A Jee Report Card
A Jee Report Card
A Jee Report Card
Paper-I (B.E./B Tech.) : NTA Score'*' Paper-II (B Arch./B. Planning) : NTA Score'*'
Final (based on Final (based on
January 2019 April 2019 January 2019 April 2019
Subject best of the two in Subject best of the two
Session Session Session Session
total) in total)
Physics 83.5142395 3.3682846 83.5142395 Mathematics 12.7566815 36.6960473 36.6960473
Chemistry 16.9410921 17.1298645 16.9410921 Aptitude Test 76.6948792 86.2078882 86.2078882
Mathematics 22.9698653 39.1472650 22.9698653 Drawing Test 96.3674061 91.3871195 91.3871195
Total 40.3405328 7.5492794 40.3405328 Total 76.7687239 84.3429623 84.3429623
Category wise Cut-off NTA Score for JEE (Advanced) - 2019 based on Paper-1 **:
'**' candidates eligible for JEE (Advanced)-2019 may register online at https://jeeadv.nic.in
Dated : 29/04/2019 Senior Director (NTA)
1. ‘*’ NTA Scores are normalised scores across multi session papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the
examination in one session. The marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
2. The NTA Score indicates the percentage of candidates who have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular
candidate in that session.
3. The NTA Score of the Total is NOT an aggregate or average of the NTA Score of individual subjects.
4. NTA score is not the same as percentage of marks obtained.
5. Candidate’s particulars including Category and Person with Disability (PwD) have been indicated as mentioned by the candidate in the online application