unfair trade practices of the middle men
brought the farmers of Kaira to unite and fight
against this system which brought Amul into
existence. Their relentless effort in improving their
socio-economic conditions ultimately brought their
working as a model for dairy development
programme in our country – popularly known as
Anand Pattern. Replication of Anand Pattern through
Operation Flood programme helped India to achieve
first position in production of milk in the world.

As part of Amul’s continuous effort to improve the

socio-economic conditions and livelihood of dairy
farmers, Amul has come out with various schemes to
increase cattle holding per farmer thereby their

A Dairy Demonstration Farm (DDF) has been set up

at Mogar to demonstrate scientific methods of dairy
farming. The project envisages encouraging the
farmers to use high yielding animals and modern
aids to increase milk production.

The Union provides technical support to milk

producers on Scientific Animal Husbandry practices
and also facilitates loan disbursement from banks to
the needy by guaranteeing the loan repayment on
behalf of farmers. The Dairy Demonstration Farm is
generating overwhelming interest in milk producer
members because of its success and viability.

So far, under various schemes, thousands of

farmers are covered to increase the cattle holding
size from small to medium size.

Alarmed by the climate change and global warming

and their understanding of that dairy farming like

agriculture is dependent on nature, they took an

oath on 15th August, 2007, after the flag hoisting
ceremony, to plant a sapling and ensure that it grew
into a tree. Then individually they planted sapling on
their own at their identified locations like their farm,
near their home, on farm bunds, etc. This marked
the beginning of a silent new revolution to bring a
green carpet on Gujarat and India.

In the year 2007, 21,000 saplings were planted by

the farmers in Kaira of which 10,000 plants have
survived. In the following year 2008, they planted
more than 5,05,000 saplings of which 1,79,000 have
survived. In 2009, third year of their movement,
more than 13,51,000 saplings have been planted.

Farmers have also created nurseries to produce

saplings and almost 45 such nurseries have been
created as of date. For better coordination and
sustainable success, Teams have been formed at

various levels.

Inspired by this movement, whole dairy cooperative

farmers of Gujarat under Gujarat Co-operative Milk
Marketing Federation Limited (GCMMF) have so far
planted 312 lakh saplings.

According to statistics of Forest Survey of India

considering on an average 30-40 cm diameter of
these trees, 106 trees would provide one hectare of
green tree cover. Considering 47% survivability of
planted trees (based on post plantation survey data,
around 148.12 lakhs out of 311.98 lakhs tree planted
survived during the last five years), when they fully
grow up, would provide additional 1,39,735 ha. of
green cover which is additional 6.41% forest cover
of Gujarat State of India.

In last five years, milk producers of GCMMF planted

around 312 lakhs tree saplings. By doing so, milk

producers of Gujarat Dairy Cooperatives have

shown their concern, awareness and commitment
for betterment of environment.

It has been estimated that when one tree is cut, in

monetary terms there is loss or Rs. 33 lakhs
(Oxygen worth of Rs. 5.3 lakhs, Land Fertility of Rs.
6.4 lakhs, Rs. 10.5 lakh for reduction of pollution of
atmosphere and Rs. 5.3 lakh towards Flowers /
Fruits and habitation to birds - animals). But the
benefits that accrue to mankind when a tree is
planted cannot be measured in money and is


Anand (Gujarat), Aug.16 (ANI-Business
Wire India): A new type of Green
Revolution has begun in Gujarat. Three

years ago, the 13 milk unions of Gujarat

Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
(better known as Amul) decided to launch
a mass tree plantation programme
involving each and every member milk
Accordingly, in 2007 the first year of the
project Amul milk producers planted 18.9
lacs trees across 14,000 villages in
Gujarat, on "One member, One tree" basis.
Learning from the thumping success, the
programme was up scaled in the year
2008. All the Member Unions of GCMMF
unanimously decided to plant minimum
three trees per member milk producer.
Accordingly, saplings were provided in
each district where dairy cooperatives are
located, village by village and farmer by
farmer, oath was taken to ensure that the
sapling grew into a tree. Mass tree
plantation was carried out in 14,000
villages all across Gujarat on 15th of
August, 2009. Approximately 52.74 lacs

trees were planted by milk producer

members of Amul.
In the third year of this mass movement,
the programme has been further scaled up
and enhanced the growth of tree cover
faster. With active participation from Milk
Unions, 127 nurseries have been set up all
over Gujarat with necessary tools and
Distribution of saplings were arranged as
per choice of farmers. They were
encouraged to select the place and
prepare the land for the plantation in
advance. Milk producer members actively
participated in the event. As a result,
approximately 84.04 lac trees were
planted on 15th August 2009 on "One
member, Five tree" basis.
This year, 29 lakh milk producer members
of Amul took up mass tree plantation
campaign again and planted 100 lacs
trees on 15th August 2010 on "One
member, Five tree" basis. They have also

planted various fruit and fodder trees to

enhance nutrition and fodder availability
in villages .
The type of trees that were planted were
Neem, Mango, Chickoo, Babul, Subabul,
Sargavo, Banyan, Peepal, Imli, Ber,
Gulmohar, etc.
All board members of Village Dairy
Cooperatives and District Milk Unions
actively participated in making this unique
movement a grand success. The Board of
the Federation is determined to further
upscale this experiment next year and
turn Gujarat into the greenest state of
As a mark of recognition for these efforts,
Amul was conferred the following
international and national awards this
year :
(a) On 28th April, 2010 Amul had received
International Dairy Federation Award for
the best environmental initiative in the

"sustainability category" during the 4th

Global Dairy Conference held at Salzburg
Congress Centre, Salsburg, Austria.
(b) On 22nd April 2010, Amul has also
bagged the prestigious Srishti G-Cube
Award for Good Green Governance in the
service category at New Delhi. H.E. Shri
Muralidhar Chandrakant Bhandare,
Hon'ble Governor of Orissa presented the
It may be recalled that Amul had a humble
beginning of two Village Dairy Cooperative
Societies collecting 247 litres of milk in
1946 which has now grown to over 14000
Village Dairy Cooperative Societies
collecting more than one crore litres of
milk per day. Similarly, the tree plantation
drive which had started with 18.9 lakh
saplings in 2007 has now grown into a
mass tree plantation drive with plantation
of one crores saplings in 2010 thereby
leading the way for greening Gujarat for
posterity. (ANI)

Human Resource Department


According to Scoot Clothier and Spriggel Human

resource management as the branch of management

which is responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on

those aspects of relationship of management to employees
and employees to employees and with the development of
the individual and the group. The objective is to attain
maximum individual between employer and employees
and effective molding of human resources as contrasted
with physical resources.

Personal (Human resource) management plays a very

important role for any organization. The firm having all
types of resources like machines, materials, money,
information etc. will not be success in business without
effective manpower. Human capital is the greatest assets
of business enterprise and manpower management is the
most important and crucial job because the managing
group is the heart of the company.

Human resource department plays most important role in

establishing good relation and harmony among all.

No. Of Shift:
 1st shift time: 08:30 A.M to 04:30 P.M

 2nd shift time: 04:30 P.M to 12:30 A.M

 3rd shift time: 12:30 A.M to 08:30 A.M


 Functions of Human Resource












Organization Structure of Amul

Board of Director


Managing Chairman

General Manager

Assistant General Manager


Deputy Manager

Assistant Manager

Senior Executive

Senior Officer

Senior Assistant


Grade (A to E)

Recruitment and Selection Function

There are two types of Recruitment sources followed
by Amul:

 Internal Sources:
Internal sources include personnel already on the
payroll of the organization.

 Present Permanent Employees.

 Employee Referrals
 Former Employee

 External Sources :
These sources lie outside the organization In Amul
they consider following sources for recruitment:

 Campus Interview
 Unsolicited Application
 Application Blank
 Placement Agencies

Recruitment Policy of Amul:-

 Entry level qualification

 Below officers cadres

1. S.S.C/H.S.C Attendant operator- dairy (AOD)- G

Gr. Worker

2. Professional qualifications E/F Grade Worker

(boiler attendant)

3. BA/B.COM/M.COM/M.A(general)
MSW/MRM/MRS M.E_biz of Gujarat
Vidyapeeth and C Grade Worker similar non-
University Institutions

4. B.SC/M.SC/DIPLOMA Engineers B Grade

Workers, apprenticeship lab assistant for 1 yr 3
months for B.SC & M.SC; 1yr for DIPLOMA
Engg. Than 2/3 yrs as trainee technicians, than
based on appraisal appointed as technician B

5. BBA Management Trainee for 1 yr Jr. Assistant.

a. M.SC Agriculture/

(DT)/MCA/ME_biz 1yr as a trainee then

appointed as senior officer.

b. Inter CA/Inter ICWA/BE 1yr as training

period, then appointed as DY. SUP.


Selection procedure is concerned with securing
relevant information about the applicant. The main
objective of selection process is to determine whether an
applicant meets the qualification for a specific job and
choose the application that is most likely to perform well
in the job. The Selection process in AMUL is as under

Vacancy in any department

Approval from M.D



Collection of application

Securitize the application


Medical checkups

After selection, the employees generally have
probation period. In AMUL probation period is
different for different type of employees. Probation
period for officers is 12 months, 6 months for clerical
employees and 3 month for workers.

Training and Development

It is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that
randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change

takes place in structured format. Training is the process

where the work related knowledge, skills and attitude are
given to new employees. By which they aware the
policies rules and increase technical and manual
efficiency and create of responsibility.

AMUL has accepted three methods for

the training
1. on the job method

2. off the job method

3. In house training

4 Out house training

Training Procedure in Amul

Identification of need of Training

Module Preparation

Selection of Employee for the Training



Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating the
performance and qualification of employees in terms of
the requirement of the jobs for which they are employed.
It is highly useful in making decision regarding the
promotion, transfer, wage and salary administration etc.
The AMUL adopts the following appraisal system .

Promotion Period Appraisal For

1 year Managers

3 year Officers

1 year Workers

1.5 year Temporary workers


Final confirmation with the recommendation by the

divisional heads comes from the MD on annual basis.
His work is evaluated by Check list Method of
Performance Appraisal. These are a various method used
to appraise the performance of an employee. In Amul the
following methods are used

Self Appraisal
If individuals understand the objectives they are expected
to achieve the standards by which they are to be evaluated
they are to a great extent in the best position to appraise
their own performance .in this method employee himself.

Manager’s Appraisal
The general practice is superiors appraise the performance
of their subordinate. Other supervisors, who have close
contact with employee‘s work may also appraise with a
view to provide additional information. A higher – level
manager appraise the employees for their performance.

In Amul various attributes consider for

the appraisal of employee.
 Job knowledge

 Work output

 Quality of work

 Interest in work

 Initiatives

 Past records

 Seniority

This appraisal is also the rating scale.

Method appraiser also appraised
employee by following.
 Outstanding

 Good

 Satisfactory

 Poor

The overall assessment is done through above rating and

also the comment of reviewing officer is included. Apart
from this the performance in liked allowance is provided
in relation with performance that is,

 25%

 50%

 100%

 Not allowed

This is provided by and under knowledge of under

Managing Director

Generally in Amul on base of performance appraisal

employee of managerial level gets specials allowance.
While for workers they get promotions

Wages and Salary

 A common method is followed for the wage and

salary administration according to “Muster roll “.
 Timekeeper sends that muster roll to the account
department for attendance of each and every
employee. This will analyze and entered in the
 After this salary is calculated for each employee
through computer according to that they prepare
salary sleep of employees.

Wage Structure (Approx)

Post Grade Payscale

Managing Director Manager 21000-28000

General Manager Manager 15000-21000

Assistant General Manager Manager 7000-15000

Assistant Clerical 2500-7500

Senior clerk Worker 2000-5000


In Amul, The workmen's Compensation Act. 1923 is very
well executed. The compensation is given lo employees as
per the Act. In the case of major accident occur in
organization and if any worker get injure that lime
organization take care of that employee. If the employees
under medical treatment and unable to came in
organization for job, than half salary will be given to
that employee until he/she will again

Join organization. Employee also gets all incentives

during this period. Union provides complex expanse
of medical treatment to his/her employees. They have a

provision for that amount in welfare fund. For that

a report from surgeon is considered.

In case of minor accident, if any employee get injure that

time disability certificate take as an evidence for the
payment of compensation.

According to disability certificate union decides the

compensation. Disability certificate must be issue
by doctor from civil hospital.

According the Act, if accident takes place because of

worker mistake than he/she will be unable 'o
get compensation. But in AMUL even if accident occurs
by workers mistake in that case union paid compensation
according to injury. For that employees must past through
medical report.

In case of accident, if worker get serious injury and

he/she will be unable to do same work after getting
recovery than management give them relief by

transferring them in another section for suitable work. By

this way they retain their employees.

Human Resource Information System

In AMUL, the HRIS is not used for the recruitment

process as it is done manually in the organization the
recruitment of the is carried in the following way

Vacancy in department


Receiving of application

Short listing of applicant

There is no role of HRIS (ERP oracle) in the

recruitment process, after the short listing of the

application the application which are selected is called for

an personal interview with the general manager of the
AMUL. After the candidate is selected for the particular
job, the role of HRIS starts by keeping different types of
records of an employee such as

a) Personal details
b)Previous organization details
c) Training details
d)Service records
e) Joining details
f) Retirement details

 HRIS is also useful in the turnover analysis of the

Amul; it helps the organization to know the number of
time employees left the organization.
 HRIS, is useful in keeping the Accident details of the
employees, on the basis of this reports employees are

injured due accident are been given medical facility

and financial help.
 The time keeping process of Amul is decentralized, in
the various plants of Amul like Mogar plant, Khatraj
plant, Anand plant and Kanjari plant.
If any information regarding any employee absence
and present of other plant is needed by the central head
office at Anand, that it is available with the help of ERP

User’s Perception
After interviewing the fifteen respondents from the
organization they have come to know that the
organization is using the software named “ERP ORACLE
“in HRIS and by observing and interviewing the user of
the system the following data is gathered.

 The users of the system is fully satisfied with the

present system ERP ORACLE

 The AMUL is using this system since last thirteen

years and they are trying to bring change by
implementing new system named SAP which is under
the progress.
 With help of HRIS the organization gets the
following benefits such as
1. Time saving

2. Cost saving

3. Effective work

 HRIS helps to supports the following HR task of the

1. HR development and workplace training
2. Communication
3. Career management (for employees)
4. Decision making
 The HRIS system of Amul is fully secured, so there
no threat of linking of any kind of data.

To conclude Human Resource Management should be
linked with strategic goals and objectives in order to
improve business performance and develop organizational
cultures that foster innovation and flexibility. All the
above futuristic visions coupled with strategic goals and
objectives should be based on 3 H's of Heart, Head and
Hand i.e., we should feel by Heart, think by Head and
implement by Hand.

The times when management could arbitrarily dictate

terms to the employees and tread upon their rights is
something that is not relevant anymore. With the
ballooning of the white collar workforce, it becomes
necessary for organizations to pay more attention to the
needs of the employees more than ever.

In recent years, with the high levels of attrition in the

service sector, it has become imperative for firms to have
a structured separation plan for orderly exits of
employees. Of course, the concept of “pink slips” or
involuntary exits are another matter altogether and
involve some bitterness that results because of the
employee losing his or her job. In conclusion, it is our
view that employee separations must be handled in a
professional and mature manner and though attrition is a
fact that concerns everyone in the industry, once an
employee decides to leave, the separation must be as
smooth as possible.


 www.amul.co.in
 www.hrm.com
 Human resource management – Ashwathappa

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