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Human Monocyte Response To Andean-Native Starch Nanoparticles

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Starch/Stärke 2016, 68, 1–8 DOI 10.1002/star.

201600105 1


Human monocyte response to Andean-native starch

Francesca Gatto 1,2, Omar P Troncoso 3, Virgilio Brunetti 4, Maria Ada Malvindi 4, Pier Paolo Pompa 1,
Fernando G Torres 3 and Giuseppe Bardi 1

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genova, Italy
Department Of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Center for Bio-Molecular Nanotechnology@UniLe, Arnesano, Lecce, Italy

We used starches from two different Andean-native tubers to prepare nano-sized particles, and Received: March 24, 2016
tested their ability to stimulate inflammatory reactions in human monocytes. Our data show Revised: May 16, 2016
that the release of inflammatory cytokines by monocytes can be differentially modulated by Accepted: May 20, 2016
the administration of non-toxic doses of nanoparticles synthesized from the starch of the
Andean sub-species Solanum tuberosum and Solanum goniocalyx. Furthermore, we observed a
starch-nanoparticle-specific increase in inflammatory chemokine-dependent migration, and an
up-regulation of immunoglobulin receptor CD16. Based on this preliminary study, we conclude
that different potato starch nanoparticles possess specific properties that can induce immune
responses and may be employed as immune modulators in the future.

Inflammation / Monocytes / Nanoparticles / Starch

: Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site.

1 Introduction characterized by several alpha-1,6-linked branch points [2].

Currently, starch-based materials are widely used for
Natural polymers play a key role in materials science and are biomedical purposes, including topical release in skin [3],
widely used for biomedical applications. These polymers are drug delivery [4–9], tissue engineering [10–13], cell seed-
derived from several vegetable sources, such as roots, seeds, ing [14], and bone replacement [15–17]. However, starch may
stems or tubers, and they are considered attractive options exhibit immunogenic properties by modulating the biologi-
because of their biodegradability and similarity with other cal response of human immune cells [1]. Actually, carbohy-
polymers found in the human body [1]. Starch is a highly drate-based materials are also currently investigated as
biocompatible and biodegradable carbohydrate composed of immune modulators, due to the prominent role of
two different polymers: amylose and amylopectin. The carbohydrates in immune recognition and response [18];
former shows a linear structure of glucose units linked by other classes of natural polymers are also being investigated.
alpha-1,4-bonds, whereas, amylopectin is a branched For instance, attempts to produce adjuvants for vaccines have
polymer with the same backbone structure of amylose used bacterial walls, relying on the glucans, and mannans
present on their surface [19]. However, bacteria-derived
materials may raise some concerns regarding their potential
Correspondence: Dr. Giuseppe Bardi, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia pathogenicity. One of the major issues it is the undesired
(IIT), Via Morego 30, Genova 16163, Italy activation of the immune system, which is an extremely
E-mail: giuseppe.bardi@iit.it complex and coordinated network composed of several cell
Fax: þ39 010 71781230
types, and cellular mediators. All immune system compo-
Abbreviations: TEM, transmission electron microscopy; FSC, nents interact in a concerted fashion to establish an
forward scattering; SSC, side scattering; NPs, nanoparticles appropriate and balanced response against external, and

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2 F. Gatto et al. Starch/Stärke 2016, 68, 1–8

internal pathological threats. The immune system consists water and stored at 4°C. Nanoparticle yield, calculated as the
of two different lines of control, the innate and the adaptive amount of NPs recovered per 100 g of processed dry starch,
responses, which allow the body to distinguish between self was 19.74% for S. tuberosum subsp. Andigena samples and
and non-self molecules (namely, organisms or materials 14.98% for the S. goniocalyx samples.
from external sources). The innate reaction defines an
immediate non-specific response to alien bodies [20] 2.2 Transmission electron microscopy
mediated by phagocytic cells, such as neutrophils or
monocytes/macrophages, which act by encapsulating, and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were
destroying the foreign substances through specific enzy- recorded using a JEOL JEM 1011 microscope operating at
matic reactions. Resting monocytes travel around the body, an accelerating voltage of 100 kV. The TEM samples were
sensing environmental signals, and migrating to specific prepared by dropping a dilute solution of starch NPs in water
sites of inflammation. They are driven into the inflamed on carbon-coated copper grids (Formvar/Carbon 300 Mesh
tissue by a gradient of specific chemo-attractant cytokines Cu). Nanoparticle size was evaluated by measuring the
(chemokines) released by tissue cells, indicating their average diameter of more than 100 NPs.
pathological condition. Once in the tissue, macrophages
phagocytize pathogens and damaged cells, further regulating 2.3 Cell culture
the growth, and the differentiation of other cells by releasing
specific molecular messengers [21]. In this way, monocytes Human THP-1 monocytic cells (ATCC1 TIB-202TM) were
link innate and adaptive immunity, tailoring the pathogen- purchased from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC
specific response of lymphocytes. Monocytes/macrophages Manassas, VA, USA). The cells were cultured in RPMI-1640
recognize some of the polymers used for biomedical purpose (Life Technologies, cat. no. A10491-01) supplemented with
as non-self, triggering unforeseen immune reactions [22]. 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Life Technologies, cat. no.
We have recently shown that starch films derived from 10108-165), 1% antibiotics (Penicillin–Streptomycin, Sigma–
different types of potatoes have a specific ability to interact Aldrich, cat. no. P0781), and 0.05 mM 2-mercaptoethanol
with the immune cell surface [23], and the response may be (Sigma–Aldrich cat. no. 63689) at 37°C in 5% CO2, and the
related to the different molecular structures of the various cultures were split every 3 days.
starches. The aim of the present study, was to investigate the
reaction of human monocytes primed with two different 2.4 Cell viability
types of Andean-native starch nanoparticles, focusing on the
release of monocyte-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines, The cells were seeded in a 96-well plate (Sigma–Aldrich,
and their consequences. Corning1 cat. no. CLS3595) at a density of 5,000 cells/50 mL.
Starch NPs were added to obtain final concentrations of 30, 60,
and 300 mg/mL in a final volume of 100 mL per well. Metabolic
2 Experimental section activity was determined 24 h after exposure using a standard
WST-8 assay (Sigma–Aldrich, cat. no. 96992). Briefly, 10 mL of
2.1 Starch extraction and starch nanoparticle Cell Counting Reagent WST-8 were added to each well, and the
preparation plate was incubated in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2
at 37°C for 3 h. The orange WST-8 formazan product was
The starches used in this study were extracted from the measured on a Flo Star Optima (BMG LABTECH) microplate
potatoes Solanum tuberosum subsp. Andigena (common reader at a wavelength of 460 nm. The data were collected by
name “Negra”) and Solanum goniocalyx (common name the Control Software and further analyzed with the MARS Data
Peruanita), as reported in Torres et al. [24]. The amylose Analysis Software (BDG LABTECH). As a positive control for
content of the starches, as measured by a colorimetric cytotoxicity, the cells were incubated with 5% DMSO (Sigma–
procedure [24], was 25.43% for the S. tuberosum subsp. Aldrich, Cat. no. D8418).
Andigena starch and 24.10% for the S. goniocalyx starch.
Nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared using the method 2.5 Cytokine release
reported by Torres et al. [25], which is based on the method
developed by Angellier et al. [26]. Briefly, 11.75 g of starch Cells were cultured in 12-well plates (Sigma–Aldrich,
were mixed with 80 mL of 3.16 M H2SO4 (Merck–Millipore, Corning1 Costar1 cat. no. CLS3512) at a density of
Billerica, MA, USA cat. no. 100731) at 40°C under magnetic 5  105 cells/mL and incubated with the appropriate suspen-
agitation for 5 days. The final suspension was centrifuged, sion of starch NPs at a concentration of 300 mg/mL for 2, 6,
and the precipitate washed by successive centrifugations and and 24 h. IL-6, IL-1b, TNF-a, CCL2, CCL4, and CCL5 release
re-dispersions in distilled water until it reached neutral pH. from the THP-1 cells were assessed with a Bio-Plex1
Finally, the starch NPs were dispersed in 100 mL of distilled MAGPIXTM Multiplex Reader (Bio-Rad) according to the

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Starch/Stärke 2016, 68, 1–8 Andean-native potato starch nanoparticles induce dissimilar cytokine release 3

manufacturer’s instructions. The cells were stimulated 2.9 Statistical analysis

with 100 ng/mL lipopolysaccharide (LPS, from Escherichia
coli 0111-B4, Sigma–Aldrich, cat. no. L4391) as a positive All the experiments were performed in triplicate. Statistically
control. significant differences were determined by one-way ANOVA
analysis followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test. A p value of
2.6 Cell migration assay <0.05 was considered significant.

Chemotaxis was assessed in a 24-well plate (Sigma–Aldrich,

Corning1 Costar1 cat. no. CLS3987). After the administration 3 Results
of starch nanoparticle suspensions (300 mg/mL for 24 h), the
supernatants were collected and 650 mL were poured in the 3.1 Starch nanoparticle size
bottom of the wells. Hanging polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
cell culture inserts with a pore size of 5 mm (Millipore, cat. no. NPs were prepared from two different Andean-native potato
PIMP12R48) were placed over the wells. The cells were serum starches, S. tuberosum subsp. Andigena (common name
starved in RPMI 1640 (Life Technologies, cat. no. A10491-01) “Negra”) and S. goniocalyx (common name “Peruanita”)
supplemented with 1% antibiotics (Penicillin–Streptomycin, using the method described in Torres et al. [25]. Nanoparticle
Sigma–Aldrich, cat. no. P0781), 0.05 mM 2-mercaptoethanol size ranged from 40 to 100 nm for at least 90% of the
(Sigma–Aldrich, cat. no. 63689), and 0.1% BSA (Miltenyi observed starch particles, as measured by TEM (Fig. 1).
Biotec cat. no. 130-091-376) for 30 min and plated onto the filter
wells at a density of 2  105 cells/200 mL for 2 h at 37°C in cell 3.2 Cell viability
culture incubator. Finally, the filters were removed and 450 mL
of medium from the bottom of the wells were analyzed by THP-1 monocytes were treated with starch NPs from “Negra”
flow cytometry (MACSQuant1 Analyzer, Miltenyi Biotec, (NEG NPs) and “Peruanita” (PER NPs) potatoes at three
Bergish, Germany). The cell number was counted using the different concentrations, from 30 to 300 mg/mL, for 24 h. The
MACSQuantifyTM Software (Miltenyi Biotec). results of the WST-8 assay showing the metabolic activity of
the THP-1 cells in the presence or absences of NPs are reported
2.7 Cell membrane receptor expression and flow in Fig. 2. No toxicity was observed in our samples within 24 h,
cytometry and the cell morphology of the treated cells was not dissimilar
from the control cells (data not shown).
THP-1 cells were cultured in 12-well plates (Sigma–Aldrich,
Corning1 Costar1 cat. no. CLS3512) at a density of 5  105 3.3 Cytokine and chemokine release
cells/mL and incubated with 300 mg/mL starch NPs for 24 h.
After incubation, the cells were washed with RPMI (Life The release of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines was
Technologies, cat. no. A10491-01) at 300g for 5 min, measured to evaluate the possible immune reaction of THP-
resuspended in RPMI/0.5% BSA (Miltenyi Biotec, cat. no. 1 monocytes to the starch NPs. To avoid false positive results,
130-091-376), and incubated with fluorescently labeled LAL test for endotoxins was performed on nanoparticle
antibodies (APC-conjugated mouse anti-human CD16, suspensions before they were administered to the cells. As
Miltenyi Biotec, cat. no. 130-091-246; PE-conjugated mouse reported in SI Fig. S1, both NP suspensions produced
anti-human CD11b, Miltenyi Biotec, cat. no. 130-097-336) at negative results. The THP-1 cells were treated with 300 mg/
the manufacturer’s recommended concentration for 30 min mL NEG NPs or PER NPs for 24 h, and the cytokine
on ice in the dark. The cells were washed twice in ice-cold concentrations were evaluated at three different time points
RPMI and samples prepared in the appropriate volume. Cell- (2, 6, and 24 h). The THP-1 monocytes were stimulated with
associated fluorescence was analyzed by flow cytometry with 100 ng/mL LPS as a positive control for cytokine release by
MACSQuant1 Analyzer (Miltenyi Biotec), and 50 000 events monocytes (SI Fig. S2). A dissimilar cytokine and chemokine
per sample were acquired. The live cells used for the analysis release pattern appeared when the cells were treated with the
were gated based on light forward scattering (FSC) and NPs from the two different starches. The administration of
side scattering (SSC), and further analyzed using MACS- NEG NPs to the THP-1 cells induced a significant release of
QuantifyTM software (Miltenyi Biotec). all the probed inflammatory cytokines, namely IL-6, IL-1b,
TNF-a, CCL2, CCL4, and CCL5 (Fig. 3). Monocytes released
2.8 Endotoxin assay (LAL assay) these cytokines with a specific temporal pattern, as shown by
their time curves. The maximal concentration of TNF-a was
The presence of endotoxin was assessed according to detected after 6 h of NEG NPs administration, whereas, the
established protocols with standardized Limulus Amebocyte release of the other cytokines peaked at 24 h. In contrast, the
Lysate (LAL) reagents QCL-1000TM (Lonza, cat. no. 50-648U). PER NPs did not induce any significant cytokine release,

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4 F. Gatto et al. Starch/Stärke 2016, 68, 1–8

starch NPs as the chemo-attractants. The experimental

rationale was to evaluate whether the CCL2, CCL4, and CCL5
concentrations in the NEG NP-treated cell-culture medium
were sufficient to provoke the chemotaxis of resting THP-1
cells that constitutively express their cognate receptors CCR2
and CCR5 [27]. As expected, more THP-1 cells migrated
towards the medium from the NEG NP-treated monocytes
compared to the medium from the PER NP-treated
monocytes (Fig. 4, SI Fig. S3), although a slight migration
was also detected in the latter case. Medium from cells
treated with 100 ng/mL LPS was used as chemo-attractant
positive control, relying on the paradoxical release of
chemokines induced by LPS stimulation of THP-1 cells
(SI Fig. S2).

3.5 CD16 expression

Similar to the THP-1 cells treated with 100 ng/mL LPS, the
expression of the immunoglobulin receptor CD16 was
Figure 1. TEM images and measurements of the starch NP sizes.
significantly increased by the 300 mg/mL NEG NP treatment
for 24 h, but not by PER NPs treatment (Fig. 5). In contrast,
although weak production of IL-1b and the chemokine CCL4
no variation in the CD11b levels was observed in the THP-1
was observed at 24 h. The release of inflammatory chemo-
cells after a 24 h treatment with the NEG NPs or PER NPs
kines (CCL2, CCL4, and CCL5) by THP-1 cells in response to
(SI Fig. S4).
NEG NPs, but not the PER NPs, persuaded us to further
investigate its functional impact on the monocytes.
4 Discussion
3.4 Cell migration
The influence of the botanic origin on the characteristics of
The chemotaxis of THP-1 cells was evaluated using the
starch and the starch NPs has been reported in several
culture media collected from the monocytes treated with
studies [25, 28, 29]. The size of the starch granules extracted
from S. tuberosum subsp. Andigena reported by Torres
et al. [24] was 42.5 mm, whereas, the size of the S. goniocalyx
starch granules was 30.5 mm. In contrast, the amylose
content measured for both starches was similar (25%).
X-ray diffraction tests performed on potato starch [30]
showed the typical B-pattern of crystalline structure (2u ¼ 5,
15, 17, 20, 22, and 24°), in agreement with other published
reports on potato starch [31, 32].
In our previous report [25], we characterized the nano-
particles extracted by acid hydrolysis from S. tuberosum
subsp. Andigena and S. goniocalyx starches. We found that
the granule size, amylose content, and nanoparticle size were
different for each starch source.
Acid hydrolysis modifies the structure of starch. Starch is
mainly composed of two glucosidic macromolecules:
amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is a linear polymer of
glucose units linked by (1-4) a-D-glycoside bonds, whereas,
amylopectin is highly branched, consisting of short
branches of a-D-(1-4) glycopyranose interlinked with
Figure 2. Cell viability. The columns represent the percentage of a-D-(1-6)-glycosidic linkages. When starch is treated with
metabolic activity of THP-1 cells 24 h after exposure to increasing acid, the glucosidic linkages are disrupted, provoking
doses (30, 60, 300 mg/mL) of starch NPs, as evaluated by the
WST-8 assay. The metabolic activity of the NP-treated cells is alterations in its native structure, and properties. In
expressed relative to the untreated control cells (white column). acid hydrolysis, the hydroxonium ion (H3Oþ) attacks the

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Starch/Stärke 2016, 68, 1–8 Andean-native potato starch nanoparticles induce dissimilar cytokine release 5

Figure 3. Cytokine release by the

starch NP-treated THP-1 cells. IL-
6, IL-1b, TNF-a, CCL2, CCL4, and
CCL5 release from THP-1 cells
after 2, 6, and 24 h of exposure to
starch NPs. The control columns
represent the untreated cells. The
data are expressed as the means
 SD of at least three independent
experiments. One-way ANOVA
analysis followed by Bonferroni’s
post hoc test were performed.
( represents a statistically signifi-
cant different between NEG and
the control,  p < 0.05,  p
< 0.01,  p < 0.0001; ^ statisti-
cally significant difference be-
tween NEG and PER, ^p < 0.05,
^^p < 0.01, ^^^^p < 0.0001).

oxygen atom of the a(1-4) glucosidic bond. The electrons peak temperature. We associated this change with changes in
in the carbon-oxygen bonds move towards the oxygen the starch structure.
atom, generating a carbocation intermediate that reacts The starch granule is formed by growth rings (120–
with water, leading to the regeneration of a hydroxyl 500 nm) composed of blockets (20–50 nm). These blockets
group [33]. are composed of amorphous and crystalline lamellae
We have previously studied the influence of acid containing amylose, and amylopectin molecules [34]. The
hydrolysis on the gelatinization of S. tuberosum subsp. analysis of the hydrolysis kinetics revealed a two-stage
Andigena and S. goniocalyx starches [25] by comparing the process [35, 36]. In the first stage, hydrolysis is rapid and
DSC thermograms of native starch and starch NPs extracted occurs on the more amorphous part of the starch granule.
by acid hydrolysis. The endothermic peak gelatinization During the second stage, the crystalline material is
temperature of starch NPs was higher than the native starch slowly degraded due to the slower penetration of H3Oþ

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6 F. Gatto et al. Starch/Stärke 2016, 68, 1–8

However, according to LeCorre et al. [34], acid hydrolyzed

starches are not 100% crystalline, but rather 45% crystalline,
with variations depending on the botanic origin. The acid
used for hydrolysis also changes the characteristics of the
process. Angellier et al. [26] obtained a lower yield of
hydrolysis with H2SO4 compared to HCl, but showed that
the final suspensions were more stable following H2SO4
hydrolysis due to the presence of sulfate groups at the
Our results show that starch nanoparticles from different
sources induce dissimilar immune responses. The non-
cytotoxicity of starch materials is an expected characteristic
shared by many other vegetable products. Nevertheless,
viability tests are not sufficient to validate biocompatibility.
The application of alien materials to the human body involves a
defense system of specialized cells, and molecules that are
Figure 4. Chemotaxis. The bar graph shows the number of THP-1 finely regulated in a complex network. The precise tuning of
cells (untreated) that migrated towards the supernatants from the immune system can be disrupted by non-toxic and even
starch NEG NP-treated (dark gray column), or PER NPs-treated
(light gray column) cells. The supernatant from the 100 ng/mL LPS- biodegradable nanomaterials. For instance, the altered
treated cells was used as a positive control (black column). The inflammatory cytokine expression induced by the administra-
data are expressed as fold increases for the treatments versus tion of NEG NPs revealed in our experiments (Fig. 3) could
controls. One-way ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post hoc test were
performed ( p < 0.01,  p < 0.0001). push the innate immune system to over-react, and lead to
abnormal chemokine-mediated migration of monocytes/
within the densely packed starch chains in the crystallites. macrophages (Fig. 4) to an existing site of inflammation.
We suggested that the increase in the peak temperature of Furthermore, the differentiation of resting monocytes
starch NPs compared to starch granules could be due to an towards active cell types is also represented by the up- or
increase in crystallinity, or the presence of more regular down-regulation of cell membrane immune receptors. The
starch crystals [25]. Because acid hydrolysis attacks the immunoglobulin receptor CD16 mediates the phagocytosis
amorphous regions in the granule, the crystallites are of opsonized microbes and is often overexpressed in
decoupled from the amorphous parts, inducing starch NP activated monocytes that are differentiating into tissue
melting at a higher temperature. macrophages. As shown in Fig. 5, CD16 up-regulation
could facilitate the internalization of opsonized NPs, and
increase the inflammatory state by triggering intracellular
inflammasomes [37].
Because we prepared both starch NP suspensions in the
same way and the size range of the particles was similar, we
hypothesize that the differences in the starch material could
be responsible for the dissimilar results. This hypothesis
would agree with our previous results obtained with starch
films from diverse Andean-native sources [23], indicating
that their immunological properties were not directly
correlated with film roughness, or stiffness.
The information regarding the immune response to
starch nanoparticles stemming from our observations may
lead to forecast-specific application for starch-based materi-
als from diverse sources. Although the nanoparticles
prepared with starch obtained from S. goniocalyx (PER)
display a minimal innate immune response, and could be
studied and engineered for the delivery of bio-active
Figure 5. CD16 receptor expression. Relative mean fluorescence molecules, such as drugs or genes, the immunogenicity of
intensity (RMFI) of CD16 receptors 24 h after the THP-1 cells were the starch nanoparticles from S. tuberosum subsp. Andigena
treatewith the starch NPs. The control represents the untreated (NEG) provides a warning about potential reactions that
cells. The data are expressed as the means  SD of three
experiments. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post could be harmful to potential delivery. On the other hand, the
hoc test were performed ( p < 0.05,  p < 0.01). inflammatory cytokine release induced by the NEG NPs

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