Machine Learning by Ramesh Cougar PDF
Machine Learning by Ramesh Cougar PDF
Machine Learning by Ramesh Cougar PDF
Supervised Learning
When to Consider
Supervised Learning
• Speed of training
• Memory usage
• Predictive accuracy on new data
• Transparency or interpretability (how easily you can
understand the reasons an algorithm makes its predictions)
Let’s take a closer look at the most commonly used classification
and regression algorithms.
Best Used...
• For data that has exactly two classes (you can also use it
for multiclass classification with a technique called error-
correcting output codes)
• For high-dimensional, nonlinearly separable data
• When you need a classifier that’s simple, easy to interpret,
and accurate
Discriminant Analysis
How It Works
Discriminant analysis classifies data by finding linear combinations
of features. Discriminant analysis assumes that different classes
generate data based on Gaussian distributions. Training a
discriminant analysis model involves finding the parameters for a
Gaussian distribution for each class. The distribution parameters
are used to calculate boundaries, which can be linear or
quadratic functions. These boundaries are used to determine the
class of new data.
Best Used...
After collecting, cleaning, and logging data from all the machines
in the plant, the engineers evaluate several machine learning
techniques, including neural networks, k-nearest neighbors,
bagged decision trees, and support vector machines (SVMs). For
each technique, they train a classification model using the logged
machine data and then test the model’s ability to predict machine
problems. The tests show that an ensemble of bagged decision
trees is the most accurate model for predicting the production
Applying Unsupervised
Supervised Learning
Learning 11
Common Regression Algorithms
Applying Unsupervised
Supervised Learning
Learning 15
Improving Models
Feature transformation is a form of dimensionality reduction. As we saw in section 3, the three most commonly used dimensionality
reduction techniques are:
• Bayesian optimization
• Grid search
• Gradient-based optimization
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