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Annual Report: Test Annual 12/6/02 11:56 AM Page 1 Jackie Macintosh HD:Clients:IEA Coral

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Test Annual 12/6/02 11:56 AM Page 1 Jackie Macintosh HD:Clients:IEA Coral:

Annual Report

2002 - 2003
ANNUAL REPORT 2002 - 2003
© Copyright IEA Coal Research 2003
ISBN 92-9029-378-0
Gemini House
10-18 Putney Hill
London SW15 6AA

Tel: +44 (0)20 8780 2111

Fax: +44 (0)20 8780 1746
e-mail: mail@iea-coal.org.uk

IEA Coal Research Executive Committee

at end March 2003:

Chairman: Prof Lars Sjunnesson,

Sydkraft AB, Sweden

Vice Chairman: Mrs Barbara McKee,

Department of Energy, USA

Officers of IEA Coal Research Ltd, Operating Agent at end March 2003:

J Brian Lott

Managing Director:
John M Topper

Finance Director:
Adrian Keane

Company Secretary:
Colin F Nathan
IEA Clean Coal Centre

IEA Clean Coal Centre enhances innovation and sustainable development of coal as a source of energy
in an environmentally constrained world. It is the world’s foremost provider of information on clean
coal supply and use.

This is achieved by gathering, assessing and distributing knowledge on the energy efficient and
environmentally sustainable use of coal both as a single fuel source and when used in conjunction with
other fuels. In particular IEA Clean Coal Centre:

! undertakes in-depth studies on topics of special interest;

! assesses technical, economic and environmental performance of technology;
! identifies where further research, development, demonstration and dissemination are needed;
! reports the findings in a balanced and objective way without political or commercial bias and
showing, where appropriate, the opportunities for technology transfer worldwide.

IEA Clean Coal Centre is a collaborative project established in 1975 involving mainly member
countries of the International Energy Agency (IEA). The project is governed by representatives of
member countries and the Commission of the European Communities.

The International Energy Agency, based in Paris, is an autonomous agency linked with the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The IEA is the energy forum for
26 Member countries. IEA Member governments are committed to taking joint measures to meet oil
supply emergencies. They have also agreed to share energy information, to co-ordinate their energy
policies and to co-operate in the development of rational energy programmes. The objectives of the IEA
are to:
! maintain and improve systems for coping with oil supply disruptions;
! promote rational energy policies in a global context through co-operative relations with non-
Member countries, industry and international organisations;
! operate a permanent information system on the international oil market;
! improve the world's energy supply and demand structure by developing alternative energy
sources and increasing the efficiency of energy use;
! assist in the integration of environmental and energy policies.

Implementing Agreements are independent bodies operating in a framework provided by the IEA, and
hence take full responsibility for their work programmes and publications. There are 40 currently active
Implementing Agreements encompassing activities relating to fossil fuels, renewable energy, efficient
energy end-use, fusion power and information dissemination.

More information about the IEA and Implementing Agreements can be found from www.iea.org.uk
General enquiries about IEA Clean Coal Centre should be addressed to:
Dr John M Topper
IEA Clean Coal Centre
Gemini House
10-18 Putney Hill
London SW15 6AA
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)20 8780 2111

Fax: +44 (0)20 8780 1746
e-mail: mail@iea-coal.org.uk
Internet: www.iea-coal.org.uk

Message from the Chairman of the Executive Committee 1

Review of the year 2
The programme for 2003-04 3
Reports completed during 2002-03 4
Financing The Clean Coal Centre 8
Products and services 9
IEA Clean Coal Centre staff 20
Executive Committee members 21
Message from the Chairman of the Executive Committee

Yet again it has been a very active year for the IEA Clean Coal Centre. Not only has the service
maintained the quality and quantity of reports and other deliverables, but it has been very active in
visiting member countries, participating in workshops and in conferences and similar events.

This is hardly surprising as the importance of coal as a transitional fuel is increasingly being recognised
and built into the energy policies of many governments. A number of industrial organisations and
research groups have recognised this situation and have joined or are joining the IEA Clean Coal Centre
as Sponsors. These include an Australian Coal Industry Consortium, the Coal Association of New
Zealand and a Danish Power Group. In the past year the IEA’s advice to Implementing Agreements
has been modified to encourage membership from non-OECD countries. Hence, Eskom from South
Africa and BHEL from India are about to reinforce their association with the IEA CCC by entering into
formal Sponsorship.

The work programme of the centre staff continues to focus mostly on coal fired power generation and
the associated environmental effects. The interest in moving towards Zero Emissions has been well
supported by the IEA CCC both through its work programme and by attending key meetings and
conferences under the auspices of the IEA in Paris. The relevance of these and other activities was
recognised by the IEA in renewing the IEA CCC’s mandate for a further 5 years from November 2003.
To get the latest news please visit our revitalised web-site at http://www.iea-coal.org.uk

As Chairman, I am delighted to thank my Vice-Chair, Barbara McKee, all Executive Committee

Members and John Topper our Managing Director and all of his staff for another year’s splendid work.

Lars Sjunnesson

Review of the year

The following reports were published during the year. Further details of these can be found in the
section on Reports completed during 2002/03.

Fuel handling
Coal upgrading to reduce CO2 emissions

Coal properties
Coal quality - the validity of empirical tests

Power generation
Materials development for coal, biomass and waste fuel plants
Experience of indirect cofiring of biomass and coal
Improving efficiencies of coal-fired power plants in developing countries

Matching gasifiers to coals

Non-CO2 greenhouse gases - emissions and control from coal
The Kyoto protocol in 2002 - opportunities for coal
Prospects for integrated air pollution control
NOx control for pulverised coal fired power plants
Prospects for co-utilisation of coal with other fuels - GHG emissions reduction

International Clean Coal Technologies Conference

The International Clean Coal Technologies Conference was held at St Margherita di Pula, Cagliari,
Sardinia, 21-23 October 2002. More than 60 papers on all aspects of Clean Coal Technologies were
presented to an audience of more than 200 during the two and a half days of the Conference. IEA Clean
Coal Centre took a leading role in the organisation of the Conference which was hosted by Sotocarbo.

Technology of coal utilisation

The ambitious programme to collect existing Clean Coal Centre reports into a comprehensive volume
covering all aspects of coal utilisation from understanding coal, through combustion, to emissions,
control technologies and environmental effects continued during the year. Two studies essential to the
success of the project were undertaken. One reviews our understanding of the constitution of coal,
whilst the second reviews recent progress in our understanding of the fundamentals of coal combustion.

Programme for 2003 - 2004

The technical programme for the next year includes the following topics:

Coal properties
Chemical constitution of coal

Power generation
Competitive situation of coal-fired plant
Clean coal technologies
Clean coal technologies roadmaps
Effects of upgrading instrumentation and control in coal-fired power plants
Sustainable development in the production and use of coal
SO3 issues in coal-fired power plants will be published
Design and construction of coal-fired power plants
Understanding coal-fired power plant cycles

Co-utilisation of coal with other fuels in cement kilns
Understanding fluidised bed combustion
Fundamentals of pulverised coal combustion

Prospects for hydrogen from coal
Clean fuels from coal - implication for greenhouse gases
Use of coal in direct iron-making processes

Impact of emission trading on the coal industry
Trends in emission standards
Importance of PM2.5/10 particulate emissions
Interaction between air pollution control technologies

Utilisation of coal residues

Reports completed during the year

Coal upgrading to reduce CO2 emissions

Some large coal consumers wash only a small proportion of the coal used both for power generation
and for smaller-scale applications. In addition, substantial quantities of lignites and brown coals are
used without pretreatment or upgrading. This means that there is scope for efficiency improvements in
coal-fired plant by upgrading the coal prior to use by washing or drying, thus reducing its ash and
moisture content, and by improving its consistency.

Coal upgrading, with the resultant supply of a more consistent, lower ash content fuel, could increase
the average thermal efficiency by at least 2-3 percentage points on existing PCC boilers, possibly as
much as 4-5 percentage points. The effect of a change in efficiency from, say, 28% to 33% means a
reduction in CO2 emissions of up to 15%, or some 190 g/kWh generated. If the average efficiency is
raised from 33 to 38% a further reduction of some 175 g/kWh is achievable. With the widespread
application of state-of-the-art technologies such as supercritical steam PCC or IGCC, which also
benefit from the use of upgraded coals, average efficiencies might be brought up to nearer 43%.

Coal quality - the validity of empirical tests

In the increasingly competitive electric power market, there is pressure for electric utilities to reduce
costs. One way to achieve this is to burn a cheaper coal since coal represents 60–80% of a power
plant’s operating costs. Boilers are normally designed for and tested to meet performance guarantees
based on a ‘specification’ coal.

Over the years a wide range of testing and evaluation procedures have been developed to aid in the
selection of suitable fuels. The expected performance of the coal can then be predicted from empirical
correlations that relate coal properties to plant performance. The failure of some of these conventional
bench-scale procedures to accurately predict the performance characteristics of some coals is leading to
a reassessment of the standard tests. Coals are complex heterogeneous solids that vary widely in their
composition and properties. Hence it is probably not surprising that tests developed on one type of coal
have produced misleading results for other types of coals. Consequently, there is a need for alternative
internationally acceptable methods for assessing coal characteristics that are based on a better
understanding of the processes involved.

Materials development for coal, biomass and waste fuel plants

More than 50 years ago, it was discovered that a minimum of 12% chromium would impart corrosion
and oxidation resistance to steel. Hence the definition of a stainless steel is a ferrous alloy that contains
a minimum of 12% chromium for corrosion resistance. This development was the start of a family of
alloys which has enabled the advancement and growth of chemical processing and power generating
systems. Several important sub-categories of stainless steels have been developed, including austenitic,
martensitic, ferritic, duplex, precipitation hardening and super alloys. The development of pulverised
coal fired plants with supercritical and advanced supercritical steam conditions has been made possible
by the introduction of advanced ferritic steels containing chromium. Ultra supercritical steam
conditions (25 MPa, 590/C) are now considered as conventional and are being applied to power plants
burning combinations of coal and other fuels/biomass/wastes.

Further increases in steam conditions will depend on the development of nickel based supper alloys.
Several international programme such as the COST (CO-operation in the field of Science and
Technology) programme and Thermie 700 programme, with a goal of operating at steam temperatures
approaching 700/C, are striving to develop materials which are able to withstand harsher operating

Experience of indirect cofiring of biomass and coal
Cofiring biomass with coal can reduce CO2 and other gaseous emissions and also diversifies the power
plant’s fuel portfolio by adding a potentially less expensive non-fossil fuel. Cofiring can be direct,
where the biomass and coal are fired in the same boiler, or indirect, where the combustion or
gasification of the biomass occurs in a separate unit.

Typical biomass fuels used for power generation include wood-based fuels such as wood chips,
sawdust and bark; agricultural wastes such as straw and rice husks; sludges from paper mills and
municipal sludges. Approximately 13% of world energy demand is met by biomass that is fired at a
rate of about 1200 Mtoe (millions tonnes of oil equivalent) per annum. Whereas biomass is the largest
energy source (33%) in developing countries, it represents only 3% of energy consumption in
industrialised countries. In the United States 4% of primary energy is produced by biomass whereas the
corresponding figures in Finland and Sweden are 21% and 17% as the latter two countries have large
forest-based pulp and paper industries. The European Parliament has set targets for Member States
that biofuels should account for 2% of fuels sold by December 2005 and 5.75% by 2010.

Improving efficiencies of coal-fired power plants in developing countries

The average thermal efficiency of PC units in developing countries is lower than that in OECD
countries. The lower efficiencies are caused by plant age, with attendant low design parameters,
operating service-related deterioration, lack of maintenance and poor coal quality. The latter not only
reduces thermal efficiency through direct effects (such as enhanced latent heat losses), but also
indirectly, through reduced plant availability and reliability.

There is a major programme to improve the medium sized (100 MWe-300 MWe) PC units in China
and to close many small units.

In India, there have been Government programmes to improve older plants and increase plant load
factors. The latter has met with considerable success and has increased thermal efficiency as well as
total generation. The other important challenge here concerns coal quality. Over time, the calorific
value and ash and moisture contents of many thermal coals in India have been deteriorating, adversely
impacting the thermal efficiency of even well-run power stations. There is a continuing need not only to
produce better quality coals, through beneficiation and blending, but also to establish arrangements to
ensure that the coal consignments received at power stations are of the quality that has been ordered.

In both countries there remains scope for further progress in raising the average generation efficiency,
which lies in the order of 30%.

Matching gasifiers to coals

There are a large number of gasification processes that can be classified into three categories of gasifier
according to their flow geometry: entrained flow, fluidised bed and moving bed gasifiers. This report by
Anne-Gaelle Collot assesses the different coal requirements of the various gasifiers

Entrained flow gasifiers, in which pulverised coal particles and gases flow concurrently at high speed,
are the most commonly used gasifiers for coal gasification with seven different gasification technologies
(BBP, Hitachi, MHI, Prenflo, SCGP, E-Gas and Texaco). Short gas residence times in entrained flow
gasifiers require coal to be pulverised to ensure high carbon conversion.
In fluidised bed gasifiers coal particles are suspended in the gas flow and feed particles are mixed with
the particles undergoing gasification. There are six types of gasification processes (BHEL, HTW,

IDGCC, KRW, Transport reactor, ABGC) using fluidised bed gasifiers. They can only operate with
solid crushed fuels, with the exception of the transport reactor
In moving bed gasifiers, gases flow relatively slowly upward through the bed of coal feed. There are
only three types of gasification processes using moving bed gasifiers (BGL, BHEL, Lurgi dry ash)
developed at industrial scale. They can be either slagging (BGL) or dry ash (Lurgi, BHEL) gasifiers
and are only suitable for solid fuels. Because the combustion zone in dry ash gasifiers is at a much
lower temperature (1000ºC) than in the BGL gasifier, they are more suited to reactive coals like lignites
than the latter.

Non-CO2 greenhouse gases - emissions and control from coal

Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas from human activities after CO2 . However, CH4
is reactive and a more effective greenhouse gas than CO2 , 23 times stronger over a 100-year time
horizon. It has an average lifetime of 9–15 years in the atmosphere. The concentration of CH4 in the
atmosphere has been growing due to human activities from 0.7 ppmv (parts per million by volume)
prior to industrialisation to 1.7 ppmv now. The contribution of CH4 to the expected global warming
potential over the next 50 years is predicted to be around 18%, as opposed to the 50% attributable to
CO2 . Because of its short atmospheric lifetime, any reduction in CH4 emissions would have a relatively
rapid impact on the greenhouse effect.

By contrast, nitrous oxide is a long-lived and very effective greenhouse gas, 296 times stronger than
CO2 . Its lifetime in the atmosphere is around 120 years. The atmospheric concentration of N2 O has
increased by 13%, from 275 ppbv (parts per billion by volume) to 311 ppbv, since pre-industrial times.
This trend appears to be continuing and global emissions may increase by as much as 20–30% over
current levels by 2020. Because of its significantly higher global warming potential, reductions in N2 O
emissions could be a significant contribution to total reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

The Kyoto Protocol in 2002 - opportunities for coal

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in December 1997: for the first time legally-binding greenhouse gas
emissions limitations and reduction targets were set. Developed countries and economies in transition
agreed to reduce their combined greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 5.2% compared with 1990
levels. These countries are known as Annex 1 Parties. The Kyoto Protocol allows any Annex 1 party
with an emissions target to transfer units of emissions to another party if its 2008-12 emission levels
are lower than its initially allocated amount.

Two mechanisms have been introduced for such transfers, joint implementation (JI) and emissions
trading. JI is based on emission reductions resulting from specific projects. International emissions
trading allows governments to trade on the basis of their country’s emissions inventory. In addition the
clean development mechanism (CDM) authorises the crediting to Annex 1 countries of certified
emission reductions (CERs) achieved through sustainable development projects in developing countries.

World coal production rose by 60% between 1971 and 1995. And, under a business as usual scenario,
production is projected to continue to rise by 2.2%/y to 2020. The majority of this will be in the
developing countries of Asia. The use of cleaner coal technologies (CCTs) can reduce the
environmental impact of the increase in coal use. However, the Kyoto Protocol is a source of much
uncertainty for the CCT industry. The climate change initiatives may create real opportunities for the
CCTs in developing countries, or they may create barriers. A problem for the CCT industry is the lack
of information regarding climate change policy on which to base their decisions.

Prospects for integrated air pollution control
Most pollution control efforts have been historically based on the command and control approach
which is the imposition of regulations that set limits and standards to reduce pollution. Hence the
development of pollutant dedicated, end-of-pipe, control technologies. Prior to the early 1990s, most
existing legislation concentrated on controlling a single medium despite the release or transfer of
pollutants to other media. The installation of a myriad of such technologies to reduce several pollutants
increases the cost of power generation and may shift the problem from one media to another. However,
despite the availability of commercial technologies that reduce, for example, SO2 and NOx
simultaneously (the so called combined SO2 /NOx removal processes) since the 1980s, their market
penetration remains very limited indeed due to their complexity and cost in parasitic energy
requirements and monetary terms. However, integrated pollution control is becoming more widely
advocated by policy makers to reduce the detrimental impact on the environment from coal-based
power generation, for example in Canada, the European Union (EU), Japan, New Zealand, and more
recently in the USA.

NOx control for pulverised coal fired power plants

Increased concern about effects of NOx emissions from coal combustion has led to the adoption of
international legislation and introduction of national emission standards in more than 30 countries. Both
the UNECE Gothenburg protocol and the new EC directives have set national emission ceilings for
2010 and NOx emission limits as low as 200 mg/m3 for new coal-fired power plants with a thermal
input greater than 300 MWth. The new regulations are expected to play an important role in further
reducing global NOx emissions. Also, they may lead to the introduction of more stringent national
standards. Emission standards have been met or are to be met by a range of control technologies
including combustion modifications, flue gas treatments and hybrid combustion modifications/flue gas

Combustion modifications can achieve NOx reductions ranging from 10 to 80% when applied
individually. In general, these technologies are relatively simple to install and operate, and are low in
both capital and operating costs. Hence, they are the preferred option in many circumstances requiring
moderate NOx reductions. Flue gas treatments generally provide higher NOx reductions than
combustion modifications. However, they are more expensive to install and operate, and are therefore
recommended for more strict NOx control.

A combination of flue gas treatment with combustion modification is being increasingly used. This
includes SCR or SNCR with combustion modification and layered reductions which combine several
technologies in one package. The hybrid system provides the potential for higher overall NOx
reductions to meet more stringent emission limits. It can also be more cost-effective than a stand-alone
technology for the same level of NOx control.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using coal with other fuels

Substituting part of the coal used for power generation with other fuels having lower GHG emission
factors can be successful in reducing emissions. This can be achieved in pulverised coal fired boilers,
cyclone boilers, circulation fluidised bed combustion, integrated gasification combined cycle and hybrid
systems. The lower CO2 emision factor for natural gas compared to coal brings a substantial reduction
in GHG emissions when natural gas is partially substituted for coal. Natural gas can be used with coal
by reburning, cofiring, and integrating a gas turbine to form a high efficiency combined cycle plant.
Biomass is regarded as carbon neutral. That is the carbon released during fuel conversion is equal to
that taken up during the growing period of an energy crop or forest. Examples of reductions in the use
of coal by successful substitution of other fuels are highlighted in the table.

Financing the IEA Clean Coal Centre

The IEA Clean Coal Centre derives most of its funding from contributions from 10 countries, the
European Union and industrial sponsors. In 2002/2003 these contributions were about £1.1 million.
Total income, including the sales of publications and services, was £1.39 million. The production of
reports has been maintained at the level established over recent years.

Products and Services

The IEA Clean Coal Centre website

The IEA Clean Coal Centre website continues to develop as a means of communicating with our
members and our customers. Features added during the year include online purchasing of all IEA Clean
Coal Centre reports.

The Clean Coal Compendium

The databases contained in CoalPower 4 and the Coal Abstracts database together form the Clean Coal
Compendium which is available both via our website and on CD-ROM. A ‘guest’ facility on the
website enables customers to sample the content of our databases before purchasing.

CoalPower 4
CoalPower 4 is a series of eight interlinked databases covering clean coal technologies, clean coal
demonstration plants, the world’s coal-fired power stations and their units, environmental abatement
and control systems, emission standards, and the names and addresses of utilities and companies active
in clean coal technologies.

CoalPower 4 contains:
C details of clean coal technologies: air pollution abatement and control technologies, and plants
demonstrating them
C information on nearly 1900 coal-fired power stations and more than 5000 individual units
throughout the world. For each unit, information is provided on:
C utility/owner/operator
C plant location
C capacity
C coal burn, coal quality (heating value, sulphur and ash content), boiler type and
C data on installations for flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) for SO2 control, primary
measures and flue gas treatment for NOx emissions reduction, and particulate removal
systems are incorporated where available.
C details of these environmental abatement and control systems
C emission standards for coal-fired plants in more than 30 countries, and finally
C more than 1000 contact addresses of utilities and equipment suppliers make this a valuable
marketing tool.

Coal abstracts contains almost 190,000 abstracts of coal literature in a searchable form. Books,
journals, reports, dissertations, reports of research programmes and individual papers from conference
proceedings are covered on all aspects of the coal chain including:

C coal industry
C reserves and exploration
C mining
C preparation
C transport and handling
C properties
C combustion
C power generation
C waste management
C environmental aspects
C products
C health and safety

Coal Abstracts on the web is updated monthly and the CD-ROM quarterly. Both contain information
from 1993 to date. A separate archive CD-ROM contains additional material going back to 1987.


IEA Clean Coal Centre undertakes third party client studies for its members. With more than 20 years’
experience of evaluating international developments within the coal supply and use industries, IEA
Clean Coal Centre is ideally placed to undertake such studies.

We are able to draw on the expertise of our professional staff to provide a range of services including:

C literature searches and reviews
C market analysis
C database searches on power stations, their environmental control systems and emission
C research and preparation of case studies
C independent technology assessments

Several clients have found value in IEA Clean Coal Centre’s extensive databases and expert search

Published reports

The Clean Coal Centre publishes reports on all aspects of the coal chain. A list of available reports is
given below with new titles shown in BLUE type. An issue of Profiles is produced for each report.
Profiles are executive summaries in single page newsletter style. They are intended for both policy
makers and researchers who do not need to read the full report, and to extend library distribution.
Profiles are available free of charge from our website.

Coal supply prospects

Coal in Hungary (1999)
Coal in Ukraine (1999)
Coal in Bulgaria (1999)
Coal in the Czech Republic (1998)
Coal in South Korea (1998
Coal in Poland (1998)
Coal prospects in India (1997)

Coal prospects in Russia (1996)
Coal prospects in Latin America to 2010 (1996)
Asian coal prospects to 2010 (1995)
Indonesian coal prospects to 2010 (1994)
Chinese coal prospects to 2010 (1994)
European coal prospects to 2010 (1993)
Coal supply prospects in North America (1993)
Coal supply prospects in the European Community (1992)
Power station coal use: prospects to 2000 (1991)
African coal supply prospects (1991)
Coal prospects in Eastern Europe (1990)
Coal supply prospects in the Asia/Pacific region (1990)
Current and future Australian coal prospects (1990)
Prospects for Polish and Soviet coal exports (1989)
The cost and availability of Canadian coal (1986)
The availability and cost of coal in South Africa (1986)
The cost and availability of Colombian coal (1985)
The supply of USA thermal coal exports to 2000 (1985)

Coal markets
Major coalfields of the world (2000)
Coal research, development and demonstration funding (1999)
Liberalisation of electricity markets and coal use (1999)
Coal as an energy source (1999)
Competitiveness of coal - the evolution of price (1999)
Coal-fired independent power production in developing countries (1998)
Coal sulphur content - impact on coal markets (1997)
Indicative coal export costs (Working paper) (1997)
Utility coal procurement (1995)
World coal-fired power stations - Europe and Russia (1994)
World coal-fired power stations - Africa, Asia, and Australasia (1994)
World coal-fired power stations - North and South America (1994)
Major coalfields of the world (1993)
Fuel peat - world resources and utilisation (1993)
Seaborne steam coal trade - demand prospects to 2000 (1992)
World coal-fired power stations (1990)
Lignite resources and characteristics (1988)
China's potential in international coal trade (1987)
The economics of coal for steam raising in industry (1985)
Economic potential of coal-water mixtures (1985)
The future economics of coal-based energy in the residential market (1983)
The international steam coal trade, a summary comparison of the Atlantic and Pacific markets (1983)
Organisation and structure of the Pacific steam coal trade (1983)
Concise guide to world coalfields (1983)
Constraints on international trade in coal (1982)
Market aspects of an expansion of the international steam coal trade (1981)
Inflation and the real cost of energy (1980)
The economics of electricity from coal, nuclear and wind energy (1980)
The supply of energy to industry (1979)
Published plans and projections for coal production, trade and consumption (1977)

Mining, production and preparation
Coal upgrading to reduce CO2 emissions
Experience from coal industry restructuring (2001)
Comparative environmental standards - deep mine and opencast (2001)
Opportunities for coal preparation to lower emissions (2000)
Uncontrolled fires in coal and coal wastes (1999)
Rescue and emergency support services in underground coal mines (1999)
Coal licensing and production tax regimes (1998)
Adding value to coal cleaning wastes (1998)
Gas control in underground coal mining (including Chinese annex) (1997)
Coal preparation - automation and control 1996
Comparative underground coal mining methods (1996)
Coal preparation - automation and control (1996)
Coalbed methane extraction (1995)
Mine productivity (1991)
Advanced coal cleaning technology (1991)
Surface coal mines – restoration and rehabilitation (1991)
Water jet/jet assisted cutting and drilling (1987)
Monitoring for mine information and control (1986)
Physical coal beneficiation and electricity costs (1986)
Outbursts in coal mines (1984)
Underground stowing of mine waste (1983)
Remote and automatic control of longwall mining (1982)
Hydrological problems of surface mining (1981)
Geophysical examination of coal deposits (1981)
Less-conventional underground coal mining (1980)
Methane prediction in coal mines (1978)
Underground transport in coal mines (1978)

Transport and handling

Management of coal stockpiles (1999)
Coal blending for power stations (1995)
Control of coal dust in transit and in stockpiles (1994)
Ocean freight rates for coal (1994)
Inland transport of export coal (1993)
World coal ports (1989)
Marine transport costs and coal trade (1986)
Fundamentals of bulk solids flow (1986)
Applications for hydraulic handling of coal (1984)
Equipment for hydraulic handling of coal (1984)
The future economics of coal transport (1980)
The long-run economics of the ocean transport of coal (1978)

Coal properties and analysis

Coal quality - the validity of empirical tests
Rapid analysis of trace elements in coal utilisation (2001)
Modes of occurrence of trace elements in coal - results from an international collaborative programme
How coal properties influence emissions (2000)
Chlorine and other halogens in coal (1996)

Trace elements in coal (1996)
Nitrogen in coal (1994)
On-line analysis of coal - symposium review (1994)
Computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy of minerals in coal (1993)
Organic sulphur in coal (1993)
On-line analysis of coal (1991)
Natural oxidation of coal (1990)
Coal classification (1988)
Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of coal (1986)
Mineral effects in coal conversion (1983)
Molecular structure of coal (1980)

Combustion, power generation and utilisation

Matching gasifiers to coals
Materials development for coal, biomass and waste fuel plants
Experience of indirect cofiring of biomass and coal
Improving efficiencies of coal-fired power plants in developing countries
Metallurgical coke production (2001)
Instrumentation and control in coal-fired plant (2001)
The use of petroleum coke in coal-fired plant (2001)
Operation of coal-fired plant - reducing costs (2001)
Improving the competitiveness of next generation coal-fired plants (2001)
Fuel cells - use with coal and other solid fuels ((2001)
Ageing of coal-fired power plants (2001)
Hybrid plants for coal and natural gas firing (2000)
Modelling and simulation for coal gasification (2000)
Prospects for upgrading coal-fired power plants (2000)
Advanced clean coal technologies nd low value coals (2000)
Ceramics for advanced power generation (2000)
Non-baseload operation of coal-fired power plant (2000)
NOx modelling and prediction (2000)
Materials for FGD systems (2000)
Ash behaviour during combustion and gasification (1999)
Non-OECD coal-fired power generation - trends in the 1990s (1999)
Experience of cofiring waste with coal (1999)
Competitiveness of future coal-fired units in different countries (1999)
NOx in pulverised coal combustion (1998)
Switching to cheaper coals for power generation (1998)
Experience with low NOx burners (1997)
The use of natural gas in coal-fired boilers (1997)
Coprocessing waste with coal (1997)
OECD coal-fired power plants: age distribution, and 1992-96 capital stock turnover (1997)
OECD coal-fired power generation - trends in the 1990s (1997)
Improving existing power stations to comply with emerging emissions standards (1997)
Coal combustion modelling (1996)
Cofiring of coal and waste (1996)
Advanced power systems and coal quality (1996)
Modular options for coal-fired power stations (1996)
Understanding coal gasification (1996)
Gas turbine developments (1995)

Power from coal - where to remove impurities? (1995)
Coal pulverisers - performance and safety (1995)
Developments affecting metallurgical uses of coal (1994)
Understanding slagging and fouling during pf combustion (1994)
Developments in coal-liquid mixtures (1994)
Coal combustion - analysis and testing (1993)
Coal specifications - impact on power station performance (1993)
Advanced power generation from fuel cells - implications for coal (1993)
Advanced power generation - a comparative study of design options for coal (1993)
Power station refurbishment: opportunities for coal (1991)
Coal gasification for IGCC power generation (1991)
Lignite upgrading (1990)
Power generation from lignite (1989)
Catalysts for fuels from syngas: new directions for research (1988)
Catalysis in coal liquefaction: new directions for research (1988)
Coal-fired MHD (1988)
Biotechnology and coal (1987)
Understanding pulverised coal combustion (1986)
Atmospheric fluidised bed boilers for industry (1986)
Power generation from coal - what does it cost? (1986)
Conversion from oil to coal firing - will it pay? (1986)
Catalytic coal gasification (1984)
The economics of producing ammonia and hydrogen (1984)
Ethylene production from oil, gas and coal-derived feedstock (1983)
The economics of gas from coal (1983)
Combustion of coal liquid mixtures (1983)
The cost of liquid fuels from coal (1983)
Part I: Executive summary
Part II: Fischer-Tropsch liquids
Part III: Methanol and methanol-derived gasoline
Part IV: Products from direct liquefaction
Methanol production from natural gas or coal (1982)
Hydropyrolysis of coal (1982)
Chemical desulphurisation of coal (1981)
Solvent extraction of coal (1981)
Mathematical modelling of fluidised bed combustors (1980)
Methanation catalysts (1980)
Underground coal gasification - reaction zone mapping (1979)
Conversion to coal and coal/oil firing (1979)
Hot gas cleanup (1979)
The economics of coal-based electricity generation (1979)
Combustion of low grade coal (1978)
Economic and technical criteria for coal utilisation plants (1977)
Part I: Economic and financial conventions
Part II: Gasification processes
Part III: Liquefaction
Part IV: Power generation

Greenhouse issue
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using coal with other fuels

The Kyoto protocol in 2002 - opportunities for coal
Prospects for co-utilisation of coal with other fuels - GHG emissions reduction (2002)
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction by technology transfer to developing countries (2002)
Potential for economic greenhouse reduction in coal-fired power generation (2001)
Market mechanisms for greenhouse gas emissions reduction (2001)
CO2 reduction - prospects for coal (1999)
Clean coal technology transfer - CO2 reduction in power generation (1999)
Climatic change - modelling and measurement (1997)
Greenhouse gas emission factors for coal - the complete fuel cycle (1997)
Sulphates, climate and coal (1995)
Greenhouse gases - perspectives on coal (1994)
N2 O emissions from coal use (1993)
Methane emissions from coal (1992)
Carbon taxes (1992)
Greenhouse gases, abatement and control: the role of coal (1991)
CO2 and climatic change (1988)
Carbon dioxide - emissions and effects (1982)
Carbon dioxide and the `greenhouse effect' – an unresolved problem (1978)

Environmental policy
Emission standards handbook (1997)
International emissions trading for greenhouse gases - Briefing Paper (1997)
Externalities and coal-fired power generation (1996)
New coal facilities - overcoming the obstacles (1996)
Coal technology transfer: motivation and markets (1994)
Sulphur and coal (1993)
Environmental audits (1992)
Environmental impact assessment for coal (1992)
Emission standards handbook: air pollutant standards for coal-fired plants (1991)
Market mechanisms for pollution control: impacts on the coal industry (1990)
Market impacts of sulphur control: the consequences for coal (1989)
Emission standards for coal-fired plants: air pollutant control policies (1988)

Emissions and effects

Non-CO2 greenhouse gases - emissions and control from coal
Mercury - emissions and control (2002)
Organic compounds from coal utilisation (2001)
Coke production and the impact of environmental legislation (2000)
Trace element emissions (2000)
Sampling and analysis of PM10 /PM2.5 (1998)
PM10 /PM2.5 - emissions and effects (1998)
Trends in NOx emissions from coal utilisation (1998)
Continuous emissions monitoring for coal-fired power stations (1997)
Mercury emissions and effects - the role of coal (1995)
Sampling and analysis of trace emissions from coal-fired power stations (1995)
Organic compounds from coal utilisation (1993)
Trace elements - emissions from coal combustion and gasification (1992)
Halogen emissions from coal combustion (1992)
NOx emissions from coal combustion (1991)
Acidic deposition - ecological effects on soils and forests (1989)

Acidic deposition - ecological effects on surface waters (1989)
Trace elements from coal combustion: emissions (1987)
Acidic deposition - materials and health effects (1986)
Sulphates in the atmosphere (1985)
PAH from coal utilisation - emissions and effects (1984)
Nitrogen oxides from coal combustion - environmental effects (1980)
Trace elements from coal combustion - atmospheric emissions (1979)

Pollution control technologies

NOx control for pulverised coal fired power plants
Prospects for integrated air pollution control
Air pollution control costs for coal-fired power stations (2001)
Prevention of particulate emissions (2000)
Industrial coal use - prospects for emissions reduction (2000)
Developments in FGD (2000)
Computers and air pollution control (1999)
Hot gas cleanup of sulphur, nitrogen, minor and trace elements (1998)
Air pollution control and coal-fired power generation in the Indian subcontinent (1998)
East Asia - air pollution control and coal-fired power generation (1998)
Southeast Asia - air pollution control and coal-fired power generation (1997)
Low cost, retrofit FGD systems (1997)
Hot gas particulate filtration (1997)
Particulate control handbook for coal-fired plants (1997)
Developments in NOx abatement and control (1996)
Air pollution control for coal-fired power stations in Eastern Europe (1996)
Suppliers of FGD and NOx control systems (1995)
Developments in particulate control for coal combustion (1995)
Air pollution control costs for coal-fired power stations (1995)
Environmental performance of coal-fired FBC (1994)
FGD installations on coal-fired plants (1994)
FGD handbook (2nd edition) (1994)
FGD performance and experience on coal-fired plants (1993)
Gas cleaning for advanced coal-based power generation (1993)
Interactions in emissions control for coal-fired plants (1992)
NOx control installations on coal-fired plants (1991)
FGD installations on coal-fired plants (1990)
Systems for controlling NOx from coal combustion (1990)
Pollution control for industrial coal-fired boilers (1990)
NOx control technologies for coal combustion (1990)
Particulate control for coal combustion (1988)
FGD handbook (1987)
Flue gas desulphurisation - system performance (1986)
Control of sulphur oxides from coal combustion (1982)
Nitrogen oxides from coal combustion - abatement and control (1980)

Residues and water quality

Trends in the use of coal ash (1999)
Coal-fired power station effluents (1998)
Residues from advanced coal-use technologies (1996)
Pulverised coal ash - requirements for utilisation (1996)

Coal mining and water quality (1995)
PFBC residues (1994)
Legislation for the management of coal-use residues (1994)
Management of FGD residues (1993)
Applications for coal-use residues (1992)
Management of by-products from IGCC power generation (1991)
Management of AFBC residues (1990)
Solid residues from coal use - disposal and utilisation (1984)
Treatment of liquid effluents from coal gasification plants (1979)

The Clean Coal Centre’s Newsletter, published in March, July and
November, is available on request free of charge.


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Clean Coal Centre or from our authorised agents.

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IEA Clean Coal Centre Staff

Managing Director John Topper

(Secretary: Mary Doyle)

Coal science Robert Davidson

Anne Carpenter

Coal utilisation and analysis Geoffrey Morrison

Anne-Gaelle Collot
Colin Henderson
Gordon Couch
Rohan Fernando
Stephen Mills

Environment Irene Smith

Herminé Nalbandian
Lesley Sloss
Zhangfa Wu

Information services Robert Davidson

Lallika Alles
Anne Carpenter
Nicola Jenkins
Xing Zhang
Qian Zhu
Library Ida Estioko Blunt

Publications Geoffrey Morrison

Alvina Board
Jann Grant

Administration Colin Nathan

(Secretary: Mary Doyle)
Alvina Board

Principal contacts are shown in bold type

Executive Committee Members

For further information about IEA Coal Research, people in member countries are invited to contact
their Executive Committee member as listed below:

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. A Aumüller
Head Power Generation Division
EVN Platz
A-2344 Maria Enzersdorf
Tel: (2236) 200 12 315
Fax: (2236) 200 84 721
e-mail: adolf.aumueller@evn.at

Dr K Thambimuthu
Senior Research Scientist
CANMET, Energy Technology Centre (CETC)
1 Haanel Drive
Ontario K1A 1M1
Tel: (613) 996 2761
Fax: (613) 992 9335
e-mail: kelly.thambimuthu@nrcan.gc.ca

Mr L Meisingset
Chief Engineer
Energi E2 A/S
Lautruphoej 5
Tel: (44) 80 60 00
Fax: (44) 80 60 10
e-mail: lme@e2.dk

European Commission
Dr P Dechamps
Programme Manager
European Commission
DG RTD-J-2, MO75 4/30
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel: (02) 295 6623
Fax: (02) 296 4288
e-mail: pierre.dechamps@cec.eu.int

European Commission
TREN/C/3 DM24 6/8
200 rue de la Loi
Brussels 1049
Tel: (2) 295 5576

Fax: (2) 296 4337

Dr. Ing. E D’Ercole
General Director
Sotacarbo S.p.a.
C/o Centro Servizi Consorzio Industriale
09010 Portoscuso (CA)
Tel: (781) 509 047
Fax: (781) 508 349
e-mail: sotac@tiscalinet.it

Mr K Ogawa
Director General
Energy & Environment Tech. Dev. Dept.
30th Floor, Sunshine 60
1-1 3-chome
Tokyo 170-6028
Tel: (3) 987 9442
Fax: (3) 992 3206
e-mail: ogawakni@nedo.go.jp

Mr E H Backer van Ommeren
Technical Director
GKE Vliegasunie
Utrechtsweg 370
PO Box 301
NL-3730 AH De Bilt
Tel: (30) 220 9109
Fax: (30) 220 4444
e-mail: EbackervOmmeren@gkevu.nl

Dr W Suwala
Polish Academy of Sciences
Mineral & Energy Economy Research Centre
J. Wybickiego 7
PO Box 49
31-261 Cracow 65
Tel: (12) 633 0296
Fax: (12) 632 3524
e-mail: suwala@min-pan.krakow.pl

Prof L Sjunnesson*
Director - Research & Development

Sydkraft AB
Carl Gustafs Väg 1
S-205 09 Malmö

Tel: (40) 255 600

Fax: (40) 611 5184
e-mail: lars.sjunnesson@sydkraft.se

United Kingdom
Brian Morris
Deputy Director
Department of Trade & Industry
Cleaner Fossil Fuel Unit
Energy Business & Innovation
1 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0ET
Tel: (0)20 7215 6110/5000
Fax: (0)20 7215 2601
e-mail: Brian.Morris@dti.gsi.gov.uk

Mrs B N McKee
Office of Coal and Power Import and Export
Office of Fossil Energy
FE-27, Mail Stop G-124
US Department of Energy
19901 Germantown Road
Germantown, MD 20874-1290
Tel: (301) 903 4497
Fax: (301) 903 1591
e-mail: barbara.mckee@hq.doe.gov

IEA Observer

Dr Giorgio Simbolotti
Energy Technology Collaboration Division
International Energy Agency
9 rue de la Fédération
75739 Paris, Cedex 16

Tel: (1) 4057 6683

Fax: (1) 4057 6559
e-mail: giorgio.simbolotti@iea.org

* Chairman of the Executive Committee

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IEA Clean Coal Centre

Gemini House, 10-18 Putney Hill
London SW16 6AA
Tel: +44 (0)20 8780 2111
Fax:+44 (0)20 8780 1745
Email: mail@iea-coal.org.uk
Internet: http//www.iea-coal.org.uk

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