CR Injector Test and Repair: Manual
CR Injector Test and Repair: Manual
CR Injector Test and Repair: Manual
Ver. 1.21
Our innovation.
Your advantage
The worldwide first high-pressure diesel injection system with piezo injectors was the forerunner of the
current Continental Common Rail Diesel System. Common Rail Diesel Injection Systems consist of the
following main components: a high-pressure pump, piezo injectors, rail, lines and engine control unit.
The high-pressure pump continually delivers diesel fuel into the rail under pressure; the rail supplies
fuel to the piezo injectors through the lines. The engine unit controls the piezo injectors to ensure that
the right amount of diesel fuel is injected into the cylinders at the right point in time.
The piezo actuator allows extremely short switching times for precise control and stability of smallest
injection quantities possible. This means that the injector provides multiple injections with an
outstanding repeatability.
The brands of "VDO CR Injectors" mentioned in this manual could be Siemens, Siemens VDO or
Continental. This due to historical reasons.
Version History
Table of Contents
1. Components .................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Visual check – before start ............................................................................................................. 9
3. Visual check................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Identifying the injector ........................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Initial electric test .................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.2. Piezo stack – resistance check ...................................................................................... 12
3.2.3. Piezo stack – capacitance check ................................................................................... 12
4. Injector cleaning ........................................................................................................................... 14
5. Spray pattern test and injector purge ........................................................................................ 16
6. Nozzle change – CR injector repair .............................................................................................. 17
6.1. Tools – installation and adjustment ....................................................................................... 17
6.1.1. Height adjustment .......................................................................................................... 17
6.2. Tools – overview ................................................................................................................... 19
6.3. Tools – spare parts ............................................................................................................... 21
6.4. High pressure connection – tightness check ......................................................................... 21
6.5. Repair process...................................................................................................................... 22
6.5.1. Repair process – CR Injector Repair Tool Kit “version B” .......................................... 29
7. Test on bench – Continental specific software for CRi-PC ........................................................... 31
7.1. Important notices .................................................................................................................. 31
7.2. Software purchase ................................................................................................................ 31
7.3. Software updates .................................................................................................................. 32
7.4. Overall information about the software .................................................................................. 32
7.5. Injector testing ...................................................................................................................... 41
7.6. Language support ................................................................................................................. 52
7.7. Tips ....................................................................................................................................... 54
7.7.1. Cable check ................................................................................................................... 54
7.7.2. Injector not connected or broken actuator ...................................................................... 55
7.7.3. False test plan selected ................................................................................................. 56
7.7.4. Connection of the plugs to different measuring units ...................................................... 57 Two plugs wrongly connected ................................................................................. 57 Four plugs wrongly connected ................................................................................ 58 Two plugs wrongly connected and line deactivated ................................................ 59
8. Workflow ...................................................................................................................................... 60
9. Injector storage ............................................................................................................................ 61
9.1. Injector packaging ................................................................................................................. 61
10. Test on bench – monthly feedback .............................................................................................. 62
11. Engine test – test drive................................................................................................................. 63
11.1. Injector copper ring ............................................................................................................ 63
12. FAQs listed by problems .............................................................................................................. 64
1. Components
There are two different types of VDO CR Injectors covered in this manual. The first generation
equipped with a long nozzle nut which covers the whole CR Injector body (Illustration 2.1) and the
second generation (Illustration 2.2) which is equiped with a much shorter nozzle nut.
Illustration 2.3 The main components of a Common Rail Injector
2. Visual check – before start
The first step of the process is the visual check. This step makes sure that only CR injectors which are
not physically damaged will remain in the process.
CR Injectors which show signs of being
overheated or burned on the surface cannot be
tested as inner parts have been damaged.
3. Visual check
For further information please check the Diesel Handout which is available on the Extranet.
Rep. Kit Not available Not available Not available Not available
3.2. Initial electric test
Before the electrical test, make sure that the injector was stored at least for 3 hours at ambient
First inspection of the injector checks the circuit between the actuator and the body of the injector. For
this test you can use both High voltage insulation tester or Digital multimeter/multitester.
The insulation resistance should be tested under “Clean Room” conditions thus temperature and
moisture have very strong influence on the measured value.
Please bear in mind that the used multimeter must fulfill following requirements:
1) Voltage 0 – 10V ± 0,1V
2) Current 0 – 400µA ± 0,4%
In case the injector fails one of the above mentioned tests, the injector’s actuator is faulty and the
injector cannot be reworked.
Below you will find a table within the capacitance values for different injector types. The capacitance
value mustn’t be lower than specified.
Injector type The measured capacitance value
mustn’t be lower than
DV4 EU3 2,8µF
DV4 EU4 Still under development
DW10B 2,8µF
DW10U 2,8µF
Lynx 2,8µF
Lynx V227 2,8µF
K9K EU4 2,8µF
IESA NGD 3.0 2,8µF
Lion V6 Base 2,8µF
Lion V6 Upgrade 2,8µF
Lion V8 2,8µF
K9K EU5 Still under development
VW CR Still under development
Puma Still under development
DV6C Still under development
4. Injector cleaning
After the visual check has been passed the Clean and Purge step can be started which is a part of the
analysis preparing the CR Injectors for further tests.
In order to clean the CR injector please use an ultrasonic cleaner (for example Hartridge HM1003).
1) Cleaning fluid TICKOPUR TR 13
2) Temperature of 80°C
3) Duration of 30 minutes
Please note that the CR injector must not be placed under water or any other fluid. Only clean the
injector’s body and nozzle (shown on the Illustration below).
The Actor connector needs to be sealed with "Sealing clip X39-800-100-040” (see below) to avoid any
fluid getting into the contact housing.
For high pressure connection and back leakage connection, use usual commercial caps.
5. Spray pattern test and
injector purge
The spray pattern test gives initial information about the injector itself. This simple test determines if the
nozzle is still delivering fuel through all holes or if the spray pattern is OK and purges the injector. To
perform this test a CR Injector nozzle test bench is required (e.g. IFR-50 or IFT-70 from Hartridge).
6. Nozzle change – CR injector
The toggle press tool must not be cleaned with any aggressive cleaning agents.
Every quarter year, all unprotected parts of the toggle press tool need to be lubricated in order to
maintain optimal functionality and longevity. In case any small rust stains appear on any of the parts,
please use fine sandpaper (grit: 100-120 according to CAMI or P100, P120 according to ISO/FEPA) to
remove them and afterwards please lubricate the parts accordingly.
6.2. Tools – overview
To change the CR Injector’s nozzle specific tools are required to perform repairs:
Toggle Press
Order number:
Order number: 1
Package contents:
1) Injector holder 2
2) Pre-load device
3) Pressure transfer adapter DV4 EU3, 3, 4
marked with the letter “E”
4) Pressure transfer adapter DV4 EU4,
marked with the letter “D”
CR Injector Repair Tool Kit “version B”
Order number:
Scope of delivery:
1) Injector holder
2) Injector holder pad
6.3. Tools – spare parts
The pressure transfer adapter is available as spare part (always a kit of 2 pieces) and must be
replaced once a quarter.
If the high pressure connection, during the disassembly of the injector (high pressure pipe from the
injector) loosens, please tighten it back with appropriate torque.
Under no circumstances exchange the high pressure connection.
Below, values for assembly of the non-lubricated high pressure connection.
Step 1
Check the CR Injector condition according to
section 3, Page 9.
Step 2
Mount the appropriate CR Injector holder, the
Preload Device and select the suitable Pressure
Transfer Adapter.
Put the CR Injector into the holder and secure it
with the clamp.
Put the torque wrench on the nozzle retaining nut
(Ø15) and close the toggle press clamp. 29,70 mm
Please note: the spring length in a closed
position, should measure 29,70 mm.
Please use appropriate Pressure Transfer
Adapter for each injector type!
Step 3
After the nozzle retaining nut has been released
the CR Injector can be taken out of the holder and
opened carefully.
Step 4
Carefully dismantle the nozzle from the injector.
The injector’s stop disk must not be
disassembled, therefore, please hold it firmly with
your thumb to prevent it from falling apart.
Do NOT touch the nozzle’s head!
Step 5
Clean the repair parts (nozzle and nozzle
retaining nut) in the brake-cleaning fluid.
Use compressed air or a suction system to
remove excess brake-cleaning fluid.
Step 6
Step 7
Clean the injector’s thread with brake-cleaning
Step 8
Use compressed air to remove residual dust and
brake-cleaning fluid.
Step 9
Slightly lubricate both the nozzle nut thread and
the contact surface between the nozzle and the
nozzle nut before re-fitting and tightening of the
nozzle nut.
of OIL!
Step 10
Carefully put the nozzle nut on the nozzle.
Do not rotate the injector’s nozzle!
Step 11
Place the torque wrench on the nozzle retaining
nut and close the toggle press clamp.
Start measuring the rotation angle at 10Nm of
initial torque.
6.5.1. Repair process – CR Injector Repair Tool Kit
“version B”
See below detailed instructions how to dismantle and re-assemble the injector with the CR Injector
Repair Tool Kit “version B”.
Please note: always use appropriate Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE)!
Please note: the spring length in a closed
position, should measure 29,70 mm.
Please use appropriate Pressure Transfer
Adapter for each injector type!
Steps 3 - 11 See previous section (Pages 19 – 23)
7. Test on bench – Continental
specific software for CRi-PC
To test VDO CR Injectors on the Hartridge CRi-PC test bench, customized software is required. Once
the injectors have been tested and passed every single step of the test plan, then the injector is ready
to use.
Please note: the software has been exclusively developed to run on the Hartridge CRi-PC. It requires
the generic Hartridge "All Makes Application" to run.
Below, please find details regarding software version 1.00b12 and the test procedure.
Due to some technical issues it may happen that the injector won’t pass the CP2 test step. In this case
we advise you to repeat the test procedure. If the injectors fail twice at the same test step, they are no
longer reparable.
Before testing on the bench, make sure that all copper rings are in good condition; exchange if
Please test always pairs of injectors placed on the lines 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 to avoid any cross talk
between the test lines. If you should test only one injector please use a dummy injector placed next to
the one tested.
7.3. Software updates
Software updates as well as new test plans will be provided exclusively by Hartridge.
The CRi-PC will always start with the „Allmakes“ software. In order to open up the VDO application,
please close the „Allmakes“ solution and double click on the CRi-PC VDO icon that is to find on the
Illustration 5 Error message while attempt to start any other related application
If one of the applications is already running („All Makes“ or VDO), an error message will appear.
Illustration 6 Main screen
The main screen of the VDO Software contains the information about:
Software version (on the top of the screen)
Test plan
Overall parameters defined in the test plan
Additional buttons
o F1 – allows you to check whether there are any problems with Back Leak – see
Illustration 9
o F11 – reboots the software without rebooting of the machine
o F12 – switch to the main view
Illustration 8 Status and Diagnostics window
Under Status and Diagnostics all the information about the present status of the machine can be found.
From this mask it is possible to reset the counter of the fuel filter hours, in case it should have been
changed due to the regular maintenance (please see the CRi-PC Manual delivered from Hartridge).
Illustration 9 Status and Diagnostics – Back Leak Errors mask
Illustration 10 Enabled features’ window
License details for the VDO software can be found in window shown on Illustration 10.
Illustration 11 Open Dialog Box for printing of the reports
Illustration 12 Printout of the report opened in Internet Explorer
7.5. Injector testing
To start testing procedure, Push F1 button, Input the operator’s name and Customers Reference (for
example the number of the Invoice) choose which line is to be operated (only for 4 line machine) type
the serial numbers of the injectors. Choose the test plan for the identified injectors and push the “OK”
button. The test will start automatically.
Illustration 14 Test start – installing of injectors in clamping and starting of the motor
If the injectors are not correctly installed or the motor is not running, a message in the centre of the
screen will appear. Please check and correct and push the “OK” button.
Illustration 15 Test start - successful installation of the injectors and operation of the drive motor
Once the injectors are installed in clamping fixture and the motor is running, two green ticks/check
marks (see Illustration 15) will be visible and test procedure will start (see Illustration 16 and 17).
During the first two test steps (“Low Pressure Leakage Test” and “High Pressure Leakage Test”)
please check whether there are any leakages.
Illustration 16 System adjusted to the demands
The software shows details of each test step (incl. the number of the test step, short description, “wait
to start” time before measurement, average readings and the requirements of the system).
Illustration 17 Testing - Learning of the firing sequence
Illustration 18 The first test step (CP5) completed
Illustration 19 The completion of the second test step
Illustration 20 The end of the 6th test step - Saving the results
After the final test step is finished the software will open a dialogue window for saving the report file,
which can be later opened and printed out. It is possible to add some comments to the report file or re-
enter the values from the fields coloured white.
If all the data is correct, don’t forget to save or the data will be lost!
Illustration 21 The end of the test procedure - results report and file saved
Once the report is saved or cancelled, software will show a summary window.
Illustration 22 Opening of the result report
Illustration 23 Report of the measured results
7.6. Language support
In order to change the language please click on “Change Language” under menu entry “Help”. After
that the language will be switched automatically to the language of your choice (Illustrations 24 and
Important notice: the software supports only 2 languages installed on the machine at the same time.
Report will be also saved in the desired language. Please note that once you have saved a report file
in one language, for example English, it will always be opened in that language!
Illustration 25 Language changed
7.7. Tips
7.7.1. Cable check
The VDO software checks automatically that the correct cable is connected, otherwise an error
message will appear.
7.7.2. Injector not connected or broken actuator
If the connection to the injector cannot be established the software will still keep showing the dialogue
box “Learning Firing Sequence”. The Response Time will be at the level of 999µs and the injector will
fail every step of the test.
7.7.3. False test plan selected
If the wrong test plan was selected at beginning of the test procedure, the injector will fail the test.
7.7.4. Connection of the plugs to different measuring
units Two plugs wrongly connected
If the plugs are connected to the wrong injectors, this will results in slow response time. If the value
reaches the level of 999µs check that the cables are connected to the correct injector position– see
Illustration 29 and 30.
57 Four plugs wrongly connected
Illustration 30 The plugs are switched (1st with 4th and 2nd with 3rd)
58 Two plugs wrongly connected and line deactivated
Illustration 31 The plugs for line 2 and 3 are switched and the lne 3 is deactivated
In this scenario the plugs from line 2 and 3 were switched and the line 3 was deactivated. It means that
injector 2 is operated by line 3 cable and this particular line is inactive. The software tries to measure
the delivery from the 2nd injector and once again the response time stays constantly at the level of
8. Workflow
9. Injector storage
If the repaired injectors are to be stored for a long period of time, it is recommend that they are stored
in special VCI bags with water vapour permeability ≤ 0,01 g/m2•d (measured at 23°C / 85% ambient air
humidity according to DIN 53122).
Injectors stored in vacuum-sealed bags have a maximum storage period of one year. After this time we
recommend retest and repackage as necessary.
For example:
DRS 001/08
10. Test on bench – monthly
In order to meet the quality level and to continuously improve the service we need your feedback.
We kindly ask you to provide a monthly feedback by sending the data files created by your Hartridge
CRi-PC which includes data about the tests which have been run on the bench.
The result files can be found on your CRi-PC under C:\VDO\Cri\Results\
11. Engine test – test drive
In order to finish the repair procedure the repaired injector/injectors need to be tested in a car. If
possible mount the CR Injectors exactly in the same position (cylinder) as before, and start the engine.
If the engine jerks in idle or during the test drive isn’t functioning smoothly the CR Injector have to be
Order numbers for the different systems, can be found in the latest Diesel Handout catalogue on the
VDO Extranet site.
12. FAQs listed by problems
The VDO CR Injector test software for the Hartridge CRi-PC can only be sourced by authorised DRS
If there are any further questions/problems, please contact your local Hartridge distributor/Hartridge
The software license is valid for 1 year from the day of the activation on CRi-PC. After the expiration
date, the software will no longer function. To extend it, please contact your local Hartridge dealer.
In case of any problems with CRi-PC, please contact your local Hartridge representative, who provide
appropriate support.
In case a repaired CR Injector does not work properly, please replace the nozzle and nozzle retaining
nut again and run the test on the bench. If this does not help, this particular CR Injector cannot be
repaired and needs to be replaced.
Dealer’s stamp
The information provided in this brochure contains only general descriptions or performance characteristics, which do not always apply as described in case of
actual use or which may change as a result of further development of the products. This information is merely a technical description of the product. This information
is not meant or intended to be a special guarantee for a particular quality or a particular durability. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only
exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. We reserve the right to make changes in availability as well as technical changes without prior notice.
Please note:
Application – The products described in
this catalogue are designed for use in
land vehicles, engines and equipment.
Disclaimer – The data in this replacement
parts catalogue has been compiled and
processed for the purpose of presenting
our replacement parts range and is
correct to the best of our knowledge.
Subject to technical alterations, errors
and omissions. Availability is not
guaranteed. We cannot be held liable
with regard to any information contained
in the Continental Trading replacement
parts catalogue except in case of intent,
gross negligence or where mandatory
liability is borne in accordance with
German product liability law.