Central and Non-Central Networks, Cognition, Clinical Symptoms, and Polygenic Risk Scores in Schizophrenia
Central and Non-Central Networks, Cognition, Clinical Symptoms, and Polygenic Risk Scores in Schizophrenia
Central and Non-Central Networks, Cognition, Clinical Symptoms, and Polygenic Risk Scores in Schizophrenia
Clara Alloza ,1* Mark E. Bastin,2,3,5 Simon R. Cox ,2,4,5 Jude Gibson,1
Barbara Duff,1 Scott I. Semple,6 Heather C. Whalley,1 and
Stephen M. Lawrie1
Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE) Collaboration,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Clinical Research Imaging Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom
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Abstract: Schizophrenia is a complex disorder that may be the result of aberrant connections between
specific brain regions rather than focal brain abnormalities. Here, we investigate the relationships
between brain structural connectivity as described by network analysis, intelligence, symptoms, and
polygenic risk scores (PGRS) for schizophrenia in a group of patients with schizophrenia and a group
of healthy controls. Recently, researchers have shown an interest in the role of high centrality networks
in the disorder. However, the importance of non-central networks still remains unclear. Thus, we spe-
cifically examined network-averaged fractional anisotropy (mean edge weight) in central and non-
central subnetworks. Connections with the highest betweenness centrality within the average network
(>75% of centrality values) were selected to represent the central subnetwork. The remaining connec-
tions were assigned to the non-central subnetwork. Additionally, we calculated graph theory measures
from the average network (connections that occur in at least 2/3 of participants). Density, strength,
global efficiency, and clustering coefficient were significantly lower in patients compared with healthy
controls for the average network (pFDR < 0.05). All metrics across networks were significantly associ-
ated with intelligence (pFDR < 0.05). There was a tendency towards significance for a correlation
between intelligence and PGRS for schizophrenia (r 5 20.508, p 5 0.052) that was significantly medi-
ated by central and non-central mean edge weight and every graph metric from the average network.
These results are consistent with the hypothesis that intelligence deficits are associated with a genetic
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online *Correspondence to: Clara Alloza; Royal Edinburgh Hospital,
version of this article. Morningside Park, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH10
Contract grant sponsor: National Health Service (NHS) Research 5HF, UK. E-mail: c.alloza@sms.ed.ac.uk
Scotland, Scottish Mental Health Research Network; Contract Received for publication 10 March 2017; Revised 2 August 2017;
grant sponsor: Dr Mortimer and Theresa Sackler Foundation; Accepted 24 August 2017.
Contract grant sponsor: MRC; Contract grant number: MR/ DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23798
M013111/1 Published online 00 Month 2017 in Wiley Online Library
risk for schizophrenia, which is mediated via the disruption of distributed brain networks. Hum Brain
Mapp 00:000–000, 2017. C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Key words: schizophrenia; diffusion tensor MRI; connectivity; intelligence; genetics; symptoms
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r Networks, Cognition, and PGRS in Schizophrenia r
Differences in structural connectivity are useful for calculated from the average network (defined as networks
establishing brain topology abnormalities in schizophrenia in which connections that occur in at least two-thirds of
compared with healthy participants. However, as our aim participants are retained) in relation to intelligence, clinical
is to shed light on the clinical manifestation of schizophre- symptoms and PGRS for schizophrenia in patients with
nia, we therefore examine the extent to which clinical schizophrenia and healthy controls. We will focus on
symptoms are associated with brain extracted measures. graph theory metrics that have been consistently reported
What we know about brain connectivity and clinical to be impaired in schizophrenia, namely mean edge
symptoms is largely based on empirical studies that inves- weight, density, strength, clustering coefficient, and global
tigate the relationship between white matter and different efficiency in the average network. Due to the severely
symptom’s scales. For instance, FA of specific white matter affected hierarchical disorganization of the brain found in
tracts has been significantly associated with positive symp- schizophrenia, our aim is to investigate the roles central
toms in the disorder. These tracts include the internal cap- and non-central network mean edge weight play in this
sule, fronto-occipital fasciculus, superior longitudinal disorder. Thus, this is the first study where intelligence,
fasciculus, cingulum, and corpus callosum (Mitelman symptoms, and PGRS have been studied together in rela-
et al., 2007; Rotarska-Jagiela et al., 2008; Seok et al., 2007). tion to networks based on their centrality. Specifically, we
To date, several authors have examined the effects of hypothesized that impaired structural organization of the
graph theory metrics of connectivity on symptomatology networks (decreased mean edge weight, density, strength,
in schizophrenia. Positive symptom severity has been asso- clustering coefficient, and global efficiency) will be associ-
ciated with reduced overall connectivity, increases and ated with lower intelligence, higher genetic risk factor for
decreases in structural and functional coupling, strength of schizophrenia, and higher symptom score.
temporal and frontal regions, reduced network efficiency,
and reduced clustering (reviewed in van den Heuvel and
Fornito, 2014). Wang et al. (2012) found significant associa- METHODS
tions between global efficiency and positive, negative, and Participants
total symptoms. However, most studies focus on func-
tional connectivity determined using fMRI and thus, Information about participants has been reported in
uncertainty remains regarding the relationship between detail previously (Whalley et al., 2015). Participants were
structural connectivity measured in central, non-central, recruited across Scotland as part of the Scottish Family
and average networks and genetic risk factors. Mental Health Study. DT-MRI data were acquired from a
Graph theory analysis has shown that impairments pre- total of 28 individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and
sent in patients with schizophrenia are also found in their 36 healthy controls. Diagnosis of schizophrenia was con-
relatives suggesting a genetic basis (Clemm von Hohen- firmed using the structured clinical interview for DSM IV
berg et al., 2014; Guusje Collin et al., 2014; Skudlarski (SCID) administered by one of two trained psychiatrists
et al., 2013). Moreover, topological network properties (First et al., 2002). Exclusion criteria included any major
have been found to be heritable (Thompson et al., 2013). medical or neurological conditions, or any personal history
For instance, in white matter FA, the variance explained of substance misuse in the last year. Additionally, subjects
by genetic factors has been reported to be between 75% were excluded if there were MRI safety considerations. A
and 90% in almost every white matter tract (Chiang et al., detailed description of the study was given to all recruited
2011). Moreover, in the same study, heritability of FA was individuals, and all participants provided written informed
associated with the level of IQ. Genome-wide association consent. The study was approved by the Multicentre
studies (GWAS) have indicated a polygenic component of Research Ethics Committee for Scotland (09/MRE00/81).
schizophrenia with hundreds of common alleles of small
effect at the population level having been reported (Inter- Scan Acquisition
national Schizophrenia Consortium et al., 2009; Schizo-
phrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics All imaging data were collected on an MAGNETOM
Consortium, 2014). Thus far, only a small number of stud- Verio 3T MRI scanner running Syngo MR B17 software
ies have analyzed the relationship between polygenic risk (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). For each sub-
scores (PGRS), neuroimaging biomarkers, and/or cogni- ject, whole-brain DT-MRI data were acquired using a pro-
tion (Birnbaum and Weinberger, 2013; McIntosh et al., totype single-shot spin-echo echo-planar (EP) imaging
2013; Whalley et al., 2015). Connectomic measures are, sequence with diffusion-encoding gradients applied in 56
potentially, possible intermediate phenotypes between directions (b 5 1,000 s/mm2) and six T2-weighted (b 5 0 s/
genetic liability and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. mm2) baseline scans. Fifty-five 2.5-mm-thick axial slices
In this study, we investigate the relationships between were acquired with a field-of-view of 240 3 240 mm and
brain structural connectivity described by network- matrix 96 3 96 giving 2.5 mm isotropic voxels. In the
averaged FA (mean edge weight) measured in central and same session, a 3D T1-magnetization-prepared rapidly
non-central networks and by graph theory metrics acquired gradient-echo (MPRAGE) volume was acquired
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r Alloza et al. r
in the coronal plane with 160 contiguous slices and 1 mm tortuous streamlines. For instance, a streamline with a total
isotropic voxel resolution. path length 10 times longer than the distance between end
points was considered to be invalid. The values of the cur-
vature, anisotropy, and distance ratio metric constraints
Image Analysis
were set empirically and informed by visual assessment of
Image processing the resulting streamlines.
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r Networks, Cognition, and PGRS in Schizophrenia r
TABLE I. Demographic details for healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia
HC SZ P value
HC, healthy controls; SZ, schizophrenia; CPZ, chlorpromazine equivalents; SD, standard deviation.
Bold typeface indicates significant group difference (P < 0.05).
Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, mean edge weight for central, non-central, and connectiv-
2014). PGRS for schizophrenia were created for all individu- ity metrics for the average networks separately. Age, sex,
als with suitable genotype data; only genotypes passing strin- diagnosis, and the interaction between diagnosis and sex
gent quality control were used in analyses. PGRS for were entered as predictors. FA was added as additional
schizophrenia were estimated using summary data from an predictor in the average network analysis. Owing to small
independent GWAS of schizophrenia in 150,064 individuals sample size, effect sizes were then calculated using
(36,989 cases and 113,075 controls), conducted by the Psychi- Hedges’ g and based on the p value of the individual anal-
atric Genomics Consortium (Schizophrenia Working Group ysis of covariance (ANCOVAS). Using the whole sample,
of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014). PGRS were regression analyses were then performed separately for
estimated using the PRSice software package according to central, non-central, and average metrics and IQ. Due to
previously described protocols (Euesden et al., 2015), with the distribution of data, PANSS positive, negative, and
linkage disequilibrium and distance thresholds for clumping total symptom scores were only analyzed in the patient
of r2 5 0.2 and within a 300 kb window. Five scores were cre- sample. For both models, age, gender, and CPZ were used
ated for each individual using single-nucleotide polymor- as covariates. p values (a 5 0.05) were corrected for multi-
phisms (SNPs) selected according to the significance of their ple comparisons using false discovery rate (FDR; pFDR)
association with the phenotype at nominal p value thresholds (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995). Analyses were repeated
of 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 (all SNPs). For the analysis, we for varying threshold values to define the number of cen-
used the threshold of 0.5 which explained the most variance tral connections (25%, 50%, and 75%). Analyses were also
in our data and has been reported to maximally capture repeated for different Freesurfer brain atlases (Desikan
schizophrenia liability (International Schizophrenia Consor- and Destrieux). Regression models were then applied to
tium et al., 2009). The four multidimensional scaling factors investigate the association between risk score and case-
were entered as additional “nuisance” covariates to control control status in the whole sample. Connectivity metrics
for population stratification, along with age. were dependent variables and principal components for
population stratification, PGRS, age, gender, and diagnosis
were used as predictors. All statistical analyses were per-
Cognitive Testing and Medication formed with R version 3.2.3 (https://www.r-project.org).
Participants underwent cognitive assessment using tests Mediation analysis was subsequently used to examine
from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WASI; Wechs- the hypothesis that higher PGRS is related to poorer intel-
ler, 1955) using standard administration and scoring pro- ligence via reduced structural connectivity. We employed
cedures. Symptom severity was assessed using the the PROCESS macro in SPSS 22.0 (Hayes and Rockwood,
Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS) (Kay 2016) to formally quantify mediation effects using 5000
et al., 1987). Full-scale IQ was derived from four subtests bootstrapped samples. Due to our clear directional hypoth-
of the WASI: vocabulary, block design, similarities, and esis, a one-tailed test of mediation was conducted (http://
matrix reasoning. Participants also provided information www.afhayes.com). Mediation effects were considered sig-
on antipsychotic medication which was transformed into nificant if the confidence interval (CI) did not include zero
chlorpromazine equivalents (CPZ) (Woods, 2003). (Preacher and Hayes, 2008).
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r Alloza et al. r
TABLE II. Mean 6 standard deviation (SD) values of con- Age, Antipsychotic Medication, and Illness
nectivity metrics in the average network for healthy Duration
controls and patients with schizophrenia
There were positive significant associations between age,
Average mean edge weight (r 5 20.290, p 5 0.02) and clustering
Metric HC SZ PFDR coefficient (r 5 20.269, p 5 0.03) for the average network.
However, these associations did not survive multiple com-
Mean edge weight 0.44 6 0.02 0.43 6 0.02 0.08 parison correction (pFDR > 0.05). Antipsychotic medication
Density 33.15 6 0.92 32.56 6 1.25 0.04 show a significant effect on mean edge weight (r 5 20.262,
Strength 12.31 6 0.57 11.88 6 0.73 <0.001 pFDR 5 0.048), strength (r 5 20.287, pFDR 5 0.048), global
Global efficiency 0.30 6 0.01 0.30 6 0.01 <0.001 efficiency (r 5 20.263, pFDR 5 0.048), and clustering
Clustering coefficient 0.30 6 0.01 0.30 6 0.01 <0.001
Average Network
Diagnosis (F (5, 54) 5 703.1, p < 0.001, partial eta
squared 5 0.080), age (F (5, 54) 5 137.64, p < 0.001, partial
eta squared 5 0.030), gender (F (5, 54) 5 19.80, p < 0.001,
partial eta squared 5 0.032), and mean edge weight (FA) (F
(5, 54) 5 15263.7, p < 0.001, partial eta squared 5 0.001)
effects were significant for the average network graph the-
ory metrics.
As indicated in Table II, there were significant differ-
ences in network density (Hedges’ g 5 0.54 (0.03, 1.05),
pFDR 5 0.04), strength (Hedges’ g 5 1.08 (0.54, 1.62),
pFDR < 0.001), global efficiency (Hedges’ g 5 1.95 (1.34,
2.56), pFDR < 0.001), and clustering coefficient (Hedges’
g 5 1.94 (1.33, 2.55), pFDR < 0.001) between groups. Mean
edge weight showed a tendency towards significance
(Hedges’ g 5 0.43 (20.07, 0.93), pFDR 5 0.08). All metrics
were reduced in patients compared to healthy controls.
Boxplots for group differences can be found in Supporting
Information, Figure 1.
Central Subnetwork
Figure 1 shows the network maps for the central (>75%
of centrality values) and non-central subnetworks across
all participants. There was no significant difference in cen-
tral subnetwork mean edge weight between patients with
schizophrenia and healthy controls (mean HC 5 0.45, SD
5 6 0.02; mean SZ 5 0.44, SD 5 6 0.02) (Hedges’ g 5 0.36
95% CI (20.14, 0.86), p > 0.05). Central mean edge weight
was reduced in patients compared with healthy controls. Figure 1.
Medium view of (A) central (>75% of centrality values) and (B)
Non-central Subnetwork non-central subnetworks for all participants indicating node loca-
tion and edge (FA) strength. The nodes which are connected by
There was a tendency towards significance for a differ- edges with the highest weights (FA > 0.5) in the central subnet-
ence in mean edge weight between patients with schizo- work are brainstem, left hemisphere precuneus cortex, thala-
phrenia and healthy controls (mean HC 5 0.44, SD mus, caudate, ventral diencephalon and superior frontal gyrus,
5 6 0.02; mean SZ 5 0.43, SD 5 6 0.02) (Hedges’ g 5 0.45 bilateral caudal anterior division of the cingulate cortex, and
95% CI (20.06, 0.95), p 5 0.07). Non-central mean edge isthmus division of the cingulate gyrus. Nodes are color-coded
weight was reduced in patients compared with healthy to indicate the lobe in which they are situated. [Color figure can
controls. be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
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r Networks, Cognition, and PGRS in Schizophrenia r
TABLE III. Correlation matrix for IQ and connectivity theory measures and PGRS. None of the connectivity met-
metrics for the average network rics was significantly associated with PGRS across networks
(pFDR > 0.05). Regression analysis between IQ and PGRS at
Metric R PFDR
a threshold of p 0.5 showed a tendency towards signifi-
cance (r 5 20.742, p 5 0.052). There was no significant corre-
Mean edge weight 0.343 0.016
Density 0.284 0.045 lation between PGRS and symptoms (pFDR > 0.05).
Strength 0.471 0.004
Global efficiency 0.394 0.007
Clustering coefficient 0.434 0.004 Mediation Analysis
Bold type indicates significant associations (PFDR < 0.05). We aimed to identify mediation candidates that were
consistent with the hypothesis that a greater genetic pre-
coefficient (r 5 20.270, pFDR 5 0.048) for the average disposition for schizophrenia is partly related to lower
network. Neither antipsychotic medication nor age had a intelligence through the disruption of brain connectivity.
significant effect on central mean edge weight. However, As indicated by the bivariate association, the correlation
age (r 5 20.313, p 5 0.012) and CPZ (r 5 20.271, p 5 0.033) between IQ and PGRS (r 5 20.742, p 5 0.052) showed a
showed a significant effect on non-central mean edge tendency towards significance. The negative correlation
weight. There were no significant associations between between PGRS and IQ suggests a genetic liability to intelli-
network metrics and illness duration for any of the metrics gence; mediation analysis allows us to quantify the role of
(pFDR > 0.05). topological network measures in this relationship. Given
the substantial effect sizes, and the need to consider medi-
IQ ation in terms of zero and nonzero rather than using p val-
ues in isolation (Hayes, 2009), we tested whether the direct
Regression coefficients between IQ and the average net- effect of PGRS and IQ was significantly mediated by mean
work graph theory metrics are shown in Table III. All met- edge weight and average network metrics (i.e., magnitude
rics were significantly associated with IQ (r range of change from path c to path c0 ; Fig. 2A). The results are
0.284–0.471). For central network, mean edge weight was shown in Figure 2B,C. A bias-corrected bootstrap CI for
significantly associated with IQ (r 5 0.344, p 5 0.010). For the indirect effect based on 5,000 bootstrap samples served
non-central network, mean edge weight was also signifi- as a formal statistical test of the degree to which mean
cantly associated with IQ (r 5 0.338, p 5 0.014). Medication, edge weight mediated the relationship between PGRS and
as CPZ equivalents, did not show any significant effect in IQ. The 30.52% reduction in magnitude (b 5 20.154 to
central, non-central, and average networks. Scatterplots b 5 20.107) identified central mean edge weight as a sig-
with the associations between metrics and IQ can be found nificant partial mediator (CI not containing zero; 20.363 to
in Supporting Information, Figures 2 and 3. 20.055). For non-central mean edge weight (Fig. 2C), the
reduction in magnitude was 46.62% (b 5 20.474 to
Clinical Symptoms b 5 20.253) identifying also non-central mean edge weight
as a significant partial mediator (CI 20.673 to 20.050). The
Table IV shows the regression coefficients for positive, model was corrected for age and population stratification
negative, and total symptom scores and central, non-cen- components. Additionally, Table V shows the mediation
tral mean edge weight, and average network connectivity results for the metrics of the average network.
metrics. Central network mean edge weight showed a ten-
dency towards significance in relation to total symptoms TABLE IV. Correlation matrix for PANSS and connectivity
(r 5 20.348, p 5 0.073). The addition of medication as a metrics for central (>75% of centrality values), non-central,
covariate in the model made the associations weaker and and average networks
non-significant (p > 0.05). However, medication did not
have any significant effect in the regression model. Metric Positive Negative Total
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r Alloza et al. r
Figure 2.
(A) Schematic representation of relationships where an indepen- study, where X 5 polygenic risk score for schizophrenia (PGRS
dent variable (X) and an outcome (Y) are hypothesized to be at P 0.5), Y 5 IQ and M 5 mean edge weight (central). (C)
explained by a mediator (M). The direct effect of X on M is a, X 5 polygenic risk score for schizophrenia (PGRS at P 0.5),
the effect of M on Y is b, and the effect of X on Y is c. c0 Y 5 IQ and M 5 mean edge weight (non-central). Asterisks rep-
denotes the effect of X on Y when M is taking into account in resent statistically significant partial correlations.
the model. (B) Representation of the variables analyzed in this
Additional Analyses: Network Density showed larger differences between groups and stronger
associations with intelligence. Results were in the expected
Using network density as a covariate did not signifi- direction. Nevertheless, analyses showed comparable
cantly affect the results of any of the regression models results across both atlases for central and non-central
described above. mean edge weight and metrics from the average network
(data not shown).
Additional Analyses: Thresholds
Results for the different thresholds of centrality (25% DISCUSSION
and 50%) showed that associations between intelligence, This study was set out to assess the ability of graph the-
symptoms, and mean edge weight were comparable across ory metrics in schizophrenia to build a coherent model
thresholds (data not shown). from brain structure, cognition, and genetics. This is, to our
knowledge, the first study reporting results for both high
and low centrality networks in schizophrenia, and provides
Additional Analyses: Destrieux Atlas
much-needed structural MRI perspective on links between
Group differences using the Destrieux atlas (165 regions) brain connectivity and intelligence in this population. We
as a parcellation scheme showed no significant differences sought to investigate the evolving hypothesis that schizo-
between patients and controls for mean edge weight for phrenia is a hub disease in which central connections are
both central and non-central mean edge weight (p > 0.05). more severely affected in contrast to non-central connec-
Graph theory metric results from the average network tions. Our data indicate that this may not be the case.
b Mediation model
X Y M c c0 Attenuation F(df) Lower CI Upper CI
PGRS IQ Mean edge weight 20.474 20.253 46.62 8.20 (2, 43) 20.657 20.048
PGRS IQ Density 20.527 20.168 62.76 4.63 (2, 43) 20.431 20.002
PGRS IQ Strength 20.288 20.439 252.43 14.20 (2, 43) 20.893 20.142
PGRS IQ Global efficiency 20.376 20.348 7.44 9.85 (2, 43) 20.765 20.117
PGRS IQ Clustering coefficient 20.405 20.326 19.50 10.66 (2, 43) 20.705 20.090
X: independent variable; Y: outcome variable; M: mediator; c: path from X to Y; c0 : path from X to Y accounting for M.
Bold type face indicates significant mediation effect (confidence intervals do not include 0; Preacher and Hayes, 2008) and after FDR
correction (PFDR < 0.05).
All tests of mediation are one-tailed and bias-corrected.
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r Networks, Cognition, and PGRS in Schizophrenia r
Instead, schizophrenia may be a disorder characterized by thought disorders, while negative symptoms comprise
the disruption of distributed brain regions affecting the blunted affect, alogia, anhedonia, asociality, and avolition.
whole brain, rather than exclusively affecting hubs. Our These processes are likely to comprise distant and unique
study supports the conceptualization of schizophrenia as a regions (i.e., visual hallucinations could be associated with
disorder characterized by impaired integration between visual processing) and therefore, may not be captured by
brain regions rather than local brain abnormalities. an average network or by networks based on centrality.
The network analysis reported here shows that struc- Thus far, a number of functional studies have investigated
tural connectivity abnormalities are present in the schizo- the effects of graph theory metrics on symptomatology
phrenia patient group. Specifically, most graph theory (Bassett et al., 2012; Skudlarski et al., 2010). One study
metrics from the average network were significantly reported that higher levels of positive and negative symp-
reduced in the patient sample compared with healthy con- toms were associated with reduced clustering coefficient
trols. These results are consistent with previous findings and increased path lengths (Shim et al., 2014). A further
(van den Heuvel and Fornito, 2014), in particular, density, study found that local connectome organization relates to
strength, global efficiency, and clustering coefficient were longitudinal increases in overall PANSS, in particular, these
significantly reduced in the patient group compared with associations were driven by clustering coefficient (Collin
controls. The central subnetwork was principally com- et al., 2016). Previous studies have found negative correla-
posed of subcortical areas and regions located in the fron- tions between FA (using DT-MRI) and positive, negative,
tal and parietal lobes. Mean edge weight (FA) for central and total PANSS score (Michael et al., 2008; Skelly et al.,
and non-central subnetworks, was not significantly differ- 2008). For instance, negative correlations between FA and
ent between patients and healthy controls. Taken together, negative symptoms in specific white matter tracts, such as
these results suggest that in schizophrenia, the structural the corpus callosum, have been reported (Nakamura et al.,
connectome is characterized by weaker connections being 2012). However, the inconsistency of the findings may be
less segregated and less integrated compared with healthy the result of different methodological techniques, use of
controls. Thus, here we have shown that differences medication, and heterogeneity of the disease.
between patients and controls can be found in the average In the central and non-central subnetworks, comparable
network, suggesting the presence of more extensive associations were found between intelligence and mean
impairments that are seemingly not limited to central edge weights across all thresholds. Stronger associations
connections. were found for symptoms with non-central mean edge
We also found that every graph theory metric across the weight when considering the top 75% of network connec-
different networks was significantly associated with IQ. tions based on their centrality. A lower centrality threshold
These results are likely to reflect the integrative nature of (25%–50% central connections) showed weaker correla-
intelligence, involving distributed brain networks that tions, probably because of a reduced specificity of the sub-
comprise a wide variety of cognitive functions (Colom network and exclusion of some important connections.
et al., 2010). The absence of an interaction between graph There is an overlap between the genetic risk factor for
theory metrics and group indicates that the same effect schizophrenia and intelligence (Glahn et al., 2007; McIn-
occurs in healthy participants and schizophrenia patients. tosh et al., 2013; Toulopoulou et al., 2007) and thus, brain
These results are consistent with those of Li et al. (2009) structure may be an intermediate phenotype between
who reported that IQ was positively correlated with global genetics and intelligence. In this study we have shown
efficiency and negatively with path length. Central and that central and non-central mean edge weight signifi-
non-central mean edge weight (FA) were positively associ- cantly mediated the relationship between genetics and
ated with IQ, this is in accordance with numerous investi- intelligence between 30% and 47%, respectively. Moreover,
gations assessing, for instance, relationships between every graph theory metric from the average network sig-
intelligence and general factors of FA (Alloza et al., 2016; nificantly mediated this relationship. Thus, we propose
Chiang et al., 2009; Deary et al., 2006; Penke et al., 2010; that structural brain topology measures are potential inter-
Yu et al., 2008). Thus, in this study, we have been able to mediate phenotypes in this model. Although metrics were
establish robust associations between intelligence and the not significantly associated with PGRS, statistical signifi-
structural connectome in schizophrenia. cance of all paths is not a prerequisite to determining a
The dysconnection hypothesis proposes that altered mediation model (Hayes and Rockwood, 2016). The
topological connectivity and abnormal integration between approach taken here detected moderate effect sizes and
distinct brain regions may underlie the symptomatology had the ability to formally quantify the degree and signifi-
found in the disorder (Stephan et al., 2006, 2009). In this cance of the mediation. However, better-powered studies
study, none of the graph metrics were significantly associ- are needed to confirm this.
ated with positive, negative, or total symptoms. These These findings suggest that prominent associations and
results suggest that symptoms may be specifically based disruptions occur also in average and non-central net-
on deficiencies in distinctive networks. For instance, posi- works, which are not driven by medication effects and are
tive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and present across different brain parcellation schemes. We
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r Alloza et al. r
hypothesize that the construction of subnetworks in Boards (Grampian, Tayside, Lothian, and Greater Glasgow
schizophrenia may be affected by its inherent reduced cen- and Clyde), Scottish Enterprise, and Pfizer, who have
trality and thus, central networks may include less central reviewed and approved the manuscript. The authors would
connections. This is in line with a recent publication where also like to thank Dr Thorsten Feiweier from Siemens
the authors propose that schizophrenia may not be Healthcare for providing the prototype diffusion sequence
entirely, nor specifically, a hub disease (Griffa et al., 2015). used in this study.
Based on previous literature and the limitation of our own
study, we propose that schizophrenia is a disorder charac-
terized by the disruption of distributed brain regions
affecting the whole brain rather than hubs exclusively.
Our study therefore supports the conceptualization of Alexander-Bloch AF, Gogtay N, Meunier D, Birn R, Clasen L,
schizophrenia as a disorder characterized by impaired Lalonde F, Lenroot R, Giedd J, Bullmore ET (2010): Disrupted
integration between brain regions rather than local brain modularity and local connectivity of brain functional networks
abnormalities. in childhood-onset schizophrenia. Front Syst Neurosci 4:147.
Alloza C, Cox SR, Duff B, Semple SI, Bastin ME, Whalley HC,
Lawrie SM (2016): Information processing speed mediates the
LIMITATIONS relationship between white matter and general intelligence in
schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 254:26–33.
Our findings are limited by the intrinsic nature of the Andersson JL, Jenkinson M, Smith S (2007): Non-Linear Registration,
methodology implemented. For example, limitations associ- aka Spatial Normalisation FMRIB Technical Report TR07JA2,
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images. IEEE Trans Med Imag 22:1163–1171.
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the MRI data at the Clinical Research Imaging Centre, Uni-
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versity of Edinburgh (http://www.cric.ed.ac.uk). They are Neurosci 10:186–198.
also grateful to Professor Edwin van Beek for assistance Burns J, Job D, Bastin ME, Whalley H, Macgillivray T, Johnstone
with overall co-ordination of the study and for radiological EC, Lawrie SM (2003): Structural disconnectivity in schizophre-
reporting of the structural MRI scans. The investigators also nia: A diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging study. Br J
acknowledge the financial support of National Health Ser- Psychiatry 182:439–443.
vice (NHS) Research Scotland, through the Scottish Mental Cheung V, Cheung C, McAlonan GM, Deng Y, Wong JG, Yip L,
Health Research Network (http://www.smhrn.org.uk) who Tai KS, Khong PL, Sham P, Chua SE (2008): A diffusion tensor
imaging study of structural dysconnectivity in never-
provided assistance with subject recruitment and cognitive
medicated, first-episode schizophrenia. Psychol Med 38:
assessments. This work was supported by an award from 877–885.
the Translational Medicine Research Collaboration—a con- Chiang M-C, Barysheva M, Shattuck DW, Lee AD, Madsen SK,
sortium made up of the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Avedissian C, Klunder AD, Toga AW, McMahon KL,
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