A Semantic Query Approach To Personalized E-Catalogs Service System
A Semantic Query Approach To Personalized E-Catalogs Service System
A Semantic Query Approach To Personalized E-Catalogs Service System
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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research This paper is available online at
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version www.jtaer.com
VOL 5 / ISSUE 3 / DECEMBER 2010 / 39-54 DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762010000300005
© 2010 Universidad de Talca - Chile
Received 6 September 2009; received in revised form 17 August 2010; accepted 30 September 2010
With the emergence of the e-Catalog, there has been an increasingly wide application of commodities query
in distributed environment in the field of e-commerce. But e-Catalog is often autonomous and heterogeneous,
effectively integrating and querying them is a delicate and time-consuming task. Electronic catalog contains rich
semantics associated with products, and serves as a challenging domain for ontology application. Ontology is
concerned with the nature and relations of being. It can play a crucial role in e-commerce as a formalization of
e-Catalog. User personalized catalog ontology aims at capturing the users’ interests in a working domain, which
forms the basis of providing personalized e-Catalog services.
In this paper, we present an ontological model of e-Catalogs, and design a semantic personalized e-Catalog
service system (SPECSS), which achieves match user personalized catalog ontology (UPCO) and domain e-
Catalog ontology (DECO) based on ontology integrated and focus on four key technologies: user personalized
catalog ontology generation, domain and local e-Catalog construction, semantic match between them and e-
Catalog semantic query system based on heterogeneous catalog database.
Key words: e-Catalog, personalized ontology, semantic match, semantic query, e-Catalog service
1 Introduction
Electronic catalog is the aggregation of the static WWW pages including product information which is an essential
component in e-commerce scenarios. It contains information of product trade, such as pricing, features, and terms
between partners. Clearly defined product information is a necessary foundation for collaborative business
processes. Furthermore, semantically enriched product information may enhance the quality and effectiveness of
business transactions. As a multifunctional applied system, it serves for advertisement, marketing, selling and client
support, and at the same time it is a retail channel.
The Web has experienced continuous growth since its creation. As the number of Internet users and the number of
accessible Web pages grow, it is becoming more and more difficult for users to find documents among e-Catalogs
that are relevant to their particular needs. Users can search with a search engine which allows users to enter
keywords to retrieve e-Catalogs that contain these keywords. The navigation strategy and search have their own
problems. Indeed, approximately one half of all retrieved documents have been reported to be irrelevant [1]. The
main reasons for obtaining poor search results are that (1) many words have multiple meanings [2]; (2) key words
are not enough to express the rich concepts and the natural semantics of customers’ queries; (3) the property query
lacks of semantic support, and is difficult to search for knowledge, and has other problems of mechanisms.
Therefore, we cannot query the united queries based on different classification rules; (4) related merchandises can
not be returned, such as querying “Memory” and “board”. For people, the concepts are not isolated; there are kinds
of interrelations between the concepts [3]. What is needed is a solution that will personalize the e-Catalog selection
and be presented to each user.
The need for domain ontology development and management is becoming more and more important to knowledge-
driven e-Catalog services. That is, ontology can play a critical role here which can be considered as a unified
conceptual graph that represents concepts and relationships among the concepts existing in an application domain.
A semantically rich user model and an efficient way of processing semantics are the keys to provide personalized e-
Catalog services [4]. In view of the existing limitations, we develop a personalized ontology based on user model,
called user personalized catalog ontology, which has the same level of semantics as domain ontology.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes related work. In Sections 3, we put forward our
modeling methodology for generating user personalized catalog ontology and domain e-Catalog ontology. In Section
4, we introduce the crucial algorithm of semantic match for our SPECSS. And Section 5 explains the theory of
semantic personalized e-Catalog service system (SPECSS). Then in Section 6, we present the implementation of
the system and its evaluation. Conclusion and future work are drawn in Section 7.
2 Related Work
As to semantic query issue of e-Catalog throughout e-commerce scenarios, much work has been done in the stages
of semantic query based on e-Catalog, including e-Catalog standardization and integration, personalized catalog
service research and e-Catalog ontology design.
Construction e-Catalog is based on product classification standards. The Chinese Standardization Research Institute
implements general product classification standard based on XML [5]. Some of these XML standards are compared
by Li [6], who discusses seven different product description standards used in e-commerce scenarios, their
complexity and potential integration problems, but only on the basis of very simple metrics. International product
classification standards—UNSPSC, eCl@ss, RosettaNet, EGAS, NCS, etc—have established a comprehensive
classification level [7]. [8] Presents a practical model for eCl@ss and touches upon the practical issues for
classification schemes. These classification standards are different with each other in structure and content, and lack
semantic service ability as well.
1. There are many related concepts of e-Catalog, such as Product Catalogue, Electronic Product Catalog,
Products and Services Catalog, and Product Classification;
2. Lack of effective integration between the standards, and customers must have certain professional
knowledge about international catalog standards in order to search the most relevant results;
3. The product classification was assumed to be the simple code-based hierarchical model such as UNSPSC
or eCl@ss.
Researches in recent years show that applying ontology to e-commerce scenarios would bring benefits such as
solving the interoperability problems between different e-commerce systems [8]-[11]. Especially, e-Catalog, which is
a key component of e-commerce systems, seems to be the most adequate domain within e-commerce scenarios
where ontology can realize the expression of e-Catalog on a semantic level. It is possible for e-business systems to
offer diverse interoperable services by sharing well-defined e-Catalog model containing rich semantics. Fensel [12]
described in principle how ontologies can support the integration of heterogeneous and distributed information in e-
commerce scenarios which is mainly based on product catalogs, and what tasks are needed to be mastered. E-
Catalog ontology model is defined as ECO (concepts, relationship, properties, axioms and individuals). At present,
there are two methods to build ECO:
Have not considered the method to extract e-Catalog ontology from distributed enterprise product catalogs
Have not studied the syntactic and semantic integration problems of distributed e-Catalog;
Manually defined domain e-Catalog ontology, and included product properties, but have not involved
extracting individuals;
Domain e-Catalog ontology service is only for customer query, but not considering personalized e-Catalog
service. [15] designed retrieving metadata semantics-based IPIS service system. However, this method is
not suitable for dynamic changes of product information for the e-commerce scenarios.
E-Catalog integrations include syntactic integration and semantic integration. We need to integrate international
product classification standards, and enterprise e-Catalogs or product classification databases. There are more than
25 kinds of e-Catalog classification standards in the world. [18] provided a catalog management method for the
various classification standards. The standard integration XML-based can solve syntactic and structural
heterogeneity, for example, CEN/ISSS(European Committee for Standardization/Information Society Standardization
System) put forward e-Catalog standards integration [3]. Corcho and Gómez-Pérez [19] also show how multiple
standards for classifying products and services can be integrated using ontological mappings, and sketch a
prototype implementation based on the WebODE platform. Catalog ontologies based on various international
product classification standards are heterogeneous [20], and then the key of e-Catalog semantic integrations
becomes catalog ontologies integration. There are three methods for current ontology integration [21] (1) schema
integration based on ontology properties; (2) integration of ontology concepts; (3) multi-layer structural integration of
ontologies (individuals, properties, concepts), such as our research group put forward semantic similarity products
match algorithms based on ontology concepts in combination with properties[22], [23]. E-Catalog integration can use
[24] for reference. [25] applied the mapping method of ontology concepts and properties to integrate global data
synchronization networkGDSN and EPCglobal catalog ontologies.
Within unstructured data a keyword search engine can do a very valuable job like in Google.com or Baidu.com. But
this technique does not utilize the semantics available in structured data. Moreover, it has lots of problems with the
syntax, despite the semantics of typed e-Catalogs is clear. E.g., in the ranked keyword search XRANK [10] would
cause a lot of problems. Also exploiting structured and typed data, parametric search aims to find the right
alternatives in case there is no perfect match [11]. Iteratively, the user can soften or skip some search conditions.
The most problematic deficit in this technology is that there is no deterministic way, indeed no confirmed way at all to
find the best alternative. The user never knows when it is best to terminate the search and with which result. That is,
traditional key-based retrieval method can not satisfy massive heterogeneous personalized catalog service, then [26]
introduce metasearch engines, but this method is passive service. [27] provided an intelligent catalog recommend
method using customer requirements mapping with product categories. [28], [29] researched personalized catalog
ontology service. [28] brought forward personalized e-Catalog model based on customer interests and [29] is a
personalized catalog service community, WebCatalog. [30] designed enterprise e-Catalog based on customer
behavior. The knowledge representation and acquisition of client catalog turns into the key problems. In order to
reach an effective method, K-clustering algorithm and e-Catalog segmentation approach are described in [31], and
[32] described the customer segmentation method based on brand and product, price. In [33], the author researched
personalized catalog service with one-to-one market by association rules and CART. In recent years, personalized
ontologies (also known as private ontology, such as [27]) are introduced into e-Catalog service, Peter Haase put
forward personalized ontology learning theory based on user access and interest coordination [34]. In distributed
system, there are sharing concepts of domain ontologies and personalized knowledge ontologies [35]. Therefore, it
has important theoretical and practical significance to apply personalized ontologies to personalized e-Catalog
As to this requirement, in this paper, SPECSS focuses on personalized catalog service and e-Catalog ontology
construction in order to provide semantic e-Catalog query. Therefore we build user personalized catalog ontology
based on consumers’ behavior matched with domain e-Catalog ontology through semantic match model. The match
result set is used for semantic query system.
In order to satisfy customer’s personalized requirement, we should master more information of the customers. And it
is not enough that we only construct domain e-Catalog ontology from semantic dictionary and international
classification standards(such as eCl@ss, UNSPSC). Sometimes customers also cannot describe their own thought,
to understand their potential mind, we need a user e-Catalog ontology. Based on consumer behavior, we propose a
personalized approach to build user personalized catalog ontology (UPCO).
First, build user ontology backbone(UOB) based on users’ personal information and preferences;
Second, extract user catalog information from user purchase history, user searching keywords, user
browsing catalog, user feedback information and experts recommendation by catalog information extracting
Third, web resource semantic processing module is convenient for providing personalized services,
according to user catalog ontology information, such as classifying web resource and formatting process.
We can export personalized catalog information from personalized user ontology, which can be sorted, as well as
classify users’ interest. The process is described in figure 1.
In the project SPECSS, we establish UPCO, which is general in domain application. When we need to apply it to
specific areas, we can build the corresponding catalog ontologies in the fields according to the general user
personalized catalog ontology framework, and combine users’ personalized request with e-Catalog semantic queries,
which can upgrade users’ interest from the level keyword-based to a knowledge-based level, and link with keywords
by semantics, because the UPCO describes users’ interest in customers’ view, and is closer to the users’ real
thoughts. SPECSS organizes a group of keywords expressing users’ interest through UPCO, when users put up
semantic query, it is no longer a simple keywords match, but considering users’ personal preference and information,
and tightly integrates the users and products, so that the system can improve the semantic query precision rate and
recall rate, as well as be conducive to sort query results.
Figure 2 shows a user personalized catalog ontology framework, in which we describe user information, user
preference and product concepts, properties and individuals that users are interested in, including product area,
brand and quality authentication. Users associate with the product by property hasPreference, and we set aside a
weight interface in property “hasPreference”, indicating the fact users' different observation extent about different
propertities of a product which is shown in Figure 3.
Generation domain e-Catalog ontology (DECO): Generation domain e-Catalog ontology is divided into four
steps: ① Extraction of the core concepts and properties for domain e-Catalog ontologies, according to the
UNSPSC and eCl@ss standards, wordNet standards and semantic catalog dictionary. ② Construction of a
DECO model. ③ Definition DECO and storing them into catalog warehouse through user-defined DECO
subsystem. ④ Acquisition standardized DECO by e-Catalog ontology pruning subsystem, combining
wordnet and semantic catalog dictionary (see figure 4).
Generation local e-Catalog ontology:Local e-Catalog ontologies are built based on heterogeneous
distributed database, first, we analyze catalog database mode, and extract its ER model and convert the ER
model to initial local e-Catalog ontology after defining the mapping rules. Then, we need standardize initial
local e-Catalog ontology by standardization module, as in figure 5.
Integration initial domain e-Catalog ontology and local e-Catalog ontology to acquire domain e-Catalog
ontology DECO
We have researched on the technology of database schema-based semi-automatic generation domain catalog and
Chinese e-Catalogs Semantic Dictionary in [36], here it is only a framework and in [37], our group has built the
mapping rules from the relational database schema to local ontology.
Figure 4: The principle of DECO Generation Figure 5: The Principle of LECO Generation
distance-based model, which calculates semantic match of concepts based on hierarchy information and is mainly
used in the same ontology.
In this paper, we need to calculate the semantic match of UPCO and DECO, and adopt identifier-based method to
calculate the semantic match of names of concepts, and property feature-based clustering analysis to calculate the
semantic match of concept properties, and property value-based method to calculate the semantic match of concept
individuals, and at the end, we get the final ontology semantic match result sets by integrating the above results. In
the following, we give an overview of the approach. First, semantic match module calculates concept-based
semantic match degree, if the concept value is no less than the set threshold directly, it would become candidate 1.
Second, the module will calculate property-based semantic match degree, and then we get candidate 2 or it does not
exist, the same as candidate 3 which comes from individual-based semantic match. The next step, we need to
integrate the candidates to gain the match result sets. Figure 6 shows this process.
In this paper, we adopt synonym set-based approach to calculate the semantic match degree of the concepts in the
UPCO and DECO, which would make use of the Semantic Catalog Dictionary. If two ontology concepts have the
same or similar characters, they usually have the same or similar means. However, if the naming rules are
inconsistent with each other in the DECO and UPCO, the characters of the same semantic concepts may be
completely different, then we might get zero match degree. Therefore, this paper puts forward a method that
semantically expands the ontology concept into a concept aggregation according to the synonym set of the concept
in the definition of ontologies (Same As relationship) and Wordnet before identifier-based calculation the semantic
match of names of concepts. That is, we calculate semantic match degree of the synonym set concepts C1 and C2,
except for calculating semantic match degree of them.
The algorithm is as follows: Calculate the semantic match degree of each element ci of the synonym set of C1 and
each element cj of the synonym set of C2 the identifiers-based,and then take the maximum value as the semantic
match degree of C1 and C2, that is sm(C1 , C2 ) max( sm(ci , c j )) .
Property-based semantic match method respectively calculates the semantic match degree of datatype and
objective properties ( smd ( P1 , P2 ) and smo( P1 , P2 ) )and then sets weight for the semantic match degree of the
two kinds of properties, and at last, integrates them to gain the semantic match based on property. This work has
been developed in our earlier work [21] and are motivated and defined as following. The motivation is to take into
account the degree of specificity of the properties, based on the fundamental idea that a property being used very
frequently is generally less specific than a property assigned to only a few e-Catalogs and the weight given by the
users in the UPCO. That is, we modify weight setting method, while first of all, we need process normalization
properties and adopt k-medoids algorithm, as follows:
( pi ) O j ;
// Update the cluster center:
i, p j o j
li achieves the maximum in each property j;
Output: P( P1 , P2 , Pi , Pk )
The extended approach categorizes the properties of concept C1 and C2 in its type, then the properties can be
divided into several property sets according to Function k-medoids and the pre-setted weight. Then the weight
( Wd )equals
Wd and
the numble of datatype properties cluster
the numble of objective properties cluster
To query user preferenced product, we should get the product similar with user preferences, namely calculating the
instance similarity between DECO individual and UPCO individual. We calculate the semantic match of the
individuals by the property value-based method.
Calculate the semantic match method based on linguistics, when we calculate semantic match degree of the
property values.
ed (C1 , C2 )
smi (C1 , C2 )
(| C1 | | C2 |) / 2
| C1 | is the length of the string C1 , | C2 | is the length of the string C2 , ed ( A, C2 ) is the same number of
characters in C1 and C2 .
String C1 and C2 are input parameters, in the process, which are the properties values of two products,
such as GlobalBrand lenov and Lenov_China in Figure 7.
calculate the individual semantic match of the two products through comparing several groups property
semantic match degree.
The structure of the SPECSS is divided into four parts distributing e-Catalog-based:
User personalized catalog ontology: a customized e-Catalog ontology, extracted form web resources, user
ontology backbone and user catalog information;
Domain e-Catalog ontology: the foundation of e-Catalog semantic query reflects the semantic mapping
relationship between e-Catalog databases and domain e-Catalog.
Semantic match: if we say domain e-Catalog ontology is woods, UPCOs are leaves, and therefore, we must
match the “leaf” within “woods”, to gain the shared concepts, properties and individuals.
E-Catalog semantic query engine: receives query conditions that users input in querying interface, and
translates them into ontology descript which semantic query engine can understand. Then, returns query
result sets by means of reasoning and expanding module and interacts with the distributed database.
The basic theory of distributed semantic query based on e-Catalog ontology is: users input key words, phrases,
sentences or paragraphs (users’ queries, Uq) in user querying interface; query generator module of SPECSS
translates Uq to ontology descript; query reasoning and expanding module is responsible for reasoning and
expanding the descript using the semantic match result sets, then outputs semantic queries (Sq) in forms of Sparql
[43]; further more, query disassembling module disassembles Sq into the local e-Catalog ontologies and finally
extract data from distributed e-Catalog database, at this time, re-writing Sqs to SQLs based on different e-Catalog
databases is necessary, then querying results will be created. Query combining and filtering module combines the
distributed results and filters repetitive and invalid results; semantic packing module will repack the querying results
in the form of SQL to generate the final result set which is in the form of ontology and recommend them to users.
Figure 8 depicts the semantic process.
Uq: the keywords, phrases, sentences or paragraphs that users input in the querying interface;
U q a a Sw a Ph a S a P , where Sw: searching keywords, Ph: phrases, S: sentences, P:
Sq: the generating query sentences according to Uq in the form of Sparql; Sq = select ?a from DECO.
This portion is responsible for receiving users’ queries from querying interface, and converting Uq to a unified,
identifiable Sparql. Example 1:”Show me a list of laptops, made by IBM, with at least 1GB of memory, 80GB HDD
and more than 1 year warranty”
First SPECSS establishes DECO and LECO based on the above approach, and combines with UPCO, to generate
descriptions of ontology according to WSML language [44] as follows:
namespace {_ “http://example.org/”,
tasks _ “http://example.org/ontologies/tasks/”}
goal GetBrandInformation
dc#description hasValue “Describes the desire of getting brand information of IBM notebook product”
ontology ComputerProducts {_“http://example.org/ontologies/products/ComputerProducts”}
concept Notebook
hasManufactory ofType manufactory
hasBrand ofType brand
hasMemory ofType xsd#integer
hasHD ofType xsd#integer
hasWarranty ofType xsd#decimal
importsOntology User {_“http://example.org/ontologies/user/”}
concept user
hasPreference ofType userPreference
hsaInformation ofType userInformation
The above description uses the turtle syntaxfor representing RDF [45], [46].
A RDF graph can be represented as a “tree” with three columns, ?subject, ?predicate and ?object. Each row
corresponds to one triple. Similarly, the result of a SPARQL SELECT query is a tree of RDF nodes. These trees are
RDF relations. Query generating module consists of operators on RDF relations [47]. Some of them are well-known
from regular relational algebra, others are slightly modified to reproduce SPARQL semantics.
Figure 9: A SPARQL Query and its Translation into a Relational Operator Tree
Compared with traditional query, the largest characteristics of semantic query are that it introduces expansion
reasoning functions into the users’ queries in the querying course. It mainly reasons and expands the users’ queries
to gain Sq which are associated with Uq.
When we recommend semantic information, we first query the visited records in order to quickly find users interested
goods which have strong correlation with what users want.
For example 1, we know that there may be hundreds of thousands of kinds of IBM notebook satisfying the conditions,
and if we return all the results to them, it greatly reduces the system efficiency and user satisfaction. SPECSS
extracts user preferences and basic information personalize the user ontology-based to expand the user queries.
Such as the user may be a university student, and he may prefer the metal shell and the appearance of blue waves.
We focused on the income of university students, and limit ?price below 6000RMB, ?color prioritizing blue,
and ?shell for the metal material.
In order to reduce the complexity of the search, we also need further break down Sq into several atomic queries, and
then deal with each of the atomic queries in LECOs, which is the work of query breaking module. Of course, how to
determine which LECO should be appropriate and how to fast position these LECOs are the main problems that this
module needs to solve. We consider we can make use of OS finding file algorithms and adding name space to
mapping table to solve these problems.
Query re-writing module: Reasoning and expanding are extended to deal with queries in the middle of a process, but
the final results are from the relational database. Therefore, re-writing query semantic to query terms from relational
database is a necessary step. Rewriting e-Catalog semantic query bases on the principle of building LECOs which is
based on catalog database, reverses building LECOs process, restores the database in the form of tables, then
makes a query with SQL.
Semantic packing module: The process puts up query results of relational database in semantic ontologies, then
submittes to combining and filtering results module, in order to get the final results to return to the users.
Here, SPECSS will return search results based on the size of the importance, along with the semantic annotations
for the convenience of users’ choosing. Alternatively, we can amalgamate a number of ontologies pointing the same
individual as integrated ontologies, which can be utilized to annotate resultsets. Since the ontology contains a
number of similar ontologies, so its comments reflect the similar viewpoints of the majority people, which can help
users understand.
We need to further compound result ontologies from last module to user-oriented semantic result ontologies. This
module is the solution of combining ontology and plays a role as filtering out irrelevant ontologies.
Semantic result ontologies are composed of two or more LECOs and their related ontologies. There is overlap
among the properties, methods, or the relationships, that is, the semantic relationship degree SRD (O1, O2)> 0.
Regard related ontologies as basic ontologies, LECOs as expanding ontologies.
The basic operation is calculating SRD and copying sub-ontologies. Assuming the average number of sub-ontologies
in DO is n, the number of LECO is m, we can get the algorithm complexity is O(mn).
The system was evaluated by having five users implement the system to create personal ontologies. Each user was
asked to provide his/her personal information and preference, especially give the different weight on different
properties, as shown in Table 1. Our experiment was carried out on five PCs with Windows XP, Pentium(R) D CPU
2.80 GHz, and 1G RAM, in order to simulate heterogeneous environment. The user was given a query interface to
input his/her query parameters and view each one of their concepts and every concept from the DECO that had
been matched to the personalize catalog concept. Also the user was able to decide which concept or property was
not needed when reasoned and expanded the query. In the experiment, we take computer domain as an example.
The user was asked to compare the semantic query result and that from the keyword-based search engines and
decide if SPECSS was the better. Therefore, we manually create the domain e-Catalog ontolog (DECO) and user
personalized catalog ontology (UPCO) and calculate semantic match degree in the system as in Figure 10 and 11.
name gender age academy job title interest favorite Concerned searching
degree computer Properties keywords
Xiaofei female 23 master e-commerce playing ping Lenov; Price 5; intelligent;pr
Li pang and Apple;HP; Brand 4; oduct and
badminton; Dell Price/ Quality 4; service;
surfing warranty 3; personalized
Pay Method 3; service;Pink
off 3; laptop, price
Delivery Method is less than
2; $1000
Yueling male 23 master e-commerce music; HP; Price 5; product and
Liang movie; ThinkPAD Brand 5; service;
sport Price/Quality 3; personalized
warranty 3; catalog
condition active ontology;
(new/used/ laptop;brand
refurbish) 2 ;comment
Jun male 24 master e-commerce movie; ThinkPad; Price/Quality 5; laptop;brand
Zhang information Apple;HP Price 4; ;comment;
technology; Brand 4; new type
sports warranty 3; and price
Delivery Method between
3; $800 and
condition active $1200
refurbish) 2
Shangy female 24 master e-commerce music; IBM;Dell Price 5; price;
-ing Xu reading; Brand 5; intelligence;
movie; Price/Quality 5; product and
playing ping warranty 4; service;
pang and condition active personalized
badminton (new/used/ service;
refurbish) 2 performance
price ratio
Peilu female 24 master e-commerce music; Apple Price 5; brand;color;
Zhang movie; Brand 4; performance
sports; Quality 4; price
shopping appearance 3; ratio;product
warranty 3; comments;
off 2; relative
after sale service services;
2; price is less
condition active than 5000
(new/used/ yuan
refurbish) 1
In SPECSS, we first import domain e-Catalog ontology, then user can manage DECO and edit UPCO through simple
catalog ontology edition model which is shown in the right of SPECSS. For example, user can choose source
ontology from DECO, and customize the ontological concepts, properties, domain and range of the properties, or
delete them.
Figure 12: Precision and Relevance Comparison Between SPECSS and IRQ
We evaluated the system with two measures, precision and relevance, as shown in Figure 12. Precision measures
the number of relevant pages that were seen vs. the total number of pages that were seen. Relevance measures the
number of relevant pages seen plus the number irrelevant pages not seen vs. the total number queried.
Construction, and semantic match algorithm. In addition, we propose a system named SPECSS for customers and
introduce each layer and module of it, especially Query Generation Module. In the end, we implement SPECSS
system and have five user take experiment in order to evaluate its performance.
In future work, we will focus on: (1) automatically learn e-Catalog ontological concepts, properties and relationship
from web to build UPCO; (2) add business properties besides general properties to DECO; (3) construct the
Reasoning and Expending Module of SPECSS, to set rules onto DECO; and (4) extend SPECSS system to web
information search, not only heterogeneous catalog databases.
This paper is supported by the key project of 863-Plan 2009AA043508, National Natural Science Fund 70972094,
Humanities and Social Sciences 09YJC870025 and National Natural Science Fund 70572079.
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