Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board To Enhance Primary School Students' Learning
Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board To Enhance Primary School Students' Learning
Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board To Enhance Primary School Students' Learning
Soh Hon Mun (*), Abdul Halim Abdullah, Mahani Mokhtar, Dayana Farzeeha Ali,
Nurul Farhana Jumaat, Zakiah Mohamad Ashari, Norazrena Abu Samah
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
1 Introduction
Paper—Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board to Enhance Primary School Students’ Learning
prepackaged assignments, and spitting out answers. Students must talk about what
they are learning, write about it, relate it to experiences, and apply it to their daily
lives. When students are actively involved in the learning task, they learn more than
when they are passive recipients of instruction [9].Students must make what they have
learned as part of themselves [6]. Dale’s Cone of Learning shows the average reten-
tion rate for various methods of learning [10]. It reveals that the least effective method
is passive learning such as watching classroom presentations or reading books. In
addition, lecture method is also an example of passive learning and it is a relatively
poor instructional approach for maintaining students’ attention [5]. Lecturing in front
of large groups of students who passively absorb ideas that actually demand intense
deductive and inductive mental activity coupled with personal experience leave virtu-
ally nothing significant or permanent in the student mind [27]. On the other hand,
active learning techniques result in up to 90% retention, and therefore can be consid-
ered as effective learning. Dale’s Cone of Learning underlines the premise that if
teachers show students how to do something, they will probably remember. However
if teachers involve them in a meaningful way, they will likely understand the lesson
better. In other words, the most durable form of learning is when teachers involve
students directly in a meaningful way and preferably through the availability of hands
on experience. In addition, students learn best when they use perceptual learning
styles which are sensory based since it enables students to interact with resources
provided by the teachers.
Active learning is a classroom approach which acknowledges that learners are ac-
tive in the learning process by understanding and constructing knowledge in response
to learning opportunities provided by their teachers [20]. Active learning is based on
constructivism theory which states that learning occurs mostly through social interac-
tion with others, such as peers or teachers. Vygotsky defines zone of proximal devel-
opment (ZPD) as the area where active learning activities should be emphasised, lying
between what the learner can achieve with the teacher’s professional guidance and
what the learner can achieve independently [28]. Understanding information is the
key aspect of learning, it is crucial for learners to recognize what they understand and
what they do not. By doing so, learners can monitor their mastery of subjects. Mean-
while, teachers actively facilitate students to develop deep level of understanding by
providing guidance, scaffolding activities, supporting learners in facing challenges
and providing rich feedback using assessment for learning. In addition, learners have
more incentive to learn when they have control over not only how they learn but also
what they had learnt [16].
Today, many teachers want to adopt active learning as a way to engage students in
the learning process. Introduction of technology and computers in academic life has
emerged as a necessity [2], [15], [19], [24]. As technology becomes part of social
development, new learning technologies should be adopted to update traditional learn-
ing approaches [21]. In the last decade, governments around the world have been
vigorously promoting the integration of ICT learning as it can lead to significant edu-
cational and pedagogical outcomes in schools, and beneficial to learners and teachers
[17], [29]. Smart board is popular in the United States educational system. In addition,
more than 75% of classrooms in United Kingdom have adopted the multimedia tech-
nology [23]. The use of smart board in classrooms provides a lot of benefits to stu-
dents. It is well-known that students with attention and behavioral difficulties gain
benefit from its use. Besides, smart board also facilitated students to visualise mathe-
matics, verify conjectures, involve in active learning strategies, insist positive atti-
tudes, and build confidence in their ability to do mathematics [18].
Several studies review that smart board has great potential to be used as an interac-
tive learning tool with endless motivational application to enhance learning among
students. However, smart board alone is not adequate in supporting learning. Thus, it
is therefore reasonable to consider the incorporation of smart board with proper learn-
ing theoretical framework, particularly active learning. Therefore, findings from this
study can be used to support teachers to develop active learning strategies, methods or
activities using smart board program in order to promote effective learning.
1.1 Design and Development of Active Learning Using Smart Board Program
In order to design interactive learning instruction using smart board program, smart
board as a teaching and learning interactive tool needs to be integrated with active
learning. A model of active learning [20] is used to design active learning instruction
during the teaching and learning process which consists of set induction, step one,
step two, step three and closure. Teachers can implement various active learning ac-
tivities such as dialogue with self, dialogue with others, experience of doing and expe-
rience of observing. As a result, learning will be meaningful and effective as every
student can participate actively in class. Table 1 shows the mapping of active learning
instruction using smart board program.
Table 1. The mapping of active learning instruction using smart board program
Model of Active Smart Board Activi- Examples of Smart Board Activities
Learning [20] ties
Set Induction Experience of Using visualizer and Teacher shows two containers of the same size
(≈5 minutes) observing smart board software with different volume of liquid under the visualiz-
such as Flipbook, er. (Experience of observing)
Sphere 2, as well as
IQ Interactive Educa-
tion Platform to
demonstrate a diver-
gent event or phe-
nomena by showing
pictures or diagrams,
a short practical
activity, present a
problem to be thought
through, a video clip Teacher asks students to equalise the volume of
or film show through liquid in both containers under the visualizer.
internet and experi- Next, teacher adds in more containers of the same
ment. size with different volume of liquid and asks
students to equalise the volume of liquid in the
containers under the visualizer. (Experience of
Teacher explains to students that they need to find
the average volume of liquid in the containers.
Paper—Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board to Enhance Primary School Students’ Learning
Step 1 Dialogue with self Using visualizer and Teacher shows a short video through smart board
(≈10 Dialogue with smart board software about the questions a boy needs to solve in 3 days
minutes) others such as Flipbook, from
Experience of Sphere 2, as well as
observing IQ Interactive Educa- &t=52s (0:00time to 0:23time). (Experience of
Experience of tion Platform Discus- observing)
doing sion during experi- Teacher asks students to try to calculate, reflect
ment, discourses in and discuss the questions in the video. Example of
small groups, brain- discussion: How many questions need to be
storming, concept solved by the boy daily? (Experience of doing,
mapping, practical dialogue with self, dialogue with others )
work, practical work, Teacher solves the question using drawing tools in
question-answer the “IQ Interactive Education Platform” software.
session, interview of (Experience of observing)
events, drawing
pictures to illustrate llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll
science phenomena
and presentation. Teacher shows the answer from
&t=52s (0:23time to 0:41time) and asks students
to solve the question using drawing tools in the
“IQ Interactive Education Platform” software
again. (Experience of observing)
Teacher asks students, what is the similarity
between both methods, drawing and simple calcu-
lation method? (Dialogue with self, dialogue with
others) (Both methods provide same answer for
Teacher advices students to spend their time
Step 2 Dialogue with self Using visualizer and Group activity
(≈25 minutes) Dialogue with smart board software Teacher asks students to form 8 groups.
others such as Flipbook, Teacher asks students in the groups to gather all
Experience of Sphere 2, and IQ the money from the group members (RM10,
observing Interactive Education RM5, RM1, 20sen, 10sen, and 5sen). (Experience
Experience of Platform during small of doing)
doing group discussion, Each group is given 10 minutes to find the aver-
project, investiga- age amount of money belong to each group and
tions, experimenta- write down the vocabulary related to average on a
tion, demonstration, piece of paper. (Experience of doing, dialogue
practical work, simu- with self, dialogue with others )
lation and presenta- Teacher randomly picks a few groups. Selected
tion. group members need to present their work with
smart board. Using drawing tools in the “IQ
Interactive Education Platform” software. (Expe-
rience of doing, experience of observing)
Dual-user Mode:
Select “Tools , then Dual user” on Menu Bar,
2 Methodology
This study used quantitative and qualitative research approaches to identify the ef-
fectiveness of active learning using smart board program to enhance learning among
primary school students. It was conducted in a Malaysian primary school. The topic of
Paper—Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board to Enhance Primary School Students’ Learning
Data Handling was selected in this study due to several reasons such as the im-
portance of Data Handling in our daily lives and also career, its instrumental role in
other disciplines, as well as the main role of Data Handling in developing critical
reasoning [12], [13]. Five teachers who are experts in Mathematics Education and
possess more than twenty years of teaching experiences were involved in the process
of validating the program. Thirty year five students were involved in this study. The
selection of students in this study was based on purposive sampling. They were from
different classes with average academic achievement in mathematics. The samples
were 46.7% (14) male students and 53.3% of them were (16) female students. Twen-
ty percent of them were Malay students (6), 63.3% were Chinese (19), 6.7% (2) were
Indian and 10% (3) were other races. This study used a set of interview protocol and a
set of questionnaire to collect data. All thirty students were asked to answer interview
questions and questionnaire. The questionnaire is about their perceptions towards the
learning practices used in Data Handling. It consists of sixteen items and developed
based on the theory of social constructivism [28] and active learning [20].The ques-
tionnaire uses Likert scale measurement which consists of five points, range from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The findings of the questionnaire were ana-
lysed based on descriptive and inferential statistics by using Winsteps Version 3.72.3.
Meanwhile, thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data [4].
Table 2. Mapping of questionnaire items based on theory of social constructivism and active
What are the students’ perceptions towards the learning
Theory Items
practices used in Data Handling?
Vygotsky’s social B1 During the learning processes, I attempt to make connection
constructivism [28] between the concepts that I learn.
Students are active learners. B2 When I do not understand any mathematical concept, I find
They construct meaning relevant resources that will help me.
from reality but do not B3 I can easily illustrate a mathematical concept through
passively receive what they mathematical software applications in smart board.
are taught in their learning
B4 I like to solve Data Handling mathematical word problem with
environment. Learning often
friends in group.
happen and cannot be
separated from social B5 I consider thoughts from others during group discussion.
context. B6 I am willing to present my thoughts during the classroom
B7 I am willing to share my knowledge of mathematical concepts to
other friends.
B8 At the end of learning a topic, I can explain a mathematical
concept to another friend clearly.
B9 I enjoy learning when a teacher performs Data Handling
mathematical word problem through smart board.
B10 I could apply what I had learnt in class to my daily life.
Active learning [20] B11 I am willing to attend and make contribution in class.
Students are active in the B12 I am able to communicate effectively with my classmates.
learning process by B13 I feel like a part of the class. I always make collaboration with my
understanding and classmates.
constructing knowledge in
B14 I am interested in the learning topics. I could think more critically
response to learning
about the learning topics.
opportunities provided by
their teacher. All learning B15 I have greater flexibility to learn the way I want through various
activities consist of dialogue learning activities.
or experience. B16 I learn more from doing than from listening.
Figure 1 below shows analysis of the perceptions of students towards the learning
practices used in Data Handling using Winsteps Version 3.72.3 software. Based on
the findings to find out the perceptions of students towards the learning practices used
in Data Handling, overall students had high level of perception. The mean score was
3.69 and this showed that students agreed that the use of smart board program while
learning Data Handling in class was effective.
Fig. 1. Analysis of the perceptions of students towards the learning practices used in Data
Item B3 which states “I can more easily illustrate a mathematical concept through
mathematical software applications in smart board” showed the highest mean score of
4.7. This result indicated that students strongly agreed on the effectiveness of smart
board usage in class. In addition, item B9 which states “I enjoy learning when a
teacher performs Data Handling mathematical word problem through smart board”
and item B16, “I learn more from doing than from listening” also recorded high mean
Paper—Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board to Enhance Primary School Students’ Learning
score of 4.63. Thus, most of the students agreed that they enjoyed learning using
smart board and would learn better if they were learning actively in class. However,
item B10 “I could apply what I had learnt in class to my daily life” showed the lowest
mean score of 1.8. This indicated that the students could not apply their knowledge
and skills in their daily lives if they learn passively in class. Moreover, most students
in the class faced difficulty to communicate effectively and work together with friends
to accomplish mathematical tasks as item B12 “I am able to communicate effectively
with my classmates” and item B13 “I feel like a part of the class. I always made col-
laboration with my classmates” showed low mean score of 2.13 and 2.27 respectively.
• The students suggested that there should be user manual provided for them when
they were asked to use the program.
• The students highlighted that the program made Data Handling lessons to become
fun and interesting.
• The interactive white board really helped the students in learning Data Handling.
They stated that the whiteboard was not only a giant touch screen but also a tool to
build virtual reality world.
• Students needed to be familiar with the use of smart board before conducting the
active learning using smart board program.
• Active learning using smart board program provided the students with strategies or
alternative approaches to calculate and this helped to boost their general mathemat-
ics understanding.
• Active learning using smart board program has built-intelligence which allowed the
s students to visualise all data in table, charts and graphs clearly.
• Active learning using smart board program showed various Data Handling ques-
tions and able to define relationships between each data clearly.
• Active learning using smart board program helped the students in making better
and faster decisions as it provided a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and
manage data.
• Active learning using smart board program showed clear steps to create various
Most of the students who used active learning using smart board program shared
similar interest on the features in the program. Active learning using smart board
program made learning Data handling to be fun and effective. In addition, the pro-
gram has the attributes to encourage active, meaningful and thoughtful learning
among students. As a result, knowledge and skills learnt in class could be successfully
retained in memory. Another advantage of active learning using smart board program
was that students were able to turn data in understandable information, involved
themselves in various interactive activities which train and help them to understand
better the concept of Data Handling. Active learning using smart board program en-
couraged the students to be active learners in the learning process as well as encour-
aged students to reflect their learning.
Five teacher experts in Mathematics Education and possess more than twenty years
of teaching experiences were asked to validate the active learning using smart board
program. Table 3 shows the feedback from the experts about the lesson plans of active
learning using smart board program.
Table 3. Feedback from experts about the lesson plans of active learning using smart board
No. Correction required Correction made
1 No time located for each lesson plan. Time located for each lesson plan was written.
2 Answer sheets for student’s worksheets Answer sheets for the students worksheets was
were not prepared. prepared.
3 Meaning of each symbol of active learning Note for active learning activities was written.
activities was not stated.
4 Active learning activities should be written A column for active learning was written in the lesson
clearly in the lesson plan. plan.
5 Active learning activities embedded in the Sample of active learning activities was written clearly
lesson plan was not stated clearly. in the teaching and learning activities.
6 Higher order thinking skills should not be Higher order thinking skills written in the remark
written in the remark column. column was removed.
7 Grammar mistake was found in the lesson Grammar mistake found in the lesson plan was
plan. corrected.
8 Questions in the student’s worksheets For the student’s worksheets, fill in the blanks
should generate students thinking skills. questions were replaced with open-ended questions.
9 Guidelines should be prepared for the active Active learning using smart board program handbook
learning using smart board program. was prepared for the program.
10 The year of primary school students was not The year of primary school students was written in the
stated. cover of the program handbook.
11 Active learning using smart board program All lesson plan and worksheets of active learning using
should be associated with the active smart board program were written in the active learning
learning using smart board program using smart board program handbook.
Generally, all the experts strongly agreed with the features of the active learning
using smart board program. They believed that the program could enhance and engage
students’ higher order thinking skills, reduce time in preparing teaching and learning
materials, encourage active learning activities, as well as encourages student to partic-
ipate in all classroom learning activities. Aside from promoting discussion and
presentation among students, the program also encouraged students to put more effort
to complete all the learning activities. In addition, students were prompted to have
internal dialogue in which they verbalized understanding. Besides, all the experts also
Paper—Active Learning Using Digital Smart Board to Enhance Primary School Students’ Learning
strongly agreed that smart board played an important role in the active learning using
smart board program. Smart board allowed students to experience a range of new
learning tool which encouraged engagement with course content and able to serve as
an alternative to passively listening to lecture or simply reading texts. The touch-
screen technology of smart board provides greater flexibility in the presentation of
materials. It provides a large work space for hands-on activities with various multi-
media resources, having a display surface huge enough to encourage high level of
student interaction.
4 Discussion of Findings
Findings from questionnaire, interview s and excerpts from experts indicated that
students and experts agreed that the use of active learning while learning Data Han-
dling in class was effective. Active learning requires students’ active participation, do
meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing. Active learning is
prerequisite for effective and meaningful learning and help to achieve academic and
other outcomes, such as critical thinking skills, openness to diversity, and growth in
leadership and other job related skills [22], [26].
Nonetheless, the findings also indicated that the students and experts agreed that
the use of smart board while learning Data Handling in class was effective. Studies
that examined the use of technology in schools and its effectiveness found that use of
technology is efficient for students [3]. The use of smart board in class has the poten-
tial to enhance students’ knowledge and skills in Data Handling. As noted by [6],
smart board has the advantage of adapting the manner in which the study material is
conveyed to students’ personal learning styles. It affords choices on various topics,
develop knowledge, organize information, provide self-efficacy in carrying out as-
signments in a friendly environment, as well as support representation of products
which generate a sense of success, pleasure, and contribute to a more creative and
higher standard learning product [11]. Besides, students also claimed that smart board
encouraged motivation to learn, raised the level of concentration, and had strong ef-
fect on behavior [25].
When smart board is incorporate with active learning environment, new pathways
for students with varying learning styles can be developed. Compared to note-taking
and traditional lectures, combination of active learning with smart board offers stu-
dents with greater chances to directly participate with the content. A student and a
teacher can interact with the smart board in front of the class, and the rest of the stu-
dents remain involved. Having a display surface huge enough for everyone in the
class to see encourages high level of student interaction. On the contrary, a lot of time
is wasted on drawing of diagrams on blackboards, whereas by using a smart board,
diagrams are drawn easily, and thus time is utilised more for active learning. In addi-
tion, students can read and manipulate information easily through the smart board.
Instructor-mediated use of the smart board in academic libraries also clearly increases
effective learning by increasing students’ emotional involvement, engagement, social
interaction, and self-esteem in library classes.
5 Conclusion
To put in a nutshell, findings from the questionnaire, evidence from interview ses-
sions with the students as well as excerpts from the experts showed that the active
learning using smart board program could enhance primary school students’ learning.
Active learning provides opportunities for learners to think critically about learning
content through a range of activities which help to prepare learners for the challenges
in their daily lives. Active learning promotes higher order thinking skills which ena-
bles students to develop deep understanding of skills and content [14]. In addition,
effectiveness of learning methods can be enhanced by using technology in class.
Technology tool such as smart board is widely used in primary school nowadays.
Most teachers in primary school agree that at present students prefer learning through
smart board. Smart board allows students to experience a range of new learning tool
which encourage engagement with course content, serve as an alternative to passively
listening to a lecture or simply reading a text. Smart board using active learning pro-
gram provide scaffolding for students to increase their higher order thinking skills
levels. In addition, students can increase focus throughout the lesson, understand and
learn better when smart board is used in class. In conclusion, active learning using
smart board program is successful in providing active learning environment which can
promote students to be active learners. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for stu-
dents to share their learning using technological tools, develop advance thinking skills
and cultivate lifelong learning. Therefore, active learning using smart board program
should be widely introduced and used in schools to enhance learning among students.
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7 Authors
Article submitted 2019-05-12. Resubmitted 2019-06-17. Final acceptance 2019-06-19. Final version
published as submitted by the authors.