Landbank VS Perez
Landbank VS Perez
Landbank VS Perez
vs. upon the latter's execution and delivery to the entruster of a signed
LAMBERTO C. PEREZ, NESTOR C. KUN, MA. ESTELITA P. document called a "trust receipt" wherein the entrustee binds
ANGELES-PANLILIO, and NAPOLEON O. GARCIA, Respondents. himself to hold the designated goods, documents or instruments in
trust for the entruster and to sell or otherwise dispose of the goods,
G.R. No. 166884 June 13, 2012 documents or instruments with the obligation to turn over to the
entruster the proceeds thereof to the extent of the amount owing to
FACTS: the entruster or as appears in the trust receipt or the goods,
Petitioner Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) is a government financial documents or instruments themselves if they are unsold or not
institution and the official depository of the Philippines. Respondents are otherwise disposed of, in accordance with the terms and conditions
the officers and representatives of Asian Construction and Development specified in the trust receipt, or for other purposes substantially
Corporation (ACDC), a corporation incorporated under Philippine law equivalent to any of the following:
and engaged in the construction business.
1. In the case of goods or documents, (a) to sell the goods or
On June 7, 1999, LBP filed a complaint for estafa or violation of Article procure their sale; or (b) to manufacture or process the goods with
315, paragraph 1(b) of the Revised Penal Code, in relation to P.D. 115, the purpose of ultimate sale: Provided, That, in the case of goods
against the respondents. In the affidavit-complaint, it stated that LBP delivered under trust receipt for the purpose of manufacturing or
extended a credit accommodation to ACDC through the execution of an processing before its ultimate sale, the entruster shall retain its title
Omnibus Credit Line Agreement (Agreement) between LBP and ACDC. over the goods whether in its original or processed form until the
In various instances, ACDC used the Letters of Credit/Trust Receipts entrustee has complied fully with his obligation under the trust
Facility of the Agreement to buy construction materials. The trust receipt; or (c) to load, unload, ship or tranship or otherwise deal
receipts matured, but ACDC failed to return to LBP the proceeds of the with them in a manner preliminary or necessary to their sale.
construction projects or the construction materials subject of the trust
receipts. When ACDC failed to comply with the demand letter, LBP filed There are two obligations in a trust receipt transaction. The first is
the affidavit-complaint. covered by the provision that refers to money under the obligation to
deliver it to the owner of the merchandise sold. The second is covered
Assistant Prosecutor: Complaint dismissed by the provision referring to merchandise received under the obligation
On September 30, 1999, the complaint was dismissed. The to return it to the owner. Thus, under the Trust Receipts Law, intent to
resolution pointed out that the evidence presented by LBP failed to defraud is presumed when (1) the entrustee fails to turn over the
state the date when the goods described in the letters of credit were proceeds of the sale of goods covered by the trust receipt to the
actually released to the possession of the respondents. Section 4 entruster; or when the entrustee fails to return the goods under trust, if
of P.D. 115 requires that the goods covered by trust receipts be they are not disposed of in accordance with the terms of the trust
released to the possession of the entrustee after the latters receipts.
execution and delivery to the entruster of a signed trust receipt.
In all trust receipt transactions, both obligations on the part of the trustee
SOJ: Reversed decision exist in the alternative the return of the proceeds of the sale or the return
On appeal, the Secretary of Justice reversed the Resolution of the or recovery of the goods, whether raw or processed. When both parties
Assistant City Prosecutor. The Secretary of Justice pointed out that enter into an agreement knowing that the return of the goods subject of
there was no question that the goods covered by the trust receipts the trust receipt is not possible even without any fault on the part of the
were received by ACDC. He likewise adopted LBPs argument that trustee, it is not a trust receipt transaction penalized under Section 13 of
while the subjects of the trust receipts were not mentioned in the P.D. 115; the only obligation actually agreed upon by the parties would
trust receipts, they were listed in the letters of credit referred to in be the return of the proceeds of the sale transaction. This transaction
the trust receipts. becomes a mere loan, where the borrower is obligated to pay the bank
the amount spent for the purchase of the goods. We note in this regard
CA: that at the onset of these transactions, LBP knew that ACDC was in the
Subsequently, the respondents filed a petition for review before construction business and that the materials that it sought to buy under
the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals applying the Colinares the letters of credit were to be used for the following projects: the Metro
doctrine ruled that this case did not involve a trust receipt Rail Transit Project and the Clark Centennial Exposition Project. LBP
transaction, but a mere loan. had in fact authorized the delivery of the materials on the construction
sites for these projects, as seen in the letters of credit it attached to its
SC: complaint. Clearly, they were aware of the fact that there was no way
Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari, under Rule they could recover the buildings or constructions for which the materials
45 of the Rules of Court, assailing the decision dated January 20, subject of the alleged trust receipts had been used.
2005 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 76588. In the
assailed decision, the Court of Appeals dismissed the criminal The fact that LBP had knowingly authorized the delivery of construction
complaint for estafa against the respondents, Lamberto C. Perez, materials to a construction site of two government projects, as well as
Nestor C. Kun, Ma. Estelita P. Angeles-Panlilio and Napoleon unspecified construction sites, repudiates the idea that LBP intended to
Garcia, who allegedly violated Article 315, paragraph 1(b) of the be the owner of those construction materials. Thus, in concluding that
Revised Penal Code, in relation with Section 13 of Presidential the transaction was a loan and not a trust receipt, we noted in Colinares
Decree No. (P.D.) 115 the Trust Receipts Law. that the industry or line of work that the borrowers were engaged in was
Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred when it reversed the Based on these premises, we cannot consider the agreements between
resolutions of the Honorable Secretary of Justice by applying the ruling the parties in this case to be trust receipt transactions because (1) from
in the case of Colinares v. Court of Appeals, which is not applicable in the start, the parties were aware that ACDC could not possibly be
the case at bar. obligated to reconvey to LBP the materials or the end product for which
they were used; and (2) from the moment the materials were used for
RULING: the government projects, they became public, not LBPs, property.
NO. The disputed transactions are not trust receipts.
Since these transactions are not trust receipts, an action for estafa
Section 4 of P.D. 115 defines a trust receipt transaction in this manner: should not be brought against the respondents, who are liable only for a
loan herein. In view of all the foregoing, the Court of Appeals committed
Section 4.What constitutes a trust receipt transaction. A trust no reversible error in its appealed Decision.
receipt transaction, within the meaning of this Decree, is any
transaction by and between a person referred to in this Decree as WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition and AFFIRM the January 20, 2005
the entruster, and another person referred to in this Decree as decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 76588. No costs.
entrustee, whereby the entruster, who owns or holds absolute title SO ORDERED.
or security interests over certain specified goods, documents or