Week 7
Week 7
Week 7
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher QUEENCY P.PADIDA Learning Area Earth and Life Science
Teaching Dates and Time July 15-19,2019 Quarter First
B. Performance Standards
The learners make a simple map showing
places where erosion may pose risks
in the community. The learners explain
how the products of weathering are The learners make a report on how rocks The learners describe where the Earth’s Compare and contrast the formation of
C. Learning Competencies carried away by erosion and deposited and soil move downslope due to the internal heatcomes from (S11/12ESIb- the different
elsewhere (S11/12ES-Ib-12). direct action of gravity (S11/12ES-Ib-13) 14) types of igneous rocks (S11/12ES-Ic-15)
Processes (Erosion and Exogenic Processes (Mass Endogenic Processes Endogenic Processes
II. CONTENT Deposition) Wasting)
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the different types of igneous
Recall weathering and its types Recall what is erosion Recall mass wasting
presenting the new lesson rocks based on silica content.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show different pictures that undergone Introduce the list of key terms that Present samples of igneous rocks, recall What happens to magma after it is
lesson. erosion. learners will encounter. to them how it is formed. formed?
D. Discussing new concepts and Show them a video about what is erosion Show pictures of different forms of mass Show video clip of volcanic eruption Show samples of the two types of
practicing new skills #1 and its' different agents. wasting. igneous rock
E. Discussing new concepts and Let the students compare and contrast
Group activity. Discuss mass wasting and its forms Discuss the sources of internal heat
practicing new skills #2 the two types of rocks.
Present and discuss diagrams on the
F. Developing Mastery Discussion and Analysis of the Activity Group Activity Group Activity
formation of the three types of rocks.
G. Finding practical applications Cite some useful and beneficial effects of Group Activity/ Let them draw the effects Discussion and Analysis of the Activity
of concepts and skills in daily Discussion and Analysis of the Activity
erosion. of mass wasting.
H. Making generalizations and Make a graphic organizer about erosion. Make a concept map about mass wasting Make a diagram occurs.
about how magmatism Make a venn diagram about the two
abstractions about the lesson types of rocks.
I. Evaluating learning Give the prepared evaluation. Give the prepared evaluation. Give the prepared evaluation. Give the prepared evaluation.
sion 4
demonstrate an
he geologic processes
rth. The learners will
simple map showing
on and landslides may
the community.
c Processes
types of igneous
a content.
agma after it is
w magma rises up
e two types of