Lesson Plan About Peace
Lesson Plan About Peace
Lesson Plan About Peace
Educ. 11
Activity No.3
Lesson Plan
M/Th (1:00-2:30)
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Johny C. Manawatao
Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 10
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. Identify the main idea and theme about the poem entitled “ By Simple
Making a Child Laugh
b. Give the main idea and theme in Activity 1.
c. Give value to the main idea and theme.
Topic: By Simple Making a Child Laugh
Reference: English Expressways, p. 176
Materials: PPT Presentation
Subject Integration: Values Education
Values Integration: Love and Peace
III. PROCEDURE: Inductive Method
A. Preliminaries
Good morning class! Good morning sir!
B. Motivation
C. Discussion
Who among you knows about the main Jaybee: Sir! the main idea is what the
story is all about.
idea? Yes, Jaybee?
Time’s up! Pass your paper now. (Students passing their papers)
E. Assignment
I choose this topic because the entire valuing of the lesson is about Peace. The
topic is entitled By Simple Making a Child Laugh and the message of the poem conveys
on how to do good in our society although in some little ways. The topic is very
inspirational and reflective since it is relevant in our society today. It also conveys a lot
of emotions and leaves a lot of values, especially about peace and love that a simple
child can use in order to transform the society. The teacher’s strategy used was
inductive method. Through this method, the teacher was able to manipulate and let
his/her student think critically. The Motivation that the teacher used was also convincing
because it was a song and the students nowadays are into music. The teacher also
used the exploratory method in which he lets his student think and supply their own
answers. This is very effective because “spoon feeding” in our generation today is
already obsolete and it should be diminished in the teaching-learning process.
Moreover, teaching peace to the students is a very difficult task since violence and
inhumane acts are just everywhere. No matter how hard we try to transform them for
the better, violence is tempting them not to have peace. It is a challenge for the
teachers, especially those in elementary, to inculcate the value of peace to the students
as early as possible so that they can bring it as they grow up. Based on the lesson plan
of the teacher, the valuing process was expressed carefully to the students and it
should be given importance because in every lesson, a student must gain values that
will stay in their minds forever. Upon reading the lesson plan, I realized that a teacher
that teaches peace must have skills of reflective learning, skill communication and
conflict resolution and inspires understanding of alternative possibilities for a culture of
peace. Indeed, “You cannot give what you don’t have.” A teacher must have peace with
himself/herself before he/she can share anything about peace to his/her learners. As a
whole, it is important for us that we start our life in peace with our own personal
transformation. With this, we will be able to see that our learners are learning about
peace that is modelled by us. Although we might think that it’s a very difficult task but
the thing is, we tried and we did our very best.