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Miller 2008

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J. Agric. Food Chem.

2008, 56, 8527–8533 8527

Impact of Alkalization on the Antioxidant and

Flavanol Content of Commercial Cocoa Powders
Hershey Center for Health and Nutrition, The Hershey Company, 1025 Reese Avenue, Hershey,
Pennsylvania 17033, and Brunswick Laboratories, 50 Commerce Way, Norton, Massachusetts 02766

Cocoa is a food ingredient that is important for the contribution of flavor to foods but is also associated
with potential health benefits. The chemistry thought to be responsible for its cardiovascular health
benefits is the flavanol (flavan-3-ol) antioxidants. Evidence from the literature indicates that natural
cocoas are high in flavanols, but when the cocoa is processed with alkali, also known as Dutch
processing or Dutching, the flavanols are substantially reduced. This paper provides a survey of the
physical and chemical composition of representative natural cocoas and lightly, medium, and heavily
alkalized cocoas. As part of the survey, both brown/black and red/brown alkali-processed cocoas
were measured. Natural cocoa powders have an extractable pH of 5.3-5.8. Alkalized cocoa powders
were grouped into lightly treated (pH 6.50-7.20), medium-treated (pH 7.21-7.60), and heavily treated
(pH 7.61 and higher). The natural, nonalkalized powders had the highest ORAC and total polyphenols
and flavanols (including procyanidins). These chemical measurements showed a linear decrease as
the extractable pH of the cocoa powder increased. Likewise, the flavanol monomers, oligomers, and
polymers all showed a linear decrease with increasing pH of the final cocoa powder. When brown/
black cocoa powders were compared to red cocoa powders, similar decreases in flavanols were
observed with increased alkalization. The average total flavanol contents were 34.6 ( 6.8 mg/g for
the natural cocoas, 13.8 ( 7.3 mg/g for the lightly processed cocoas, 7.8 ( 4.0 mg/g for the medium
processed cocoas, and 3.9 ( 1.8 mg/g for the heavily processed cocoa powders. The observed
linear and predictable impact of alkalization on flavanol content is discussed with respect to other
reports in the literature as well as what implications it may have on diet and food manufacturing.

KEYWORDS: Alkalization; Dutching; flavanols; flavan-3-ols; procyanidins; antioxidants; cocoa powder;


INTRODUCTION seed is borne in a fleshy, berry-like fruit, also known as the

Cocoa powder is an important ingredient in the manufacture cacao pod (5). Cacao seeds are removed and typically fermented
of numerous foods and beverages. Significant quantities of cocoa in heaps or boxes for 4-5 days, dried, and transported to
powder are used in the manufacture of chocolate syrups and processing facilities, where they are deshelled and roasted at
coatings as well as other nonconfectionery food applications 100-150 °C. The roasted cocoa beans are then usually ground
such as baking, flavorings in ice cream, icings, and beverages. into a suspension, called cocoa liquor or chocolate liquor, which
Cocoa powder represents about 37% of the total U.S. imports contains cocoa butter and nonfat fine, brown particles. Cocoa
of cocoa bean-related ingredients that include chocolate liquor, powder is usually made by mechanically pressing the liquor to
cocoa butter, chocolate paste, and cocoa powder (1). More than expel most of the cocoa butter, leaving a solid cake, which is
130 million pounds of cocoa powder were consumed in the then ground into the product that most people know as cocoa
United States in 2004 (2). The remaining cocoa bean-derived powder. Typical cocoa powders contain 10-12% residual cocoa
ingredients, mainly chocolate liquor and cocoa butter, go into butter, with the remainder being nonfat cocoa solidssthe brown
the manufacture of chocolate candy (3, 4). These ingredients particulate matter of the seed (3, 4). The cocoa powder is where
are all products of the cocoa bean, which is botanically the seed the vast majority of the chocolate flavor and the polyphenol
of the fruit of the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao L. The cacao antioxidants reside (6-8).
Cocoa nibs, chocolate liquor, and cocoa powder can be
* Corresponding author [e-mail kbmiller@hersheys.com; telephone
modified by a 180-year-old process of treatment with alkali,
(717) 534-5233; fax (717) 534-5076]. also known as Dutching (3, 4). This process darkens the cocoa

The Hershey Co. ingredients, changes the taste by reducing bitterness, and
Brunswick Laboratories. increases the dispersability of cocoa powder for various
10.1021/jf801670p CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 08/19/2008
8528 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 18, 2008 Miller et al.

applications such as beverages. By far most of the alkali- Table 1. Sources of the Cocoa Powders Used in This Survey
treated powders are used in nonconfectionery applications.
manufacturer product code product name category
Alkalized cocoa powder and alkalized liquor are not com-
monly used as major ingredients in the manufacture of Blommer 7-15-06 Natural natural
chocolate confectionery (3, 9, 10), although there are several Blommer 7-15-06 Navajo alkalized
ECOM-AMSA AMSA-201005 AMSA Natural natural
large brands of dark chocolate in the United States that use DeZaan 7-15-06 D-11-R alkalized
these ingredients (11). DeZaan 7-15-06 D-11-B alkalized
Cocoa and dark chocolate increasingly have been associated Gerkens-Brazil NA-54 Bamboo natural
with cardiovascular health benefits. These include increasing Gerkens-Brazil AL-70 Impact alkalized
Gerkens-Brazil RA-74 Bronze alkalized
vasodilation (12) and coronary arterial output (13) as well as Gerkens-Brazil RE-78 Marquise alkalized
decreasing blood pressure (14, 15) and platelet aggregation (16). Gerkens-Brazil BL-80 Midnight alkalized
These combined effects, along with epidemiological studies that Gerkens-Holland DP-70 Russet alkalized
show lowering of blood pressure (17) and decreases in mortality Hershey 2006 Hershey Regular natural
due to cardiovascular disease (17, 18), suggest that cocoa powder Hershey 2006 Hershey Special Dark alkalized
J. B. Cocoa ZMC-100 Zamacon Natural natural
and dark chocolate are associated with heart and circulatory J. B. Cocoa ZMC-250 Zamacon Brown alkalized
benefits. These benefits are thought to be conferred, in part, by J. B. Cocoa ZMC-360 Zamacon Red/Brown alkalized
the flavanol antioxidants found in cocoa (19, 20). J. B. Cocoa ZMC-530 Zamacon Dark Red alkalized
The central issue with the use of alkalinized or Dutch J. B. Cocoa ZMC-800 Zamacon Dark Brown alkalized
J. B. Cocoa ZMC-550 Zamacon Dark Red alkalized
processed ingredients is that phytonutrients, in particular
J. B. Cocoa ZMC-900 Zamacon Black alkalized
polyphenol and flavanols, may be modified or destroyed at
alkaline pH. In 1961, Robinson et al. (21) reported that alkalizing
cocoa caused a shift in the ultraviolet spectrum of the sample
the set of alkalized cocoa powders was purposely chosen to contain
not seen when a similar cocoa sample was roasted without examples of both brown/black and red cocoa powders to assess the
alkalization. A U.S. patent (22) showed that an alkali-treated impact of these different processing steps on the antioxidant chemistries
cocoa powder lost 81% of the amount of total procyanidins measured. All powders were analyzed for percent fat, color, pH, total
compared to a cocoa powder that had not been alkali treated. polyphenols, antioxidant capacity (ORAC), flavanol monomers (cat-
In 2006, Gu et al. (7) compared three commercially available echin and epicatechin), and flavanol polymers (procyanidins). The
natural cocoa powders to two commercially available alkalized measured pH of the cocoa powders was used as a guide for the degree
cocoa powders, which had 78% less flavanols. A recent Spanish of alkalization.
paper (23) describes decreases in epicatechin and catechin of Fat, Color, and pH Analyses. Total fat of the cocoa powders was
67 and 38%, respectively, as a result of the alkalization of cocoa determined by Soxhlet extraction (25). The color of the cocoa powder
powders. Finally, in a study simulating the alkaline conditions samples was determined using a Hunter Tristimulus Colorimeter, model
D25L DP-9000 unit (Reston, VA), equipped with a standard area 3.5
of the lower gut, Zhu et al. (24) showed that catechin,
in. diameter viewing port. Fifteen grams of cocoa powder were placed
epicatechin, or procyanidin dimers were degraded by 85% at in a glass sample cup for color measurement. Color was measured on
pH 7.4 after 24 h and by 100% at pH 9.0 after 4 h. Despite three scales: the Hunter L scale measures degree of lightness (100 )
these reports that alkali processing destroys flavanols, very few light to 0 ) black), the Hunter a scale measures red to green with true
data exist on the detailed flavanol content of commercial cocoa red equal to +100 and true green equal to -100, and the Hunter b
powders. scale measures yellow to blue with true yellow equal to +100 and true
The objective of this study is to determine the effect of blue equal to -100. The extractable pH of the cocoa powders was
varying degrees of alkali processing on the physical and determined by suspending 1 part powder in 9 parts deionized water at
chemical characteristics of commercially available cocoa pow- room temperature and measuring with an Orion pH (Orion Research,
ders. Color and extractable pH are measured as well as Inc., Cambridge, MA) calibrated at pH 4 and 10 on the day of use.
antioxidant, polyphenol, and flavanol contents, including the Antioxidant Capacity Analysis. Cocoa powder samples were
analyzed in duplicate for antioxidant activity using oxygen radical
flavanol polymers (i.e., procyanidins). Total polyphenols refer
absorbance capacity (ORAC), a widely used fluorescent method for
to a very broad class of compounds found in all plants,
assessing antioxidant capacity in biological samples. The current method
characterized by the presence of more than one phenol unit per is based on the inhibition of a peroxy radical induced oxidation initiated
molecule. Flavonoids, one subgroup of polyphenols, are further by the thermal based decomposition of 2,2′-azobis(2-methylpropan-
composed of flavanols, flavonols, flavones, flavonones, isofla- imidamide) (AAPH) using fluorescein as a fluorescent probe and Trolox
vones, and anthocyanidins. The flavanols, sometimes called as a standard substrate (26, 27). Cocoa powders (0.5 g) were extracted
flavan-3-ols, include both monomeric forms, such as catechin with 20 mL of 1:1 acetone/water containing 0.5% acetic acid by
and epicatechin, as well as polymeric chains of flavanol sonication at 50 °C for 10 min. The ORAC assay was conducted on a
monomers, more technically called procyanidins. For purposes BioTek Synergy HT fluorescence plate reader using excitation and
of this paper, both the monomeric and polymeric units are emission filters of 485 and 528 nm, respectively. ORAC values are
included as “flavanols.” The results reported in this paper are expressed in micromoles of Trolox equivalents (TE) per gram of cocoa
discussed with respect to the previous studies on natural and powder.
Total Polyphenol Assay. The total polyphenol colorimetric assay
alkali-processed cocoa powders and the role these ingredients
initially was developed as a method for the measurement of proteins
may play in a healthy diet. based on the reagent’s ability to react with hydroxyl constituents and
later adapted by Singleton and Rossi (28) to measure phenolic
MATERIALS AND METHODS compounds in wine. It is a widely used measure of reducing capacity.
Cocoa Powder Samples. Twenty different commercial cocoa Cocoa powders were defatted with hexane, and the defatted cocoa
powders were obtained from five cocoa manufacturers. The brand names powders (1.0 g) were then extracted with 10 mL of 70:29.5:0.5 acetone/
and product codes for these samples are summarized in Table 1. The water/acetic acid. The assay was conducted with 1 mL of sample
products included natural cocoa powders with no alkalization as well extracts or gallic acid standards in 15 mL of water and 1.0 mL of
as cocoa powders with various degrees of alkalization typically Folin-Ciocalteu reagent for 10 min at room temperature followed by
characterized as ranging from light, to medium, to heavy. In addition, the addition of 20% Na2CO3 solution (3.0 mL) and incubation at
Flavanol Content of Alkalized Cocoa Powders J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 18, 2008 8529

Table 2. Characteristics of the Cocoas Surveyed and then allowing the mixture to react. The mixture is cooled
and dried, leaving the alkali in situ. Time, temperature, and
process color
concentration of the alkali are all variables that can affect the
ID categorya pH % fat descriptionb color Lc color ac color bc
finished product. In the United States, food labeling requires
N-1 natural 5.39 11.01 light brown 40.3 10.8 14.5 that alkalized (Dutched) cocoa powders or liquors be declared
N-2 natural 5.53 12.40 light brown 40.8 10.1 14.0
N-3 natural 5.60 11.20 light brown 38.8 9.7 12.7 as “cocoa [liquor] treated with alkali” (32). Labeling require-
N-4 natural 5.69 10.40 light brown 38.3 10.1 13.4 ments differ in other parts of the world, thus making it difficult
N-5 natural 5.76 10.43 light brown 38.1 9.9 12.9 for consumers to determine whether natural or alkalized cocoa
is used.
L-1 light 6.77 11.80 brown 31.8 9.3 10.7
L-2 light 6.94 10.42 red/brown 35.1 10.6 12.1 Most cocoa powder manufacturers indicate whether their
L-3 light 7.00 10.50 red/brown 34.2 10.3 11.4 cocoas have been lightly, medium, or heavily alkalized, or they
L-4 light 7.13 11.08 brown 33.2 10.0 10.9 describe the color. Representative samples of natural as well as
a series of brown/black and red alkali-processed cocoa powders
M-1 medium 7.21 10.20 dark brown 33.6 10.3 11.5
M-2 medium 7.25 11.60 red/brown 31.1 10.7 10.3
were selected for this study. The natural cocoas have a
M-3 medium 7.36 11.17 dark brown 27.2 8.2 7.9 characteristic light to medium brown color. The brown/black
M-4 medium 7.46 10.91 red/brown 30.2 10.9 9.7 cocoas show a range going from darker brown to black, whereas
M-5 medium 7.52 10.90 red/brown 29.1 11.9 9.7 the red cocoas range from a red-brown to a brick-red. These
brown/black and red cocoa powders are used to improve the
H-1 heavy 7.69 11.50 dark red 25.6 10.9 7.6
H-2 heavy 7.81 12.70 black 22.9 6.2 5.2 flavor and appearance of various food products and are therefore
H-3 heavy 7.82 10.00 black 17.8 3.6 2.7 important tools for food manufacturers.
H-4 heavy 7.92 11.00 black 15.9 1.7 -0.38 In addition to the manufacturers’ color descriptions, colors
H-5 heavy 8.05 10.69 dark red 27.4 8.8 8.1
H-6 heavy 8.06 10.30 black 21.8 4.3 3.5
of all the cocoa powders used in this study were characterized
by a Hunter Colorimeter using three scales of measurement:
Categories were based on measured pH ranges as described under Materials the L scale ranging from light to dark, the a scale for red to
and Methods and do not necessarily reflect the manufacturer’s designation. b Color green, and the b scale for yellow to blue (Table 2). Using the
descriptions refer to visual observation and do not necessarily reflect the L scale, the natural cocoas group together with the highest L
manufacturer’s color description. c Color values were determined using a Hunter values, whereas the powders that have undergone progressively
Colorimeter as described under Materials and Methods. more processing with alkali show a decrease in their L values.
40 °C for 20 min. Total polyphenols were calculated from absorbance The results show that both the brown/black and red cocoas
at 755 nm and are expressed in milligrams of gallic acid equivalents develop a darker color compared to the natural cocoas. The
per gram of cocoa powder. Hunter a scale results reveal that the natural cocoas and some
Flavanol Analysis. Flavanols were measured by an HPLC method of the lightly processed cocoas have a values between 8 and
based on the separation of the flavanol monomers and polymers 11, but the heavily processed brown/black cocoa powders have
(procyanidins) by Gu and others (29, 30). The flavanol analyses were a values in the 6.2-1.7 range, indicating they have lost their
performed at Brunswick Laboratories (Norton, MA). Cocoa powders red component. The natural cocoas and the red cocoas have
were defatted with hexane, and the defatted powders (1-2 g) were Hunter a color values in nearly the same range regardless of
extracted with 5 mL of 70:29.5:0.5 acetone/water/acetic acid using
the level of processing. These results indicate that there are red
sonication at 37 °C for 10 min. Sample extracts were clarified by
centrifugation, filtered, and analyzed by HPLC using fluorescence color components in both natural and red alkalized cocoa
detection with 276 nm excitation and 316 nm emission filters. Values powders. A ratio of Hunter a/b is used by some cocoa
for the flavanol monomers and individual polymeric forms (n ) 2-10 manufacturers to help define the degree of red, with higher a/b
and higher) in the defatted samples were corrected for percent fat so ratios denoting more red color (33). Further analysis of color
the flavanol values can be expressed in milligrams per gram of cocoa values was not pursued in this study.
powder. ORAC, Total Polyphenols, and Flavanols of Natural and
Processed Cocoa Powders. Data shown in Table 3 summarize
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the ORAC, TP, and flavanol composition, including the mon-
Physical and Chemical Properties of Alkalized Cocoa omeric, oligomeric, polymeric, and total flavanols of the cocoa
Powders. In Table 2 are shown extractable pH, fat content, powders studied. Figure 1 shows the relationship of cocoa
and the color properties of the cocoa powders studied. The powder pH compared to antioxidant activity (ORAC) and total
powders have been sorted top to bottom according to their polyphenols (TP). Of the powders tested, the natural cocoas
extractable pH. The powders range from pH 5.39 for sample show the highest levels of ORAC and TP. Antioxidant capacity,
N-1, a natural cocoa powder, to pH 8.06 for a heavily alkalized as measured by ORAC, was linearly correlated with pH (R2 )
cocoa powder (H-6). The natural cocoa powders all group in a 0.8879), with the natural cocoa powders (pH 5.3-5.8) having
narrow pH range from 5.39 to 5.76. The remaining cocoa the highest ORAC values and the heavily processed cocoas
powders have been arbitrarily grouped by pH ranges into lightly (pH >7.60) having the lowest values (Figure 1A). A similar
alkalized (pH 6.5-7.2), medium alkalized (pH 7.21-7.60), and relationship was observed for TP (Figure 1B) with a slightly
heavily alkalized (pH g7.61). These designations are consistent lower correlation coefficient (R2 ) 0.8131).
with those previously reported (31) and closely correspond with A comparison of total flavanols and pH (Figure 2A) shows
the descriptions used by the manufacturers to characterize their that the natural cocoa powders tend to group with the highest
alkalized cocoas. These pH groupings are used throughout the total flavanols ranging from 22.86 to 40.25 mg/g. The lightly
remainder of this paper. alkali processed powders range from 8.76 to 24.65 mg/g total
Using proprietary processes cocoa manufacturers can make flavanols, the medium alkali processed powders from 3.93 to
a variety of alkali-treated cocoas. Alkali treatment involves 14.00 mg/g, and the heavily alkali processed powders from 1.33
adding any number of agents, most commonly sodium carbonate to 6.05 mg/g total flavanols. Although there is clearly some
dissolved in water, directly to the powder, liquor, or cocoa nibs overlap between the processing groups, overall the data show
8530 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 18, 2008 Miller et al.

Table 3. Antioxidant Activity (ORAC), Total Polyphenols (TP), and Flavanol Contents of Cocoas Surveyed

ORAC TP total flavanols

ID (µmol of TE/g) (mg/g) flavanol fractions (mg/g)
N ) 1 (mg/g) N ) 2 (mg/g) N ) 3 (mg/g) N ) 4 (mg/g) N ) 5 (mg/g) N ) 6 (mg/g) N ) 7-10 (mg/g) N > 10 (mg/g)
N-1 846 63.20 4.08 4.03 2.93 1.46 1.03 0.81 1.25 20.09 35.69
N-2 628 56.40 3.20 3.31 2.93 1.53 1.17 1.01 1.95 21.10 36.21
N-3 615 61.90 4.56 5.02 3.78 2.08 1.45 1.15 1.40 20.81 40.25
N-4 822 49.60 4.52 4.34 3.68 1.94 1.31 1.03 1.89 19.26 37.97
N-5 620 40.59 3.31 3.49 2.99 1.11 0.63 0.46 0.36 10.50 22.86
L-1 544 51.89 4.10 3.64 1.86 0.89 0.49 0.31 0.39 12.97 24.65
L-2 398 23.84 1.48 1.30 1.53 0.22 0.05 0.02 0.05 4.10 8.76
L-3 365 27.28 1.70 1.75 1.88 0.30 0.06 0.07 0.02 5.69 11.48
L-4 395 24.71 2.09 1.91 1.59 0.32 0.10 0.07 0.06 4.17 10.31
M-1 321 19.03 0.71 0.83 0.83 0.12 0.03 0.07 0.17 4.59 7.33
M-2 398 33.04 2.46 2.56 1.81 0.46 0.17 0.10 0.00 6.44 14.00
M-3 279 13.20 0.93 0.91 0.39 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.64 3.94
M-4 237 15.68 1.18 0.95 0.80 0.12 0.03 0.01 0.03 1.79 4.92
M-5 297 26.51 1.61 1.32 0.90 0.15 0.04 0.04 0.00 4.87 8.91
H-1 254 13.25 0.73 0.77 0.85 0.13 0.03 0.00 0.00 3.19 5.70
H-2 233 11.52 0.45 0.67 0.14 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.23 2.87 4.51
H-3 294 30.97 0.18 0.45 0.24 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.00 5.07 6.05
H-4 94 7.66 0.44 0.35 0.12 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.36 1.33
H-5 198 10.79 0.92 0.88 0.29 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.76 2.92
H-6 259 9.54 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 1.44 3.04

a linear relationship (R2 ) 0.8934) with the pH of the cocoa top). Compared to natural cocoas, which averaged 34.6 mg/g
powders. Similar patterns are shown for the low molecular ( 6.8 total flavanols, the light alkali-processed cocoas had
weight flavanol fractions (monomers to trimers), thought to be 39.8% as much total flavanols (13.8 ( 7.3 mg/g), the medium
the most immediately absorbable in humans (34), with a alkali processed cocoa had 22.5% as much total flavanols (7.8
correlation coefficient for monomers of R2 ) 0.8013 (Figure ( 4.0 mg/g), and the heavily alkali processed cocoa had 11.2%
2B), for dimers of R2 ) 0.8375 (Figure 2C), and for trimers of as much total flavanols (3.9 ( 1.8 mg/g). The pattern of
R2 ) 0.9017 (Figure 2D). In data not shown, the relationships flavanols in each category appears to be about the same with
between pH and N ) 4-6 oligomers, N ) 7-10 oligomers, respect to the level of monomers, oligomers, and polymers,
and the N > 10 polymers also show linear relationships with which decrease proportionately as the level of processing
R2 ) 0.8448, R2 ) 0.7195, and R2 ) 0.8621, respectively. increases from natural cocoa powders to the heavily alkali
In Figure 3 is shown the average and standard deviation of processed cocoas. The monomeric flavanols comprise about 10%
flavanol content of the types of cocoa tested, ranging from of the total flavanol content, whereas the sum of the monomers,
natural cocoas to lightly, medium, and heavily alkali-processed dimers, and trimers comprises approximately 30% of the total
cocoas. Shown within each bar are the average contributions flavanols in each type of cocoa studied.
made to the total flavanol content by monomers (bottom), N ) The average level of total flavanols in the natural cocoas
2-3 (next higher), N ) 4-6, N ) 7-10, and N > 10 (at the compared to brown/black cocoas and red cocoas subjected to
light, medium, and heavy alkalization is shown in Figure 4.
Each bar represents the average of those cocoa samples in a
particular color set and degree of alkalization as defined
previously in this paper. The brackets indicate the range of
values for the samples averaged. The data show that alkalization
causes a progressive reduction in flavanol content that is evident
in both red and brown/black cocoas. Therefore, the various
manufacturing methods used to obtain either the red cocoas or
the brown/black cocoa powders affect flavanol content in a
similar and predictive way.
This is the first comprehensive study of the effect of
alkaline processing on cocoa powders. Alkalized or Dutch-
processed powders are an important tool in the formulation
of numerous food products such as cocoa beverages and
baked products. Because of the interest in beneficial cardio-
vascular-active flavanols and other compounds, it is important
to characterize their loss in these ingredients. The average
level of total flavanols found in the five commercially
available, natural cocoas studied here (34.6 ( 6.8 mg/g)
compares favorably with earlier studies; Gu et al. (7) found
Figure 1. Relationship between pH and ORAC and total polyphenols in 40.8 ( 8.3 mg/g total flavanols in two natural cocoa powders,
cocoa powders. All cocoa samples were measured for (A) ORAC (µmol Miller et al. (8) found 21.8 ( 2.3 mg/g in three natural
of TE/g) and (B) total polyphenols (mg of gallic acid equiv/g) and plotted cocoas, and Fisher and Hollenberg (20) reported 30 mg/g
against pH. Correlation coefficients, shown as R2 values, represent a (3000 mg/100 g) for cocoas made by the Kuna Indians and
linear equation. 40 mg/g (4000 mg/100 g) in a flavanol-rich cocoa powder.
Flavanol Content of Alkalized Cocoa Powders J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 18, 2008 8531

Figure 2. Relationship between pH and total flavanols, monomers, dimers, and trimers in cocoa powders. Cocoa powders were measured for pH and
plotted against total flavanols (A), flavanol monomers (B), flavanol dimers (C), and flavanol trimers (D), all expressed as mg/g of sample. Correlation
coefficients, shown as R2 values, represent a linear equation.

Figure 4. Total flavanols for brown/black and red Dutched cocoas. Cocoa
powder samples were grouped into natural and lightly, medium, and heavily
alkalized (Dutched) samples that were classified as either brown/black or
red. The total flavanol contents, expressed in mg/g of sample, were
averaged and are shown for natural cocoas (tan bars), brown/black cocoas
(brown bars), and red cocoas (red bars). The brackets for each bar
represent the range of values for each group of samples.
although it is not clear whether the USDA included alkalized
(Dutched) processed powders in their samples. The content
of flavanols from N ) 1-10 for the natural cocoa powders
in this survey (Table 3; Figure 3) averaged 16.2 ( 2.9
mg/g, which is in good agreement with the USDA value.
The alkalized cocoas reported by Gu et al. (7) had total
flavanol levels of 8.95 mg/g ranging from 7.0 to 10.3 mg/g,
Figure 3. Average flavanol content of natural and Dutched cocoa powders. which roughly corresponds to the level found here for the
Cocoa powders samples were grouped into natural and lightly, medium, medium alkali processed cocoas. By contrast, Fisher and
and heavily alkalized (Dutched) sets, and their flavanol contents in mg/g Hollenberg (20) claim that brand-name cocoa powders
of sample as shown in Table 3 were averaged. Within each bar, the purchased from grocery stores in mainland Panama were
average flavanol contents for several oligomer classes of flavanols are devoid of flavanol content, and several commercially avail-
shown including N ) 1, N ) 2-3, N ) 4-6, N ) 7-10, and N > 10. able cocoa powders from the American marketplace contained
The error bars represent the standard deviation for the total flavanol content <5% of the flavanol content (about 2.0 mg/g) compared to
of each group of samples. a flavanol-rich cocoa powder containing 40 mg/g of total
The USDA Proanthocyanidin database (35), which includes flavanols. These latter values of commercial cocoas are
only N ) 1-10 flavanols for cocoa powder, reports an uncharacteristically low for natural cocoa powders and
average of 13.73 mg/g with a range of 0.77-53.1 mg/g, inconsistent with data reported by Gu et al. (7) and Miller et
8532 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 18, 2008 Miller et al.

al. (8) or in this study. The reason for the discrepancy is (4) Beckett, S. K. Chapter 5, Cocoa mass, cocoa powder, cocoa butter.
difficult to discern because the analytical methods were not In Industrial Chocolate Manufacture and Use, 2nd ed.; Van
clearly described, but the low values for commercial cocoa Nostrand Reinhold: New York, 1988; pp 58-88.
powders reported by Fisher and Hollenberg (20) are more (5) Cuatrecasas, J. Bulletin of the United States National Museum.
Cacao and Its Allies: A Taxonomic ReVision of the Genus
representative of a heavily alkalized sample. From the grow-
Theobroma; Smithsonian Institute: Washington, DC, 1964; Vol.
ing body of evidence presented here and in the literature cited,
35, pp 379-614.
it can be concluded that most commercially available, natural (6) Adamson, G. E.; Lazarus, S. A.; Mitchell, A. E.; Prior, R. L.;
cocoa powders contain anywhere from 2 to 4% by weight of Cao, G.; Jacobs, P. H.; Kremers, B. G.; Hammerstone, J. F.;
total flavanols. Rucker, R. B.; Ritter, K. A.; Schmitz, H. H. HPLC method for
The results shown here are also contrary to the belief that the quantitation of procyanidins in cocoa and chocolate samples
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