Manish Kumar Mohanlal: Education
Manish Kumar Mohanlal: Education
Manish Kumar Mohanlal: Education
6689 El Colegio Road Contact: +1 512-994-9516
Apt. 121, Goleta, CA 93117
University of California, Santa Barbara September 2011 – December 2012
MS in Computer Science (expected)
CGPA: 3.97/4
PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India August 2007 – May 2011
BE in Computer Science
CGPA: 9.49/10
Relevant Coursework: Scalable Internet Services, Advanced Database Systems, Advanced Computer Networks, Advanced Operating
Systems, Cryptography, Data Structures and Algorithms, Modern Programming Language Implementations.
Technical Skills
Programming Languages: Java, Python, Ruby, C, C++
Web Technologies: Ruby on Rails, JavaServer Faces, JavaScript, Backbone.js, Ajax
Databases: MongoDB, LevelDB, Berkeley DB, MySQL, Oracle
Testing Frameworks: Mocha, Selenium
Big Data: Hadoop MapReduce
Research Publications
Gang Wang, Manish Mohanlal, Christo Wilson, Xiao Wang, Miriam Metzger, Haitao Zheng and Ben Y. Zhao, Social Turing Tests:
Crowdsourcing Sybil Detection, In Proceeding of The 20th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego,
CA, February 2013 (18% acceptance rate).
Gang Wang, Christo Wilson, Xiaohan Zhao, Yibo Zhu, Manish Mohanlal, Haitao Zheng and Ben Y. Zhao, Serf and Turf:
Crowdturfing for Fun and Profit. In Proceedings of The 21st International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Lyon, France, April 2012
(12% acceptance rate).
Research Projects
Sybil Detection using Crowd-sourcing January 2012 to May 2012
Worked on Sybil (fake accounts in social networks) detection system using crowdsourcing.
Conducted large user-study to evaluate human ability to identify fake accounts.
Proposed an accurate and scalable system that combines human intelligence with automated tools for Sybil detection.
Uncover the Evil Online Crowd-sourcing Systems September 2011 to December 2011
Study and measure evil crowd-sourcing systems where internet users are organized to perform malicious tasks such as creating and
spreading spam in social networks, posting fake reviews, fake account registration, etc.
In the proceedings of WWW2012 Conference.
Academic Projects
Mixed Consistency Model in NoSQL Datastore
Idea is to execute strong consistent writes in an environment where majority follows eventual consistency.
Developed a wrapper on top of LevelDB that allows consistency level(strong or eventual) to be determined on a per request basis.
Learnt and used RabbitMQ messaging service and Zookeeper’s distributed locking service.
Scalable Web Application: BookSmart
Developed a platform to buy/sell/rent book on peer-to-peer model, with live comparison of Amazon price for the same.
Learnt various scalability and optimization techniques for web based application.
Allowing a provision to refine book search based on the proximity to book owner using Google Maps API.
All Pair Document Similarity Search
Learnt Hadoop MapReduce framework to process large scale data.
Computed all pair document similarity score using scoring models used by search engine and evaluated using clustering techniques.
Encrypted File System on Key-value store
Developed an encrypted file system in user space on top of Berkeley DB – embedded database for key-value data.
Learnt about file system design and implementation, encryption techniques.
Search and Archival Service for Online Social Networks
Web service that allows users to backup and search their content from various social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+.
Learnt about working with different social network API’s and using Sphinx – an open source search engine.
Work Experience
Software Engineering Intern, Appfolio Inc., Goleta, California June 2012 to September 2012
Part of the development team of Appfolio SecureDocs: Secure virtual data rooms for corporate archiving.
Implemented support for two factor authentication for international users with Telesign as carrier.
Technologies learnt include Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, Test driven development with unit, functional and selenium testing.
Software Intern, Goldman Sachs, Bangalore, India February 2011 to July 2011
Developed an application to keep track of the server orders placed across organization using JavsServerFaces.