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2017 Bipolar Plate Workshop Report: Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division

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ANL 17/12

2017 Bipolar Plate Workshop Report

Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division

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ANL 17/12

2017 Bipolar Plate Workshop Summary Report

prepared by
John P. Kopasz, Thomas G. Benjamin
Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Deanna Schenk,
Fuel Cell Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy

Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy

Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO)
2017 Bipolar Plate Workshop
Sponsored by

U.S. Department of Energy

Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO)

Organized by U.S. Department of Energy and Argonne

National Laboratory

2017 Bipolar Plate Workshop Summary Report

Workshop held February 14, 2017

1000 Town Center #300
Southfield, MI 48075

Sponsored by
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO), Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

Organized by
Fuel Cell Technologies Office
U.S. Department of Energy
Deanna Schenck, Fuel Cell Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory
Thomas Benjamin, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)


This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their
employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility
for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to
any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring
by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors
expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any
agency thereof.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 4

Executive Summary 5

Workshop Agenda 7

Workshop Objectives and Organization 8

Presentation Summaries 9

Opening Remarks and Workshop Overview, B. Habibzadeh, D. Papageorgopoulos, DOE 9

Bipolar Plate Cost and Issues at High Production Rate, B. James, Strategic Analysis Inc. 11

GM Perspective on Bipolar Plate Status and Needs, B. Lakshmanan, G.M. 12

R&D for Automotive PEM Fuel Cell System – Bipolar Plates, S. Hirano, Ford 13
Graphite-Based Bipolar Plates for PEM Motive Fuel Cell Applications, J. Norley, GrafTech 15

Corrosion Resistant Coating of Metal Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells,C.H. Wang, Treadstone 16

Modeling Performance and Stability of Bipolar Plates, R. Ahluwalia, Argonne 18

Bipolar Plate Durability Testing, R. Borup, Los Alamos 20

Forming and Manufacturing Issues in Automotive Bipolar Plate Production,

S. Farrington, AFCC 21

Approaches to Provide a Metallic Bipolar Plate Module to the Industry, R. Stroebel, Dana 23

Breakout Session Summaries 24

Materials and Coatings 24

Manufacturing 25

Modeling/Testing 26

Conclusions 27

Appendix A List of Attendees 30

Appendix B List of Acronyms 32


The US DOE FCTO and ANL organizers would like to acknowledge the breakout session leaders and
scribes for their help in making this a successful workshop.

Breakout Session Leaders

John Kopasz, Argonne National Laboratory
Bahman Habibzadeh, Fuel Cell Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Greg Kleen, Golden Field Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Jacob Spendelow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Rod Borup, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Rajesh Ahluwalia, Argonne National Laboratory

Jacob Spendelow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Thomas Benjamin, Argonne National Laboratory
Deanna Schenck, Fuel Cell Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Eric Parker, Fuel Cell Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Shaun Onorato, Allegheny Science and Technology

Executive Summary

The Bipolar Plate (BP) Workshop was held at USCAR1 in Southfield, Michigan on February 14, 2017 and
included 63 participants from industry, government agencies, universities, and national laboratories
with expertise in the relevant fields. The objective of the workshop was to identify research and
development (R&D) needs, in particular early-stage R&D, for bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte
membrane (PEM) fuel cells for transportation applications. The focus of the workshop was on
materials, manufacturing, and design aspects of bipolar plates with the goal of meeting DOE’s 2020
bipolar plate targets. Of special interest was the cost target of ≤$3/kW for the bipolar plate.

Several talks were presented on the status of bipolar plate technology. Recent cost estimates
performed for DOE indicate that the BP represents from $8.23/kW to $8.17/kW or approximately 27%
to 30% of the fuel cell stack cost at production rates of 100,000 and 500,000 systems per year,
respectively.(1) A sensitivity analysis indicates that only catalyst cost, power density, and air
management cost show a higher impact on fuel cell system cost than the BP. The cost of stainless steel
(SS 316L), one of the preferred plate materials, is estimated to be $3.5/kWnet, higher than the 2020
DOE target of $3/kW for a finished plate.(1) Cheaper substrate materials are needed. The remainder
of the bipolar plate cost is manufacturing costs (stamping/forming and joining/welding) and costs
associated with the anticorrosion coating. Most metal substrates (aluminum, stainless and non-
stainless steels, titanium) also require anti-corrosion coatings to prevent leaching of metal ions into
the membrane, where they accelerate membrane degradation. The more expensive base materials
like Ti and 316 SS provide some corrosion resistance, and pin holes or defects in the coatings are not
catastrophic. However, less expensive base materials like non-stainless steels and Al are less corrosion
resistant and require defect-free coatings. While current coating technology can provide the needed
corrosion protection on stainless steel plates, coating deposition generally needs to occur after plate
forming and is a slow process step. Coating materials and application techniques that eliminate
precious metals and allow high-throughput processing are needed. Joining processes are also costly
and time consuming.

Forming and manufacturing issues were discussed for metallic plates, expanded graphite/resin
composite plates and compression molded particulate graphite/resin composite plates. Stretch-
formed coated stainless steel (CSS) foil bipolar plates cannot meet geometry targets based on
optimized in-situ performance because of substrate properties and forming limitations. Carbon
composite plates (either expanded graphite (EG) resin composites or bulk molded graphite composite
(BMC) plates) offer lower materials cost. EG and BMC plates also offer advantages in formability and
weight compared to steel plates. Corrosion for EG and BMC plates is negligible. However, EG and BMC
plates have lower strength and electrical conductivity than steel plates. Composite plates in current
field use are thicker than metal plates, resulting in larger stacks. Newer state-of-the-art composite
bipolar plates are thinner and approaching the thickness of metal plates. Processing times for EG and
BMC plates have been high, in large part due to long curing times for the resins.

The cost study (1) also revealed issues with the throughput for the manufacturing steps. Due to long
cycle times, an unacceptable number of parallel processing lines would be needed to manufacture the
stainless steel plates needed for the target 500,000 vehicle/year production rate using current
progressive die stamping.(1) Faster production methods are needed. Hydroforming with multiple
pieces per press was presented as one potential solution to increase throughput for stamping. New

1 U.S. Council for Automotive Research

joining/sealing techniques such as high throughput welding techniques for the metallic bipolar plate
and other adhesion techniques to improve manufacturability also need to be developed. High-speed
laser welding with multiple galvanometers was presented as one possible solution. The Workshop
participants’ recommended main focus areas for EG and BMC materials are high speed forming,
sealing, curing, gluing & cutting operations to meet the automotive volume and cost targets. Roller
embossing and adiabatic forming have been identified as candidate high speed forming routes to
100k-500k stacks/yr. Very high density graphite parts have been demonstrated which reduce resin
content, facilitating a sealing vs impregnation approach, with faster curing, enabling continuous

Current internal combustion engines (IC) reach power densities of ~ 950 W/kg (2, 3) and are expected
to increase in the future (4). Fuel cell power densities must also increase to be competitive. BP
channel dimensions (depth and width of the channel and radius of curvature of the bends), which can
be dictated by formability of the substrate, can have a large impact on high-power performance. A
primary area for R&D is identification or development of materials that improve the forming limit.
Plate designs that approach > 0.75 W/cm2 total plate are important to improving FC technology
competitiveness. Modeling could be helpful in identifying high performance designs and development
of materials with improved forming limits. Current two-phase transport models are inadequate and
improved models are needed to be able to predict performance in critical operational regimes.
Models to predict plate durability are inadequate and transfer functions to move from ex-situ
durability tests to in-service lifetime are absent. Current ex-situ durability tests need to be improved
to more closely match real world conditions, and separate tests should be devised based on the plate

The two competing technologies, metallic plates and carbon composite plates, are both potential
options for automotive bipolar plates. Both options have issues that need to be addressed to meet the
cost and performance targets and to be manufactured at the high annual production rates needed for
the automotive market. For metal plates, cheaper substrate materials with better formability are
required. Manufacturing issues that need to be addressed include high-speed forming and joining.
Coatings that can be stamped or formed would be beneficial. For carbon composite plates, materials
or processes that lead to faster curing times are needed. .

Agenda for Bipolar Plate Workshop

USCAR – 1000 Town Center Drive, Suite 300 - Southfield, Michigan 48075

Feb. 14th 2017

8:00 – 8:30 Registration

8:30 – 8:45 Opening Remarks and Workshop Overview Bahman Habibzadeh - DOE

8:45 – 9:00 Bipolar Plate Cost and Issues at High Production Rate

Brian James – SA Inc.

9:00 – 9:15 GM Perspective on Bipolar Plate Status and Needs Balsu Lakshmanan - GM

9:15 – 9:30 R&D for Automotive PEM Fuel Cell System – Bipolar Plates

Shinichi Hirano - Ford

9:30 – 9:45 BREAK

9:45 – 10:00 Graphite-Based Bipolar Plates for PEM Motive Fuel Cell Applications-

Julian Norley - GrafTech

10:00 – 10:15 Corrosion Resistant Coating of Metal Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells-

CH Wang – TreadStone

10:15 – 11:45 BREAKOUT SESSION (Materials and Coatings)

11:45 – 12:15 Recap

12:15 – 1:15 LUNCH BREAK

1:15 – 1:30 Modeling Performance and Stability of Bipolar Plates Rajesh Ahluwalia - ANL

1:30 – 1:45 Bipolar Plate Durability Testing Rod Borup - LANL

1:45 – 2:00 Forming and Manufacturing Issues in Automotive Bipolar Plate Production
Simon Farrington -

2:00 – 2:15 Approaches to Provide a Metallic Bipolar Plate Module to the Industry

Raimund Stroebel - Dana

2:15 – 2:30 BREAK

3:00 – 4:00 BREAKOUT SESSIONS (Manufacturing and Modeling/Testing)

4:00 – 4:30 Recap and Concluding Remarks

Workshop Objectives
Objectives and Organization

The Bipolar Plate (BP) Workshop was held at USCAR on February 14, 2017 and included 63 participants
from industry, government agencies, universities, and national laboratories with expertise in the
relevant fields [end users and stack assemblers, plate fabricators (forming, joining, coating), material
suppliers, modelers and designers, and analysis and characterization experts]. The objective of the
workshop was to identify research and development needs, primarily early-stage R&D, for BPs for
PEM fuel cells for transportation applications. The focus of the workshop was on materials,
manufacturing and design aspects of BPs with the goal of meeting DOE’s 2020 BP targets. Of special
interest was the cost target of ≤$3/kW for the BP.

The workshop was organized to provide presentations by topical experts followed by breakouts of
smaller groups for discussions to allow attendees to provide their input and expertise. Morning
presentations included BP status versus DOE targets (Dimitrios Papageorgopoulos and Bahman
Habibzadeh, DOE); BP cost estimates (Brian James, Strategic Analysis, Inc.); automotive perspectives
on BP status and needs (Balsu Lakshmanan, GM, and Shinichi Hirano, Ford); graphite-based BPs
(Julian Norley, GrafTech); and corrosion-resistant metal BPs BP( CH Wang, Treadstone Technologies,
Inc.). These presentations were followed by breakout sessions on BP materials and coatings. Four
parallel sessions were organized to ensure active involvement of workshop participants. Following the
breakout sessions, each breakout group provided a short summary of their session to all of the
workshop attendees.

Afternoon presentations focused on modelling BP performance and stability (Rajesh Ahluwalia, ANL);
BP durability testing (Rod Borup, LANL); forming and manufacturing issues (Simon Farrington, AFCC);
and approaches to joining and sealing (Raimund Stroebel, Dana Corp.). These presentations were
followed by four breakout sessions: two sessions discussing modeling and testing and two sessions
discussing manufacturing issues. The workshop ended with a representative from each afternoon
breakout group summarizing the outcome of the discussions to all of the workshop participants.
Overviews of the presentations and a discussion of the outcomes from the breakout groups follow.
Copies of the presentations can be found at https://energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/downloads/research-


Opening Remarks and Workshop Overview (Dimitrios Papageorgopoulos and Bahman Habibzadeh,

This is an exciting time for the fuel cell industry. The fuel cell community has made significant
advances and the market is growing, with an average annual growth in fuel cells shipped since 2010 of
about 30%, and over 60,000 units shipped in 2015. Commercial fuel cell vehicles are now available,
with more than 1,100 fuel cell vehicles on the road in US Today (Feb. 2016). Fuel cell costs must be
reduced further in order to effectively compete with the incumbent technologies in the marketplace
and enable widespread commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Current (2016) cost
estimates put automotive fuel cell system costs at ~ $53/kW at a production rate of 500,000
systems/year (and ~ $60/kW at 100,000 systems/year), compared to DOE’s ultimate cost target of
$30/kW. One of the main contributors to fuel cell stack cost is the cost of the BPs, which accounts for
~ 30% of the stack cost. BP costs are currently dominated by commodity materials costs, and are
relatively insensitive to manufacturing volume.

The DOE has developed targets for fuel cell systems and components based on performance and costs
needed to be competitive with incumbent technologies. The BP targets developed for DOE’s 2016
Multi-Year Research, Development, and Demonstration Plan are presented in Table 1.(5) While most
of the technical targets have been achieved, further R&D is needed to meet cost and durability

Table 1

Table 1 Technical Targets: Bipolar Plates for Transportation Applications

Characteristic Units 2015 Status 2020 Targets

Costa $ / kW net 7b 3

Plate weight kg / kW net <0.4c 0.4

Plate H2 permeation Std cm3/(sec cm2Pa)
0e <1.3 x 10–14,f
coefficientd @ 80°C, 3 atm 100% RH
Corrosion, anodeg µA / cm2 No active peakh <1 and no active peak

Corrosion, cathodei µA / cm2 <0.1c <1

Electrical conductivity S / cm >100j >100

Areal specific
ohm cm2 0.006h <0.01
Flexural strengthl MPa >34 (carbon plate)m >25

Forming elongationn % 20–40o 40

Costs projected to high volume production (500,000 80 kW systems per year), assuming MEA meets performance target of
1,000 mW/cm2.
Cost when producing sufficient plates for 500,000 systems per year. DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Record 15015,
“Fuel Cell System Cost—2015.” http://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/program_records.html.
C.H. Wang (Treadstone), “Low-cost PEM Fuel Cell Metal Bipolar Plates,” 2012 Annual Progress Report,

Per the standard gas transport test (ASTM D1434).
C.H. Wang (Treadstone), private communication, October 2014.
Blunk, et al, J. Power Sources 159 (2006) 533–542.
pH 3 0.1ppm HF, 80°C, peak active current <1x10-6 A/cm2 (potentiodynamic test at 0.1 mV/s, -0.4V to +0.6V (Ag/AgCl)),
de-aerated with Ar purge.
Kumar, M. Ricketts, and S. Hirano, “Ex-situ evaluation of nanometer range gold coating on stainless steel substrate for
automotive polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell bipolar plate,” Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010): 1401–1407,
September 2009.
pH 3 0.1ppm HF, 80°C, passive current <5x10-8 A/cm2 (potentiostatic test at +0.6V (Ag/AgCl) for >24h, aerated solution.
O. Adrianowycz (GrafTech), “Next Generation Bipolar Plates for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells,” 2009 Annual Progress
Report, http://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/progress09/v_g_2_adrianowycz.pdf.
Includes interfacial contact resistance (on as received and after potentiostatic test) measured both sides per Wang, et al. J.
Power Sources 115 (2003) 243–251 at 200 psi (138 N/cm2).
ASTM-D 790-10 Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical
Insulating Materials.
D. Haack et al. (Porvair), “Carbon-Carbon Bipolar Plates,” 2007 Annual Progress Report,
Per ASTM E8M-01 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials, or demonstrate ability to stamp
generic channel design with width, depth, and radius.
M. Brady et al. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), “Nitrided Metallic Bipolar Plates,” 2010 Annual Progress Report,

The DOE has previously funded and continues to support projects to improve BP performance and
durability and reduce cost. Some of the previous projects include carbon based plates [Development
of a $10/kW Bipolar Separator Plate , IGT(6), Economical High Performance Thermoplastic Composite
Bipolar Plates, NanoSonic Inc.,(7) ;Next Generation Bipolar Plates for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells,
GrafTech Int. Ltd. (8)}and development of corrosion resistant coatings for metallic plates
[Development of Corrosion-Resistant Coatings for Fuel Cell BPs, (Physical Sciences Inc. (1999)(9);
Nitrided Metallic BPs, ORNL (10); Metallic BPs with Composite Coatings, ANL (11)); and Low-Cost PEM
Fuel Cell Metal BPs, TreadStone Technologies Inc. (12))]. Currently, DOE is funding efforts
investigating corrosion resistant coatings of metallic plates (Novel Structured Metal Bipolar Plates for
Low Cost Manufacturing by TreadStone, an active BPP project as described later in this report (13).

The objective of this workshop is to identify R&D needs for BPs for PEM fuel cells for transportation
applications. Research priorities will be identified and articulated in terms of short-term vs. long-term
R&D and the roles and extent of support of industry, government, national laboratories, and academia
in achieving the targets need to be defined. The focus is on materials, manufacturing and design
aspects of BPs with the goal of meeting DOE’s 2020 technical and economic BP targets. The technical
targets are shown above and include high electrical conductivity, low gas permeability, high corrosion
resistance, high flexural strength, and good forming elongation. The economic target includes
materials and manufacturing costs. Other properties that must be considered include thermal
conductivity, chemical stability, hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity, and thermal expansion.

Bipolar Plate Cost and Issues at High Production Rate (Brian James, Strategic Analysis, Inc.)

Strategic Analysis, Inc. (SA) has performed Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) cost
analyses of 80kWe (auto) and 160kWe (bus) fuel cell systems for DOE. As part of these studies, they
have analyzed BP production, assessing processing options for cost and logistics, including options
such as batch processing vs. continuous, welding vs. adhesives, coating before or after forming, press
forming vs hydro-forming, etc. These assessments include cycle time, dimensional tolerances, and
capital requirements. The 2016 estimate for an 80 kW automotive fuel cell system is $53/kWnet at a
production volume of 500,000 vehicles/year.(1) SA’s current cost estimates are based on stainless
steel (SS) 316L metal plates formed by progressive stamping. The plates are laser welded and coated
by Treadstone’s physical vapor deposition (PVD) process. Their results indicate that the BP represents
t $8.17/kW for production volumes of 500,000 systems/year, $8.23/kW for 100,000 systems/year, and
$9.65/kw at 10,000 systems/year. This accounts for approximately 15% of the automotive fuel cell
system cost at 500,000 systems per year (30% of the stack cost), and 11% of the total system cost for
10k systems per year (20% of stack cost). The cost of the plate material, SS 316L, is estimated to be
$3.5/kWnet, higher than the target of $3/kW for a finished plate.

SA has also asked original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers for cost estimates, in order
to compare to their cost estimate. There was an order of magnitude difference at a production
volume of 100,000 vehicles per year, with the reported costs ranging from ~$7/kW to ~$90/kW per
year. The cost uncertainty may stem from misalignment of reporting, including whether cost includes
forming, coating, joining, gaskets, whether it is for BP or BP assembly, whether cost is truly based on
high production rate machinery, etc. Important cost factors include power density, ratio of active to
total area, and plate design, which impacts available forming, joining, and coating technologies.

SA estimates that for the process line modeled for the cost estimate (5-stage progressive stamp
followed by quality control then laser welding of singulated parts, then PVD coating) between 110 and
30 parallel processing lines (if run 24 hours per day and 7 days per week and no roll change out time
allotted) would be needed to reach the 500,000 vehicle/year production rate. DOE’s project with
GLWN reported that Interviewees stated that parallel production lines are undesirable/unacceptable
due to quality control concerns. This means that a faster process is needed. Other issues with
progressive die stamping were identified and include difficulties maintaining flatness for laser welding,
difficulties with the ± 5 µm tolerances, slow cycle times (2.5 sec/plate), high capital cost (~ $1000/ton),
high tooling cost (>$600k, 100s of hours to fabricate), and limitations on BPP geometry due to wall
thinning. SA has investigated hydroforming as an alternative to progressive die stamping.
Hydroforming would require forming multiple parts simultaneously to meet capacity requirements.
Hydroforming 4 parts simultaneously would still require more than 70 manufacturing lines.
Hydroforming would also require a separate stamping to cut manifold holes and separate the parts.

The coating step was also investigated. Several different coating technologies have been investigated
in the literature, including sub-atmospheric/vacuum deposition [TreadStone DOTS & TiOx (PVD
process), Impact Coating (PVD), PECVD Amorphous Carbon (on Ti plates for Toyota)], atmospheric
deposition [Nitriding (ORNL)], liquid processes [pickling, polymer matrix (Dana Reinz patents*(14))],
and utilizing special custom alloys with innate corrosion resistance. Issues with coatings include
potentially long cycle time (~2- 30 minutes), whether the coating is applied in a batch vs. continuous
process, and the size of the batch (1’s to 100’s of parts). The costs of sputtering targets can be an issue
for sputter depositions, as the cost of targets can add a substantial cost beyond the material price.

SA also addressed BPP joining issues. Laser welding and adhesive joining were discussed. The cost of
laser welding is highly dependent on welding length and assumptions on how much of the BPP area is
welded to connect the BPPs for electrical contact. Welding speed can be high for thin parts, but
welding time is still 0.2-5 min/BPP assembly due to the long weld lengths required. Engineering
solutions can be deployed to increase throughput, including utilizing multiple lasers per station,
multiple galvanometers per laser, and multiple stations. Using these approaches, welding times can be
reduced to ~ 2 seconds/BPP assembly, although such short times have not yet been demonstrated
due to lack of high volume demand. An alternative approach is to use adhesive bonding of the plates,
as used by Toyota in the Mirai. The adhesive bonding process can be done roll-to-roll before part
singulation with projected processing speeds of < 2 /BP assembly at line speeds of 20m/min. The
down side is that seals can fail more frequently than experienced for welding.

Based on industry input, only 3-5 suppliers worldwide are currently capable of producing BPs with the
quality and reliability required by OEMs at high volume. While stamping and welding technologies are
(in many ways) mature, achieving the required precision, quality control, and volume production
dramatically limits the number of suppliers. New production houses can be developed but it will
require years to establish themselves as viable and reliable automotive suppliers. A key point is the
generation of geometry-neutral plate processing technologies to fully realize economies of scale.

The DOE FCTO-funded projects by SA and GLWN suggest several opportunities for advancement of BP
production as summarized below. Development of (near-) continuous, roll-to-roll high-speed
processes (<1 sec/plate) for BP fabrication would reduce processing time and cost. Characterization
and assessment of thinning of metal in BP during forming would provide insight into acceptable
forming technologies for candidate plate metals and insight into limitations of conventional sheet
metal stamping due to metal elongation limits and thinning. Development of alternative forming
techniques that solve the metal thinning limitations of conventional stamping would also be
beneficial. Solutions to these issues would support advanced BPP designs consistent with expected
future stack performance (high power density, improved water management, low-pressure drop, and
low stoichiometric flow rates).

Demonstration of high-speed, high accuracy, geometry-neutral fuel cell stack assembly systems and
BPP welding would overcome issues with current systems that are costly due to low welding and
indexing speeds.

GM Perspective on Bipolar Plate Status and Needs (Balsu Lakshmanan, GM)

GM has demonstrated real world experience in full fuel cell vehicles, and has accumulated 3 million
miles total with individual vehicles approaching 150,000 miles including 8 winter cycles. GM believes
adequate durability has been achieved for commercial entry of FCVs. However, cost reductions along
with increases in power density are necessary to be competitive in the future. Current IC engines
reach specific power of ~ 950 W/kg (2, 3) and are expected to increase in the future (4). To be
competitive, GM believes fuel cell specific power must also increase.

GM believes a successful R&D approach must account for interactions from materials to systems. For
automotive fuel cells these interactions include materials-cell, cell-stack, stack-fuel cell system, and
fuel cell system-fuel cell propulsion system interactions. In other words, materials issues may be
alleviated by changing operating conditions or the properties of surrounding components. However,
not all of these areas fall into the “precompetitive” research arena. Fuel cell propulsion system and
fuel cell system work is a competitive research area, while large active area cells to stacks should be
considered areas for collaborative advanced engineering. Pre-competitive research is limited to

research on basic principles, new technology or proof-of-concepts and laboratory demonstrations up
to ~50 cm2 MEAs. Looking at this from a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) perspective, GM suggests
DOE support is appropriate for pre-competitive TRL-4 and below. The fuel cell community needs to
collaborate up to TRL 3 (In situ single cell non-stack footprint ~ 50cm2). The estimated timeframe for a
new material to reach final product after TRL-4 proof-point could be 5 to 8 years. TRL 5-7 is
appropriate for collaborative advanced engineering, and TRL 8-9 is competitive product development.
Work on new flow fields and stamping could fall into Full-Scale Demonstration (TRL-5) and
Demonstration in Relevant Environment (TRL-6) and may not be pre-competitive.

TRL-3 (50cm2 or sub-scale fuel cell hardware) work for the BP is critical for achieving stack level targets
for power density and specific power. Incumbent technologies such as hybrids and new energy
vehicles like battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are getting cheaper and getting there faster due to
economies of scale. FC stack targets should be revisited to remain competitive. Specifically, the BP
cost target should be reduced from $3/kW to $2/kW, the plate weight per unit power from 0.4 kg/kW
to 0.15 kg/kW, and flexural strength from >25 MPa to >60 MPa. Research focused on developing new
substrates and coatings can enable high power density plates. The other BP targets would be
unchanged. Plate designs that approach > 0.75 W/cm2 total plate area (active plus inactive) are
important to improving FC technology competitiveness.

R&D for Automotive PEM Fuel Cell System – Bipolar Plates (Shinichi Hirano, Ford)
At high production volumes, catalysts and BPs are the two highest cost components based on the DOE
funded fuel cell cost analysis (1). A fuel cell system costs are sensitive to BP costs, with only catalysts
cost, power density, and air loop cost showing a higher impact. To meet fuel cell cost targets, BP cost
reductions, including reduction for materials cost and for the cost of the manufacturing process, are

The basic functions of a BP are to collect current, separate the gases, provide reactant gas flow fields
for the fuel and air, and provide mechanical support for stack. The basic requirements are that the
plate provide good electrical conductivity, good thermal conductivity, be chemically stable, be
resistant to corrosion, be a gas barrier, be manufacturable, and retain these properties under fuel cell
operating conditions. The BP must also meet cost requirements. The existing DOE targets (shown
above in Table 1) cover the technical attributes for precompetitive research. Testing protocols
associated with this target table are under conditions that mimic stack conditions. For example, area
specific resistance (ASR) measurements are performed under compression and using a surrogate GDL.
The resistance value is corrected for the GDL only resistance to obtain GDL free values as the ASR. The
DOE target describes ex-situ corrosion tests. They are potentiodynamic for anode corrosion (0.1mV/s,
-0.4 to +0.6V (Ag/AgCl) and potentiostatic for cathode corrosion (at 0.6V (Ag/AgCl) for>24 hours).
However, these ex-situ corrosion tests are recommended just for reference, not as a material
pass/fail criterion, because measured current may include other than the corrosion current and/or
these test conditions do not necessarily represent all stressors for BP corrosion. Real-world voltages
may exceed those indicated in the current BP testing. Higher potentials can exist during start-
up/shutdown and during fuel starvation events. (15, 16, 17). Further ex-situ corrosion tests are
recommended to evaluate corrosion resistance of BP materials to help understand material
characteristics under real world conditions. In addition to current corrosion tests, potentiodynamic
tests with wider potential range, including higher potentials as mentioned above, are recommended.
In-situ durability tests are imperative to verify material durability, including measurements of leached
ions. The existing DOE targets are focused on directing precompetitive research projects toward
needed areas of improvement. They do not address product specifications and are not sufficient to
design BPs for commercial products.

Ford evaluated various BP materials that have demonstrated potential to provide corrosion resistance
and retention of electrical conductance, including Au nanoclad®, nanometer scale Au coating on
stainless steel foil supplied by Daido Steel and Au dot coatings on the metal oxide coated stainless
steel foil, supplied by TreadStone. The Au dot coating technology demonstrated a corrosion current
less than 2 µA/cm2 at both 0.5V and 1.6V. Au nanoclad® coating demonstrated no significant increase
in ASR during in-situ durability tests and showed no detectable metal cations in the effluent water
(using ICP analysis). Another coating technology being investigated is multilayer Au-Ti coatings. They
can significantly reduce the amount of Au in the coating. Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) analysis
showed these coatings retained their layered structure after potentiostatic corrosion testing. (18)

Dimensions of flow field gas channels can have a large impact on high-power performance. For
example, narrowing channel span dimensions from 1.5 mm to 0.8 mm enabled the use of less stiff
GDLs, which had better performance at high current densities (19). Improving the materials’ forming
limit can increase the design space of flow field configurations and may lead to better performance.

There are two major precompetitive R&D needs for metallic BP materials. One is to improve the
forming limit of the substrate materials (thin metallic foil). The other is to develop robust coating
materials for metallic BPs. In particular, coatings are needed that 1) enable pre-forming deposition
process (coat before the forming) and mitigate coating defects, such as cracks or delamination, during
the stamping process, (2) provide self-protection from corrosion/degradation at coating defect areas,
(3) provide chemical stability, particularly mitigate leaching of metal ions which are harmful for other
components, e.g. the membrane, (4) eliminate PGMs or precious metal for lower cost, and (5) are
amenable to high-throughput manufacturing process. The ideal solution is a low-cost, highly formable
metal substrate that can provide corrosion resistance without a coating, (e.g. through surface

A second area for precompetitive R&D is for the manufacturing process. A common numerical forming
model for metallic BPs is required in order to optimize process parameters to improve the forming
limit. The model should be validated with various forming methods and substrate materials.
Mechanistic understanding of two-phase fluid flow in the BP flow field is imperative to design the BP.
A common numerical model of flow field water management is required. Last, a high throughput
joining method is necessary, e.g. fast welding technique or glue adhesion for metallic BPs.
New concepts for the flow field need to be identified and feasibility established. For example, a foam
flow field may offer advantages to solve two-phase flow imitations for metallic BPs, e.g. plates that
wick water away from the GDL/plate interface. Finally, a fundamental understanding of the technical
limitations of various BP materials, including carbon composite and metallic plates is valuable.
Developing an understanding of the technical limitations should include an investigation of the
suitability for various application/operating conditions for various BP materials.

Graphite-Based Bipolar Plates for PEM Motive Fuel Cell Applications (Julian Norley, GrafTech)

Advanced Energy Technologies LLC is a subsidiary of GrafTech International, a 100-year old company.
They are manufacturers of flexible graphite materials for electronic and thermal management, fluid
sealing, automotive gasketing, fire retardancy and fuel cell applications.

Expanded graphite (EG) materials are derived from naturally occurring flake graphite that is chemically
intercalated and then heated to expand the graphite. The expanded graphite is pressed into a mat
form. The mat blank is then compression molded into a half-plate comprising gas and coolant
channels The graphite preform is then impregnated with resin and cured to form the finished half-
plate. Fuel and oxidant half-plates are adhesively bonded and cured to form the finished BP. Because
EG materials retain the anisotropic structure of the starting flake, in-plane (xy) and through-plane (z)
properties are very different. Expanded graphite materials involve a continuous graphite phase that
results in higher in-plane thermal electrical conductivity than bulk molded compounds but lower
through-plane properties. The higher thermal conductivity can be exploited in higher current density
designs. Compared to steel, EG exhibits lower density, strength, and through-plane electrical
conductivity. Corrosion is negligible. EG plates are used in Ballard’s current generation FCveloCity®
modules for bus applications. More than 1,000,000 BPs have been produced and more than 10 million
km of road service in bus and automotive applications and millions of hours of run time in forklift
applications have been demonstrated since 2000. EG plates in current field use have a BP thickness of
~ 2.0mm and a web thickness of ~ 0.45 mm, while those developed under a previous DOE project at
GraphTec (DE-FC36-07GO17012 have a BP thickness of ~ 1.6 mm and minimum web thickness of 0.32
mm. The state-of-the-art thickness for EG plates is ~ 1.1 mm BP thickness and a minimum web
thickness of 0.15-0.2 mm. EG plates also offer potential for more complex flow field designs
compared to corrugated metal plates.

Bulk molded/filled/particulate graphite composite materials (BMC) use bulk-molding compounds that
comprise high loadings (77-87 wt%) of natural and synthetic graphite particulates and carbon fibers in
thermoset resins. Plates are typically compression molded with typical times of ~ 1-5 minutes at
temperatures of 150-180°C at 20-50 MPa. BMC plates have been used successfully in motive
applications since 2005 and are favored for thicker plates/stationary power applications. Several
suppliers of bulk molding compounds and finished plates are known (but not named herein). BP web
thicknesses similar to expanded graphite materials are realized (~ 1.5 mm BP thickness and 0.30 mm
minimum web thickness in current use, with state-of-the-art BP thicknesses of ~ 1.1 mm and minimum
web thicknesses of ~ 0.15-0.2 mm). Tensile and flexural strengths are lower than that for EG plates.
Thermal conductivity is similar to that for stainless steel plates. In plane electrical conductivity is about
an order of magnitude lower than that for EG plates, but through plane values are slightly higher.

Use of carbon and graphite coated metallic plates has been reported. Argonne National Lab has
reported work (on composite fluoropolymer/graphite coatings on aluminum BPs (11). Coated panels
show no corrosion; a single cell stack was tested with improved performance vs uncoated aluminum.
Others have deposited carbon coatings on 304 SS (using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or plasma-
assisted CVD) and reported chemical stabilities comparable to Poco graphite and good corrosion
resistance while providing higher electrical conductivity than uncoated material. (20) However, these
studies were relatively short term.

An overview comparison of some of the technical properties of expanded graphite, bulk molded
compound, and carbon-coated SS 316L plates was presented (see following table).

Property Expanded Bulk Molded Stainless Steel 2020 DOE Target

Graphite Compound 316L (coated for or Target
(BMC 940) corrosion results) impacted

Density g/cm3 1.7 1.89 8.0 Plate Weight
< 0.4 kg/kWnet

Thermal 280 (xy) 13 15 n/a

Conductivity 5 (z)
Electrical 1100 (xy) 70 (xy) 13500 > 100 S/cm
Conductivity S/cm 20 (z) 30 (z)
Coefficient of 1.0 (x,y) 30 16 n/a
Thermal Expansion 90 (z)
(CTE) (µm)
Tensile/Flexural 40/60 28/38 NA/480 Flex > 34
Strength (MPa) (carbon plate)

Corrosion µA/cm2 None None < 0.1 <1

The recommended main focus area for expanded flexible graphite materials is high speed forming,
sealing, curing, gluing and cutting operations to meet the automotive volume and cost targets. Roll
embossing and adiabatic forming have been identified as candidate high speed forming routes to
100k-500k stacks/yr. Some encouraging R&D/pilot scale scoping work has been performed on roller
embossing and adiabatic forming. Roller embossing has been demonstrated at 9 meters/min by
Terrella Energy. This line speed translates to 1 plate every 3 seconds. Very high density graphite parts
have been demonstrated which reduce resin content, facilitating a sealing vs impregnation approach,
with faster curing, enabling continuous operation. Adiabatic forming of a double-sided 160 cm2 test
half-plate was demonstrated. The plate was formed in < 0.1 s using a high velocity impact unit,
resulting in improved material flow and feature definition. This approach required less energy than for
forming an identical metal part. Cost analyses that incorporate these new manufacturing scenarios are
needed. For particulate graphite materials, a similar focus on high speed forming is suggested.
Additionally, thermal property improvements are needed for high current density operation.

Corrosion Resistant Coating of Metal Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells (CH Wang, TreadStone)

DOE’s targets for BPs are shown in Table 1. The requirements are for corrosion resistance in PEM fuel
cell operating conditions, low contact resistance, and low cost. Treadstone has evaluated two coating
approaches to provide corrosion protection for metallic BPs, coatings with and without precious
metals. Precious metal coatings offer exceptional stability and electrical conductivity, but the cost of
the precious metal is high. Research has focused on reducing the precious metal coating thickness and
reducing the surface coverage of precious metal on the substrate. For non-precious metal coatings,
the materials cost is low, so the final cost is dominated by the processing cost. Challenges for these
coatings are meeting the long-term durability, especially at transient conditions. Complicating matters
is that the corrosion test condition at stack transient operation conditions is not defined by DOE, and
each original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has its own testing protocols. During start-up/shut-
down and local fuel starvation conditions potentials can reach those for oxygen evolution. (21)
System designs have been implemented to minimize these transient conditions, but BPs should have
reasonable tolerance to these conditions. Metal nitrides have been employed, but have stability issues
at the high potentials that can be seen during transient operating conditions. Graphite coatings have
been used, but thick coatings have been needed to reach the long term (5,000 h) operational
durability targets. Conductive metal oxides appear to be a potential winning strategy.

Treadstone’s precious metal approach (DOTS technology) involves using a small amount of electrically
conductive and corrosion resistant material (e.g., Au) to cover a small portion of the substrate surface
in the form of isolated dots. Non-conductive (or poorly conducting) material is used to cover the rest
of the substrate surface and separate the conductive dots. The dots electrically connect the plate base
metal (stainless steel (SS) 316L) to the cell (GDL) to allow for current flow. In micro scale, the GDL only
comes in contact with the metal plates at high points of the rough surface of the plates. On plates with
gold dots on the surface, the dots can stand out of the rough surface of the SS plates and have more
of a chance to be in contact with the GDL.

DOTS technology has been evaluated ex-situ and in PEM fuel cell stacks by Ford and is deemed ready
for commercialization by Treadstone. The DOTS technology met all reported technical targets in the
ex-situ testing by Ford, with corrosion currents of ~ 0.1µA/cm2 at the cathode and no active peak
observed at the anode. Stack testing of the DOTS technology by Ford showed good durability for the
duration of the test (2,000 hours) and decreasing interfacial contact resistance presumably as a result
of the gold dots relaxing (and spreading) and providing additional contacting area between dots and
GDL for current flow. The coating cost is low, but plate cost targets have not been met, due to the
cost of the substrate, stamping and welding. Desired improvements to the DOTS technology include
improved adhesion of the coating on the substrate and lower cost by reducing the thickness and
surface coverage of the gold.

Treadstone’s non-precious metal coating approach (TIOX technology) utilizes a semiconductive doped
titanium oxide layer to provide corrosion resistance and reduce surface electrical contact resistance.
Challenges with this approach include obtaining a low enough resistivity, since doped TiOX has low
electrical conductivity, and obtaining reliable bonding of doped TiOX to the metal substrate.
Treadstone addresses these challenges by depositing a thin layer of a Ti alloy (Ti-Nb or Ti-Ta) on the
substrate and growing the corrosion-resistant doped TiOX semi-conductive surface layer from the
alloy. The Ti alloy also provides a bonding layer that has excellent adhesion to the metal substrate and
to the doped titanium oxide surface layer. Treadstone’s TIOX technology has demonstrated superior
corrosion resistance and meets DOE corrosion targets in both potentiostatic and potentiodynamic ex-
situ testing. Both Ti-Nb and Ti-Ta alloy coating show excellent stability even at the extreme corrosive
conditions, such as at 2VNHE for 24 hours. Interfacial contact resistance for the Ti-Nb is virtually
unchanged on both anode and cathode sides after 1,100 hours in a single cell at constant current,
remaining below 3 mΩcm2 at 200 psi for both the anode and cathode plate. After 525 hours in a 10-
cell stack operating under dynamic testing conditions, the through plate resistance of the Ti-Nb alloy
coated plate increased at low compression pressures but remained nearly constant at 200 psi. Further
development is focused on the manufacturing process to reduce cost and on investigation of the
scientific mechanisms involved.

In general, further BP technology development for commercialization includes development of a roll

to roll coating process for low cost manufacturing; development of a corrosion resistant coating
capable of withstanding the physical impact and substrate deformation during plate stamping;
development of plate joining (welding) technology compatible with the coating; high production yield
in continuous production; and minimum capital investment for early market penetration.

Modeling Performance and Stability of Bipolar Plates (Rajesh Ahluwalia, ANL)

One of the functions of the BPs is to distribute reactants and product gases. An important part of this
function is water management. Cost and performance considerations have driven stacks to run hotter
and drier, especially under high power conditions, where water management should be less of an
issue. With heat rejection constraints, fuel cell system cost for dealloyed PtNi/C catalyst stacks was
found to be lowest at 2.5 atm stack inlet pressure at 95⁰C and 82% RH cathode inlet, 103% RH cathode

outlet. Under these conditions, modeling shows only small amounts of liquid water in the flow
channels. However, durability concerns suggest running at lower temperature (65-80⁰C) when
performance is not critical. This will incur a small efficiency penalty (1-2%), but should increase
lifetime. However, these cooler temperatures will lead to two-phase flow in the flow channels.

Kandlikar et al. have mapped two phase flow and pressure drop in micro channels and have identified
3 regimes of flow; slug flow, film flow, and mist flow. (22) Slug flow leads to blocked channels and is
undesirable. Mench et al. have investigated the effects of coatings on liquid flow in channels, and
demonstrated how hydrophilic coatings can help water removal through promoting the film flow
regime. (23) Weber et al. have looked at the impact of GDLs by studying the drop detachment
velocity. Lower drop detachment velocity correlates with better water removal, and can be a possible
screening tool for new GDLs. (24)

To improve water management and flow characteristics, current SOA automotive BPs have moved to
nearly straight flow channels. The impact has been that the plates have moved from having 75-90%
active area with older serpentine plates to 40-60% active area with the near straight channels, due to
the need for flow distributors with the straight channels.

The table below summarizes the BP technology against 2020 targets. The cost of BPs is one of the
largest contributors to the overall cost of the fuel cell stack. Retention of electrical conductivity under
fuel cell operating conditions is a key performance metric. A wide range of ex-situ corrosion tests
(potentiodynamic, potentiostatic for both anodic and cathodic conditions) can help to understand
material characteristics for real world conditions. In-situ stack level durability testing is imperative to
verify a material’s durability. Flow field design configuration is a key to the performance of fuel cells.
Formability is an important attribute in the design space. SS 316L has been studied as the baseline BP
material. Corrosion currents were < 1 mA/cm2, but interfacial contact resistance (ICR) was high, 1-2
orders of magnitude higher than the target of 5 mΩ cm2. This suggests coatings are needed to prevent
formation of the passivating but resistive oxide film. Further investigation indicated that the ICR
passivation film dissolved at all potentials from 0-1V, with the dissolution rate a function of the pH.
Potentiostatic release rates for the components were in the order Fe>Ni>Mn>Cr, with Fe release rates
varying between ~ 0.20-0.21 µg cm-2h-1 from 0 to 1.0 V. Changes in SS 316L ICR with potential (0.2 –
1 V) correlate well with modeled changes in oxide layer thickness (passive film). (25)

Several coatings have been investigated for SS 316L. Scientists at Jülich have investigated boron-doped
diamond (BDD)/Nb coatings for service in poly benzimidizole (PBI) fuel cells. These exhibited high
stability with no underlying passivation, however, the interfacial contact resistance (ICR) was above
DOE targets at 65 mΩ cm2 at 150 N cm-2, and 30 mΩ cm2 at 300 N cm-2 (DOE Target: < 20 mΩ cm2 at
138 N cm-2 (200 psi)) (26). Ford has tested Au coatings, both as Au nanoclad® and Au dot coatings.
They saw no significant increase in plate ASR during in-situ durability tests for either coating. Post
analysis revealed no corrosion issues. ICP analysis did not detect any metal cations in the stack
effluent water, indicating they were below the detection limit (~ppm). (27) Treadstone has recently
investigated doped TiOX coatings for BPs. These films have shown low surface contact resistance (<5
mΩ cm2 through plane resistance at 200 psi, and have shown good corrosion resistance at potentials
up to 1.6V. (28) Sandvik has demonstrated graphite-like carbon (GLC) coatings on 304L steel. GLC
coated AISI 304L corrosion tests showed that currents are in the passive region between 0.6 V and -0.2
V, well below the target, < 1 mA/cm2. Contact resistance was 3-6 mΩ cm2 at 14 bar, comparable to Au
coatings (1.5-2 mΩ cm2). (29) Impact Coatings has developed a Ceramic MaxPhase™ coating. Ceramic
MaxPhase coated BPPs showed stable performance for 5000 h in in-situ short stack tests at PowerCell
with reformate fuel: 25 ppm CO, 500 mA/cm2, 70°C, 80% RH. 24 hour corrosion tests of this coating on
SS 304 had corrosion currents below the DOE target of 1 µA/cm2. (30)

With respect to modeling, the International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 34 (Fuel Cells for
Transportation) identified the following gaps and research needs for support of modeling efforts.
Fluid mechanics of two-phase flow in state-of-the-art (SOA) metal BPs and flow fields needs additional
effort, specifically, the effect of BP materials and coatings on pressure drops; liquid accumulation,
distribution, and transport (especially in flow distributors); the effect of flow transients on robustness;
and the role of the GDL in determining water distribution and removal.

Corrosion mechanisms can be elucidated by measuring specific material and coating behavior as a
function of potential; by examining alternative substrate materials; by understanding corrosion
currents in ex-situ potentiodynamic tests; by determining the effect of potential cycling on corrosion
(metal dissolution) rates; by analyzing the effect of defects and imperfections in coatings; by designing
protocols for developing BP durability models; and by correlating in-situ and ex-situ corrosion rates.
Transport of BP corrosion products (metal ions) can be better understood by measuring the effect of
cations on electrode, membrane, and MEA performance.
Interfacial contact resistance can be characterized by parametric measurement as a function of
contact pressure, potential, and exposure.

ANL, LANL, Ford, Impact

Characteristic Units 2020 Targets UTRC Ford Treadstone Sandvik
ORNL, NREL Treadstone Coatings
Plate or Coating Doped Ceramic
SS-316L Graphite Au-Nanoclad Au-Dots PVD-GLC
Material Titania MaxPhase
Coating Uncoated Uncoated Pre-Coated Post-Coated Pre-Coated
Plate Cost $ / kW 3
Plate Weight kg/kW 0.4 <0.3
3 2
Plate H2 permeation Std cm /(s cm Pa)
-14 d
c @ 80°C, 3 atm <1.3 x 10
coefficient 100% RH
e 2
Corrosion, anode µA / cm <1 0.3 No active peak No active peak No active peak <1
f 2
Corrosion, cathode µA / cm <1 0.4 ~1.0 ~0.1 <0.02 ~0.075
Electrical conductivity S / cm >100 3400
g 2
Areal specific resistance mΩ-cm 10 420 ~15 5-6 8.4-6.4 6-8 ~11 3-6
Flexural strength MPa >25
Forming elongation % 40 53-64

Bipolar Plate Durability Testing (Rod Borup, LANL)

The DOE BP targets with associated protocols have been shown previously in Table 1. For durability,
the main concerns are the corrosion behavior and changes in the Areal Specific Resistance (including
contact resistance). Completely accurate corrosion behavior can only be obtained by long-term
commercial-scale testing at real conditions, which is obviously impractical. Therefore, a battery of ex-
situ and small in-situ tests have been developed to assess corrosion behavior. DOE protocols call for a
potentiodynamic test at 0.1 mV/s from -0.4 to +0.6V (Ag/AgCl) at 80⁰C for the anode at a pH of 3 with
0.1 ppm HF de-aerated with an Ar purge. For the cathode, the test is potentiostatic at +0.6V (Ag/AgCl)
80⁰C for ≥24 h at a pH of 3 with 0.1 ppm HF in an aerated solution. However, in reported testing,
procedures and conditions for measuring corrosion properties have varied by research entity. For
example, the potential used in the potentiostatic tests has varied from 0.6V (Ag/AgCl) to 1.6V (NHE),
temperature has varied (tests at 25°C, 70°C, and 80°C), sulfuric acid concentration has varied (1M, pH
1-3,and pH 3), as has the HF concentration (2 ppm, 0.1 ppm,). Anodic corrosion behavior of several
metal plate materials was investigated (SS 316L, Hastelloy, NiCr) as a function of temperature and
fluoride ion content. Temperature increases (from 40 to 80 ⁰C) increased the corrosion rate and
decreased the free corrosion potential (OCV). Increasing the fluoride ion concentration (from 0 to 100
ppm) had a smaller effect. Correlation of the various ex situ corrosion tests to in situ life performance
is needed.

New protocols continue to be developed. To speed up characterization of the dissolution behavior and
come closer to the situation in a cell, LANL has developed potentiometric measurements that attempt
to mirror the environment seen by the BP in a PEM cell. The experimental setup places the plate
material between two Pt/C electrodes (ELAT 0.5 mg Pt/cm2, 20% Pt on C). The ionomer membrane is
replaced with solutions of 0.001N H2SO4 containing 2 ppm F-. Hydrogen and air are fed to the anode
and cathode faces, and the electrical potential between components is recorded to monitor oxide
growth. (31) A procedure for measuring contact resistance between a metal plate and GDL materials
has been published (32). The experimental set up recommends placing the plate material between
two carbon paper GDL’s in contact with Au coated plates and applying a compaction force. The target
is for a face value of 0.01 to 0.02 ohm-mc2 at a compaction force of 150 N/cm2

LANL has also looked at ageing of metal BPs in simulated drive cycle testing, including wet and dry,
high power, low power, and idle conditions. From visual inspection, metal corrosion was found to be
more severe on the anode plate than on the cathode plate; the primary areas where corrosion has
been noted are areas where significant amounts of liquid water are present. Previous work by LANL
with identical flowfield geometry under similar operating conditions (100% RH, H2/Air co-flow with
outlets at hardware bottom) showed liquid water in the hardware flowfield in positions remarkably
similar to the positions where the corrosion was observed in this test. Nitrided Hastelloy plates were
tested in-situ to evaluate the rate of metal contamination of the ionomer/membrane and the rate of
increase in contact resistance. After 300 h of the drive cycle, contact resistance increased at low
contact force. At high contact force (> 50 lb-in) the contact resistance decreased. Membrane
resistance increases when metal cations migrate into the MEA/Membrane. With these corrosion
resistant nitride Hastelloy metal plates, LANL observed no increase in MEA metal cations after the
drive cycle testing. In fact, the MEA showed lower metal cation content after the drive cycle testing
than before. The in-situ testing to date has not included start-up/shutdown cycles or free corrosion
(extended time at off conditions). This may or may not matter depending on liquid water removal.

The research needs summarized by Ballard in 2014 (33) are generally still valid today. Correlations
between lab conditions and ex-situ tests and real-life in-situ life performance are needed. Work on life

prediction strategy of coatings needs to include more aspects of corrosion such as potential holds and
potential cycles, crevice corrosion, the impact of calendar life (prolonged off condition), as well as AST
development to support life prediction models. Potential hold studies should be used to define the
limits of the candidate materials with emphasis on key substrates as a baseline and to map corrosion
as a function of pH, temperature, and potential. The impact of joining on base materials and surface
coatings as it relates to corrosion stability needs to be considered. Interactions between plate
corrosion and membrane degradation need to be understood to identify coupling effects that
accelerate transfer leaks and corrosion. Resolution of the aforementioned issues should be guided by
an assessment of existing models on plate corrosion including corrosion mechanisms, transport of
metal species in fuel cells, and the rate of accumulation of metal species in MEA materials. A gap
analysis/validation and public dissemination of DOE models should be included. Finally, the long-term
compatibility of BP materials with hydrogen atmosphere over a range of conditions must be

Forming and Manufacturing Issues in Automotive Bipolar Plate Production (Simon Farrington, AFCC)

The interaction of the plate material and the forming process determines what geometries are
achievable in a BP. For water management narrow channels with tight curvature at the corners of
narrow upstanding landings are desirable. Stretch-formed flow fields cannot achieve the target
geometries (based on loss optimization). This leads to requirements for increased pressures and
pressure drops for effective water management. However, molded or embossed flowfields (plastic
forming only) can achieve the desired geometries, providing stable performance under wet conditions
and may enable alternative flow field architectures that provide process cost savings (e.g. robust to
cavity-cavity variations, input material property variations).

The performance of three BP material sets are assessed: roller embossed expanded graphite/resin
composite (EGR), compression molded particulate graphite/resin composite (PGR), and stretch-
formed coated stainless steel foil BPs (CSS). Manufacturing process costs and technology gaps are
enumerated. All of the concepts must address flow uniformity and interfacial contact resistance
based on flow field design.

The expanded graphite/resin composite (EGR) plate exhibits sufficient mechanical properties and
feature definition to meet the design requirements (radii, depth, draft, and thickness), but refined
material models are needed to optimize the forming of the finished composite for specific
applications. Contact resistance is the largest component of electrical loss for EGR plates, as it is for all
plate options. Post-processing has not been required to activate this material surface. The thermal
conductivity is high (approx. 300W/mK), due to the continuously conductive graphite phase. The
requirement for low contact angles requires development of manufacturing and/or material/design
solutions. With roller embossing, EGR plates can achieve densities of >1.8g/cm3 with low levels of
elastic recovery. The low levels of resin required (<5%) limit shrinkage on cure to very low levels.

Internal AFCC estimates place the process cost of EGR plates at $1.63 per BP assembly (excluding
profit margins), with estimated capital cost of $5.6M at 20,000 vehicles/year production volume. The
cost was most sensitive to materials cost, followed by sensitivity to the number of tool cavities per
cycle and then the forming cycle time. Material cost reduction is possible by further refinement of the
roller embossing pre-processing steps and potentially by use of low cost fillers. The cost estimate has
a low sensitivity to the cycle time, due to the low capital cost and low footprint requirements.
Sensitivity to parallel processing could be exploited by utilizing side-by-side multi-cavity tooling for
further cost reduction. Continuous impregnation and cure processes to replace batch steps are

considered feasible. The Process steps are proven, however immature. The Supply chain is incomplete
and the development of pilot scale capabilities within the supply base is required to realize low costs.

EGR R&D needs include further roller embossing process development to scale-up the sufficient
precision and accuracy that has been achieved to continuous production. Additional savings and
forming enhancements may be possible with use of low cost fillers and manufacturing and/or
material/design solutions are needed for low contact angle surfaces. Process development to
integrate impregnation and curing developments into a fully continuous process is also needed.

The compression molded particulate graphite/resin composite (PGR) plate feature definition is
sufficient to meet design requirements (radii, depth, draft, thickness). Mechanical properties are
sufficient but need to remain high in the context of possible applications that may require
reformulation. Thermal conductivity is low (35-45 W/ mK), for high current density applications
because premixing resin and graphite disrupts the continuously conductive material phase.
Improvements are needed, and may be possible by addition of highly conductive fillers. Contact
resistance is the largest component of electrical loss. Low cost post-processing is now close to optimal
by at least two (un-named) methods. The surface energy requirement for low contact angles still
requires development of manufacturing and/or material/design solutions. Resin cure speeds (higher
cure speed means less time in the press, reducing cost and the number of processing lines) have
improved and need continued development. Highly conductive fillers may facilitate cure time

Initial cost studies place the baseline cost for PGR plates at $2.36 per BP assembly (excluding profit
margins), with estimated capital cost of $27M at 20,000 vehicles/year production volume. A
sensitivity analysis indicated the cost was most sensitive to molding cycle time, followed by capital
costs, and then materials cost. The high sensitivity to cycle time is due to the high capital
requirements. Pre-impregnation and pre-forming processes require further development or outright
elimination for further cost reductions. The cure-in-press process imposes a fundamental cycle time
limitation. Resin cure speeds (press closed time) have improved on this limitation but need additional
improvement. Highly conductive fillers may facilitate cure time reduction. The current supply chain
is healthy, and supplier choice exists, allowing quality/cost trade-offs to be made.

Development needs for compression molded, particulate graphite composites include improved
material thermal conductivity (for cure time and operational benefits), press cycle time improvements
(which may come from above), and manufacturing and/or material/design solutions to provide
surfaces with low contact angles.

Stretch-formed coated stainless steel foil BPs cannot meet geometry targets based on optimized in-
situ performance loss breakdown analysis because of substrate properties and forming limitations.
Thermal conductivity is low (16 W/ mK), presenting a risk for high current density applications. The
low thermal conductivity of the stainless steel limits part performance at high heat fluxes and at
extremes of operation when conductive web cross-sections are small. Contact resistance with the
GDL is low, competitive, and dependent on coating properties. The requirement for low contact angle
requires coating surface engineering solutions. Trade-offs with contact interface performance are
anticipated. Low overall thickness and feature dependency present significant fluid handling
challenges for the cell designer, particularly at high current densities.

Cost estimates place the baseline CSS plate cost at $3.17/BP assembly (excluding profit margins), with
estimated capital cost of $43M at 20,000 vehicles/year production volume. The highest risk is
substrate material cost, followed by the coating cost, where there is a lack of viable options for both.

More development in coatings is needed. Sensitivity analysis also indicates the cost is sensitive to the
welding speed and the capital outlay. Laser welding is not demonstrated at high throughput in
similarly complex parts. Significant design trade-offs and challenges exist between welding and part
performance. Cleaning process cost has a low impact on plate cost.

Development needs for metallic plates include low cost substrate materials that can be consistently
formed to target profiles (based on stack performance and operational stability) and durable
substrates or very low cost coatings. Alternative flowfield designs to reduce electrical losses (wide
channels, landings) and improve stability (dimensional conformance) could also enable this
technology. Improvements are needed in low cost, high speed welding or alternative high speed
joining methods. Material property improvements and/or increased flow domain depths (part
thickness) are needed to tackle thermal distribution issues. Increased part thickness will also help to
maintain reasonable flow domain depths for low flow resistances, with respect to system efficiency.
Lower contact angle surfaces are needed for wet-flow stability (this may be relieved by alternative
flowfield designs, depending on the concept).

Approaches to Provide a Metallic Bipolar Plate Module to the Industry (Raimund Stroebel, Dana

Dana has been active in metallic BPs for some time, stamping their first metallic plates in 2001,
providing coated plates in 2005, and providing plates with their beaded seal in 2007. Dana launched
production of standardized plates in 2012, and launched production using progressive die stamping in
2014. Dana has concluded that industrialization of fuel cells requires design to both cost and

Recent trends in flow fields for BPs have led to a reduction in the ratio of active area to passive area.
For automotive plates, the ratio of active area to passive area falls between 0.4 and 0.65, with most
around 0.5. Increasing the fraction of active area could increase power density and decrease cost and

For moderate vehicle production rates of 30,000 vehicles per year, approximately 10 million MEAs and
20 million plates are needed. These high volumes demand that processes be high-throughput. Dana
utilizes a high speed stamping process with progressive dies for cutting and stamping that provides
microstructures of ≤100 µm. This is followed by joining, then coating, followed by the sealing process.

Sealing is a critical issue both for fuel cell performance and in fuel cell manufacturing. Using a
traditional sealing approach of an MEA with an injection-molded gasket, Dana estimates a throughput
of 1 plate/45 sec. At that rate, 21 injection-molding cells are required for a production rate of 30,000
vehicles per year (10,000,000 MEAs). Higher throughput is needed. Dana has developed an integrated
metallic bead seal that can increase throughput and reduce machine costs. The seal is an integrated
part of the BP module, produced simultaneously with the BP. This technique produces a gas tight seal,
with only minor gas permeation due to the low permeability of the metal. Dana’s design also allows
for flexibility and individual adjustment to the plate and port geometry and soft goods, and a
simplification of the assembly process. Using their bead seal, Dana estimates that the 10,000,000
MEAs per year for 30,000 vehicles can be processed on 1 machine (versus the 21 needed for the
traditional approach) at a line speed of 12 m/min. By utilizing integrated components (metallic BP with
integrated seal and low cost coating and integrated laminated MEA), stack assembly can be simplified.
To aid in the assembly, the plates are designed for ideal pick-and-place structures.

Dana’s BPs and bead seals have been demonstrated in the ZSW Foundation’s AutoStack CORE project
to build and test a 100-kW automotive fuel cell stack. BPs for the second generation stack have
increased the active/passive area for the plates from 46% to 52% and reduced the cell pitch from 1.2
to 1.0 mm, which along with other improvements led to an increase in stack power density from 2.8 to
3.5 kW/L

BREAKOUT SESSION (Materials and Coatings)

Four parallel breakout sessions were convened to identify R&D needs for Materials and Coatings. All
four teams addressed materials and coatings for both metal and composite BPs. The following
questions served as catalysts for the discussion:
How can materials and coating costs be reduced and performance/durability be improved?
What base materials provide the most potential to meet BP cost, durability and performance
targets for automotive applications?
What are the issues limiting the use of metallic BPs and are there grade or composition
requirements (e.g. limitations on Fe or Ni content)?
What are the main issues limiting coating technologies for metal-based BPs?
For non-metallic (carbon) plates, what are the issues limiting their use in automotive fuel cell
What R&D is needed to address these issues and what are the priorities?
Are there improvements in other cell or stack components that could alleviate plate

Groups were almost evenly divided on their opinions of the relative importance of work on metal and
carbon/carbon composite plates. In the area of metal plates, the main issues identified as limiting
plates were forming limitations, cost, and corrosion concerns. Cost and corrosion are correlated, as
the more corrosion resistant materials are higher cost. Overall, participants considered work on Al
and Al alloys a higher priority than work on stainless steels (including low Ni steels), which was higher
priority than work on Ti alloys. Al and Al alloys were discussed as being cheaper, easier to form, and
lighter. However, concerns about Al corrosion were expressed and there was a portion of the
attendees who had the opinion that Al would require a perfect or near perfect coating, which would
be very difficult to achieve. Lower grade stainless steels, with low Ni content were discussed, but
forming of these materials was considered more difficult. Corrosion of these materials was also a
concern. Titanium has good corrosion properties, but was considered too expensive. However, some
commented on the possibility of powder processing for titanium substantially reducing costs. Forming
tolerances and the tradeoffs with processing and joining issues (welding) when going to thinner foils
were also mentioned as areas where R&D is needed. There was some interest in investigating other
alloys and materials, with an emphasis on lowering cost (compared to SS 316L) while providing some
corrosion protection.

The main issues identified as limiting coatings were processing, cost, and coating quality. The majority
of current coatings need to be applied post-forming. If the coating can be applied pre-forming it is
believed it will lead to lower costs due to easier handling (roll-to-roll versus individual parts). The cost
of the coating material (in the case of precious metal coatings) or the cost of the coating application is
too high. The presence of defects and imperfections in the coatings can lead to unacceptable leaching
of the substrate material. The adequacy of the coating for corrosion protection depends on the base
material. Current coatings can provide sufficient corrosion protection for SS 316L, but the cost of the
base material is too high. For materials such as Al, the coating needs to be perfect, and the present
technology is not adequate. High priority R&D areas identified for coatings include coatings that can

be formed (applied pre-forming), coating-manufacturing interactions, and more detailed corrosion
studies, including following corrosion at specific locations such as coating defects and imperfections.

For carbon materials, limiting issues that were identified include sealing the plate and potential
permeability to H2 or air, flexural strength of the plates, quality control, and high volume
manufacturing capacity/throughput. Attendees thought that carbon plates can be made with the
appropriate cell pitch to meet power density targets, and Simon Farrington presented data indicating
cell pitch and web thickness could be comparable to metal plates. While he also presented work
showing roll-to-roll processes for expanded graphite resin plates, other attendees still had some
question about whether carbon/carbon composite plates can be made at acceptable throughputs.
R&D on composites and C resins and sealing were seen as the highest priority item to address, with
work on high-speed manufacturing seen as the next most important aspect for carbon/carbon
composite plates. There was concern about the supply chain and quality control with carbon/carbon
composite plates. Recyclability was also mentioned as an area of concern.

For both metal and carbon plates, improved MEA performance to increase power density was thought
to be important for reducing cost/kW of the BPs. There was also some discussion that the plates (and
other components) are over-engineered in some aspects, and that the design specifications can be
relaxed and still meet the overall system targets.

BREAKOUT SESSION (Manufacturing)

Two parallel Breakout Sessions were convened to identify R&D needs for manufacturing. Both teams
addressed metal and composite BPs. The following questions served as catalysts for the discussion:
Are current forming, methods adequate (quality, cycle time, cost)?
Are current joining/sealing methods adequate (quality, cycle time, cost)?
Are current coating methods adequate (quality, cycle time, cost)?
Can multiple steps be combined into a single step (e.g., stamping and joining; stamping and
coating during forming)?
How can manufacturing costs be reduced?

Priorities were not the same for the two breakout manufacturing groups but two overarching themes
were evident, cycle times need to be reduced and quality needs to be improved, both of which have
implications for cost. Although millions of BPs have been manufactured and placed in service in fuel
cell vehicles (FCVs), buses, material handling equipment (MHE), and stationary applications, cost is still
an issue, driven by material and processing costs. High carbon processing costs are primarily a result of
long composite curing times. Materials development was the main approach suggested to decrease
curing times. Other curing methods such as e-beam, ultra-violet (UV) or photonic curing were also
suggested as possible methods to decrease cure times. Roll embossing was one method suggested to
improve throughput for forming of carbon composite plates. Metal BPP assembly processing costs are
driven by forming and joining speeds and coating application. Brian James presented an estimate that
stamping costs alone account for $3.40/kWnet and that his baseline progressive stamping case would
require 110 simultaneous process lines to meet the BP needs for 500,000 vehicle/year production
rate. This number of production lines is not reasonable, and would lead to serious quality control
concerns. Options discussed to improve throughput were increasing the number of parts per press,
roll embossing, hydroforming, adiabatic stamping and explosive forming. The quality and tolerances of
the forming processes are key factors to investigate. Potential re-rolling after stamping/forming was
also suggested as a possible route to increase throughput by minimizing part picking and placing time.
Welding metal plates is time consuming and complicated. High-speed laser welding and non-
traditional approaches such as welding the whole plate at once were identified as potential solutions

to increase throughput. Other potential solutions identified included diffusion bonding and gluing
rather than welding. However, it was noted that adhesive joints have had higher failure rates than
welds. The need for high-volume manufacturing studies was also recognized for both carbon and
metal plates

As discussed in the AFCC presentation, traditional stamping limits the geometry of stamped metal flow
fields to less than ideal geometries. Adiabatic and explosive forming are potential approaches to
enable metal plates to achieve the desired geometries. Metal plate properties (forming limits) and
their behavior during alternative forming such as hydroforming, adiabatic forming, or explosive
forming should be evaluated. Forming die tool life and how wear affects tolerances was identified as
an issue. Other methods to impart flow fields, such as 3D printing and embossing were identified as
alternatives, but are at low TRL levels. One of the breakout groups expressed doubts that additive
manufacturing could have sufficient throughput to be useful for this application. It was also suggested
that alternative flow field designs could relax the requirements for stamping (with the extreme of a
flat plate with a foam flow field).

The area of coatings was a medium priority for both groups. Current coating cycle times are
considered to be too high. Several coatings require vacuum processing, which adds cost. For PVD
coatings, research should target reducing materials cost and waste. Research to develop coatings that
can be applied prior to stamping was also identified as a priority. Different deposition techniques such
as ink-spray coating or techniques that apply the coating or surface treatment in the stamping or
embossing steps could potentially reduce cycle times and costs for coating deposition. Quality control
of coatings is also an area of concern. The repeatability of the coating process in high volume
manufacturing needs to be demonstrated and in-line inspection of coatings to verify uniformity and
repeatability would be beneficial. Studies determining how manufacturing processes affect quality
should be a part of these studies.

BREAKOUT SESSION (Modeling/Testing)

Two parallel Breakout Sessions were convened to identify R&D needs for modeling and testing
different aspects of BPP technology. The following questions served as catalysts for the discussion:
Can a fundamental understanding of technical limitations of various BP materials, including
carbon composite and metallic plates be gained by modeling?
Are models for fluid flow and water transport adequate?
Where else can modeling address BP needs?
Are existing test protocols sufficient and appropriate for all plate types, or will new tests be
needed for new materials/coatings?
Are technical targets and parameters comprehensive? What needs to be added, changed,
improved or deleted?
Are ex-situ tests instructive?
Do we have appropriate accelerated tests for BP ageing ex-situ? In-situ?

The breakout groups agreed that modeling can help us understand forming limitations. Models for
forming large parts, such as fenders, currently exist but we do not have models to predict forming of
BP flow-fields. Models are needed that can predict/calculate flatness, bend radii, and residual stresses
for various stamping/forming conditions and various materials. The breakout groups also agreed that
current 2-phase flow models are inadequate for describing water and water vapor transport.
Development of 2-phase flow models with a focus on the effects of flow fields on system behavior
including start-up and transients is desirable. Modeling to predict how dimensional tolerances and
variability affect performance and durability was also suggested. However, flow field design is

considered a competitive research area by the OEMs, so the OEMs do not think modeling directed
toward developing new or improved flow field designs is an appropriate area for DOE. Cost modeling
was also seen as worth pursuing. A cost model for composite plates was suggested as a high priority.
An impartial study comparing cost for the current SOA for carbon and metal plates is needed. A
predictive corrosion model was also a high priority need. Current corrosion models lack predictive
capability. In particular, models that can provide transfer functions or correlations between the short-
term durability tests and real world long-term fuel cell operation are needed. Models are also needed
to understand plate-GDL interfacial contact resistances for different contact pressures, potentials,
exposure times, and materials.

For the area of testing, the two highest priorities were flow distribution testing and materials-specific
targets. The flow testing involves reactant distribution, residence time, pressure drop, channel
dimensional tolerances, and the effect of GDL intrusion into flow channels. Improved physical
characterization of water in-situ is needed to inform model development with reliable results.
Materials-specific targets are especially relevant to differences between carbon and metal plates and
to corrosion and degradation products’ effect on the MEA. For example, corrosion of titanium within
present specific targets may result in (benign) Ti in the membrane whereas corrosion of SS puts (very
deleterious) Fe in the membrane at the same corrosion current. Likewise, leachates from carbon
plates depend on the raw materials (e.g., resin composition). Development of targets for scratch
resistance, coating adhesion, plate-to-plate adhesion, and surface energy stability was suggested.
Improved understanding of the relationship between in-situ and ex-situ corrosion would support
development of such targets.

The remaining items all had essentially the same priority. Accelerated Stress Tests (ASTs) and ex-situ
corrosion tests need to be correlated to in-service lifetimes. Additional ASTs and test protocols are
needed for specific stressors during cell/stack operation such as high voltage. Anode corrosion is not
sufficiently understood and development of the transfer function from a “2-hour anodic polarization
to long-term fuel cell operation” would support a predictive corrosion model. Experimental
characterization of the mechanical properties of new materials at the appropriate length scale would
benefit modeling of manufacturing and in-cell behavior.


Current bipolar plate technologies do not meet the DOE cost targets. Metal plates and carbon/carbon
composite plates each have areas where they have advantages and where they have development
issues. Metal plates have allowed finer cell pitch and more rapid processing, but have suffered from
high materials costs, low formability, and/or corrosion products that negatively impact cell
performance. The cost of the current plate material, SS 316L, is estimated to be $3.5/kWnet, higher
than the DOE target of $3/kW for a finished plate. R&D priorities for metallic BP materials are
improving the forming limit of the substrate materials (thin metallic foil) and developing robust
coating materials that allow the use of less expensive substrates and enable a pre-forming deposition
process (coat before the forming). Deposition processes that mitigate coating defects (such as cracks
or delamination) during the stamping process, provide self-protection from corrosion/degradation at
coating defect areas, provide chemical stability (particularly mitigate leaching of metal ions which are
harmful for other components, e.g. the membrane), eliminate PGMs or precious metal for lower cost,
and are amendable to a high-throughput manufacturing process are also of interest. Carbon
composite plates offer lower materials cost than SS plates, good corrosion resistance, potential for
lower weight, and higher formability. However, plate strength is lower and processing times have
been long, leading to high processing costs. For carbon composite plates, high throughput production

processes and materials that promote high throughput are needed. Higher strength materials and
materials that improve thermal conductivity would be beneficial. Testing procedures and targets that
are specific to the material and that are closer to real-world conditions are needed to further advance
the field. Modeling could provide additional insight into formability and performance. Improvements
are needed in forming models, two-phase flow models, and durability models.

1) B. James https://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/review16/fc018_james_2016_o.pdf
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_EcoBoost_engine#Specifications_2 2
3) http://wardsauto.com/2015/2015-winner-ford-10l-ecoboost-dohc-di-i-3
4) https://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2016/06/f32/ace000_singh_2016_o_web.pdf
5) https://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2017/05/f34/fcto_myrdd_fuel_cells.pdf
6) M. Onischak, L. G. Marianowski, S. Thielman, and Q. Fan, Development of a $10/kW Bipolar
Separator Plate, P. 110, https://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/03/f10/10.pdf
7) M. Bortner, Economical High Performance Thermoplastic Composite Bipolar Plates,
8) O. L. AdrianowyczNext Generation Bipolar Plates for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells,
9) A.S. Woodman, E.B. Anderson, K.D. Jayne, and M.C. Kimble, Development of Corrosion Resistant
Coatings for Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates, AESF SUR/FIN ‘99 Proceedings, 6/21-24, 1999.
10) M.P. Brady, T.J. Toops, and P. F. Tortorelli, Nitrided Metallic Bipolar Plates,
11) J. Mawdsley, S. Niyogi, X. Wang, J. Carter, Metallic Bipolar Plates with Composite Coatings,
12) C. H. Wang, Low-Cost PEM Fuel Cell Metal Bipolar Plates
13) C. H. Wang, Novel Structured Metal Bipolar Plates for Low Cost Manufacturing
14) US Patent 8,053,141 B2 (2011), DE Patent Application 10235598 A1 (2002),DE Patent Grant 10235598 B4
15) H. Tang, et. al., J of Power Source 158 (2006) 1306-1312
16) PratitiMandal, et. al., 3D Imaging of Fuel Cell Electrode Structure Degraded under Cell Reversal
Conditions Using Nanoscale X-ray Computed Tomography, 228th ECS meeting in Phoenix, AZ
17) S. Knights et al., U.S. Patent, 6,936,370 B1 (2005)
18) S. Hirano, et al., Multi-Layer Thin Film Coating on BPs for PEMFC, PRiME 2016 (ECS), Oct 2016
19) S. Hirano et al., US Patent 8,232,026B2 (2012).
20) Karimi et al., Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID
21) J. P. Meyers, R. M. Darling, JECS., 153, A1432-A1442 (2006)
22) Z. Lu, S.G. Kandlikar, et al, “Water Management Studies in PEM Fuel Cells, Part II: Ex Situ Pressure
Drop and Two-Phase Flow Patterns in Gas Channels,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
34(2009), 3445-3456.
23) A. Turhan, S. Kim, M. Hatzell, M. Mench, Electrochimica Acta, 55(8),2734-2745,(2010).
24) A. D. Santamaria, P. K. Das, J. C. MacDonald, A. Z. Weber, J. Electrochem. Soc., 161 (12), F1184-
F1193 (2014).
25) R. K. Ahluwalia, Performance Requirements of BPs for Automotive Fuel Cells, , ANL IEA Annex 34
Meeting on Metal BPs for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells (Nov. 2015 ).
26) Vitali Weißbecker, Effect of Potential and Temperature on Electrochemical Corrosion of Metallic
BPs for HT-PEFCs, FZ Jülich, IEA Annex 34 Meeting on Metal BPs for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells
(Nov. 2015 )

27) Shinichi Hirano, R&D for Automotive Fuel Cell Systems – Bipolar Platess, Ford Motor Company, IEA
Annex 34 Meeting on Metal BPs for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells (Nov. 2015 )
28) Conghua Wang, Metal Bipolar Plate Coating for PEM Fuel Cells, TreadStone Technologies, IEA
Annex 34 Meeting on Metal Bipolar Plates for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells (Nov. 2015 )
29) Hanna Bramfeldt, Sandvik Surface Technology - Commercializing Bipolar Plate production, IEA
Annex 34 Meeting on Metal BPs for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells (Nov. 2015 )
30) Henrik Ljungcrantz, Ceramic MaxPhase™ - a highly conductive, low cost, and corrosion resistant
coating on metal Bipolar Plates for PEM fuel cell, Impact Coatings, IEA Annex 34 Meeting on Metal
Bipolar Plates for Automotive PEM Fuel Cells (Nov. 2015 )
31) K. Wiesbrod, U.S. Patent # 6,454,922(2002)
32) Dionissios D. Papadias , Rajesh K. Ahluwalia , Jeffery K. Thomson , Harry M. Meyer III , Michael P.
Brady , Heli Wang, John A. Turner, Rangachary Mukundan, Rod Borup, Degradation of SS 316L
Bipolar Platess in simulated fuel cell environment: Corrosion rate, barrier film formation kinetics
and contact resistance, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 273, 2015, 1237 – 1249
33) Shanna Knights, DOE Durability Working Group Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Dec. 11,

Appendix A List of Attendees
Company: Name
AFCC Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation Corp. Robert Artibise
AFCC Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation Corp. Simon Farrington
American Trim, LLC Steve Hatkevich
Allegheny Science and Technology Shaun Onorato
Argonne National Lab John Kopasz
Argonne National Lab Thomas Benjamin
Argonne National Lab Rajesh Ahluwalia
Ballard Bevan Moss
Ballard Andrew Desouza
BMW Zaharias Veziridis
Borit NV Gert Nelissen
Dana Corp Raimund Stroebel
Dana Corp Brian Cheadle
Die-Matic Corp. William Shepard
DJW Technology, LLC Douglas Wheeler
EWI Madeleine Odgaard
EWI Stan Ream
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US Max Zou
Ford Motor Company Valerie Nelson
Ford Motor Company Mark Ricketts
Ford Motor Company Daniel Wilkosz
Ford Motor Company Shinichi Hirano
Freudenberg-NOK Sealing Technologies Mark Belchuk
General Motors Smuruthi Kamepalli
General Motors Balsu Lakshmanan
Giner Monjid Hamdan
GLWN Patrick Fullenkamp
GrafTech AET Julian Norley
GrafTech AET David Stuart
H2 Power Tech, LLC Harol Koyama
H2 Power Tech, LLC Michael Hicks
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute Jean St-Pierre
Hydrogenics Corporation Rainey Wang
Impact Coatings AB Henrik Ljungcrantz
JFE Steel Toshihiro Kikuchi
Los Alamos National Lab Rod Borup
Los Alamos National Lab Jacob Spendelow
Michigan Technological University Jeffrey Allen
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Judith Vidal
Nishimura Manubu Kinoshita
Nishimura Tatsuo Hisada

Oak Ridge National Laboratory David Wood
Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition (OFCC) Pat Valente
Ohio Energy & Advanced Manufacturing Center Larry Wilkerson
Pacific Northwest National Lab Kevin Simmons
Plug Power Michael Cacioppo
Plug Power Chuck Carlstrom
REB Research Robert Buxbaum
Strategic Analysis Inc. Jennie Huya-Kouadio
Strategic Analysis Inc. Brian James
Strategic Analysis Inc. Yu Yi
Terrella Energy Systems Ltd John Kenna
Toyota Hangfei Jia
Toyota Kuzuyiki Hirata
Toyota Kan Huang
Toyota Kunihiro Yamaura
TreadStone Technologies., Inc Conghua Wang
U.S. Department of Energy Deanna Schenck
U.S. Department of Energy Dimitrios Papageorgopoulos
U.S. Department of Energy Greg Kleen
US Department of Energy Bahman Habibzadeh
U.S. Department of Energy Eric Parker
Lincoln Electric David Guastaferri

Appendix B List of Acronyms

AES Auger electron spectroscopy

AFCC Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation Corp.

ANL Argonne National Laboratory

ASR Area specific resistance

AST Accelerated stress test

BDD boron doped diamond

BMC Bulk molded carbon

BP Bipolar Plate

CSS Coated stainless steel

CTE Coefficient of thermal expansion

CVD Chemical vapor deposition

DMFA Design for manufacturing and assembly

DOE Department of Energy

EG Expanded graphite

EGR Expanded graphite/resin composite

FC Fuel cell

FCV Fuel cell vehicle

FCTO Fuel Cell Technologies Office

GDL Gas diffusion layer

GM General Motors

ICE Internal combustion engine

ICP Inductively coupled plasma

ICR Interfacial contact resistance

IEA International Energy Agency

kg kilogram

kW kilowatt

kWe kilowatt electric

kWnet kilowatt net

LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory

MEA Membrane electrode assembly

MHE Material handling equipment

OEM Original equipment manufacturer

ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory

PBI poly benzimidizole

PECVD Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition

PEM Proton exchange membrane or polymer electrolyte membrane

PGR particulate graphite/resin composite

ppm Parts per million

PSI Pounds per square inch

PVD Physical vapor deposition

R&D Research and Development

RH Relative humidity

SA Strategic Analysis, Inc.

SS Stainless steel

TRL Technology readiness level

UV Ultra-violet


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