Monte Carlo Go
Monte Carlo Go
Monte Carlo Go
Bernd Brügmann
Max-Planck-Institute of Physics
Föhringer Ring 6
80805 München, Germany
October 9, 1993
ate as in (ii); play many such random Monte Carlo methods have their origin in an
games, and the best move will be the anology with statistical physics. A statistical sys-
one which does best on average. tem consists typically of a large number of par-
Let me quickly point out the obvious. The ticles, and we are interested in its configuration,
above idea is certainly simple, and I believe that say the position and velocity of the particles, and
any good idea can be stated simply. However, not in how it evolves in time. Key aspect of the evo-
every simple idea is a good one, and at first sight lution is that some quantity like the action or
the above one may sound ridiculous. The main the energy is minimized. Let us give a concrete
portion of this article is dedicated to convince the example. Consider a metal near its transition
reader that at least this is not necessarily a bad from a liquid to a solid state. A configuration is
idea. Furthermore, one may suspect that when described by giving the position and velocity of
considered in detail, (i), (ii), and (iii) are not has each atom in the metal. The atoms do not move
harmless as they seem. Let me just state that around freely but experience forces due to the
the actual implementation in the go program de- combined electric potential created by all atoms.
scribed below is still quite simple, but one can At high enough temperatures, the atoms move
hope that the more sophisticated the design, the around quite randomly, but as the metal is cooled,
better the results. the atoms move less, and when the metal becomes
The paper is organized as follows. First, we solid, the atoms are essentially fixed in place by
introduce some background of simulated anneal- their mutual electromagnetic forces. This pro-
ing. Then we discuss how it can be applied to the cess is called annealing. The energetically most
problem at hand, in particular we discuss why our favourable configuration for the solid state is that
approach could work in principle. In the next of a regular, crystalline structure.
section a computer implementation, Gobble, is The surprising fact is that in experiments na-
presented together with some examples for what ture is able to come extremely close to this mini-
kind of strengths and weaknesses Gobble displays mum in energy, i.e. billions of atoms form a per-
in games on the 9x9 board. We conclude with a fectly regular lattice — if enough time is allowed
general discussion. for the cooling process. Imagine the atoms mov-
ing around in the electric potential like balls on a
Simulated annealing, a Monte Carlo surface with many dents and bumps. At the min-
method for combinatorial optimization imal energy every atom/ball has come to rest at
a place where the potential has a local minimum.
Monte Carlo methods in physics If the atoms are slowed down too quickly, how-
At the heart of most topics in theoretical physics ever, they probably have not found the smallest
is a variational principle. Given the phase space local minima possible, i.e. the metal solidifies in
of a system, i.e. the space of possible configu- a less regular, amorphous state in which the total
ration and momentum variables, the dynamics potential energy is larger than in a crystal.
of the system is contained in the definition of In Monte Carlo simulations one simulates the
the action. The action is a functional on phase evolution of a statistical system on a computer
space, and the equations of motion are obtained [7]. One does not attempt to solve the terribly
from it by the condition that the path in phase complicated equations of motion for each parti-
space which the system follows corresponds to an cle exactly, but follows a probabilistic evolution
extremum of the action. All the fundamental that stays close to but not exactly at the min-
classical theories like mechanics, thermodynam- imum of the action. First of all, one chooses a
ics, electromagnetism and general relativity are suitable description of all possible system con-
conveniently defined in terms of the action. In figurations. Second, one needs a set of elemen-
fact, given the action one can often construct the tary moves which are ergodic, that is, changes in
corresponding quantum theory straight-forwardly the configurations which enable one to cover the
with so called path-integrals. All this we only space of all configurations step by step. Third, for
point out to emphasize how fundamental extrem- a given configuration moves are suggested com-
ization procedures are in physics. pletely randomly. Finally, the physically correct
evolution is approximated by accepting a sug- Simulated annealing for mathematical
gested random move with a probability that de- problems
pends on whether the move increases or decreases
the action. We now want to focus on the features of simulated
So let us give an example for what these prob- annealing which make it a successful method of
abilities should be for a system in thermal equi- extremization for many mathematical problems
librium. In this case the temperature is the same [3]. Consider an arbitrary function of several vari-
everywhere and the energy is constant. Notice ables. If the function is simple enough and de-
that even if the total energy or the temperature pends only on a small number of variables, there
is fixed, individual particles may behave differ- are very efficient exact numerical methods to find
ently. In many cases the probability p(E) that a its local minima. They all are based on essen-
single particle has energy E when the system is tially the same principle. Pick initial values for
in thermal equilibrium at temperature T is given each variable and compute the function. Change
by the Boltzmann probability distribution, the variables slightly in such a way that the func-
tion value decreases. Repetition allows one to
p(E) ∼ exp(−E/kT ), (1) come arbitrarily close to a local minimum. Dif-
ferent algorithms have been invented to optimize
where k is Boltzmann’s constant. For such sys- the progress at each iteration for different classes
tems the probabilistic evolution can be given by of functions.
the following rules (Metropolis et al. 1953 [9]). If Whenever one of these methods is applicable,
a proposed move lowers the energy, it is accepted. e.g. find the minimum of f (x) = x2 , it usually
If a proposed move raises the energy by ∆E > 0, works much better than simulated annealing, but
it is accepted with probability p = exp(−∆E/kT ) there are several types of problems where there
(i.e. 1 > p > 0). Note that every move, even very is virtually no alternative to simulated anneal-
’bad’ ones, have non-vanishing probability. ing. As it turns out, these exact algorithms are
Simulated annealing is special in that ’cooling’ ’greedy’ by design, that is given a starting point
is introduced [3]. The temperature is lowered to- they greedily walk downhill (following the steep-
wards 0, and in that limit moves that raise the en- est descent) until they have found a local min-
ergy are almost never accepted by the Metropolis imum. But if one is looking for a global min-
algorithm. Again, if the system is cooled very imum among many local ones, and if one does
slowly so that it is effectively always in ther- not know before-hand where to look for it, one
mal equilibrium, the system is also close to its will never find it. Simulated annealing does much
minimal energy. If cooling happens too quickly, better in finding at least an approximate solution
many particles are caught after moves away from to a global minimum since it allows uphill moves.
the minimum and the total energy is not mini- Another area were exact numerical methods fail
mal. What we have to add to the prescription is when the function depends on a large number
for Monte Carlo simulations of systems in ther- of variables. Finally, simulated annealing works
mal equilibrium is an “annealing schedule” which equally well for non-differentiable (even discontin-
defines how fast the temperature is lowered. uous) functions while exact methods often require
Let us end our discussion of physical systems the existence of the derivative of the function.
at this point. Monte Carlo simulations are widely Perhaps the reader feels that already far too
and successfully used in the physics of statisti- much as been said about the physical and math-
cal systems. They are that successful, in fact, ematical background of simulated annealing (see
that non-statistical theories like QCD (quantum [4] for the mathematical theory behind simulated
chromo dynamics), the theory of elementary par- annealing). After all, consider the simple pre-
ticles, has been turned into a statistical theory scription for simulated annealing to find the min-
to make it tractable. At least one other idea of imum of a function of many variables that can
physics, the idea to use potentials to measure in- be distilled from the above. Given is a space of
fluence, has been successfully applied in computer configurations described by some variables and
go [1, 8]. a function which assigns a number to each con-
figuration. To approximate the global minimum Simulated annealing for tree searches
we perform small random moves in configuration
space. If the function decreases, we accept the The problem
move. If the function increases, we accept the After having gained some intuition about sim-
move with a probability which decreases expo- ulated annealing, let us now try to apply our
nentially with the increase in the function and knowledge to tree searches [11]. Given a game
also decreases exponentially with the inverse of position, we are looking for the best move. Tree
the temperature. The temperature is decreased searches are similar to combinatorial optimization
according to our annealing schedule which should problems in that an extremely large number of al-
leave enough time for proper thermalization. The ternatives has to be considered for an exhaustive
reason I gave so much background is that even search.
though the procedure of simulated annealing may Let us first focus on aspects of tree searches
look trivial, it should not be underestimated. which lead to the failure of some natural sugges-
tions for the implementation of simulated anneal-
We conclude this section with two examples ing before we argue why the suggestion given in
from combinatorial optimization, which is in the introduction could work in principle. Faced
many ways similar to our goal, to analyze game with a game tree which is far to large for complete
trees. Simulated annealing has, as far as practi- exploration, some sort of pruning becomes essen-
cal applications are concerned, solved the famous tial. There are different algorithmical techniques
’traveling salesman problem’ [3, 5]. The problem which allow one to ignore parts of the game tree,
is to find the shortest path that connects N cities. for example, α-β pruning. In fact, the evaluation
The same type of problem arises when one wants function which is invoked at the deepest level of
to optimize the layout of integrated circuits, or the tree to find the value of a position is also some
in a phone system with several possibilities to lo- sort of pruning. The outcome of the remainder
cate the switches. These problems are examples of the tree is estimated by applying game heuris-
for combinatorial optimization since the configu- tics. For example in go, certain patterns are good
ration space on which a function (length of path) because they have been proven to be so in previ-
is to be minimized is a discrete, factorially large ous games, and to increase one’s influence on the
space. In the traveling salesman problem, there board is advantageous because experience shows
are N ! = N ∗ (N − 1) ∗ . . . ∗ 1 possibilities to that influence helps in the long run (down the
make an ordered list of N cities. The compu- tree).
tation time to find the solution by an exhaustive A first proposal could therefore be to ap-
search increases exponentially with N . Simulated ply simulated annealing to pruning. At each
annealing achieves a good approximation to the branching, evaluate the move possibilities from
optimal solution in computing time which grows go knowledge but pursue moves only with a cer-
with N only as a small power of N . The proce- tain probability. This is actually an old idea, and
dure starts with an arbitrary path. Two types I do not believe that the exponential probabil-
of local changes are performed. One move is to ities from simulated annealing would give any-
reverse the order of several cities which are next thing useful. The main problem is that the game
to each other on the path, and the other move is tree of go is still far too large even if only two
to remove several neighboring cities from the list moves are considered at each level. Go knowl-
and move them to a different position in the list. edge remains essential.
After completion of this work the author found
For a second example see [6], where the prob- [12], where Andrei Grigoriev reports that simu-
lem is to find the arrangements of 25 playing cards lated annealing can be successfully applied to tree
in a 5x5 tableau such that the value of the rows, searches in Gomoku and Renju, and in fact sug-
columns, and diagonals interpreted as hands for gests that the method could also be useful in go.
poker is maximized. Again, simulated annealing His approach is based on exactly the idea that I
is successful and much faster and simpler than just described, i.e. to grow game trees stochas-
other methods. tically. His annealing schedule consists of lower-
ing the temperature with the depth of the tree. move, Black’s group dies, the average result of
When I was thinking about how to map the tree the games differs by the corresponding value. To
search problem into a problem that is well-suited what extent this heuristics is valid depends of
for simulated annealing, I conjectured that the course on the game that is considered.
game tree in go is too large for such an approach. A general rule taught to novices in go is to “al-
I wouldn’t mind at all to be proven wrong in this ways look for the biggest move on the board”.
point. One separates the situation on the go board into
Getting back to combinatorial optimization local move exchanges and assigns to the move
where simulated annealing succeeded in optimiz- initiating play in a region the estimated bene-
ing long lists of objects, to find the best move fit explicitly in the number of points gained or
really means to find the best move considering lost. The suggestion is to play the move with the
optimal play of both players, i.e. we want to op- best value first. Of course, this can only be a
timize a sequence of moves. Maybe we can con- rule of thumb because often the moves are not
sider entire games as the object of optimization? completely independent of each other. Further-
This would make the evaluation trivial, since at more, it is important which player will have the
the end of a game counting gives a precise value. initiative after a sequence of moves (sente), i.e. a
Game trees are, however, profoundly differ- smaller move which does not loose sente can be
ent from the traveling salesman problem because played first. For our goal it is of interest that
there are two competing parties playing the game go nevertheless allows such localization to a high
(trees are not paths). This fact makes it impossi- degree, much more so than it is for example the
ble to find local moves in the configuration space case in chess.
of the type used in the traveling salesman prob- Under these circumstances, playing random
lem. We are really dealing with the optimization games to the end is not a wasted effort since
of two sequences of moves, one for Black, one for good moves may be detected. To identify good
White. The problem is that any local change in moves whenever they happen in a game tree is
the order of moves that Black makes has a non- also a standard tool of pruning. The α-β al-
local effect on the game tree. For any move that gorithm has to consider the minimal number of
Black chooses at a given point in the game over moves if at each branching the best move is tried
another, the optimal play for both players will in first. The so-called killer heuristic suggests to
general have changed completely for the remain- try those moves first which are currently the best
der of the game. Think of the value of a move for moves anywhere in the tree, and significant im-
Black as a function of the order in which Black provements can be achieved [10].
intends to play his moves. For a numbered list For these reasons we adopt the following strat-
of such orderings, the value for ordering 1, 2, . . . egy for playing random games. Each player de-
is likely to look like a sequence of random num- cides beforehand in what order he wants to play
bers because of the different, optimal responses his moves (taking into account that pieces may
by White. It seems that simulated annealing can- be played several times onto the same field after
not be applied in this case since there are no local captures). A game is played to the end such that
moves and under changes in the list of moves the if a move in the predetermined list is not possi-
value function behaves so discontinuously. ble, the next one is used. Each move is assigned
the average value of all the games in which it was
One possible solution played. This value is initially set to zero and then
updated after every game. After every update the
The question is, can anything be learned from moves are ordered according to their average val-
playing random games? The answer is yes for ues. The strategy is therefore that moves which
the following reason. There will be some moves are most successful on average are deemed most
which are good no matter when they are played, important to be played first. After a large number
if a player actually gets to play them. For ex- of games both Black and White will have settled
ample, if a certain move of Black makes a group on a sequence of moves which are most successful
of Black stones live, but if White prevents that with regard to the other. The best move for the
one to move first is the first one in his list. information can be extracted from the games.
As described so far, we are considering a greedy Playing a large number of games against a strong,
algorithm which will tend to remain at local ex- perhaps human opponent could possibly let the
trema. The modification for simulated anneal- algorithm play a better game against any oppo-
ing is to introduce a finite probability for a move nent. The problem is, of course, that the only
to be played out of order which depends on the opponent available is the algorithm itself.
exponential of the value difference divided by a This concludes our motivation for the algo-
parameter playing the role of temperature. As rithm introduced in the introduction. The cru-
before, when the temperature becomes zero, we cial point of our proposal for applying simulated
have frozen all deviations from the greedy strat- annealing to tree searches in go is to replace the
egy. strict move order (as familiar from combinatorial
The algorithm given in the introduction pro- optimization) by the concept of timeliness or pri-
vides the framework for several variations of this ority of each possible move. Hopefully, this rep-
idea. The above construction could be called resentation of a tree search leads to changes of
the zeroth order approach in the following sense. configuration that simulated annealing can man-
Obviously, there are some moves which are only age. The other novel aspect (as far as computer
good as answers to particular other moves. To go is concerned) is to try to utilize the strengths
incorporate such interdependencies one can store of simulated annealing by playing complete games
not just the average value of each move but the as a substitute for go heuristics. Enough of theo-
average value after a particular other move was retical musings, does it work in practice?
played first. This could be called the first order
approach, and there clearly is a generalization
to n-th order. In the limit of large n the com- Gobble: a program plays Monte Carlo
plete game information has been stored and the go
method becomes equivalent to an exhaustive tree In this section we present results obtained with
search. This means that in the limit the method the computer program Gobble (version 1.0) that
works perfectly (if inefficiently). plays go on the 9x9 board using simulated an-
The principle limitation is that the more in- nealing to find “the best” move. The point is
formation we want to use from the games that that nothing more than simulated annealing is
are played, the more games have to be played to implemented on top of the bare go playing rules
make this information meaningful. A general fact to allow us to study the method.
about the statistics of the data is that the error in We will not describe the program in detail,
the average value ∆v is typically proportional to since this would obscure rather than help the gen-
one over the square root of the number of games eral discussion. Anyone with some experience in
n, programming will agree that an implementation
∆v ∼ √ . (2) of the algorithm should be straightforward. One
technical issue we have to mention is how we de-
(Other numerical methods work usually much fine the end of a game (recall that we want to play
better.) This implies that to determine the value games routinely to the very end). On first sight
of a move to within 1 point when the value in this is at least intuitively clear to human players,
the random games fluctuates by 100 we have to but while the rules for playing moves in go are
play on the order of 10000 games! For the ac- elegant and simple, rules for when the game ends
tual tests presented below a few hundred games and how the result is to be counted are surpris-
turned out to be feasible. Therefore, higher order ingly complex. The latter two issues are related,
considerations have to be postponed. and there are in fact different (Japanese, Chinese,
What our algorithm is expected to accomplish ...) rules which in rare cases like a multilple ko or
is to play perfect games against a specified, dumb special seki give slightly different results.
opponent. The games can be made perfect by col- We adopt for the moment the following pre-
lecting enough statistics (cooling slowly enough). scription. The computer only passes if either no
How dumb the opponent is depends on how much legal move is available or all legal moves reduce
the eye space of one of its groups from two to one. T = −1/ ln pswap ≥ 0. (4)
The (over-) simplification lies in the definition of
an eye, which is defined to be a field whose direct The annealing schedule is to lower pswap to 0 lin-
neighbors are all of the same color and whose di- early with the number of games and set p swap = 0
agonal neighbors contain no more than 1 stone of (i.e. T = 0) for a few games at the end to settle
the opposite color (0 for border and corner fields). in the nearest local extremum. Notice that this
The reader may convince himself that this def- is not the Metropolis algorithm (which is not the
inition of an eye is correct for most situations, only choice possible anyway). We found that for
excluding sekis. When both sides have to pass, the few games we play it didn’t seem to matter
the game is over and the result is determined via whether pswap depends on the value difference or
Chinese counting. These are standard rules ex- not. In addition a few percent of all moves are
cept that the computer player does not realize performed completely randomly to avoid infinite
that stones in a seki are alive. Sekis can be dealt (or long) loops. Further experimentation in con-
with once passing is allowed as an option, but we junction with a measure of how well the annealing
leave it at that for simplicity and speed. process works is needed.
One could argue that the rule to never fill in Gobble was developed on a 286/16 PC, which
one of two eyes represents go knowledge. Let us translates into very slow and powerless by todays
point out that there is another instance where workstation standards. We restrict our attention
simple, logical rules for playing go are needed, to the 9x9 board. One important aspect of sta-
and an equivalent rule is defined. In Berlekamp’s tistical methods like simulated annealing is that
mathematical go [13] a group with two true eyes some minimal amount of data is needed to find
becomes “immortalized”, i.e. even when its liber- the signal in the noise. Let us denote by strategy
ties are filled in it is not removed from the board. A the algorithm of order 0 described in the previ-
Furthermore, the go knowledge that is implicitly ous section. Strategy A requires several hundred
included by this rule is worth very little in prac- games to be played before the data is reasonably
tice. On the one hand, the rule is necessary for reliable which takes on the order of 1 minute on
technical reasons, and even though (if passing was the PC and a few seconds on a IBM/RISC work-
implemented) the program could figure out the station. (Typical physics applications in Monte
rule by itself, that would be very inefficient. On Carlo are allowed to run for days or weeks, but
the other hand, just knowing not to kill its own we have game play with humans in mind.)
groups once they have two eyes does not help a
program at all if it otherwise plays random moves. A simple example
So the two eye rule is necessary for the program
Here is our first example! Figure 1 shows a time-
to be able to play acceptable go at all, but it is
less beautiful position: the empty board, Black to
by far not sufficient to lift the playing strength of
move. After playing 10000 random games, Gob-
a program playing random moves (worse than 50
ble assigned to each field a number, ranging from
kyu) to 30 kyu.
0.9 to 5.3 in this case. These values are the av-
Let us also mention a few points about the
erage game results for all games in which Black
probabilistic aspects of the program and the an-
was the first to move onto a field. For exam-
nealing schedule. Determination of a good an-
ple, if Black was the first to take the center field,
nealing schedule is a matter of experimentation
whether it is in move 5 or 50, all such games re-
[3], here is what we found useful. First we order
sulted in an average point count at the end of the
the moves strictly by value, which corresponds to
game of 5.2 points. In particular, 5.2 is not the
a probability of 1 that a move with better value
average value for games with Black’s first move
is played first. Then we sweep over the list once
at the center.
from best to worst move and switch the order
The main feature is that moves near the cen-
of two neighboring moves with probability p swap .
ter give better results than moves onto the border
The probability p(n) that a move is shifted n ≥ 1
and corners. This result is non-trivial, indicating
steps down the list is
that strategy A is able to find one of go’s sim-
p(n) = (pswap )n = exp(−n/T ), (3) ple rules of thumb. The absolute worth of the
first move amounts to about 5 points, which is 3 trial moves, and for games 4 and 5 the num-
lower than it should be, but remember, these 5 ber of games was doubled. Handicap stones are
points are just the advantage that Gobble knows placed on the star points.
to derive from the first move. During the compu- One should keep in mind that such a small
tation it is nice to watch how the average value sample can only give a rough overview. The
of all games increases steadily as Gobble becomes sample is representative in the sense that except
smarter and tries better moves. for a few test games used to adjust the param-
This one example already gives an impression eters all games the author had time to play are
of the statistical errors involved. The board is shown. The scores vary a lot because the players
symmetric, but equivalent moves do not get ex- are weak by human standards, and the board-
actly the same values (consider the corners, for size is small. Nevertheless, there is clear and per-
example). An estimate for the error could be haps unexpected evidence that Gobble plays re-
∆v = ±0.6. The values near the center are more spectable novice go. Gobble’s strength for strat-
evenly distributed because good moves are more egy B seems to be about 25 kyu. The exact num-
often tried at the beginning of games which leads ber is unimportant, what matters is that Gobble
to more consistent results. Bad moves are played plays better than a human beginner who typically
near the end of the game when they tend to be is 30–35 kyu after a few games.
irrelevant and less correlated with the outcome of Strategy A requires three handicap stones to
the game. have a chance against Many Faces of Go, but al-
though this is a huge advantage, Gobble displays
a basic capability to stay alive and also to kill
Test results for games on the 9x9 board its opponent. Strategy B brings an improvement
To determine the strength of Gobble we had of about one handicap stone. Gobble’s strategy,
it play several games on the 9x9 board against stated in general terms, is to build a strong cen-
Many Faces of Go, the excellent go program by ter, while Many Faces of Go tries to increase its
David Fotland. Many Faces of Go is the North influence along the borders. Gobble only wins a
American computer go champion. In 1986 [14], game if it succeeds in cutting off and killing one of
Fotland writes, “I would love to have other com- its opponents groups. Otherwise, Many Faces of
puter programs to compete with. ... It is hard for Go wins because of its superior territorial skills.
me to tell how good it really is.” To have Many
Faces of Go available (public domain, xgo.s800, Analysis of a game between Many Faces
rev. 7.34) has been very helpful since it provides of Go and Gobble
a strong, unvarying opponent. Fotland gives this
version of Many Faces of Go a 16 kyu rating [15]. It is instructive to analyze one of the games in
The latest version of Many Faces of Go (rev 8.3 detail to get a feeling for Gobble’s non-human,
running on a HP Snake workstation at level 15) probalistic way of “thinking”. Computer go is
has earned a respectable 12 kyu rating in hun- usually not pretty, even to the eyes of the author
dreds of games against human opponents on the who is a 13 kyu, but there are some interesting
Internet Go Server. observations to be made. Remember that Gob-
Table 1 shows the results of twenty games ble lacks even the simplest go heuristics, and any
with Gobble playing Black at different handicaps signs of go understanding produced by our algo-
and Many Faces of Go playing White at level rithm are therefore of interest.
10 (medium strength). For strategy A, Gobble Figures 2 and 3 show the game record of one
played 500–1000 games to find its moves. Strat- of the games played with strategy B and a two
egy B is an extension of strategy A to the first stone handicap. Black wins by 9 points.
halfmove. In the left column for strategy B, 400 Move 2. Figure 4 shows the board after White
games were played and then the 4 best moves moved onto 2. To give an impression of how Gob-
performed and evaluated with another 400 games ble evaluates the position, the six highest and
each. In the rightmost column, games 1 to 3 lowest values according to strategy A are shown.
were played with 500 games per evaluation and Border moves are considered bad by Gobble while
moves somewhere in the center or near White 2 an atari. This chance may be slim, but if the
are preferred. Incidentally, a move onto the field gain involved is large enough, such a move will
now occupied by White, i.e. after White’s stone be played.
has been captured, is worth about 40 points. Move 32. Uncharacteristically poor move for
Let us again emphasize that there are noticable White, the loosing move.
random fluctuations in the result, although 2000 Move 33. Black is able to take advantage of
random games were played. Figure 5 shows ex- White’s mistake.
actly the same position for a second evaluation. Let us pause here for a moment and consider
Notice that the average value has shifted by 2 the values strategy A would assign to this posi-
points and only one move made it into the top tion. Figure 6 shows that Black 33 clearly stands
six twice, and for some reason the idea to attack out as the best move for Black with 20.2 points
White’s stone does not play a role. The lesson (gained by starting from this position). The worst
is that there may be many moves which cannot move is worth 12.2 points. There is a large num-
be differentiated by Gobble. However, among the ber of moves worth about 15 points. The differ-
top six there always seems to be one or two good ence of 5 points between these moves and the best
moves on an objective scale, which is remarkable move can only mean that Black wrongly considers
in itself. The challenge is to find them, which is part of White’s stones in the lower right corner
one motivation for strategy B. As with human go as dead.
players, many will recognize that a move should Figure 7 shows the situation before White 32.
be played “somewhere in the center”, fewer are That the best move is the one worth 5.7 points
able to pinpoint the best move. (for White, the lower the value the better) indi-
Move 4. White has knowledge about fuseki. cates that Gobble is consistent in that he makes
Move 5. Definitely much too tight. We tried to the same mistake as in the evaluation for Black
reproduce this move with strategy A, but failed. 33. Still, this move is much better than White
400 games per move in strategy B may allow to 32 which scores a 10.5. The move values in the
much randomness. Also see moves 9 and 11. upper left corner suggest that Gobble does not
Move 6, 7, 8. Nice shape. understand the position that Many Faces of Go
Move 9, 11. These moves look good to Gobble has build. We return to the game.
because on average a connected group with many Move 47 (figure 3). This move should of course
liberties is more likely to survive than separate be played at 51. The bonus from an oversight by
stones. White must have outweight the territorial loss in
Move 12. Defends territory. the upper right corner. The single most impor-
Move 13. If connected pieces are strong, a cut tant reason that Gobble looses in the endgame
produces a weakness. are such nonsense threats, while defending the
Move 14–24. White defends its territory while borders is consistently underrated.
Black is cluttering the center. Move 49, 51. More meaningless ataris.
Move 25. Having one eye under all circum- Move 57, 59, 61, 65. Meaningless.
stances is another feature which is valuable on Move 63, 69, 71, 73. At times when no compet-
average, and this move is sente. ing flawed goals exist, Gobble’s statistic is good
Move 26. By now White has a big advantage enough to detect even small gains.
and it is still open whether Black is capable of The remaining moves are not shown since they
making a second eye. do not affect the outcome of the game.
Move 27, 28. Black tries to make territory for Let us summarize what we have learned from
the first time, White takes it away at the other this example. Gobble displays its own brand
end of the board. of typical computer go: surprising (relative)
Move 29, 30. A futile invasion. strengths in some areas and glaring weaknesses
Move 31. Black probably considers White’s in others. Examples are life-death and territorial
stones in the lower right corner as half dead, sim- evaluations, respectively. Based on these obser-
ply because with a probabilistic algorithm there vations there certainly are many natural sugges-
is always a chance that a player does not notice tions for improvement of Gobble’s strategy, some
of which are mentioned in the following discus- larger boards.
sion. So far we have studied simulated annealing only
in its pure form to identify its characteristica. We
definitely do not want to suggest that this is the
Discussion and Conclusion
best way to program go. Strong go programs like
First we pointed out that there is a powerful op- Many Faces of Go succeed because they apply a
timization scheme in nature, known on the com- collection of ideas like pattern matching, tactical
puter as simulated annealing, which has not been analysis and influence potentials. The most diffi-
applied in computer go. We proceeded to adapt cult problem is to combine all methods into one
simulated annealing to the problem of finding the well-rounded computer go player. Just because
best move in the game tree of go. The adaptation Gobble shows some aptitude in tree searches and
is based on the observation that there is a cer- evaluation does not mean that this is the optimal
tain move reorder invariance in go. There are two strategy under all circumstances. Whenever ex-
key elements to our proposal: 1) We suggest that act methods are available, say local or small scale
the timeliness of a move is a good objective func- tactical searches (e.g. for ladders), they are much
tion for simulated annealing; 2) Playing games superior to statistical methods.
to the very end can substitute for go heuristics. For example, we noticed that Gobble is partic-
Finally, we presented first test results of a com- ularly weak when it comes to defending its terri-
puter implementation of our algorithm that plays tory near borders. The correct moves are elemen-
go clearly above the human beginner’s level of 30 tary patterns most good programs know. Indeed,
kyu. one promising way to improve Gobble could be
Since the idea seems to work in practice, we the addition of a pattern library. This could be
would like to point out several interesting av- implemented on the top level of the move tree for
enues for further exploration. First let us com- alternatives which are hard to distinguish. The
ment about the relevance of the algorithm for same applies to all standard techniques. A pat-
two features of computer go, tree searches and tern library might have an advantage over other
evaluation functions. A lot of research has been methods if pattern matching is sufficiently fast
done on α-β pruning and related algorithms. One to allow its inclusion at all stages of the random
should perform a quantitative study of how sim- games. The stronger the computer player is that
ulated annealing performs for the different orders plays the random games, the more representative
of implementation (one move, two move, ... se- the final results are.
quences), and find out how well the method can On the technical side, let us mention that sim-
do in practice (see Chs. 1–3 of [16]). Recall that ulated annealing is well-suited for special com-
for the traveling salesman problem the compu- puter hardware. Computers are good at simple
tational effort was reduced tremendously. Here repetitive tasks, which is in contrast to the re-
we face the additional problem that our objective quirements of many applications in artificial in-
function for tree searches is an approximation. telligence where the main problem is program-
As far as evaluation functions are concerned, ming and manipulating complicated structures,
an age old dream of game related artificial intelli- e.g. in expert systems for go. Monte Carlo sim-
gence is to tell the machine the rules, and nothing ulations are a prime example for number crunch-
else, and have it play a perfect game. Although ing. Simulated annealing is easily implemented
Gobble plays very poorly by human standards, on parallel computers [16], which are the most
whatever “understanding” of go Gobble has was powerful and affordable computing resource to-
not fed in by humans in the form of go heuristics day. Another approach to increase the raw com-
(except perhaps for a small benefit from the two puting speed in Gobble combined with a pattern
eye rule). The fact that points are best counted library is dedicated hardware. In fact, there is an
when the game is over apparently is important ongoing project to design a fast VLSI chip which
enough to matter even through the haze of ran- incorporates precisely the two functions which are
dom games and poor statistics. It is open whether most time consuming in such an algorithm, move
this phenomenon can be utilized, for example, on generation and pattern matching [17].
To summarize, simulated annealing seems to [9] N. Metropolis, A. Rosenbluth, M. Rosen-
be a promising idea about how to approach com- bluth, A. Teller, and E. Teller, Equations
puter go from a new direction. Simulated anneal- of state calculations by fast computing ma-
ing is certainly not a magic wand which resolves chines, J. Chem. Phys. 22 (1953) 1087-92
all the profound problems related to computer go.
But we believe it is quite possible that simulated [10] P.W. Frey, The alpha-beta algorithm: Incre-
annealing could become an integral part of the go mental uptdating, well behaved evaluation
programmer’s repertoire. functions, and non-speculative forward prun-
ing, in Computer Game Playing: Theory and
Practice, ed. M.A. Bramer (Ellis Horwood
References Ltd., 1983) 285–289
[1] D. Erbach, Computers and Go, in The Go [11] The author is not aware of any previous
Player’s Almanac, ed. R. Bozulich (The Ishi attempts to apply simulated annealing to
Press, 1992) 205–17 game trees as they are present in go, but
see [12]. There is an isolated comment in
[2] D. Levy (ed.), Computer Games II
[3] about random number generators suit-
(Springer, 1988)
able for “Monte Carlo exploration of binary
[3] W. Press, B. Flannery, S. Teukolsky, and W. trees”. Any references are welcome!
Vetterling, Numerical Recipes in C (Cam-
[12] A. Grigoriev, Artificial intelligence or
bridge University Press, 1988)
stochastic relaxation: simulated annealing
[4] R. Otten and L. van Ginneken, The simu- challenge, in Heuristic programming in arti-
lated annealing algorithm (Kluwer Academic ficial intelligence 2, ed. D. Levy and D. Beal
Publ., 1989) (Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1991) 210 – 16
[5] S. Kirkpatrick, C. Gelatt, and M. Vecchi, [13] R. High, Mathematical Go, in The Go
Optimization by simulated annealing, Sci- Player’s Almanac, ed. R. Bozulich (The Ishi
ence 220 (1983) 671–80; S. Kirkpatrick, Op- Press, 1992) 218–24
timization by simulated annealing: quantita-
tive studies, J. Stat. Phys. 34 (1984) 975–86 [14] D. Fotland, The program G2, Computer Go
1 (1986) 10–6
[6] M.P. McLaughlin, Simulated annealing:
This algorithm may be one of the best so- [15] D. Fotland, private communication
lutions to the problem of combinatorial op- [16] R. Azencott (ed.), Simulated annealing: par-
timization, Dr. Dobb’s Journal (Sept. 1989) allelization techniques (Wiley, 1992)
26–37, 88–91
[17] Rob H. Tu, Developing a VLSI go game pro-
[7] K. Binder, D. Heermann, Monte Carlo simu- cessor, a Berkeley class project (newsreader
lation in statistical physics: an introduction post 3/93)
(Springer, 1992)
[8] To determine the influence of stones on a
board, a potential function can be computed
very much like the electric potential due to
charged conductors. This is a good anology,
since all connected parts of a perfect conduc-
tor are always at the same potential, very
much like in go where each stone of a chain
of stones has the same number of liberties
assigned to it. Physics may be able to teach
as more about how such potentials are com-
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